Diet 1 meal. Glutinous rice soup

The diet for gastrointestinal diseases is characterized by less strict adherence to the principles of gentle effects on the gastric mucosa compared to diets No. 1a, 1b.

Indications for dietary table No. 1

Diet No. 1 is prescribed for peptic ulcer stomach (stomach ulcer) and duodenum(during a fading exacerbation, with a mild exacerbation, during the period of recovery and remission), with acute gastritis during the recovery period, with chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretion, with chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency in the acute stage, as well as with diseases of the esophagus ( GERD, peptic esophagitis, esophagospasm, achalasia cardia, etc.).
For ulcers and gastritis with normal and increased secretion, the diet is applied for 3-5 months.

Goal of the diet table No. 1

The purpose of diet No. 1 is, first of all, to accelerate the healing of erosions, ulcers, and reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. The diet is aimed at normalizing gastric secretion and improving gastric and intestinal motility.

General characteristics of dietary table No. 1

Diet No. 1 fully satisfies a person’s physiological needs for energy and nutrients both in a hospital setting and in the case of outpatient treatment (subject to work not related to physical activity).

Dietary table No. 1 provides moderate protection of the stomach from mechanical, chemical and temperature irritation. A gentle regime is achieved by limiting dishes that have a strong effect on the walls and mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract. Excluded from the diet are dishes that stimulate secretion, difficult-to-digest foods, as well as dishes that chemically irritate the mucous membranes, very hot and very cold dishes. Food should be chewed thoroughly.

Diet No. 1 provides for fractional meals 5-6 times a day, in small portions. The break between meals should not exceed 4 hours. Eating stops 1-1.5 hours before bedtime; a glass of milk or low-fat cream is allowed before bedtime.

Most dishes dietary table No. 1 liquid, mashed, pureed, mushy. It is allowed to eat fish and soft meat in whole pieces. Method of preparation: boiling or steaming. Baking without crust is allowed.

Reduce the consumption of foods rich in fiber: legumes, white cabbage, some root vegetables (turnips, radishes, radishes), unripe berries, hard fruits and fruits with rough skin, wholemeal bread. Meat cartilage, poultry and fish skin, and meat skin are excluded.

Chemical composition and energy value of dietary table No. 1

Proteins: 85-90 g (at least 50% animal proteins).
Fats: 70-80 g (at least 30% vegetable fats).
Carbohydrates: 300-330 g (no more than 40 g of simple carbohydrates).
Daily calorie content: 2,200-2,400 kcal.
Free liquid: 1.5-2 l.
Table salt: 6-8 years
Vitamins: retinol (A) 2 mg, riboflavin (B2) 4 mg, thiamine (B1) 4 mg, nicotinic acid (B3) 30 mg.
Macronutrients: calcium 0.8 g, magnesium 0.5 g, phosphorus 1.6 g.
Microelements: iron 15 mg.
Optimal food temperature: from 15 to 62 degrees Celsius.

Bread: from premium wheat flour, dried or yesterday, dry biscuits and cookies, savory buns, baked pies with cottage cheese, jam, apples, boiled meat.
Soups: milk soups, pureed cereal soups in vegetable broth, noodle soup in weak chicken broth, vegetable puree soups, cream soup. Season soups butter or egg-milk mixture.
Meat dishes: boiled or steamed beef, veal, lean lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Preferred are steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes, meatballs, dumplings, meatballs, soufflé. Beef stroganoff made from boiled meat, boiled tongue, and boiled soft meat in pieces are allowed.
Fish dishes: boiled low-fat fish in pieces or in the form of cutlets, soufflés, etc.
Side dishes: boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, occasionally green peas), boiled pasta, semi-viscous or mashed rice, buckwheat.
Porridge: semolina, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal in water or milk, semi-viscous or pureed; cereal puddings, milk soufflé.
Dairy products: milk, cream, curdled milk, non-acidic acidophilus, kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese; milk soufflés, dumplings, puddings, steamed or baked cheesecakes, occasionally sliced ​​mild cheese.
Eggs: soft-boiled or steam omelet (no more than 2 eggs per day).
Snacks: salads of boiled vegetables, tongue, doctor's sausage, jellied fish, liver pate, soaked low-fat herring.
Sauces: bechamel without sautéing flour, sour cream, jelly, fruit sauces.
Sweet dishes: jelly, puree, fruit and berry jelly, pureed compote, honey, marshmallows, pastille, meringue, butter cream, preserves, non-sour jams.
Drinks: weak tea (can be with milk), weak cocoa, weak coffee with milk, sweet compotes, rose hip decoction, sweet juices.
Fats: unsalted butter, ghee, refined vegetable oil.

Excluded foods and dishes of the diet table No. 1

Foods that cause pain, stimulate secretion, or irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract should be excluded from the diet.
Namely: pickles, smoked foods, canned food, marinades, seasonings, sauces, carbonated drinks (including kvass). Also exclude strong tea and coffee, strong meat and fish broths, fried and stewed dishes, mushrooms, fresh bread, rye bread, butter dough, sour dairy products, sharp cheeses, coarse cereals (millet, corn, barley and pearl barley), sorrel, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes, white cabbage, spinach, turnips, radishes, radishes, sour fruits and berries.

Sample diet menu No. 1

First breakfast: oat milk porridge, dumplings with sour cream, compote.
Lunch: baked apples with sugar.
Dinner: milk noodles, turkey meatballs with cauliflower, tea.
Afternoon snack: dry biscuit, jelly.
Dinner: boiled fish with mashed potatoes, tea with milk.
For the night: cream.

Diet table options No. 1

Dietary table No. 1A, dietary table No. 1B, dietary table No. 1P (extended).

Diet number 1 is prescribed to patients suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers. This diet allows you to reduce pain, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the healing of ulcers and reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of both the intestines and stomach.

To achieve best result You should completely adhere to the list of permitted products.

Basic rules of diet No. 1

In order to reduce discomfort in the stomach and intestines, you should not only take antibiotics and potent medications, but also follow a diet. The first dietary table is, first of all, a list of permitted/prohibited foods.

So what's included?

Authorized Products

It is allowed in this diet, but only dried. Dry biscuits, shortbread cookies, and baked pies are also acceptable.

They are permissible only in vegetable broths (clean the vegetables, boil the cereals and pasta in the soup to the maximum).

Boiled or steamed. Veal and white poultry meat are acceptable.

Only in boiled form and exclusively light varieties (cutlets, soufflé).

    • Side dishes

Boiled vegetables, pasta (do not overuse), buckwheat, rice are preferable.

Almost all species are allowed, provided they are on the water. Salt/sugar – to a minimum.

    • Milk, cream, light kefir, cottage cheese (low-fat), yogurt, cheese (with minimal salt content)

Soft-boiled, steam omelette.

    • Snacks

Salads (boiled vegetables), beef tongue, aspic, herring (soaked in milk), liver pate.

    • Sweet dishes

Compote, slightly dried marshmallows, meringue, jam and jelly, puree (fruit) with jelly.

    • Drinks

Cocoa and milk, tea, freshly squeezed juices, rose hip and jelly decoction, compotes.

What foods are contraindicated on diet 1?

Prohibited products:

  • Strong tea/coffee, all soda. All alcoholic drinks are also prohibited.
  • Strong/fatty fish/meat broths.
  • Cereals. It is forbidden to eat coarse cereals (millet, pearl barley, corn and barley).
  • Bread. You cannot eat fresh bread or any fresh baked goods during your diet. All cakes, pies and other baked goods should be postponed until better times.
  • Vegetables. Onions, cucumbers, cabbage, spinach with turnips, tomatoes, radishes, and radishes are strictly prohibited.
  • Dairy products. Sour kefir, fatty cottage cheese and high-fat milk, and sharp cheeses are prohibited.
  • Mushrooms. Mushrooms are prohibited in any form.

How to create a menu for the week?

When creating a menu, you should use the above lists of products. So, how to properly create a menu for table No. 1 for the week?

Monday :

Breakfast 1st. Meat balls, potatoes (mashed), tea (with milk).
Breakfast 2nd. Milk or jelly.
Dinner. Milk soup (rice), casserole (potatoes), compote.
Afternoon snack. Rose hip decoction.
Dinner. Soufflé (cottage cheese), buckwheat, jelly.
For the night. Milk.

Tuesday :

1st breakfast. Cottage cheese, semolina (can be made with milk), tea with milk.
2nd breakfast. Baked unsweetened apple, milk.
Dinner. Milk soup (barley), meat cutlets, mashed potatoes (), jelly for dessert.
Afternoon snack. Rose hip decoction, toast.
Dinner. Pudding (rice), egg, milk jelly.

Wednesday :

1st breakfast. Buckwheat, egg and unsweetened tea.
2nd breakfast. Baked apple, milk.
Dinner. Soup (vegetable broth, vegetables), pudding (rice, meat), apple jelly.
Afternoon snack. Rose hip decoction.
Dinner. Krupenik (cottage cheese, buckwheat), milk.

Thursday :

1st breakfast. Cottage cheese (soufflé), rice porridge, tea.
2nd breakfast. Kissel.
Dinner. Rice milk soup, steamed meat cutlets, puree (carrots), compote.
Afternoon snack. Compote.
Dinner. Milk.

Friday :

1st breakfast
. Tongue aspic, puree (carrots), weak coffee with milk.
2nd breakfast. Compote.
Dinner. Milk soup (oatmeal); fish balls; mashed potatoes (potatoes).
Afternoon snack. Toast, jelly.
Dinner. For dinner you can cook steamed chicken cutlets, puree (carrots) and compote.

Saturday :

1st breakfast. Steamed fish cutlets, mashed potatoes (potatoes), milk.
2nd breakfast. Baked apple, tea with milk.
Dinner. Milk soup, vermicelli and compote.
Afternoon snack. Kissel and 2 toasts.
Dinner. Meat balls (steamed), milk jelly.
For the night- kefir.

Sunday :

1st breakfast. Oatmeal steamed with boiling water, tea.
2nd breakfast. Milk.
Dinner. Vegetable soup(potatoes, croutons), milk jelly.
Afternoon snack. Milk.
Dinner. Better to cook for dinner meatloaf with rice or potatoes. You can also drink jelly.

When is surgical diet #1 prescribed?

After operations on the gastrointestinal tract This diet is used with extreme care and precision.

You cannot eat foods that are not on the list of permitted foods.

Dietary table No. 1 implies a transition to liquid nutrition, while excluding solid foods that lead to injury to the gastrointestinal tract.

This diet helps prevent bloating, painful sensations in the stomach and allows the body to get the amount of calories it needs.

Diet No. 1 and its varieties

Table No. 1 is prescribed during the patient’s recovery or during mild exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system. Therapeutic nutrition helps reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, relieves pain, normalizes the digestive organs, and helps in the process of healing ulcers.

There are two types of diet - tables 1a and 1b.

Diet 1 table 1a. Nutrition is prescribed in the first 6-8 days of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, during attacks of acute (for 2-3 days) or exacerbation of chronic gastritis (for 4-5 days) with duodenitis. Nutrition according to diet table 1a according to Pevzner is useful for patients with burns of the esophagus. The energy value of the diet for dietary table 1a is 1850 kcal per day. Dishes have a liquid or pureed consistency. Products are steamed or boiled. Meals 6-7 times a day, subject to bed rest.

Table 1b. After completing meals on table 1a, table 1b is introduced. Nutrition is prescribed at the stage of recovery or attenuation of acute manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases. The calorie content of the dishes increases to 2600 kcal, you need to eat 5-6 times a day. The list of allowed dishes is slightly wider than in diet number 1a, but the methods of preparing food remain the same - steaming and cooking. Dishes are consumed warm, in liquid and puree form. It is necessary to adhere to the diet for 8-12 days in semi-bed rest, then the patient is transferred to treatment table 1 main.

After surgery and with gastrointestinal cancer, patients after 3-4 days of diet No. 0a are prescribed surgical diet 1. In this case, patients need to consume weak broths, pureed soups with cereals, steamed fish or meat souffle.

Indications for prescribing treatment table No. 1

Medical diet number 1 is prescribed for:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis with normal or increased acidity;
  • acute gastritis in the recovery stage;
  • with gastroduodenitis;
  • infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in the absence of diarrhea);
  • diaphragmatic hiatal hernia;
  • the indication for the appointment of table No. 1 is gastrointestinal oncology.

The main symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases: pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, belching, loss of appetite. The appearance of one or more symptoms is a reason mandatory visit doctor

Diet goal No. 1 according to Pevzner

Patients adhering to therapeutic diet table 1 (1a, 1b or surgical table 1), quickly feel relief, since the diet is aimed at reducing the load on the digestive organs and reducing the irritating effect on the inflamed walls of the stomach and intestines.

General characteristics of table No. 1

Main characteristics of table one:

  • limiting foods that increase acidity and irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prohibition on eating indigestible foods;
  • food is prepared by boiling, steaming, then grinding;
  • sometimes the doctor may allow you to eat baked goods ( rich pastries prohibited) and baked products;
  • when the patient’s condition improves, the patient is allowed to eat unpureeed dishes, meat and fish, cut into small pieces;
  • It is forbidden to eat too hot or cold foods;
  • limited use salt;
  • meals 5-6-7 times a day;
  • portions are moderate;
  • drinking regime- 1.6 liters of water per day.

Table 1 diet should consist of foods with a common energy value: proteins - 90-100 g, fats - 100 g, carbohydrates - 400 g, calorie content - 1850-3000 kcal per day

Diet products and dishes

The menu for diet number 1 should consist only of permitted foods and dishes.

Table of what you can and cannot eat:

Product category Can It is forbidden
Vegetables and greens Zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin Legumes, rutabaga, fresh and pickled cabbage.

Green and onions, fresh and canned cucumbers.

White radish, turnips, canned tomatoes.

Horseradish, spinach, sorrel, mushrooms

Fruits Apricots, watermelon, bananas, melon, nectarines, peaches and apples Sour fruits
Berries Strawberry, raspberry Sour berries
Cereals Buckwheat (kernels), semolina, oatmeal, white rice Corn, pearl barley, millet, barley cereals
Bakery products Crackers white bread Any fresh bread
Confectionery, sweets Jam, jelly, dried marshmallows, meringue.

Pastila, Maria cookies, dry biscuits.

Baked pies, fruit puree or jelly

Candies, ice cream, cakes
Raw materials and seasonings Honey, sugar, milk sauce Mustard, ginger, ketchup, mayonnaise.

Ground black pepper, chili pepper

Dairy products Low-fat milk, kefir, cream, sour cream.

Yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese, condensed milk

High fat dairy products
Meat and poultry Meat without skin and tendons.

Boiled beef, beef liver, boiled beef tongue.

Boiled veal, rabbit, boiled white poultry meat (chicken, turkey).

Sausage “Doctorskaya”, “Dietary”, “Milk”

Pork, ham, smoked chicken, duck, goose, smoked sausage, sardels, sausages
Eggs Chicken Hard-boiled eggs, fried
Fish and seafood Low-fat fish, herring soaked in milk, black caviar, granular salmon caviar Oily fish, smoked and dried fish, canned fish
Oil and fat Butter and ghee Animal and cooking fats
Drinks Mineral water, coffee or black tea with milk and sugar.

Apricot, carrot, pumpkin juice.

Compote, rosehip decoction

Bread kvass and carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee, alcohol

The menu for each day can be composed of the following dishes:

  • from meat and fish: steamed meatballs, meatballs, cutlets, soufflé, aspic, liver pate;
  • from vegetables: mashed potatoes, pudding, salad from boiled vegetables;
  • from cereals: low-viscosity or mashed porridges in water;
  • from eggs: steamed omelet;
  • from fruits and berries: compote, jelly, puree, jelly, juice, mousse;
  • soups: with vegetable broth (mash vegetables, boil pasta or cereals thoroughly), milk soup.

Nutritionist advice. In case of high acidity, protein and fatty foods have especially good antacid properties. Fats suppress gastric secretion, especially when taken on an empty stomach, and contribute to the slow evacuation of food from the stomach cavity. In this case, fats must be of natural origin and not subjected to heat treatment.

In case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer, it is recommended to add cream to tea, coffee, puree, and porridge. Egg omelet, oat milk jelly, and a decoction of flax seeds with the addition of cream or milk have good antacid properties. You can recommend the use of sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil, fish oil, granulated lecithin. The use of these fats should be within the limits of fat requirements. They must be of high quality.

If gastric secretion is reduced, it is recommended to wash down dishes with a small amount of diluted lemon juice during meals, and use herbs and herbs when preparing dishes. The diet of patients includes dishes made from foods rich in vitamins A, E and iron - dishes from chicken, veal liver, cod liver, caviar, chicken and quail eggs. As well as fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids and vitamin E:

  • sea ​​buckthorn fruits, pumpkin, red carrots, spinach, wild garlic;
  • sorrel, lettuce, parsley root and greens, red and green sweet pepper;
  • apricots, tomatoes, apples, black currants;
  • chokeberry, persimmon, tangerines, green peas.

Sample daily menu

A well-designed diet menu for 1 week promotes faster recovery.

Recipes for some diet dishes No. 1

Nutrition during the diet table 1 according to Pevzner should be varied and nutritious (but not high in calories).

Cream soup with rice flour, zucchini and carrots.


  • rice flour - 50 g;
  • zucchini - 200 g;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • half an egg;
  • milk - 150 g;
  • butter;
  • salt.

Preparation. Cut peeled carrots and zucchini into small pieces. Boil in water. Rub through a sieve. Mix the puree with rice flour. Add water. Separately, beat the egg with milk and add to the soup. Season with oil and salt. Bring to a boil.

Steam chicken cutlets with dill.


  • chicken fillet- 500 g;
  • white bread - 150 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • dill.

Preparation. Grind chicken fillet in a meat grinder. Add bread crumb softened in milk, melted butter, finely chopped dill, and salt. Mix. Add salt. Form cutlets. Place in a steamer. Cook for 10-12 minutes. Pour melted butter over the finished cutlets.

Carrot soufflé with cottage cheese and honey.


  • carrots - 500 g;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • milk - 150 g;
  • sugar - 1 dessert spoon;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • butter;

Preparation. Cut the peeled carrots into slices. Boil in milk until full readiness and rub through a sieve along with the cottage cheese. Separate the yolk from the white. Add sugar, yolk and semolina to the carrots. Beat the egg whites. Stir the mixture and gradually add the whipped egg white. Prepare a container for steaming. Grease the bottom with oil. Place the mixture into a container. Steam until done. Serve with honey.

Diet No. 1 for children

Gastritis in children is quite common. With this disease, it is important to organize for the child proper nutrition(table No. 1).

The list of products and methods of preparing dishes do not differ from the adult menu. Meals are prescribed five times a day at regular intervals. Dishes are served only fresh.

The absence of fiber products in the menu and a reduction in portion sizes lead to rapid relief of the condition.

The way out of diet No. 1 involves “zigzag” nutrition. It is necessary to expand the child’s diet for a short time, and then switch back to table No. 1. This regime trains and prepares the body for normal nutrition.

Pros and cons of the diet, reviews about it

Benefits of diet number 1:

  • nutritious nutrition that you can stick to long time;
  • gentle nutrition, which relieves stress on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane, pain are eliminated, ulcers heal.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • cooking takes time and requires some skills;
  • Diets are difficult to adhere to at work, during travel and business trips;
  • You quickly get bored with monotonous dishes.

Table 1 of the medical diet according to Pevzner is a gentle diet that is prescribed to patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers at the subsiding stage. It should be followed from 6 months to 1 year after the attack, and preparation dietary dishes should be gentle.

The basis of the diet for gastritis, table 1, is to ease the work of the stomach by taking gentle foods, providing adequate nutrition and a balanced diet.

It is important that the dishes are steamed or boiled. You cannot eat foods that are not on the list of permitted foods. Fried, spicy foods are excluded during the 1 table diet.

Dietary table No. 1 involves switching to liquid nutrition, while excluding solid foods, which lead to injury to the gastrointestinal tract. This diet helps prevent bloating, stomach pain, and allows your body to get the calories it needs.

Chemical composition of diet No. 1

Diet table 1 is balanced in the content of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nutrients.

  • Proteins 100 g (60% animal origin, 40% plant origin);
  • Fats up to 100 g (20-30% vegetable, 70-80% animal origin);
  • Carbohydrates 400-450 g;
  • Salt 12 g;
  • Liquid 1.5-2 l.

Daily norm diet No. 1: 2900-3100 kcal.

Diet: 5-6 times a day.

Varieties of diet No. 1

Table 1a. In this case, the gastrointestinal mucosa is protected, which allows erosions and ulcers to heal faster. Diet No. 1a is recommended in the first week in case of severe exacerbation of ulcers or acute gastritis. Should be consumed every 3 hours, for example, porridge with milk, soup, steamed omelettes, jelly. And at night a glass of warm milk.

Table 1b. After the first week of diet No. 1a, diet No. 1b is prescribed. This is done in case of remission of a stomach ulcer. The essence of this subspecies: additionally dried white bread, pureed vegetable soup, fish cutlets or natural lean meat are added. Dishes are prepared pureed.

Table 1. This type of diet comes into force in the event of complete disappearance of peptic ulcers. This system food means unprocessed dishes.

Basic diet rules Table No. 1

Therapeutic diet No. 1 according to Pevzner is a diet recommended for patients in the process of recovery after acute pathologies of the pancreas, stomach, and in the postoperative period.

Diet Table 1 significantly reduces the impact of food on the walls of the stomach, normalizes the functions and functioning of the digestive organs, and promotes rapid scarring of ulcers.

The menu provides for a reduction in mechanical, chemical and thermal stress on the gastrointestinal tract. This diet helps to activate the processes of regeneration and healing of existing ulcers and erosions, reduce acute inflammatory processes and normalize the secretory-motor function of the stomach.

Basic principles of diet Table 1:

  1. Energy value of the daily diet: 2500–3000 kcal;
  2. The average daily intake of proteins is 90–100 g, carbohydrates – 400 g, fats – 100 g;
  3. Meals should be fractional: you should eat 5 or 6 times a day in portions small size. The total weight of products during one meal should not exceed 350 g;
  4. The last meal is 3 hours before bedtime;
  5. Ensuring mechanical sparing of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs: most dishes are represented by products pureed to a puree state;
  6. Thermal sparing of the gastrointestinal tract: dishes are consumed warm. Hot and cold foods are excluded as part of diet No. 1;
  7. You should not eat spicy, salty (the amount of salt in 1 day is up to 10 g), bitter foods that irritate the mucous epithelium of the stomach and intestines, enhancing the secretory activity of the digestive glands, including the pancreas;
  8. The use of permitted methods of temperature processing of products: boiling, steam cooking, baking in the oven without crust, stewing;
  9. Drinking enough liquid: 1.5-2 liters when converted to clean water.

The diet within the framework of diet No. 1 allows you to normalize secretory, motor gastrointestinal activity, motility of the gallbladder and its ducts, as well as the excretory ducts of the pancreas.

In addition, diet No. 1 of the table protects the epithelium of the digestive tract from further damage, promotes rapid healing of erosive and ulcerative defects of the gastrointestinal epithelium, and reduces inflammation.

Indications for prescribing treatment table No. 1

Medical diet number 1 is prescribed for:

  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Exacerbation of chronic gastritis with normal or high acidity;
  • Acute gastritis in the recovery stage;
  • With gastroduodenitis;
  • Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in the absence of diarrhea);
  • Diaphragmatic hiatal hernia;
  • The indication for the appointment of table No. 1 is gastrointestinal oncology.

The main symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases: pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, belching, loss of appetite. The appearance of one or more symptoms is a reason to visit a doctor. Diet table 1 is designed to provide peace to the gastric mucosa and the possibility of its speedy recovery.

Diet table 1: what you can and cannot eat (table)

Diet 1 table - food table

What can you eatWhat not to eat
Side dishes: boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, occasionally green peas), boiled pasta, semi-viscous or pureed rice, buckwheat;Meat and fish broths, okroshka, borscht, mushroom and vegetable strong decoctions;
Fats: unsalted butter, ghee, refined vegetable oil;Legumes;
Appetizers: salads from boiled vegetables, tongue, doctor's sausage, jellied fish, liver pate, soaked low-fat herring;Mushrooms;
Porridges: semolina, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal with water or milk, semi-viscous or pureed; cereal puddings, milk soufflé;Fried and boiled eggs;
Dairy products: milk, cream, yogurt, non-acidic acidophilus, kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese; milk soufflés, dumplings, puddings, steamed or baked cheesecakes, occasionally sliced ​​mild cheese;Porridge from millet, pearl barley, corn;
Meat dishes: boiled or steamed beef, veal, lean lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Preferred are steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes, meatballs, dumplings, meatballs, soufflé. Beef stroganoff made from boiled meat is allowed;Canned food;
Drinks: weak tea (can be with milk), weak cocoa, weak coffee with milk, sweet compotes, rose hip decoction, sweet juices;Smoked meats;
Fish dishes: boiled low-fat fish in pieces or in the form of cutlets, soufflés, etc.;Any fresh and rye bread, bakery pastries and puff pastries;
Sauces: bechamel without sautéing flour, sour cream, jelly, fruit sauces;Pickled, salted, pickled vegetables, canned vegetable snacks;
Sweet dishes: jelly, puree, fruit and berry jelly, pureed compote, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, meringue, butter cream, preserves, non-sour jams;Dairy products are spicy, highly acidic, salty;
Soups: milk soups, pureed cereals in vegetable broth, noodle soup in weak chicken broth, cream soup. Season soups with butter or egg-milk mixture;Ice cream, chocolate, fruits and berries are not ripe enough, sour, rich in fiber;
Bread: from premium wheat flour, dried or yesterday, dry biscuits and cookies, savory buns, baked pies with cottage cheese, jam, apples, boiled meat;Duck, goose, fatty or stringy meats;
Eggs: soft-boiled or steamed omelet (no more than 2 eggs per day).Turnips, radishes, sorrel, onions, white cabbage, rutabaga, spinach;
Salty, fatty fish;
Horseradish, pepper, fish, meat, tomato, mushroom sauces and mustard;
Black coffee, kvass, carbonated drinks.

The specified list of products is formed taking into account their effect on the gastric mucosa. Food can provoke pain in patients with acute and chronic gastritis and ulcers. Accordingly, diet number one relieves patients from discomfort by supplying the body necessary list nutrients.

Even a strict diet table 1 does not prohibit the use of small amounts of refined vegetable oil, as well as cow oil. But poultry and pork fat, margarine are unacceptable products.

Menu for one day (products must be chopped)

  1. 1st breakfast: pureed rice porridge with milk, egg. We drink black tea with added milk;
  2. 2nd breakfast: apple baked with sugar;
  3. Lunch: pureed oatmeal soup with milk, steamed meatballs, mousse, carrot puree;
  4. Afternoon snack: crackers and rosehip decoction;
  5. Dinner: vegetable puree, baked or boiled fish, a cup of tea (black) with milk;
  6. Before going to bed, drink a glass of milk.

Menu for one day (without chopping food)

  1. 1st breakfast: egg, crumbly buckwheat, black tea with milk;
  2. 2nd breakfast: decoction of rose hips, fresh non-acidic cottage cheese;
  3. Lunch: vegetarian soup with potatoes, boiled or baked meat, boiled carrots. We drink compote made from dried fruits;
  4. Afternoon snack: wheat bran, boiled with sugar and breadcrumbs;
  5. Dinner: baked or boiled fish with sauce, apple and carrot puree, black tea with milk;
  6. Before going to bed, drink a glass of milk or cream.

Table 1 diet: menu for the week


  1. Rice porridge, milk tea and cheese;
  2. Oven-baked apple stuffed with strawberries;
  3. Steamed fish cakes and potato casserole, pear compote;
  4. Compote with ground fruits;
  5. Cottage cheese and berry pudding, steamed omelette, rosehip infusion;
  6. Warmed milk.


  1. Boiled vermicelli, baked with grated cheese and sour cream, milk;
  2. Peach and carrot puree;
  3. Puree cabbage soup, a little beef, strawberry juice;
  4. Strawberry jelly;
  5. Carrot-apple roll, buckwheat soup, peach juice;
  6. Cream with softened dried apricots.

Adhere to the daily norm of proteins - 100 g, carbohydrates - 400 g, fats - 90 g, of which 30% are vegetable fats.


  1. Rice porridge with honey and prunes, mashed boiled egg, curdled milk;
  2. Peach and apple puree;
  3. Vegetable soup with croutons, boiled carrot salad with banana, tea;
  4. Soft marshmallows with milk;
  5. Mashed potatoes diluted with milk, steamed fish with milk sauce, a glass of kefir;
  6. Warm milk with honey.


  1. Semolina pudding, pumpkin porridge, glass of milk;
  2. Banana-apple puree;
  3. Steamed chicken fillet with apples, milk rice soup, compote;
  4. Melon puree;
  5. Mashed boiled beetroot and carrot salad, mashed potatoes, apricot juice;
  6. Cream with grated peach.


  1. Cheesecake, oatmeal, glass of milk;
  2. Wheat crackers, chamomile tea;
  3. Buckwheat cutlets, liver pate, green tea;
  4. Kissel made from milk;
  5. Rice soup, carrot-cheese salad, yogurt;
  6. Warmed milk.


  1. Banana milkshake with muesli, carrot steam omelette;
  2. Berry and cottage cheese puree;
  3. Boiled chicken, potato soup, carrot juice;
  4. Apple jelly;
  5. Glutinous rice soup fruit salad with kefir, berry juice;
  6. Cream.


  1. Buckwheat porridge, bread with cheese, herbal tea;
  2. Boiled vegetables with cottage cheese;
  3. Beef meatballs, oatmeal soup, carrot juice;
  4. Kissel from any fruit, manna;
  5. Grated meat salad, boiled vermicelli with grated cheese in milk sauce, yogurt;
  6. Tea with milk.

Attention! It is necessary to adhere to fractional meals, i.e. eat about 6 times a day. The daily norm of liquids is 1.5-2 liters.

Therapeutic diet table 1 for children

Diet table number one can be prescribed by specialists as a therapeutic nutrition system for some childhood gastrointestinal diseases. The list of restrictions and recommendations regarding cooking methods are the same as in dietary table No. 1 for adults, but for children the pureed version of the menu is almost always recommended.

Diet 1 table: menu for the week with recipes

It’s best to keep a weekly menu with recipes on hand. The daily diet should be approximately two and a half to three kilograms. If you translate this into calories, you get 2500 - 3000 kcal. per day.

What else should you consider? The daily intake of proteins should be 100 g, fats - about 90 g (and 25 g should be vegetable fats), and carbohydrates - from 300 to 400 g.

Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid. Since the diet in question, table 1, is aimed at eating food that does not irritate the gastric mucosa, most often these will be pureed dishes.

But the menu will consist of more than just them. It is permissible to eat ordinary dishes that are not ground to a pulp. However, in the acute stage of the disease they will have to be abandoned.

First courses

Vegetable soup with beets


  • Beets - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill greens - a bunch;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the beets whole in their skins;
  2. While the beets are cooking, peel and chop onions, potatoes, carrots;
  3. Grate the carrots;
  4. Pour water into a saucepan, place the chopped vegetables in it, and put on fire;
  5. Cool the beets, remove the peel, grate them, place them in the pan;
  6. Before turning off the soup, add salt and dill. Serve with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Sticky rice soup


  • Rice - 50 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Butter - 15 g;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the rice until tender, drain the water into a separate pan;
  2. Add 3 tbsp to the broth remaining after cooking the rice. l. boiled cereal and put on low heat;
  3. Mix raw egg and milk until smooth and pour into broth;
  4. Cook for 4-5 minutes. Bon appetit!

Cream soup with potatoes and turkey meat


  • Turkey fillet - 200 g;
  • Potatoes - 100 g;
  • Carrots - 60 g;
  • Turkey broth is not strong - 4 tbsp;
  • Milk - 1/2 cup;
  • Rice flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the prepared meat, let the broth cool;
  2. Pass the fillet through a meat grinder twice;
  3. Boil vegetables;
  4. Sauté dry flour until golden brown, let cool, pour in broth. Strain this mixture through cheesecloth, bring to a boil, add salt;
  5. Grind potatoes and carrots, mix with meat, add broth with flour, add milk;
  6. Cook everything for 7-10 minutes over low heat. Add a piece of butter. Bon appetit!

Milk soup with semolina dumplings


  1. Semolina - 25 g;
  2. Milk - 250 ml;
  3. Egg - 1/4;
  4. Butter - 1 tsp;
  5. Sugar - 1 tsp;
  6. Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring 100 ml to a boil. water, add semolina and, stirring continuously, cook for 10 minutes, then cool;
  2. Add the egg to the cooled semolina. Mix well;
  3. Drop the dumplings into boiling water from the prepared semolina mixture with a teaspoon, bring to a boil, then add hot milk, sugar and salt;
  4. The soup is ready. Add butter before serving on a plate. Bon appetit!

Rice broth soup


  • Rice flour - 50 g;
  • Zucchini - 150 g;
  • Carrots - 100 g;
  • Skim milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the pre-peeled vegetables, pour the broth into a saucepan;
  2. Puree the carrots and zucchini and add to the broth;
  3. Add rice flour;
  4. Whip the milk with raw egg and add to the rest of the ingredients;
  5. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Bon appetit!

Cauliflower soup


  • Cauliflower - 1 head;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Wheat crackers - 30 g;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the cauliflower into inflorescences, peel the onion and carrots and chop into pieces;
  2. Boil vegetables until tender;
  3. Add milk to the pan and cook for another 10 minutes;
  4. Remove the container from the heat, beat the soup with a blender or puree;
  5. Before serving, add wheat bread croutons. Bon appetit!

Meat and fish dishes

Meat and fish at dietary nutrition on the first table they are steamed, baked without oil or boiled. Here are a few recipes for meat and fish dishes that will help you diversify your menu. Diet table 1 helps relieve pain, discomfort, and normalize digestion.

Grated chicken fillet with vegetables in a slow cooker


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Cauliflower - 300 g;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetables, cut into cubes, throw into the slow cooker along with the cabbage;
  2. Prepare the meat, cut into pieces, add salt, and add to the vegetables;
  3. Pour water over the food and switch to stewing mode;
  4. After 1.5 hours, when the dish is ready, let it cool;
  5. Grind all products in a blender;
  6. Minced meat can be added to a side dish, or eaten as a separate dish. Bon appetit!

Fish quenelles


  • Fillet of any lean fish - 500 g;
  • White bread pulp - 250 g;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the fillet through a meat grinder;
  2. Add the egg and white bread pulp soaked in water;
  3. Knead the minced meat to a homogeneous consistency;
  4. Form dumplings (they can be stored in the freezer);
  5. Steam the quenelles for 20 minutes or boil in lightly salted water. Bon appetit!

Meat and chicken liver pate


  • Rabbit meat or veal - 500 g;
  • Chicken liver - 200 g;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • White bread pulp - 150 g;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Skim milk - 75 ml;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat until done and chicken liver, as well as carrots;
  2. Soak the bread in milk and add to the rest of the ingredients, after draining the water;
  3. Beat with a blender until smooth;
  4. Add an egg to the minced meat;
  5. Place the minced meat in an even layer on a large plate or cutting board and form it into a roll;
  6. Bake the roll in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 10 degrees. Bon appetit!

Second courses

Side dishes for this type of diet are prepared from cereals and vegetables. It is allowed to eat pasta made from durum wheat. After cooking, they are thoroughly washed with water and no butter is added. Vegetables, as well as pasta, can be baked without oil with meat or other permitted products.

The following dishes are original and tasty side dishes for diet table No. 1.

Potato and carrot puree


  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Skim milk - 200 ml;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetables and chop into medium-sized pieces;
  2. Add water and cook over medium heat until tender;
  3. Drain the water, puree the vegetables or chop them using a blender;
  4. Heat the milk and add it to the vegetables along with the melted butter;
  5. Stir until smooth. Bon appetit!

Beetroot and chicken breast salad


  • Beetroot - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Chicken breast - 150 g;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill - a bunch;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil vegetables and meat;
  2. Grate the beets, cut the potatoes into cubes, finely chop the breast;
  3. Chop the onion and pour boiling water for 5 minutes to remove the bitterness;
  4. Mix vegetables with breast, season with sour cream, sprinkle with dill on top. Bon appetit!

Zucchini stuffed with rice and vegetables

This dish is most relevant in the summer season with the “Table No. 1” diet. Weekly menus with recipes often include zucchini because they are easy on the stomach.


  • Zucchini - 250 g;
  • Rice - 1 tsp;
  • Carrots - 75 g;
  • Sour cream - 20 ml;
  • Butter - 5 g;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the zucchini, peel off the skin, remove the core, divide into 2-3 parts, boil until half cooked;
  2. Wash, peel and finely chop the carrots. Then boil until tender and add butter;
  3. Rinse the rice well in warm water and boil;
  4. Mix the prepared rice and carrots, stuff the resulting minced meat into the zucchini;
  5. Then place them on a baking sheet greased with butter, pour sour cream on them and bake in the oven until cooked. Bon appetit!

Vegetables with cheese in a pot


  • Pumpkin - 500 g;
  • Zucchini - 500 g;
  • Potatoes - 300 g;
  • Cheese cheese - 200 g;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetables and cut into large cubes;
  2. Grind the cheese as well;
  3. Place in a clay pot in the following layers in the following order: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, feta cheese. Add butter on top;
  4. Cover the pots with foil and place in a preheated oven for 50 minutes;
  5. Turn off the oven and leave the pots to simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Bon appetit!

Therapeutic diet Table 1 - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

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1) peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during the recovery period after a sharp exacerbation and with a mild exacerbation;
2) mild exacerbation of chronic gastritis with preserved or increased secretion;
3) acute gastritis during the recovery period.

When a peptic ulcer is combined with other diseases of the digestive system, variants of diet No. 1 are used. Diet No. 1 without mechanical sparing - “unprocessed” diet No. 1 - is used at the last stage of treatment for an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer and in cases of low-symptom, sluggish course. By chemical composition and the food set, this diet corresponds to pureed diet No. 1. Foods and dishes that strongly stimulate gastric secretion are excluded. Food is prepared boiled, but not pureed: meat and fish in pieces, crumbly porridge, vegetables and fruits not pureed.

Diet Goal #1:

moderate chemical, mechanical and thermal sparing of the gastrointestinal tract with adequate nutrition, reducing inflammation, improving the healing of ulcers, normalizing the secretory and motor functions of the stomach.

General characteristics of dietary table No. 1:
In terms of calories, protein, fat and carbohydrate content, it is a physiologically complete diet. Strong stimulants of gastric secretion, irritants of its mucous membrane, the portion that lingers in the stomach and difficult to digest foods and dishes are limited. Food is prepared mainly pureed, boiled in water or steamed. Some dishes are baked without a crust. Fish and non-rough meats are allowed in pieces. Table salt is moderately limited. Very cold and hot dishes are excluded.

Chemical composition and calorie content of diet No. 1:
carbohydrates - 400-420 g;
proteins - 90-100 g (60% animals),
fats - 100 g (30% vegetable),
calories - 2800-3000 kcal;
sodium chloride (salt) 10-12 g,
free liquid - 1.5 l.

Diet No. 1:

5-6 times a day. Before bed: milk, cream.

Recommended and excluded foods and dishes:
From permitted pureed vegetables in carrot and potato broth, milk soups from pureed or well-cooked cereals (rolled oats, semolina, rice, etc.), vermicelli with the addition of pureed vegetables, milk pureed soups from vegetables: pureed soup from pre-cooked chicken or meat, from pureed sweet berries with semolina. Flour for soups is only dried. Soups are seasoned with butter, egg-milk mixture, and cream.
Excludes: meat and fish broths, mushroom and strong vegetable broths, cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka;

bread and flour products
Wheat bread made from premium and 1st grade flour, yesterday baked or dried; dry biscuit, dry biscuits, 1-2 times a week well-baked savory buns, baked pies with apples, boiled meat or fish and eggs, jam, cheesecake with cottage cheese.
Excludes: rye and any fresh bread, products made from butter and puff pastry;

meat and poultry
Low-fat, without tendons, fascia, skin in birds. Steamed and boiled dishes from beef, young lean lamb and trimmed pork, chicken, turkey. Boiled dishes, including pieces of lean veal, chicken, rabbit. Steamed cutlets, meatballs, quenelles, soufflés, purees, zrazy; beef stroganoff made from boiled meat. Boiled meat baked in the oven. Boiled tongue and liver.
Excludes: fatty or stringy varieties of meat and poultry, duck, goose, canned food, smoked meats;

Low-fat types without skin, in pieces or in the form of cutlets: boiled in water or steamed.
Exclude: fatty, salted fish, canned food;

dairy products
Milk, cream. Non-acidic kefir, yogurt, acidophilus. Fresh non-acidic cottage cheese (mashed) and sour cream. Curd dishes: baked cheesecakes, soufflé, lazy dumplings, puddings. Mild grated cheese, occasionally in slices.
Exclude: dairy products with high acidity, sharp, salty cheeses. Limit sour cream;

2-3 pieces per day. Soft-boiled, steam omelette.
Excludes: hard-boiled and fried eggs;

Semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Porridges cooked in milk or water are semi-viscous and mashed (buckwheat). Steam souffles, puddings, cutlets from ground cereals. Vermicelli, finely chopped boiled pasta.
Excludes: millet, pearl barley, barley,