What is success in life. What is real and real success in life

“A person can be considered successful if he lived well, laughed a lot and loved. If he earned the respect of many people and the love of small children. If he found a niche in life that he could fill either with beautiful flowers he grew, or a wonderful poem, or souls saved. He achieved success if he did not skimp on words of gratitude, appreciated the beauty of the world and did not hesitate to talk about it. If he saw the best in people and shared the best in himself. If his life inspired people, and his memory remained in their hearts..."
—Bessie Anderson Stanley, winning essay in the What is Success? competition, 1904.

What is success in life? I think Bessie Stanley is right and I support her!

Success in life is the achievement of your true, real goals and aspirations, this is the opportunity to lead a lifestyle that meets the characteristics of your personality and contributes to the harmonious satisfaction of all needs.

It is the true goals that are achieved. Human desires are not limited to the desire for material acquisitions. After all, we want good, deep relationships with a loved one, and a sense of meaning in life, and recognition from colleagues, and self-realization - and a lot of things!

It should also be understood that each individual person has his own, individual and unique perception of the world. First of all, a person’s vision of the concept of success depends on a huge number of his personal characteristics. This includes both the character as a whole and some of its components separately. Well, for example, ambition, emotionality, temperament and others. And therefore, for someone the title is enough the best master- an inventor in his native quarter, but for some it’s not enough Nobel Prize! Someone is glad that his wife and two children love him and are waiting for him at home, while others passionately seek the love of the population of both hemispheres of our planet! For some, a loaf of bread is the most precious and desirable thing, but for others, a million is not money! For some, success is the opportunity to install a golden toilet in their toilet, for others it is the opportunity to help people and feel needed.

So, the meaning of success and its rules depend on what a person strives for in life and what efforts he makes. Therefore, I propose to consider 6 factors that contribute to success, helping you feel better than others and have a good mood every day!

1. Set goals for yourself

It seems obvious that if you don't have a goal, there's no reason to be motivated. In other words, to be successful you need to stay motivated. And for this you need to have a goal in the direction in which you will move. A purposeful person always feels better, superior to those who simply go with the flow. Goals can be gigantic or simple, insignificant. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is the desire to work to implement them. Be realistic, that is, set realistically achievable goals!

2. Reading books

Every morning I start by reading books. I love reading books successful people, such as Bodo Schaefer, Brian Tracy and many others, self-development books. Then throughout the day I think about what I read. My goal: to correctly understand what the writers wanted to convey to today modern man? What do I need to learn.

This helps you fight your shortcomings and your character. This is a good motive for success. So read, read a lot! The main thing in reading is to learn something useful for yourself and develop the right mindset. In other words, think in the right direction.

3. Mindset and laziness

What goes into success in life? A mindset that can be your wealth or your poverty. The poor in mind are always going to remain poor because they have a poor mentality. Ask any limited-minded person how to open your own business and make money from it? Usually they have three possible answers: 1) win the lottery, 2) steal money, 3) receive an inheritance.

Nothing will change for us until we stop listening to whiners and complainers. Until we stop being chained to our laziness and being passive. Until we learn to make our own decisions, and not live according to someone else's orders. Believe me, you will achieve a lot when you become a goal-oriented person and work hard!

4. Look good, external cleanliness

Being clean and well-groomed has great value for your own dignity. This gives you and others confidence in your strengths and abilities. A dirty person inspires confidence in no one. These are the rules for success in life!

You may notice one thing among the high society or class, whatever you want to call it. They are always well-groomed and look immaculate. Even if they just wear shorts and a T-shirt. These things are always clean and ironed.

5. Inner cleanliness

Agree, this is more important than beautiful, fashionable and clean clothes. And here it doesn’t matter whether you are poor or from high society. If you appreciate self-respect If you behave decently, work on your character and have clear speech, you will be internally pure.

Inner cleanliness inspires more confidence in you than just expensive clothes. Since availability is expensive, fashionable clothes, and regular showering does not automatically make a person clean inside.

Being internally clean does not require special shampoos, soaps or conditioners. What is important is desire, purpose and working on yourself - this is the path to success in life!

6. Realizing that you are not a gray mouse

You strive to be better at something - this great way to become better than many others. Everything is in our mind. That is: “You are carried away by a thought, then the thought becomes acquainted with desire; desire, having conceived, gives birth to action, and action leads to results.”

Anyone who wants to be better, not like everyone else, but to be a winner in life, will live differently! He sets a goal for himself, plows and plows again and achieves it. He is not afraid of what others will think or say about him. He is not afraid of their dissatisfaction with his desire to be different from them!

His goal is higher and higher. Maybe he won't reach the moon until he dies. But he will definitely be much taller than the rest of the faceless people who are still stuck on Earth. But isn’t it worth striving not to be a gray mouse, but to become better than many others?

Many famous, rich people, when talking about success in life, believe that it is more than money, power or fame. This is a feeling of deep satisfaction from the work done in achieving the intended goals. The ability to see the results of this work and experience lasting joy.

Success is subjective, which means it won't be the same for two different people. I don't know how you define success in your life, but I will share my list that makes me feel like a successful person in life:

- Be happy!
- Do what I love every day!
- Help others, do what they need!
— Stay true to your values!
- Be a good, loving parent, husband/wife!
- Have respectful relationships with those around us!
- Take care of your family!
- Work hard for the good of your family!
- Learn to enjoy the little things in life!
— Help each other in the family, deal with stress and bad chem mood!
- Strive for a better future!
- Know your dream and strive to fulfill it!
— Setting and achieving reasonable goals!
— Maintain close ties and respectful relationships with your parents and relatives!
- Stay young in your heart!

Success is not a nurse for one hour - it is perseverance and constant attention. You should expect that there will be barriers and resistance along your path to success, but there will also be many victories. So strive to have fun while achieving your goals!

Get up from your couches and start doing something to achieve success, for your own future, for the future of your children!

Remember, the algorithm for success is very simple. Here it is: WANTED - PLANNED - DONE!

I wish you good luck!

Tatiana Minina

At some point, each of us thinks about the meaning own life. Certainly, the purpose of human existence is to achieve a state of happiness. But this is all somehow vague, generalized and often very complicated. Let's talk about success.

What is success? This is when everything in life is good. Previously, children were explained this way: “To grow up smart person, you need to study, study and study again... And do it well!” Another very important point is to have excellent health. Yes, according to at least, was considered in Soviet times.

But later it turned out that smart, educated people are not always successful. An important point is also the ability to establish the necessary connections, be sociable, persistent, and punchy. These qualities have little to do with learning. However, a person can be completely mediocre, but very outgoing, and most likely he will be more successful.

What should the younger generation do? How can we clearly explain to them what success is? And what does it take to achieve it?

1. You have to be smart. To do this you need to study well. But this is definitely not enough!

2. You must be able to find common language with people around you, to be able to convince, to make sure that they listen to you.

3. Take good care of yourself and your health.

But what about a more specific concept? What is success?

First, let's try to break it down general meaning into components:

1. This is money. There should be enough of them. Everything here is more or less clear.

2. Availability and inexhaustible desire for its implementation. This is where it gets more complicated. If he is engaged in an activity in which he does not see much meaning for himself, then most likely this will sooner or later lead to depression. This is a very important and significant moment.

3. Relationships with others like you. This is how the world was created. And there's nothing to be done about it.

4. It is important to constantly improve and develop in the desired direction. Without self-development it is impossible to achieve a state of harmony.

5. Harmonize with the world around you. It is important to realize that you mean something, are needed by someone, are useful, etc.

After we have more or less decided on success, the next moment comes. What needs to be done in order to get closer to this state, and ideally, to achieve it.

Firstly, it is important to be internally programmed, tuned in to Faith and desire can do a lot. Readiness for decisive action. Your emotions and mind should be in complete harmony with each other.

Success is a pattern, a desired development of events. But failure is a kind of deviation from the norm.

What does success mean to you personally? It is important to decide and understand this! And it is not at all necessary to have material wealth. Everyone, of course, wants to be the owner good home, cars, but not everyone’s soul desires this. Someone dreams of something completely different. All people are different, and their views and desires are different. There is no universal success. Everyone has their own. When it is reached, a state arises peace of mind, inner joy, self-satisfaction. This feeling is an inexhaustible source of positive energy that gives strength.

To achieve success you need to constantly work on yourself. Work hard, plan your life, set goals, treat yourself well. Do not forget about self-hypnosis, which helps to successfully control your actions. Also the most important point is the motivation for success, only after that the subconscious will begin to tune in to the desired “wave”. Many people do not choose, they simply “go with the flow,” and therefore their life turns into continuous “the sound of the surf.”

Success is realizing yourself and unlocking your potential. What is success in the broadest sense? Success is spiritual harmony. Success is giving of yourself for others and making this world a better place and other people happier. We also already know that everyone has their own success and everyone has their own definition of success. In general, in this post we collect definitions of the concept “success”. There is a double essence of success here: the soul realizes itself and creates and helps other people become happier.

Success is closely related to the state of mind. Our soul arrived in this world to receive joy and pleasure, as well as to realize itself, and we (our consciousness, our body) must support it in this. Success is the unity of mind and soul, it is harmony between them. The role of the mind is to help the soul realize itself. We have our priorities wrong. I always maintain that success is an absolutely normal course of events.

And the greater the gap in this non-unity, the more unhappy a person feels. The most cheerful and happy people- these are those whose favorite thing, or hobby, is a source of income. It is not at all surprising that such people are unhappy. These people have millions, but they have no friends, and they have problems in their families.

Most questions are answered within 10 minutes. Log in and try adding your question. What is success? Agree, we use this word quite often in conversations, but sometimes we don’t think that everyone means their own definition by this. Wanting to achieve success in life, many perceive it as a phenomenon that does not require explanation.

Success is doing what you love most, what awakens your passion, and you can do it around the clock.

Success is receiving material or spiritual reward for the work done; recognition of achieved results by other individuals and society. Success always comes with getting moral satisfaction, is associated with victory.

For most people, success is some kind of streamlined concept that they strive for all their lives and try to grab their piece. But is this the true definition of success? Is it worth striving for? Probably, you downloaded it, you need to understand the meaning of this word or put your own into it. We will now talk about what success is. A person concentrates on what he does not have. Hence the problems in the family, with friends, and dissatisfaction with work.

Summarizing all this, we can conclude that true success means complete harmony of its material and spiritual components. This word can also be understood as the ability to make life the way you want. Okay, now let me help you. I wrote about what is not success in my previous newsletter. When we feel and see that the creation of our soul and what we do brings great benefit to other people, we feel bliss.

Success is meaning and fulfillment in life.

When our soul realizes itself in creativity, we become happy. I want you to clearly understand that those people who live exclusively for themselves and accumulate wealth only for themselves are unhappy. The soul comes into this world to create some value, to realize itself, and then returns “home”.

But take a closer look, because it all comes from your ego. A person wants to feel his importance, but he does not understand that wealth, fame, social life. status is an illusion. Moreover, your happiness will sharply decrease because you are moving away from your true calling, and the soul, realizing this, feels even more unhappy. Our body is like a transport for the soul. The soul has a connection with the Higher Mind, and only it can understand what is needed for this world. The Universe helps people who follow their life purpose.

Your true path is the least energy-consuming, and in our world everything happens along the path of least resistance. Failures are deviations from the norm. If you are not now as successful as you want, then you are not doing what you were meant to do.

But just don’t think about the fact that I think that a person can do without material values. Material things are very necessary. And for this reason: when a person has no money, he is forced to go to work and do some kind of “nonsense”.

Success is happiness that exists here and now.

The boss is the person who realizes himself at the expense of others, at the expense of you. I'm telling you how it happens in most cases. And it’s no longer news to anyone that most people don’t like their jobs, but work only because they need money to survive. To create, the soul needs comfort and peace. But how can there be peace when there is always no money in the family, and the husband and wife quarrel about this every day?

Only after some time, any value created by the soul can be sold for hundreds, or even tens of thousands of times more than a person receives at work. I'm doing what I love and this is just the beginning. But, doing what you love, even this figure is not the limit. The mind always says: “What you are doing is, of course, good, but what are we going to live on?”

So far the following comes to mind: “success is the highest achievements in any activity.” I ask you to stop and think for a moment about the questions: What is success and what exactly does it mean to you? For some, success is the opportunity to install a golden toilet in their toilet, for others it is the opportunity to help people and feel needed.

  • SUCCESS, -A, m.

    1. Positive result, successful completing something. Successes in cultural construction.Ivan Ilyich's trip was crowned with amazing, unexpected success ---. Arriving in St. Petersburg, Ivan Ilyich found Zakhar Ivanovich and received the promise of a right place in his former Ministry of Justice. L. Tolstoy, Death of Ivan Ilyich. The audit of Senator Manukhin, who arrived from St. Petersburg with great powers, achieved some success. Sayanov, Lena. || Favorable outcome, victory in smb. battle, duel, etc. - Let's go out to sea and attack the enemy fleet. If successful, we will destroy enemy ships and deprive the allied army of food and reinforcements. Stanyukovich, Sevastopol boy. Three weeks of fighting brought the partisans many successes. Pavlenko, Russian story. || pl. h. (success, -ov). Good results in training sessions, achievements in mastering, studying something. Father rector knew well Latin and loved me for my successes. Herzen, Doctor Krupov. He congratulated us on the beginning of the new school year and wished all students in this new academic year good luck. Nosov, Vitya Maleev at school and at home.

    2. Public recognition, approval of something, someone. achievements. The poem “On the Origin of Evil” was a great success and gave rise to hundreds of imitations. Chernyshevsky, Lessing, his time, his life and work. As an agitator, Spivak was valued in the regiment. His lectures and conversations with officers and soldiers were a success. Ovechkin, Greetings from the front. || Recognition by others advantages; interest, attraction on the part of people of the opposite sex. Success for women.My success with all our friends was completely unexpected for me. L. Tolstoy, Family Happiness.

    With success- easy, successful, without difficulties.

    With the same ( or same) success- just as ineffectively, unsuccessfully.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):




success, m.

1. Good luck in your planned business, successful achievement of your goal. “Our successes in the field of socialist construction are truly enormous.” Stalin . Have success. Achieve success. The search was successful. I tried for a long time, but without success. The attempt was unsuccessful. I wish you complete success.

|| Luck in military operation, victory (military). Proper preparation operations are the key to success. Expand first achieved success into final defeat. Successfully develop success. “Word of his success has spread again.” Pushkin .

|| only many. The same goes for school learning and academic performance.

2. only food. Recognition of such luck from others, public approval of something, someone’s. achievements. The play was a deserved success. The exhibition is a huge success. The first success turned the young singer’s head. A resounding success. Widespread success. books.

3. whose. Public attention to someone, recognition of someone. virtues, as well as luck in courtship, flirting, etc. “My successes in a whirlwind of light, my fashionable house and evenings.” Pushkin .

WITH(somehow) success- successfully, without difficulties, very easy. “The working class of our country has proven in practice that the people can successfully do without exploiters.” Stalin . Plastic successfully replaces wood and other materials. With the same success- with the same result, exactly the same. You might as well cover this distance in an hour..

Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.



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