Agency for organizing holidays: business plan. How to open an agency for organizing holidays: documents and initial costs

Every parent strives to give their children the best. A holiday will help make your childhood happy and unforgettable. But most often, working mothers and fathers do not have the opportunity to organize it so that it is a bright and enchanting performance. In such a situation, the help of professionals is indispensable.
If you are a creative person, you have a lot of interesting children, then you can easily get involved in arranging and organizing all kinds of children's events. Holidays are not limited to just birthdays. It could be New Year, Christmas, ending academic year- whatever you can come up with and sell.

Organizing and holding festive events is a business that requires drawing up a clear action plan. You should do everything so that parents can enjoy the holiday with their children, and not try to keep track of everything. It is very important to treat every little guest with attention - even a very shy child should feel comfortable and cheerful. The responsibilities of the organizer include many actions:

  • Preparing a script and agreeing with parents.
  • Planning and careful consideration of all details.
  • Providing event participants with costumes.
  • Decorating the premises, creating a menu, etc.
  • Cleaning up after the holiday.

The advantages of this business include low start-up investments and an exciting creative process. Every day you will go to work and end up on a birthday or other holiday.
To make your business flourish, imagination and organizational skills not enough. You will have to study the hobbies and interests of modern children so that you can diversify the program and come up with an interesting scenario.
The most important stage of preparation is the budget. Based on the amount you have available, decide on the venue, necessary props, entertainment program and refreshments.

Where to look for clients

If you decide to start organizing children's parties, the first thing you should think about is how to find clients. It will be all the parents and children dreaming of a fun event. Your task is to interest them, so make a colorful booklet and send it to everyone who lives in your area. Submit an article to a newspaper with interesting description of your services, advertise on the Internet. Advertising products can be distributed in children's sports clubs and dance studios, but first coordinate this issue with the owners.

If your city hosts charity auctions, consider hosting a free children's party. This is a very good and effective advertisement. When you have your first clients, do not forget to take photographs of the holidays. From these you can create a portfolio that you will show to other potential clients.
Most of the orders are provided by word of mouth. Even if it seems to you that things are going well, don’t stop there. You need to constantly remind yourself and your services. Don't ignore the regions. Professional organization of children's parties is the prerogative of large cities. You can take advantage of this and offer your services in other markets.
Register on specialized resources, parent forums, where you can track topics on organizing children's parties. It is better to leave your phone number in private messages - advise yourself as a specialist who held a holiday for your child. Make business cards and leave them everywhere you go.

Decoration of children's parties

Organizing any holiday event for children requires rich imagination, skill, love, kindness and positive emotions. The feelings that you experience when decorating the interior are transmitted to all participants in the celebration.
The room where the holiday will be held should be bright and beautiful. You can use flowers to decorate it. Plants can transform any room, turning an ordinary room into a magical one. flower meadow. And if the holiday takes place in the banquet hall of a restaurant, you can arrange a real flower carnival for the children. Unusual fresh compositions, garlands, figurines fairy-tale heroes and animals made from flowers - all these accessories will become a wonderful element children's party.
Another way to decorate a room is balloons. Bright and shining, small and large, round or oddly shaped, they will add a unique flavor to a children's party. Balloons can be hung from the ceiling, attached to chairs, decorated with windows, or simply scattered on the floor. A highlight of the holiday can be the launch of dozens of colorful balloons into the sky.
For themed events, you will need decorations that will help transport guests to another era, create an interior of the time that will fully correspond to the holiday scenario.

How to organize a business

Most convenient option running a business for organizing children's parties - a limited liability company. The bulk of your clients are small and medium-sized companies, child care institutions, as well as individuals who have enough money to hire professionals and enjoy their vacation.
Based on the target audience, create a price list indicating the list of services. But first analyze the work of agencies organizing holidays in your region. This will help you identify shortcomings in the work of competitors and create reasonable prices for your services.

Be sure to think about the location of your company. The best option– a room with an area of ​​up to fifty square meters. Divide it into three rooms: the first will become a meeting room, your sales managers will work in the second, and use the third as a warehouse. The room must be equipped with modern office equipment - computers or laptops with Internet access, a printer, a telephone-fax, as well as a TV and DVD player.
To organize a children's party you will need a pen, a diary for notes and a phone. And if you are hosting themed parties, stock up on costumes and makeup for guests.

They settle on organizing children's parties as a promising new field. This direction has a lot of advantages: firstly, the costs of opening a company are low - at first you can spend only a few thousand, working alone and limiting yourself to a minimum of details. Secondly, orders come in at any time of the year, and although summer is traditionally a season of low sales, you will not be left without work at all. Thirdly, this is an excellent option for creative people: you can fully express your imagination by creating scenarios for performances, thinking through images of characters, costumes, makeup, and room decoration.

Format and cost issues

You can open your own children's entertainment business in just 1.5–2 months. The return on investment of an enterprise depends on the budget invested in the undertaking and on the range of services that you provide. Thus, a children's team building company, in which about 100,000 rubles were invested, will pay for itself in just a month, a mini-game area, on the opening of which they spent the same amount, in about 4 months. And if you have a large budget (about 1,500,000 rubles) and open a quest room, you will only be able to break even in six months.

So, what stages does an entrepreneur have to go through to start making money from entertainment?

Preparing the room and props

The organizer who hopes to open a children's club or quest room and those who plan to go to a client's home alone or with a team have completely different goals. In any case, if you intend to seriously engage in business, you cannot do without renting premises.

If you want to have an event space

Are you looking for a suitable site for a children's center? To begin with, discard all options related to residential rentals. Even if you intend to set up a club in own apartment, this can cause complaints from neighbors, and complaints mean constant checks, nerves and, in many cases, the collapse of the enterprise.

It is best to rent a site in shopping center– this way, while the children are playing, parents can relax in a cafe or go shopping without having to go too far. If you wish, you can find many options whose rental costs less than 100,000 rubles per month.

The advantage of such a find is that you design and decorate the room according to your pocket and taste: you buy a minimum of children’s furniture - or install slides (from 1,5000 rubles), swings (from 250 rubles), a dry pool (from 600 rubles) and so on.

If you are visiting home

At first, you can work alone, but if you intend to seriously engage in business, sooner or later you will have a staff - and, therefore, office space will be useful. In this case, your site should consist of:

  • negotiation room;
  • a separate room for sales managers to work;
  • warehouse for storing props.

The office must have computers (or laptops) that allow employees to access the Internet, as well as a printer, telephone and small office supplies. Don't underestimate the importance of quality props. Buy not only suits for each entertainment program, but also makeup, decorations, gifts for show participants. Don't forget about little things like balloons: this essential attribute of any children's party costs mere pennies and brings children real delight. And you can always learn how to make funny figures out of balloons.

Registering a company

If you buy a children's club as a franchise, you will need to make two contributions:

  • lump-sum or initial: you pay once for the opportunity to use the brand and implement already found technical solutions;
  • monthly - de facto, you deposit money, and the senior partner monitors your compliance with all standards.

The purchase ties the hands of the entrepreneur - so, you are unlikely to be able to implement many of your ideas for decorating the premises, organizing certain events and will be forced to report on everything.

Much more profitable solution may be registration own LLC. In this case, you should either contact specialists who will help you settle all the formalities for 2-4,000 rubles, or go through the bureaucratic procedures yourself.

If you plan to work alone, there is another design option entertainment business for children – registration as individual entrepreneur. However, in this case, you risk your property - for example, if your children's club has at least a small debt.

We are looking for clients

You have found a suitable premises and registered the enterprise, decided on the props, drawn up scripts for the holidays (or bought finished works), did you hire animators and make-up artists? Then it's time to look for your first clients!

To promote a business in entertainment for children, like any other business, you should never save on advertising: if you are short on money, it is better to save it by renting and decorating the premises. It is advisable to involve a PR specialist, but at first you can act on your own.

First of all, try to attract people living in your area: advertise in local newspapers, send out advertising brochures (which, of course, should be beautifully designed - don’t skimp on the designer’s services!), entrust schoolchildren or students with handing out leaflets. Focus not only on individuals: the lion’s share of your earnings will come from corporate orders from gymnasiums and leisure centers. Don’t forget about smart advertising on the Internet.

A charity gig could be a great opportunity: give one or two free parties! This will help you build a portfolio and generally get noticed, and the majority of orders for the organizer of children's entertainment usually come from word of mouth.

Organization of children's parties: Video

Opening a company for organizing holidays today is not difficult - the threshold for entering the business does not exceed 300 thousand rubles. That is why the number of young event agencies is growing every year. Although one or two companies out of ten manage to get promoted. The main work of such agencies is organizing weddings and corporate events, since these services are most in demand among the population.

Choosing premises for opening an event agency

Opening an agency for organizing holidays begins with finding office space. Although for the first time of work you can do without it. This significantly saves the company's fixed costs. As the client base grows, the need for an office increases. It’s more convenient to meet clients here, and in general, the presence of an office means a certain solidity of the company.

Fortunately, the size of the room is not so important. The optimal size is a room of 20-30 m2, rented in the central part of the city. The rental cost, depending on the region, ranges from 500 to 3000 rubles per 1 m2. It is advisable to decorate the room in a bright and unique style, install upholstered furniture, a couple of computers, a fax machine, a color printer and a large screen for showing clients samples of ongoing activities. All this will cost from 70 to 100 thousand rubles.

What equipment to choose for this business

The peculiarity of the business of organizing holidays is that it can be started either from scratch or vice versa, spending hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Business gurus recommend not purchasing the most expensive equipment at the start. Most of what is required can simply be rented. For example, sound equipment can be provided by a DJ, costumes and decorations by a presenter. You should buy expensive equipment as needed, in accordance with the growth of your customer base.

The first thing you can buy after promoting your business is audio equipment: speakers, sound amplifier, microphone, mixing console, light music and laptop. The cost of the entire set starts from 100 thousand rubles. Then you can think about purchasing a video camera, a professional camera and the agency's personal car.

Recruitment for an event agency

In the first stages, a start-up agency will need at least:

- Account Manager. A manager is needed to receive and process calls, which can receive up to 50 per day during the season, as well as to communicate with specific customers. The manager's salary is usually piecework - 5 thousand rubles. plus a percentage (5-10%) of the order.

— Decorator of the hall (festival). Also one of the key employees of the holiday agency. Much depends on the imagination and experience of this specialist. His salary must be at least 30% of the order value.

— A driver with a personal car who will deliver personnel to the customer’s premises. Salary 10-15 thousand rubles per month.

In addition, to fulfill a wide range of orders, you will need to hire musicians, videographers, photographers, DJs, presenters, and so on. But contain large staff Only large and well-promoted organizations can employ employees. For start-up companies, this business model is fundamentally unprofitable.

Therefore, the key success of a start-up event agency is a wide range of acquaintances with performers. The director's communication skills and ability to communicate with creative people- the key to the success of this business. It will be necessary to establish contractual relationships with a variety of performers. For example, DJ services will cost 5-6 thousand rubles per evening. The services of live musicians (violinist, guitarist, etc.) are somewhat more expensive - from 6 thousand rubles per hour of work.

A host of the event (toastmaster) will definitely be required. At the same time, it is advisable to have both expensive and “cheap” performers in service. The services of an ordinary performer are estimated at 5-7 thousand rubles per evening. This category includes aspiring presenters and employees of cultural centers. Their programs are often boring and monotonous.

The next category includes more experienced and creative presenters. Their services cost from 8 to 15 thousand rubles. Such a toastmaster is able to come up with ideas in a few minutes original script for any holiday.

And finally, the last category includes the most expensive “elite” presenters, whose services start from 30 thousand rubles per evening. Such performers can not only spend the evening, but also perform musical compositions or dance themselves. They make every evening truly unforgettable. Such presenters are offered to wealthy customers, large companies and other VIP clients.

The markup on third-party services is no more than 10-15%. Setting prices above the market average, especially for a young company, is not advisable - competition in this market segment is quite serious.

How to use advertising to promote your event business

A start-up business needs advertising like air. But its effectiveness often depends on the quality of the agency itself. More than 80% of clients come on the advice of their acquaintances or friends. That is, the main promotion channel for the agency is ordinary word of mouth.

Directly calling customers by phone is considered a fairly effective method. At the same time, it is important to monitor the holiday calendar of potential clients. When there is an anniversary at a particular company, when the director’s birthday or a prominent professional holiday - all this will allow you to make very good money if you make a fuss at the time.

It would be useful to create your own business card page on the Internet. Today, almost every more or less reputable agency is represented in the online directory. It will take at least 40 thousand rubles to create your own website, fill it with information and promote it.

How much can you earn from this business?

Organizing holidays is an exclusively seasonal type of business. The peak of orders occurs in June - September, when the wedding season is underway, as well as in December during corporate events. According to experts, it is better to plan the opening of a company in the spring in order to earn a “starting” reputation by the time weddings begin.

You need to be prepared for the fact that for the first 5-6 months of work your income will be negative. It’s good if at this time the number of orders is 2-3 per month at a price of 30-40 thousand for each. This will allow you to pay rent for the premises and wages personnel. Ultimately, the period for an agency to reach a constant profit depends on the efficiency of the business organization and averages 1-2 years.

Which tax system to choose for an event agency

The organizational form of a holiday agency can be the usual individual entrepreneurship . Fortunately, the registration procedure is as simple as possible, and the cost is minimal. As a taxation system, you can use the simplified taxation system (USN 6% or 15%) or purchase a patent.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The costs of opening a small agency, as noted above, start from 200-300 thousand rubles. The main costs are setting up an office, purchasing sound equipment and advertising. But these costs can also be avoided. When starting a business, you can do without an office - start with a simple visit to kindergartens. Hang advertising brochures in them, negotiate with directors. The potential client base of one kindergarten is about 70 people. The average “check” for one holiday is 500 rubles per child. Total revenue from one kindergarten- 35 thousand rubles. Part of the funds will go to pay for animators, a photographer and a musician. The total profit on average is 10 thousand rubles per kindergarten.

Of course, the business of organizing holidays cannot be called simple. Behind the apparent ease of opening a business, there is a lot of painstaking work hidden. You have to work with musicians and artists - people who are creative by nature. And they, unfortunately, are not always punctual and accommodating.

That is why such a business is more suitable for young and energetic people that can build successful business based on ambition and determination alone. Somewhere you can personally play the role of Santa Claus, DJ or photographer at a wedding. Such people are able to open a business with almost no start-up capital, based on their own originality and creative thought.

Step-by-step business plan: where to start

If in big cities there is quite tough competition in the business of organizing holidays, then in small cities the niche is often practically empty. But in any case, when opening your own agency, you need to know how much its services will be in demand. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze the market, assess the solvency of the population and its needs. It is possible that many residents small town They will not use the services of an agency, because they simply cannot afford it, or they believe that it is safer and cheaper to organize everything themselves. It is important to draw up a portrait of your intended clients and then decide on a list of services. Then it is necessary to resolve issues with financing, equipment, staffing, advertising and attracting clients.

What documents are needed

When organizing a business, OKVED codes can be specified as 90.01, 92.03. They are associated with the activities of organizing holidays. No special permit is required to conduct business. You only need to prepare a standard package of documents for registering an individual business.

What services can an event agency provide?

The list of holiday agency services may include services for purchasing products and selecting menus, table decoration, musical arrangement, video and photography, delivery of bouquets, and organization of the holiday program. The list of services can be significantly expanded, but this list is enough to organize a business from scratch.

What does it take to throw a great, unforgettable holiday? It was once believed that a table with snacks and drinks was enough, but today the situation has changed. Now an ordinary feast is not enough - for the holiday to be a success, you need to come up with something enchanting - with a performance, competitions and fiery fun. Therefore, weddings are increasingly held corporate parties and even presentations are partially or completely entrusted to specialized agencies. Fun and good mood may well be profitable, so it makes sense to understand in detail how to open a holiday agency.

What will your agency be like?

The first thing you need to do is decide what the specialization of your enterprise will be. Children's and family parties, weddings, corporate events– it will be quite difficult to cover everything at once. Although if you have sufficient experience in this area, a large staff and the financial capabilities to implement different projects, you can open a generalist agency.

We prepare documents

To open an agency for organizing holidays, it is best to choose to register as an individual entrepreneur - this way, accounting is much easier. OKVED in this case you need to choose 92.3 and 92.72 - these codes indicate all types of activities that will be needed during holidays, celebrations and parties.

An event agency does not need a license, so after going through a simple registration procedure, you can immediately start working.

Premises and equipment: what you need

To get by with a minimum of investments, some agencies begin work and search for orders without having premises - their own or rented. In this case, meetings with potential clients are scheduled, for example, in a cafe. It’s hard to call this a good decision: reputable clients are unlikely to turn to such an organization, which means you can’t count on high earnings.

Rent an office space and properly decorate it - this is the first thing you need to do when starting an entertainment business. Moreover, it is advisable to locate the office in a prestigious area, and approach its design with a certain amount of imagination. Designer decoration, photographs from successfully held events, equipment for viewing slides and videos - all this will indicate professionalism.

The office can be small - just a meeting room for meetings with clients and an office where managers will work. In addition, you will need a warehouse where you can store costumes, equipment and props (over time it will become quite large), but it is not necessary to combine it with an office: you can find cheaper premises.

It is very important for a holiday agency to acquire its own transport - a minibus or minivan. Hiring a car every time you need it will be quite expensive.

Agency staff

To start a business organizing holidays, you will need two specialists - a sales manager (he will be involved in advertising the company and finding clients) and a creative manager (the one who will be responsible for the creative part of the process: writing scripts, generating ideas, developing concepts). If you plan to perform one of these functions yourself, at first this will help reduce costs, but this should only be done if you do not doubt your professionalism and have the relevant experience; if not, it is better to entrust these issues to those who cope with them at the proper level.

Your agency will also need an entertainer (toastmaster) and a driver (if you don’t have a car, you can look for a driver with your own transport, this will cost a little more).

The rest of the staff may be freelance, but to get started you will need a solid base of creative teams and artists that you can attract to participate in your projects if necessary. These could be:

  • DJs,
  • musicians,
  • singers or musical groups,
  • circus performers: clowns, acrobats, magicians, jugglers, etc.,
  • fire show organizers
  • dance groups or exotic dancers,
  • pyrotechnics.

In addition, your agency may need:

  • decorators,
  • florists,
  • photographers,
  • videographers.

Agency advertising

Over time good advertising The agency will receive satisfied clients: people usually share their impressions of holidays - weddings, anniversaries, corporate events. They post videos and photographs on the Internet and gladly answer questions, telling where they went and how much this pleasure cost. So just doing your job perfectly is already a good advertising strategy.

However, at first you will have to make sure that you are noticed. The most suitable for this different types advertising - business cards and booklets, announcements on local radio and television.

Important part advertising campaign– creation of a website for your agency. Increasingly, potential consumers of services are looking for a suitable contractor on the Internet and this must be kept in mind. The holiday agency website, like the office, should be bright, interesting and eye-catching. It should have detailed information about the services you offer, the company’s offline coordinates and, of course, a form feedback with the ability to order a call from the manager.

Another way to let your customers know about yourself is to advertise in popular groups and communities on social networks (of course, not in any groups, but only in those that are related to your locality).

Income and expenses

To accurately understand upcoming expenses, before you start organizing holidays, you will need to draw up a detailed business plan taking into account the situation in your locality. To do this, you will need to study market saturation, demand and growth opportunities.

According to rough estimates, the purchase of props and equipment will require about 200 thousand rubles (if you rent equipment, the initial investment may be less, but this is not very convenient and much less profitable, so it is better to buy it).

It will cost about 20–25 thousand to rent an office; the payment for permanent employees will be about 60–90 thousand monthly. The rest of the project participants can be paid a certain share of the payment for the holidays in which they participate.

If in the first months of the agency’s work there are not so many orders (2–3 orders for 50 thousand rubles each), and then their number and cost increase (6–8 orders for 70–80 thousand each), the agency can pay for itself in just a few months - year.

Agency for organizing holidays – 2 risks that can deprive profits + 3 schemes for working with personnel + 5 effective methods advertising for an agency.

Capital investment in the agency: 150,000 rubles.
Agency payback period: from 8 months.

– is no longer a line of business that is focused exclusively on the VIP category of clients.

The demand for various events has grown so much that it has created a large niche in the service market.

And everyone can try to take their place in it.

And yet: you are far from the first who decided to make money on the holidays.

How to become successful?

Is it possible to create a business with minimal investment?

Or do you need a whole staff of professionals of all stripes and expensive equipment to succeed?

You will find the answers below.

Analysis of the possibility of opening an event organization agency

Before opening an agency for organizing holidays, it is important to “test the waters” in your region.

High competition is a ubiquitous phenomenon.

However, some can become almost a monopoly in their small town.

This state of affairs also has its downside: sometimes a service does not “emerge” simply because there is no need for it.

So take the time to assess the demand in the city, the needs of the population, and their solvency.

Decide on a list of services and make detailed portrait your “target client”.

If you are “lucky” to have competitors, you can analyze their work under the guise of visitors.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. List of services and their demand.
  2. Feedback from clients about the holidays held.
  3. Quality of video and photo reports.
  4. Price list for holiday agency services.
  5. Possible shortcomings and obvious strengths.

What documents are needed to open an agency for organizing children's parties?

Some entrepreneurs are in no hurry to officially register their activities, but in vain.

Without the necessary pieces of paper, you should only “test a niche”, but not actively operate an agency for organizing children's and adult parties.

This will not only negatively affect the image and prestige, but will also prevent the conclusion labor agreements and may result in penalties from the tax authorities.

In the worst case scenario, the agency will be closed.

So spend some time and money to register as an individual entrepreneur (to work exclusively with individuals) or LLC (to serve legal entities and institutions).

As for the choice of OKVED code, the main one is 90.01.

Of the minor ones, you can specify 59.11, 90.03 and 59.12.

There is no need to obtain additional licenses or permits.

Moreover, the event planning agency may not use a cash register.

But you need to be thoughtful.

In this business, the “name” plays a particularly important role.

Choosing the right premises for your agency

Another good thing about an event organization agency is that you can easily do without renting an office.

Agree, this is a major savings item.

However, meeting with clients “on neutral territory” is not very convenient, and also not very respectable.

If you are ready to allocate some money for rent, choose a room with an area of ​​at least 50 sq.m.

Such territory should be sufficient to divide into three zones:

  • workplace sales manager;
  • client area;
  • storage space for equipment and costumes.

Opening an agency for organizing holidays with minimal equipment

In fact, to start working as a holiday agency, you need the bare minimum - a notepad, a pen, a computer with Internet access and a mobile phone.

But if you plan to start “seriously” and will set up a separate workplace in a rented office, you will need the following set of equipment:

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:39,000 rub.
Table and chair for sales manager
7 000
Sofa and table for clients
11 000
15 000
Wi-Fi router
3 000
Mobile phone
3 000


The success of an agency for organizing holidays depends entirely on the skills of its employees.

They are the key link: they develop ideas, contact clients, design the environment, create or buy props, and so on.

The number of employees specifically for your company depends on the list of services you plan to provide.

There are three schemes for organizing the work of an agency for children's and other holidays:

    A large agency has its own extensive staff of specialists in various fields, and independently organizes any holiday on a turnkey basis.

    Requires significant financial investments and labor costs at the start.

    No one is listed “on the balance sheet” of the company, and employees are selected for a specific event.

    Most novice holiday agency owners prefer to work with contractors, because this option is the most financially accessible.

    But there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey:

    • the contractor works on his own, so you cannot guarantee that everything will go smoothly;
    • the average markup for such services is up to 15%; exactly like this maximum size The event agency will receive profits from the event.
  1. The most stable and common work option is still a combination of the two options above: having several key employees on staff and hiring contractors for other services.

    “Outsiders” hire dancers, magicians, clowns, trainers - that is, all those who will not be required regularly.

    But it is usually enough to hire three people.

The staff of a small agency for organizing holidays may be as follows:

Job titleResponsibilitiesSalary (rub.)
Total: 30 000 + %
Sales ManagerOften entrepreneurs themselves perform these functions (attracting clients, communicating with them).
However, attracting an “outside” employee with experience will allow you to get a certain number of his regular customers as a bonus.
10 000 + %
DesignerEngage in decorating holidays and creating holiday paraphernalia.
Can work as a contractor for other companies, bringing additional income to your agency.
5 000 + %
DriverBring and pick up contractors, employees, equipment.15 000

Searching for contractors for a holiday agency

All contractors that are necessary for holding events can be roughly divided into two categories: presenters and artists of different genres.

The host is the person who will “hold” the holiday.

He must find an approach to any guest, make sure that no one gets bored, and be able to resolve conflict situations in its infancy.

Before the holiday he spends a serious preparatory work, develops personal scenarios and details.

Often the behavior of this person determines the opinion that those present at the celebration will have about your entire company as a whole.

Therefore, it is important to choose 2-3 reliable contractors and cooperate with them on an ongoing basis.

Conventionally, three categories of leaders can be defined:

    Budget segment.

    Beginning presenters or, conversely, older people.

    As a rule, they are not creative.

    You can find such people in the nearest recreation center or on ad sites.

    Main group.

    Average prices, have a portfolio, energetic, sociable, understand current trends.

    Often such pros have their own client base.

    They often “find” themselves - they send in their resumes.

    Presenters who deal only with major holidays.

    The prices are correspondingly high - from 30,000 rubles per event.

    It is worth searching on specialized forums or using the recommendations of other holiday agencies.

Artists and various show programs are easy to find: they all have personal websites or at least publish information about themselves on forums and classifieds sites.

Be sure to look at the portfolio before hiring holiday contractors.

For most, it is important to have a video that will demonstrate the work “live”.

Also, take the time to study reviews about the quality of services provided on the Internet.

How to advertise your holiday agency?

Obviously, the level of professionalism of the staff and the quality of the equipment will not matter if your agency does not have clients.

Depending on the list of services provided, these may be parents (children's parties), corporations, newlyweds, birthday people with average and above average income.

To promote an event organization company, use the following methods:

    Order designers to develop a booklet with brief description services and business cards.

    These materials need to be distributed in places where your target audience frequents.

    Create a personal website, but don’t waste money on it.

    Texts must be literate and selling, photos must be of high quality, prices must be relevant.

    In the future, you can hire a specialist to promote the resource - this will give a significant increase in clients.

    Join a charity fair or organize a party for children in a city park.

    This will increase name recognition.

  1. Become a participant in forums on organizing and holding holidays, and also actively communicate on websites for parents (if you are organizing children’s events), on resources about weddings (if your target audience is newlyweds).
  2. Don’t forget to take photographs of the holidays you celebrate and shoot video clips.

    Use this material to regularly update your portfolio.

One unfortunate situation can become a stain on your reputation.

Do quality work and the word will spread about you.

How much money will it take to open such an agency?

One of key advantages organizing a holiday agency is an opportunity to open a business with minimal investment.

The amount of starting capital depends on the list of services, the form of cooperation with performers, and the set of equipment.

Let's consider the cost items for organizing an average company.

Capital investments in business

Regular investments in business

As your business scales, your recurring business expenses can grow exponentially.

However, in the first months the amount may be relatively modest:

Payback period for an event agency

In the first months of its existence, an agency organizing holidays may receive only 2-3 orders with an average cost.

However, profits will gradually increase (this will take 6-7 months).

Let’s estimate the potential profit after six months of the company’s operation:

  • 4-6 events/month;
  • “average check” - 50,000 rubles;
  • average income – 200,000-300,000 rubles/month;
  • profit amount – from 140,000 rubles/month.

With such indicators, an event agency can break even in 7-12 months.

The main thing is to achieve a stable flow of customers and increase the average bill.

My experience in opening and running a business organizing holidays

a successful Russian entrepreneur shares in the video:

Potential risks for business in the event sector

For a company that organizes holidays, there are two major risks:

    Dependence of demand on the season.

    This risk is more typical for children's party agencies and those focused on corporate clients.

    Since most activity in these categories occurs during the New Year period.

    Regular emergencies.

    Each event is “built” from scratch.

    Therefore, it is simply impossible to predict all punctures.

    Artists stuck in traffic, power outages, mixed up scripts - anything is possible.

    You can’t prepare for this, but you can develop the skill quickly and solve any difficulties with a smile.

Events agency– one of the most relevant business ideas for our time.

It’s no longer easy to celebrate in style and on a grand scale fashion trend, and even an integral attribute.

What previously seemed like a whim of the “rich” is now actively used by people with average incomes.

Therefore, despite the growing competition, there remains room for new “players” to enter the event services market.

Perhaps you should be the one to take it?

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