Curtain over the bed - what is it for? Fabulous canopies in modern bedrooms: let your healthy sleep be magical Tulle over the bed

Lightweight canopy made of transparent fabric on a rectangular frame

This bed becomes the center of the bedroom, attracting the eye. A person sleeping on this bed begins to feel like a special royal. Canopies are associated with royal chambers, feudal castles, and princess bedrooms. Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that in order to own a four-poster bed, you need to buy yourself a castle or a huge country mansion.

The canopy is a beautiful textile curtain that was invented in the East, where it played, first of all, a protective role.

Meanwhile, the canopy is a completely accessible interior element. Various forms of structures and a wide palette of materials make it possible to build a canopy over the bed even in a city apartment. If you use the design wisely and carefully consider the choice of fabric, this exquisite structure will decorate almost any interior.

Low canopy for a snow-white bed

Transparent, thin canopy in the bedroom of a country house

A canopy over a bed has a number of serious advantages:

  • a luxurious addition to the bedroom interior;
  • elegant design solution;
  • visual reduction of excessively high bedroom ceilings;
  • protection from drafts, dust, insects, sunlight;
  • comfortable morning and afternoon sleep;
  • increasing privacy, especially important if the bedroom does not have doors;
  • feeling of peace, security.

Decorative canopy over the bed in a small bedroom

At the same time, the design has a number of specific disadvantages.

  • A four-poster bed requires space. For bedrooms with low ceiling options are very limited. You may have to abandon this design altogether so as not to clutter up the space.
  • Folds of fabric accumulate dust. This is especially dangerous for children and people prone to allergies.
  • Regular washing is required. To save time, it is better to choose fabric that does not require ironing.
  • The bed with the canopy removed looks undecorated.

The solution to the problem of the lack of a canopy over the bed is easy: make two sets of canopies to use them in turn. Then, even if one canopy needs to be washed, your bed will not look ruined.

A massive bright scarlet canopy fits perfectly into the overall picture of the interior

Support material. Methods of fastening the structure

Types of canopies over the bed

The following materials are used to construct supporting supports.

There are quite a few options for placing a canopy over a bed. There are several traditional forms.

In addition, you can independently design an original canopy of the most bizarre shape.

Frameless canopy, where the fabric is thrown over ropes attached to four hooks in the ceiling

How to choose a four-poster bed?

Canopy with fastening in the form of a semicircular canopy

If you want to decorate your bedroom with a luxurious canopy bed, you will have to go to furniture salon. These fashionable designs are very popular, you can always find something suitable for yourself. The desired model can also be made to order.

Large round bed with built-in canopy ceiling

When choosing a canopy bed, keep in mind the size of your room. Massive beds with canopies made of heavy, dense textiles are not suitable for a tiny bedroom. They visually “eat up” an already small space, making the room look low and cramped. If you still want to decorate your bed with a canopy, choose options made from lightweight materials on elegant supports.

Bedroom in provencal style with a thick canopy made of natural fabrics

Ordinary curtains screwed to the ceiling successfully act as a frame. A narrow couch located in a niche can be elegantly separated from the rest of the room with a curtain using regular curtains.

How to choose fabric?

The choice of textiles is dictated by your personal preferences and general style bedrooms. It is necessary that the canopy above the bed matches the interior of the room. Good decision will add decorative elements to the design from the same material as the canopy (for example, pillows).

Traditional materials for canopies are as follows.

It should be remembered that the fabric of the canopy is primarily an element of the interior. You can further decorate it decorative elements: butterflies, bows, tassels, flounces, braid, beads. A New Year's garland looks magical as a decoration.

Canopy over the bed in the nursery

A beautiful canopy for a crib will protect your baby from drafts, insects, noise and dust

Equipping a crib with a canopy is not only a stylish, but also a useful solution. The main selection criterion should be the age of the child.

A newborn's cradle, decorated with a lush canopy, looks charming. In addition, the canopy protects the baby from insects, drafts and dust, creates comfortable lighting and a cozy personal space. The thick canopy makes it very comfortable for the baby to sleep; the light from the windows does not bother him.

Older children also enjoy sleeping on canopy beds. The canopy turns the crib into cozy house, where it’s nice to be.

Growing boys most often refuse canopies. Only ultra-modern options are suitable for them, where a plastic or metal canopy serves as a canopy.

Girls, on the other hand, are happy to sleep on four-poster beds, even as they get older. In a lush four-poster bed, the girl feels like a real princess. For a child's room, light, airy fabrics, an abundance of frills and flounces, and, of course, the color pink, beloved by many girls, are appropriate.

DIY canopy

Buying a canopy bed today is not difficult. But it happens that the cost of the product turns out to be too burdensome. Or the store simply doesn’t have a model that matches the overall style of the house and your aesthetic aspirations.

The best way out of this situation is to make a canopy with your own hands. Such a product has important advantages: it is completely unique, meets all your requirements and will cost much less.

Canopy-sail attached to wooden beams

Every home craftsman can assemble a canopy support. Simply lengthen the furniture legs to the desired height. Hanging frame round shape easy to construct from a regular hoop for gymnastic exercises. A square hanging frame can be assembled from thin wooden slats or more creative materials– branches, bamboo sticks.

Eco-design of a bedroom with branches serving as a mount for a canopy

Ordinary curtains open up wide scope for imagination. They can be mounted on the ceiling to hang a canopy from. An option are hooks in the ceiling - great solution for a bed with a translucent canopy made of light fabric.

Canopy on ropes that hang on hooks attached to the ceiling

Original design solution there will be a beam (one or more) fixed above the bed. The fabric thrown over it will act as a canopy. The beam material depends on your imagination: wooden beams, painted or untreated, metal pipes, natural branches. A rope stretched through rings on the ceiling will also work. Several beams can be fixed to different heights, placing the fabric on them in a spectacular cascade.

An original base for a homemade canopy from an old bed frame

When choosing the design and fabric for the canopy, remember the main thing: the canopy bed should fit perfectly with the overall style of the bedroom. Otherwise, your imagination is free. You can try to copy canopy samples based on photos on the Internet. Rich collections of photographs can be easily found by thematic queries. Don't be afraid to combine elements different styles, experiment with finishing and decorations. It will turn out spectacular and original design– the best bedroom decoration.

Happy creativity!

Video: Canopy bed 90 ideas

A canopy over the bed is an elegant addition to the design of the bed, becoming an elegant part of the entire bedroom interior. The canopy of the classic type is a canvas of fabric mounted on four pillar columns. They create a kind of “walls” and “ceiling” for the bed. But these days, canopy designs are much more varied. They can be rectangular and round, cantilever and ceiling, full and partial, dense and airy.

Need examples for inspiration? This collection of photographs will introduce you to original ideas designers creating canopies for beds.

Canopies are an invention of those times when there were drafts in houses and castles, and in winter you had to take hot water bottles with you to bed. The beds were made wide not so much for comfort, but so that several people could lie down in them at once. For example, sometimes the maids could lie with the mistress. There are several children with their parents. And all in order to warm up in that cozy space, which was fenced off from the cold by a canopy of thick fabric. It was closed tightly, and the bed turned into a small isolated room.

But now, of course, there is no point for us to “warm ourselves” like that. Canopies over beds these days serve primarily a decorative function, so they are most often made from light and airy fabrics. Such a canopy over the bed creates an atmosphere of exquisite romance, and sometimes even evokes erotic fantasies.

However, curtains over the bed often perform another function - psychological. Under the canopy, a person feels more protected, comfortable, and cozy. It creates a feeling of security.

Dense fabrics to create a canopy over the bed are used in styles where there is traditionally an element of luxury, and sometimes grandiosity: for example, in art deco, palace, baroque.

Modern designers have developed many designs to support the canopy over the bed:

  • The classic canopy is mounted on a rectangular frame mounted on columns. It turns out to be a bed with curtains and a top sheet. Curtains are rarely drawn completely these days; they are usually assembled using tiebacks. As a rule, this option is found in beds that were originally designed as a canopy bed.

  • A canopy resembling a dome or crown. It is attached both above the center of the bed and above the headboard. This is a more petite option, but can be quite luxurious. The frame can be either square or round (resembling a large embroidery hoop). The fabric falls in radiating waves.

  • Sometimes the canopy is just a curtain in the headboard area. But this seemingly minimalistic option can actually also be as luxurious as you like.

  • A canopy that is only the top sheet. Stylish modern version. Sometimes it can even be futuristic.

  • Curtain over the bed attached to high back or wall. Not so much a canopy as just a beautiful accessory.

  • One of the most simple options- arc frame attached to the wall. It is convenient if the bed is in the corner of the room.

The choice of color for the canopy is dictated by the overall palette of the room. However, there are several basic principles for choosing colors. Since a canopy bed is already quite a significant piece of furniture, rich colors - red, blue, burgundy, malachite, gold - will add additional luxury to the interior, but can make the situation heavier. Black canopies are found in art deco interiors. Golden-honey - in palace-classical, baroque.

If you want to maintain a feeling of lightness, choose bed curtains in pastel and muted shades. Brown is considered heavy, but, oddly enough, canopies in chocolate and coffee shades look soft and cozy. White and silver bed curtains can fit into any interior - the impression will depend on the choice of fabric.

The canopy, as you know, is an ancient and useful invention. Once upon a time different peoples they served to protect from heat, drafts, flying insects or prying eyes. In our time and in our interiors, it must be admitted that a canopy is an absolutely useless thing and even collects dust. (Although in the summer at the dacha or on the first floors of city high-rise buildings they help fight mosquitoes). Whether the canopy is useful or not, it is still so damn attractive that few would refuse to spend the night under it and feel like royalty.

We tried to remain relatively serious on the eve of Valentine's Day and not prepare for it in full force, but the most romantic bedroom of a Barcelona apartment and a cottage for lovers in a magical Finnish hotel broke our spirit.

To stop being jealous, we delved into thinking about how to make our own canopies over our beds.

We schematically divided all the methods found into 14 categories (it also turned out symbolically).

1. Four-poster beds.

Buying a bed with a canopy structure attached to it, as, for example, in that very Finnish hotel, is simple and great idea. Especially if you are creating an interior in a Baroque or Moorish style. The originality of such a bed does not mean increased material costs at all. For example, many stores sell the base of such a bed made of wood and metal, the cost of which is approximately 25 thousand rubles. But, if there is someone in your family who knows how to wield a hammer, it is not difficult to make such a frame yourself by extending the lines of the legs to the top and connecting them with a square of beams.

2. Structures through which the fabric is thrown or from which it is suspended using loops and hooks can be suspended from the ceiling using fasteners screwed into it.

4. Special admirers of this decorative element specially adapt their ceiling to make their canopy look more impressive.

5. You can also screw regular curtain rods or towel rods to the ceiling.

6. For those who want to minimally injure their ceiling, a suitable method is to attach the canopy to one hook. You can hang a structure from it and throw fabric over it.

7. Such a round structure is very easy to build, for example, from an ordinary hula hoop.

8. Well, for those who don’t want to “make holes” in the ceiling, we recommend curtain rods attached to the wall, for example, for towels or sinks. If your interior is not alien to elements of eco-design, the cornices can be replaced with real branches.

9. Another exotic idea to note: a canopy base from an old bed base.

10. Another type of canopy is fabric strung on a semicircle attached to the wall. Such a bracket is sold, for example, in the “Corner of Provence” and costs 10 thousand rubles. The range of cornices in the Interior Shop ranges in price from 12 to 14 thousand rubles.

11. As you can see, the cost of the finished version can hardly be called low. Without large material costs, but with a little resourcefulness, such a bracket can be replaced with a flower pot, which is sold in any hardware store, or a birdcage that has become actively fashionable.

12. The easiest and most cost-effective way is to drive nails into the wall and stretch a rope between them, through which the fabric will be thrown. If the arrangement allows, this rope can be tied to furniture or lamps. And if the bed is under a chandelier, you can even attach the fabric to it, having first, of course, assessed the safety of this action. Or attach the fabric to interior parts, for example, using clothespins.

A person spends more than a third of his life sleeping. Therefore, his health, well-being and mood largely depend on the quality of his rest. Choosing a sleeping place is an important and responsible task.

Many buyers know that it is necessary to pay increased attention to the material from which the bed is made, the parameters of the mattress, as well as the base for it. But not everyone knows that the psychological comfort of sleep is no less important than the physical one: the bedroom should please the eye, evoke a feeling of comfort and security.

For these purposes, beds with a canopy (from Italian baldacchino - “silk fabric from Baghdad”) - a special canopy over the bed - have been used since ancient times.

History of appearance: the role of the canopy over the bed then and now

The four poster bed is a classic sleeping place with a fabric canopy, which can either completely cover the bed from above and on the sides, or be shortened.

The first canopies appeared in the ancient East, and they were used as protection from the heat: they were worn as an umbrella. At first, the use of such a design was available only to the king, and then to other influential persons.

Later, it began to be used as a canopy over beds to protect against drafts and blood-sucking insects. Rich people had custom-made canopies made of silk, velvet and satin, decorated with hand embroidery and precious stones.

By the way, in Europe the first canopies were made of stone, and their main purpose was to hide the sleeper from prying eyes. Then this expensive and heavy material was replaced by more practical option– cloth.

On ancient Rus' canopies were known as canopies - canopies over a bed of printed cotton.

Canopies have been used for more than one century, during which time they have undergone a lot of changes: from the types of fabrics used to the design and methods of fastening.

A modern canopy over a bed has several advantages:

  • creates a favorable psychological atmosphere of comfort and security, hiding the sleeping person from prying eyes;
  • canopies made of dense fabrics protect from daylight and have soundproofing properties;
  • the design perfectly protects against annoying insects and allows you to sleep with the window completely open;
  • V one-room apartments and studios the canopy serves in a great way separate the sleeping area from the working area;
  • using a canopy to create a sophisticated, romantic and cozy interior bedroom.

Canopies on adult bed can come complete with a sleeping place or be sold separately.

Modern interior and furniture designers offer a lot of both classic and unusual options curtains over the bed.

But from all the variety of designs, three main types of canopies can be distinguished:

  • fabric attached to supports. Such a canopy allows you to highlight the contour of the bed, giving it a central place in the interior;
  • hanging fabric. In this case the canopy will play main role V decorative design bedrooms;
  • designs custom design: A four-poster bed in a bedroom will perform the functions intended by the designer.

All canopies consist of two main parts:

  • frame or hanger for fabric;
  • fabric cloth.

Often non-standard canopies are made to order, but modern furniture stores also offer ready-made options unusual solutions for the bedroom.

Methods for attaching a canopy over a bed

Depending on the mounting method, the following types of bed canopies are distinguished:

  • on the frame - the classic version;
  • canopy - “crown”;
  • "cords";
  • framed.

A canopy bed on a frame allows you to create a luxurious interior: the space from the ceiling to the bed is framed by a frame, and on the sides there are wooden or metal stands with ornate and forged elements.

Fans of minimalism can hide the stands with fabric draperies - for example, garlands or flounces, or take a closer look at more modest canopy designs.

The crown design is used to create unusual designs: its axis is located in the center of the bed, and the frame has the shape of a circle or square through which the fabric is pulled. This option is considered the most sophisticated and aristocratic.

The “cords” design is used for interiors in loft style or any folk design. Special hooks are attached over the corners of the bed. Then slack cords are tied to them, on which the fabric is hung. The main advantage of this model is ease of installation.

In a frame canopy, the fabric is secured with an arc to the frame. This is the most budget option canopy fastenings. The only drawback of this design is the need to attach the arc to the wall. In addition, such a canopy may be too modest to create luxurious interior. But it will fit perfectly into the rustic or oriental style of the bedroom.

The classic design and frame canopy require quite a lot of free space, which makes it impossible to use them in very compact bedrooms or houses with low ceilings.

What fabric to choose for a canopy over a bed

If you want to choose a canopy for your bed and subsequently not regret your purchase, special attention You should pay attention to the fabric from which the canopy is made.

Of course, the main meaning modern canopy lies in its purely decorative function, but some types of fabric can also have a practical purpose.

If you want to achieve a special, romantic atmosphere in the bedroom, then it is best to give preference to natural light, translucent fabrics - silk and veil. They will perfectly emphasize the tenderness and mystery of the interior. In addition, such light draperies will help visually expand the space - this is a godsend for cramped bedrooms.

Heavy, more thick fabrics– velvet, jacquard and tapestry have long been a symbol of wealth and luxury. Therefore, they are perfect for creating classic and palace interiors. In addition, such fabrics do not transmit light well, which is especially important for healthy sleep.

If your bedroom is designed in oriental style, you can choose a canopy with tassels, and for a futuristic high-tech style, the fabric can be completely replaced with plain curtains.

The color of the fabric is also important. It can be either patterned or plain. It is desirable that the shades of the canopy be duplicated in other textiles in the bedroom - for example, curtains, bedspreads or bed linen. If you want to achieve the effect of restraint, then give preference to cold tones, and to create a cozy and sensual atmosphere, warmer ones - scarlet, orange, powdery and noble shades of gold.

Some people mistakenly believe that a four-poster bed in a bedroom is a dust collector and difficult to maintain. This is wrong. With regular cleaning, the canopy not only does not collect dust, but also protects the sleeping person from it.