Victor Vasiliev is married to Anna Snatkina. Anna Snatkina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

“Immediately after the wedding, friends invited my husband to a party, I said: “Of course, honey, go. Dance, have fun." But when Vitya came home in the morning, a note was waiting for him: “Well, did you rest? Now it’s my turn!” As a result, I returned home only two days later,” recalls Anna Snatkina with a smile.

- Your relationship developed rapidly - on April 8, 2012, at the Nika Award ceremony, you were together for the first time appeared in public, and on October 12 of the same year they got married...

Victor: By the way, then, at Nika, we had our first date.

So exactly six months passed between our first date and the wedding. And as for swiftness... On the contrary! We couldn't meet for a very long time. I even remember Anya’s terrifying speech on the phone about this: “Do you hear, Vasil (note, not Victor, not Vasiliev, but Vasil!). So, then, I’m not one of those girls who can be fooled! First, figure out what is important to you and what is not, and only then call!”

Anna: I was very angry with Vitya then. In general, it’s hard to piss me off, but if I get to the boiling point, I talk very harshly. It’s just that more than a month has passed since we met, and Vitya and I still couldn’t meet.

Photo: from the personal archive of Anna Snatkina

And I’m tired of calling each other week after week, arranging a date, adjusting my rare weekends around it, and at the last moment finding out that Vitya’s plans have changed. Probably no girl would like it if she was going to a meeting for which a young man finally deigned to make time, and suddenly he calls her and says: “Sorry, but today I won’t be able to again. I have to go to the wedding...” At that moment I didn’t say anything to Vitya, I pretended that everything was fine. I just returned home. But everything was boiling in my soul!

Victor: That day I honestly went on a date with Anya! I had been waiting for this for a very long time and was all in anticipation. But then my friends call me - from the category who are not refused: “Vitya, help me out!

Nightmare, end of the world! There is a wedding here, we organized a host for them, but on the way he had an accident and broke his leg. For God's sake, hold this wedding! Save!” Well, okay, I think we’ll postpone the meeting with Anya another day... Now she says that it was because of me that our first date was postponed and postponed. But often urgent matters arose for her too, so we were two boots! Both delayed their first date.

- How did you meet?

Victor: At the recording of the “Yesterday Live” program at the beginning of last year. I hosted the program, and Anya was my guest. I saw her and immediately fell in love!

- Victor, many beautiful actresses come to your show. And how often do you fall in love with them?

Victor: No, well, it happened, of course, that I liked someone. But this is not at all what happened with Anya! I saw those eyes and my legs gave way. I immediately thought, at that very moment: here she is! The one who will become my wife and mother of my children. This is the first time this has happened to me, honestly! And I thought: either I will die, or Anya Snatkina will be mine. This girl won't just leave here. One question remained: was she free? Because if she, say, has a family, children and everything is fine, why then would I think about her? Although, maybe I would have fought anyway, I don’t know... In a word, everything needed to be clarified urgently. Before I had time to think about it, my gaze fell on a magazine with Anya’s face on the cover - the props people had brought it for delivery. And on the cover there is a takeaway, something like: “I’m still searching.” I think: it’s already good! He barely waited for the break and began feverishly leafing through the magazine.

In October 2012. On April 18, 2013, the couple had a daughter. Veronica. For five years, Anna and Victor did not show the heiress, but the day before the actress decided to lift the veil of secrets and published the first photo with Veronica on her Instagram microblog. “No one can change, but everyone can become better. Work is work, and the happy moments spent with my daughter are priceless!” - the 35-year-old star signed the photo (the author’s spelling and punctuation are unchanged. - Editor's note) It is noteworthy that the wife continues to hide the baby’s face.

Anna Snatkina showed her 5-year-old daughter for the first time

Despite her young age, she is the daughter of Anna Snatkina and Viktor Vasiliev. By at least, so the actress herself said. “I’m preparing to be a little actress. Recently she told me about this,” Snatkina shared. Snatkina gives great value education. In her opinion, a person is shaped by exactly what is laid down by his parents.

By the way, Anna Snatkina’s husband said in one of his interviews that. Then Victor Vasiliev shared that he and his wife dream of a son who would be interested in football: “Anya and I are thinking about expanding our family, we are discussing this issue. And everything is going that way. I know that Anya wants a boy. I don't mind. There will be someone to play football with. We won’t take Veronica to the team - I don’t like women’s football. Boxing is a different matter.”

Anna Snatkina and Viktor Vasiliev

Anna Snatkina and Viktor Vasiliev met on the set of the Yesterday Live program on Channel One. Each of them had painful relationships behind them. According to Victor, what attracted him to Anna was that she was real, and Snatkina was hooked that Vasiliev accepted her for who she is. On October 12, 2012, the couple got married in St. Petersburg and had a wedding in one of the historical palaces. There were about one and a half hundred guests at the ceremony, and the groom’s longtime friend and creative colleague Dmitry Khrustalev acted as toastmaster at the private party. The wedding took place in the strictest secrecy.

Victor Vasiliev and Anna Snatkina

Let us recall that Anna Snatkina’s career began with filming in the popular TV series “Moscow Saga” and “Plot”. The actress gained widespread fame in 2005. Then several TV series appeared on screens, where she played the main roles. The greatest success came from the project “

Text: Veronika Poltavskaya based on materials from InStyle

Photo: InStyle, Twitter, LifeNews

Actress Anna Snatkina and TV presenter Viktor Vasiliev recently had a magnificent wedding and are now preparing to become parents. The couple took part in a romantic photo shoot for InStyle magazine and told the story of their love and life after the wedding.

“There was something like that already at first glance”

Anna admits that she, like any girl, has long dreamed of meeting her prince. “Living only for yourself becomes uninteresting over time. I thought: where does he go, my only one?” – the actress admitted in an interview with InStyle. And Victor often thought about settling down: “I have long wanted a family and children. There were different girls, both beautiful and smart. But I understood: this is the way to choose for the rest of my life.”

One day Anna was invited to the TV show “Yesterday Live”, where Victor works as a presenter. “I noticed him on this program a long time ago and thought: what a handsome young man!” – she noted. Vasiliev had no idea who Snatkina was. “I came to the rehearsal and asked: “Who do we have today?” - “Anna Snatkina.” - “Who is this?” I don’t watch Russian films, so I didn’t know Anya. But when we saw each other, there was something like that already in the first glance. As soon as we met her eyes, the director said: “That’s it, the rehearsal is over.” And he left."

“Our first date took place in a hospital room.”

Despite the fact that the young people immediately liked each other, their first date was postponed several times. In the end, it passed... in the hospital. Anna ended up there with a concussion. In the evening, the actress gave her friend a lift, and when she returned to the car, she received a blow to the back of the head. The girl lost consciousness. The attacker wanted to steal her car, but did not have time, as he was scared off by a random passer-by. As a result, Anna was taken by ambulance to the hospital.

“A couple of weeks after we met, Vitya unexpectedly came to my performance. And it was canceled because I ended up in the hospital. And our first date took place in a hospital room,” said the actress. “Then we couldn’t see each other for a long time because we were so busy—we had to reschedule the meeting all the time. One day Vitya called and offered to go to Europe, but my visa ran out, and I found out about it at the last moment - so the trip was cancelled.”

“I decided that nothing would work out for us”

After several unsuccessful dates with Victor, Anna already began to think that, apparently, it was not fate: “I decided that, probably, nothing would work out for us if we couldn’t see each other for so long - almost a month. But we still met at the award ceremony - I invited Vitya. We began to communicate, and I realized that this is my man and he will be my husband.”

In October 2012, Anna and Victor. More than a hundred people attended the celebration, which took place in the Peterhof Summer Palace in “an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy.” Snatkina chose not to experiment with the color and style of the dress - she chose a classic white outfit with a long train and a fur cape. The groom appeared before the guests in a strict black suit and a snow-white shirt without a tie. The lovers chose for their honeymoon.

"I've never even been to civil marriage, and I have to learn some everyday things. But Vitya treats this with understanding. And he never ceases to amaze me - he never comes home without a gift or a small bouquet“Snatkina admitted.

“It seems to me that if you love, you need to do something pleasant every day. For example, when a wife gets out of the shower, wants to cook breakfast, and it’s already ready - it’s very romantic! Actually I like it family life. If I had known that it was so cool, I probably would have gotten married earlier. But only on Anya!” – Vasiliev noted.

“Vitya’s most precious gift is that I will soon become a mother”

In December, the couple came together to the premiere of the film “Happy New Year, Moms!” By that time, Anna had already stopped hiding her pregnancy. She was next to her husband all evening and literally glowed with happiness.

“Vitya’s most precious gift is that I will soon become a mother,” says Snatkina. And her husband adds: “Everyone tells me that pregnant women are impossible to cope with, that it’s terrible... In fact, there is nothing like that. I think: if she’s on edge now, what will she be like when she gives birth? Are you generally calm?”

Read a detailed interview with Anna Snatkina and Viktor Vasiliev in the February issue of InStyle magazine.

Anna Snatkina is a favorite of the public, she is a very popular actress, she has a lot of roles in TV series, more than forty by the age of 34. Most TV viewers praise her for her talent and efficiency, admire her beauty, regular facial features, and the soft warm light of her eyes. Looking at Anna Snatkina, I always thought that she was such a meek, quiet girl who went with the flow; everything seemed to come easily to her, literally floating on its own. But everything is far from being like that, in fact, Anna Snatkina has a very strong, strong-willed character, she is always persistent in achieving her goals. This beauty is self-sufficient, she lives by the principle: “If not me, then who?” Maybe she needs to hammer a nail in somewhere, bake pies for the arrival of guests, build a career, earn money, look like a top ten, and for all her popularity she has never been noticed in any scandal. Did you know that seven-year-old Anna Snatkina’s mother left her at home all day with her little six-month-old sister Masha, Anya fed her, put her to bed, changed diapers, and then she could peel and fry some potatoes when her parents came home from work. And how could such a strong and selfless person not one day become so popular and successful?

Anna Snatkina has been friends with sports since childhood; from the age of four she was involved in gymnastics, then she went to study aerobics and even became a master of sports in this area of ​​fitness; at one time Anya even worked as a trainer. And although Anna Snatkina retired from sports, she still maintains her body in good shape; she chose gentle yoga for herself. She does all kinds of headstands, stretches, performs asanas, her whole body is pumped up, the actress monitors her health, it is possible that she has even become too thin and wiry. But when our heroine was in her first year of college, she was injured while practicing fencing. The fact is that if a person abruptly gives up intense sports, his muscle corset sharply weakens, and there is increased stress on the spine. In general, I will not go into the exact diagnosis that the doctors gave Anna Snatkina, but the girl spent a week and a half in intensive care, the pain in her back was so severe, but still she wrote a refusal from the operation, decided to recover using less aggressive methods, very I walked around in a corset for a long time, stood at lectures, and couldn’t sit down. But still, Anna Snatkina was able to improve her health.

I actually saw Anna only in 4-5 projects, after watching which, it became clear that a girl with such data will not get lost - there will be roles and success, and in abundance. Vitaly Solomin was her course director at VGIK, where the talented beauty entered on the first try. The career has been and is going uphill.

Anna Snatkina's husband is 8 years older than her.

Anna Snatkina met Viktor Vasiliev when she was 29 years old; the actress claims that before Vitya she never really loved anyone much, although she was a member of serious relationship with a certain guy in love with her. Men often proposed marriage to Anna Snatkina, but she only agreed to Viktor Vasiliev. This humorous intellectual suggested that she simply move in together and live together under one roof, because he was already 37 years old, an experienced guy, but Anna replied that this kind of relationship did not suit her, she did not believe in unions without a stamp in her passport, registering her relationships, everyone in the couple takes responsibility for life and peace of mind another. Soon after Viktor Vasiliev and Anna Snatkina submitted an application to the registry office, they learned that they would have a child. They signed without any fuss, and in 2013, 30-year-old Anna Snatkina and 38-year-old Viktor Vasiliev became parents for the first time and had a daughter, Veronica.

Anna Snatkina as a blonde.

In this photo, Anna Snatkina with her dad.

Little Anna Snatkina and her mother.

Anna Snatkina's younger sister is also a beauty, but she works not as an actress, but as a police officer!

In this photo, Anna Snatkina’s mother and Anna’s sister with their daughter.

And here is another photo with her husband Viktor Vasiliev! Both are very beautiful and look great together. Vitya pulled out a lucky ticket! He grabbed such a wife!

Anna Snatkina as Snow Queen beautiful!

Anna Snatkina is a now famous actress who appeared on the big screens in the early 2000s. Her fans know that it was she who played the sweet and modest Tanya from the famous TV series “Tatiana’s Day,” which at one time captivated almost the entire country to the screens. Snatkina does not like monotony. She not only acts in films, but also appears in various television shows and sings quite well. She also voices cartoons and can sometimes be seen in commercials.

Today, Anna can be seen more often in performances than on the set.

The image of the cute girl Tanya from the TV series “Tatiana’s Day” brought popularity to the artist and, as a result, an army of admirers. And above all, fans were interested in her height, weight, and age. How old is Anna Snatkina is a special question.

Anna is now 34 years old, and if you compare photos of Anna Snatkina in her youth and now, you won’t notice much difference. Today, a woman who is already over 30 differs little from her twenty-year-old self. The actress's average height is 167 centimeters. To maintain an excellent figure, Anna tries to keep her weight at 51 kilograms.

Biography and personal life 👉 Anna Snatkina

Anya was born on July 13, 1983, in Moscow. Like many other popular artists, Anya appeared in a family of people who had nothing to do with cinema in particular, or art in general. Her entire family was in one way or another connected with the world of aviation. Her father, Alexey Snatkin, was one of the builders of the Buran apparatus, and her mother, Elena Snatkina, worked as a teacher at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The family went through a period of poverty with collapse Soviet aviation. Anya’s parents began to engage in shuttle transportation of goods, while their daughter studied at home with her younger sister, Masha. By the way, now Maria Snatkina is also married and works in the police. She herself does not yet have children.

The biography and personal life of Anna Snatkina are truly of interest to fans. From four to seventeen years old, the girl enthusiastically practiced gymnastics. And she did it very successfully - she has large number certificates and various awards, and, among other things, an adult category.

When she was very young, she said that she dreamed of becoming a coach, and she had every chance to achieve this goal. But everything changed when Anya saw the film “Bodyguard”. She was so impressed by Whitney Houston's performance that the girl sincerely wanted to repeat her success and also become an actress. The girl began to take an active part in school amateur performances, and little by little prepare herself for admission to a theater university.

For a couple of years, Anna attended courses at VGIK and the Shchukin School. She went everywhere. But I decided to give preference to VGIK.

Her personal life turned out surprisingly well. Now Anna has a beloved husband and a wonderful daughter, and the actress is completely happy with her life.

True, even before Anna’s marriage there were rumors that she was in a relationship with Kirill Safronov, but these really turned out to be just rumors that were never confirmed.

But who Anna Snatkina really met before meeting her future husband was Andrei Chernyshov, an actor whom viewers know from the films “Zemsky Doctor” and “General Therapy.” Their relationship lasted a whole year, but did not end in anything serious.

And only then did she meet her fate.

Filmography 👉 films starring Anna Snatkina

Student life was not easy for the girl. There was barely enough money, so Snatkina worked as a seller of music cassettes. It became easier already in the second year of study - Anna received her first film role and made her debut in the film “Plot”.

The filmography of the young actress began to be replenished with more serious works after her roles in “The Fighter” and “The Moscow Saga.” Thanks to them, Snatkina was noted, and she received roles in such films as “Yesenin”, “I will not return”, “Malaholnaya”, “Tatiana’s Day”, “My Big Family” and others.

It is noteworthy that Anna was truly ready to do anything for the sake of her work. She lost weight, gained weight, visited the police and psychiatry, and the like. But the result was really worth it - her roles brought her more and more popularity.

In addition to films and TV series, Snatkina can also be seen in TV shows. For example, such as “Dancing with the Stars”, “Smak” or “Evening Urgant”. Among other things, tabloids often include her in the list of the sexiest actresses in Russia. Anna Snatkina does not hide that she would like to try herself in politics.

Family and children 👉 Anna Snatkina

Anna Snatkina’s family and children are what is truly dear to this girl. What gives her real happiness.

The wedding of Anna Snatkina and Viktor Vasiliev took place in 2012. And it passed without the attention of the press. Only relatives and closest friends of the couple were invited. There was a rumor that Anya was pregnant, and this was the main reason for legitimizing the relationship. Of course, I want to believe that all this is actually just a rumor, and Snatkina got married according to great love. But one cannot help but notice that less than a year later, Victor and Anna actually had a child.

So far, there is only one daughter in the family, but Anya does not hide that she wants more children. Her husband is also all for it, so it is likely that sooner or later we will hear that Anya is expecting a child again.

Daughter 👉 of Anna Snatkina - Veronica Vasilyeva

Anna Snatkina’s daughter, Veronika Vasilyeva, was born to her parents in 2013, in Snatkina’s first and only marriage. It is known that the baby was going to be christened Sasha, but Victor did not agree with this decision. Therefore, the choice fell on the name Veronica, the meaning of which is “victorious.”

In order to take care of the child, Anya did not act in films for the first couple of years after the birth of her daughter. The girl is growing up to be surprisingly creative and very charismatic. She does gymnastics, singing and playing the piano, and also teaches English in kindergarten.

Photos of Anna Snatkina and her daughter can often be seen online, because the girl loves to appear in public. Especially in beautiful outfits that she already chooses for herself. Little Veronica is growing up as a talented girl and it is quite possible that in the future she will also become an actress, like her famous mother. At the same time, she is incredibly similar to her dad, not only in appearance, but also in her character.

Husband 👉 of Anna Snatkina - Viktor Vasiliev

Anna Snatkina's husband - Viktor Vasiliev with future wife I met in 2012 (remember that they got married in the same year) on the set of a comedy show. At one time, the man was a KVN player and captain of the St. Petersburg team, as well as a resident of the Comedy Club.

Victor has best friend– Dmitry Khrustalev. Together they often star in humorous and entertainment programs. Also, Victor and Anna can often be seen on the same theater stage or film set. It is worth mentioning that at first Snatkina did not consider Victor’s advances to be serious. She thought he was just another careless admirer, but is very glad that in the end this turned out to be completely wrong.

Before meeting Anna, Victor dated girls, but did not plan to get married. It is probably for this reason that you can often see articles on the Internet that say that Anna Snatkina and Viktor Vasiliev broke up. Among other things, Vasiliev was credited with a stormy affair with one of the participants in “House-2” - Alexandra Kharitonova. These rumors appeared because Sasha published photos from general filming on her Instagram, with funny captions and comments.

Contrary to all rumors, Victor and Anna are raising their beloved daughter together, are happily married and have no plans to separate.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Anna Snatkina

The official Instagram and Wikipedia of Anna Snatkina receive great attention from the fans of the actress. On Wikipedia you will find many different, and most importantly, reliable facts not only about Anna herself, but also about her parents, childhood, husband and daughter, and, of course, work.

So, it is on Wikipedia that you can find a complete list of films in which Anna starred and performances in which she played. And on Instagram it’s easy to find an abundance of pictures and videos of not only the actress herself, but also her husband and daughter. From time to time, Anna shares short videos from her personal archive.