Gas concentration unit converter. The concept of NLPR, VKPR and PDVK, their numerical values ​​for oil vapors How to calculate ventilation time according to NLPR

Gas, tasteless, colorless, odorless. Air density 0.554. Burns well, with an almost colorless flame. Self-ignition temperature 537°C. Explosion limit 4.4 - 17%. MPC in the air working area 7000 mg/m3. It has no poisonous properties. A sign of suffocation with a methane content of 80% and 20% oxygen is headache. The danger of methane is that with a strong increase in methane content, the oxygen content decreases. The danger of poisoning is reduced by the fact that methane is lighter than air, and when an unconscious person falls, he enters an atmosphere richer in oxygen. Methane is an asphyxiating gas, therefore, after bringing the victim to consciousness (if the victim has lost consciousness), it is necessary to inhale 100% oxygen. Give the victim 15-20 drops of valerian and rub the victim’s body. There are no methane filtering gas masks.

Ticket number 2

1. Define the concept “Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) (lower concentration limit flame propagation - NKPR)". The minimum concentration of flammable gas in the air at which an explosion of a mixture of flammable gas and air occurs. At gas concentrations below the LEL, no reaction occurs.

2. Air monitoring at gas transportation facilities.

4.1. Before putting into operation a pipeline for the transport of natural gas, it is necessary to displace air from the pipeline with gas at a pressure of no more than 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/cm2) at the point of its supply, in compliance with safety measures. The displacement of air by gas can be considered complete when the oxygen content in the gas leaving the gas pipeline is no more than 1% according to the readings of the gas analyzer.

Analysis of residual oxygen in the pipe when purging a repaired section should be carried out with a specialized device that simultaneously analyzes the content of oxygen (low concentrations) and flammable gas (from 0 to 100% volume fraction).

The use of individual gas analyzers designed to ensure personnel safety in these cases is unacceptable, as it leads to failure of the sensors.

The equipment used must:

Have an explosion-proof design;

Have a sampling probe to take a sample from the pipe;

Have a built-in expense driver;

Have a lower operating temperature limit of minus 30° C;

Have automatic zero calibration (setting);

Have a display for simultaneous display of measured concentrations;

Ensure registration of measurement results.

4.2. The tightness of equipment, pipelines, welded, detachable joints and seals is monitored using explosion-proof leak detectors with the function of protecting the sensor from overloads.

The use of individual gas analyzers for these purposes is unacceptable, since these gas analyzers do not display leaks with a concentration of less than 0.1% LEL.

4.3. Monitoring of gas contamination in wells, including water supply and sewerage, underground premises and closed channels located on industrial sites, is carried out according to a schedule at least once a quarter, and in the first year of their operation - at least once a month, as well as every times immediately before starting work in the specified areas. Gas contamination control should be carried out using remote sampling with portable (individual) gas analyzers with a connected manual or built-in motorized sampling pump.

4.4. Monitoring of leaks and gas contamination along underground gas pipelines is carried out using leak detectors, similar to those used in monitoring the tightness of equipment.

4.5. Along with monitoring the air environment for gas contamination with stationary devices, it is necessary to carry out continuous monitoring (while in danger zone) air environment portable gas analyzers:

In rooms where gases and liquids containing harmful substances are pumped;

In areas where release and accumulation are possible harmful substances, and on outdoor installations in places of their possible release and accumulation;

In rooms where there are no sources of emission, but harmful substances may enter from the outside;

In places where service personnel are permanently located, where there is no need to install stationary gas detectors;

During emergency work in a gas-contaminated area - continuously.

After liquidation emergency situation It is necessary to additionally analyze the air in places where harmful substances may accumulate.

4.7. In places of gas leaks and in areas of atmospheric pollution, a sign “Caution! Gas".



4.8. Start-up and operation of equipment and installations of gas transportation facilities with a switched off or faulty system for monitoring and signaling the content of flammable gases in the air is not allowed.

4.9. System performance automatic alarm And automatic switching on emergency ventilation is controlled by operational (duty) personnel when accepting a shift.

Information about the activation of the automatic gas detection system, the failure of sensors and associated measuring channels and automatic alarm channels, and equipment stops carried out by the automatic gas detection system is received by the operational (duty) personnel, who informs the head of the facility (service, section) about this entry in the operational journal.

The operation of automatic gas detection systems in indoor air is tested in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions.


MPC (maximum permissible concentration) of harmful substances in the air of a working area are concentrations that, during daily work within 8 hours during the entire working time, cannot cause diseases or health conditions in the worker, detected by modern research methods directly during work or more distant dates. And also the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances should not negatively affect the health status of subsequent generations. Measured in mg/cub.m

MPC of some substances (in mg/cub.m):

Petroleum hydrocarbons, kerosene, diesel fuel - 300

Gasoline - 100

Methane - 300

Ethyl alcohol - 1000

Methyl alcohol - 5

Carbon monoxide - 20

Ammonia ( ammonia) - 20

Hydrogen sulfide in pure form - 10

Hydrogen sulfide mixed with petroleum hydrocarbons - 3

Mercury - 0.01

Benzene - 5

NKPR – lower concentration limit of flame propagation. This is the lowest concentration of flammable gases and vapors at which an explosion is possible when exposed to an ignition pulse. Measured in %V.

LEL of some substances (in % V):

Methane - 5.28

Petroleum hydrocarbons - 1.2

Gasoline - 0.7

Kerosene - 1.4

Hydrogen sulfide - 4.3

Carbon monoxide - 12.5

Mercury - 2.5

Ammonia - 15.5

Methyl alcohol - 6.7

VKPR upper concentration limit of flame propagation. This is the highest concentration of flammable gases and vapors at which an explosion is still possible when exposed to an ignition pulse. Measured in %V.

VKPR of some substances (in % V):

Methane - 15.4

Petroleum hydrocarbons - 15.4

Gasoline - 5.16

Kerosene - 7.5

Hydrogen sulfide - 45.5

Carbon monoxide - 74

Mercury - 80

Ammonia - 28

Methyl alcohol - 34.7

DVK - pre-explosive concentration, defined as 20% of the LEL. (at this point an explosion is not possible)

PELV - extremely explosive concentration, defined as 5% of the LEL. (at this point an explosion is not possible)

Relative density in air (d) shows how many times the vapor of a given substance is heavier or lighter than air vapor under normal conditions. The value is relative - there are no units of measurement.

Relative density in air of some substances:

Methane - 0.554

Petroleum hydrocarbons - 2.5

Gasoline - 3.27

Kerosene - 4.2

Hydrogen sulfide - 1.19

Carbon monoxide - 0.97

Ammonia - 0.59

Methyl alcohol - 1.11

Gas hazardous places – such places in the air of which there are or may suddenly appear toxic vapors in concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible concentration.

Gas hazardous areas are divided into three main groups.

Igroupplaces where the oxygen content is below 18% V, and the content of toxic gases and vapors is more than 2% V. In this case, work is carried out only by gas rescuers, in isolating apparatus, or under their supervision according to special documents.

IIgroup– places where the oxygen content is less than 18-20%V, and sub-explosive concentrations of gases and vapors can be detected. In this case, the work is carried out according to work permits, excluding the formation of sparks, in appropriate protective equipment, under the supervision of gas rescue and fire supervision. Before carrying out work, an analysis of the gas-air environment (DHW) is carried out.

IIIgroup– places where the oxygen content is from 19% V, and the concentration of harmful vapors and gases may exceed the maximum permissible concentration. In this case, work is carried out with or without gas masks, but gas masks must be in good condition at the workplace. In places of this group, it is necessary to carry out analysis of hot water supply according to the schedule and selection map.

Gas hazardous work - all those works that carried out in a gas-polluted environment, or work during which gas may escape from gas pipelines, fittings, units and other equipment. Gas-hazardous work also includes work that is performed in a confined space with an oxygen content in the air of less than 20% V. When performing gas hazardous work, the use of open fire, it is also necessary to exclude sparking.

Examples of gas hazardous work:

Work related to inspection, cleaning, repair, depressurization technological equipment, communications;

U removing blockages, installing and removing plugs on existing gas pipelines, as well as disconnecting units, equipment and individual components from gas pipelines;

Repair and inspection of wells, pumping water and condensate from gas pipelines and condensate collectors;

Preparation for technical inspection of LPG tanks and cylinders and its implementation;

Opening up the soil in areas of gas leaks until they are eliminated.

Hot work - production operations involving the use of open fire, sparking and heating to temperatures that can cause ignition of materials and structures.

Examples of hot work:

Electric welding, gas welding;

Electric cutting, gas cutting;

Application of explosive technologies;

Soldering works;

Educational cleaning;

Mechanical processing of metal with the release of sparks;

Warming up bitumen, resins.

The range of values ​​of the graph of the dependence of the CPRP in the “combustible gas - oxidizer” system, corresponding to the ability of the mixture to ignite, forms the ignition region.

The following factors influence the values ​​of NKPRP and VKPRP:

  • Properties of reacting substances;
  • Pressure (usually an increase in pressure does not affect the NCPRP, but the VCPRP can increase significantly);
  • Temperature (increasing temperature expands the CPRP due to increasing activation energy);
  • Non-flammable additives - phlegmatizers;

The dimension of the CPRP can be expressed as a volume percentage or in g/m³.

The addition of a phlegmatizer to the mixture reduces the value of the VCPRP almost proportionally to its concentration up to the phlegmatization point, where the upper and lower limits coincide. At the same time, the NPRRP increases slightly. To assess the ignition ability of the “Fuel + Oxidizer + Phlegmatizer” system, the so-called. fire triangle - a diagram where each vertex of the triangle corresponds to one hundred percent content of one of the substances, decreasing towards the opposite side. Inside the triangle, the ignition area of ​​the system is identified. In the fire triangle, a line of minimum oxygen concentration (MCC) is marked, corresponding to the value of the oxidizer content in the system, below which the mixture does not ignite. Assessment and control of MCC is important for systems operating under vacuum, where suction of atmospheric air through leaks in process equipment is possible.

With regard to liquid media, temperature limits of flame propagation (FLPP) are also applicable - such temperatures of the liquid and its vapors in the oxidizer medium at which its saturated vapors form concentrations corresponding to the FLPP.

CPRP is determined by calculation or found experimentally.

It is used when categorizing premises and buildings according to explosion and fire safety and fire danger, to analyze the risk of an accident and assess possible damage, when developing measures to prevent fires and explosions in technological equipment.

See also


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    lower concentration limit of flame propagation (ignition) (LCPL)- 2.10.1 lower concentration limit of flame propagation (ignition) (LCPR): The minimum content of flammable gas or vapor in the air at which a flame can spread through the mixture to any distance from the source.

2.1 Natural gas is a product extracted from the bowels of the earth, consisting of methane (96 - 99%), hydrocarbons (ethane, butane, propane, etc.), nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, helium. At IVCHPP-3, natural gas is supplied as fuel through a gas pipeline from Tyumen.

The specific gravity of natural gas is 0.76 kg/m3, the specific heat of combustion is 8000 - 10000 kcal/m3 (32 - 41 MJ/m3), the combustion temperature is 2080 °C, the ignition temperature is 750 °C.

According to its toxicological characteristics, flammable natural gas belongs to substances of hazard class 4 (“low-hazard”) in accordance with GOST 12.1.044-84.

2.2 The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of natural gas hydrocarbons in the air of the working area is 300 mg/m 3 in terms of carbon, the maximum permissible concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air of the working area is 10 mg/m 3, hydrogen sulfide mixed with hydrocarbons C 1 - C 5 - 3 mg /m 3.

2.3 Safety rules for the operation of gas facilities stipulate the following dangerous properties gaseous fuel:

a/ no odor or color

b/ the ability of gas to form fire and explosive mixtures with air

c/ gas suffocating ability.

2.4 Permissible gas concentration in the air of the working area, in the gas pipeline when performing gas hazardous work - no more than 20% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation (LCFL):

3 Rules for sampling gas for analysis

3.1 Smoking and the use of open flames in gas hazardous places, when checking the gas contamination of industrial premises, is strictly prohibited.

3.2 The shoes of workers who measure gas levels and who are in gas-hazardous places should not have metal shoes or nails.

3.3 When performing gas-hazardous work, portable lamps of explosion-proof design with a voltage of 12 Volt should be used

3.4 Before performing the analysis, it is necessary to inspect the gas analyzer. Measuring instruments that have expired their verification period or are damaged are not allowed to be used.

3.5 Before entering the fracking room, you must: make sure that the emergency signal lamp “GASED” is not lit when entering the fracking room. The warning light turns on when the methane concentration in the air in the gas treatment facility reaches equal to or higher than 20% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation, i.e. equal to or higher than vol. 1%.

3.6 Gas sampling in rooms (in the gas distribution center) is carried out with a portable gas analyzer from the upper zone of the room in the most poorly ventilated areas, because Natural gas is lighter than air.

Actions in case of gas contamination are specified in clause 6.

3.7 When taking air samples from a well, you need to approach it from the windward side, making sure that there is no smell of gas nearby. One side of the well cover should be raised by a special hook by 5 - 8 cm, and a wooden spacer should be placed under the cover during sampling. The sample is taken using a hose lowered to a depth of 20 - 30 cm and connected to a portable gas analyzer, or into a gas pipette.

If gas is detected in the well, ventilate it for 15 minutes. and repeat the analysis.

3.8 It is not allowed to go down into wells and other underground structures to take samples.

3.9 In the air of the working area, the content of natural gas should be no more than 20% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation (1% for methane); the oxygen concentration must be at least 20% by volume.

At analysis of mixtures of various gases in order to determine their qualitative and quantitative composition, use the following basic units of measurement:
- “mg/m3”;
- “ppm” or “million -1”;
- "% about. d.";
- “% NKPR”.

The mass concentration of toxic substances and the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of flammable gases are measured in “mg/m3”.
The unit of measurement “mg/m 3 ” (eng. “mass concentration”) is used to indicate the concentration of the measured substance in the air of the working area, atmosphere, as well as in exhaust gases, expressed in milligrams per cubic meter.
When performing gas analysis, end users typically convert gas concentration values ​​from “ppm” to “mg/m3” and vice versa. This can be done using our Gas Unit Calculator.

The parts per million of gases and various substances is a relative value and is denoted in “ppm” or “million -1”.
“ppm” (eng. “parts per million”) is a unit of measurement of the concentration of gases and other relative quantities, similar in meaning to ppm and percentage.
The unit "ppm" (million -1) is convenient to use for estimating small concentrations. One ppm is one part in 1,000,000 parts and has a value of 1×10 -6 of the base value.

The most common unit for measuring the concentrations of flammable substances in the air of the working area, as well as oxygen and carbon dioxide is the volume fraction, which is denoted by the abbreviation “% vol. d." .
"% about. d." - is a quantity equal to the ratio of the volume of any substance in gas mixture to the volume of the entire gas sample. The volume fraction of gas is usually expressed as a percentage (%).

“% LEL” (LEL - Low Explosion Level) - lower concentration limit of flame distribution, the minimum concentration of a flammable explosive substance in a homogeneous mixture with an oxidizing environment at which an explosion is possible.