How to make a white face for Halloween? Rules for choosing and using paints. Basics of painting with paints on the face How to paint your face

Cosmetics are used to “look beautiful.” Only thanks to this, your skin can completely deteriorate.

Pros of makeup

Cosmetics serve solely as a decorative addition to one’s appearance and are not medicinal properties does not carry, contrary to frequent misconceptions. With the help of competent make-up, you can hide or correct imperfections such as acne, wrinkles, age spots, irregular eyebrows, sparse eyelashes, and not prominent cheekbones.

Roughly speaking, cosmetics allow you to literally paint your face. If you work with a camera, then gender does not matter - you will be wearing makeup, because the camera does not love anyone, and there are few people with a perfect face. The aesthetic component is primary when forming an impression on society. The first thing they look at is the face, the main thing in it is the eyebrows and skin. Cosmetics can provide the proper quality for both.

What cosmetics are used most often?

Foundation is the most common imperfection corrector.

Mascara. Concealers, powders and other skin products are not in this place only because many women do not use anything for everyday makeup and only emphasize their eyes.

Lip gloss. It could be put on the same level as mascara, but that is a priority: if women choose only one of these products, they will choose mascara.

Pencil or eyeliner. The latter is exclusively for the eyes, and the pencil is shoved everywhere. Don’t forget that you can use it to paint eyebrows, eyes, and also draw the contour of your lips. Although these two means compete with each other, neither has a clear advantage. In use, the pencil is softer and more pleasant on the skin than eyeliner. But the eyeliner does not smudge or smudge and in many cases the color is brighter.

Other cosmetics are used by women (and not only) much less often and mostly professionally.

The most common misconceptions about the benefits of cosmetics

The first myth about makeup is that it makes your skin healthier. Why this opinion arose: with regular use of cosmetics, pimples disappear and skin tone evens out. What's really happening: makeup dries out the skin, including pimples; As for tone equalization, this is to blame bad remedy for removing makeup or even collective farm face washing with soap. Particles of foundation or powder are not always washed out of the microscopic folds on the skin, which is why the effect of an even color is preserved.

Makeup protects the skin. Why did this opinion arise: in cold weather, frost, and wind, girls who use cosmetics feel less impact from the environment; and in hot weather and dust, dirt does not fall directly on the skin and is subsequently washed off along with makeup. What actually happens: the pores become clogged. Naturally, being clogged, they cannot be fully exposed to the force of frost, become weathered or absorb dirt.

What does this mean for the skin?

Aging. Particles of cosmetics almost always remain in the folds of the skin, drying it out, so the wrinkles become even deeper.

Acne, inflammation, infections. Yes, foundation, concealer and powder dry out small spots, but much more painful pimples will take their place. All these products penetrate the pores and block the ducts of the sebaceous glands. As a result, sebum and impurities, unable to find a way out, begin to fester and become inflamed under the skin.

Black dots. This problem is highlighted as a separate item, since cosmetics can provide them to you in a chronic form, that is, constantly. We have already talked about clogged pores, but we have not said that inflammation or its illiterate/careless elimination can damage the sebaceous ducts. This damage cannot be repaired. Such ducts are a kind of exhaust pipes, and discharge from them will occur constantly and, if the outlet is distorted, they will accumulate.

Excessive skin sensitivity. If you wear a foundation mask all year round, your skin will not get sunlight and "breathing". So she can weaken and stop being in good shape.

Infection. Cosmetics can introduce bacteria into your eyes. Therefore, the area around the eyes should be treated with special care.

Why you should stop wearing makeup

The previous point in itself is a complete answer to this question. Why? Because then you will avoid all this. In addition, it has weight psychological aspect: Many people feel “naked” without makeup. We are not used to seeing ourselves as imperfect, real, “ugly.” But if you don’t stop wearing makeup, your skin will become even more deficient, and cosmetics will worsen its condition—a vicious circle. In order not to use corrective products, you say, you need healthy skin. In this case, cure her. The first step is to stop using cosmetics, environment She also knows how to heal and decorate. Moderate tanning evens out the tone, and “aggressive” conditions promote exfoliation.

Remember that foundation “sticks” dead cells to still healthy skin. When free, the skin breathes.

How to do it

How to give up cosmetics. First, you need someone who will always tell you that your natural self is beautiful. If there is no such person, stand in front of the mirror and convince yourself. Psychological support is no less important here than during a diet.

Second, heal and care for your skin. A healthy face is always held in high esteem because it looks neat.

How to cure skin

Here you need to build on the specific problems that you have.

What will be common to everything is nutrition with vitamins and moderate hydration. The cream you need should be selected depending on your age. If your age is up to 22 years inclusive, use children's hypoallergenic creams. You don't have to take something greasy. I can only give a tip - it is best to use Johnson and Johnson for children, since there are no advertising rights, we will not attach a link.

And all girls love to highlight their eyes. Give preference to products to improve eyelash growth. Now I’ll say something strange: false eyelashes will create fewer problems in terms of consequences than mascara.

Something universal (albeit relatively new) is snail mucus. No need to fuss, just find out about its composition and be jealous of those who have their own snails at home.

The safest ingredients in your cosmetic bag

We all understand perfectly well that minimal use of cosmetics does not harm, and it is impossible to completely abandon corrective products forever. Less harmful products are pencil, lipstick and, bypassing foundation, powder. Seriously, powder is better. In turn, the most harmful thing is mascara and foundation.

Dear girls, be careful when choosing cosmetics and do not use them after the expiration date.

During pregnancy, certain changes occur in a woman's body. They also appear in the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Therefore, when you are going to paint them, you need to take these changes into account. So, let's consider the questions that concern women about whether it is possible to dye their hair, nails and face during pregnancy and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Can pregnant women dye their hair?

Let's start with this common question. Have you been coloring your hair for years and now you can't bear to see your roots growing out? The color of your hair seems dull and you think it’s time to update it? Or are you just in a great mood and want to transform yourself by changing your hair color? I suggest you take a look at what happens to your hair when you are expecting a baby, and find out whether it is possible to dye your hair during pregnancy.

The hormonal background of your body undergoes changes that affect the structure of your hair. Hair usually becomes thicker. This does not mean that more of them are growing. The fact is that hair loss is reduced by increasing the pregnancy hormone - progesterone. As studies have shown, modern paints for hair are not dangerous for pregnant women. But do not forget that each organism is individual. Often pregnant women describe their hair as unruly. The changed characteristics of pregnant women's hair cannot predict what the result of dyeing will be. That is, you simply may not get the desired result. And now there is no need for any extra reason to worry. In addition, medicine insists that harmful chemicals in paints can adversely affect the scalp and the entire body, which also depends on individual characteristics body.

And yet, if you need to dye your hair during pregnancy, it is better:

  • use a tint product;
  • do highlighting, coloring, in which the paint will not affect the scalp;
  • use folk remedies for hair coloring (for example, henna, basma).

Can pregnant women paint their nails?

During pregnancy, the structure of the nails also changes. You may find that the thickness of the nail plate and the rate of nail growth have increased. This is a consequence of hormonal changes. You may also notice that your nails have become thinner, break more often, and flake. Therefore, it is better not to use products containing acetone and paint your nails less often. All this is necessary so that the damage to your nails is minimal. And in order not to harm the baby, pregnant women can paint their nails in a well-ventilated area. Otherwise you will be in large quantities inhale harmful fumes, which can also cause an allergic reaction. Note also that this is possible only if certain conditions are met.

Pregnant women can paint their nails, but when buying nail polish, pay attention to the composition of the product. It must not contain:

  • Formaldehyde (can weaken the child’s immunity);
  • Toluene (accelerates the drying process of the varnish and is harmful to the fetus);
  • Camphor (not recommended during pregnancy).

Is it possible to paint your face or do makeup while pregnant?

Let's move on to the issue of facial makeup during pregnancy. Cosmetologists write that using makeup cannot negatively affect your baby. On the contrary - positive emotions their reflection will have a miraculous effect on your mood and well-being! That is, pregnant women can paint their faces! Take a look, pregnant women can:

  • paint your eyes, giving them expressiveness with mascara;
  • paint your lips, emphasizing their sensuality with gloss;
  • paint your eyebrows, playing with natural curves.

Is it possible to wear makeup during pregnancy? Although a woman’s life, the state of her body and even her way of thinking change during this period, you should not give up taking care of yourself. Expectant mother must remain beautiful and well-groomed. If you follow some rules, then you can and should wear makeup during pregnancy.

How to prevent allergic reactions?

During pregnancy, the female body reacts very sensitively to any changes. All of him defense mechanisms stand guard over the health of the unborn child. That is why women who have never suffered from allergies may first encounter its manifestations during this period. This is best avoided. How can you prevent skin rashes, sore throat, sneezing, and sometimes more serious symptoms?

The main rule that is worth remembering and observing is that during this period you cannot experiment. This is especially true for cosmetics brands.

It is best to continue using the usual products from a proven brand. Ideally, you should not even change the series, since manufacturers can include new ingredients and fragrances in cosmetic products.

If, while applying makeup or shortly after it, a woman feels a slight deterioration in health, dizziness, coughing or choking, it is worth considering whether cosmetic products are to blame.

The second rule worth remembering is that cosmetics must be of high quality and as natural as possible.

Do not use expired products or those that were not stored in the refrigerator.

The basis of beauty is healthy skin

Any woman knows that makeup should only be applied to healthy, well-groomed skin. Therefore, it is very important to continue caring for your skin with familiar, proven products. Hormonal changes that occur in the body during this period can bring unexpected problems in the form of dryness or excessive oiliness of the skin, changes in its structure. A big problem for pregnant women is unexpectedly appearing pigment spots.

For skin care, you can use both commercial creams and lotions, and skin care products offered by traditional medicine. Apply an effective fruit or herbal mask to your skin, and it will become radiant and healthy again.

Skin care during this period may look something like this:

  1. Washing with hypoallergenic milk.
  2. Treating the skin with lotion suitable for your skin type.
  3. Applying nourishing or moisturizing cream.

These procedures are done twice a day. Once a week it is worth performing a deeper skin care routine.

There are special cosmetics for pregnant women.

But, according to the experience of most women, the usual high-quality cosmetics from well-known brands cope well with the usual tasks during this period.

But you should avoid aggressive peelings and ultrasonic facial cleansing, as well as some salon procedures.

Is it possible to paint your face? Expectant mothers often think about this question.

During this amazing period, women change. Become more feminine and soft. Therefore, it makes sense to abandon bright and provocative colors of eye shadow and lipstick. Makeup colors for pregnant women should be warm, soft, pastel colors.

A tinted makeup base will make age spots less noticeable.

The color of the concealer should almost match the color of the foundation. Otherwise, the difference will be very noticeable to others.

But you shouldn’t overuse cream and powder, the skin should look natural. You can safely use mascara, contour pencils, eye shadow, blush.

Because negative emotions are harmful for a pregnant woman; in order to apply good, high-quality makeup, you need to set aside enough time to get ready before leaving the house.

Very important point is to protect the skin from exposure ultraviolet rays. In addition to special creams with UV filters, many regular and foundation creams are designed to cope with this task.

Thus, there is no need to doubt whether pregnant women can do makeup. It can and should be done.

Some girls believe that using a moisturizing or mattifying base before applying makeup is not at all necessary. But it's like painting without wetting the brush in water.

The foundation will emphasize flaking on dry skin, and will shine on oily skin. Prepare your face if you don't want to mess it up right from the start.

2. Too much makeup

Women want to be beautiful. And there is nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn’t get carried away. Unfortunately, many fashionistas have problems with a sense of proportion.

If you are going to cover your face with foundation and powder, then use it generously so that not a single pimple shows through. If you blush your cheeks, then like Marfushenka-darling. If you do smoky makeup, then it’s blacker than night.

Overdoing your makeup means crossing the fine line between sexy and vulgar.

Think about it: are you using too much cosmetics? Naturalness is now in fashion. One of the latest trends is the “no makeup makeup” effect.

3. Foundation doesn't match your skin tone

There is nothing worse when a “tanned” beauty has white ears, neck and décolleté. Is it just the dark, dirty neck of a girl with “white” skin? Those who miss the choice of foundation shade are easily recognized in the crowd.

This error is very common. In the store, under artificial lighting, colors are distorted, and we often buy a product that does not suit us. It is also wrong to choose a tone by applying testers to your wrist.

To find the perfect foundation that will literally blend into your skin, apply a swatch to your cheek near your chin and see the results in natural light.

4. Careless shading

Even with a well-chosen tone, you can get into trouble if you apply it carelessly. When applying foundation with your hands, it is difficult to distribute it evenly - stripes and bald spots remain. It is better to use a special brush or sponge.

The same applies to other cosmetics. Unblended blush looks like a trace of a kiss, shadows applied too graphically make the look heavier and add age. Make sure that the lines in your makeup are smooth and upward, and that the colors move harmoniously from one to another.

5. Using concealer that is too light

Concealer is a woman's lifesaver. It can be used to disguise a pimple or circles under the eyes. The trouble is that many girls choose a concealer that is too light or dark and get the opposite effect: they do not hide, but emphasize imperfections.

It should match your skin color or be half a tone (maximum!) lighter. And don’t forget that there are different proofreaders, each of them has their own mission. Thus, peach-colored concealers are ideal for application under the eyes, greenish ones are ideal for covering pimples.

6. Hard sculpting

Sculpting is designed to correct the shape of the face, hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages. On YouTube you can find many video tutorials with sculpting schemes for various forms faces.

But this makeup technique is really complicated and not all girls can do it. Typical mistakes are the use of inappropriate products, application in the wrong places, poor shading.

Even skillfully executed sculpting is not always appropriate. A sculpted face looks great in photos and videos, but is it worth wearing makeup like Kim Kardashian if you just want to go out to buy bread?

7. Bronzer instead of sculptor

If you cannot imagine yourself without sculpting and prefer dry correction, then do not confuse cosmetic products such as bronzer and sculptor. Identifying them is also a common mistake.

Bronzer, like highlighter, is applied to the prominent parts of the face and is designed to highlight the tan and create a glowing effect, as if you were kissed by the sun.

It is unacceptable to use bronzer, especially with a reddish undertone, to correct your face shape!

There is a sculptor for this. It usually has grayish-olive shades (shadow colors) and is intended for drawing cheekbones, chin, and hairline.

8. Too much blush

Sometimes girls think that the more blush they apply, the fresher they will look. But if you overdo it a little, the young beauty, bursting with health, turns into a circus clown.

We already know how to choose blush for your color type. Let us remind you that in order to apply blush correctly, you need to smile, find the “apples” of your cheeks and blend the product from them to your temple.

9. Apply powder all over the face

The purpose of powder is to set makeup. It is recommended to apply it to the T-zone, since the skin is most susceptible to shine on the forehead, nose and chin.

But many girls cover their entire face with powder, and in a dense layer, and use a brush for this, rather than a puff, which is why they sometimes look like porcelain dolls.

10. Eyebrows drawn with black pencil

The fashion for eyebrows is changing dynamically: today sables are popular, tomorrow they will be thin again. But eyebrows drawn with a black pencil are always terrible. Always!

11. Applying eyeshadow to the entire eyelid

Some women just can’t come to terms with the fact that the 1980s have sunk into oblivion, and continue to paint their entire eyes - from eyelashes to eyebrows.

In modern makeup, colored shadows, as a rule, are applied only to the moving eyelid. The fixed eyelid under the eyebrow is highlighted with a highlighter. Applying shadows over the entire eyelid is only permissible for creative photo shoots, if the image requires it.

12. Eye shadows

It is a common misconception that the color of eye shadow should match the color of your eyes.

If a green-eyed brunette wears green eye makeup, her eyes will dim. You can highlight emerald eyes with burgundy and dark pink colors. For blue eyes Copper, plum and terracotta shades are great. Brown-eyed girls should try blue and purple eyeshadow.

13. Chic! Shine!

Shadows with shimmer, powder with reflective particles, pearl eyeliner - many representatives of the fairer sex have a passion for everything shiny.

But the use of cosmetics with glitter is only appropriate for evening and festive occasions. In everyday office makeup, it is better to stick to calm matte shades.

The right eyeliner highlights your eyes and makes them more expressive. The key word here is correct. For some reason, many girls line their eyes not only from above, but also along the entire contour. It doesn't look very good. Makeup artists call this eyeliner eyes in a black frame.

Eyeliner of the lower eyelid mucosa with a black liner visually narrows the eyes. If you want to line the lower eyelid, draw the space between the eyelashes (you can only outer corner eyes). Line the water line with kajal.

15. Undrawn lash edge

The oversight is minor, but can ruin the image. The fact is that painting eyelashes at the roots is quite difficult. As a result, a small gap remains between the eyelid and eyelashes, creating disharmony.

To avoid this, do not forget to color the eyelash edge using a liner or dark shadows.

16. Aggressive shooters

Some girls draw arrows so intensely that it seems as if there is nothing else on their face - just arrows. Need I say how cartoonish this looks?

If you go to work and not to nightclub, try to keep your arrows neat and moderate.

17. A ton of mascara

Women dream of long, thick eyelashes. In pursuit of their dream, they apply one layer of mascara after another. The eyelashes stick together to form “spider legs.” It looks terrible, and when it dries it also starts to crumble.

Carelessly glued false eyelashes also look ugly.

18. Disharmony of lip contour and lipstick

The contour pencil is designed to highlight the shape of the lips and fix the lipstick. But if it doesn't match the lipstick shade, the following happens.

Looks weird, doesn't it?

19. Spreading glitter

If the gloss rolls into a white stripe or spreads beyond the lips, then this may be a problem with the gloss. But before you throw the product in the trash, try applying a little less.

Stylists say that the fashion for lip glosses remained around 2004. Now they only put a drop of gloss in the center of the lips to create volume.

20. Matte lipstick on dry lips

Matte lipsticks, on the contrary, are trendy. But they should only be applied to perfectly smooth lips. Do this, exfoliate dead particles, moisturize your lips with balm and only then apply matte lipstick.

It takes 20 minutes to look like a goddess. But it takes three hours to look natural.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Some flaws in makeup are trivial and almost unnoticeable. Others immediately catch your eye and ruin the whole image. But it’s better not to do them at all. After all, a woman’s appearance is her calling card.