Inconstant signs of a verb in an indefinite form. Constant and inconstant signs of a verb

Verb features are grammatical categories of verb forms that are inherent in the verb as a part of speech. In Russian there are constants and inconsistent symptoms verb.

Constant signs of the verb

Constant features of a verb are grammatical categories inherent in all verb forms. These features do not change depending on the context in which the verb is used.

    Type is a sign that determines exactly how an action occurs.

    Transitivity is a sign that defines a process or action that passes to an object.

      I conjugation; II conjugation; Heterogeneously conjugated.

Inconstant verb features

Inconstant features of a verb are grammatical categories characteristic of conjugated verbs and participles. These categories change depending on the context in which the word is used.

    Mood is a category that expresses the attitude of an action or process to reality. The sign is characteristic of conjugated forms of verbs.
      Indicative; Imperative; Conditional.
      Plural; The only thing.
      Future; Present; Past.
      1st person; 2nd person; 3rd person.
      Male; Female; Average.

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Variably conjugated verbs

Variably conjugated verbs– these are verbs that belong to both I and I I conjugations: to squeal, to rest; want, want (want, want, want, want, wants, want); run, run in (run, run, run, run, run, run).

Remember! Changing the mixed conjugated verbs want ( want, want, wants, want, want, want) and disdain ( glimmering, glimmering).

How to correctly determine the conjugation?

Personal ending of ch. percussion – according to personal endings: fly - fly– II reference, drink - drink– I reference

The personal ending is unstressed - in the infinitive: prove - prove– I reference

In the latter case, it is important to correctly determine the type of verb. Compare:

Don't confuse the verbs led. n. with similar sounding ch. will express n. bud. vr. Compare:

1. Verb mood

1. 1 Indicative mood denotes an action that happened in the past, is happening in the present and will happen in the future. Verbs in indicative form. n. change:

From time to time;

In the present tense - by persons and numbers;

In the past tense - by gender (only in singular) and number;

In the future tense - by persons and numbers.

Example: In the meadows shine dew peas, what It happens only early in the morning.

1. 2 Subjunctive (conditional) mood denotes a desired action that can occur under certain conditions. Verbs do not change tenses, but they have forms of gender (only in singular) and number.

Formed: Ch. past vr. withdrew n. + particle WOULD (B).

Examples: I would play now something. This is for anyone it would seem possible.

1. 3 Imperative expresses an incentive to action, an order, a request, advice. The action may or may not happen. Examples: live (live), learn (learn), believe (believe), read (read), let him come.

The imperative mood is formed using:

Sometimes, to soften the form of the order, led to verbs. n. the particle KA is added: bring it, give it.

Attention! The form led. n. may coincide in sound with the form of the 2nd l., pl. hour, present or bud. vr. will express n.: You speak that you saw him?

2. Verb tenses

At times, verbs change only in the indicative mood.

3. Number of verbs

Determined by the question to the verb.

4. FaceVerbHeads

The person of the verb indicates who is participating in the speech. The face can only be identified in Ch. in the form of present and bud. vr. in will express. n. and at ch. led n.

Face 1st 2nd 3rd
Unit h. I'm glad yu sya You're glad eat Xia He (she, it) is happy no Xia
Mn. h. We are glad I eat Xia You're welcome yeah sya They are happy ut Xia

Impersonal verbs- these are verbs denoting an action that occurs on its own; they are called natural phenomena, human states. They do not change in person or number, and are not combined with Im.p. Impersonal verbs include the following verbs:

3rd l., units. hour, present time: It's getting dark . To me unwell . Can't sleep , nanny, it’s so stuffy here. Outside dawn . Me chills . I want to something fun. It's easy here breathing .

Wed., units, past. vr.: It’s still a little outside it was glimmering . It would get dark quicker.

5. Verb gender

Can only be determined for indicative verbs in the past tense.

1. Verb mood

1. 1 Indicative mood denotes an action that happened in the past, is happening in the present and will happen in the future. Verbs in indicative form. n. change:

From time to time;

In the present tense - by persons and numbers;

In the past tense - by gender (only in singular) and number;

In the future tense - by persons and numbers.

Example: In the meadows shine dew peas, what It happens only early in the morning.

1. 2 Subjunctive (conditional) mood denotes a desired action that can occur under certain conditions. Verbs do not change tenses, but they have forms of gender (only in singular) and number.

Formed: Ch. past vr. withdrew n. + particle WOULD (B).

Examples: I would play now something. This is for anyone it would seem possible.

1. 3 Imperative expresses an incentive to action, an order, a request, advice. The action may or may not happen. Examples: live (live), learn (learn), believe (believe), read (read), let him come.

The imperative mood is formed using:

Sometimes, to soften the form of the order, led to verbs. n. the particle KA is added: bring it, give it.

Attention! The form led. n. may coincide in sound with the form of the 2nd l., pl. hour, present or bud. vr. will express n.: You speak that you saw him?

2. Verb tenses

At times, verbs change only in the indicative mood.

3. Number of verbs

Determined by the question to the verb.

4. FaceVerbHeads

The person of the verb indicates who is participating in the speech. The face can only be identified in Ch. in the form of present and bud. vr. in will express. n. and at ch. led n.

Face 1st 2nd 3rd
Unit h. I'm glad yu sya You're glad eat Xia He (she, it) is happy no Xia
Mn. h. We are glad I eat Xia You're welcome yeah sya They are happy ut Xia

Impersonal verbs- these are verbs denoting an action that occurs on its own; they are called natural phenomena, human states. They do not change in person or number, and are not combined with Im.p. Impersonal verbs include verbs.

The Russian language contains auxiliary and significant parts of speech. A verb belongs to independent parts of speech. "Verb" in Old Russian language meant "to speak". Thus, even our ancestors proved that literate speech is impossible without the dynamics of the narrative, which is achieved by using verbs.

What is a verb: morphological and syntactic features

The verb talks about the action of an object. The verb is determined by the questions “what to do?”, “what to do?”. When characterizing a verb, pay attention to its grammatical meaning, morphological features and function in a sentence. The grammatical features of a verb are divided into constant and inconstant.

The points of view of scientists regarding the identification of verb forms differ. There are still debates whether the participle and gerund are distinguished as significant parts of speech, or whether they are just forms of the verb. We will consider them as independent.

Grammatical meaning of the verb

Grammatically, a verb talks about the action of an object. There are several groups of actions that are expressed by verbs:

  1. Work, labor of the subject of speech: “sharpen”, “drive”, “build”, “dig”.
  2. Speech or mental activity: “talk”, “assume”, “think”, “figure out”.
  3. The movement of an object in space, its position: “drive”, “be”, “sit”, “be located”.
  4. The emotional state of the subject of speech: “sad”, “hate”, “cherish”, “love”.
  5. State environment: “it’s getting evening,” “it’s freezing,” “it’s drizzling.”

In addition to the general grammatical meaning of the verb, it is worth mentioning its syntactic function. In a sentence it is one of the main members, the predicate. The predicate verb agrees with the subject and forms the predicative basis of the sentence with it. From the verb they pose questions to minor members predicate groups. As a rule, these are additions and circumstances, expressed by nouns, adverbs or gerunds.

How the verb changes: constant and inconstant signs

The morphological features of the verb are divided into constant and inconstant. This gradation occurs from the point of view of changing the word itself or only its form. For example, “read” and “read” are two different words. The difference is that “read” is an imperfect verb, and “read” is a perfect verb. They will change in different ways: the perfect verb “read” is not supposed to have the present tense. And “I read” - we read only indicate the number of the verb to read.

Constant signs of the verb:

  • type (imperfect, perfect);
  • conjugation (I, II, heterogeneously conjugated);
  • repayment (non-refundable, returnable).
  • gender (feminine, neuter, masculine);
  • mood (subjunctive, indicative, imperative);
  • number (plural, singular)
  • time (present, past, future);

These signs are formative. Therefore, when parsing a verb, they say that it is in the form of a certain tense, mood, gender and number.

Verb moods

The grammatical features of a verb contain mood. One verb can be used in the form of the indicative, subjunctive (conditional) and imperative moods. Thus, this category is included in the inconstant features of the verb.

  • Indicative mood. It is characterized by the fact that the verb in this form can be used in the present, future and past tenses: “the child is playing” (present tense); “the child was playing” (past tense); “the child will play” (future tense). The indicative mood allows you to change the verb in persons and numbers.
  • Conditional (subjunctive) mood. Represents an action that can only happen under a certain condition. It is formed by adding the particle would (b) to the main verb: “With your help, I would cope with difficulties.” It is possible to change the conditional verbs by number and gender; in these forms they agree in the sentence with the subject: “She would have solved this problem herself”; “They would solve this problem themselves”; “He would have solved this problem himself”; “Most would solve this problem on their own.” It is important to note that the conditional mood does not involve changing the verb tense.
  • Imperative. Indicates encouraging the interlocutor to take action. Depending on the emotional coloring, the impulse is expressed both in the form of a wish: “Please answer the question,” and in the form of an order: “Stop shouting!” To get a verb imperative mood in the singular, it is necessary to attach the suffix -i to the stem in the present tense: “sleep - sleep”, it is possible to form it in a suffixless way: “eat - eat”. Plural is formed using the suffix -te: “draw - draw!” Imperative verbs change according to numbers: “eat soup - eat soup.” If it is necessary to convey a sharp order, the infinitive is used: “I said, everyone stand up!”

Verb tense

The morphological features of the verb contain the category of tense. Indeed, for any action it is possible to identify the time at which it occurs. Since the verb changes tenses, this category will be inconsistent.

Verb conjugation

The grammatical features of a verb cannot be fully characterized without the category of conjugation - changing them according to persons and numbers.

For clarity, here is a table:

Other features of a verb: aspect, transitivity, reflexivity

In addition to conjugation, constants grammatical features verbs contain the categories of aspect, transitivity and reflexivity.

  • Kind of verb. There is a distinction between perfect and imperfect. The perfect form presupposes the questions “what to do?”, “What will it do?” Indicates an action that has achieved a result (“learn”), begun (“sing”) or completed (“sing”). The imperfect is characterized by the questions “what to do?”, “What does it do?” Involves an action that continues and is repeated many times (“jump”).
  • Verb reflexivity. It is characterized by the presence of the suffix -sya (-s).
  • Transitivity of the verb. It is determined by the ability to control a noun in the accusative case without a preposition (“to imagine the future”), if the verb has a negation meaning - with transitivity the noun will stand in genitive case: “I’m not watching him.”

So, the signs of a verb as a part of speech are varied. To determine its permanent signs, it is necessary to put the part of speech in initial form. To determine non-constant features, it is necessary to work with a verb taken in the context of the narrative.

July 31, 2014

Inconstant verb sign - what is it? Reply to asked question you will find in the materials of the presented article. In addition, we will tell you what forms this part of speech has, how it declines, etc.

General information

Before understanding what permanent and inconstant features of a verb exist, it is necessary to say what this part of speech generally represents.

A verb is a part of speech that denotes the state or action of an object and answers the questions “what to do?” and “what should I do?”

Verb forms

Each verb has the following forms:

  • Initial. It is sometimes called the infinitive or indefinite form. Such verbs end in -ti, -t or -ch, that is, in formative suffixes (for example: guard, bloom, bathe, etc.). The indefinite form of the verb names only a state or action and does not indicate number, tense or person. This is the so-called immutable form. It has only permanent characteristics.
  • Conjugated forms, that is, not being an infinitive. As a rule, they have constant and inconstant signs of a verb.
  • Participle.
  • Communion.

So, in order to correctly compose the text of a letter, you should know that the presented part of speech has:

  • fickle;
  • constant signs of the verb.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Video on the topic

Inconstant verb features

Non-permanent forms include:

  • number;
  • mood;
  • face;
  • time.

It should be especially noted that each of these signs has its own characteristics.


All verbs have 3 mood forms. This sign shows how talking man evaluates the action. In other words, with the help of this form one can find out whether he considers it desirable, possible or real under any particular condition.


The term “non-constant verb features” speaks for itself. That is, this part of speech changes over time. However, this only applies to verbs in the indicative mood.

So, let's look in more detail at how this part of speech changes over time:

  • Present tense. Formally, it is expressed by such personal endings as -у, -yu, -eesh, -et, -ut, -ete, etc. (For example: walking, thinking, doing, dreaming, carrying etc.). It should be especially noted that the present tense denotes a process that takes place in at the moment. Moreover, he himself may not be in the present, but in the past or future. Here's an example: She runs ahead of me. She thought she was running ahead of me. She'll run ahead again.
  • Future tense. As you know, it denotes a process that will happen very soon. For example: I'll go for a walk in the evening. It should also be noted that verbs of the perfect and imperfect forms also have a future tense. Although in these cases it is expressed differently ( I will read - I will read, I will sing - I will sing, I will walk - I will walk etc.).
  • Past tense. This tense denotes an action that has already passed (for example: walked, did, thought). This form is formed by adding the suffix -l-.


Inconstant signs of a verb are those signs that, if necessary, can change the word in right time, face, etc. The number is also a fickle sign. It could be:

  • The only one: I'm doing, I'm waiting, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going etc.
  • Plural: do, wait, go, let's go, let's go etc.


In the future and present forms, all verbs change according to the following persons:

  • The 1st person indicates that the process is carried out by the speaker: I sing, we sing;
  • The 2nd person indicates that the action is performed by the listener: you are silent, you are silent;
  • The 3rd person indicates that the action is carried out by a person not participating in the dialogue: it, he, she goes, they go.

It should also be noted that some verbs name any action or state that occurs without the participation of a specific person, as if by itself. Such verbs are called impersonal. Here's an example: Chills. It's getting light. It's getting dark.


What other inconstant features of a verb exist? Of course, this includes gender. However, this form is inherent only in singular verbs, conditional mood and past tense:

Now you know what non-constant morphological features of a verb exist and how this part of speech changes in accordance with them. However, it should be noted that, in addition to non-permanent ones, there are also permanent forms. Let's look at them in more detail.

Verb signs are constant

If someone turns to you and asks: “Name the inconstant features of a verb,” then you will probably do it without hesitation. But what do you say if they want to hear from you a list and differences between the constant features of a verb?

So, these forms include:

  • transitivity;
  • repayment;
  • conjugation.


Absolutely all verbs are imperfect or perfect. This sign shows exactly how the action proceeds. As you know, all verbs of the perfect form answer the following question: “what to do?” In addition, they indicate the result of an action, its completion, beginning or end (for example, what to do? - stand up).

Verbs of the perfect form can change in the past ( what did you do? - got up) and future simple tense ( what will they do? - will stand up). This feature does not have a present tense form.

Imperfective verbs answer the following question: “what to do?” In addition, when denoting an action, they do not indicate its result, completion, beginning or end: get up. Such verbs have a past ( what did you do? - got up), present ( what are they doing? - get up) and future complex tense ( what will you do? - I'll get up). Also, the imperfective form has an infinitive form of the verb ( what will it do? - will get up, will dance etc.).

It should be especially noted that in the Russian language there is a small number of two-aspect verbs. Such words, depending on the context, can become either perfect or imperfect ( order, marry, explore, execute, arrest, marry, attack, examine etc.).

Here's an example:

  • Rumors spread throughout the city that the king himself would execute his enemies. In this case, the verb “execute” answers the question “what does it do?” and has an imperfect appearance.
  • Rumors spread throughout the city that the king himself would execute several rebels. In this case, the verb “execute” answers the question “what will he do?” and looks perfect.


TO constant signs This also applies to a form such as recurrence. Thus, verbs that have the postfix -sya or -sya are called reflexive. For example: fight, swear etc. The rest are non-refundable. For example: beat, scold, think etc.


All verbs are divided into intransitive and transitive. The latter denote a process that transfers to another subject. Its name can be expressed:

All other verbs are considered intransitive ( play in the forest, believe in justice etc.).


You know what inconstant feature of a verb can be used to write beautiful stylistic writing. However, this is not enough to compose a competent text. After all, it is very important to know how verbs are written in one conjugation or another.

As you know, with this form the endings of verbs change. In turn, conjugations depend on the person and number of a word.

So, to compose a competent letter, you need to remember that:

  • Verbs of the 1st conjugation have the endings: -eat (-esh), -у (-yu), -et (-yot), -ete (-yote), -em (-yom) and -ut (-yut). Here's an example: work, want, howl, eat, run etc.
  • Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have the endings: -ish, -u (-yu), im, -it, -at (-yat) or -ite. Here's an example: grow, feed, love, pass, destroy etc.