Scheme of a boomerang made of wood. How to make a boomerang out of paper with your own hands? photo

Not everyone knows that a boomerang is, in fact, a type of throwing wooden weapon. But the days when it was used as a weapon are long gone. Today it is a toy that not only children, but also adults want. We will tell you how to make a boomerang with your own hands.
Boomerangs have become widely known for their ability to return to the place from which a person fired. But there are also boomerangs that do not return (combat boomerangs).

What other boomerangs are there?

A – combat boomerang; B – “pil-pil”; B – “Kylie” boomerang, which, like the “pil-pil”, can return, but only if thrown against the wind; G – sports and hunting returning boomerang; D, E – multi-blade returning boomerangs.

DIY boomerang

You will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard;
  • Plywood or wood;
  • Varnish or paint;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Plane;
  • Sandpaper.

First of all, you need to draw the selected boomerang model exactly in life size on a thick and thin sheet of cardboard. It is recommended to choose a sheet size of 50x60 cm. After this, you need to transfer a grid with a square side of 50 mm onto the cardboard.
Next, we redraw the outlines of the boomerang onto it from the drawing shown in the figure.

How to make a boomerang from plywood

From the resulting template, we cut out a blank from plywood. Its thickness is 10 mm.
Now you need to process the workpiece. This should be done with a small plane in a vice or using the device shown in image (d). The boomerang needs to be planed starting from the middle, moving towards the edges of the blades. Their end should end up being 6mm thick. The blades must be absolutely identical in shape. To simplify the task, you can make counter-templates of the blades from plywood and apply them to check the correctness of the shapes.

The surface should be completely smooth, so the next step will be sanding. To do this, you can use sandpaper. After sanding, the almost finished boomerang is coated with a primer, and then with varnish or paint. It is best to use bright paint so that the boomerang can be seen from afar and is easier to find when it falls. In addition, parquet varnish can be used for coating, which preserves the aesthetic structure of the product. This is how you can relatively easily make a boomerang with your own hands in an hour or two.

How to make a boomerang from wood

If possible, it is recommended to make a boomerang from wood. For this purpose, as a rule, bent branches and roots are used. It is important that the wood is dense, heavy and well dried. The following materials are suitable for making a boomerang: oak, birch, beech, linden. The manufacturing process is exactly the same as in the case of plywood. But it should be remembered that wood deteriorates much faster than plywood, so it must be varnished or painted especially carefully.

If you followed all the rules when creating a boomerang, then it will have excellent flight qualities and a beautiful appearance. We figured out how to make a boomerang with our own hands, now we need to figure out how to launch it correctly.

How to launch a boomerang correctly

1. Place to workout
Launching a boomerang for the first time, despite all its apparent simplicity, is quite dangerous due to unpredictability, so some caution and attention will be required. You can hit someone with a boomerang, so you shouldn’t start experiments in crowded places. Optimal place to train agility and accuracy - a meadow or clearing with a radius of 40-60 meters (the more, the better). In a city, such a clearing could be a football field or a vacant lot.

The launch of a boomerang is specific in that its flight trajectory is a figure eight. Therefore, the person throwing the boomerang should throw it only from the center of the place chosen for training. The projectile will fly forward, making a loop in front of the thrower. He will then return and make the same loop behind the thrower, thereby forming a figure eight, the execution of which depends on several parameters - the force of the throw, the quality of the boomerang, the experience of the thrower.

2. The key to success is the correct grip.
The boomerang has two main surfaces. The convex front side, on which, as a rule, a design is applied, creates its own effects when rotated. The back side, in most cases, is flat, you can also see a pattern on it, but with proper throwing, usually only the front side can be seen.
It is customary to hold a boomerang like this: thumb always lies on front side. Holding a boomerang correctly means holding it facing you and seeing the pattern clearly.
The boomerang can be held with both the wing backward and the wing forward. This is not important and in any case it is correct - whatever is more convenient for you.

Boomerangs can be light or heavy. You can determine the type yourself - your hand will tell you which boomerang you are holding.
A light boomerang in your hand needs to be fixed with three fingers - it is clamped with the middle, thumb and index fingers(It should be recalled that the thumb should always be on the front side when gripping correctly).

It is quite difficult to hold a heavy boomerang with three fingers, so it needs to be fixed in the fist, right up to the little finger, i.e. the grip comes out with four fingers, so the fixation is quite rigid. You can grab it deeper, but when throwing the boomerang it will be awkward to release, so it is not recommended to grab heavy boomerangs deeper than four fingers.

3. What angle should your hand have?
Many beginners subconsciously launch a boomerang, tilting it like a sickle used to cut grass, almost parallel to the ground. This is completely wrong. In a boomerang, the aerodynamics are designed so that throwing it correctly means throwing it almost perpendicular to the horizon, at the same time the inclination to the horizon line should be to the right of the imaginary perpendicular. The boomerang should be released at an angle of no more than 45° to the horizon during the throw.

You can come to this experimentally on your own - if the boomerang is tilted too much, it will fly up sharply, and then also dive sharply to the ground in front of the thrower. If the throw is made at an angle of more than 45°, the boomerang will never even come close to returning to the thrower.

4. What should the throw be like?
The boomerang should be thrown sharply and forcefully. When launching a boomerang, you need to take into account the fact that the projectile requires force not only to fly away from the thrower, but also to travel back and loop behind the thrower. Therefore, you should throw extremely hard and sharply, especially if for training you use a real wooden boomerang, and not a toy plastic copy. As a rule, the first throws are timid and cautious, especially if a woman or child is throwing. But don't be afraid! Any high-quality boomerang is designed for a powerful throw, because if you throw it weakly, this will lead to its rapid fall somewhere along the trajectory, which is not very good for it.

You need to throw the boomerang straight in front of you, looking and focusing on the horizon line. There is no need to throw the boomerang up - it is better to throw it straight forward, because the design of the projectile is such that it will independently gain the required height.

5. Spin the boomerang
During the first throws, a situation may arise that you, as it may seem to you, are throwing the boomerang sharply and strongly, but it still flies smoothly, without twisting as required. In this case, you need to master some spinning skills. If you throw the projectile correctly, it will spin as quickly as a propeller - the pattern will merge into a solid circle, the blades will not be visible. To ensure maximum spin, a good grip is essential. In addition, the boomerang should not be buried too much in the fist (the correct grip was described above).

There are many ways to spin a boomerang, but we will focus on the simplest and most common.
So, we swing and throw sharply, but at the very last second before the boomerang comes out, you do not let go of your hand completely, but quickly stop it, as if pulling it back. Many of us have used a mercury thermometer, so this movement is familiar to everyone - it completely replicates shaking the thermometer.
With such a throw, we leave a kind of trip for the boomerang, cut off the running leg and he, stumbling, rolls head over heels. A boomerang twisted with such a stopper will twist more strongly.

6. Wind accounting
We figured out how to launch a boomerang, but we should also take into account the wind. Wind is almost the main factor that influences the flight path of not only a boomerang, but also of all flying projectiles and devices. Its influence should be taken into account when throwing no less than the force of the throw and the correct grip. If the wind is very strong, sharply changing direction and strength (intermittent), it is better to postpone the training and practice the theoretical part again. It is better to start training in calm, windless weather or in light wind that does not change direction. If you are making throws in the wind, then it is recommended to direct the throw towards the wind slightly to the right of its movement. With such a throw, the wind will help the boomerang return to the thrower. Among other things, the wind has a strong influence on the accuracy of the return of the projectile, because the behavior of any aircraft depends on the available air currents. You can make friends with the wind, but this comes only with experience and after numerous trainings. It is simply impossible to comprehend this art the first time.

Let's sum it up

Let us note the main rules for handling a boomerang:

  • The boomerang should be thrown from the center of a deserted place with a radius of at least 40-60 meters;
  • For a proper grip, the thumb should be on the front side;
  • When throwing a boomerang, you need to tilt it to the horizon from 90° to 45°, otherwise the projectile will simply stick into the ground;
  • The correct throw is sharp and strong, pulling back. In this case, the boomerang twists well;
  • If you are training in windy weather, then the throw should be directed against the wind slightly to the right.

Only perseverance and patience, dedication and perseverance will help you gain some experience and learn how to throw a boomerang correctly. It can fly perfectly in both winter and summer, you can always practice, but it’s better not in deep snow conditions.

Throwing a wooden boomerang is an ancient method of communicating with the world and the surrounding nature. If you practice persistently, you will soon be able to understand wind, air currents and other elements of nature. Throughout many years many people have successfully mastered this art and continue to learn it.

You have successfully been able to familiarize yourself with the theoretical part by reading this manual, so it’s time to move on to the important and main part - the practical one. Practice and experience will teach you the art of boomerang throwing, bringing unique pleasure from the process of unifying with the world around you.

From AlexGyver, a four-blade boomerang made from improvised materials. Almost anyone can make such a boomerang; the materials used in homemade products are available to everyone. This boomerang starts working immediately after assembly if you follow all the recommendations and instructions, and the small improvements that will be discussed will help improve its characteristics.

So, to make a four-bladed boomerang, the author used the following materials:

  1. Two slats, length 30 cm, width 4 cm, thickness about 7 mm.
  2. PVA glue for wood or liquid nails
  3. Auxiliary tools - file, hacksaw, knife and sandpaper

Making a boomerang

First you need to prepare the material; for this you need to cut the slats to the desired size and sand them well with sandpaper. The author recommends not using wood that is too dry, since the heavier it is, the better the boomerang will fly.

After preparing the material, you need to mark the workpieces. They will be fastened to each other crosswise, and they must be fixed in one plane; to do this, it is necessary to make grooves in the center of the slats so that one fits into the other. We mark the slats as shown in the photo below, the dimensions are arbitrary, the marking from the end should be equal to half the thickness of the slats.

The next step is to make cuts using a hacksaw for metal in the marking places, the cut needs to be made on the front side of the slats to the middle, this needs to be done with two workpieces.

After all the manipulations, both planks should fit into each other as perfectly as possible, forming a solid and smooth surface. Using a file, you can adjust the grooves for maximum connection accuracy.

The next step is to give each blade the shape of a wing in order for the design to work. The circuit is shown in the figures below.

To do this, use a pencil to shade from the middle of each blade in a circle; along this marking you will need to use a knife to make oblique cuts. See the photo below for what you should get.

Using a coarse file, we process the cut areas, removing all irregularities and dimples.

After rough processing, we take sandpaper and clean all the edges of the boomerang until the entire surface is smooth and even. It is also necessary to round all edges.

Next, take PVA glue or liquid nails, apply it to both parts of the groove, spread it and glue it together. In order for the two halves to stick together perfectly, you need to clamp the gluing area using a clamp or a press. Leave it to dry according to the instructions, maybe even a little longer to be sure.

After gluing the surfaces, be sure to remove the exposed glue with sandpaper and finally process the finished boomerang, giving it a beautiful look.

In principle, the boomerang is already ready and you can test it. After tests, it seemed to the author that the boomerang did not wax enough, and this affected the accuracy of the return flight. To eliminate this problem, the author decided to make the boomerang heavier. To do this, he drilled a hole along the edge of each blade and placed fishing lead weights into these holes.

All uneven areas at the holes must also be cleaned with sandpaper and filled liquid nails. After the nails are dry, you need to sand off the excess with sandpaper.

For Russia, a boomerang is a very exotic weapon. At their core, boomerangs are classified as sporting weapons and are not classified or prohibited in any way. Indeed, this is not a homemade crossbow, and prohibiting throwing a boomerang at a speed faster than permitted by law is insanity and who should be standardized, the boomerang thrower? :)

So the boomerang is ignored by law, as is the homemade sling. Therefore, you can safely make and throw boomerangs without disturbing Russian legislation. The main thing is to ensure that the boomerang being tested does not cause damage and does not fly into your head when returned.

The dimensions of the boomerang are not large, the distance between the edges is from 30 to 50 cm. Despite small sizes, the damaging ability of a correctly launched boomerang is very high.

Boomerang drawings

A homemade boomerang is made from durable, dense wood. IN normal conditions It is best to take multi-layer plywood 8-10 cm thick. It is better to choose imported waterproof plywood; unlike Russian ones, it does not delaminate and holds up well when a boomerang hits a target or a random tree. For small boomerangs, you can take a large one as the starting material. cutting board for the kitchen. This is a beautifully seasoned dry wood that lends itself well to processing.

Look at the boomerang drawing below.

The coordinate grid has a cell size of 5x5 cm, scale it to the workpiece and you can start making a boomerang.

Here is another version of the boomerang drawing, it is adapted for production from plywood and has a simple profile.

Such a boomerang is much easier and faster to make, and flies no worse than a boomerang with a complex streamlined profile.

As children, we made boomerangs according to drawings from Modelist Constructor and Young Technician. An example of such a drawing is below.

It must be said that even several boomerangs made from the same drawing have their own characteristic features flight and throwing features.

Among the drawings of boomerangs there are also very original ones, for example, one stylized as “Batman”.

By the way, watch the video of such a boomerang being thrown - it flies quite well!

And these are the drawings of a three-bladed boomerang.

When making this, the easiest way is to make each blade separately, and then connect them in the center using overlay elements.

Wood is not the only material for manufacturing, it is simply the cheapest and easiest to process. But, you can also use durable plastic or metal.

How to make a boomerang with your own hands

First you need to transfer the outline of a homemade boomerang onto plywood or the material from which you will make the boomerang and cut it out.

The easiest way to do this is to use a paper template printed on regular office paper - here is an example of what fits on one A4 sheet.

The second part is printed separately and used after tracing the first.

A regular one works well for sawing. manual jigsaw. Slowly, but efficiently, however, you can also use an electric one - everything is in your hands.

The profile of the boomerang is controlled using counter templates as in the figure below.

However, for simplified models based on those boomerang drawings that have a flat bottom and top, you can do without counter templates - just draw the edges of the profiles, fortunately, the slopes are not complicated.

Processing is carried out using sandpaper, first we put the coarse-grained one, then the finer ones. This work is best done outside - there is a lot of wood dust from sanding! A grinder will come in handy here; with its help you can make a boomerang in 30 minutes. But doing it manually can take a whole day!

After production, the boomerang is varnished. Yacht varnish has proven itself very well - it holds up well, gives the texture of wood and withstands shock loads quite well. The boomerang is coated with three layers of varnish, allowing time between varnishing procedures.

If you want to apply a design to a boomerang, this is done after the first coating with varnish. Good fit acrylic paints from a regular office supply store.

How to launch a boomerang correctly

The boomerang is launched with the right hand, the throw is made at an angle from 10 to 35 degrees. The flight trajectory depends on the angle of the throw. If the launch angle exceeds 45 degrees, the boomerang will shoot up sharply and then also sharply return along an almost vertical trajectory onto your head.

The boomerang throw must be strong enough, and in the final phase of the throw, it is necessary to impart a twisting moment to the projectile with a sharp movement of the hand.

The flight of a boomerang is highly dependent on the wind; it is better to throw against the wind, then the wind will help the boomerang when returning. For accuracy shots, it is better to use a calm day.

Watch the video of boomerang throws.

Please note that catching a boomerang is done by clapping with both hands! Trying to catch a boomerang with one hand can damage your fingers!

Like a sling, a homemade boomerang requires a lot of practical experience to accurately hit the target. This is not a rifle or a crossbow; a lot depends on weather conditions and the ability to correctly throw a boomerang in these conditions.

Here is a recording of boomerang flights from a quadcopter.

As you can see, with the right skill, the boomerang always returns.

Why is a boomerang interesting for a survivalist?

Firstly - its unusualness. The law does not prohibit the manufacture of boomerangs and slings; you can safely train with them anywhere. Boomerang develops coordination and has a good effect on general sports training.

In the case of BP, the boomerang will not be perceived as a weapon, but the kinetics of its impact is very high, precisely because angular velocity rotation of the ends of the boomerang.

The ability of the boomerang to return in case of a miss is very convenient when hunting birds. Of course, I mean hunting during survival, and not going out with guns and vodka in normal times.

While flying through a flock of birds or over water, a boomerang can knock down more than one target, the size of a small bird is not so large as to stop it, add to this the return in case of a miss and it becomes clear - if you are more or less proficient with a boomerang, then hunting with It will be more convenient for them than with a bow or crossbow. After all, you have to look for arrows and bolts after a miss, and even if they hit, they tend to break. And the boomerang was wiped with a cloth and ready for battle again! :)

The video below shows the launch of a homemade boomerang that is already 20 years old, and these years it flew on weekends and did not hang on the wall.

And making a boomerang is much easier than a powerful bow or crossbow.

In 1 hour of work you can make a boomerang from wood that returns.

The design was found by me as a child in a library book about homemade boomerangs, which I read and reread more than once. In it, the author of the case has boomerangs, which he could throw and then catch with his eyes closed. He also painted them in such a way that birds began to chase after them. Every time I have made boomerangs from his designs, they have been fully functional.

In the instructions, I will tell you how to make one boomerang, the design of which was my favorite: a simple DIY wooden boomerang in the shape of a cross, assembled from thin, beveled pieces of wood with a slight bend. The dimensions are not critical, the design is quite strong and the boomerang will work well if you stick to the basic idea and make the bends in the right direction.

What you will need:

Full version:

  • Bar 5*10 cm, length 45 cm (other widths and thicknesses are also suitable)
  • Wood glue
  • Sander
  • Microwave

Cheap option:

  • Two 45 cm stir sticks
  • Penknife
  • Bolt and nut (or wood glue)
  • Candle

Step 1: Cut two thin strips of wood

Full version:

Cut two strips from your piece of wood. The final dimensions of the strips should be approximately 5 cm wide, 0.3 – 0.6 cm thick and 45-60 cm long.

Cheap option:

Paint the stir sticks. They are most likely very thin, but they will make a good boomerang.

Step 2: Round the ends of the pieces of wood

Full version:

You can round the corners with a sander.

Cheap version:

You can round the corners using a pocket knife*.

Note: You only need two strips of wood. I take 4 photos because I'm making two boomerangs.

Step 3: Bevel the Edges

Bevel the edges of the strips. One side of the strip should be flat and the other side should be round. Something like a spoon turned upside down or a fairytale hill.

Full version:

Sand the wood using a bench sander.

Cheap option:

Do the job using a pocket knife. Work slowly to avoid catching a splinter or cutting down too much wood.

Step 4: Find the Axis of Balance

Balance each strip on a sharp, stable surface (e.g., knife point, pencil, ruler). Mark the line where the strip of wood is in balance. The balance point is not always in the middle of the strip of wood and depends on how you treated the wood.

Full version: Use a pencil.

Cheap option:

If you don't even have a pencil, then why do you need a boomerang? Lower your standards and get yourself a pencil first . But, if you are determined to assemble the boomerang, you can scratch the line with your fingernail.

Step 5: Glue the strips together

There are some controversial issues regarding this step. Some people glue boomerangs in the shape of the letter “X,” while others prefer the “+” shape. I won't tell you which shape is best, make the boomerang the way you like. Just remember to collect it along the balance lines and everything will be fine.

Full version:

Use wood glue. This is powerful stuff. If you glue two Popsicle sticks together with a drop of wood glue, wait a day, and then try to pull them apart, you will break them before you break the glue joint.

Cheap option:

Drill a hole and use a bolt and nut to connect the strips.

Step 6: Bend the strips up

This is the most difficult stage of assembly, but in fact it is not that difficult. All you need to do is bend the edges of the strips upward (towards the curved sides). Even a slight bend will do. The whole point is to maintain the bend, and to do this you need:

  1. Heat the bendable part
  2. Bend it
  3. Keep the wood bent and let it cool

Make a fold at a distance of 1/3 and 2/3 of the length of the strip of wood.
More details in the next step.

Step 7: Bend the strips up (method 1)

  1. Using a candle, heat the part of the wood you want to bend (a little water will make bending easier).
  2. Leaning a strip of wood at some angle, bend it.
  3. Hold the wood until it cools.

Step 8: Bend the strips up (method 2)

This is the method I prefer. You will need a microwave.

  1. Wet the area you are going to bend
  2. Microwave the tree for 15 seconds
  3. Bend
  4. Hold the bend until the wood cools down

Step 9: Throw the boomerang

Right-handed version:

  • Hold the boomerang vertically right hand as if you are holding throwing knife(or set playing cards). The curved/beveled side should face left and be positioned against your thumb.
  • Throw it. Just like throwing a throwing knife, but swing your wrist to give the boomerang maximum spin.
  • The boomerang will begin to change course to the left, then turn in a horizontal plane, and fly back.
  • Catch him

Left handed version:

  • Use your left hand.

I am attaching a video of me launching a boomerang. The one that was made of thinner strips showed best results in a small park. I think a thicker version will work better for longer distance casts.

Previously, people needed to hunt to feed themselves and everyone who lived with them. They used many tools for hunting. Some of them are still hunted by humanity, others have become sports equipment, such as bows and crossbows. However, hunting was also carried out with the help of a boomerang. This is a very interesting projectile, now let’s look in detail at how to make a boomerang out of wood so that it looks exactly like a medieval weapon. And then we will create copies for children that are easy to make at home.

Why does a boomerang fly farther than any thrown object?

Many people do not understand why boomerangs fly so far. It's all about the structure of their blades. They are made on the principle of an airplane wing. That is bottom part flat, and the top one is convex. Different pressure is formed, which pushes this wing up, allowing it to stay in the air at a certain speed.

Why the boomerang is coming back

You can understand how to make a returning boomerang only by studying its geometry. We figured out why it takes so long to fly. Now how does he come back? The thing is that the boomerang blades are different in length, one is longer than the other by a sixth. However, if you hang a boomerang at a corner, you can see that the long blade will be the same in weight as the short one. Thus, when the boomerang rotates, its long blade receives more air resistance than the short one, because of this, with each rotation it moves to the side. Having understood the theory, you can begin to understand how to make a boomerang. Now all that remains is to reproduce everything in the material.

What kind of wood to make a boomerang from?

To make such ancient weapons you need solid material:

  • Ash
  • Pine
  • Poplar

This will make a great boomerang. You need to find a branch that is shaped like the letter “G”. If it is cut down live branch, then you can’t immediately make a product out of it. The material must dry, only then can you begin to work. Drying wood takes a lot of time, so it’s worth preparing the material in advance and then making a boomerang out of it. However, you can use a dry branch or plywood one centimeter thick. However, here we are looking at how to make a boomerang from wood, not plywood. Therefore, I will explain how to dry the workpiece.

Drying wood to make a boomerang

After the required branch is cut down, its annual rings need to be covered. To do this, use garden pitch, resin, you can even fill it with PVA glue. In general, this is done to prevent moisture from escaping very quickly through the cuts. This way, the wood will dry out gradually and there will be no cracks in its structure. The material should dry for at least six months, but in general, a year would be good. But you can reduce this time to a month. Let the workpiece lie “sealed” for a week, and then you need to remove the bark from it, leaving only rims of a centimeter or two at the ends of the cuts. Then the material must lie for another two weeks in a dry place, after which there is nothing left but to make a boomerang with your own hands and test its aerodynamics.

We are starting production of boomerang

We need a tool:

  • File
  • Sandpaper
  • Jigsaw
  • Hacksaw

Our log needs to be sawed in half to make two pieces similar to the letter “G”. You can even make two boomerangs or more if the wood is not defective. In short, we cut the material into pieces one centimeter thick. To accurately observe the shape and size of the product, you need to make a template for it. And we have no choice but to make a boomerang out of cardboard, or rather, the outline of the product will be made from it. After which this template needs to be pasted or simply attached to wooden blank and carefully circle. Having a line for precise cutting, you can not be afraid to cut off excess, and we cut out our future throwing weapon along the contour. This can be done with a jigsaw or trim off the excess with a knife, the main thing is how to make a boomerang, and not sharpen it with anything.

Making a boomerang lift

When the contour is perfect, we begin to form the convex parts so that the product can stay in the air. The picture shows all the thicknesses of the boomerang. You need to do it exactly like there. In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions on each surface area, you need to make patterns. Segments are cut from cardboard to depict the shape and the exact size of the convexity of a particular part of the boomerang. After this, they are cut out to create patterns. By applying them, it is easy to see how much you need to grind.

Boomerang alignment

We have mastered everything regarding how to make a boomerang, but it still cannot fly as it should. In order for the product to return when thrown, it must be centered. To do this, you need to make a loop of thread and thread a boomerang through it so that the blades point down. When the product is not centered, the longer part of it outweighs, but it needs to hang perfectly evenly. This can be achieved by grinding the material, or by drilling a small hole in the smaller blade and pouring glue into it, inserting a piece of lead. In this way, the workpiece is brought to perfect balance, after which all these ancient weapons are polished.

Coating the boomerang with a protective layer

When used, a boomerang often falls to the ground; the material from which it is made saves it from blows. He's from hardwood! But in wet weather, how to make a boomerang protected from external influences nature? After all, if its surface is “open,” then the appearance can significantly deteriorate. Dirt sticks well to untreated wood. But more importantly, moisture can deform the entire structure, or even create cracks. To protect the product, it must be waxed or varnished.

Waxing requires wax; it is mixed with turpentine and then rubbed into the surface of the product. You can also simply rub in the wax using a rough cloth. But you need to do this by pressing firmly with sharp movements so that the wax melts from friction and is absorbed into the wood.

The surface can also be varnished. It needs to be applied thin layer so that droplets do not form. After the first applied layer has dried, cover with the second. So, you can do it four times for best protection products. When all the protection has dried, you can start testing the boomerang in the field.

Now let's look at how to make a boomerang out of paper

This is a great toy for kids, and they can make it themselves. So, let's start in order.

  • You need sheet A-4 as tightly as possible. Place it horizontally in front of you and bend it in half away from you. So that the length of the sheet remains unchanged, and the width is doubled. We cut it in half, and in the future we work only with one half.
  • We bend it in half lengthwise and carefully smooth out the bend. Then we unfold the sheet and bend its left half towards the central fold, one centimeter, without reaching it. Then also with the right side. The halves should be bent in half, and a central bend should be visible between them. To understand exactly how to make a boomerang out of paper, we use the diagram

  • In this position, fold the sheet across all bends exactly in the middle of the sheet. Then on this line we turn the corners to the middle, as when we make an airplane. After this, we unfold the corners and tuck them inward along the bend lines.
  • Then you need to unfold this origami until the left and right sides have been folded towards the central bend. Unscrew the right side, in its center the fold lines in the form of a diamond will be visible. Pressing it with your finger, you need to fold it along the bends so that you get a triangle. It should be inside, and the entire structure will be bent in half. Everything is clearly outlined in the diagram.

In ancient times, boomerangs were made mainly for the reason that they flew further than any other object that a person threw, and only closer to our times they began to make them so that they also returned to the hands of the thrower. And they were able to explain that return effect only when they mastered aerodynamics and the first airplanes flew.