September 27 is a church holiday, signs and rituals. Church Orthodox holiday of September

Exaltation of the Holy Cross- one of the twelve most important Orthodox holidays. True, it began to be celebrated only three centuries after Jesus Christ was crucified. Then an expedition was sent to find the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

From history

They found three crosses at once. And when the question arose of how to determine which cross Jesus was crucified on, they decided to apply each cross to a person who had just died. As soon as the third cross was applied, the dead man was resurrected. This news immediately spread throughout the world, people went to look at the cross. So that everyone could see this shrine, a cross was erected on the mountain. In honor of this event, it appeared this holiday. on the Exaltation still exist today, and people observe these signs.


For those who fast on Exaltation, life is going well. On this day it is customary to fast, that is, not eat meat, fish, or eggs. You can only eat plant foods. This fast is observed to honor the memory of Jesus, who gave his life for us all so that we could be forgiven. After all, a person is already a sinner from birth, since he was born in sin. It is believed that the one who observes these signs for Vozdvizhene and keeps a fast, he receives forgiveness of all his sins. And since a person has no sins, he gets the opportunity to realize all his plans.

In the newly built temple, bells and crosses are placed on the crowns only on this day. This is not even a sign, but, most likely, a rule. They try to adhere to this rule almost always. The only exceptions are those cases when the temple has been erected, and the Exaltation is still very far away. And if there is no other functioning church nearby, then with special prayers the temple is consecrated, bells are installed and people have the opportunity to come and talk with God.

On Vozdvizhenye, the caftan with fur coat moved and the hat pulled down. The Exaltation is celebrated on September 27th. It is popularly believed that from this day on it begins to transfer its rights to winter. Of course, there will be no real winter frosts yet, but frosts from this day on are already becoming the norm for the weather. During the day you can walk around in an unbuttoned jacket, but in the morning and evening you need to dress warmer. Otherwise, you can catch a cold and get sick.

On Vozdvizhene last birds are leaving for the winter. This is true. All migratory birds that have not yet flown away before this day are leaving for distant lands today. The person who sees the last flight of birds on this day can... It is believed that the wish that was made at this moment will definitely come true.

On Vozdvizhenie, autumn is moving faster towards winter. This day was popularly considered the end of Indian summer. There will be no more heat. Of course, autumn will also bring you good days, but you need to dress warmly, because you can no longer expect summer warmth.

On Vozdvizhenye the doors are locked to prevent the bastards from getting into the house. The fact is that it is on this day that all snakes begin to hide in their holes in order to spend the winter. But not every one of them crawls to their home. People say that there were cases when snakes crawled into the house instead of their hole if the doors were open. To prevent this from happening, it is customary to keep the doors closed on this day. Therefore, be very careful on this day and do not leave the doors open.

If a snake bites a person on this day, it will not crawl to the hole, but will be left to freeze in the cold. This sign is associated with a natural feature. Firstly, at the moment when the snake crawls to its hole for wintering, it is already close to anabiosis, that is, to hibernation. And secondly, if at this moment she bites someone, then she needs a certain time to recuperate. And she doesn’t have that time right now. It is unlikely that there will be any kind soul who will carry an exhausted snake to its hole. So it turns out that she doesn’t have enough strength to hide for the winter.

Whoever goes into the forest on Exaltation will be lost. It has long been believed that on this day the goblin gathers all the animals in the forest in order to count them and know how many animals there are in his forest. No one should see this process. Therefore, the rule was established that on September 27th no one should go into the forest. People believe that the one who ignores this rule and goes into the forest for berries or mushrooms, he will definitely disappear. The goblin sees everything and does not forgive disrespect for its rules.

Don't start any important business - everything will go to waste. You really can’t do anything in Vozdvizhene. This rule has always been observed, and it is observed today. If you start something important to you on this day, nothing good will come of it. You may say, what about work, and what if I was given an important assignment? Please try it. But you still won't succeed. Better take your time and complete the assignment the next day. You'll see, in this case everything will work out much better.

On Exaltation, rid the house of evil spirits. Even if you clean your house every day, the house is still filled with negativity. It is precisely this negativity that you need to rid your home of on this day. To do this you need to take three church candles, place them on one saucer. Now you need to spray every corner of your house in a cross-shaped motion. In this case, you need to read any prayers that you know. But it’s best if you read “Our Father” or the ninetieth psalm.

Exaltation– very big. Moreover, this is one of the most important holidays. It is for this reason that signs of the Exaltation are very important. People have listened to these signs for many centuries, so we shouldn’t ignore these signs either.

On September 27, all Christians remember how the discovery and erection of the Cross of Christ in Jerusalem took place in 326. He was found buried by Queen Helena at the temple of Venus. After its raising, all Christians celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation on September 27 Life-giving Cross The Lord, whose signs are very important.

Exaltation - church holiday on September 27 and its signs

It was believed that those who fast on this holiday would be forgiven seven sins. Three days before the Exaltation, they harvested cabbage, made preparations from it and served various dishes on the table. People gathered as families and went to help their neighbors, singing songs and telling stories. This day was given special significance, combining it with the passing of summer and the arrival of the first frosts. The Orthodox holiday of September 27 is associated with many popular superstitions and signs that characterize the behavior of the approaching winter.

  1. A girl who has read a special book seven times will fall in love with the guy she likes, whom she meets while going to girls' get-togethers.
  2. All major undertakings can fail, so no one has ever started important things on September 27th.
  3. On this day it was forbidden to visit the forest, because... It was believed that the goblin collected all the creeping reptiles to check their readiness for the winter period.
  4. Doors, windows and gates were well closed, because all the snakes and other cold-blooded creatures crawl into one place and can mistakenly get into a residential building.
  5. In the spring they expected a big flood, seeing geese flying high in the sky.
  6. Blowing cold wind on September 27 - a sign that there will be a warm and sunny summer.

September itself has its own signs, for example, if it is dry and warm, then winter will come to us late. Birds fly early to warm, distant lands, which means that autumn will be wet, winter will be harsh, and spring will not please us with its early arrival. Thunder will thunder in September - a long and dry autumn. Winter will be harsh if there are a lot of acorns on the oak tree. All folk signs The gloomy month makes it clear what awaits us during the harshest period of the year, what to prepare for and how soon to expect spring.

This is the month of satiety - complaining about your harvest. People see off warm days and welcome cold ones. At the end of September, the autumnal equinox arrives, the evening grows and comes earlier and earlier. Everything around stops and falls asleep in order to wait out the winter and come to life in the spring.

Exaltation is one of the great church events. To avoid troubles and failures, follow the traditions and signs of the holiday.

Every year on September 27 Orthodox Church recalls an event that happened many years ago in Jerusalem - the miraculous discovery of the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Believers believe that during the Exaltation there is a struggle between good and evil. By following the link, you can learn more about the history of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

In addition to the Exaltation of the Cross, this day is also celebrated folk holiday- the end of Indian summer, or the Third Autumn. Therefore, many traditions and signs of the holiday are not only religious, but also folk in nature.

Traditions of the Exaltation of the Cross

Like any other church holiday, main tradition on the Exaltation is visiting temples and churches, listening to divine liturgies. In many cities there is a procession of the cross. On this day they prayed for the healing of loved ones, for a rich harvest in next year, asked for deliverance from sins.

The cross is a special Orthodox relic that symbolizes suffering. Therefore, on this day one should observe strict fast. Previously, it was believed that God punishes the one who neglects this tradition with seven sins, and removes seven sins from the one who did not taste the humble food.

It was believed that prayers on this day have special power. If you sincerely pray or ask for something on this day, it will definitely be fulfilled.

It was forbidden to serve any meat dishes on the table on this holiday. It was believed that a person who tasted the meat of a killed animal on this day killed all the prayers he said.

According to folk traditions, On September 27 it was forbidden to go into the forest. It was believed that on this day the Leshy walks through the forest and counts all the forest inhabitants, and if a person gets in his way, the traveler will not find the way back from the forest.

The cross symbolizes divine protection. In ancient times, those who wanted to protect their home and their loved ones painted a cross on the door of their home on September 27th. This tradition still exists today.

For peasants, this day was considered the final end of Indian summer and the onset of autumn. Already at this point, all matters relating to agriculture, must be completed.

Signs for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Signs were very important on this day both for believers and for those who are far from religion. And many random things acquired sacred meaning.

September 27 is the last day of Indian summer. It was believed that autumn was beginning to move towards winter.

In Rus', on this day they celebrated a national holiday - cabbage. Women who served cabbage pies were considered good housewives. Young girls and boys gathered on this day for festivities, the girls set the table, and the boys chose their brides.

On September 27, many signs foreshadowed the onset of cold weather: birds flew south, bears lay down in a den, and snakes hid in a hole. Believers always attach spiritual meaning to Orthodox holidays. The Exaltation of the Holy Cross, along with Easter and the Nativity of Christ, has special significance for Christians. If you also honor this great event, do not forget to observe the traditions and signs of the holiday, and then happiness will not pass you by.

IN lately The holiday of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is becoming increasingly popular, because it is considered one of the most important among the twelve main holidays of the Orthodox Church. It is celebrated on September 27. Ancient traditions are increasingly revered by the younger generation, so this article will examine not only the main signs of such a holiday, but also its history and significance. In any case, before celebrating anything, it’s worth understanding where it came from and how it was all treated in ancient times.

First memory of the holiday

According to legend, the Day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord arose precisely when the Cross was found by Queen Helen, Equal to the Apostles. It was on it that Jesus Christ was crucified. All this happened at the request of the Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine, who planned to start building temples of God at various sacred Christian sites in Palestine. The place was not chosen by chance, because it was here that the Lord Jesus Christ was born, suffered and rose again.

Search for the Cross of Christ

Finding the Cross for Queen Helen (she was the mother of Tsar Constantine) was not as easy as it might seem. First, she went to Jerusalem. Since the enemies of Christ buried the Cross in the ground, she put a lot of work into finding a person who could tell her where it was buried. Only the old Jew Judas did this.

It turned out that the Cross was thrown into a cave, littered with various debris, and a pagan temple was built in that place. Therefore, Helen ordered that this temple be destroyed and that she be given access to the cave.

After her order was carried out, it turned out that in the cave itself there were three crosses, and it was unknown which one was the one needed.

How was the real Cross discovered?

From the very beginning, after the Cross was discovered, it showed its miraculous power, helping to heal serious illnesses, bites of deadly poisonous animals and neutralize the effects of poisons.

If you do not take into account the mysterious and mystical meaning The Cross for a true Christian, then it also has a purely moral meaning. When we look at the suffering of our Savior, our cross-bearing does not seem so difficult. That is, the Cross serves as support in difficult life situations, helping to show your courage and not be afraid of close proximity to death.

This Orthodox holiday (Exaltation of the Holy Cross) is of great importance for Christians due to the fact that the ground for this has long been prepared in their souls. This celebration only multiplied people's love for the Cross, gradually becoming more and more solemn. It is the Cross that becomes a symbol that allows you to fight various invisible enemies and thus save your immortal soul.

Importance will be taken at the Exaltation

As you probably already guessed, there are many different interesting facts, which are directly related to the holiday of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Signs play a vital role in the celebration itself. There are so many of them that some of them never reached the present day and were forgotten forever. But there are also customs that even now continue to be performed and devote quite a lot of time and attention to it.

September 27 is considered the third Autumn, so in ancient times on this day everyone painted crosses on the doors of their houses, on the matitsa or on the lintels. Matitsa is a thick beam in the form of a log, which was cut across the building itself. Crosses were drawn with garlic and charcoal, and chalk was also used for these purposes. More surprisingly, crosses were sometimes painted with the blood of animals that were sacrificed. Some simply carved a cross with a knife on a suitable surface.

Pet safety comes first

Many also tried to protect their cows or horses from various machinations. For this they made special wooden crosses small size and put them in a manger. Those who did not have such an opportunity acted somewhat differently. They crossed rowan branches and put them in the manger. Since ancient times, rowan has been considered a symbol of bright light, which is capable of scaring away all evil spirits.

Such an Orthodox holiday (the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) is itself considered the final day of Indian summer. This is the third and most recent meeting of the fall.

Coming winter

It was on the day of this celebration that winter reminded everyone of itself. Autumn was becoming a full-fledged mistress, and therefore rural residents increasingly thought about the approaching cold, about snowstorms and frosts that awaited them. That is why sayings of this type were so popular: “On Vozdvizhenye, the fur coat follows the caftan!” or “The Exaltation will take off his caftan and put on a fur coat!”

It was also necessary to remember that the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is a fast day, so it was important to observe all the necessary restrictions on food. Those who have completed everything correctly will have all seven sins forgiven.

It is surprising that even animals paid for their misdeeds on this day. For example, it was believed that if a snake bites someone, it will not be able to survive the winter. was based on the fact that everyone was sure of the existence of the mysterious place Iriy, where not only birds, but also snakes survived the winter. That is, the guilty snake will not be able to crawl there and will simply freeze soon.

Cabbage - what is it?

The Exaltation of the Precious Cross of the Lord used to be called even “cabbages.” This is precisely what is evidenced by many different once quite popular sayings that have not been forgotten to this day. In particular, this applies to such proverbs as “Exaltation is a cabbage plant, it’s time to chop the cabbage!” or the no less eloquent “A man won’t be full without bread, and cabbage soup can’t live without cabbage!” Such expressions indicate that cabbage was quite popular in terms of preparing various dishes from it.

Cabbage parties were also called fun parties that were held not only in villages, but also in big cities. On this day, everyone dressed up in festive clothes and visited each other. Back then it was called “chopping cabbage.”

Features of carrying out cabbage

This series of large autumn parties was especially loved by young people, because they were expected no less than Maslenitsa, and the whole celebration lasted for about two weeks. When guests came to the house, they were always served beer, as well as sweet honey and all sorts of treats. What kind of snacks were offered to the guests was decided only in accordance with the income of the hosts.

This is how the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was celebrated. Signs also said that during this celebration, young guys picked brides for themselves. By the way, parties for single guys were called “cabbage parties” and all the girls tried to get there, because they knew that their suitors would be waiting for them there. It was the brides who were also called “cabbage girls.” Already late in the evening, general festivities took place, which later often led to weddings on the Intercession. This is how the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross became the beginning of family life for some young people.

How to please the groom and much more - signs for Exaltation

The most important sign that absolutely all the girls used was that before the evenings they should definitely read a special spell seven times. This is the kind of spell that will make a girl as attractive as possible in the eyes of the guy she likes. Only if such a sign is fulfilled will she be able to achieve success at the celebration.

On the day of the celebration you cannot go into the forest, because then the bear must arrange a den for himself, but the legendary goblin mandatory conducts an inspection of his kingdom, and they cannot be disturbed in this. Because the goblin counts animals, a person who accidentally catches his eye can also be counted. But after this he will never be able to leave the forest and return home.

It is on September 27 that the birds fly south, and whoever sees them will be able to make any wish, which will certainly come true later. Among other things, true housewives always cleaned the house for the holiday, because in this way they drove out all evil spirits and damage.

An interesting fact is also that you cannot start any new business on Vozdvizhenie, because they are already doomed to failure.

By the way, several superstitions also arose about cabbage. For example, this concerns the fact that before sowing it, you should definitely hold the seeds in your hands for a while so that instead of cabbage it will not turn into rutabaga. At the same time, it was believed that if you planted cabbage on Thursday, it would be completely eaten away by worms, and it would be unfit for consumption.

Weather signs for Vozdvizhenie

The flight of geese indicates a low or high flood. That is, if they fly low, then we will face a low flood, and if they fly high, a high one.

The signs of such a holiday as the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord also indicate that if you see cranes, then pay attention to their flight. If they fly slowly, at the same time high enough and coo, then we will have a warm autumn.

If the north wind blows on the day of the celebration, then next year there will be a warm summer. The western one indicates bad weather.

If you notice a peculiar circle near the moon that is red, then this is a sign of dry and clear weather.

As you have already noticed, the history of the holiday and its most important signs are quite interesting. Some of them can be observed even today, especially with regard to weather forecasts. In connection with the restoration of many ancient traditions of our ancestors, in many cities you can see such a structure as the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod and many others).

The Exaltation is one of the great church events. To avoid troubles and failures, follow the traditions and signs of the holiday.

Every year on September 27, the Orthodox Church remembers an event that happened many years ago in Jerusalem - the miraculous discovery of the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

In addition to the Exaltation of the Cross, this day is also celebrated as a national holiday - the end of Indian summer, or the Third Autumn. Therefore, many traditions and signs of the holiday are not only religious, but also folk in nature.

Traditions of the Exaltation of the Cross

Like any other church holiday, the main tradition for the Exaltation is visiting temples and churches, listening to divine liturgies. In many cities there is a procession of the cross. On this day they prayed for the healing of loved ones, for a rich harvest next year, and asked for deliverance from sins.

The cross is a special Orthodox relic symbolizing suffering. Therefore, strict fasting should be observed on this day. Previously, it was believed that God punishes the one who neglects this tradition with seven sins, and removes seven sins from the one who did not taste the humble food.

It was believed that prayers on this day have special power. If you sincerely pray or ask for something on this day, it will definitely be fulfilled.

It was forbidden to serve any meat dishes on the table on this holiday. It was believed that a person who tasted the meat of a killed animal on this day killed all the prayers he said.

According to folk traditions, on September 27 it was forbidden to go into the forest. It was believed that on this day the Leshy walks through the forest and counts all the forest inhabitants, and if a person gets in his way, the traveler will not find the way back from the forest.

The cross symbolizes divine protection. In ancient times, those who wanted to protect their home and their loved ones painted a cross on the door of their home on September 27th. This tradition still exists today.

For peasants, this day was considered the final end of Indian summer and the onset of autumn. By this time, all matters related to agriculture should be completed.

Signs for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Signs were very important on this day both for believers and for those who are far from religion. And many random things acquired sacred meaning.

September 27 is the last day of Indian summer. It was believed that autumn was beginning to move towards winter.

In Rus', on this day they celebrated a national holiday - cabbage. Women who served cabbage pies were considered good housewives. Young girls and boys gathered on this day for festivities, the girls set the table, and the boys chose their brides.

On September 27, many signs foreshadowed the onset of cold weather: birds flew south, bears lay down in a den, and snakes hid in a hole.

Believers always attach spiritual meaning to Orthodox holidays. The Exaltation of the Holy Cross, along with Easter and the Nativity of Christ, has special significance for Christians. If you also honor this great event, do not forget to observe the traditions and signs of the holiday, and then happiness will not pass you by. Peace to you and your home, and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.09.2017 07:19

One of the main church holidays, called the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, has a rich history and many traditions...