How can you glue an old wardrobe with your own hands. How to decorate a wardrobe with your own hands: interesting ideas from designers

If you inherited an old grandmother's wardrobe, or yours has lost its former attractiveness, do not rush to throw it away. After all, earlier furniture was made to last, from solid pieces of wood, and therefore you can try to turn on your imagination and breathe a second life into such a solid product. You will receive a completely new piece of furniture at no significant cost. How to update an old closet?

Using wallpaper

This is the easiest way to update your closet. For restoration, it is customary to use durable wallpaper, non-woven or vinyl is perfect for this. There are several methods for wallpapering a cabinet - completely or only individual parts.

  • It is better not to use wallpaper such as on the walls so that the surfaces do not merge, otherwise it is recommended to paste over only part of the cabinet. Unless your idea is to visually expand the space.
  • When pasting walls with light wallpaper, choose panels for furniture that have a bright color.
  • If the walls are pasted over with a material with a pattern, then we recommend using plain coatings for the cabinet.
  • With plain walls, you can decorate the cabinet with bright, contrasting wallpaper, with a small or large pattern.
  • In addition, it is not necessary to select the same wallpaper for the exterior and interior decoration of furniture, they may differ.
  • For the restoration of the cabinet, self-adhesive wallpapers are perfect, which are able to imitate different coatings - wood, stone, metal.

Photo update

To update the furniture, use photo pictures - wallpaper or your favorite photos. Furniture can be pasted over with one large photo canvas, or you can use small photos to create a composition called a collage.

The work is done like this:

  1. The surface of the old cabinet is cleaned of the old finish, whether it be a layer of paint or varnish. To do this, you can use both a special grinder and an ordinary sandpaper.
  2. Wipe the cabinet with a cloth to remove the formed dust and dirt.
  3. Then the working space is covered with a primer layer, and white paint, for example, acrylic, is applied on top.
  4. Photos are glued, carefully rounding the corners.
  5. If you plan to cover not the entire cabinet with pictures, then you can paint the rest of the surface with paint that is in harmony with the interior of the room.
  6. After the photo wallpaper or photographs have dried, coat the cabinet with a clear varnish to prevent damage and increase the quality of the finish.

Painting an old cabinet

Any furniture, including a wardrobe, can be painted using a composition of any color, this also applies to repainting a dark structure into a light one:

  • First you need to carefully prepare the surface of the cabinet by cleaning it. For this, both a grinder and sandpaper will fit. If desired, you can even disassemble the cabinet into its component parts to make it easier to work.
  • If cracks and chips have formed, putty them with a special composition intended for furniture.
  • From above, the cabinet is covered with a primer in several layers, so that the paint lies more evenly.
  • For applying paint to furniture, it is recommended to use an airbrush to get an even coating.
  • To preserve the texture of the wood, or if the surface defects of the cabinet are minimal, the paint is applied in one thin layer.
  • To get a more intense color, cover the cabinet in several layers, each of which should dry completely before applying the next.
  • To achieve greater decorativeness and a pearly sheen of the surface, varnish can be applied on top.
  • To achieve the effect of marbling on furniture details, treat all parts of the cabinet that protrude with a foam rubber sponge soaked in paint.
  • If you want to paint a dark cabinet with light-colored paint, then the first coat should be done using a white composition, and then apply the selected paint.

Decoration with mirrors

The method of decorating furniture with mirrors is popular, as it perfectly hides various defects that have formed on the cabinet doors, and at the same time is able to visually expand the space in the room. Buy a mirror of the required size (you can order an individual production) and attach it to the doors using specially designed fasteners. Liquid nails are also suitable for this.

Cloth restoration

Often, old cabinets are covered with fabric or only the door is decorated in this way. The material is chosen taking into account the overall style of the room and the color scheme of its decoration. But in any case, it is better to take a dense canvas, which does not have the ability to deform during operation. It is customary to place thin foam rubber under the fabric layer. If it is missing, you can take a synthetic winterizer. The fabric is fixed on the back of the doors using liquid nails or fixing it with a furniture stapler.

Furniture decoupage

If you apply a technique called decoupage, your old closet will radically change and even take center stage in the interior. Well, the whole workflow in a nutshell looks like this:

  1. For decor, you can use paper napkins, old newspapers, clippings from glossy magazines, paper printouts with various patterns.
  2. First, the surface of the cabinet is cleaned of paintwork. To do this, you need sandpaper or a machine.
  3. Any minor defects present on the base are removed, whether it be scratches or chips.
  4. The cabinet should be primed and wait until the composition dries.
  5. Then apply the first coat of paint and leave to dry for 15 minutes.
  6. If you want to artificially age some parts of the cabinet and give the product a colorful look, paraffin will help you with this, which you need to rub these areas.
  7. Now let's move on to creating the second layer. We take the paint a tone lighter than the one that you used to create the previous layer.
  8. We paint the doors, upper and lower transverse parts with paint of a different color, and glue the transition line with masking tape.
  9. Most often, the ends and drawers of the cabinet are decorated using decoupage technique. To do this, the napkin must be applied to the surface, moistened with water and gently smoothed. Make sure that there are no irregularities.
  10. From above, we cover the decorative surface created with napkins with PVA glue and wait for 20 minutes until it dries.
  11. After that, we return to the areas rubbed with paraffin and remove some of the paint.
  12. We cover the entire surface of the cabinet with varnish, it is better to make several layers.

Now you know how to update an old wardrobe. Good luck!

Old pieces of furniture spoil the interior, but instead of being thrown away, they are given a new life. To do this, you need to know how to properly restore a closet or wardrobe, what are the radical methods of restoration or painting. Reconstruction of furniture helps to reveal creative potential, come up with unique ornaments and decoration methods. But first, they learn the features of restoration methods.

How to paint a closet

High quality cabinets stay in good condition for a long time. But after a couple of years they go out of fashion or do not match with the updated interior. Throwing away good furniture is a pity, so it is given a second life. It is painted in those places where the paint has rubbed off or completely change the color of the furniture. It is easy to paint a cabinet with your own hands, but you need to remember the following:

  1. Sandpaper pre-rip off the remnants of the past paint. If the layer is thick, use strong metal brushes.
  2. Curvature, irregularities, cracks are corrected with a primer or putty.
  3. Paint only when the primer dries.
  4. For a rich color, use a sponge or roller, but you can use a spray gun. They paint over all hard-to-reach parts: shelves, back wall, doors.
  5. The paint is applied several times. Apply enamel, acrylic, or other good quality paint.
  6. After drying, the surface is filled with varnish to make it glossy. You can do without it, but the varnish still protects the product from damage.


If you want a matte finish, you can use a matte finish.

Decor options

For decor choose different techniques. If you don’t need skills and abilities to complete some, then for others you will have to try to get the desired result. Photo printing will require little effort, but glass matting is a difficult process. Before choosing a decoration method, you need to understand exactly what this option implies. On the Internet, people share photos of how they decorated their furniture.

Common techniques: photo printing, photo wallpaper, vintage film, vinyl stickers, textured plasters, fabric covering, wallpapering, matting glass surfaces, including mirrors. There are many ways to update an old wardrobe with your own hands, and photos before and after restoration show how much the furniture has changed.

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Photo printing and photo wallpapers

This technique is a printing pattern on any surface, even on the doors of the closet. Choose any given size, the equipment prints large format images. The disadvantage of this option is the high cost of the service. The search for a workshop that will be able to fulfill this order with high quality will take a lot of time.

Cheap option - photo wallpaper. They are bought in building materials stores or ordered online. The choice of topics is large, so finding the image you like is not difficult.

Stained glass film and vinyl stickers

The price of a film or sticker depends on the size, but basically it is an economical way to decorate. Another advantage is that gluing takes little time and does not cause difficulties. It is unlikely that a non-professional will be able to distinguish a film from a stained glass pattern. The film decorates the doors, walls and glass, this material also protects the surface from damage. Buy them in stores related to construction and repair. Peeling off the film and stickers is not difficult, so they are changed when you want.

Glass or mirror matting

This technique is used for wardrobes, but matting also looks impressive on furniture with mirrored walls. In industrial matting, one layer of glass is removed, creating convex patterns. They also frost glass on their own, but in a different way. For him you need:

  • stencils;
  • matting paste;
  • rubber spatula.

The stencil is fixed on the glass, the paste is collected on the spatula, applied and left to harden the paste. After drying, the residue is washed off with water.

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Vinyl and plain wallpaper

Old Soviet cabinets are updated with wallpaper. Paper ones are easier to use, they are cheaper than vinyl ones, but they have two disadvantages:

  1. They are short-lived, they are easy to hook and tear off.
  2. Drawing on paper is simple, uninteresting.

Vinyl wallpapers are better than paper ones, but the price is higher. The basis for these wallpapers is either paper or interlining. Before sticking them, degrease the walls and those surfaces that will be painted.


Vinyl wallpaper must be carefully glued, firmly pressing the rag to the side of the cabinet so that the material does not go in waves.

Master class on decorative plaster

For this method, you will need stencils and plaster, so the technique is called "stenciling". Stencils create bulges, which are then painted. For this you need:

  • stencils, preferably made of plastic, but cardboard is also suitable;
  • decorative plaster;
  • putty knife;
  • masking tape;
  • acrylic;
  • sandpaper.

If the furniture was painted before, then the paint is peeled off with sandpaper, dust and dirt are cleaned off. Cracks in the wooden walls are covered with putty. After the stencil is glued with masking tape. Spread the mixture of plaster with a spatula and remove the stencil. With the same spatula, smooth out irregularities until the plaster has hardened. After drying, they pass along the decor with sandpaper, cover the cabinet with several layers of acrylic. As soon as it dries, varnish the surface of the wall.

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Cloth upholstery

Updating with cloth is a convenient method. Since the choice of fabrics in stores pleases, they choose those colors and patterns that are successfully combined with the interior. It is easy to replace the fabric, no need to re-prepare the surface for covering.

For this method you need:

  • the cloth;
  • synthetic winterizer or foam rubber;
  • construction stapler.

An intermediate layer of foam rubber or synthetic winterizer is attached to the furniture walls with brackets or liquid nails. A fabric is stretched over this layer.

Restoration and painting

Do-it-yourself restoration and painting of an outdated dresser or cabinet consists of a sequence of steps:

  1. The decayed surface is cleaned with a metal brush, which removes the dead parts of the tree. The dust is washed off with water.
  2. You can't just paint furniture like that. Before that, it is aired on the street for two days in the shade. Therefore, it is most convenient to carry out the process in the summer in the country.
  3. Holes, scratches and other damage are sealed with putty. Apply a thin layer, dry, apply the next.
  4. Rusty parts are wiped with a liquid that dissolves rust.
  5. Acrylic is preferred, but alkyd enamel will also work.


It is better to paint with a roller or sponge, so the color is better absorbed into the surface.

How to restore a closet

Updating a wardrobe is not difficult. To do this, three decoration techniques are used:

  1. Painting doors is a quick and reliable way.
  2. Wallpaper, self-adhesive paper or decoupage. Get the original design. The only negative is the fragility.
  3. Cloth upholstery.
  4. Creating patterns with nails.

Painting is a good way to renovate a cabinet, as it does not require a lot of time and money.

Painting polished furniture

So unusual, spectacular furniture is made from Soviet polished cabinets that it’s hard to believe that they wanted to throw it in a landfill. If you don't know that the closet has been restored, it's hard to recognize the old furniture. You can turn the wardrobe into a vintage product yourself. At the same time, the furniture will remain functional and comfortable, as before.

Before restoration, you should stock up on materials, tools, build a sequence of actions and choose a suitable master class. You can combine several techniques in one or use complementary ones.

Materials and tools

To refurbish old furniture, a few things come in handy:

  • old polished cabinet;
  • frosted acrylic, which will make the furniture vintage;
  • acetone;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine;
  • drawer handles.

Everyone buys this at a hardware store. There are few components and materials, so the method is economical.

Coloring process

First, grind the surface with a machine. They prime or putty only when the old cabinet has chips or cracks. But if they are not, skip this step. The surface is degreased with acetone.


Painted several times in order for the tree to be well saturated with paint.

The first layer is light, thin, you can skip hard-to-reach parts, leaving small places unpainted. Furniture is rubbed with sandpaper, a cotton cloth is passed over the surface to remove dust.

The second layer is painted in the same way, overwritten, cleaned off the dust. Repeat this step until the paint is even. In order not to get the effect of yellowed after drying, check it on an inconspicuous area. When you get the desired color, proceed to the coloring of the product.

dot painting

This technique is simple, the surface is not prepared for it, only the varnish layer is peeled off and sanded with sandpaper. This method only needs two things:

  • marker;
  • dye.

An ornament is made with a marker, and dots are drawn on top of the marker. The technique is easy, and the result is a spectacular product. Even artistic skills are not needed, because stencils with different patterns are found on the Internet.

Stencil painting

Screen painting is an interesting method of updating furniture. With stencils, they draw ornaments and patterns, sometimes they even create full-fledged compositions on cabinets. Even the process of creating a drawing is fascinating and uncomplicated. Possession of artistic skills is not required, because they choose the drawing they like on the Internet and print the template. It remains only to carefully execute it on the surface.

Materials and tools

For staining with stencils you need:

  • cabinet prepared for painting;
  • white enamel;
  • paint of any color with which the pattern is applied, in the form of a spray;
  • solvent;
  • stencil;
  • brushes.

Enamel is the basis for the drawing, a stencil is attached to it. And the color of the ornament or pattern is chosen so that it harmonizes with the interior.

Coloring instructions

To prepare the cabinet, remove all handles and locks from it. It is better to paint the furniture in the hallway, there is less other furniture and tables. The area is covered with newspapers or oilcloth so as not to get dirty. Enamel, after reading the instructions on the package, is diluted with a solvent. When working, paint consumption is taken into account, because when it is scarce and re-diluted with a solvent, a different shade comes out.

Painted in a couple of layers to make a rich bright color. Then go to the template. It is attached to the surface, and the paint is sprayed from above. The color immediately becomes saturated, so one layer is enough. If desired, paint the fittings and, after drying, attach it.

How to update kitchen cabinets

Furniture in the kitchen quickly becomes unusable due to frequent changes in temperature, damage from knives and forks, and improper removal of excess moisture. Therefore, kitchen cabinets are updated or replaced more often than the rest of the furniture in the apartment. Products are restored with a rattan cloth or simple staining.

Instructions for painting kitchen cabinets:

  1. The doors of the cabinets are removed, wiped from dust, odor and dirt removed with soda, and degreased.
  2. The surface of the furniture is rubbed with sandpaper, the grains are cleaned off.
  3. A primer is applied to the walls and doors, dried.
  4. Paint twice, starting with large surfaces, ending with the edges of furniture.


If you unscrew the fasteners from the door does not come out, add a drop of oil to the screw.

Throwing away old, out of fashion, but whole furniture is wrong. Some companies are engaged in the restoration of cabinets. They change them as if it were new, just bought furniture. But you don't have to pay money for it. You can update the old cabinet yourself, knowing what material the product is made of. Chipboard and natural wood require different methods of restoration.

natural wood

Wood furniture used to be built to last, so you might want to try updating it before you end up in a landfill. The walls are prepared: dust is wiped, fasteners are repaired, treated with an antibacterial agent, aired. After deciding how to decorate:

  1. Toning. All irregularities, cracks are sealed with putty. It needs to be close in tone to the original color. After drying, a layer of putty is rubbed with sandpaper to level the surface. For this technique, stores with building materials sell tinting for wooden furniture. It is better to choose a color one or two shades darker.
  2. Aging. Furniture gives the effect of antiquity, in some rooms it looks advantageous. To do this, buy paint in two tones: light and dark. The color is chosen to match the interior. First, a dark layer is applied, after drying, some places are wiped with wax. Then paint the surface with a light shade. When the wall is dry, clean the top layer with sandpaper. It will turn out as if the furniture was rubbed from old age.
  3. Painting. This technique requires painting skills. The surface should be light shades. On the doors they paint with acrylic, after drying, the drawing is varnished.


Before you start updating a chipboard cabinet, it is prepared like a wooden one. The decoration methods are the same, except for tinting.

Dark polishing is the main option for Russians. The problem with such furniture is that the polishing layer is almost impossible to peel off. Because of this, it is difficult to restore the cabinet. It is better to replace the doors if they are badly scratched or broken. The product is updated in two ways:

  1. Tupovka. This is a type of toning that is performed with a sponge. They buy paint for metal of gold or copper color, imprint it with a sponge into the surface. On top of this layer, elements molded from PVC are attached.
  2. Stencil pattern. Paint for this is needed as for a blunt, but in the form of an aerosol. A template is glued to the walls, covered with matte varnish, painted. Everything dries within 15-30 minutes.

How to choose paint for a chipboard cabinet

Several types of paint are used for painting chipboard:

  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • aerosol:
  • on wood.

To make the color deeper, fill it with varnish. But acrylic is the safest for humans, it dries quickly in the room and does not need long-term ventilation. The stores sell a large number of colors that are mixed to obtain the desired shade. Acrylic in the aerosol lays evenly and smoothly on the walls.

Varnishes give the appearance of rich antiquity. They are poured with paint, left to dry. In addition to the fact that the varnish ennobles the furniture, it protects against scratches and chips.

How to choose brushes or roller

Brushes and a roller are of good quality, because the uniformity of the paint application depends on them. After proper staining, the cabinet looks like new for 3-5 years. Due to poor-quality brushes, pile, hairs, and dust stick to the walls.

For a large surface, rollers and aerosols are suitable. It is more convenient to control uniformity with a roller. If the paint is leaking, it is easy to fix it with a roller. But with careful application of the aerosol, a smoother coating is obtained. For painting small parts or small doors, a wide and narrow brush is suitable.


During operation, the brushes are kept in water, otherwise the paint on them will quickly dry out, they will stick together, and they will have to be thrown away.

Some restoration methods will require high costs, others can be made from cheap materials. Something we can do ourselves, but something is better to entrust to the hands of professionals. But each method is played in its own way, creating a unique design that guests cannot take their eyes off.

In almost every apartment, you need to find a solution to put the accumulated clothes somewhere, and often people choose a closet for storage. Such a closet is a convenient and practical thing, but it does not always fit into the interior, being bulky and monotonous. You can revive this design by creating various decor. Recently, a lot of wardrobes with a variety of stained glass inserts, reliefs, mirrors, etc. have been produced.

Scheme and dimensions of wardrobes.

But if you already have a simple model, and you want to somehow transform and revive it, then tips on how to make a do-it-yourself wardrobe decor will help you a lot.

Methods requiring the use of paints


Diagram of cabinet door assembly.

This method is suitable for decorating any surface: solid wood, chipboard, MDF, plastic, glass and mirrors.

If your sliding wardrobe is made of wood, chipboard or MDF, then decoupage on its doors will be done as follows:

  1. Sand the areas to be patterned with fine-grained sandpaper to remove excess varnish or paint from the surface and make it even.
  2. Cover these places with acrylic varnish and prime (a special acrylic primer is used for this). Then sand again, apply varnish and primer.
  3. Attach the pattern.
  4. Coat it with varnish.
  5. Further refine, if necessary, drawing with acrylic paints - this will give the image liveliness, as if it were a handwritten painting.
  6. Cover the work with varnish in several layers (from 7).
  7. Sand and further decorate with craquelure technique, for example.
  8. Apply a final coat of varnish: it is better if it is an alkyd or yacht varnish - so you don’t have to worry that your creation will not last long. But you can get by with acrylic, because the closet is rarely in a room with high humidity.

Important! Each new layer (be it a layer of varnish, painting with acrylic paints or primer) is applied to the completely dried previous one.

It should be remembered that each new layer of decor is applied to the completely dried previous one.

Often a large mirror is built into the closet. If you decide to decorate it too, then the decoupage technique is also available for this surface:

  1. Pre-clean the mirror of all contaminants using alcohol solutions or a special glass cleaner.
  2. Cover the places where you are going to apply patterns with acrylic varnish.
  3. Cover the dried layer of varnish with primer. And the ground is varnished again.
  4. Sand down.
  5. Attach the pattern and varnish again.
  6. Acrylic paints perform artistic finishing - complement the ornament with strokes or even add new elements. In addition to acrylic paints, you can add patterns and other elements using special stained glass paints.
  7. Coat your creation again with varnish and sand. Again, you can use the effect of craquelure, etc. Then apply a final coat of varnish.

By the way, using stained glass paints, you can make a full-fledged mirror design without resorting to decoupage.

Painting and painting

When painting, one should not forget about the style of the interior.

If you decide to paint your wardrobe with your own hands, then you have to work hard:

  1. Before you start painting furniture made of chipboard, wood or MDF, you need to prepare the surface. Sand it and cover with a layer of alkyd primer.
  2. When the alkyd primer is dry, apply an acrylic primer over it.
  3. Then start painting with a roller or brush. It is better to use alkyd or oil paints. It is best to apply at least 2 coats.

If the surface of the wardrobe is not damaged, then it is better to leave it intact. If you really want something new, then make a drawing using a stencil or, if you have a talent for drawing, draw a drawing yourself using acrylic paints. Such decor will be original.

  1. Work the places where the image will be applied with sandpaper and prime with acrylic primer.
  2. Now you can create! Draw whatever your heart desires, not forgetting, of course, about the style of the interior so that the wardrobe decor does not spoil the overall picture. Draw better small elements: patterns, flowers, etc. This reduces the likelihood of “not fitting” into the overall harmony.
  3. When the paint is dry, cover it with several layers of acrylic varnish (about 6-10).
  4. Finally, sand the surface.

Methods that do not require the use of paints

With photo wallpapers

To finish the wardrobe, photo wallpapers designed for doors are suitable. You may have to cut them a little: standard photo wallpapers for doors have a size of 86x220 cm. With the help of photo wallpapers, you can make original images on your closet.

  1. Before sticking wallpaper, degrease the surface.
  2. Glue the photo wallpaper with PVA glue. But it is better to stick photo wallpapers with a special self-adhesive reverse side to varnished surfaces.

For mosaics on doors, it is better to use acrylic or glass mosaics. Ceramic is too heavy and bulky.

  1. Pre-clean the surface where you are going to glue the mosaic.
  2. Mark the surface with a pencil to make an even element.
  3. Attach the mosaic on Moment glue, or better on liquid nails.

Here are some unpretentious and original ways to decorate a closet. Create with pleasure and enjoy what you create!

Do not rush to throw the old one in the trash, which has already served its purpose!

After all, as you know, they used to make better furniture.

Therefore, such a product can still serve faithfully.

To do this, you need to learn how to decorate a closet with your own hands.

Such finishing works are not at all difficult, and anyone can handle them. Even the most inexperienced home master.

For the simplest decoration of an old cabinet, you will need your own imagination, as well as a few tools and materials. And the effort spent on the design of the old will pay off with interest.

Before you start updating a wardrobe that has already outlived its own, you should carefully examine all the existing furnishings in the room.

Such an element of decor must necessarily fit the room according to the general style and theme.

This means that you need to pay attention to which ones prevail in the interior and, in accordance with this, choose the desired palette of shades and tones.

In addition, the use of fittings for finishing the old cabinet will also be important.

The decoration deserves special words. If you have not yet had experience in such work, you should practice first on any old furniture. It is best to do this on a small part of it.

Before you start decorating the cabinet, you need to make sure that he does not need it. If it is necessary, it should be produced and only after that proceed with the design.

In this case, the cabinet must be well inspected from all sides. If the hinges have become unusable or loosened, they should be replaced or strengthened.

It is best to remove rust from the surface. This is done using a special tool. If necessary, the joints of the parts are strengthened with self-tapping screws and glue.

The next step is to remove the old one with a grinding machine. You can do this with fine grit sandpaper. It is necessary to clean the old varnish coating not only from the cabinet doors, but also from the shelves that are inside it.

This type of furniture may have defects that are clearly visible to the eye. These include various types of cracks, chips, scuffs, etc. If the scratches are completely microscopic, this can be easily removed with fine-grained sandpaper.

If the damage is large enough and deep enough, it is necessary to use a special wax for.

To do this, it must be preheated well. After that, they overwrite the damage on the cabinet.

To restore large chips and dents, you need a little more time. All damage to the furniture should be covered with a primer.

After it dries, you need to putty in thin layers. It is not necessary to repair the damaged area in one go. In this case, the cabinet will begin to crack and will not hold well.

At the last stage of work on preparing furniture for decoration, it is necessary to clean the puttied places with sandpaper with small particles.

It will be possible to carry out pre-paint preparation only when the entire surface of the cabinet parts is completely leveled. The next step is to apply a primer on the shelves and on the doors from the outside or inside.

Decorate your closet with acrylics

How to decorate a closet with your own hands?

Acrylic-based paints are presented in stores in a wide variety.

With the help of such tools, you can easily decorate the closet.

For this purpose, you can purchase paint that gives matte or glossy.

To update the surface of the cabinet with acrylic paints, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials: fine-grained sandpaper, bitumen wax, acrylic-based paint.

To decorate this type of furniture in the Provence style, you should give preference to light pastel shades.

This theme is characterized by the use of artificially aged (vintage) furniture. The sequence of such work will be as follows:

  • The surface of the cabinet is covered with dark paint.
  • After the previous layer is completely dry, you need to apply a new one on the shelves inside and the doors. This is done with a light dye.
  • After the product is completely dry (it should take at least a day), you can decorate it with a stencil, which is easy to make yourself from cardboard.
  • At this stage, you need to age the furniture artificially. To do this, create scuffs with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Some places need to be wiped with special wax (bituminous). Such actions will give the closet, which has already outlived its own, a beautiful shabby look. It will look like a vintage item.
  • If there is a desire, then a varnish with a matte effect can be applied to the finished repaired and decorated furniture.

As for the fittings, you can use the usual one that was on this furniture to decorate the cabinet. To do this, it is necessary to do the same procedures with it as with the product.

Decorating with crackle varnish

How to decorate a closet with your own hands in the nursery? To do this, you can use craquelure. This kind of varnish is used when it is necessary to get cracks in a chaotic manner on the surface of the furniture.

This effect is usually ennobled with silver or gold powder. You can use acrylic-based paint of a darker color than the main one. Bituminous wax would be good.

On the shelves of stores you can find two types of such varnishes. In order to perform work using a single-phase varnish, you will need the following decor materials and tools:

  • style fittings
  • acrylic based paint
  • crackle varnish
  • acrylic lacquer (giving a matte effect)
  • natural bristle brush

All of the above can be purchased at hardware stores.

Stages of decor

An ordinary old wardrobe can be transformed beyond recognition, just by investing a little imagination in its design.

Upholstery of the cabinet with the help of material

This method allows you to decorate the surface of the cabinet, doors and other ledges with fabric. It should be remembered that it is necessary to put foam rubber under it.

Such material should not be very thick. The fabric should be fixed with a furniture stapler. This is done from the back of the drawer or doors. You can use liquid nails for this purpose.

It is preferable to choose the material according to the color of the wallpaper. It is very important that the fabric harmonizes well with the wall paintings. Only in this case the interior will look elegant.

Preference should be given to those fabrics that differ in density. It is best to choose one that will not deform during pulling. Very often, it is this restoration method that helps to transform an old cabinet.

With the help of fabric, you can effortlessly turn an old closet that has already outlived its own into a new one. To get a unique decorative element, you should fix the material or stick it directly on the surface.

Wallpaper restoration

Almost everyone has leftover wallpaper. Using such a finishing material, you can breathe new life into an old piece of furniture. To do this, you must first paint the inner surface of the cabinet, including shelves and doors.

It is best to choose a shade of paint, the color of which is present in the pattern on the wallpaper. This simple design technique is used by many restorers.

Wallpaper is usually pasted over the facade of cabinets, as well as the wall inside or the door. With the help of such simple restoration work, you can make a new stylish piece of furniture out of the locker.

Thanks to the use of wallpaper, this is very easy to do. Such wall paintings are best glued to PVA.

You can use any variety, but those that have a relief coating will look the most interesting. For example, vinyl canvases on a paper or non-woven basis.

Some may not like the sloppy edges of the coatings on the doors and side panels of the cabinet. In this case, it is worth taking the advice of experienced design professionals.

They recommend masking uneven wallpaper borders with decorative slats. To make the cabinet look perfect, you can paint its surface with acrylic-based varnish. As for wooden decorations in the form of slats, designers advise covering them with a water-based stain.

The use of such a technique will allow the cabinet to last for many years. In this case, the restoration will not be needed for a long time.

Turning a closet into a vintage piece of furniture

With the help of simple methods, you can easily transform furniture that has already served its time. To decorate such an antique product, you can use the following techniques:

  • In order to give the cabinet an elegant look, you need to free this piece of furniture from the paint applied to it (the old layer). After such restoration work, the furniture should be well degreased. To do this, apply the solvent to a rag, and carefully wipe the surface of the cabinet twice.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to apply a primer mixture to the cabinet doors, its side surfaces and shelves inside.
  • After that, you can proceed to the most interesting part of the finishing work. To implement them, you do not need to have the makings of an artist or understand design. Enough to imagine what the end result should be. You can even draw several sketches and choose the one you like.

To create a more elegant design, you can use flower patterns and pastel shades. The image will look perfect if its borders are thin and two shades darker than the pictures.

Before starting any design work, you should clearly imagine the end result. Only in this case everything will go well, and instead of old, unnecessary furniture that should have been scrapped, you can get a beautiful and stylish decor element.

On the video you can see how to make fashionable out of an old wardrobe:

If your apartment has a functional closet or rack, looking at which there is longing, it's time to think about updating it. It is easier with wooden ones - they can be painted, coated with a matte tint varnish or create a semblance of an old patina ...

But, alas, most of the cabinet furniture that surrounds us is made of chipboard or MDF, and pasting it with a new film (as they did 15-20 years ago) is now considered a sign of bad taste. But the soul demands to make a decision, and now we find ourselves in the store - in search of new models. Sometimes they are no better in quality than those that we have, but they have the main advantage - they are NEW in LOOK, different, different in shade or number of shelves.

But what if we postpone the purchase for the future and think about how to give old cabinets and racks a fresh look - such that pride in your creativity is born when looking at them? American decorators and do-it-yourself enthusiasts have already come up with a great solution: they update cabinets, sideboards and shelving with leftover wallpaper.

What we liked about this idea:

  • there are remnants of wallpaper in almost every home;
  • among these remnants, as a rule, there is a choice - by color and pattern (and if there is not something that you definitely want, buying 1 roll of wallpaper will not make a hole in the family budget);
  • wallpaper is easy to stick on chipboard or MDF using PVA glue, if desired, you can remove and change the “clothes”;
  • if desired, you can almost “disguise” a voluminous closet against the background of the walls - just with the help of the same wallpaper;
  • decor with wallpaper will never look “homemade” (of course, provided that you choose the wallpaper in harmony with the cabinet and glue it carefully), on the contrary, it will have an amazing vintage charm;
  • updating wooden cabinets with the remnants of wallpaper can be combined with a new color;
  • and, most importantly, this move is not as straightforward as it might seem at first glance, in this guide we will show a lot of excellent ideas that even experienced decorators will envy.

Watch, learn the techniques, and then update your cabinets, sideboards and shelving with complete confidence in a great result! Give them a chance for a new bright life!


cabinet doors with wallpaper decor:

Let's start with the facades of cabinets, because their doors are always in sight, and this view should please you. Find wallpaper that matches the closet itself or (if the closet is neutral) the interior of the room. It can be one type of wallpaper or several (for example, if the closet has drawers, photos 2 and 6), you get an analogue of patchwork quilting that is fashionable today.


how to update cabinets with a colored body with the remnants of wallpaper

And now let's move on to the inner surfaces, the "back" - that visible part of the cabinet, against which things or decor are located. Of course, first of all, this applies to open shelving and cabinets with glass doors. But fans of such solutions also use this technique for completely closed cabinets, trying to please themselves even in such trifles.

reception number 1. in body tone:
If the wardrobe (shelving, sideboard) already has a certain color (shade), the most sophisticated solution would be to update it with wallpaper, in the color scheme of which this shade is also present. See how effective it is.

reception number 2. addition:
Fans of more daring decisions may like the "addition" technique. Its essence is as follows: when choosing wallpaper, you either focus on those parts of the cabinet that differ from the main surface (photo-1), or use wallpaper with a subtle pattern, where the color of the cabinet is represented by small drops (photo-2), or - on shade of wallpaper (photo-4) or - curtains (photo-3) or - to any other color that seems to you harmonious with the shade of the cabinet.


how to wallpaper white cabinets

Sometimes we buy white cabinets (racks) because they are cheaper than colored ones. However, the presence of such models can also be explained by the passion for furniture in the spirit of shabby chic (often presented in white). In this section, we will show you how to decorate white cabinets with leftover wallpaper with different patterns and at the same time - take into account the style of the interior of the room. See what suits different destinations.

wallpaper with vignettes = classic style:

wallpaper with flowers = romantic style, vintage, country:

geometric wallpaper = modern, 20th century vintage, classic:


other ideas for decorating cabinets from leftover wallpaper

And here are some more interesting ideas that might catch your attention.
for wooden brown cabinet:
You can paste over the inner walls, shelves and inner doors (photo-1), add decor to the shelves in one of the shades of wallpaper (photo-2) or choose the color of the wallpaper so that the beauty on the shelves (for example, dishes in the sideboard) looks especially contrasting (photo-3).