Opera singer Zurab Sotkilava has died. Zurab Sotkilava died: cause of death, latest news When Zurab died

Opera singer and soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Zurab Sotkilava died in Moscow. This was announced by the general director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin. Zurab Sotkilava was 80 years old.

Zurab Sotkilava was born in 1937 in Sukhumi into an intelligent family. Until 1940, his father worked as a history teacher and school director; During the war he went to the front with three of his brothers, two of whom died. Among Zurab’s relatives were not musicians, but his mother (a radiologist) and grandmother sang well and played the guitar. After the war, at the insistence of his mother, Zurab studied violin and piano for some time. I didn’t think about an artistic future, I was seriously interested in football and dreamed of achieving success in the sports field.

In 1973, the artist made his debut on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in Bizet’s opera “Carmen” as Jose, and with next year he was invited to opera troupe, and he soon became the leading soloist. Sotkilava is a recognized performer of the roles of Jose, Manrico, Cavaradossi, Radamès, Vaudemont, Indian Guest, and Pretender.

After graduating from Tbilisi Polytechnic Institute in 1960, at the insistence of one of the professors, he entered the Tbilisi Conservatory.

At the age of 81, tenor Zurab Sotkilava, People's Artist of the USSR, one of the brightest celebrities of the Soviet opera theater, died of cancer.

“Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end,” Urin said.

How did Zurab Sotkilava die? Latest information.

In 1973, the singer made his debut at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow as Jose in Bizet's opera Carmen, and in 1974 he joined the theater's opera troupe. The most significant of their operatic works he considered "Othello" and "Carmen".

Sotkilava was born on March 12, 1937 in Sukhumi. He has been a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater since 1974. Sotkilava also taught at the Moscow Conservatory. He himself was a graduate of the Tbilisi Conservatory.

Let us remember that two years ago it became known that the famous tenor was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor. The artist had surgery at a specialized center in Germany, but continued treatment in Russia.

Since 1973, Sotkilava began performing at the Bolshoi, starting with the role of Jose in the opera Carmen. IN recent years the artist was engaged in teaching at the Moscow Conservatory and turned out to be a talented teacher. It was he who raised such stage stars as Vladimir Bogachev and Vladimir Redkin.

Zurab Sotkilava's illness was sick. Detailed information.

Opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava died in Moscow at the age of 80. “He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end,” TASS quotes general director Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin. The time of farewell and funeral will be announced later.

Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava (Georgian: ზურაბ სოტკილავა; March 12, 1937, Sukhumi - September 18, 2017, Moscow) - Soviet Georgian and Russian opera singer (tenor), People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1 973) and USSR (1979), teacher, professor at the Moscow Conservatory , soloist of the Bolshoi Theater (1974-2017), former football player in the clubs Dynamo Sukhumi (1951-1955), Dynamo Tbilisi (1955-1959).

As Joseph Kobzon told RBC, farewell to Zurab Sotkilava will take place on September 20 at the Bolshoi Theater. The artist will be buried in Tbilisi.

He graduated from the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the Tbilisi Polytechnic Institute, after which he entered the Tbilisi Conservatory.

There were few tenors of such talent and such polish in the late Soviet operatic context of the seventies and eighties. That is why his work at the Moscow Conservatory, where he taught for a total of several decades, was very important.

At the age of 16, he was accepted into Dynamo Sukhumi, where he played as a full-back, getting involved a lot in attacks. In 1956, he became captain of the Georgian national team under the age of 20, with which he won the USSR championship. In 1955, he was included in the main squad of Dynamo Tbilisi and made his debut in the match against Shakhtar. Severe injuries received in 1958 in Yugoslavia and in 1959 in Czechoslovakia led to the end of his sports career.

Soviet, Russian and Georgian opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava died at the age of 80. The cause of death is stated to be cancer; the singer will be buried in Georgia.

The cause of death of Zurab Sotkilav is all that is known today 12/15/2017 New details.

The wife of the opera singer Eliso Turmanidze clarified that Sotkilava died in the hospital. She also said that the artist’s funeral will take place in Georgia.

“What are you guys, now in all stores different countries“, so much Georgian wine is sold that Georgia cannot produce in ten years,” Sotkilava refused the gift with a smile.

Only after this did he finally enter the Tbilisi Conservatory, where the aspiring baritone was finally recognized as having a real voice - a wonderful lyric-dramatic tenor. I graduated from the Sotkilava Conservatory already at the time when La Scala had just had a tour in Moscow, when the Tchaikovsky competition had already declared itself on an international scale in full force (although there was no vocal competition there yet - only Sotkilava would receive his silver medal at the competition later, in 1970), and the departure of young artists to study in capitalist countries was no longer unheard of. Having received a conservatory diploma, Sotkilava went to Milan, where in 1966–1968 he completed an internship at La Scala.

The farewell will take place on September 20 at the Bolshoi Theater, and he will be buried in Tbilisi, People's Artist of the USSR, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Joseph Kobzon told RBC.

Earlier, Dni.Ru wrote about the hospitalization of the People's Artist of the USSR. This happened in April 2017. “Yes, I'm in the hospital. I don’t know anything yet,” Sotkilava said then.

In 2015, doctors discovered a malignant tumor in the pancreas of the People's Artist of the USSR. After a course of treatment in Russia and Germany, the artist continued performing.

Opera singer and People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava died in Moscow. He died at the age of 80 after a serious illness: in 2015, doctors discovered that the folk artist had a malignant pancreatic tumor. "Country" has collected important and interesting facts from the biography of the great singer.

“Zurab Lavrentievich died at night in the clinic. The farewell and burial will take place in Georgia,” the singer’s wife told Interfax.

Opera singer Zurab Sotkilava has died. Latest events.

Zurab Sotkilava was born on March 12, 1937 in Sukhum. In his youth, the future artist was actively involved in football. He played for Dynamo Sukhumi, and then for Dynamo Tbilisi. After receiving two serious injuries, Sotkilava completed sports career.

He died on September 18, 2017 in Moscow from pancreatic cancer. The farewell took place on September 20 in the Bolshoi Theater building. The funeral took place on September 23, 2017 at the Saburtalinsky cemetery in Tbilisi.

“I trust our Russian doctors,” Zurab Lavrentievich admitted to KP. - I believe that we have great specialists working in Russia (details)

“So... And what kind then the fault do you prefer? - we asked the singer. “I bring only homemade wines from Georgia, my friends make them. I can recommend Chilean wines to you. I recently discovered them for myself - they are very decent, and somewhat similar to real Georgian wine,” advised Zurab Sotkilava.

Singer Zurab Sotkilava before the start of the Golden Eagle awards ceremony, 2011. Photo: Larisa KUDRYAVTSEVA

A merry fellow, a joker, a wonderful and artistic interlocutor, who knew how to “speak beautifully” about the intricacies of the operatic craft, and with all his temperament, indulge in homeric funny stories about incidents either from Tbilisi youth or from adult touring life. This is how he remained for very, very many people until very recently. And he continued to perform in concerts until very recently (it’s no joke - in his eighties he was singing Verdi’s Othello), despite his age and the unfortunate diagnosis made two years ago: it seemed that this was how it should be, that energy, love of life, he was given more than one lifetime of luck and a passionate desire to sing.

“Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end,” TASS quotes Bolshoi Theater General Director Vladimir Urin. The opera singer, who suffered from a pancreatic tumor, died at the age of 80, reports EG.ru.

In July 2015, he announced that he was seriously ill with cancer. Doctors diagnosed him with a malignant tumor of the pancreas. After an operation in Germany and a course of treatment in Russia, the singer returned to creative activity, his first concert after recovery took place on October 25, 2015 in Sergiev Posad.

In 1973 he made his debut at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow as Jose (Carmen by J. Bizet), and in 1974 he joined the theater's opera troupe. His repertoire included leading roles, among them Manrico in “Il Trovatore” and Radamès in “Aida” by G. Verdi, Mario Cavaradossi in “Tosca” by G. Puccini, Turiddu in “La Honor Rusticana” by P. Mascagni, roles in Russian operas: “ Iolante" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Sadko" by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, "Khovanshchina" by M. P. Mussorgsky. He has performed on the stages of the best theaters in the world - La Scala, London Royal Opera, Dresden Opera and others. He took part in the premiere of the first production of Khovanshchina in the history of the Bolshoi Theater, as revised by D. D. Shostakovich, performing the role of Golitsyn.

Zurab Sotkilava when is the funeral. New details.

In addition to opera, Sotkilava gained fame as a football player: in the 50s, as a member of the Georgian national team, he won the USSR championship.

In Moscow on Monday, September 18, opera singer Zurab Sotkilava died. This was announced by the General Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin.

“Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end,” Urin said.

RIA Novosti's interlocutor said that the singer recently underwent surgery, after which “there was hope that everything would be fine,” because Zurab Lavrentievich “felt pretty good.” Since 2015, the singer has been battling cancer.

He made concert tours in Russian cities, Western Europe, USA and Japan. In recent years, the singer's solo programs have included not only opera arias, but also romances by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, as well as Georgian, Italian and Russian folk songs.

Zurab Sotkilava was born in Sukhumi in 1937. The passion of the great artist’s childhood and youth was football: Sotkilava at the age of 16 joined Dynamo Sukhumi, where he was a full-back, and three years later he became captain of the Georgian national team at the age of under 20. However, severe injuries received in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia forced him to end his sports career.

Zurab Sotkilava was born in 1937 in Sukhumi. Planning to connect his life with football, he played for Dynamo Sukhumi, then for Dynamo Tbilisi. Having received serious injuries, he left the sport and decided to take up music. After graduating from the Tbilisi Conservatory, he performed at the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater and interned at La Scala in Milan.

At one time, at the beginning of 2000, a Strana correspondent conducted a direct line with Zurab Sotkilava in the editorial office of one of the national newspapers of Ukraine. After the opera star’s conversation with readers, the editors decided to present Zurab Sotkilava with Georgian wine. Especially for this occasion, they chose the most expensive thing in the store.

Scene from Giuseppe Verdi's opera Othello, 1978 production. Bolshoi Theater soloist Zurab Sotkilava plays the role of Othello. Photo by Alexander Konkov /TASS Photo Chronicle/

In 1959, while still a 5th year student at the Polytechnic Institute, at the insistence of Professor N.V. Bokuchava, he entered the 1st year at the Tbilisi Conservatory. In his 3rd year, Zurab entered the class of the outstanding singer and teacher David Andguladze, who discovered that the young singer had a magnificent lyric-dramatic tenor (until that time everyone considered him a baritone). In 1964, he took part in the Transcaucasian competition of performing musicians and won the first prize. In 1965, Zurab Sotkilava graduated from the conservatory, and in 1972 - graduate school.

Zurab Sotkilava farewell to the singer. Latest events.

Zurab Sotkilava has worked at the Bolshoi Theater since 1974 and was a teacher and professor at the Moscow Conservatory.

In 2015, the singer said that he had defeated cancer, for which he was treated in Germany: “I feel good. Just yesterday I finished chemotherapy and was examined. There was a computed tomography scan and a blood test - everything was clear. During this illness and procedures, I received a huge number of wishes, many candles were lit in churches, people prayed for me, and I thank everyone. “I defeated cancer, but this disease is really insidious, and no one knows where it will pop up.”

Opera singer Zurab Sotkilava died in Moscow. This was announced by the General Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin, TASS reports on Monday, September 18.

Despite his illness, Sotkilava did not cancel his performances. So, just three months after the operation and course of therapy, the artist’s concert took place.

People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava has died.

The sad news came from Moscow just an hour ago. People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava has died. He was 80 years old.

The opera singer, teacher, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia had been battling a serious cancer for several years. After surgery in Germany and a course of chemotherapy, the tenor returned to the stage and continued teaching. Zurab Sotkilava was born in Sukhumi in 1937. As a child, he played football and even joined Dynamo Tbilisi, but serious injuries ended his sports career. After the conservatory he served at the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater. In the 60s he trained at La Scala in Milan. The date and place of the opera singer's funeral will be announced later.

"I good life I’ve lived, I’m a happy person,” he said ten years ago, celebrating his 70th birthday. “I tried everything in life, I sang everything I wanted to sing.”

“Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end,” Vladimir Urin, general director of the Bolshoi Theater, of which Sotkilava was a soloist, told TASS.

In 1976-1988 he taught at the Moscow Conservatory, and since 1987 he has been a professor in the department of solo singing. In 2002 he returned to teaching at the Moscow Conservatory. Among the students are V. Bogachev, V. Redkin, A. Fedin and others.

In 1965-1974 - soloist of the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater named after Z. Paliashvili. From 1966 to 1968 he trained at the La Scala Theater in Milan under the guidance of the famous teacher Dinaro Barra and conductor E. Piazza.

In his youth, the future soloist of the Bolshoi Theater played football professionally, in 1956 he headed the Georgian youth team and played for Dynamo Tbilisi. “I am proud that I took the field against Lev Yashin himself,” said Sotkilava.

The singer was elected honorary academician of the Bologna Academy of Arts “for his subtle and deep interpretation of Verdi’s works,” and has repeatedly performed in the best theaters in the world. For his many years of activity, Zurab Sotkilava was noted by many high awards. He was awarded the State Prize of Georgia. Shota Rustaveli is a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV, III and II degrees.

“After the operation, Zurab Lavrentievich felt well, and there was hope that everything would be fine. But, unfortunately, this did not happen, and this morning he died,” said the interlocutor of the RIA Novosti agency.

The singer has been in intensive care for the last three weeks, Interfax writes, citing a source in medical circles.

Zurab Sotkilava video last performance singer (updated).

The famous singer, tenor, who was known and loved all over the world, temperamental and unusually charming man Zurab Sotkilava passed away, he was 80 years old. Condolences are pouring in to his family today from all over the world.

Zurab Lavrentievich struggled with cancer, and he himself spoke about it on Andrei Malakhov’s program “Tonight”.

Zurab Sotkilava died - the cause of death of the famous opera singer

He told how, when he got to a clinic in Germany where he was undergoing surgery, the surgeons began to sing a song from his repertoire, and when he laughed hard, they put a mask on him. After a successful operation, while already in Moscow, he underwent chemotherapy courses.

“I am very grateful to all the specialists of the Oncology Center. Blokhina. God forbid anyone to undergo chemotherapy, everyone be healthy!” said Zurab Lavrentievich.

After all the procedures performed, the disease began to recede. He slowly began to come to his senses and even prepared for the concert, which was supposed to take place on October 25 in Sergiev Posad.

Now it’s even difficult to imagine that the one who received a standing ovation all over the world once dreamed of becoming a football player, and didn’t even think about becoming a singer.

Today, calls and telegrams from all over the world come to his family, and those who knew him personally note how dedicated he was to his work.

Since 1973, Sotkilava began performing at the Bolshoi, starting with the role of Jose in the opera Carmen. In recent years, the artist has been teaching at the Moscow Conservatory and turned out to be a talented teacher. It was he who raised such stage stars as Vladimir Bogachev and Vladimir Redkin.

The singer’s creative path began in Tbilisi at the Georgian Opera Theater and ballet them. Paliashvili, then Sotkilava trained at La Scala in Milan. In 1960 - 1970, Sotkilava won several international competitions.

Singer Zurab Sotkilava before the start of the Golden Eagle awards ceremony, 2011. Photo: Larisa KUDRYAVTSEVA

Died 18 September 2017 in Moscow from pancreatic cancer. The farewell took place on September 20 in the Bolshoi Theater building. The funeral took place on September 23, 2017 at the Saburtalinsky cemetery in Tbilisi.

Zurab Sotkilava was born on March 12, 1937 in Sukhum. In his youth, the future artist was actively involved in football. He played for Dynamo Sukhumi and then for Dynamo Tbilisi. After receiving two serious injuries, Sotkilava ended his sports career.

In 1959, while still a 5th year student at the Polytechnic Institute, at the insistence of Professor N.V. Bokuchava, he entered the 1st year at the Tbilisi Conservatory. In his 3rd year, Zurab entered the class of the outstanding singer and teacher David Andguladze, who discovered that the young singer had a magnificent lyric-dramatic tenor (until that time everyone considered him a baritone). In 1964, he took part in the Transcaucasian competition of performing musicians and won the first prize. In 1965, Zurab Sotkilava graduated from the conservatory, and in 1972 - graduate school.

“Guys, now in all stores in different countries, they sell as much Georgian wine as Georgia cannot produce in ten years,” Sotkilava refused the gift with a smile.

How did Zurab Sotkilava die? All information summary.

Zurab Sotkilava was born on March 12 in Georgia. He graduated from the Tbilisi Conservatory and since 1974 has been a soloist at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. Until 1959, he played football professionally - he played in the main team of Dynamo Tbilisi. After an injury, he was forced to stop his career as an athlete.

The singer was elected honorary academician of the Bologna Academy of Arts “for his subtle and deep interpretation of Verdi’s works,” and has repeatedly performed in the best theaters in the world. For many years of activity, Zurab Sotkilava has been awarded many high awards. He was awarded the State Prize of Georgia. Shota Rustaveli is a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV, III and II degrees.

RIA Novosti's interlocutor said that the singer recently underwent surgery, after which “there was hope that everything would be fine,” because Zurab Lavrentievich “felt pretty good.” Since 2015, the singer has been battling cancer.

In 1976-1988 he taught at the Moscow Conservatory, and since 1987 he has been a professor in the department of solo singing. In 2002 he returned to teaching at the Moscow Conservatory. Among the students are V. Bogachev, V. Redkin, A. Fedin and others.

The singer has been in intensive care for the last three weeks, Interfax writes, citing a source in medical circles.

“Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. U he was a serious illness with which he fought to the end,” TASS quotes Bolshoi Theater General Director Vladimir Urin. The opera singer, who suffered from a pancreatic tumor, died at the age of 80, reports EG.ru.

Zurab Sotkilava's illness was sick. Latest events.

Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava (Georgian: ზურაბ სოტკილავა; March 12, 1937, Sukhumi - September 18, 2017, Moscow) - Soviet Georgian and Russian opera singer (tenor), People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1 973) and USSR (1979), teacher, professor at the Moscow Conservatory , soloist of the Bolshoi Theater (1974-2017), former football player in the clubs Dynamo Sukhumi (1951-1955), Dynamo Tbilisi (1955-1959).

Zurab Sotkilava has worked at the Bolshoi Theater since 1974 and was a teacher and professor at the Moscow Conservatory.

“Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end,” Vladimir Urin, general director of the Bolshoi Theater, of which Sotkilava was a soloist, told TASS.

At the age of 28, Sotkilava became a soloist at the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater named after Paliashvili, and in 1973 he made his debut at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, performing the role of Jose in the opera Carmen. In 1974, the artist joined the theater's opera troupe. Also in 1987, Sotkilava became a professor at the solo singing department of the Moscow Conservatory.

At the age of 16, he was accepted into Dynamo Sukhumi, where he played as a full-back, getting involved a lot in attacks. In 1956, he became captain of the Georgian national team under the age of 20, with which he won the USSR championship. In 1955, he was included in the main squad of Dynamo Tbilisi and made his debut in the match against Shakhtar. Severe injuries received in 1958 in Yugoslavia and in 1959 in Czechoslovakia led to the end of his sports career.

Despite his illness, Sotkilava did not cancel his performances. So, just three months after the operation and course of therapy, the artist’s concert took place.

Zurab Sotkilava was born in Sukhumi in 1937. The passion of the great artist’s childhood and youth was football: Sotkilava at the age of 16 joined Dynamo Sukhumi, where he was a full-back, and three years later he became captain of the Georgian national team at the age of under 20. However, severe injuries received in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia forced him to end his sports career.

The cause of death of Zurab Sotkilav is all that is known today 03/19/2018. Detailed data as of 03/19/2018.

In 1973, Sotkilava made his debut at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow as José (Carmen by Georges Bizet) and soon became a permanent member of the troupe. The tenor brilliantly coped with a variety of roles: Othello in Giuseppe Verdi's opera of the same name, Richard in Un ballo in maschera, Golitsyn in Modest Mussorgsky's Khovanshchina and many others.

As you know, in July 2015, the singer was diagnosed with cancer - doctors found a malignant tumor in the pancreas. He underwent comprehensive treatment in Russia and Germany, after which he returned to creativity.

In 1965-1974 - soloist of the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater named after Z. Paliashvili. From 1966 to 1968 he trained at the La Scala Theater in Milan under the guidance of the famous teacher Dinaro Barra and conductor E. Piazza.

Let us remember that two years ago it became known that the famous tenor was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor. The artist had surgery at a specialized center in Germany, but continued treatment in Russia.

In 1960, the future Bolshoi soloist entered the Tbilisi Polytechnic Institute, and then the local conservatory. five years later, he became a soloist at the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater named after Z. Paliashvili, and from 1966 to 1968 he trained at the La Scala Theater in Milan with Dinaro Barra.

Opera singer Zurab Sotkilava has died. Main news today 03/19/2018

The farewell will take place on September 20 at the Bolshoi Theater, and he will be buried in Tbilisi, RBC reported People's Artist USSR, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Iosif Kobzon.

Opera singer Zurab Sotkilava has died.

Opera singer and People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava died on Monday in Moscow at the age of 80. General Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin reported this to TASS.
“Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end,” Urin said.
The time of farewell and funeral will be announced additionally.

More details on TASS:

Music: © JSC S.B.A. Music Publishing" under license from Videohelper, Inc. Aaron Sapp

Video: TASS

Zurab Sotkilava when is the funeral. Summary for today.

In addition to opera, Sotkilava gained fame as a football player: in the 50s, as a member of the Georgian national team, he won the USSR championship.

“Zurab Lavrentievich died at night in the clinic. The farewell and burial will take place in Georgia,” the singer’s wife told Interfax.

Zurab Sotkilava farewell to the singer. Exclusive information.

Opera singer and People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava died in Moscow. He died at the age of 80 after a serious illness: in 2015, doctors discovered that the folk artist had a malignant pancreatic tumor. “Country” has collected important and interesting facts from the biography of the great singer.

Among his most famous roles are Manrico in Il Trovatore by Giuseppe Verdi, Mario Cavaradossi in Tosca by Giacomo Puccini, the Pretender in Boris Godunov and Golitsyn in Khovanshchina by Modest Mussorgsky.

In his youth, the future soloist of the Bolshoi Theater played football professionally, in 1956 he headed the Georgian youth team and played for Dynamo Tbilisi. “I am proud that I took the field against Lev Yashin himself,” said Sotkilava.

On September 18, at the age of 80, opera singer and People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava died in Moscow, TASS reports citing the general director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin. Farewell to the singer will take place on September 20, and he will be buried in Tbilisi.

“After the operation, Zurab Lavrentievich felt well, and there was hope that everything would be fine. But, unfortunately, this did not happen, and this morning he died,” said the interlocutor of the RIA Novosti agency.

Let us remember that in 2015 it became known that Sotkilava had pancreatic cancer. The singer underwent treatment in Germany, after which he was able to return to the stage.

Zurab Sotkilava was born in Sukhumi in 1937. In his youth, he was actively involved in football, at the age of 16 he became part of the Sukhumi Dynamo, and then became a member of the Tbilisi Dynamo team. After receiving two serious injuries, Sotkilava ended his sports career.

Zurab Sotkilava was born in 1937 in Sukhumi. Planning to connect his life with football, he played for Dynamo Sukhumi, then for Dynamo Tbilisi. Having received serious injuries, he left the sport and decided to take up music. After graduating from the Tbilisi Conservatory, he performed at the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater and interned at La Scala in Milan.

In 2015, doctors discovered a malignant tumor in the pancreas of the People's Artist of the USSR. After a course of treatment in Russia and Germany, the artist continued performing.

Photo by Sotkilav. New details.

Sotkilava was born on March 12, 1937 in Sukhumi. He has been a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater since 1974. Sotkilava also taught at the Moscow Conservatory. He himself was a graduate of the Tbilisi Conservatory.

He made concert tours in cities of Russia, Western Europe, the USA and Japan. In recent years, the singer's solo programs have included not only opera arias, but also romances by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, as well as Georgian, Italian and Russian folk songs.

“Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end,” said Vladimir Urin, general director of the Bolshoi Theater.

Earlier, Dni.Ru wrote about the hospitalization of the People's Artist of the USSR. This happened in April 2017. “Yes, I'm in the hospital. I don’t know anything yet,” Sotkilava said then.

According to the agency’s interlocutor, the People’s Artist of the USSR was hospitalized at the Blokhin National Medical Research Center for Oncology under the Russian Ministry of Health a month ago. For the last three weeks, Sotkilava has been in intensive care.

In the last years of his life, the singer suffered from pancreatic cancer. Sotkilava underwent treatment in Germany and underwent surgery. In 2015, after recovery, he returned to the stage: the concert took place on October 25, 2015 in Sergiev Posad.

According to the general director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin, “Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava, a wonderful artist of the Bolshoi Theater, has died. He had a serious illness, which he fought to the end.”

“After the operation, Zurab Lavrentievich felt well, and there was hope that everything would be fine. But, unfortunately, this did not happen, and this morning he died,” one of the artist’s relatives told RIA Novosti.

In 2015, the singer said that he had defeated cancer, for which he was treated in Germany: “I feel good. Just yesterday I finished chemotherapy and was examined. There was a computed tomography scan and a blood test - everything was clear. During this illness and procedures, I received a huge number of wishes, many candles were lit in churches, people prayed for me, and I thank everyone. “I defeated cancer, but this disease is really insidious, and no one knows where it will pop up.”

“So... What wines do you prefer then?” - we asked the singer. “I bring only homemade wines from Georgia, my friends make them. I can recommend Chilean wines to you. I recently discovered them for myself - they are very decent, and somewhat similar to real Georgian wine,” advised Zurab Sotkilava.

Zurab Sotkilava video of the singer's last performance. Everything that is known at the moment.

Beginning of autumn, September 18, 2017, Moscow. There is sad news in the news reports - the largest voice in history, the pride of the Bolshoi Theater, has left us. The incredibly soulful Zurab Sotkilava could not overcome cancer; he would have turned 81 this year. Since 2015, Zurab Lavrentievich has been fighting a difficult and seemingly incurable disease, and at first he succeeded.

Diagnosis and period of remission:

  • In the summer of 2015, Sotkilava learned from doctors about a disappointing diagnosis - a pancreatic tumor. Today, unfortunately, there are no medications that would permanently destroy the tumor. Therefore, treatment occurs exclusively surgically. The diagnosis was a malignant tumor, which significantly aggravated the situation. But Zurab did not give up, asking the question: Curable or a death sentence? This once again tells us about his tenacity and invincibility.
  • Zurab Lavrentievich went to Germany, underwent a major operation and underwent a course of treatment. After chemotherapy sessions and a recovery period, his condition improved. He even returned to creativity for some time with renewed vigor, which his colleagues and fans were infinitely happy about.
  • The opera singer told everyone that he was completely healthy and was able to defeat cancer. He shared that tests, tomography, and all examinations indicated that the disease had gone away. However, as it turned out, this disease is very insidious and unpredictable. In April 2017, Zurab became worse and was hospitalized in a clinic.

End of an era

In the fall of 2017, the star of an entire era of opera, Zurab Sotkilav, passed away; the cause of death was recurrent cancer. If a film were made about Sotkilav, it would be an indicator of determination and the will to win.

Path to stage:

  • In his childhood and youth, Zurab played for the Tbilisi Dynamo football club, and was even captain of the Georgian football team. Many predicted a football career for him, as Sotkilava himself spoke about. Then he did not even think about a career as a singer or soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. Zurab even openly laughed in the faces of those who casually predicted a career as an artist for him.
  • But why did everything change so much, and how did it happen? - you ask. Zurab became interested in singing and rehearsed in breaks between games and training. But he accepted final decision to devote his life to the stage only after systematically suffering injuries during the game. It was as if fate itself was guiding him on the right path.
  • Paradoxically, football also brought Zurab into the world of opera. Teacher Sotkilava in Moscow did not see anything outstanding or unique in the future opera star, but he was an active football fan. Zurab persuaded him to practice singing with him in exchange for tickets to matches.
  • And as soon as they started studying, Zurab progressed at lightning speed and finally revealed his talent. Great data and hard work helped Sotkilav a little later win the audition at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
  • Already in the 70s, all of Russia knew his name, and after that the whole world. He became famous throughout Italy as the best interpreter of opera classics. IN lately Zurab worked at the Moscow Conservatory, teaching students.
  • In March 2017, we could see the last solo performance of the people's artist. He was considered one of the most efficient and hardworking opera performers of our century. The entire world of modern theater is now plunged into mourning. An entire era of opera around the world passed away with Zurab.

Fight against cancer

Zurab Sotkilava never hid what he was sick with. He long time fought against cancer and recovered very quickly after the first course of treatment in a German clinic. The diagnosis was made in the summer, and in October, just a couple of months later, Zurab returned to his fans again. He enthusiastically went on stage and was even able to perform an entire solo concert. And from that period his performances did not stop until recently. It was as if the disease had truly been defeated.

Great people about Zurab Sotkilava:

  • Famous artist and sculptor Zurab Tsereteli: “I’m crying because this great man for me. Not only as a creative person, but also as a unique and decent person.”
  • Soloist of the Italian Opera Theater: “He was distinguished by his temperament, his emotionality, his bright presentation, which matched his dramatic tenor. Therefore, he won the hearts of the ladies precisely with his dramatic voice and his drama on stage.”
  • Famous opera singer Pyotr Skusnichenko: “A lot of guys were drawn to him. Especially the tenors, who saw their future in this professor. Because Zurab Lavrentievich somehow did it in his own individual way.”
  • Director Charitable Foundation Music Art by E. Obraztsova Natalya Ignatenko: “People and the public responded to him with the same sincere love and adoration.”
  • Soviet and Russian pop singer Joseph Kobzon: “I cry and regret that such a great man passed away.”

March 12, 1937 – September 18, 2017

Unfortunately, Zurab Sotkilava could not overcome the disease. In 2015, he announced to everyone that he intended to fight. The diagnosis of a malignant pancreatic tumor did not stop Zurab. It was the love of life and perseverance that temporarily defeated the illness and enabled the singer to delight his fans and students for several more years. For about a year, Zurab continued to receive treatment in the best clinics in Germany and Russia. People donated money, sent letters wishing for a speedy recovery and prayed. Relatives and friends worried, helped and believed. This did not stop Zurab from going on stage just three months after the tumor was discovered. The whole audience stood up and applauded as soon as their favorite idol appeared on stage. Years of intense struggle with a serious illness were filled with creativity and love from the audience. Sotkilava has earned public recognition and will be remembered for many centuries.