Presentation on the topic: Let's save the blue planet. Conversation with students “Let's keep our planet blue and green” (primary classes)

municipal government educational institution of the Kuibyshevsky district

"Average secondary school No. 5"

"Let's keep the planet blue and green"

(conversation with students)

Completed by: Gnusareva Evgeniya Alekseevna,

teacher primary classes

G. Kuibyshev, 2016

Participants: 2nd grade students.

Target: help students understand what ecology is today, what significance it has in modern society and what role it plays in everyone’s life, in the life of our country and the world.


    Disclosure of the main environmental problems of our planet, formation in students of an understanding of the unity of man and nature.

    Development of an ecological culture of student behavior in the environment.

    Instilling in children a respectful attitude towards nature and individual approach to nature conservation.

Equipment: computer, presentation, film - fairy tale, reminders “Keep the planet blue and green!” by the number of children.

Form: conversation.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational moment (Slide 1)

Motivation educational activities

Hello, young nature lovers! Imagine that the sun is shining warm rays on you, under them you become kinder, smarter and more attentive. And I want to start with the fairy tale “Guest from Another Planet.” Listen to her and tell me what the alien was thinking about?

Teacher reading a fairy tale (accompanied by a video) (Slide 2)

A guest from another planet arrived on earth. Planet Earth surprised him with its beauty. And how many different animals, birds and fish he saw, how many plants he looked at. People plant trees, flowers, feed birds. But he also noticed how people are destroying the nature of their planet. How factories and cars pollute the air. Toxic waste is poured into rivers and fish die. People cut down trees, and instead of a forest, stumps stick out.

He saw how some people needlessly pick flowers, mercilessly crush insects, and offend birds and animals. And there are mountains of garbage everywhere.

The alien felt sad. He began to think about how to help the planet.

    Self-determination for activity

Conversation on content

    What did the alien like? (Man helps nature).

    What upset him? (Man harms nature).

    How did you see our planet?(Beautiful, dirty). (Slide 3)

    Who determines what our planet will be like? (From us, from people).

Nature is patient. She forgives a person a lot, but also asks for help. Let's think about how to help her. Look at this clearing

(on the board there is a poster with a picture of a forest clearing on which garbage is scattered). This is what happened to the clearing after the children visited it. Who wants to help nature and clear the clearing of garbage? To do this, you need to answer several questions. (On the board there is a poster with a picture of a clearing, garbage is attached to needles)

So, for our lesson we divided into 3 groups.

Each group will work with its own word - concept. Guess the first word.

(Slide 4) I am both a cloud and a fog,

I am the stream and the ocean

I fly and run

And I can be glass. (Water)

Guess the second word.

(Slide 5) We don't notice him
We don't talk about him.
We just breathe it in -
We need him... (Air)

Guess the third word.

(Slide 6) Breathes, grows,
But he can’t walk. (Plant)

(Slide 7)

Task 1: can you prove that water(first group), air(second group) and plants(third group) are the source of life?

Children discuss the question posed and offer their proof.

    People and animals cannot live without water. But every living thing needs fresh water clean water. And it gets polluted in many places.

    We can live without water for several days, but without air we can live for a few minutes. That is why it is necessary to fight for clean air. Every living thing needs clean air.

    Plants are a giant storehouse clean air. Plants are called the “lungs” of the planet. Many plants are medicinal and are food for animals and people. Plants are called the green miracle of the planet.

(teams change seats).

(Slide 8)

Task 2. Name the sources of pollution and destruction of clean water, air and plants. And who is to blame for this?

    Industrial waste from factories is poured into the water; people often throw it into the water. household waste. Sometimes we don’t close the water tap all the way, and the water just flows.

    The air is under serious stress from emissions industrial enterprises and transport. Factory chimneys release entire rivers into the air carbon dioxide, jets of various gases escape from the exhaust pipes of cars.

    Forest fires, deforestation.

After completing the task, the teacher invites each team to remove some of the garbage from the clearing and change places (teams change seats).

(Slide 9)

Children answer :

    Do not pollute water bodies (do not throw garbage, bottles, bags there; do not wash bicycles, do not leave the tap open and use water sparingly).

    Plant trees and flowers in the classroom and at home, as they purify the air well; wipe the dust, ventilate the classroom.

    Do not break branches, do not pick flowers, do not light a fire in the forest, and clean up after yourself after outdoor recreation so as not to litter the soil.

After completing the task, the teacher invites each team to remove the remaining trash from the clearing.

    Summing up. Reflection

Our clearing is now clean. Let's summarize today's lesson and formulate rules that will help us keep not only one clearing clean, but the entire planet. On your desks are envelopes with useful and harmful advice. Select tips to help keep our planet blue and green (children choose good advice and make memos).

I give you these reminders so that you always remember how to behave in nature. When you want to throw a candy wrapper or break a branch, take a look at our memo.

If you liked the activity and you find it useful, plant a flower in the clearing; if you didn’t like it, cover the sun with a cloud.

I am glad that there are many flowers in our meadow and not a single cloud.

Let's save the planet together

Environmental issues


Forests enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, which is so necessary for life, and absorb carbon dioxide released by animals and humans in the process of breathing, as well as by industrial enterprises in the process of work. They play a major role in the water cycle. Trees take water from the soil, filter it to remove impurities, and release it into the atmosphere, increasing the humidity of the climate. Forests influence the water cycle. Trees raise groundwater, enriching soils and keeping them from desertification and erosion - it’s not for nothing that rivers immediately become shallow when deforestation occurs.

Ozone layer depletion

About twenty kilometers above the planet extends the ozone layer - the Earth's ultraviolet shield. Fluorinated and chlorinated hydrocarbons and halogen compounds released into the atmosphere destroy the structure of the layer. It is depleted and this leads to the formation of ozone holes. The destructive ultraviolet rays penetrating through them are dangerous for all life on Earth.

They have a particularly negative effect on human health, their immune and gene systems, causing skin cancer and cataracts. Ultraviolet rays dangerous for plankton - the basis of the food chain, higher vegetation, animals. As you know, in nature everything is interconnected. The destruction of the ozone layer can lead to unpredictable and irreversible consequences for all living things.

Declining Biodiversity

According to experts, 10-15 thousand species of organisms disappear every year. The depletion of the species composition of flora and fauna significantly reduces the stability of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole, which also poses a serious danger to humanity. The less biodiversity the planet has, the worse the conditions for survival on it. As of 2000, 415 species of animals are listed in the Red Book of Russia. This list of animals recent years has increased one and a half times and does not stop growing.

Water pollution

Water pollution has occurred throughout human history.

The greatest danger to the hydrosphere arose in the 20th century with the emergence of large multimillion-dollar cities and the development of industry. Over the past decades, most of the world's rivers and lakes have been turned into sewage ditches and sewage lagoons. The danger of water pollution is that a person largely consists of water and, in order to remain a person, he must consume water, which in most cities on the planet can hardly be called suitable for drinking.

Oil pollution

Petroleum - natural oily flammable liquid, widespread in the sedimentary shell of the Earth; the most important mineral resource. Nowadays, oil, as an energy resource, is one of the main factors in economic development. But oil production, its transportation and processing are invariably accompanied by its losses, emissions and discharges of harmful substances, the consequence of which is environmental pollution.

By scale and degree of toxicity oil pollution poses a global danger. Oil and petroleum products cause poisoning, death of organisms and soil degradation.

Land degradation

Soil is the guardian of fertility and life on Earth. It takes 100 years for a 1 cm thick layer to form. But it can be lost in just one season of thoughtless human exploitation of the earth. The phenomenon of soil erosion is becoming increasingly dangerous, because... fertile soils there is less and less on the planet and it is vitally important to preserve at least what is available on at the moment, to prevent the disappearance of this only layer of the earth's lithosphere on which plants can grow. Human with my own hands turns the surface of the Earth into a semblance of Mars, forgetting that it differs from our planet in one significant detail: there is not and cannot be life on it.

Waste One of the problems that humanity faces is the problem of waste. Currently, due to its scale, it is especially relevant. Today, humanity has accumulated so much waste that it is seriously faced with the problem of its disposal.

More than 50 billion tons of waste from energy, industrial, agricultural production and the municipal sector are released into nature annually, including more than 150 million tons from industrial enterprises.

All this waste is a source of environmental pollution instead of being a source for the production of secondary products.

Let's decorate the Earth together, Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere. Let's respect the Earth together And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

We forget that we have only one - Unique, vulnerable, alive. Beautiful: be it summer or winter... We have only one, one of our kind!

Forest, fields, seas and mountains - These are the open spaces of the Motherland. Where the wind blew up, Or the rain was raging, Where is the swamp with mosquitoes, Or mud under boots. Where the snow falls like a wall, Covers with gray hair. Or autumn time, Gilding the forests. Everything is dear to you and me, Everything is wonderful, alive.

Internet resources

  • Background –
  • Butterfly- -
  • Globe -
  • Chamomile -
  • Stars -
  • Haze (seeders) -


Tatiana Shcherbakova
Multimedia lesson “Our Blue Planet”. Lesson summary with presentation for senior preschool children

Lesson notes

For children of senior preschool age

« Our blue planet»

Program tasks:

1. Deepen your understanding children about that, What planet The Earth is a huge ball, most of which is covered with water. In addition to water, there are continents.

2. Lead to an understanding of our uniqueness planets, because only on Earth there is life.

3. Educate cognitive interest, about animal life.

4. Foster a desire to protect our planet.

Didactic material:

1. Large images of continents, globe, blue fabric, sets animal figurines("Animals of the Forest", "Animals of Africa", "Fish", "Birds" etc.)

2. Multimedia installation, stereo system, CDs with recordings for listening "Voices of Nature".

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows images of the globe (slide No. 1) and reads poem:

Wonderful, friends

That our home is the Earth.

There is no doubt -

This is the best planet!

WITH blue high sky,

Bread ripening in the fields,

The breadth of the oceans,

The height of the passes,

Noisy city life,

The quiet rustle of the forests.

Grasses, animals, birds, people,

Everything that was, is and will be,

Everything we see around us is

This is our home in space.

Paramonova Zh.

Educator: Guys, you know that we live on planet earth, what is she like? our planet, how do you imagine it?

Answers children:

I think that planet earth...

I imagine that our planet...

May be our planet...

Educator: Planet Earth is called the blue planet. Why the planet could be blue what else could it be blue?

Answers children:

-blue flowers,

-blue sky,

At Natasha's blue dress,

- Blue eyes,

-blue water,

The sea might be blue, maybe blue,

Educator: (slide number 2) absolutely right on ours there are many rivers on the planet, lakes, seas, oceans and that's why it seems blue.

Educator: if only there was only water on the planet, then you and I would become fish (slide number 3). Fortunately on our wonderful the planet has continents.

We invite the teacher children, approach a large globe covered blue fabric. Remove the fabric and spread it on the carpet.

The teacher pays attention children on the globe, offers to show continents, land areas on it and reads poem:

Our Earth is a blue planet,

Dressed in fresh air and sunshine.

No, believe me

Earth pigeons,

From the blue of rivers, lakes and seas.

Mountains, plains, forests and fields -

All this our planet earth.

The winds sing, playing with the clouds,

Showers are noisy...

And from edge to edge

You won't find anything more wonderful in the world

Our beautiful and kind planets!

(L. Vitalieva)

The teacher invites the children to break them down into blue fabric layouts of continents based on a physical map.

Children complete the task.

The teacher and the children look at the continents and name them.

Musical physical education minute

"Radiant Sun"

(slide number 4)

Educator: on blue planet children have fun. But on a beautiful planet Not only people live on the earth, who also inhabit forests and mountains, deserts and steppes, who swim in the seas and oceans, who fly under the clouds (slide number 5).

Answers children:

Beasts and animals live in the forests;

Snakes and camels live in the desert;

Fish, whales and dolphins swim in the seas;

Birds fly in the sky;

Educator: Well done, guys! Planet The earth is inhabited by animals, on the continents they grow various plants, there are many different fish in the oceans, and birds soar in the skies with their wings spread.

The teacher offers the children sets animal figurines.

Didactic game

“Who lives where?”

Children place models of animals on the continents.

Educator: how beautiful our native land! You guys like her.

Answers children:

I like that on our planet many beautiful flowers grow;

And I really like it animals: squirrels, hares and foxes;

I like that there are many seas on Earth in which you can swim;

I like it when birds fly in the sky;

And I like the way the birds sing their songs;

Educator: in order for the Earth to always remain so beautiful, clean, loved by everyone who lives on it, it is necessary to take care of it. How can you and I save planet earth what needs to be done for this (slide number 6).

Answers children:

To planet remained clean; garbage must be removed;

To planet remained beautiful, you need to plant flowers and trees;

We need to protect wild animals;

To planet remained beloved; all people need to live together, without war;

Educator: I suggest once again admiring our common home - planet earth! (slide number 7).

Resources used:

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2017 year of ecology in Russia “Let's save the planet together!” Completed by: Valentina Dmitrievna Bochkareva, teacher of physics of the highest category, MBOU "Khomutininskaya Secondary School" Bochkareva Sofya Aleksandrovna - teacher of Russian language and literature - first category MBOU "Khomutininskaya Secondary School" 2017 Literary creativity

2 slide

Slide description:

Formation of an emotional, moral and responsible attitude towards the environment. Fostering love for our native nature, skills of caring and responsible attitude towards its inhabitants. Developing interest in solving environmental problems through literary creativity Motto: “Let's save the Planet together” Goal

3 slide

Slide description:

A wonderful gift of eternal nature, a priceless and holy gift. It contains an endless source of pleasure in beauty. The sun, the sky, the radiance of stars, the sea in a blue shine. We understand the whole nature of the universe only in the light. Literary creativity of the students of our school.

4 slide

Slide description:

There is a lot to know about her. In order for you to live in a beautiful world, you need to follow the rules: Go to a community cleanup with your friends, Make your neighborhood and yard better. After relaxing in nature, leave the grove and forest clean. And the heads of large plants, enterprises and factories of any kind, pay attention to waste, so that there is less harm from them. People of our huge planet, Let us protect the Earth from harm. Let's think together whether wonderful nature should be in the world or not! Shalashova Olesya Cleaning on the shore of the lake. Gorkoe Ecology is a serious matter.

5 slide

Slide description:

The whirlpool of nature does not need to be disturbed. To do this, we need to respect the water. Don’t waste it idlely, Don’t waste it over trifles, and it will be wonderful in the world for all your friends! If there were no water, Our little Earth, the Blue Planet, would not exist in the world. So let's save the Earth together, And we won't pour dirt from the factories into the water! Dibrova Polina Water is the life of the planet

6 slide

Slide description:

The sun in the sky rises before everyone else. It distributes its rays to the earth. Golden rays make the children happy, everyone would be happy to catch golden rays. The sun is tired. The evening has come - the golden rays have calmed down. Morning has come! The sun woke up and the rays lit up in the sky again. Astakhov Vitya. Sunshine in the sky

7 slide

Slide description:

There is a stream along the street. - You, stream, where from, whose? There is no rain and no snow, but you have overflowed the banks. - I must flow into the water pipes, I must carry water into the house. Only the pipes were leaky, people worked poorly here. I am very clear water, But I am running in the wrong direction. So that I can serve people again, you all must help me: Without being afraid of big troubles, repair the pipes, And so that your faucet does not cry, Does not lose a drop of water. After all, in order for water to come into the house, a lot of work was invested. Everyone needs to remember this. And that living water will never dry up. Shalashova Olesya, Groznetskikh Marina Sorokina Ekaterina, Conversation with a water stream.

8 slide

Slide description:

Once upon a time there was a family - energy saving. And they had children Heat and Light. Once the children were going to play in the forest, and they got lost. They began to call for help, but no one heard them, only the bear, who lived far, far away at the edge of the forest, heard the children screaming. He lured the children into his hut and said to them: “But a magpie told me a long time ago that it was dark and cold in my hut.” So she advised me to find you, because only you can help me. And the brothers tell him: “We will help you if you help us find our way home.” The bear agreed. Light and Warmth helped the bear arrange the house and make it cozy, bright and warm. And in return the bear walked them home. He became kind and cheerful. And all the animals of the forest: hares, squirrels, hedgehogs - now came to visit him, and he treated them to tea with honey and jam. This is how Light, Warmth and forest animals became friends. Leontyeva Anastasia “Two brothers Light and Warmth”

Slide 9

Slide description:

That we need to take care of electric light. Light is life and warmth for people. Without light, the planet will become darker. The world spends an hour of darkness. Save electricity too. Both in the city and in the village, Her Majesty We need to save electricity. Zhenya Boltushenko. It's no secret It's no secret

10 slide

Slide description:

Turn on the light when it's dark. Save water! And the house will be cozy. Save nature! Groznetskikh Marina Our rural water supply The water spilled like a river, But not in the riverbed, but in the village. The pipes were rusty and they were unable to fix them. But when will the water flow into our rural water supply? We will say to all the people: Take care of the water, people! Martynova Daria. Our rural water supply

11 slide

Slide description:

November. Shaggy autumn is knocking. It's cold outside, but warm in the house. Coal, firewood, electricity atoms, They warm me and the house is warm. Thales, Ampere, Mark Faraday Discovered the miracle of energy - electricity. There was a lot of torment, discoveries, guesses, ideas. If we don't take care of it all, it's wasteful. How can I save electricity? Disable freezer - food out in the cold! The cold rules the show there - His Majesty. We save money, he works to tears. Also, in order to save electricity atoms, I will remove unnecessary plugs from sockets, I will strive to live richly, and when leaving, I will not forget to turn off all the lights. We don’t need coal or firewood, gas heats and cooks for us. Let's not spend them unnecessarily, and everything will be just great! Here is a dishwasher, a washing machine, an electric stove, a light bulb, tools and a bread maker. All household appliances with index “A” will help you save energy and rubles. Kapustina Ekaterina

12 slide

Slide description:

What is needed most? Water. No water - trouble, not washing the dishes, not washing the floors. There is water - it’s still a problem: You can’t drink it, the pipes have rusted, water has flowed, and your neighbors have been flooded - that’s the problem! I installed gas in the apartment and I wanted tea now. I put the kettle on the stove, but I instantly forgot about it, I thought that the gas had gone out, I turned on the light and suddenly - “thump - thump!” The gas exploded, and all our electricity was shorted out. All the lights in the houses went out. There is no computer, no films, no tea, no heat. And my life became bad. Gas, electricity, water are irreplaceable friends. This is the blessing of life and work! Katya Mikhailova Kochetova Dasha

Slide 13

Slide description:

Our river is deep, There is thin ice on it. In the spring it will melt - This is the law of physics. Autumn gives miracles, and what miracles! The forests are decorated with golden hats. Soon, soon, the snow will melt, and water will flow from the mountain. We are having fun today, since spring has come to us. It’s good to walk in the forest, see all its beauty, breathe, play and look for mushrooms. The bad weather hummed and rustled in the field. It has become cold here, After all, diffusion is now. We protect nature, we protect the green forest. We protect the lakes. We prohibit pollution. We live in Khomutinino and eat delicious gingerbread. We know a lot of ditties, and now we’ll sing for you. If there were no water, there would be no flow. Today we are studying the Force of Attraction. Atmosphere, the atmosphere is the shell of the entire Earth. The hydrosphere shuddered and pressure began. Chats written by students in extracurricular activities with physical and environmental content

Slide 14

Slide description:

In you is the greatness of my people, His soul, endless fields, Thoughtful Russian nature, My worthy beauty!

15 slide

Slide description:

The planet is sick. Our planet is seriously ill. Her nature is in danger. The “attack” on nature has led to air and water pollution, soil destruction, forest destruction, and the disappearance of many species of plants and animals. This happened due to the fault of people. And now the “disease” of nature threatens the well-being and life of man himself. The most troubling question is: Where should the garbage go? In my family, something is thrown away every day. And every year for every resident of a tiny city there is a whole ton of garbage! Some of the garbage is burned, and some is buried in the ground. When garbage is burned, harmful substances are formed that pollute the air, and when buried, soil and rocks are poisoned. Currently, some of the garbage is being recycled. The earth is ours common house. The main problem humanity is now an environmental problem. People use it irrationally natural resources. Man has always existed and exists in relationship with nature. Industry and transport. Chemical industry– pollutes the air. All these environmental problems influence environment and the biosphere of our planet. Preserving land, water and air is the duty and responsibility of every person. By caring for nature, we take care of the Earth. The earth is our common home, protecting nature means protecting the Motherland. People! Take care of these lands, these waters, loving every piece of epic. Take care of all the animals inside nature, Kill only the animals inside yourself. E. Yevtushenko It is not enough to love nature and wish it well in words. In order for it to survive, and with it we, people, it is necessary to act according to its laws. The spring is an amazing creation of nature. Making their way out of the ground, many serve as a source of fresh, cool, tasty and nutritious water. Around the spring there is usually a spreading tree, a taller bush, and the grass is thicker and more luxuriant. Tourists, berry and mushroom pickers stop near the spring. The spring gives joy to everyone. Lines from the poems of the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky: A nameless, inconspicuous fontanel, He himself hardly knows what is flowing and does not understand at all why... You will probably forget about him. Of course, you will live without a spring. And for the forest it is like a vein at the temple. The originality and beauty of our forests, combined with picturesque bodies of water, provide a wonderful place for relaxation. Bochkarev Andrey.

Thank you for your attention

“Neptune planet” - Currently, Neptune has 13 known natural satellites. The length of a year, that is, the time of one full revolution around the Sun, is approximately 165 Earth years. Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. big planet Solar system, refers to the giant planets. Discovered September 23, 1846.

“Unique Planet” - What is unique about planet Earth? Then water formed on Earth and air appeared. From travelers. Living beings appeared at an early stage in the development of the Earth. Now we know what the Earth is like now. Atmosphere is the air envelope of the Earth. W. Anders Earth is the third planet from the Sun. What is our Earth made of?

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“Ecology of the Planet” - Trophic structure of the ecosystem. Biotic factors. Evolution of the biosphere. Le Chatelier-Brown principle. Rating plan. Each organism has a specific ecological niche. W. Shelford's law of tolerance. Water cycle in the biosphere. Basic concepts and definitions. Hunting-gathering stage. Stage of industrial civilization.