Why do you dream about balls? Dream Interpretation - Guy and balloons

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells the receipt of unusual and unexpected news. Sometimes this can promise some interesting events. Trying to inflate the balloon and not being able to do this means that the business you have in mind will burst, and you should not particularly count on a favorable outcome of events. Seeing how someone else is cheating him means that you are wasting your time, do not indulge yourself with illusions. Seeing him falling portends love relationship, which will be overshadowed by your jealousy. The rising one promises success in business and improved financial condition.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The airship is a symbol of ghostly dreams. The dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic?

Solomon's Dream Book

A hot air balloon is a pipe dream.

Dream book for a bitch

An inflatable balloon - useless and unrealizable dreams, a decline in business, unsuccessful trips.

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream - an unsuccessful trip will bring disappointment and grief.

Modern combined dream book

After flying in a dream on an airship, be especially attentive to yourself, you may make a big mistake.

If you dreamed of a falling airship, you will be deeply disappointed.

If you yourself suffered a wreck in a dream, this foreshadows the losses that you will suffer after...

If in a dream you see balloons, this means that trouble awaits you in the near future. Most often, balls are an omen of failure in work or business. They mean financial losses, betrayal, deception. It is worth making every effort and using all your experience to solve upcoming problems with as little damage as possible.
Balloons also symbolize the ephemerality of hopes and the illusory nature of the implementation of cherished plans. This may serve as a signal for a more thorough analysis of upcoming projects and ideas.
If in a dream you observe a large number of balloons in the sky, this indicates that there is little joy and fun in your life, which means you need to solve existing problems and enjoy every day. If the balls you see are on the ground, think about the sublime, take your mind off troubles.
If you see yourself flying in a hot air balloon, this marks a trip that will not be entirely successful...

Why do you dream balloons The balloon is created for fun, celebrations and laughter. This is real. But in a dream, as often happens, everything turns upside down. In any case, in the interpretation of the authors of dream books. For example, Miller’s famous dream book says few words about a hot air balloon you dreamed about. According to the book, the balloon symbolizes lost hopes and prophesies all sorts of misfortunes to the sleeper. At the same time, for some reason, it is business life that stands out, for which Miller’s dream book predicts a clear decline in the foreseeable future. It is significant that even such a seemingly favorable plot as a hot air balloon flight this dream book interpreted as “unsuccessful journey.” In other dream books, flying in a hot air balloon is interpreted less categorically and warns of the possibility of making a major mistake. In the article about the “bubble,” Miller’s dream book once again mentions balloons. And again - in a negative context. So, if the sleeping person...

I dreamed in the morning that it was in the yard early winter, is coming big holiday, and people at the fair are sorting out free balloons. As I approached the shelves, as always, I got the most nonsensical ones. Among the gloomy balls I found two bright ones (red and pink), and then a stranger snatches them from me and yells: “How dare you rob me - the mother of four children! You have no conscience!” He pulls the balls towards himself and, naturally, breaks them.

Here a new batch of balls was delivered - not so beautiful, but also not bad. I inflated one (blue) to test its strength, but it turned into a bag. Someone simply took the rest of the balls away, laughing maliciously.

I walk away and cry over my bad luck and unhappy fate. And no one will even regret it. All the people grabbed the free balloons and left.

What could this dream mean?

The balloon (balloon) is a symbol of the penis. If the ball (ball) is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well, your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid ball (ball), a ball (ball) hanging down or lying on something, indicates problems with potency.

A ball (ball) flying into the distance speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

A burst balloon (ball) indicates your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you watch the flight of balloons or balls, then you tend to be more involved in sexual fantasies than the real thing. Drop your timidity.

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Why do you dream about balloons?

Balloons in real life are a symbol of joy, celebration and cheerful mood. However, if you see them in a dream, then in reality you should not expect anything good.

Balloons seen in a dream foreshadow troubles; they often promise problems at work and difficulties in business. Often such a dream promises a financial crisis, deception and betrayal.

If you saw balloons in your dream, this may be a warning that you should be more careful when making decisions. Therefore, before you say anything, it is a good idea to think about your words several times.

A lot of balloons in a dream may indicate that in real life you have too few positive emotions and lack bright events. Try to diversify your dull everyday life, turn to your close friends for help.

That you should think more about beauty and...

Balloons are a popular holiday attribute and have fun. Therefore, if such an object appears in a dream, few people expect any trouble. Whether this is right and what fate has prepared for us, we’ll figure it out now.

Why do you dream about balloons?

You may be surprised, but bright balloons are an unfavorable symbol that foreshadows the emergence of various problems. Most often, troubles will concern the work area or business. In the near future, you should expect tricks from your colleagues, as well as risky projects. During this period, the risk of dismissal increases. Balloons in a dream warn that you need to think carefully about every step so as not to cause serious consequences.

A dream in which children inflated balloons promises problems with them. The dream book recommends as much time as possible during this period...

Balloons in a dream The popularity of balloons at parties is a controversial issue, but, nevertheless, it is an enduring fashion. What is the dream about: Balloons were used for a specific celebration, for example, were they heart-shaped balloons to celebrate Valentine's Day? Did they make animals or something else out of them? Does this mean the desire to give shape to something insubstantial and fragile according to your will? English dream book

According to tradition, multi-colored balloons are an indispensable companion to any festive event: a wedding, a birthday, a memorable date. Why do you dream about balloons?

Likewise, dreams with balloons leave behind a feeling of happiness, fun and high spirits. We rejoice at the dream and believe that it is intended to bring positive events into our lives.

But dream interpreters have a different opinion: dreams with balloons bring problems and troubles to a person’s life. What do balloons mean in dreams, according to the most popular dream books?

Inflatable balloons are a symbol of decline, misfortune, sorrow in various fields life.

In love, at work, in everyday life, you will be haunted by continuous troubles. Your self-esteem will drop significantly, your financial situation will worsen, and bad mood will haunt you everywhere.

The meaning of dreams with balloons in Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud believed that a balloon in a dream is a symbol of serious relationship, flirting.

  • A ball floating casually in the sky - this dream indicates that you are too dismissive of the topic of a serious relationship. Frequent changes of partners, many love affairs - this is what gives you true joy.
  • A weakly inflated, nondescript balloon represents problems in the intimate sphere.

Balloons in Miss Hasse's dream book

Vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams, collapse of hope - this is the disappointing interpretation with funny balls that can be found in the dream book of the famous medium.

  • If the ball flew up, despite all your efforts to hold it, the dream represents your complete inability to control the current situation. All attempts to influence this or that process will be unsuccessful.
  • The ball suddenly burst - unlucky dream, promising sorrows and disappointments. If you decide to implement some grandiose idea, then after such a dream you can not expect that your plans will come true.

The meaning of dreams with balls in the Esoteric Dream Book

  • Inflating a lot of balloons in a dream - in real life you cherish dreams of a better life, although your current existence cannot be called dull and joyless. The dream encourages you to appreciate what you have: the alluring future is unpredictable, and you can more than once remember with gratitude what seems insignificant now.
  • Decorating a house or car with multi-colored balls - a dream tells you about your inexhaustible optimism. Let various troubles await you ahead - your cheerfulness will allow you to easily cope with any obstacles.
  • Accepting a balloon as a gift or giving it yourself is a sign of small surprises that will bring a spark of joy into your life.

Dreams with balloons in the Gypsy dream book

Dreams with colorful balls are intended to convey to you the idea that you yourself are the master of your own destiny.

Yes, there are people around you who inflate problems, exaggerate the significance of your misdeeds and in different ways point out your inadequacy. You should not follow their lead: assess the state of current affairs, do not be distracted by trifles, look for non-standard methods of solving the problem. You can do anything, you just have to want it well!

What else do dreams with balloons mean?

  • If in a dream you see large number balloons that children inflate - say goodbye mentally to your vacation plans. There will definitely be a reason that will ruin your weekend or vacation.
  • Multi-colored balls fall to the ground - there is no reasonable explanation for your jealousy. You harass your partner with made-up facts about his cheating. Remember that for some time he will be able to bear accusations against himself, but then retribution will come. His love for you may fade.
  • Releasing balloons into the sky means there is a possibility that problems will arise in the family and at work. Also, such a dream means little troubles associated with housekeeping.
  • Blowing up a lot of balloons in the company of people you don't know is a bit strange dream is intended to inform you that in real life you are not doing what you are passionate about. You are engaged in a dead-end job that takes all your strength.
  • If in a dream you inflate balloons one after another and then release them into the sky, take a closer look at your friends: there is a chance that someone does not value your friendship too much.

Although the interpretation of dreams with indisputable “symbols of the holiday” cannot be called life-affirming, they are still intended to lift the veil of secrecy over the problems awaiting us. And whoever is forewarned is forearmed. Choose your option from a variety of omens and boldly confront the waiting misfortunes.

Balloons are a popular attribute of holidays and fun times. Therefore, if such an object appears in a dream, few people expect any trouble. Is this correct and what has it prepared for us? Let’s figure it out now.

Why do you dream about balloons?

You may be surprised, but bright balloons are an unfavorable symbol that foreshadows the emergence of various problems. Most often, troubles will concern the work area or business. In the near future, you should expect tricks from your colleagues, as well as risky projects. During this period, the risk of dismissal increases. Balloons in a dream warn that you need to think carefully about every step so as not to cause serious consequences.

A dream in which children inflated balloons promises problems with them. During this period, the Dream Interpretation recommends spending as much time as possible with the younger generation. Seeing balloons that burst before your eyes in a dream means that problems may arise in the material sphere. Balls that fell foreshadow disappointments that can occur in any area of ​​life. If you are flying to balloons- This is an omen of an unsuccessful trip.

If you dreamed of balloons in the sky, it means that most likely there is too little joy in life, so it’s time to cope with all the problems and get out new level. If they were lying on the floor, this is a sign that you should think about the sublime. Such a dream can also tell you that the existing one can ruin your mood. A dream in which balloons fly in the sky predicts good luck. There may be a chance to resolve existing problems. In addition, success awaits you in work and on the love front. Inflating balloons with other people means that in reality you are doing things that are essentially useless.

Why do you dream of a ball? The dream book states: there are difficulties ahead at work, in business, unhappy love, futile efforts. But sometimes a vision in a dream foreshadows positive emotions, a simple solution to a complex issue, and profit.

Complications in business

Dreaming of multi-colored balls promises trouble in business sphere or at work. All endeavors will slow down or progress worse.

Seeing multi-colored balls in a dream means: you like to make plans, but do nothing to implement them.

Little joys, a simple solution to a problem

Why do you dream that someone gave you a lot of colorful air flyers? The dream book promises: life will be filled with small joys.

Were there many of them? In reality, you will find yourself at a bright public event that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Did you dream about a girl with a ball? The dream book states: the problem you are struggling with has a simple solution.

Red balls in a dream indicate the uniqueness of the dreamer. To realize your abilities, you need to listen to your inner voice.

What color are they?

For correct interpretation color also matters. So they were:

  • red - unhappy love;
  • pink - empty romantic hopes;
  • green - income will be less than expected;
  • blue - life satisfaction;
  • blue - positive emotions;
  • colored - a pleasant meeting;
  • black - you may find yourself in the zone of some kind of disaster.

Concentrate, be persistent

Why do you dream about white? The dream book tells you: it’s time to take a rest, since due to the intense pace, a loss of strength is possible.

A white ball in a dream foreshadows responsible and painstaking work, where you need to show perseverance and concentration. The reward will depend on the result.

Yellow promises, according to the dream book, finding what you have been looking for for a long time. For a girl, the dream foreshadows the appearance of a respectable gentleman and expensive gifts.

Pipe dreams

Why do you dream about an inflatable ball? The interpretation of the dream warns of unfulfilled dreams and a decline in business.

Did you dream about an inflatable flyer? You are too focused on possible troubles. You need to think less about them, think more positively.

What did you do?

Remember what you happened to do with a balloon in a dream:

  • inflate - you can amuse yourself and others;
  • launch - new worries will appear;
  • to catch - you will be imbued with someone’s dreams, ideas, but they will all turn out to be unrealistic;
  • twirling over your head - dissatisfaction with the current situation, but it could become even worse;
  • play - nostalgia for the old days;
  • fly on a big one for a short time - it will appear good idea to solve an important problem.

Also, cheating him portends: all efforts will not lead to desired results. Events will break rose-colored glasses, will show the real state of affairs.

Bad trip

Did you dream of flying on a whole bunch of balloons? The dream book tells you: an unsuccessful trip will only bring grief and disappointment.

Flying for a long time on a big balloon in a dream means a not very pleasant business trip or an unplanned trip lies ahead.

Miller value

Why do you dream of a metal ball? Miller's dream book states: you can boldly confront dangers - everything will work out.

Vain troubles, changes

We saw glass balls in a dream - Christmas decorations? There will be futile efforts ahead.

Did you dream about a rubber ball? The path chosen by the dreamer is very doubtful.

Have you ever flown high while clinging to a helium balloon? Get ready: the time of change is coming, perhaps not always pleasant.

Did you dream that you had a ball in your stomach? Serious troubles will arise, but you will be able to overcome them.

You can avoid troubles

Seeing a crystal ball for predictions in a dream means: intuition will help you avoid troubles and find a successful way out of difficulties, says the dream book.

Why do you dream of ice balls - hail? If it fell - profit, good luck in business. Have you ever collected hailstones by hand? You will unexpectedly receive an inheritance.

Difficult period

Did you dream about a balloon bursting? In reality you may be fired from your job. There is a difficult period ahead, but you can find a better job.

One burst, followed by most of the bunch? The dream book says: failures are coming. You won't be able to purchase anything. True, you won't lose anything.

Why do you dream of balloons or just balls? Balloons are associated with celebration, childhood, joy and happiness. Multi-colored and bright, they create a cheerful, relaxed mood and evoke positive emotions. What do balloons mean in a dream?

The image of balloons does not have a clear interpretation. A dream can predict success and failure. The dream must be interpreted taking into account the peculiarities of the development of events. Mystical meaning balloon - dreams and dreams, as a rule, unrealizable. The balls look like rainbows soap bubbles, which burst upon first contact with an obstacle.

Dream plots can be different:

  • balloons rise up;
  • the balls fly into different sides;
  • burst on contact;
  • inflate balloons;
  • fly in a hot air balloon.

Watch how colorful balloons fly in the skygood sign. For young girls, this prophesies interesting acquaintances; for married people, the dream foreshadows the resumption of fading feelings and a romantic mood. However red balls promise the unrealizability of love dreams.

Why do you dream about balloons that scatter in different directions? A career takeoff awaits you, however, achieving success at work can negatively affect family relationships: you will not be able to pay enough attention to your loved ones.

See colorful balloons at a celebration- let the holiday come into your life. You are so mired in everyday worries that you have stopped noticing the beauty of life around you.

If the balls burst before our eyes, your perception of life is far from reality. You are full of illusions, you have built castles in the air and outlined unrealistic plans. Unfortunately, what was planned is not realized, and the life lesson will cause heartache.

Bursting balloons can also portend dismissal from work, demotion, and various difficulties in relationships with partners/colleagues. If the balloons burst on the eve of an important financial event, do not rush to conclude a deal or make a large purchase.

The balloons are blown away by the wind from you? Love will remain unrequited; your loved one will never love you. However, you should not worry: life path a worthy candidate will meet to create a happy family.

If the balls fall down, expect disappointments in life. Trying to catch the ball is also frustrating. What is planned will not come true. This can affect any area of ​​life.

Actions in a dream

The dreamer can take an active part in the events of the dream. For example, inflate balloons. This is a sign of a meaningless pastime: you are wasting your energy on unnecessary things.

Also, inflating balloons can warn: there are two-faced people next to you, hiding behind the mask of sincere friendship. Take a closer look at your immediate environment, you will find them.

To see in a dream how children inflate balloons, - to complicate relationships in the family with their own children or younger blood relatives. Or you have to solve their problems.

If in a dream you filled the balloons with helium, this predicts good luck in business and endeavors. Everything that is planned is successfully implemented in life. A dream in which helium-filled balloons soared into the sky has a particularly favorable meaning.

Hot Air Balloon Flight may portend a journey. This could be a temporary job in another city or a business trip. If you threw ballast out of the basket during the flight, you will soon get rid of an annoying problem in your life. Also, this plot may portend getting rid of a chronic or lingering illness.

Interpretation of dream books about balls

Miller's Dream Book sees in the image of balloons a sign of future conflicts and misunderstandings with neighbors. Everything you feared will come true. A burst balloon may portend dismissal from work.

Esoteric dream book sees the image of a balloon as a positive symbol. If the dreamer inflates a balloon in a dream, in reality he will be able to independently realize his dreams. This is a symbol of self-sufficiency. However, a burst balloon promises bad luck.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova warns: if you inflate a balloon in a dream, you will soon fall in love with an unworthy person, or you have already fallen in love. If the balloon bursts, you will be involved in a risky business.

Modern dream predictor considers this image to be positive: the dreamer will be followed by luck, life will sparkle with multi-colored colors.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z predicts failures at work. Flying in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip. If the ball quickly flies away from the dreamer, this predicts unsuccessful love. Inflating balloons in a dream means reveling in the illusions of love. Releasing balloons into the sky means acquiring new worries.

Modern dream book considers the image of a balloon to be a harbinger of illness and unrealizable dreams. You love to dream and build castles in the air. A red ball dreams of love without reciprocity.

Dream Book of the Wanderer considers a hot air balloon ride a harbinger of success at work and in his personal life. Flight also symbolizes a successful solution to complex problems. Looking at multi-colored balls means pleasant dreams and daydreams.

Freud's Dream Book compares a balloon to a penis. If it is elastic, everything is normal with potency. If you are deflated and hanging, expect failure in love affairs. The ball flies into the distance - to the unrealized sexual desires. A bursting balloon foreshadows problems in potency and relationships with a partner. Watching the balls fly is a sign of sexual fantasies.

Why do you dream about balloons? Psychologists consider frequent dreams with the image of a balloon to be a signal of fatigue of the body and psyche. You get little rest, are overloaded with worries and problems - the subconscious is trying to remind you of relaxation with images of multi-colored balloons.

A dream in which the sleeper himself inflates the balloons and releases them into the sky is considered happy. If none of them burst and fall to the ground, all wishes will come true, and problems will be resolved without difficulty.