How to make a sound diagram of a word? How phonetic analysis of a word is done: an example of sound analysis.

As soon as parents begin to think about how to teach their child reading skills, in addition to letters and syllables, the concept of “sound analysis of a word” appears. However, not everyone understands why it is necessary to teach a child who cannot read how to do it, because this can only cause confusion. But, as it turns out, the ability to write correctly in the future depends on the ability to correctly understand words into sounds.

Sound analysis of a word: what is it

First of all, it is worth giving a definition. So, sound analysis of a word is the definition of the order in which sounds are placed in specific word and characteristics of their features.

Why do children need to learn to perform sound analysis of a word? To develop phonemic awareness, that is, the ability to clearly distinguish between sounds and not confuse words, for example: Tim - Dima. After all, if a child is not taught to clearly distinguish words by ear, he will not be able to write them down correctly. And this skill can be useful not only when studying the grammar of your native language, but also when studying the languages ​​of other countries.

The order of parsing words by sounds

When executing sound analysis Any word must first be stressed and then divided into syllables. Then find out how many letters are in the word and how many sounds. The next step is to analyze each sound step by step. After this, it is calculated how many vowels and how many consonants are in the analyzed word. At first, it is better for children to be given simple one-syllable or two-syllable words for analysis, for example their names: Vanya, Katya, Anya and others.

When the child has gradually figured out how to correctly analyze simple examples, it is worth complicating the analyzed word examples.

Sound analysis of a word: diagram

When working with very young children, special colored cards are used to better assimilate information.

With their help, children learn to create a sound analysis scheme.

The scarlet card is used to represent vowel sounds. Blue - hard consonants, green - soft. To indicate syllables, use two-color cards in the same color scheme. With their help, you can teach your child to characterize sounds and whole syllables. You also need a card to indicate stress and a card to show the division of the word into syllables. All these designations help teach a child to do sound analysis of a word (the diagram does not play a role in this last role), approved by the official school curriculum Russia.

Vowel sounds and their brief characteristics. Diphthongs

Before you start analyzing a word, it is important to know what features all phonetic sounds (vowels/consonants) have. When teaching children at an early stage, it is necessary to provide information only about the most simple properties, the child will study everything else in high school.

Vowel sounds (there are six of them: [o], [a], [e], [s], [u], [i]) can be stressed/unstressed.
Also in Russian there are letters that in a certain position can produce a pair of sounds - ё [yo], yu [yu], ya [ya], e [ye].

If they follow consonants, they sound like one sound and add softness to the preceding sound. In other positions (the beginning of a word, after vowels and “ъ” and “ь”) they sound like 2 sounds.

Brief characteristics of consonants

There are thirty-six consonant sounds in our language, but they are represented graphically by only twenty-one characters. Consonants are hard and soft, as well as voiced and voiceless. They also may/may not form pairs.

The table below lists voiced and unvoiced sounds that can form pairs, and those that do not have this ability.

It is worth remembering: the consonant sounds [y`], [ch`], [sch`] are soft in any position, and the consonants [zh], [ts], [sh] are always hard. The sounds [ts], [x], [ch`], [sch`] are absolutely always unvoiced, [m], [n], [l], [р], [й`] are (sonorous) or voiced .

Soft and hard signs do not produce sounds. Soft sign makes the previous consonant soft, and the hard sign plays the role of a sound separator (for example, in Ukrainian the apostrophe plays a similar role).

Examples of sound analysis of words: “language” and “group”

Having understood the theory, it is worth trying to practice.

For example, you can conduct a sound analysis of the word “language”. This word Quite simple, and even a beginner can take it apart.

1) B in this example two syllables "ya-zyk". 2nd syllable is stressed
2) The first syllable is formed using the diphthong “ya”, which is at the beginning of the word, and therefore consists of 2 sounds [y`a]. The sound [th`] is a consonant (accord.), soft (soft.) (green card), the second sound [a] is a vowel, unstressed (scarlet card). To indicate this syllable in the diagram, you can also take a two-color green-red card.

4) Syllable 2 “tongue”. It consists of three sounds [z], [s], [k]. Consonant [z] - hard, voiced (card blue). Sound [s] - vowel, shock (red card). Sound [k] - agree, hard, deaf. (blue card).
5) The emphasis is placed and checked by changing the word being analyzed.
6) So in the word “language” there are two syllables, four letters and five sounds.

One point is worth considering: in this example, the word “language” was understood as if it were for first-grade students who do not yet know that some vowels in an unstressed position can produce other sounds. In high school, when students deepen their knowledge of phonetics, they will learn that in the word “language” the unstressed [a] is pronounced like [i] - [yizyk].

Sound analysis of the word "group".

1) In the analyzed example there are 2 syllables: “group”. 1st syllable is stressed.
2) The syllable “gru” is made up of three sounds [gru]. The first [g] - agree, firm, ringing. (blue card). Sound [r] - agree, hard, ringing. (blue card). Sound [y] - vowel, shock. (scarlet card).
3) A card is placed in the diagram indicating the division of syllables.
4) The second syllable “ppa” has three letters, but they produce only 2 sounds [p:a]. Sound [p:] - agree, hard, deaf. (blue card). It is also paired and pronounced long (blue card). The sound [a] is vowel, unstressed (scarlet card).
5) Emphasis is placed in the scheme.
6) So, the word “group” consists of 2 syllables, six letters and five sounds.

The ability to do the simplest sound analysis of a word is not something difficult, in fact it is a fairly simple process, but a lot depends on it, especially if the child has problems with diction. If you figure out how to do it correctly, it will help you pronounce words in your native language without errors and will contribute to the development of the ability to write them correctly.

With the beginning of autumn, adults often have to sit down for homework with their children. It’s difficult for parents of first-graders, because the primary school curriculum is quickly forgotten, and educational standards change often. Even before reading and writing, when yesterday's preschoolers in 1st grade learn the alphabet, they are given the task of creating a sound diagram of both a word and a whole sentence. In such cases, the Internet comes to the aid of parents with examples and samples.

Sound-letter parsing of words

The branch of the Russian language called phonetics deals with the study of letters and sounds and their analysis. Transcription is used to break down a word into sounds. This type of analysis is called phonetic. Parents will need to remember what vowels and consonants are, what sounds correspond to them, what iotized vowels are, and how the letters of the first and second rows differ.

Table of vowels and consonants of the Russian language

You can find the letter series in books for primary classes or on the Internet. As a rule, the letters are arranged in two lines. Vowels are divided into consonants denoting softness and hardness, the latter - into deaf and voiced, paired and unpaired.

Vowels that determine hardness: a, e, o, u, s. They correspond to the sounds: [a], [e], [o], [u], [s].

Vowels denoting softness: i, e, e, yu, i. They are also called iotated because these letters consist of two sounds when they appear at the beginning, after a vowel, or after a soft and hard sign. These letters soften the consonants that precede them.

Consonants are unvoiced and voiced, they form six pairs:

  • B (voiced) - P (voiceless);
  • V - F;
  • Z - N;
  • D - T;
  • G - K;
  • F - Sh.

The remaining consonants are not paired:

  • voiced: N, R, L, M, J;
  • deaf: Ts, Shch, X, Ch.

In addition, there are consonants that are always soft or always hard, regardless of the vowel that follows them:

  • Ch, Shch, J - always soft.
  • F, W, C - always hard.

The letters b and b do not have their own sounds. A soft sign softens the preceding consonant, a hard sign does not.

The diagram of letters and sounds of the Russian language in the table for first grade is shown in the picture:

In the educational program “School of Russia” it is customary to designate sounds with colors:

  • The vowel is red;
  • Hard consonant - blue;
  • The soft consonant is green.

The fusion of a consonant and a vowel is indicated by a rectangle divided in half. One part is painted blue or green, the second - in red. Sometimes in this model, voiceless and voiced consonants, stress and division into syllables are additionally indicated.


To graphically depict the sound composition of a word, you can select colored cards. To make it easier to draw up a diagram at the beginning, it is advisable to use inscriptions on the pictures. In the future, you can independently draw the schematic composition of the word in a notebook, cell by cell, using colored pens or pencils.

To show the algorithm for drawing up a diagram, it is better to start with an audio recording of monosyllabic words using a tablet.

For example, three-letter words: oak, cat, poppy, onion, beetle, cancer. First you need to write a transcription.

For the word “oak” it looks like this: [dup]. Next, describe a scheme where the first two sounds represent the fusion of a hard consonant and a vowel, and the third - a hard consonant. Now we need to graphically display the result:

  • First draw a rectangle.
  • Divide it in half diagonally.
  • Paint the first part blue, the second red.
  • Next, draw a square and color it blue.

The remaining words also fit the resulting scheme.

Options where one or both of the consonants are soft:

Words with 4 sounds, consisting of a single syllable:

Words with 2 syllables:

A few more examples of 2 syllables or more:

  • Cone, pine:

  • Squirrel, cup: there is a soft consonant

  • Skirt: letter Y at the beginning

  • Banana, giraffe:

  • Lemon, rooster:

  • Hedgehog: always hard F and iotized E at the beginning

  • Coat:

  • Bee, plum:

  • Crow, dog:

  • Rocket:

How to outline a proposal

A common option for assignments for first-graders is to create a sentence outline. This simple task. There is no need to remember the designations for subjects and predicates here. All words in a sentence are indicated by horizontal lines. If a word is written with a capital letter, then a vertical line is drawn at the beginning of the line. At the end there is a period, exclamation or question mark.


Examples of how to decompose several sentences:

Samples of syllabic pattern

When learning to read, first graders are taught how to break down a word into syllables. To do this, it is enough to remember that a syllable is formed by a vowel. For example, the word “leaf” has one syllable, and the word “leaves” has two.

Thus, a syllable can consist of:

  • From one vowel: Stork, Anchor.
  • Begin with a consonant and contain a vowel: Tree.
  • Consonants without a vowel, Y, ь and Ъ go to the previous syllable: Boy, Heron, Seagull, Teapot.
  • Consonants go to a syllable from a vowel: Watermelon, Screen, Astra.
  • At the beginning of a word, all consonants are added to the first vowel: Swift, Dragonfly.

The pictures show examples of words broken down into syllables:

Now you can try to break down the word “Dolphin” into syllables yourself. And solve the next problem.

Dear parents, for children who are going to 1st grade, classes on drawing up the sound diagram of a word will be very useful.

Let's try to figure out how to correctly create a sound diagram of a word or a sound model of a word. This type We can also call this work sound-letter analysis of a word or phonetic analysis.

Phonetics is a branch of the science of language in which the sounds of a language, stress, and syllables are studied.

We call the sounds that a person makes speech sounds. Speech sounds are formed in the speech apparatus when air is exhaled. The speech apparatus is the larynx with vocal cords, oral and nasal cavity, tongue, lips, teeth, palate.

There are six vowel sounds in the Russian language: [a], [o], [u], [e], [ы], [i]. Vowel sounds can be stressed or unstressed.

We will denote vowel sounds in red ( symbols for the sounds I took it from the “School of Russia” program).

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When we pronounce consonant sounds, the air encounters an obstacle (lips, teeth, tongue). Some consonants consist only of noise - these are voiceless consonants. Others are made of voice and noise. These are voiced consonants.

Consonants are also divided into hard and soft.

Hard consonants are indicated in blue, soft consonants are indicated in green.

According to the “School of Russia” program, we denote the fusion of a vowel sound with a consonant by a rectangle divided diagonally by a straight line, where we paint the consonant below and the vowel above.

Make cards out of construction paper or paper to make words. You will also need cards with an accent mark and a dividing line.

You can draw diagrams in a notebook with large squares. It’s even better to combine both types of work.

Get started with simple words- one-syllable or two-syllable.

So, you've made the cards and are ready for class.

Think about how to interest your child.

Maybe you can teach your doll Masha or your favorite bunny to form words?

Or will you solve riddles and make a diagram of the answer word?

Or maybe a word (card or picture) is hidden and you play the game “hot and cold”?

It’s very good if you come up with something interesting and have an incentive to work.

Fragment of the lesson.

Guess the riddle.

The grandfather is sitting dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears.

Let's make a diagram of the word onion.

1. Divide the word into syllables.

We say bow with clap of our hands. This word has 1 syllable.

2. What sounds does a syllable consist of?

We pronounce it drawn out l-u-k.

The first sound is [l]. This is a hard consonant sound. The second sound is [u]. This is a vowel sound. The sounds [l], [u] merge together, resulting in a merger [lu]. We select the desired card - merging a hard consonant with a vowel sound.

The third sound [k] is a hard consonant. We choose a card for a hard consonant.

3. Let's denote the sounds with letters. The sound [l] is denoted by the letter “el”. The sound [u] is the letter “u”. The sound [k] is the letter “ka”.

We do not place stress on monosyllable words. The word has one vowel sound, which means it is stressed.

According to the “School of Russia” program, there are no designations for a voiced and a voiceless consonant. Therefore, you can show your imagination and come up with your own designations for a voiced and voiceless consonant. For example, in the game “Find out the sound” I chose a bell to represent a voiced consonant, and a smiley face with headphones on for a voiceless consonant. The pictures can be printed and used in the diagram.

You can practice characterizing sound in the game.


A ribbon of letters will help you characterize the sound.

The tape shows very clearly what sounds the letters represent.

For example, the letter “en” denotes two sounds - hard [n] and soft [n"]. Therefore, the rectangle has two colors - blue and green. These sounds are voiced, so there is a bell on top.

All sounds in the top row are voiced, while those in the bottom row are voiceless.

The letter “zhe” means one sound - solid sound[and]. Therefore the rectangle is completely blue. This is a ringing sound.

Particular attention should be paid to iotated vowels.

The letters i, ё, yu, e can mean two sounds or one.

When they appear at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, they represent two sounds:

I [th" a], ё [th" o], yu [th" y], e [th" e]

After a consonant sound, they designate one sound: i [a], ё [o], yu [u], e [e].

Let's make a diagram of the word Yana.

1. Divide the word into syllables.

This word has two syllables.

2. The first syllable is I. This is a fusion of two sounds - [th"], [a]. The sound [th"] is a soft consonant, the sound [a] is a vowel. We choose a card - a fusion of a soft consonant and vowel sound.

3. Place a dividing line after the first syllable.

3. The second syllable is na. This is a fusion of two sounds - [n], [a]. The sound [n] is a hard consonant, the sound [a] is a vowel. We choose a card - a fusion of a hard consonant and a vowel sound.

4. Put emphasis. We find the stressed syllable. We say the whole word, highlighting the stressed syllable. Stressed syllable- first. So that the child understands that the stress is placed correctly, try placing the stress on the second syllable.

5. We designate sounds with letters.

The sounds [y"a] are denoted by one letter - the letter i.

The sound [n] is denoted by the letter “en”.

The sound [a] is denoted by the letter a.

All symbols of sounds in the article are taken from the “School of Russia” program. But the most important thing for us is that the child learns to characterize sound and be able to work with models. If a child has learned to characterize a sound, then replacing the designation will not be difficult.

From 30.03.15 "Syllable Train" To strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables, I suggest playing with children the game “Who will travel in which carriage?” This funny syllabic train has several carriages with 1, 2, 3, 4 windows.

Necessary divide words into syllables (based on pictures).

- Tell who will travel in which carriage according to the principle: “There should be as many parts in a word as there are windows in the carriage”

For example: “The word “beetle” has one syllable, which means the beetle will ride in the first carriage.”

Who will travel in which carriage?

From 23.03.15 Choose a word with a syllable... . We consolidate the ability to hear a certain syllable as part of a word. For this I proposegame exercise “Choose a word with a syllable...”. The sequence of performing mental actions:

  1. Name all the pictures.
  2. Divide words into parts.
  3. Name words ending in “LA”, “LY”, “LO”.


Paddle, knots, doll, shark, broom, saw, hollow, dolls

From 03/16/15 Draw the syllabic and sound diagram of the word. Offer your child:

Divide the word into syllables (parts). Draw a syllabic diagram. Name the first syllable. second syllable, etc.

Explain why there are so many syllables in the word. For example: “The word “fox” has two syllables, because there are 2 vowel sounds - “I”, “A”

Name the sounds in this word in order. Draw a sound diagram. Tell how many sounds there are in a word and what each sound is (vowel - consonant, hard - soft).

From 9.03.15 Match the diagram to the word. We strengthen the skill of dividing words into syllables (parts). They will help with this syllabic patterns. Print out the syllable diagrams and pictures. Glue the pictures into your notebook. Offer your child:

  1. Divide each word into syllables according to the algorithm specified in the recommendations dated February 24.
  2. Pick up appropriate syllable pattern for the word and connect her pencil with the desired picture.
  3. Explain why a particular syllable pattern fits a particular picture.

Name the syllable patterns

Match the syllable pattern to the word

From 2.03.15 Compiling a story from pictures. Let the child look at the pictures and make up a story based on them so that for each picture they get at least three sentences. The longer the story, the better. Begin you need a sentence that tells where or when this story happened. A at the end there might be a sentence that explains why the boy never teased the dogs again. It’s good if the children come up with a name for the boy and a nickname for the dog.

Make up a story "You can't tease dogs"

From 02/24/15 Dividing words into parts. Children learn to divide words into syllables. Syllable - This Part words. IN kindergarten Children often confuse the concept of “syllable” and “word,” so it is better to use the concept of “part” (of a word). The main thing is that children understand well how to divide a word into parts. First, remember and name the vowel sounds with your child, because the children have learned the rule " There are as many parts as there are vowel sounds in a word.” Letters will help you remember vowel sounds:

A, O, U, I, E, S

Now you need to perform the following mental actions in sequence:

1. Pronounce the word slowly, drawing out the vowel sounds: buuuu syyy.

2. Name the vowel sounds: " U", "A".

4. Conclude: “In the word “beads” 2 vowel sounds means 2 parts."

5. Say the word in parts: "bu - sy".

6. Name the parts in order: "The first part is "BU", the second part is "SY"

Divide the words into parts

(beads, Marina, teeth, sleeves, bananas, pear, flags, work)

From 16.02.15 Vowel sounds in a word. We strengthen children's ability to name vowel sounds in a word. This is very useful when dividing words into parts (syllables) according to the basic principle “The number of vowel sounds in a word, the number of parts.” To do this, I propose a game exercise “name the vowel sounds in the word.” Take your time! Do not ask your child to name vowel sounds right away, otherwise unnecessary problems may arise. Perform the exercise with your child in stages.

1. Name the vowel sounds: "A, O, U, I. E, Y."

2. Say the word (from the pictures) slowly, as if singing each sound, emphasizing the vowel sounds with your voice - " ffaaaa rrttuuuu kk.”

3. Name the vowel sounds: "A", "U"

4. Count and answer: “How many vowel sounds are in the word “apron”?” "The word "apron" has 2 vowel sounds"

Name the vowel sounds in the word

(banana, bull, apron, cabbage, headlights, table, pear, soup, geese. drum)

Before learning to read, a child must learn the very concept of syllables. Before learning to read and write, your child must recognize letters and be able to relate them to sounds. The next stage is learning syllables. Interesting manuals for studying syllables can be downloaded from our website.

Is it difficult to teach a child to combine letters into syllables?

How to learn to read?

At the beginning of learning to read, it is necessary to convey to the child such concepts as vowel and consonant sounds and letters. Vowel sounds can be stressed or unstressed. Among the consonants, there are voiced and voiceless, hard and soft.

By the way, the hardness and softness of sounds should be given special attention. This characteristic of sounds within a syllable is determined by soft or with solid signs or vowels that come after consonants.

So, the letters E, E, I, Yu, I indicate the softness of the previous consonant sound, and the letters E, O, U, Y indicate hardness.

A table of all syllables on our website will help illustrate soft and hard consonant sounds. It can be read online or downloaded and printed from our website.

Syllables for children to learn to read can be presented in the form of a game. To teach your child to read, you need to download a table of syllables and print it. Then cut into individual cards. To prevent syllables and cards from becoming wrinkled, they can be glued onto thick cardboard. Now we will try to introduce syllable combinations to children in the form of a game.

Games for learning to read

A table of all syllables, which you will need to download from our website, will help you teach your child to read. Soft and hard consonants, as well as vowel sounds and letters are indicated in different colors for contrast. Thus, syllable combinations look bright and colorful.

First, we teach the child to distinguish syllables in Russian from each other. To do this, you will need not only cards where the syllables of the language to be read are written, but also a whole table of syllables. To do this, you will have to download and print it again. We lay out the table and ask the child to match the cards with syllables and the corresponding cell in the table. So gradually the baby will remember individual syllable combinations and name them, and then read them. Thus, we form a lotto from a table, only instead of images there are letter combinations.

At the next stage of learning to read, we offer the child a couple of different syllables and combine them into a word. Please note that before starting this game, the child must read individual syllable combinations well and then put them into words. For example, we take the syllable ZHA and add the syllable BA to it. It turns out to be a TOAD. You can draw arrows or come up with fairy tale hero, which will go from one syllable to another and connect them into words. As a result of such a simple game, the child will quickly learn to read.

Syllable tables

Since letter combinations are presented in Russian in large quantities, we suggest studying each consonant separately in combination with all vowels. Thus, the table for one game becomes much smaller in volume, and it is easier for the child to put all the syllables in their places. You can also download these tables on our website. Here are examples of what syllables might look like for your kids in tables:

Common mistakes

Often in speech, children confuse syllables with the letters “x”, “g” and syllables with the letters “g”, “k”. Confusion also occurs when a child pronounces syllables with the letter “d”, “g” or syllables with the letter “k”, “p”. These consonants sound very similar. When making words from them, try to pronounce them as clearly as possible. At the stage of learning to read, you can download tables with similar sounds, cut cards from them and try to create words that sound similar, focusing on the difference in spelling.

When studying Russian letter combinations with children, try to interest them. If you have a magnetic alphabet at home, try to form some words from the letters. They can be conveniently attached to your tablet and then read. Let the child make up his own word combinations and you read them.

Word creation should be a group game: one child will not be interested. Teach your baby and learn with him!