Bread for feeding plants. Fertilizer from bread is useful, but you need to know the subtleties How to use bread starter in the garden

Not waste, but income

A good owner will see the benefit even in what others throw into the trash without regret. Banana peel, bits of bread, old jam - flower beds, gardens and vegetable gardens will enjoy such “delicacies”!
BANANA SKINS are considered an excellent potassium fertilizer. In winter, do not throw them away, but dry them for spring. At the beginning of flowering, soak, grind the mixture and fertilize roses and ferns with it. If you are too lazy to fuss, use dry skins as mulch. In summer, place them only in compost pit. Some vegetable growers also advise placing banana peels at the bottom of the holes when planting tomatoes.
Another interesting option is to send all FISH under each tomato bush. WASTE (bones, entrails, ridges, fins, tails) or small fish. This way the soil is enriched with phosphorus.
For strong in spirit and “strong-nosed”, we can recommend the experience of the famous greenhouse maker from Kamchatka M. Gileva. This is what she did: on the bank of the river she collected rotting chum salmon carcasses after removing the eggs, put them in a barrel (in our conditions, any small fish or entrails can be used), and after a few days, right in the greenhouse, she smeared what happened on the ground in the beds with tomato plants. Amber, of course, is appropriate, but from the point of view of microbiology and the circulation of nutrients in nature, the use of fish remains is absolutely justified and rational - the decomposition of biomass creates substances that are well absorbed by the root system of plants. The harvest is an order of magnitude larger than usual!
The most best fertilizer for peony - FROM BREAD . Take half a loaf of rye bread (or crusts left over from lunch, which can be collected over time), soak in cold water, let it brew for half a day. Dilute the swollen mass with a bucket of water and, as soon as the peonies come out of the ground, feel free to pour them under the bush. There is no better “food” for these flowers. The same sour “stew” can be fed to hydrangea.
For cucumbers and strawberries, the starter is prepared in a slightly different way: dry bread crusts are poured into a bucket (as much as will fit), filled with water, the contents pressed down with something heavy (the crusts float to the surface when the bread sours) and kept warm for a week. Before use, the starter is diluted three times. Cucumbers can be watered with this product once a week from the beginning of flowering until the start of wilting in September. By the way, if you replace rye bread with wheat bread in this recipe, the sourdough will be great for fertilizing carrots.
Another unique top dressing is ordinary BAKER'S YEAST . They are diluted in a three-liter jar of water at the rate of 100 g of yeast per half glass granulated sugar. Mix everything carefully and cover with gauze. This mixture is infused for a week and turns into mash, which is recommended to treat potatoes and tomatoes with (a glass of mash per bucket of water, 1 liter for each bush).
Excellent fertilizer can be prepared FROM JAM . To do this, you need to take a 10-liter bottle, pour 9 liters of water into it, add 2 cups of sour or old jam and three 100 g sticks of yeast and leave to ferment. As soon as fermentation ends (during the hot period, the mash is prepared a week in advance), the bottle is covered with a cloth. Then dilute 1 glass of mash per 10 liters of water and water the plants at the root (one liter per plant), and also spray the leaves. This is an excellent foliar feeding! The result does not take long to wait. The plants develop strong, juicy, and the fruits are healthy. Young people love this kind of feeding very much. fruit trees, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage. Tomatoes never get sick, potatoes grow large and boiled, and cabbage leaves are free of any aphids, midges, beetles and other evil spirits. The plants are fed every 10 days, and the mash is prepared three times during the summer.

— excess application
fertilizers are harmful;
- you cannot fertilize plants that have not yet taken root and are diseased;
— fertilize plants less often if they receive less light than necessary for growth (substances are not used in full, and the soil becomes salty);
— you cannot fertilize plants in hot weather; you must avoid getting fertilizers on the leaves and stems (except when using foliar fertilizing);
— for young plants, the concentration of fertilizers should be reduced;
— at different periods, plants require different elements: in the first phase (intensive growth of stems) nitrogen is needed; in the second (flowering) - the need for potassium and phosphorus increases; in the third phase (seed ripening), plants intensively absorb phosphorus.

Useful tips about sourdough bread in the garden.

Bread starter is the best fertilizer. With bread starter we fertilize everything that needs active growth, from seedlings to adult plants. This natural stimulant is suitable for flowers and vegetable crops (peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers), as well as berries (strawberries, strawberries, strawberries).

Recipes for feeding from bread:

  • Bread starter for cucumbers. To get a rich harvest of cucumbers, you need to feed them regularly! Bread sourdough is perfect for this, which we prepare as follows: Fill the bucket 2/3 with chopped pieces of black bread, fill with water, press down with something heavy so that the crusts do not float. We put the bucket in warm place for a week. Then add 2 liters of water to the starter. Pour this bread solution over the cucumbers at the root. Such fertilizing can be carried out once a week from the beginning of flowering until the plants are removed.
  • Fertilizers for strawberries from bread have a very good effect on the development of the plant. Fertilizers for strawberries from bread are prepared very simply, the dried bread is soaked in water until fermentation, ripening occurs in approximately 6-10 days. The resulting solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Thanks to the yeast fungus, the soil is acidified, the berries receive the necessary nutrition, thus the grain fertilizer acts as a fertilizer for strawberries and other berries.

What you should always remember when using sourdough in the garden:

  1. You should not overdo it with grain supplements. They primarily affect growth. Therefore, they need to be applied only when the plant needs growth most of all.
  2. It is good to combine grain fertilizers with the addition of ash, since during fermentation quite a lot of calcium is absorbed, and the ash replenishes this balance.
  3. When preparing bread sourdough, it tends to have bad smell, so consider the storage space.

Useful tips about yeast in the garden.

Yeast is an excellent growth stimulator for plants. They themselves are rich nutrients, they improve soil microflora, they suppress the development of many pathogens. Most effective method Using yeast in the garden is a top dressing. Yeast feeding is suitable for all crops.

Recipes for feeding from yeast:

  • We dilute a kilogram of pressed yeast in five liters warm water, then immediately before use, dilute the solution with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Can be cooked yeast feeding and from dry yeast. To do this, dissolve 10 grams of yeast and a couple of tablespoons of sugar in 10 liters of water. This “dough” is kept for 2 hours, and then diluted with water 1:5.
  • For nightshades, it is also recommended to prepare a special fertilizer with sugar. For three liters of water we take 100 grams of yeast and half a glass of sugar, all this ferments for a week and then diluted with water: 1 glass of “mash” per bucket. We feed tomatoes, peppers, eggplants or potatoes, pouring a liter of solution under each bush.
  • Yeast feeding is beneficial water the seedlings. The seedlings will not stretch and will easily take root in the new soil when picked.
  • If before flowering water the strawberries yeast diluted in water (100 grams per 10 liters), the berry will not get gray rot.
  • The same solution (100 grams per 10 liters) spray tomatoes when the first signs of late blight appear or for its prevention.

What you should always remember when using yeast in the garden:

  1. Like all microorganisms (and yeast are fungi, as we were taught at school), yeast will not work actively during the cold season. Therefore, it is better to do all fertilizing in the spring, when the soil has already warmed up.
  2. Yeast absorbs potassium during its vital activity, so do not forget to compensate for the “losses” by adding ash.
  3. As a rule, plants are fed with yeast a maximum of three times per season. No longer required.

Here are some useful tips about yeast and sourdough for the garden.

Apply, good luck and excellent harvests!

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By organic fertilizers we are accustomed to mean standard and well-known ones: compost, manure, peat, humus, manure, green manure... But sometimes some food products can also act as excellent fertilizers. For example, the most ordinary yeast bread. After all, many simply throw away its remains. Do you know how much benefit it can bring to the garden?

I inherited this dacha secret from my grandmother (in the villages before, nothing was simply thrown away). But on the Internet I have more than once come across similar information, which once again confirms the effectiveness of using bread to feed plants.

But I started digging on the Internet not to confirm my grandmother’s recipe with other people (we ourselves can clearly see the effectiveness of the method in our garden), but still to understand the mechanism of how it works. It turned out that...

It's all about the yeast.

In bread feeding, yeast plays a key role. As it turns out, yeast is included in almost all growth stimulants sold as active ingredient. They carry a whole bouquet useful substances and microelements, actively influence the formation and development of the plant root system.

In principle, my grandmother’s recipe can even be partially replaced with yeast infusion.

You just need to buy yeast, natural and high-quality yeast, which is not yet sold in any store. And a fair amount of grain residue accumulates over the winter.

What to feed with bread?

Yes, almost everything that needs active growth, from seedlings to adult plants. This is the most natural stimulant. It will benefit both flowers and vegetable crops (we feed peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers), as well as strawberries.

Bread topping recipe.

Remains of yeast bread collected during winter period, put it in a container and fill it with water (so that it covers the volume of bread). Cover the container tightly with a lid and place a weight so that the bread does not float. Let it ferment in a warm place for about a week. Then dilute it a little with water and water the solution at the roots of the plants.

It's worth considering...

Firstly, of course, as in any business, you shouldn’t overdo it with grain supplements. They primarily affect growth. Therefore, apply them only when the plant needs growth most.

It is good to combine grain fertilizers with the addition of ash, because during fermentation quite a lot of calcium is absorbed, and ash replenishes this balance (read about using ash as a fertilizer).

I would also like to note the rather unpleasant smell of this fertilizer. Although, this drawback can be attributed not only to sourdough, but also to many other organic fertilizers.

Typically, when talking about organic fertilizers, we mean primarily mullein, bird droppings, humus, peat and green manure. However, this role can also be played by unusual food products that, for example, have begun to spoil. One striking example of this use is bread. All the resulting residues that we are used to throwing away can be used as good fertilizer.

The secret to efficiency

The yeast contained in it plays a key role in the effectiveness of this type of feeding. It is one of the main components of almost all plant growth stimulants. Yeast contains a huge amount of microelements and nutrients that are so necessary for the development of plants, primarily their root system. But why spend money on yeast if there is already a sufficient amount of bread that spoils for various reasons. It's better to use it.

Collected for long winter The leftover bread should be finely chopped and completely filled with water. Cover the top of the container with a lid of a smaller diameter, on top of which we place a heavy weight (this will prevent the bread from floating). We transfer the container to a warm place and leave it to ferment for a week. The resulting infusion must be diluted with water before use. Plants should be watered at the roots.

When is grain feeding effective?

The maximum effect from the use of grain fertilizer is manifested during the period of active plant growth. It is better to combine this fertilizer with ash, because it is absorbed during fermentation. large number calcium, which it is advisable to replenish with something. You can feed cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, strawberries and many other plants with bread.

Keep in mind that during the fermentation process an unpleasant smell of decomposition of organic substances is released, so coordinate the location of the container with this fact.
