Constant and inconstant signs of the verb go. Inconstant verb features

1. Verb type

Most ch. have species pairs: build – build.

Some ch. do not have species pairs:

Ch. owls V.: to utter, to gush, to burst out, to rush.

Ch. nesov. V.: prevail, stride, depend, participate.

Methods for forming species pairs:

A) replacing suffixes: resh A t - decide And ugh, scream A t - shout at t;

B) adding the prefix: grow old - By grow old, bake - is bake;

B) shifting the accent: cut - cut, pour out - pour out;

D) changing the stem of the word: speak - say, take - take.

Attention! Some verbs can take on the meaning of either perfect or not perfect form: marry, execute, telegraph, order, wound, investigate. Compare offers:

2. Transitivity/intransitivity

3. Refundability/non-refundability

Reflexive verbs denote an action directed at the object itself. They have postfixes (also designated as suffix):

SY: hide xia, prepare Xia, return Xia,

SY: getting dressed sya, I'm proud sya.

Non-reflexive verbs- everyone else.

4. Conjugation type

Conjugation- this is a change in verbs by persons and numbers, it is indicated by Roman numerals.

I conjugation II conjugation
Indefinite endings
-at, -yat, -et, -yt, -ot, -ut -it
Personal endings + examples
- U (Yu) (I) tell mumble - EAT (you) tell mumble - ET (he) tell mumble - EAT (we) tell mumble - ETE (you) tell mumble -UT (- YUT) (they) tell mumble - U (Yu) (I) build glue - ISH (you) build glue - IT (he) build glue - IM (we) build glue - IT (you) build glue - AT (- YAT) (they) build glue
Refers to ІІ conjugation: - 7 verbs for – to eat: see, twirl, depend, hate, offend, watch, twirl. - 4 verbs ending in – at: drive, hold, breathe, hear. Shave, lay belong to the I conjugation.

Remember! Pronunciation and spelling rules for some verbs:

1) At Ch. There is And give when changing the form, prefixes appear: With eat, By There is, re give, pops give.

2) Speak correctly put, put; put, put; go, go.

The Russian language contains auxiliary and significant parts of speech. A verb belongs to independent parts of speech. "Verb" in Old Russian language meant "to speak". Thus, even our ancestors proved that literate speech is impossible without the dynamics of the narrative, which is achieved by using verbs.

What is a verb: morphological and syntactic features

The verb talks about the action of an object. The verb is determined by the questions “what to do?”, “what to do?”. When characterizing a verb, pay attention to its grammatical meaning, morphological characteristics and function in a sentence. The grammatical features of a verb are divided into constant and inconstant.

The points of view of scientists regarding the identification of verb forms differ. There are still debates whether the participle and gerund are distinguished as significant parts of speech, or whether they are just forms of the verb. We will consider them as independent.

Grammatical meaning of the verb

Grammatically, a verb talks about the action of an object. There are several groups of actions that are expressed by verbs:

  1. Work, labor of the subject of speech: “sharpen”, “drive”, “build”, “dig”.
  2. Speech or mental activity: “talk”, “assume”, “think”, “figure out”.
  3. The movement of an object in space, its position: “drive”, “be”, “sit”, “be located”.
  4. The emotional state of the subject of speech: “sad”, “hate”, “cherish”, “love”.
  5. State environment: “it’s getting evening,” “it’s freezing,” “it’s drizzling.”

In addition to the general grammatical meaning of the verb, it is worth mentioning its syntactic function. In a sentence it is one of the main members, the predicate. The predicate verb agrees with the subject and forms the predicative basis of the sentence with it. From the verb they pose questions to minor members predicate groups. As a rule, these are additions and circumstances, expressed by nouns, adverbs or gerunds.

How the verb changes: constant and inconstant signs

The morphological features of the verb are divided into constant and inconstant. This gradation occurs from the point of view of changing the word itself or only its form. For example, “read” and “read” are two different words. The difference is that “read” is an imperfect verb, and “read” is a perfect verb. They will change in different ways: the perfect verb “read” is not supposed to have the present tense. And “I read” - we read only indicate the number of the verb to read.

Constant signs verb:

  • type (imperfect, perfect);
  • conjugation (I, II, heterogeneously conjugated);
  • repayment (non-refundable, returnable).
  • gender (feminine, neuter, masculine);
  • mood (subjunctive, indicative, imperative);
  • number (plural, singular)
  • time (present, past, future);

These signs are formative. Therefore, when parsing a verb, they say that it is in the form of a certain tense, mood, gender and number.

Verb moods

The grammatical features of a verb contain mood. One verb can be used in the form of the indicative, subjunctive (conditional) and imperative moods. Thus, this category is included in the inconstant features of the verb.

  • Indicative mood. It is characterized by the fact that the verb in this form can be used in the present, future and past tenses: “the child is playing” (present tense); “the child was playing” (past tense); “the child will play” (future tense). The indicative mood allows you to change the verb in persons and numbers.
  • Conditional (subjunctive) mood. Represents an action that can only happen under a certain condition. It is formed by adding the particle would (b) to the main verb: “With your help, I would cope with difficulties.” It is possible to change the conditional verbs by number and gender; in these forms they agree in the sentence with the subject: “She would have solved this problem herself”; “They would solve this problem themselves”; “He would have solved this problem himself”; “Most would solve this problem on their own.” It is important to note that the conditional mood does not involve changing the verb tense.
  • Imperative. Indicates encouraging the interlocutor to take action. Depending on the emotional coloring, the impulse is expressed both in the form of a wish: “Please answer the question,” and in the form of an order: “Stop shouting!” To get a verb imperative mood V singular it is necessary to attach the suffix -i to the stem in the present tense: “sleep - sleep”, it is possible to form it in a suffixless way: “eat - eat”. Plural is formed using the suffix -te: “draw - draw!” Imperative verbs change according to numbers: “eat soup - eat soup.” If it is necessary to convey a sharp order, the infinitive is used: “I said, everyone stand up!”

Verb tense

The morphological features of the verb contain the category of tense. Indeed, for any action it is possible to identify the time at which it occurs. Since the verb changes tenses, this category will be inconsistent.

Verb conjugation

The grammatical features of a verb cannot be fully characterized without the category of conjugation - changing them according to persons and numbers.

For clarity, here is a table:

Other features of a verb: aspect, transitivity, reflexivity

In addition to conjugation, constants grammatical features verbs contain the categories of aspect, transitivity and reflexivity.

  • Kind of verb. There is a distinction between perfect and imperfect. The perfect form presupposes the questions “what to do?”, “What will it do?” Indicates an action that has achieved a result (“learn”), begun (“sing”) or completed (“sing”). The imperfect is characterized by the questions “what to do?”, “What does it do?” Involves an action that continues and is repeated many times (“jump”).
  • Verb reflexivity. It is characterized by the presence of the suffix -sya (-s).
  • Transitivity of the verb. It is determined by the ability to control a noun in the accusative case without a preposition (“to imagine the future”), if the verb has a negation meaning - with transitivity the noun will stand in genitive case: “I’m not watching him.”

So, the signs of a verb as a part of speech are varied. To determine its permanent signs, it is necessary to put the part of speech in initial form. To determine non-constant features, it is necessary to work with a verb taken in the context of the narrative.

The verb, as a part of speech, is characterized by features that can be unstable and constant. In the first case, grammatical categories change depending on the context, in the second - they do not change under any conditions. The article provides both signs with examples.

Verb signs– these are grammatical categories of verb forms that are inherent in the verb as a part of speech. In the Russian language, constant and inconstant signs of a verb are distinguished.

Constant signs of the verb

Constant signs of the verb- these are grammatical categories inherent in all verbal forms (conjugated verbs, infinitives, participles, gerunds). These features do not change depending on the context in which the verb is used.

  • View- a sign that determines exactly how an action occurs.
    • Perfective verbs answer the question “what to do?” (examples: read, multiply);
    • Imperfective verbs answer the question “what to do?” (transfer, divide).
  • Repayment– a category that defines a potential state (bites) or an action of a subject (washes) directed towards oneself, or the actions of several objects whose actions are directed at each other (put up).
    • Reflexive verbs (sort it out, hug);
    • Non-reflexive verbs (hug, brush).
  • Transitivity– a sign that defines a process or action that passes to an object.
    • Transitive verbs (drink coffee, cut vegetables);
    • Intransitive verbs (believe, play).
  • Conjugation type– a category that determines the features of conjugating verbs by numbers and persons.
    • I conjugation (stitch, float);
    • II conjugation (shine, clean);
    • Heterogeneous conjugates (to run, to want).

Inconstant verb features

Variable signs verb- these are grammatical categories characteristic of conjugated verbs and participles. These categories change depending on the context in which the word is used.

  • Mood– a category expressing the relationship of an action or process to reality. The sign is characteristic of conjugated forms of verbs.
    • Indicative (examples: rewriting, feeling);
    • Imperative (rewrite, feel);
    • Conditional (I would rewrite it, I would feel it).
  • Number– a category indicating the number of subjects performing an action. The feature is inherent in conjugated forms and participles.
    • Plural (visited, ordered);
    • The only thing (built, covered).
  • Time– a category indicating the moment at which the action was carried out in relation to the moment of speech. The feature is inherent in verbs in the indicative mood.
    • Future (I’ll assemble it, they’ll drive it, we’ll decorate it);
    • Present (collects, travels, decorates);
    • Past (collected, traveled, decorated).
  • Face– a category indicating who carries out the action. The feature is characteristic of verbs of the indicative mood (present and future tense) and the imperative mood.
    • 1st person (type, play, sing);
    • 2nd person (install, build, look, write);
    • 3rd person (translates, walks).
  • Genus– a category indicating the gender of the subject performing the action. The feature is characteristic of participles, past tense verbs of the indicative mood and verbs of the conditional mood.
    • Male (filled, swept, cooked);
    • Female (sewn, washed, moved);
    • Average (cooked, rolled away, would be useful).

Often, in school homework in the Russian language, students are faced with the need to perform one or another analysis of a word, phrase or sentence. Along with syntactic, lexical and morphemic analysis, the school program involves the implementation morphological analysis. Let's look at how to perform morphological analysis for a verb, and find out what morphological features characterize this part of speech.

Verb and its forms

Determining the initial form, the part of speech to which a word belongs, and its role in a sentence usually does not cause difficulties. However, students often have questions regarding the morphological features of a word. Each part of speech has its own constant and inconstant characteristics: these can be gender and case for a noun, aspect and tense for a verb.

A verb is an independent part of speech that denotes an action that answers the question “what to do?” or “what to do?” Here are some examples: clean, walk, wish, love, walk.

There are 4 verb forms. These include:

  • infinitive, or initial form of the verb: run, sit, be;
  • conjugated forms: read, eat, stolen;
  • Communion: fallen, sleeping, built-in;
  • participle: dreaming, answering, completing.

In a sentence, conjugated forms most often play the role of a predicate, and the remaining forms can be any other members of the sentence.

There are constant and inconstant signs of a verb. The infinitive has only constant features, since it is an unchangeable part of speech. For conjugated forms it is also possible to determine non-constant features, since these verbs can change, for example, in numbers or persons.

Constant morphological characteristics

Constant signs include the following:

  • conjugation;
  • repayment;
  • transitivity.

View is a category that determines how a given action proceeds over time and shows whether it has been or will be completed at a specific point in time. The type can be specified for all verb forms.

The perfect form includes verbs that are used when it is necessary to show the completeness of an action. An imperfect form, on the contrary, denotes a certain elongation in time, incompleteness. It is not difficult to distinguish them: the imperfect form answers the question “what to do?”, while the perfect form uses the question “what to do?”.

Let's look at several sentences and determine the type for the verbs that were used in them.

He woke up when the sun was already setting.

Let's find out what question the first highlighted verb answers.

He (what did he do?) woke up.

This question is a sign of the perfect form. The value also indicates the completion of the action: he woke up, i.e. has already completed the action.

Let's look at the second verb. Let's ask him a question:

The sun was already (what was it doing?) setting.

We define the type of the second word as imperfect. Really, the sun was setting, but it is unclear whether the action was completed or not.

It should be remembered that there are two-aspect verbs for which it is possible to determine the type only when the word is given in context. As an example, consider the word use:

  • It is convenient for students (what to do?) to use a laptop for studying.
  • To pass the most difficult level in the game, I had to (what?) use the last hint.

By asking appropriate questions to the word, we can easily determine the type of the verb: in the first phrase - imperfect, and in the second - perfect.

By type conjugations There are 3 types of verbs: I conjugation, II conjugation and heteroconjugated verbs. To determine the conjugation, you need to put the right word into the infinitive form and see what it ends with. If before the suffix -th there is a letter and ( drink, saw, repair, glue), the word belongs to the II conjugation. In the event that the infinitive suffix is ​​preceded by another letter ( take, walk, prick, command, bend), we assign the verb to the I conjugation.

However, please remember that there are exceptions to this rule, as listed in the table below.

Recurrence is also a constant feature. The return form differs from the non-return form by the presence of a suffix -xia or -s at the end of a word. The following words can be considered return words: laugh, learn, have fun; are non-refundable walk, be able to, wash.

Transitivity characterized by the possibility of connecting a verb with a noun or pronoun in the genitive or accusative case without a preposition. Thus, turn on (light), open (window), see (forest) - examples of transitive infinitives, and believe (in yourself), laugh (at a joke)- examples of intransitives.

Inconstant verb features

There are five non-permanent signs:

  • mood;
  • time;
  • number;
  • face;

It should be remembered that the presence of one category or another depends on the form in which the word is used.

Mood used to indicate how an action relates to reality. In the indicative mood, verb forms denote an action that actually occurred, may occur in at the moment or it will just happen in the future. Examples

  • As a child, we often walked in the park near our house.
  • In a few days they will buy a new bike.

The conditional mood describes actions that are possible only if certain conditions are met. They are formed from the infinitive or past tense form using a particle would (b). For example: She would have to pay a large sum for this.

The imperative mood is used in requests and orders to indicate the required action. Examples:

  • Please bring my book to school tomorrow.
  • Place this cabinet a little closer to the window.

The category of tense is determined only for the indicative mood. There are 3 forms: past tense for actions that have already happened before; present for actions taking place at the current moment; future tense - for what will happen after some period of time. Here are some examples:

  • came home, looked for a notebook, listened to music - past tense forms;
  • I’m learning it by heart, you look around, there’s noise in the yard- present tense forms;
  • we will know mathematics, find a wallet, watch a movie - future tense forms.

Number can be defined for any inflected verb forms. As with other variable parts of speech, there is a singular number (when one actor is involved in the action) and a plural number (if there are several persons).

  • come, would do, leave, learn, looking- singular;
  • bring, would like, treated, fall, go- plural.

Category faces are isolated only for forms of the imperative mood, as well as for the present and future tenses of the indicative mood. 1st person means that the speaker attributes this action to himself or the group of people in which he is located ( I say, we think). If the described action refers to the interlocutor or interlocutors, then the verb is used in the 2nd person form ( answer, repeat). 3rd person means that the action is performed by people not related to the speaker or interlocutor ( silent, wipes).

Genus is a feature that is defined for the singular in the conditional mood or in the indicative mood in the past tense.

  • bought it, would come- masculine;
  • put it on, dreamed - feminine;
  • broke, burned- middle gender

Example of morphological analysis

Let's consider how you can determine what morphological features a verb has. To do this, let's analyze the word mastered used in a sentence:

Fifth grade students easily mastered new topic.

  1. Mastered denotes an action, therefore, we determine the part of speech - verb.
  2. Initial form (infinitive) - master.
  3. We define permanent signs:
    1. Students (what did they do?) mastered , the question refers to the perfect form.
    2. We pay attention to the form of the infinitive, note that before -th located And(in this case the verb is not in the list of exceptions), this indicates the II conjugation.
    3. No suffix -xia or -s indicates that the verb is irreflexive.
    4. The verb agrees with the noun in the accusative case ( mastered the topic), therefore, it is classified as transitional.
  4. Let's look at what non-permanent signs can be identified for this form:
    1. The action is actually performed, therefore its mood is indicative.
    2. The time of action is past (you can add time adverbs to the sentence yesterday, last year, the form of the verb will not change). We remember that the past tense does not indicate a person.
    3. Since students - this is a lot characters, mastered is in plural form. It is impossible to determine gender for the plural.
  5. In this sentence mastered is predicate.

The Russian language contains auxiliary and significant parts of speech. A verb belongs to independent parts of speech. “Glagolit” in Old Russian meant “to speak.” Thus, even our ancestors proved that literate speech is impossible without the dynamics of the narrative, which is achieved by using verbs.

What is a verb: morphological and syntactic features

The verb talks about the action of an object. The verb is determined by the questions “what to do?”, “what to do?”. When characterizing a verb, pay attention to its grammatical meaning, morphological features and function in a sentence. The grammatical features of a verb are divided into constant and inconstant.

The points of view of scientists regarding the identification of verb forms differ. There are still debates whether the participle and gerund are distinguished as significant parts of speech, or whether they are just forms of the verb. We will consider them as independent.

Grammatical meaning of the verb

Grammatically, a verb talks about the action of an object. There are several groups of actions that are expressed by verbs:

  1. Work, labor of the subject of speech: “sharpen”, “drive”, “build”, “dig”.
  2. Speech or mental activity: “talk”, “assume”, “think”, “figure out”.
  3. The movement of an object in space, its position: “drive”, “be”, “sit”, “be located”.
  4. The emotional state of the subject of speech: “sad”, “hate”, “cherish”, “love”.
  5. State of the environment: “evening”, “freezing”, “drizzle”.

In addition to the general grammatical meaning of the verb, it is worth mentioning its syntactic function. In a sentence it is one of the main members, the predicate. The predicate verb agrees with the subject and forms the predicative basis of the sentence with it. Questions are asked from the verb to the secondary members of the predicate group. As a rule, these are additions and circumstances expressed by nouns, adverbs or gerunds.

How the verb changes: constant and inconstant signs

The morphological features of the verb are divided into constant and inconstant. This gradation occurs from the point of view of changing the word itself or only its form. For example, “read” and “read” are two different words. The difference is that “read” is an imperfect verb, and “read” is a perfect verb. They will change in different ways: the perfect verb “read” is not supposed to have the present tense. And “I read” - we read only indicate the number of the verb to read.

Constant signs of the verb:

  • type (imperfect, perfect);
  • conjugation (I, II, heterogeneously conjugated);
  • repayment (non-refundable, returnable).
  • gender (feminine, neuter, masculine);
  • mood (subjunctive, indicative, imperative);
  • number (plural, singular)
  • time (present, past, future);

These signs are formative. Therefore, when parsing a verb, they say that it is in the form of a certain tense, mood, gender and number.

Verb moods

The grammatical features of a verb contain mood. One verb can be used in the form of the indicative, subjunctive (conditional) and imperative moods. Thus, this category is included in the inconstant features of the verb.

  • Indicative mood. It is characterized by the fact that the verb in this form can be used in the present, future and past tenses: “the child is playing” (present tense); “the child was playing” (past tense); “the child will play” (future tense). The indicative mood allows you to change the verb in persons and numbers.
  • Conditional (subjunctive) mood. Represents an action that can only happen under a certain condition. It is formed by adding the particle would (b) to the main verb: “With your help, I would cope with difficulties.” It is possible to change the conditional verbs by number and gender; in these forms they agree in the sentence with the subject: “She would have solved this problem herself”; “They would solve this problem themselves”; “He would have solved this problem himself”; “Most would solve this problem on their own.” It is important to note that the conditional mood does not involve changing the verb tense.
  • Imperative. Indicates encouraging the interlocutor to take action. Depending on the emotional coloring, the impulse is expressed both in the form of a wish: “Please answer the question,” and in the form of an order: “Stop shouting!” To obtain an imperative verb in the singular, it is necessary to attach the suffix -i to the stem in the present tense: “sleep - sleep”, it is possible to form it in a suffixless way: “eat - eat”. The plural is formed using the suffix -te: “draw - draw!” Imperative verbs change according to numbers: “eat soup - eat soup.” If it is necessary to convey a sharp order, the infinitive is used: “I said, everyone stand up!”

Verb tense

The morphological features of the verb contain the category of tense. Indeed, for any action it is possible to identify the time at which it occurs. Since the verb changes tenses, this category will be inconsistent.

Verb conjugation

The grammatical features of a verb cannot be fully characterized without the category of conjugation - changing them according to persons and numbers.

For clarity, here is a table:

Other features of a verb: aspect, transitivity, reflexivity

In addition to conjugation, the constant grammatical features of a verb contain the categories of aspect, transitivity and reflexivity.

  • Kind of verb. There is a distinction between perfect and imperfect. The perfect form presupposes the questions “what to do?”, “What will it do?” Indicates an action that has achieved a result (“learn”), begun (“sing”) or completed (“sing”). The imperfect is characterized by the questions “what to do?”, “What does it do?” Involves an action that continues and is repeated many times (“jump”).
  • Verb reflexivity. It is characterized by the presence of the suffix -sya (-s).
  • Transitivity of the verb. It is determined by the ability to control a noun in the accusative case without a preposition (“to imagine the future”), if the verb has the meaning of negation - with transitivity, the noun will be in the genitive case: “I do not observe it.”

So, the signs of a verb as a part of speech are varied. To determine its permanent characteristics, it is necessary to put the part of speech in its initial form. To determine non-constant features, it is necessary to work with a verb taken in the context of the narrative.