What a pig, 1995. Professions and career growth

The Pig is a sign that is suitable for both men and women. That is why the characteristics of people who came into the world this year can be ambiguous.

The main enemy is spoilage. Usually, as a child, he gets everything, and because of this, it is not always easy for him in adulthood. Another disadvantage of this animal is inconstancy. According to the eastern horoscope, pigs are accustomed to living one day at a time; they do not think about what will happen tomorrow.

But, despite the disadvantages, representatives of this class have many advantages. Boars are hardworking and persistent, accustomed to achieving their goals.

All representatives are distinguished by their goodwill and generosity, they are ready to open their souls to everyone, which sometimes reflects on them in a bad way. Very often they have to fall for the tricks of scammers, all because of their gullible nature. Representatives of the sign need to learn that not every person can be trusted.

The animal is truthful and is used to speaking directly; if he says no, then it means no. He is firm in his decisions and demands the same from those around him. It is for these qualities that others respect and appreciate him.

Horoscope for the Pig

A boar or a pig are individuals who have a pure and open soul. In addition, they are all honest people, incapable of deception. In general, the sign is very cheerful and energetic.

Despite the fact that representatives of the sign are naive, they rarely encounter troubles in life. Boars are accustomed to trusting their fate, which almost never lets them down.

This sign can be called the most life-loving sign of the Chinese horoscope, it strives for peace in the world, and accepts fate as it comes to it.

This is a well-fed animal, and a similar characteristic also applies to people. Almost everyone who, according to the eastern horoscope, was born under this sign will have a moderate appetite.

Boar and compatibility

A cat can be a good ally, as these signs love comfortable life. Such a union promises to be happy, people will spend a lot of time with their family and create comfort in the house. Understanding can also be found with a goat.

In order to build a cohesive team, you need to team up with a tiger; these signs have similar interests. If we talk about compatibility with a monkey, then not everything is so simple, these signs complement each other, but the union is successful only if they achieve mutual respect and begin to show patience towards each other.

An unfavorable alliance would be a snake, which cannot stand it if its true face is suddenly revealed.

The sphere of money and career

Most of all interests relate to the material part. Pig likes to be around people of high status and visit expensive establishments. He wants to take over everything and become a millionaire, so the downside is that he seeks wealth at any cost, no matter what stands in his way. But more often than not, fate itself presents him with pleasant rewards in the form of money.

Pigs are very hardworking, and therefore can achieve success in any activity. But the following professions suit them most:



Boars will not work for little money; they do their work responsibly, and therefore require a good reward for this.

At first glance, the characteristics of people born in the year of the boar seem positive. But if you look at it in more detail, you can see many negative aspects inherent in this sign.

People born in the year Cabana, calm and peaceful. They are not afraid of anyone, see life without embellishment and accept the world as it really is. “Boar” hates quarrels and conflicts, especially squabbles, and tries with all his might to avoid participating in such events.

“Boars” enjoy giving people joy and doing something nice for them. The “boar”’s friends and relatives can be counted on one hand; it is difficult for him to get along with people; his excessive scrupulosity hinders him in this. He is very strict with himself and with others, and it is difficult for him to find companions.

As a rule, “boars” are laconic, do not like risk, do not use cunning and do not stoop to deception, but easily fall prey to scammers. It is not difficult to pity them and force them to act on the spur of the moment. The most terrible word for “wild boars” is “court”. They hate litigation and litigation, preferring to immediately give in if the prospect of a lawsuit and the associated bureaucratic red tape looms ahead.

People born in the year of the Pig are often considered slow because they take a long time to make decisions. Having made a decision, the “boar” begins to act, and act quickly. “Boar” tries not to interfere in the lives of his friends and relatives, but he will definitely help if asked. The “boar” has a very good, one might say, sincere relationship with money.

Born in the year of the Boar, Pig:

Marcel Marceau (03/22/1923), Mark Bernes (09/21/1911), Alain Delon (11/08/1935), Oleg Tabakov (08/17/1935), Rasul Gamzatov (09/08/1923), Ernest Hemingway (07/21/1899), Dalai Lama (07/06/1935), Muhammad Najibullah (08/06/1947), Todor Zhivkov (09/07/1911), Ronald Reagan (02/06/1911), Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (09/13/1923), Vanga (01/31/1911).

According to the Eastern horoscope, the Pig (Boar) belongs to the animals of the Yin group. The sign of the Pig (Boar) is the twelfth Eastern Zodiac. It is generally accepted that it rules the time interval from 21.00 to 23.00. Autumn is considered a particularly lucky season for this sign, with the climax period occurring in November. If we compare the European and Eastern zodiacs, then the Pig will correspond to Scorpio. Water is the fixed element of the Pig (boar). Prosperity, happiness and good luck are brought to them by wild and blue colors. Among flowers and plants, Boars can provide luck in all endeavors - acacia, hazel and lavender. Favorable countries for people of this sign to live in are Denmark, Pakistan, Malaysia, Israel, Argentina, Burma, Brazil.

Years of the sign of the Pig (Boar) in our century

  • 1911 January 30 - element of the year metal
  • 1923 February 16 - element of the year water
  • 1935 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1947 January 22 - element of the year fire
  • 1959 February 8 - element of the year earth
  • 1971 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1983 February 13 - element of the year water
  • 1995 January 31st - element of the year tree
  • 2007 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 2019 February 5 - element of the year earth

The following famous people were born under the sign of the Pig (Boar):

Oliver Cromwell, Vladimir Nabokov, Georges Pompidou, Mark Bernes, Steven Spielberg, Fred Astor, Cagliostro, Francoise Sagan, Melvin Calvin, Albert Osborne, Alain Delon, Todor Zhivkov, Marcel Marceau, Joseph Balsamo, Hector Berlioz, Dalai Lama, Mikhail Tal , Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Van Dyck, Thomas Mann, Velazquez, Ralph Waldow, John McKenrow, John Ellington, Prosper Merimee, Rasul Gamzatov, Herve Bazin, Boris Pokrovsky, Lavrentiy Beria, Jean Paul Marat, Arkady Raikin, Otto von Bismarck, Albert Schweitzer, Blaise Pascal, Max Rothschild, George Rockefeller, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Paul Cezanne, Bernard Law Montgomery, Elton John, Saddam Hussein, Alfred Hitchcock, John Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Carl Jung, Emerson.

In the countries of the East, the Boar (Pig) is considered to be the owner of the courtyard, a symbol of passion, naivety and pleasure. However, it is often difficult to recognize who is at the moment in front of you is a noble boar or an ordinary piggy bank. Ferocity and promiscuity are the hallmarks of the wild boar. In front of them one can only feel helpless and unarmed; his presence excites the imagination, and his wealth beckons and delights. Most often, the boar is wild and elusive, and that is why it is lonely. This animal is capable of being either wild and unbridled, feeding on acorns and trampling crops and fields, or maybe even a tame pig, accustomed to living in abundance in a warm barn.

Pigs (Boars) are divided into black and white and are composed of large number a wide variety of legends. Moreover, the boar is depicted everywhere as a loner. In Druid myths, the boar contains enormous spiritual power, and hunting these animals is associated with mortal risk and is terribly dangerous, since the hunter is not chasing the animal, but the earthly embodiment of the spirit.

According to Christian beliefs, the Pig (Boar) has a bad reputation due to the fact that this image is identified with a demon who is possessed by lust. But in China, the Boar is the personification of courage, nobility and prosperity.

In Japan, the supreme god of war was depicted as a Boar. There was even a legend about him in verse - once a priest of one of the gods decided to kill the emperor and seize the throne. But in order to carry out his plan, he needed to kill the guard. But the guard was able to escape - he hid in a herd of grazing wild boars, who saw the priest and put him to flight.

In Celtic beliefs, the boar plays one of the main roles. This happened due to the fact that the main occupation of the Celts was boar hunting. According to one of the myths, the Celtic people fled from their enemies to the islands, where, in order not to die of hunger, they had to slaughter seven piglets, and the next morning, they miraculously came to life again.

There is another legend, the main character in it is the White Boar, who, according to popular belief, knew the way to a beautiful country, and for this everyone who wanted to get there chased him. But the White Boar knew how to stand up for himself, he took the form of a beautiful Virgin and led the hunters into the forest, where they were overtaken by a terrible death.

A wild boar is always a lonely person in the middle of a vast farm. European peoples, as a rule, have little idea about the true purpose of the Boar and its depth of essence, so they imagine it in the form of a fat pig, which the only thing that can do is wallow all day in slurry. The French even have a custom - they hunt these animals in late autumn, so that during the New Year's celebration there will be meat from this wild animal on the tables. At the same time, one can discern a sacred connection between European cooking and the Chinese horoscope - a boar must be killed in the old year in order for luck to smile and prosperity to come in the new year.

But there is one thing - the boar is still a pig, and, having once experienced the beauty of a dirty, but such a wonderful puddle, the boar will no longer be able to escape from it and will remain wallowing in it for the rest of its life.


New Year is not best time for the birth of a Pig (Boar), they can simply be eaten on this holiday as a treat. Pigs will be happy in life only if their birthday does not fall on traditional holidays. Their childhood, as a rule, is quite happy and calm, and is spent under the care and patronage of loved ones and relatives. Youth for boars is a time of emotional turmoil and difficulties. The first half of life can be characterized as calm and smooth, but the second half is filled with various difficulties and problems. By nature, as already mentioned, Pigs are loners, as a result of which they are very secretive by nature, and they simply will not think of asking for help, preferring to do everything on their own. At the same time, those around you may not realize what hell the life of the Pig (Boar) has become.

In adulthood, these animals come into a time of family difficulties, so it is very important to achieve marital relations stability, trust and love, if this can be done, then old age will be calm and prosperous.


People born under the sign of the Pig (Boar) are quite good-natured and peaceful people who avoid worries; they often see a calm and prosperous life as the ultimate goal of their path. That is why if you create conditions for an unbearable life, you can drive the Boars to complete recluse. They love luxury and a beautiful life, which is why they are materialists to the core. According to Chinese astrology, Boars are the most conscientious animals that personify honesty and justice. Essentially, they are altruists with a lot of emotions, feelings and experiences, constantly thinking about the harmony and essence of being. They are often quite optimistic about themselves and the people around them.

Pig (Boar) people are always gallant gentlemen and courteous men. They try to follow their own code of honor under any circumstances. But if brought to their attention, they can become dangerous predators. If the prey, in their opinion, turns out to be too weak, they devour it without hesitation. While remaining very trusting and naive. Sometimes their naivety is perceived by others as obvious stupidity. The roots of their gullibility lie in the desire to see only the good in a person, without noticing negative qualities. We can say that they live in own world, who is always ready to rush to defend if necessary.

One of the most striking virtuous traits in Pigs is their ability, despite the vileness of the world around them, to show sympathy and empathy, never labeling a person or drawing categorical conclusions.

People under the sign of the Pig (Boar) openly despise disputes and conflicts, trying in every possible way to avoid them. They are always open to negotiations and compromises. This is why they are considered weak, but frankly speaking, they don’t care. They believe that something good can always be found everywhere, although sometimes this attitude can cause misconceptions and subsequent disappointments in the people around them.

The boar is even able to take pity on the criminal, giving him refuge and protection. In their struggle for justice, they can reach extreme fanaticism, and at such moments they are dangerous to the people around them. But with all this, they have a kind and sensitive heart. They were simply created to bring goodness and make the world a better place. They are able to easily understand a new situation and adapt to it. Pigs love noisy companies and are very sociable people, but they do not tolerate ostentation and excessive pretentiousness. Very often, the Pig prefers to remain silent than to speak out and be misunderstood, so in public they are increasingly silent, although in one-on-one conversations they are able to chat incessantly and turn out to be pleasant and cheerful interlocutors.

With its thirst for knowledge, the Pig (Boar) is very similar to the Monkey. He reads a lot, but, as a rule, randomly, on the principle that he just likes it. Therefore, at first glance they may give the impression of very smart and versatile people, but upon closer examination it turns out that their knowledge is rather superficial. Often they try to do several things at the same time, which is why they cannot fully understand the essence of the idea and delve into it completely.

The Pig is very easy to deceive, and he knows about it and treats it calmly. Although there are times when Pig eventually get tired of being gullible dupes and become overly suspicious and distrustful. Sometimes their weaknesses play into their hands, and Chinese sages are confident that the wild boar is a cunning animal that can wait for a long time, thereby lulling the enemy’s vigilance.

People under the sign of the Pig (Boar) are capable of becoming good friends, always ready to help their neighbor, but they are completely unprepared to face anger and betrayal. Once burned, these animals will forget how to trust and are more likely to leave forever. loved one than they can forgive him.

Such people do not have a tendency to compete, thanks to which they always remain impartial. At the same time, they are often not sure that they are doing the right thing and will doubt it to the last, constantly asking themselves the question - is it necessary? They lie only if it is necessary to protect themselves or their loved ones. Despite their keen mind, they are easy to deceive, especially in financial matters. Boars are always ready to confirm any of their words with facts and real actions. They are difficult to climb, but if they make up their minds and set a goal, they will go straight towards it and will not be stopped.

Attributes certain properties and events, interpreted according to the typical features of the totem animal. True, the character of the controlling beast changes every 12 years of the cycle - depending on which element it belongs to. Based on this seemingly confusing system, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Pig.

Color in in this case means the element of earth. There are 5 elements in the Chinese horoscope, and each one changes the symbol of the year in its own way. So the Wooden Pig has a punchy character, like a tree growing out of a crack in the asphalt. The Metal one is distinguished by its ability to earn money, and the Water one is able to see through people - like the bottom through a transparent layer of water.

The wild boar, subordinate to the element of fire, is the embodiment of comfort and guardian hearth and home. And, finally, generous and hospitable, like the fertile land.

In the coming year, it falls to the Earth Pig to manage events, which means that an abundant and eventful year awaits everyone. Someone is already living in anticipation of unprecedented bounties - and rightly so. Well, for some, the next 12 months will be the most exciting in life, because your family is about to receive small miracle- your baby.

Astrologers believe that in 2019 we will experience a wave of baby booms, and many families should expect a new addition. Moreover, both for those who have long wanted a child, and for those for whom the news of pregnancy will be a complete surprise. But absolutely all parents will be interested to know the characteristics by month, what kind of children born in 2019 they are.

Knowing the basic traits and predispositions of the baby is very important in further development your child. The patron animal gives him a certain set of talents, abilities and characteristics.

Having this information, you will be able to choose the best parenting methods, choose interesting and useful hobbies that your child will enjoy doing. And most importantly, you can easily find common language with the younger generation.

General characteristics

Children born in the year of the Pig are cheerful and sunny, regardless of their zodiac sign. From the first days of their life, everyone around them begins to reach out to them, as if spellbound, and such universal love will surround the child constantly, at any age.

Already from the cradle, the baby will begin to show curiosity about everything around him and will try to participate in all events. He needs constant attention, and, despite the embarrassment, little Pig will be any possible ways achieve this. Growing up, children of this sign will become excellent listeners and even interlocutors for adults.

Thanks to their ability to notice details, they will surprise older friends or relatives with their childish insight and breadth of knowledge. WITH early age, born in the year of the Pig, will build his own principles, which he will not violate in the future under any circumstances. So, it is better for parents to pay close attention to the child’s opinions and habits - many of them will remain with him for many years.

Young pigs are generous and are unlikely to try to hide the last candy in nook. They will share the “trophy” with the whole family, but will be childishly happy if they get the whole treat. These children love praise; it is important for them to feel appreciated, needed and loved.

Feeling at least minimal support, they will happily help with housework and take a responsible approach to their responsibilities. If Pig does not receive any reward (material or verbal) for the work done, he will be upset, to the point that his once favorite activity, for example, washing dishes, will become hateful for him.

Education for children born in the year of the Pig

Babies born under the sign of the Pig love to learn and explore the world. On the other hand, this is an extremely restless person, and as soon as the child loses interest, all diligence seems to blow away with the wind. Because of this, knowledge often remains superficial, although extensive. That is, he may know the capitals of all states, but it will be difficult for a child to find at least one of them on the map.

If parents want to give their offspring deep and thorough knowledge, it is worth hiring a tutor or working with the child themselves, presenting the material in the most exciting way possible - with interactive activities, games, competitions. In addition, the children of 2019, who belong to the element of earth, are the laziest and most passive of all Pigs, which means they will have to try hard to interest such a couch potato.

In high school and college, these teenagers already understand that apathy is their main enemy. They will try to overcome their natural laziness in order to eventually become one of the people, but from time to time, they will need both the carrot and the stick. Therefore, independent navigation into adulthood should be supervised by elders. This is the only way the young Pig will achieve prosperity and success.

Friendship and peer relationships

Little Pigs are friendly and sociable. Most often they are rather silent, but they love company and have no difficulty making friends. Their honesty and nobility plays a significant role in this. This is the most non-conflicting sign eastern horoscope. However, parents will have to rescue their child from a fight more than once, both son and daughter.

This is because they do not tolerate injustice, and if necessary, they will definitely defend a weak comrade. In adult life, especially during the period of youthful maximalism, children of this year can get into trouble for themselves, precisely because of their rejection of hypocrisy and deceit.

A confrontation with the real world, where dishonor, corruption and bigotry reign today, will be very painful for them. But, despite their contradictory youth, young Pigs will not lose their peacefulness and goodwill, and will only strengthen their desire to help the weak, engage in charity work and volunteering.

Health of children born in 2019

The trigger for illness in Pig babies is always lack of attention and loneliness. They are physically independent – ​​when it comes to heating up food or getting dressed, but they are completely helpless emotionally.

For example, if working parents do not call a first-grader who has returned to an empty apartment after school, the child may fall ill that same evening. At a more conscious age, children will begin to eat their psychological problems, quickly losing sense of proportion. Hence problems with weight, digestive system and metabolism.

In addition, these are people of mental work, which means they often lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. WITH early years it is necessary to instill in the child a love of walking, cycling, swimming, tennis, etc., so that sports activity becomes one of his fundamental life principles.

What hobbies and professions to choose?

From childhood, a pig can be “pushed” to choose a profession. He must choose the direction himself, but after that it is worth sending him to courses, master classes, clubs and sections.

Those born in 2019 will be methodical doctors, lawyers attentive to details, and responsible social workers. The pig may be interested in working as a cook, and you can be sure that the title of chef is only a matter of time.

Children of 2019 like work that involves taking into account details, scrupulousness, i.e. those areas where they can apply their ability to collect many facts (ingredients, symptoms) into a single holistic picture. The main thing is to help the child immediately find his niche and do everything necessary so that interest does not disappear.

Video horoscope

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/



Pig according to the Eastern horoscope

Eastern horoscope Pig (Pig): legend, character, career and money;

Horoscope Pig compatibility; Pig zodiac sign

Pig (Boar) – years

1935 – wooden

1947 – fiery

1959 – earthen

1971 – metal

1983 – water

1995 – wooden

2007 – fiery

2019 – earthen


In the legend, the clumsy Pig (Boar) appeared twelfth to the Buddha when he invited all the animals to the celebration. That is why the year of the Pig (Boar) is the last in the twelve-year cycle.

The pig is an auspicious animal in China, because its Chinese name (zhu) is consonant with the Chinese “happiness”. Here they say: a pig will come to the house, and happiness will come with it in abundance.

The hieroglyph for “pig” – Ш – is part of the hieroglyph for “family”. The pig is considered a symbol of male strength, sexuality, the fertility of the earth, also money, wealth in general. The pig is associated with contentment, completeness, good nature, but it is capable of occasionally showing a ferocious temper.

In the East, the Pig is a symbol of nobility and purity. Her images and figurines are given as gifts, wishing abundance, happiness, childbirth, joy.

Eastern horoscope Pig (Pig): character

This sign marks people born under it with courage, the ability to self-sacrifice, honesty, courage, truthfulness, and directness. Everything that the Boar (Pig) undertakes, he does at full strength. His path is always straight, he does not recognize deviations.

The Pig is a man of few words, but inquisitive, reads a lot, and is always informed. He can be quick-tempered, but does not like quarrels or bickering. He is kind and attentive to loved ones, friends, and acquaintances, but his family affairs are not always smooth. The Pig strives to destroy all conflicts in the bud, to prevent long-term disagreements. He is faithful to his few friends all his life, he does not abandon them in trouble, they reciprocate, they stand up for him like a mountain.

The most difficult problems will not force Pig to give up. His “yes” is always a “yes”, his “no” is an unconditional “no”. Therefore, Pig expects the same from those around him.

In everyday life, the Boar (Pig) is unhurried, even slow. He is never in a hurry to make decisions, thinking everything over, weighing everything - why unnecessary risk? But when a decision is made, his leisurely behavior disappears without a trace, the Pig is decisive and firm like no one else. Determined to win, the Pig will not back down. This wisest tactic - think first, then act - brings success in virtually every business that the Pig takes on.

Of course, the Boar (Pig) is deservedly respected for its inner strength, spiritual power, confidence, and thoughtfulness. He does not boast of these qualities, does not demonstrate them, but only displays them when necessary. And in everyday life, the Pig is kind, sociable, very peaceful - he will even generously forgive careless words addressed to him. The Boar (Pig) is generally surprisingly tolerant of the mistakes and shortcomings of others; in a conflict, it is more reasonable than others: while maintaining objectivity, it will willingly compromise.

Peacefulness and truthfulness, faith in people and in people sometimes makes the Pig (Pig) an easy victim of scammers. The Pig is very smart in business, but in the everyday sphere he is overly trusting and kind, which is sometimes shamelessly used by others to their own advantage. But Pig’s sincerity and reliability gives him, albeit few, true friends.

Attentiveness, perseverance, hard work, progress towards the goal without fear of obstacles - make the Pig (Pig) an excellent worker who is not afraid of painstaking, responsible work.

More often than others, fate presents Pig with financial pleasant surprises: large lottery winnings, a good inheritance, a well-paid job. They envy him, but the Pig himself is philosophically calm about luck and money.

Having a lot of advantages, the Boar (Pig) is also very noble; he never goes over his head to the goal. His achievements are honest and deserved, so much so that even his opponents admit it.

Eastern horoscope Pig (Pig): career, money

The career of a businesslike, practical Pig (Boar) usually resembles a confident takeoff. Even at the lower tier of his career, the Pig (Boar) sees the goal clearly, preparing to spend a lot of effort and time. The reliability of the Boar methods has been tested over the centuries - it is hard work and perseverance. Indeed, by the mature years, the Pig (Boar), as a rule, reaches heights. Some conservatism, thoroughness, and responsibility make the Pig (Boar) an excellent leader.

Pig (Boar) – almost the most banknote horoscope of the East. The well-being of the Pig is ensured not only by its efforts in work, but by the stars themselves! Her luck in finance causes everyone to envy, but she herself treats money more than calmly.

Celebrities - Boar (Pig) sign

Oliver Cromwell, Elvis Presley, von Bismarck, Steven Spielberg, Vladimir Nabokov, Elton John, Thomas Mann, Carl Jung, Prosper Merimee, Alfred Hitchcock, Modest Mussorgsky, John Rockefeller, Arkady Raikin, Henry Ford, Marcel Marceau, Rothschild, Francoise Sagan, Woody Allen, Henry Kissinger, Duke Ellington, Cagliostro, Ronald Reagan, Alain Delon, Blaise Pascal.

Horoscope Pig compatibility

The Boar (Pig) will often be loved, but also not rarely - fooled, disappointed. A woman of this sign will be a wonderful mother.

Good: Goat, Cat, Boar (Pig)

Not bad: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Dog

Bad: Horse, Snake, Rooster

It is better for the Boar (Pig) to create an alliance with the Cat, this the surest way don't get into arguments. Everything will be wonderful, but the Pig needs to avoid debauchery.

The Goat can abuse the kindness of the Pig, but in principle, everything is fine in this pair. The goat must stay within limits.

With the Ox, the Pig will be able to endure everything, but he should be gentler with her, not be too strict, long term relationship she has the courage to react.

The Boar (Pig) understands and respects the Tiger, but the Tiger can tire, the Pig needs to defend itself.

The cheerfulness of the Boar (Pig) will balance the pessimism of the Dog. Both of them are generous and understand each other.

It is very easy for the Monkey to fool the Pig, but she does not want it - she respects the Pig.

It is necessary to avoid the Snake, because it will simply wrap itself around itself, will not allow freedom to breathe and move, and will simply “strangle”.

A selfish Horse can make the Pig unhappy by abusing its trust.

An aggressive Rooster will overwork the Pig; they are not suitable for each other at all.

Pig zodiac sign

Capricorn is too strict for a Pig.