Slim body in 30 days with Jillian Michaels. Principles of weight loss from Gillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels is a certified personal trainer who holds a black belt in martial arts and is considered by many to be an expert in all aspects of diet and fitness. The mother of two children became famous due to her author's weight loss system, in which she strives to take a constructive approach to health and self-sacrifice. Jillian Michaels program Slender figure in 30 days"(Jillian Michaels “30 Day Shred”) is a weight loss workout that focuses on three factors - a fitness regimen, a personalized daily fitness plan based on specific purposes, and plan.

The fitness system consists of 3 levels of difficulty and consists of special exercises that distinguish Jill’s technique. Jillian Michaels' diet is based on consumption. food products, corresponding to body types and method of eating in order to achieve best results. The system includes hundreds of recipes. Thousands of people around the world have been inspired by Jillian Michaels' system to lose weight and keep it off. Many of them have achieved great success using her methodology, and her system is actively sold in America for considerable money. Regarding food, Jill does not stick to just one method, i.e. low in fat, etc., but believes that each person needs their own nutrition plan that suits their specific diet.

Jillian Michaels' "The 30 Day Shred" weight loss system promises results within a month, completing three levels in 30 days in a row. Exercises and – best way healthy weight loss. The levels consist of an intensive program, before starting which you should consult with your doctor.

Before starting classes, you need to measure your weight in order to correctly assess the result:

  • measure your arms, waist, legs, buttocks and hips;
  • measure the thickest parts of the body - the volume of the biceps, the circumference of the legs, etc.;
  • measure ;
  • measure your waist around your navel and around your bones hip joint to measure it;
  • to measure your buttocks, place the tape measure on the back of your buttocks and bring it together at the front;
  • Write down in a notepad or date of measurement for each body part.

After preparation, start passing the levels. Important: “Sleep is the cornerstone of weight management because of the effect it has on the hormones that control weight loss, as well as how you store fat and how you maintain muscle. The better the hormonal balance, the better weight loss“Explains Jillian Michaels, who typically strives for 8 hours of sleep per night.

System Description

Jillian Michaels' "Get Fit in 30 Days" video is great for people with and for those who are already in good shape. Even advanced athletes who train 5-6 days a week say these three levels are difficult. With that in mind, if you think you can just skip level 1 and go to level 2, you'll be surprised. Level 2 is very difficult. So when Jill says start at Level 1, listen to her because she's seen how difficult these classes are, even for those "in shape."

Jill's The 30 Day Shred is a challenging workout that will leave you literally restless at any level. So if you want to lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels, be patient and follow the system.

Please note: In original videos Jillian's "Slim Fit in 30 Days" classes, which can be found publicly available on Youtube, have her "girls", two women, working out behind her. One shows a lower intensity version or a modified move, the other shows a more advanced move while Jill does the basics.

Jillian Michaels' signature style is 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes and 1 minute of strength training. The 1 minute ab portion is your rest time. These are intense classes with a frantic rhythm.

Level 1 (Video)

Completing levels is ideal for those who are busy and limited in time. Each exercise is only 24 minutes per day. You will simultaneously work with several muscle groups and do. Simultaneous work with large and small muscle groups, such as the lower leg and shoulder - great way burn more calories and thereby reduce your exercise time.

You can watch Jillian Michaels’ video “Slim figure in 30 days” level 1 in Russian, and if you wish, you can do a lighter version of the classes, but then you will have to increase the time to even out the result.

Jill's 30-day challenge "Get Slim in 30 Days" includes 3 progressively more difficult levels. You do 1 lesson a day, starting from level 1. It is proposed to spend 10 days on each level, although everything can be individual and the trainer does not set strict limits.

Level 2 (Video)

Level 2 is for a second 10-day period. After you complete your first 10 days, you will appreciate the difference in effort and can ease up on the rhythm, as well as eliminate some exercises and combine others, as each level is quite challenging in its own way.

Level 3 (Video)

Having completed level 2 you move on to the last 10 days with level 3. If you own English and see Jill in the original, you need to know that level 3 of her exercises is not publicly available. And in order to purchase this course you need to pay for it.

Another great thing about Jillian Michaels' Get Fit in 30 Days 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge is that you work out every day for a month. This rhythm creates a habit of practicing exercise. Remember that once you complete all the levels, you won't have to lose this habit, it will stay with you.

How realistic is it to “lose up to 10 kg in 30 days”?

It really depends on your diet and where you're starting from. If you're starting from scratch and can't remember the last time you worked out, 10kg in 30 days is realistic if you follow along. If you've been working out for a while but without a proper diet, it's realistic to lose 5kg. If you are following a diet and already working out, depending on the degree of progress, it is quite possible to lose 1-2 kg, but this will be a sustainable result, in which all your fat will turn into sculpted muscles. Since muscle weighs much more than fat, the scale won't show you much of what you see in the mirror.

Important information: You've probably heard that working your abs takes place in the kitchen, not in the gym. This means that exercise without a diet will be ineffective. The goal of the exercise is to increase strength and improve cardiovascular health over a 30-day period. Many have commented that they noticed progress from fitness in just 5 days.

Ultimately, no matter where you start on your journey, remember that your end goal is to lose volume, not pounds. Therefore, before starting, carefully measure all places to be sure of progress - waist, hips and legs.

Diet in 3 stages

Jillian Michaels' weight loss goal is to eliminate "anti-nutrients" (artificial fats and chemical additives) and eat only organic and natural foods.

During the first stage, you will eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • hydrogenated fats;
  • peeled grains;
  • high fructose corn syrup;
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • preservatives and dyes.

Jillian Michaels suggests cutting back on starchy vegetables such as potatoes, tropical dried and canned fruits, soy, full-fat dairy, fatty meats, canned goods and caffeine at this stage.

In the second stage you will get acquainted with 10 nutrients from Jillian Michaels:

  • legumes – peas and beans;
  • allions such as onions and leeks;
  • berries;
  • meat and eggs;
  • colored fruits and vegetables;
  • cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage;
  • dark green leafy vegetables;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • organic low-fat dairy and whole grains.

The final phase improves the timing, quantities and combinations of foods to translate into burning the most fat. This balance includes eating every 4 hours, never skipping breakfast, eating your fill and not eating after 9pm. If you are used to eating ready meals or semi-finished products, then you need to give up your habits. The Jillian Michaels diet focuses on consuming only natural, unprocessed foods.

A slim, fit figure is the cherished dream of every girl. According to reviews, losing weight with Jillian Michaels in 30 days helps to achieve impressive results, subject to strict adherence to the basic requirements of the program: proper balanced nutrition and a special training regimen. Find out how by going through 3 levels of this universal methodology, you can get an ideal body in just a month.

Who is Jillian Michaels

This amazing woman is a successful fitness trainer. The experience of Jillian Michaels is valuable because she personally went through all the stages of losing weight and developed her own weight loss system. Her youthful passion for fitness eventually turned into a job. The coach is constantly improving and bringing something new to the program. 30 Days of Weight Loss with Jillian Michaels is guaranteed to help you shed those extra pounds. At the same time, with the help of training recordings you can save time and money, which is also important.

Jillian Michaels programs

The trainer claims that almost anyone can get an ideal body in 30 days. The only thing you need to determine is which Jillian Michaels program meets all your individual characteristics. Among the video courses for weight loss from this trainer you can find classes dedicated to yoga, Pilates, aerobics, gymnastics and other sports, which only confirms Gillian’s high professional level.

It is important to note that on at the moment Michaels has developed several comprehensive weight loss programs designed for 30, 60 and 90 days, as well as many special courses aimed at correcting individual problem areas of the body - hips, abdomen, buttocks. The following video courses for weight loss are the most popular among supporters of Gillian's approach:

Slim figure in 30 days

Jill has a keen understanding of how the body functions, which is why she strongly encourages her followers to work hard. Getting a slim figure in 30 days is difficult, but everything is possible provided that the person is sufficiently motivated to lose weight. Having gone all the way from start to finish, Gillian, like no one else, is able to convey the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. The trainer's practice shows that proper motivation largely determines the success of a weight loss program.

Lose Weight in 30 Days with Jillian Michaels

This course includes a very successful combination of strength and cardio training. At the same time, losing weight with Jillian Michaels in 30 days is based on the use of fitness as the main tool for weight loss. The coach advises beginning athletes to prepare the body for future loads long before the main stage of the program. Jillian Michaels believes that losing weight in 30 days should occur in 3 stages lasting 10 days each.

Level 1

Followers of Jillian Michaels claim that the initial phase of the program is the most difficult. The first stage assumes that the body will be prepared for subsequent physical activity and weight loss. According to the terms of the Jillian Michaels program, level 1 includes daily classes for half an hour a day, and it does not matter what time of day or night they are performed. The workout consists of three approaches of 8 minutes, which involve performing a complex consisting of the following exercises:

  • weighted lunges;
  • push-ups;
  • squats;
  • jumping;
  • abdominal exercises

Level 2

Each subsequent stage of the weight loss program differs from the previous one only in the intensity of the training. According to the findings of Jillian Michaels, level 2 is designed to destroy excess fat in the body and prepare it for gain muscle mass. It is worth saying that at the second stage, pain increases after exercise. However, by the end of this phase, the discomfort goes away, and the muscles begin to require more serious loads. At the second stage, the previously mentioned complex is supplemented with the “plank” exercise.

Level 3

The last phase of the program requires maximum endurance. According to Jillian Michaels, level 3 helps you completely get rid of your “old body” and lifestyle. At the last stage of losing weight, it becomes easier to exercise, which is explained by the approaching end of the program. At the same time, the training is so exhausting that some even give up, despairing of completing the course. The third level complex includes the following exercises:

Menu by day of the Jillian Michaels diet

When creating a complete diet, it is important to consider your metabolic rate. For people with a slow metabolism, Gillian recommends complex carbohydrates for weight loss. Persons with rapid metabolic reactions should focus on protein foods. It should be taken into account that the need for calories and the speed of metabolic processes change during the course. For this reason, it makes no sense to create a menu for the entire period of losing weight. The author of the technique advises coming up with meal options for 3-5 days. Meanwhile, the abbreviated menu by day of the Jillian Michaels diet is reflected in the table below:

Program day

Snack (afternoon snack)

2 eggs in any form, whole grain toast, green tea

Chicken salad with avocado and mango

Orange, almond

Homemade pizza whole grain base with feta cheese, tomatoes and red onion

Oatmeal with fruits and nuts, tea without sugar

Chickpea porridge

Banana-apple smoothie

Chicken sauté

Light low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of berries

Grilled veal with corn as a side dish

Mozzarella cheese, pear

Chicken breast, baked in lemon-honey sauce

Boiled chicken sausage with baked potatoes

Pita with mozzarella, red onion, tomato, spinach

green apple, hard-boiled egg

Burrito with chicken and red beans

­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­

Video: workouts with Jillian Michaels

Beginning athletes often quit training due to lack of visible results. In contrast to such techniques, the program developed by Gillian has proven itself to be efficient system for weight loss. An important point is that the trainer places special emphasis on stabilizing weight after completing an intensive month-long training course. An additional bonus is that Jillian Michaels shares her observations and discoveries in the field of fitness throughout the lessons, healthy eating. Check out this unique course.

30 days with Jillian Michaels level 1

30 days with Jillian Michaels level 2

Jillian Michaels 30 days level 3

Fight with overweight becomes more effective if you have a clearly defined goal. Therefore, trying to lose weight by the New Year, by March 8, by summer, vacation, anniversary and many other significant events is not at all pointless. By setting specific deadlines for losing weight, you can get a much more noticeable result.

“Lose weight in 30 days” - why the program is so effective

The famous fitness instructor Jillian Michaels adheres to the same position. “Lose Weight in 30 Days” is her program that is very popular all over the world.

"Lose Weight in 30 Days with Jillian Michaels"

Lose Weight in 30 Days is one of the most popular programs in the world.

Tight deadlines set you up for serious work and help you overcome the psychological barrier, since it is much easier to “endure” a certain period of time than to study without having an idea of ​​how long you will need to devote time and effort to training.

Those who choose Jillian Michaels' Lose Weight in 30 Days program will have to master four sets of exercises. Each complex is processed within one week. This approach avoids the formation of the so-called plateau, when the muscles get used to a certain type loads, and classes lose effectiveness.

How to properly follow the program?

Each workout lasts just over half an hour. This is the optimal duration for both beginners who are not accustomed to physical activity, and for experienced athletes whose main goal is to return to their previous shape and maintain it. It is convenient to use this program at the start of a new, sporty lifestyle. It will help accustom the body to regular training, and it will itself require regular training.

“Lose weight in 30 days” - training for beginners and professionals

As soon as you accustom your body to regular training, it will begin to demand regular training.

Each complex includes improved versions of squats, arm and leg swings and other well-proven exercises. Every week it becomes a little more complicated - the intensity of the classes increases, the level of load increases.

All you need during the training is comfortable clothes, a gymnastics mat (you can do without it) and a pair of dumbbells, which can be successfully replaced with half-liter bottles of water or sand. As you can see, the requirements are very small. Therefore, you can start getting acquainted with the Lose Weight in 30 Days program right now. The video will help you with this!

Jillian Michaels "Lose Weight in 30 Days" video:

Jillian Michaels Lose Weight in 30 Days (1 Week):

Jillian Michaels Lose Weight in 30 Days (Week 2):

Jillian Michaels Lose Weight in 30 Days (Week 3):

Jillian Michaels Lose Weight in 30 Days (4 Week):

“Lose weight in 30 days” reviews:

The program is great. Made wisely. I managed to lose weight on it. Of course, it’s a little hard to start with, but then you really start to like it! (alevita)

A woman's dream about rapid decline weight became a reality thanks to Jillian Michaels’ system called “Slim Figure in 30 Days.” Numerous reviews from women are proof of the effectiveness of the technique.

The technique allows you to select exercises according to individual request. The absence of complex exercise machines and exercises with a large set of weights creates lasting motivation to exercise.

The system is attractive due to the short duration of individual complexes - about 30 minutes. The intensity of exercise ensures weight loss. The basis of popularity is the coincidence of the results with the stated 30 days.

Basic principles of the technique

Jillian Michaels' "Slim Figure in 30 Days" method is based on a combination of:

  • intensive training;
  • diets.

Exercise and diet are selected on the following basis:

  1. Metabolic rate determines nutritional choices and training intensity. Fast metabolism - predominantly carbohydrate diet and increased exercise. Slow metabolism - predominantly protein diet and reduced exercise.
  2. Adjusting calorie balance. Energy consumption from training is 500 kcal more than energy from food.
  3. Organization of four meals a day, including:
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • fermented milk products.

Jillian Michaels' "Slim Figure in 30 Days" method excludes visits to cafes. The diet is controlled by a diary.

Exercises for the abdomen and abs

Losing fat is not enough. It is necessary to fix the elimination of fat by strengthening the muscles. Jillian Michaels suggested a short but intense type of workout " Flat stomach in 6 weeks”, including 2 stages of 3 weeks. The duration of the daily cycle of classes is 30 minutes.

Required attributes:

  • rug;
  • dumbbell.

Beginners perform the complex without a dumbbell.

Warm-up of the 1st stage - arms up and back, down and back. Marching with alternating high lifting of the legs, wide swings of the arms up and down. Next come squats combined with swings of crossed arms. The warm-up ends with torso rotation. The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the muscles.

Next are exercises with and without a dumbbell. Dumbbell in hands extended upward. Lifting the legs and moving the arms towards them are performed. Then - leg lunges with arms extended forward. The stage ends with relaxation on the mat, stretching the back and abdominal muscles at a slow pace to calm the pulse.

The second stage is exercises with a dumbbell, the pace of the exercises is higher than in initial stage, loads increase. Without experience in training in the 1st stage, it is not recommended to start this complex. Relaxation at the end of the stage is also performed on the mat in a calm mode with stretching of the torso muscles.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Weight loss is ensured by targeted physical activity, creating a local effect in a short period of time. This system was the method of Gilliana Michaels, which is called the “Thigh and Butt Fat Killer.” The same technique shapes the leg muscles.

Complex structure:

  • 3 levels;
  • daily duration of the level - 45 minutes;
  • rest between levels - 2 days.

Required attributes:

  • rug;
  • dumbbells.

The system has an intense and forceful style due to tension in certain leg positions. For example, in the 1st level, jumping is supplemented with stretches with a lunge of the legs, and a bench press is supplemented by alternately lifting the legs with arching the back.

In the 2nd level, dumbbells appear, and to create additional tension, use the heel of the outstretched leg to support the chair seat. In the 3rd level more exercise with jumping and wide leg swings. At the end of each level, a relaxation mode is offered.

Exercises for arms and back

Program structure:

  • 3 levels;
  • daily duration of the level - 30 minutes;
  • total duration of the level - 10 days;
  • rest between levels - 2 days.

Beginners do the easy option.

Level 1 warm-up - arm rotation with swings. The load on the leg muscles is small, associated with a change in their position.

The power dumbbell complex is aimed at the arms and back:

  • in a vertical position, holding dumbbells in your hands, spread them apart;
  • in a horizontal position, push-ups on your hands from the floor;
  • standing on one leg, swinging, holding dumbbells in your hands;
  • lying on the mat, swing your arms with dumbbells.

In level 2, the main exercises are performed while lying on a mat to concentrate the load on the arms. The third level is more difficult both in strength loads and in the type of exercises.

For example, arm swings with dumbbells are combined with complex movements of the torso and legs. Completion of the levels takes place on a mat with several sitting and lying exercises at a calm pace.

Cardio training

Gilliana Michaels' complexes containing cardio training include:

  • "kickboxing";
  • “conquer yourself”;
  • “lose weight in a week”;
  • "revolution of the body"

By the middle of classes, the load on the heart reaches its maximum. The warm-up ends with running in place or intense swings. Next, strength exercises are performed. In kickboxing training, the warm-up begins with running in place and vigorous movements of bent arms. Then, in constant motion, an imitation of alternating punches and kicks is performed.

The “conquer yourself” complex consists of 5 programs for all muscle groups. For example, program 1 includes chest, abs and triceps, and program 2 includes buttocks and legs. Exercises at the end of cardio training are aimed at reducing heart rate and normalizing breathing. Slow, relaxed arm movements with muscle stretching on the mat.

Dumbbell exercises for the whole body

Developing a technique based on short-term complexes, Jillian Michaels proposed a system with dumbbells that develops all muscle groups.

System structure:

  • 4 complexes to choose from;
  • duration of the complex is up to 45 minutes;

The complexes are divided into levels and short cycles.

The transition to exercises with dumbbells is possible only after warming up:

  • standing - raising arms with dumbbells, or bending over;
  • lying on the mat - raising your arms up, or spreading them to the sides.

Fat burning and muscle development are achieved by alternating leg lunges and holding dumbbells in your hands. At the end of the power loads - muscle relaxation in the form of swings of outstretched arms.

Approximate training program after childbirth

The training program for women after childbirth is not intensive. The trainer warns about the mandatory permission for physical activity from the attending physician.

The program consists of 3 lessons of 25 minutes:

  1. Back, arms and chest.
  2. Press.
  3. Hips and buttocks.

Each lesson is performed twice a week, and then 1 day off. The duration of the program is 1 month. Warm-ups are done at a slow pace with shallow squats. Move to dumbbells while lying on the mat. Hand push-ups from the floor - with emphasis on the knees, reducing the load on the arms and abs.

Towards the middle of the workout the pace increases. The first complex ends with standing relaxation with stretching of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. The other two are slow on the mat breathing exercises.

Yoga with Jillian Michaels - exercises and training program

Jillian Michaels used static yoga poses to stretch muscles and remove fat. Two complexes of 2 levels - 30 minutes each. Exercises with dumbbells are added in the 2nd complex.

The pace of classes is slower than in other programs. The name of the exercises is borrowed from yoga, for example, the warm-up begins with the “mountain” pose - slow swings of the arms with freezing in a vertical position, continues with the “chair” pose - slow half-squats, bending forward and returning to a vertical position with raised arms.

Yoga from Jillian Michaels will help you create a slim figure in 30 days

Warm-up of the 2nd complex - 4 strength exercises. The “mountain” pose turns into a “plank” pose - pushing up with your hands on the floor at a slow pace. Next, without lifting your hands from the floor, move into the “dog” pose - pelvis raised up, step forward with your foot, transition to the “dog” pose.

The strength warm-up cycle is repeated three times.

Exercises after warming up. For example, half-squatting with legs spread wide apart and “freezing” in this position creates increasing tension in the legs and hips. Relaxation at the end of the complexes takes place while sitting on a mat, leaning on your arm, or leaning towards your leg.

Methodology program “Slim figure in 30 days”

Jillian Michaels offers 3 levels of 10 days in the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program. To evaluate the results, fill out a table with indicators.

In the daily exercise control table, a mark is made after completing exercises of the appropriate level.

U1D1 U1D2 U1D3 U1D4 U1D5 U1D6 U1D7 U1D8 U1D9 U1D10
U2D1 U2D2 U2D3 U2D4 U2D5 U2D6 U2D7 U2D8 U2D9 U2D10
U3D1 U3D2 U3D3 U3D4 U3D5 U3D6 U3D7 U3D8 U3D9 U3D10

Mode and basic rules

The mode of each level is 3 cycles of exercises and relaxation. Each cycle has 4 parts:

  1. Warm-up - 3 min.
  2. Strength training - 3 min.
  3. Cardiac training - 2 min.
  4. Press - 1 min.

At the end of the 3rd cycle, relaxation exercises are performed. Two exercise options - intense and light.

Compliance with this regime must be supplemented basic rules systems:

  1. The intensity of exercise is determined based on your individual metabolic rate.
  2. The energy expenditure of exercise should exceed food energy by 500 kcal.
  3. Four meals a day based on low-fat foods, vegetables and fruits.

Completing 3 levels and diet is the basic principle of the system.

First level

The warm-up begins with swinging your arms in place, then adding jumping to the swings. Next - rotation of the hips and knees, and completion of the warm-up by jumping with arm swings.

After warming up, proceed to 3-minute strength training of the 1st cycle:

Then 1 minute of abdominal training, lying on the mat:

  • bending your knees, hands behind your head - lifting your torso;
  • pushes upside down, bending your knees.
  • legs bent, imitation of rowing with dumbbells in hands;
  • squats with legs lunging forward and bending the elbows with dumbbells.

Then 2 minutes of heart training:

  • running in place;
  • boxing on bent legs.

Then 1 minute of abdominal training, lying on the mat - lifting the torso with hands behind the head and alternating movement of the legs.

  • lying on the mat, arms with dumbbells spread to the sides;
  • squats with leg lunges to the sides and arm raises with dumbbells.

Then 2 minutes of heart training:

  • jumping with arm swings;
  • running in place;
  • boxing;
  • jumping.

Then 1 minute of abdominal training, lying on the mat - lifting the torso with hands behind the head and alternating movement of the legs. Level 1 ends with relaxation, sitting on a mat with legs wide apart. At a slow pace, bend towards the legs while stretching the back muscles, moving the arms back and to the sides while stretching the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Second level

The warm-up begins with circular swings of the arms, then jumping is added.

  • bending over, moving forward on your hands, pushing up from the floor, moving your hands back;
  • on bent legs, arms with dumbbells to the sides and back.

Then heart training:

Then abdominal training - lying on the mat, hands behind your head and alternately lifting your legs while lifting your torso.

  • with a lunge of one leg forward, raising your arms with dumbbells up;
  • squats with a lunge forward and backward with each leg in turn and raising your arms with dumbbells.

Then heart training:

  • jumping with the body turned and arms raised to the sides;
  • sliding jumps - large jumps to the side with the arms turning.

Then do abdominal training while lying on the mat:

Then the heart workout:

  • jumping on all fours while resting on your hands and spreading your legs to the sides while jumping;
  • double jumps with arms bent at the elbows (with a jump rope).

Then abdominal training - with emphasis on the arms, twisting the torso. The 2nd level ends with relaxation, sitting on the mat, similar to the 1st level. In addition, relaxation is performed gluteal muscles.

Third level

The warm-up begins with circular swings of the arms, then double jumps simulating a jump rope, alternately lifting the legs with the hands touching the tips of the fingers, running in place and rotating the hips.

After warming up, move on to strength exercises of the 1st cycle:

  • lifting on hands with support on elbows, on a mat;
  • simultaneous lifting of the legs and outstretched arms, lying on the mat, on the stomach.

Then heart training:

  • alternately bending the legs while resting on the hands;
  • half-squat with a jump with legs spread wide apart;

Then abdominal training - lying on the mat, lifting your legs up and “scissors”;

Then heart training:

  • “boxing” with dumbbells in hands;
  • running in place with dumbbells in hands;
  • jumping with dumbbells in your hands and raising them to the sides.

Then abdominal training - lying on the mat, lifting the torso.

  • push-ups from the floor with hands moving to the sides;
  • alternately lifting your arms with dumbbells and legs from an emphasis on your hands with dumbbells.

Then heart training:

  • jumping with squats;
  • high jumps.

Then abdominal training, lying on the mat, on your side with emphasis on your hand:

The 3rd level ends with relaxation, sitting on the mat, similar to the 2nd level. Fat burning after physical activity must be combined with proper nutrition aimed at accelerating metabolism.

Diet menu to speed up metabolism by day

Jillian Michaels in the "Slim Figure in 30 Days" program, taking into account basic rules offers a menu of a special diet for starting an accelerated metabolic process in addition to exercises by day of the week.

D 1 Yogurt, fish, hummus and vegetables, meat
D 2
D 3 Omelette, vegetable soup with chicken, celery, turkey cutlets
D 4 Soft-boiled eggs, salmon salad, hummus and vegetables, meat
D 5 Yogurt, vegetable soup with chicken, hummus and vegetables, fish
D 6 Omelette, salad, celery, turkey cutlets
D 7 Soft-boiled eggs, salad, yogurt with nuts, fish

Products are selected from low-fat varieties. Meals - 4 times a day. The volume of meals corresponds in calories to the minimum physiological norm for age and weight. By observing these conditions during the 1st week of classes, the process of weight loss begins, which is further developed by continuing exercise and organizing nutrition according to the chosen system.

Consolidate the result

To save the results obtained, it is recommended to repeat all levels of the system, or selectively to your taste. If you want to develop your body further, then Gillian offers a number of other workouts, for example, “Lose weight in 30 days” or “No problem areas”.

The Jillian Michaels program for gaining a slim figure and tightening all the muscles of the body has gained popularity precisely because of its high efficiency in the shortest possible time.

Video: Jillian Michaels. Slim figure in 30 days

Slim figure in 30 days from Jillian Michael. Level 1:

Slim figure in 30 days. Part 3:

11/13/2015 | fitness | No comments

"Get Slim in 30 Days" by Jillian Michaels

If your body has lost its attractiveness after giving birth...

and muscle tone leaves much to be desired...

and there is absolutely no time for gym

Unique fitness program "Slim Figure in 30 Days" by Jillian Michaels- this is your chance to transform your body beyond recognition in 30 days!

All you need is a mat, dumbbells and 30 minutes of free time daily. And there will be no more excuses that there is no time, no energy or money for the gym.

What is the secret of the popularity of Gillian's program?

Jillian Michaels is confident that she will come to ideal body Can

  • quickly (in just 30 days)
  • easy (30 minutes daily)
  • without additional costs for a subscription to a fitness club.

Home fitness is an opportunity to exercise without leaving home. No need to waste time traveling to the gym, just set aside 30 minutes of time for an intense workout with Gillian. Millions of young mothers and women practice fitness at home and see results within a few days.

The Jillian Michaels Story

41-year-old Jillian Michaels is a world-famous fitness trainer, the host of two popular television shows in the United States, where she motivated people in her tough manner to achieve feats. She has helped thousands of Americans get rid of excess fat and his books and training programs. The most famous of them “30 day shred”– which is described here.

IN adolescence Gillian had big ones herself psychological problems associated with excess weight. Until the age of 17, she suffered from obesity; ridicule from others was the norm for her. After leaving home, Michaels took up her figure, transforming it beyond recognition. She opened a gym, and then became a TV star.

Gillian's personal life is also full of madness. Having married her friend, Gillian adopted a baby, and her friend soon gave birth to a second child. By his example, Michaels proves that you need to live without regard to conventions and constantly work on yourself. Fitness workouts from Gillian are sets of exercises during which you won’t be able to work “carelessly.” Michaels demands full commitment.

Required equipment

Like any fitness program, “Slim Figure in 30 Days” is intended for home practice. It contains exercises that must be performed lying or sitting. Therefore, a rubber mat or yoga mat will be a good help. It's also worth stocking up on a set of dumbbells. Many strength complexes require additional load on certain muscles. You choose the weight of dumbbells yourself; we recommend starting from 0.5 kg and increasing the weight during training.

Very important: train ONLY in sports shoes, best in athletic shoes

The sneakers have the necessary cushioning in the heel, which will help reduce the stress on the knee joints. This program contains large number cardio exercises, which without shoes can harm your health, even spraining your ligaments.

The essence of the “Slim figure in 30 days” program

All classes are based on an interval pattern, which is very easy to remember and practice.

  1. At the beginning of a workout there is always a warm-up for a few minutes. Don't neglect her!
  2. Next is 18 minutes of basic training according to Gillian’s system: 3-2-1. In just one workout you need to complete three intervals.
  • Three minutes: strength exercises
  • Two minutes of cardio
  • One minute: abdominal exercises
  1. At the end of each workout there is a mandatory cool-down and stretching of muscles and joints.

To clearly demonstrate the exercises, Gillian took two assistants, one of whom showed the “light” version, the other the “advanced” version. If you are new to the world of fitness, we recommend starting with simple option. If your general physical fitness is at a decent level, practice more complex exercises.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of training is that you should be tired and sweaty.

Three program levels

The entire program lasts 30 days, each level takes 10 days. It is better to exercise with Gillian before meals or an hour after meals. Best time for training - on an empty stomach in the morning. It is in the morning that metabolism accelerates and the process of burning excess fat occurs faster.

First level

  • Jump rope
  • Jumping in place
  • Squats with press
  • Push-ups
  • Crunches
  • Lunges with presses

This complex is designed for the first ten days and is introductory, so during classes you will not be very tired. After completing the first level, it is recommended to rest for 1 day from exercise.

Second level

  • Burpee
  • Push-ups
  • Jumping in place from all fours
  • Deep lunges

This level is more intense in content, so during the process you may become very tired. Don't quit the course and keep studying. After passing the second level there is a break of 1 day.

Third level

  • Plank
  • Plank running
  • Plank push-ups
  • Jumping with dumbbells
  • Side plank

The third level is more intense than the second, but, according to reviews, not much more difficult. The thing is that the body got used to it after 20 days of exercise and adapted to high-intensity workouts. During this stage, you consolidate your results, your body acquires an athletic profile, and your cardiovascular system is trained.

Weight dynamics

Gillian warns that it is better to forget about the scale for the next 30 days. During a course of training, weight can fluctuate greatly and even increase. Why does this happen, since the program is designed to get rid of excess fat? Gain can come from growing muscles, because they are heavier than body fat. A common occurrence is swelling of untrained muscles that can retain water. It is best to measure dynamics using a measuring tape. An effective comparison would be measurements taken before training and at the end of each level. You will see the result not on the scales, but in centimeters!