What documents are needed for compulsory medical insurance for a newborn. VHI insurance for children

Hello. I’ve already created a topic here about neighbors’ dogs, how to keep them away. In the fall, in September, a neighbor’s dog killed our kitten, in the middle of the day, one might say, in front of the neighbor (the dog’s owner) and ours (my son and I saw it). We simply didn’t have time to do anything, how much does a 3 month old kitten need? At that time, I expressed a lot of things to my neighbors because of their dogs. They apologized, promised to look after them, but at the same time the phrase was said: hunting dogs (ordinary mongrels at the same time) will still attack cats, they called it happy (((
To be honest, I didn’t want to have any more cats, but in October, for my daughter’s birthday, they brought her a kitten as a gift.. There is a litter box at home and the cat goes there, but only for small ones, but for the most part she is used to going outside. They let her out and looked after her all the time. And then that week, the neighbor’s dog jumped over the snowdrifts into our yard and grabbed the cat right on the porch. At that time I was hanging out laundry to dry under the canopy, he didn’t see me, but I didn’t see/hear him right away either - he attacked without a sound. I jumped out at the cat’s squeal. I fought it off, while he slashed his teeth along the sleeve of my jacket and tore my sleeve. When I calmed down and treated the cat a little and calmed down myself, I went to the neighbors and said I would complain. The weekend passed, they did not take any measures (the dog was running along the street and continues to run). Today I wrote a complaint to the local police officer, but I was struck by his words, saying that we cannot take any measures against the dog’s owner, there is no punishment or fine for this. Only if you go further and sue them for material and moral damage. But I don’t want to go to court over a cat and a torn sleeve. Are there really no laws so that the local police officer, relying on them, can somehow influence the owners of dogs who strangle cats while walking on their own and in other people’s yards? In general, I wrote a lot, just if you’re going to start a war with your neighbors, then rely on the laws... Maybe someone can tell me something...



Divorced from my husband five years ago. From the marriage there are two children aged 9 and 11 years. I’m tired of solving and carrying all the family problems on myself, and besides, my husband started going out. I left him, as they say, “with one knot”... All this time I was organizing a house from scratch, paying off three loans, raising children, it wasn’t easy. Thank God I was lucky and I changed my job and started earning more. Life began to get better, more or less. A year ago I met a man... And Oh God... This is the man I dreamed of. Complete opposite of mine ex-husband. And care and attention. One thing... He is a single father... His wife left him and their child and went to his best friend. In principle, this situation did not frighten me and I thought, well, where are there two children and the third will not be a hindrance... But it turned out that everything was not so simple... I, like a wise woman, immediately began to look for an approach to the child, bought her toys, completely replaced them her wardrobe, the poor child didn’t even have decent things, everything was so washed out.... I bought her a bunch of beautiful rubber bands for the garden. I tried my best to please. The girl is 5 years old... The child is problematic, does not understand anything, in the kindergarten they complain about her that she does not obey, does not want to study... At home she does whatever she wants, does not respond to comments. She says that she understands and immediately does it again!!!
The mother does not participate in any way in raising the child, she does not pay child support, citing the fact that she is paying off a joint loan... Oh well, God be with her...
We all lived together for a year... I thought that she would change and we would live happily... But nothing changed...
I was infuriated by her behavior and because of this I was constantly in a bad mood, so Alexei and I started arguing. I couldn’t tell him that his daughter infuriates me... I understand that he loves her more than life itself... I thought about breaking up, but I love him and he loves me very much... and he communicates well with my children, with my son goes to chess.... I don’t know what to do.. It seems to me that his daughter will never change and I will never be able to love her....



Topic to chat. Do you think about your children’s skills? I'll explain. A friend’s son is a couple of months younger than mine, and so she proudly sends me a video of her baby crawling around the floor like a worm. She happily writes that he is starting to crawl. But for me, it’s just fussing on the carpet))) Or he kicks his butt back, and she thinks that he gets on all fours. I'm just either too critical of my son or a realist. But until he specifically crawled at least 30 centimeters, I somehow didn’t say that he was starting to crawl. And if he sits with support on one arm, he is not sitting yet. Which camp will you join and why?



I got a job six months ago. The child is 3.5. He goes to the garden. I walked normally in the fall. I went out for the full day. And now I’ve been sitting at home for almost the entire month of February and half of March. I got a job based on an acquaintance, no one said anything to me about absences, but last time they already hinted that something needed to be resolved with sick leave. I found a nanny through an agency, but my mother panicked that there was no need for a nanny (my mother is also a commander), she herself meets him from the garden, but sick leave says we will sit in turns, 2 days she, three me. But often she either flies away somewhere, then she’s at the theater, or she doesn’t want to at all and everything is unreliable. And nothing good came of it. The nanny eventually found some other shift work and now cannot come on call, only on her weekends. Mom also teases me that I will give half of my salary to the nanny. I can't work normally. I don’t want to leave, because my husband now doesn’t earn enough for everything, I buy clothes for myself, for women’s needs, plus I pay for vacation, I can save for a mortgage, we are saving. Mom realized that we just couldn’t save up for an apartment, she stopped reproaching us for the apartment we bought, before this she constantly asked her husband what he was thinking about when he started his family. Although my husband considers himself a breadwinner, he doesn’t have enough for everything. And I don’t want to lose my job, experience, qualifications. It’s also very difficult mentally to sit with a child for 2 weeks. I feel better at work, but I can’t get there. Only goes to the garden for 5 days and again at home for 2 weeks. I'm constantly nervous. How can you work and watch your child at the same time? How do women do this?


Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 4 minutes


The main thing, after receiving the metrics and registering the baby, is to formalize it medical policy(that is, compulsory medical insurance). It is he who gives the child the right to free (almost all types) medical care in any medical institution in the Russian Federation. How and where to obtain this document?

When is it necessary to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child after his birth?

As soon as your baby has his own official documents that can confirm his identity and, of course, place of residence, you can go for a medical insurance policy. Within 3 months from the day your baby was born, you can do without a policy . After 3 months, the child loses this right. Therefore, delay receiving so much the required document shouldn't.

Where to get a medical insurance policy for a child, where to get a medical insurance policy for a child?

As a rule, parents take out a medical insurance policy for a baby:

  • At an insurance company at the place of immediate residence (registration).
  • At a specialized point of delivery(for example, at your local clinic).

A policy for a newborn without registration - is registration required for a child when applying for a policy?

A medical policy is issued at the place of direct registration of the child’s mother or father. Not everyone has time to register their baby right away, so absence of a strict link between the policy and the place of registration crumbs make life much easier for parents. A permanent or temporary policy is issued in accordance with the type of registration - permanent residence or temporary (stay). The second version of the policy is extended along with registration at the place of residence of the baby. Registration - prerequisite obtaining a policy.

Documents for a policy for a newborn - a list of necessary documents for a policy for a child

To receive a document for the baby, father or mother must contact the compulsory medical insurance issuing point, presenting:

  • Baby's birth certificate . It is issued at the registry office from the date of birth of the child until the child is 1 month old.
  • Statement according to the established pattern.
  • Russian passport of one of the parents with registration. The registration requirement is territorial affiliation with the point of issuance of compulsory medical insurance.

When will the health insurance policy for the child be ready?

You won't have to wait long for the document to be issued. This procedure is very simple and does not require a substantial package of documents, long queues at various authorities, or endless waiting for the policy to be issued. As a rule, the parent receives the compulsory medical insurance policy in their hands only a couple of minutes after their application to insurance company. Some organizations may issue you a temporary policy for the period while a permanent document is being prepared. All you have to do is drive up at the appointed time and pick up your permanent policy.

After the birth of the baby, parents must mandatory perform a number of legal actions. The child must be registered, after which he becomes a full citizen of the Russian Federation and, in order to receive free medical care, he must take out an insurance policy.

Why is it needed?

Parents have the right to independently choose an insurance organization for their child.

Compulsory medical insurance

According to the compulsory insurance document, the baby can receive the full range of medical services and consultations free of charge. If necessary, he can be referred to specialized medical specialists for additional examination. All necessary tests and vaccinations are also performed free of charge. All children under one year of age must undergo a number of mandatory medical procedures, which will not have to be paid for. You should know that during the first month after birth, a pediatric clinic employee must visit the newborn at least three times.


Most of the child’s parents do not have much confidence in the state medical service, since the quality of services is low, and there are constant queues in children’s medical institutions. If the family is not strapped for funds, then a newborn child can receive a VHI document. This document is considered the most expensive in the voluntary insurance system. Its cost can reach up to 300,000 rubles. For newborns, an insurance program is provided for up to 1 year of age. The complete package includes the following items:

  • a full range of medical services in private medical institutions;
  • child care;
  • visiting the child at home by specialists of a narrow profile;
  • doctor’s arrival at any time of the day;
  • vaccination and home testing;
  • massage services.

An undoubted advantage of VHI is the ability to independently choose medical institutions for the child. The choice is determined by the location of the organization to the place of residence or the availability of specialists of the required profile. You can independently choose the most convenient time to visit a doctor, which eliminates any queues, and also receive the results of tests and studies in the shortest possible time.

Private clinics, as a rule, are equipped with the most modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, which allows a diagnosis to be made with high accuracy and the necessary treatment to be prescribed. The VHI document allows you to compensate for all expenses that may arise during medical examinations.

Read also about how to get a VHI policy.

The basic program includes an initial examination, medical consultations, emergency assistance and routine vaccinations. In addition to the basic package, the extended program includes a consultation medical workers narrow profile and, if necessary, drawing up a treatment plan. IN full version, at the request of parents, you can add the necessary items from the following list:

  • home visiting nurse services;
  • visiting the child by a pediatrician;
  • examinations by specialized specialists;
  • telephone consultations;
  • all types of diagnostics;
  • taking tests at home;
  • medical procedures;
  • massage at home.

The most popular services are child patronage at home, examinations of the child by specialized specialists and masseuse services. Emergency medical care for a child is provided in the shortest possible time regardless of the time of day. The possibility of receiving telephone consultations is considered as a separate service.

The VIP program generally excludes the appearance of a child in a medical institution, since all services are provided only at home.

Despite the fact that VHI services are provided on a commercial basis, doctors private clinic can issue sick leave provided that the clinic is licensed.

How to apply

A compulsory medical insurance policy can be issued at any insurance company. It is best to visit the closest one to the place permanent residence children's clinic. The address of the insurance company will be indicated there. Before issuing an insurance document, the child must be registered.


To draw up a contract for insurance of newborns, it is necessary to prepare certain documents according to the list:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • passport of one of the parents;
  • snils.

Where to contact

You can issue an insurance document for a newborn as follows:

Along with the online application, you also need to send scans of documents and your contact information to the company. After the documents for compulsory medical insurance are accepted, for the period of registration of the policy, a temporary certificate is issued for the child, which has the same status as a permanent policy.

Tariffing, cost, deductions

Insurer companies working in the field of voluntary health insurance offer various tariff plans, ranging from basic packages to “Lux”, “Premium” and “VIP” packages, which include the most expensive procedures. Clients are provided with full medical care at home, and if the child requires hospitalization, he will be placed in a prestigious clinic with his mother. The cost of such packages is quite high and actually has no upper limit.

Read what is included in the free service of a compulsory medical insurance policy.

When concluding a contract, the payment of voluntary health insurance is specifically stipulated. The client can pay the full maximum cost of services, but at the same time cash There are no refunds for unclaimed procedures. You can pay more complex scheme, when the basic package is paid for, and all additional services are paid for in separate payments.



In order to plan her time rationally, it is important for a young mother to know what documents she should receive at the maternity hospital and what paperwork she has to do for her newborn.

First documents of a newborn

1. Birth certificate- the first document for a newborn, which is issued in the maternity hospital. The birth certificate confirms that the child was born to this particular woman. It contains basic information about the baby (his gender, date and time of birth, city, region and information about the maternity hospital. This document is necessary for issuing a birth certificate and is valid for 1 month.

2. Exchange card (second and third sheet). The second sheet is “Information from the maternity hospital, maternity ward of the hospital about the woman in labor,” which contains information about the course of labor and the postpartum period and the woman’s health status. It should be taken to your gynecologist.

The third sheet - “Information from the maternity hospital, maternity ward of the hospital about the newborn” - contains information about the condition of the child: gender, height, weight at birth and at discharge, assessment of the child’s condition; health status of the newborn; information about feeding and vaccination.

This part of the exchange card must be provided to the medical institution where the baby will be observed in the first years of life.

3. The third coupon of the birth certificate. A birth certificate coupon is not issued in cases where pregnancy and childbirth were carried out outside the compulsory medical insurance (compulsory health insurance) system. In this case, the children's clinic will issue itself birth certificate coupons for monitoring the newborn.

Coupon No. 3-1 is intended to pay health care institutions for services for the first six months of clinical observation of a newborn.

Coupon No. 3-2 is intended to pay health care institutions for services for the second six months of dispensary observation of a child.

Birth certificate coupons must be presented to the clinic where the newborn will be observed.

Birth certificate

To obtain a birth certificate, you must contact any registry office within one month after birth. There are no fees for issuing a certificate. One of the parents can apply to the registry office, but you need to have with you:

  • birth certificate from the maternity hospital. If the birth did not take place in a maternity hospital, you will need a statement from the person who was present at the birth of the baby. The application is completed personally by this person at the registry office. If this person cannot appear at the registry office, his signature on the application for the birth of a child by this woman must be certified by the organization in which the specified person works or studies, the housing maintenance organization or the local government body at the place of his residence;
  • identification documents of the parents or one of them, if the family is single-parent;
  • marriage certificate, if available;

A birth certificate is a document where the baby’s name is indicated for the first time, so this issue must be resolved before going to the registry office.

In addition to the birth certificate, the registry office provides parents with a certificate, which is necessary to receive a lump sum payment for the birth of a child. The certificate is valid for six months. It must be submitted to the place of work of the father or mother or to the social security department if the parents do not officially work anywhere.

Compulsory health insurance policy (CHI)

This document is necessary from the first days of life if medical monitoring of the baby’s condition is carried out in a public clinic. Nurse and the pediatrician, who come to patronize the newborn in the first days after discharge, will explain how to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy. Usually, to do this, it is enough to contact a children's clinic or insurance company, which one will be specified by the local pediatrician. To receive medical insurance policy required:

  • passport of one parent;
  • child's birth certificate.


The baby can be registered at the place of registration of the parents or one of them. If parents are registered at the same address, then you must provide the following to the passport office:

  • passports;
  • birth certificate;
  • marriage registration certificate;
  • statement.

If the housing is not owned by the child’s parents, but the parents or one of them are registered, then the owner’s permission to register the child is not required.

If the parents are not registered jointly, then the child can be registered at the place of residence of the father or mother. In this case, the second parent will be required to provide a statement that he does not object, and a certificate confirming that the child is not registered at the place of residence of the second parent. In addition, you need an extract from the personal account and house register of the second parent, whose baby is not registered.

If a family wishes to register the baby within a month after the birth of the mother, then her application will be sufficient. If you miss this deadline, then the father will have to work hard to obtain the above certificate and an extract from the house register.

If you do not register your baby within 1–3 months, you may be charged a fine for living without registration.

Certificate of pension insurance (SNILS)

SNILS should be issued at a branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is required when making any payments for a newborn. Therefore, the sooner this document is completed, the better.

To complete it you need:

  • identification document (parent's passport);
  • statement.

It should be noted that the implementation information technology significantly simplifies the preparation of documents: first, it is enough to declare the need to obtain documents on the relevant Internet portals, and then receive the document in person.

In addition to registration necessary documents, after giving birth, you need to worry about accruing all due payments and benefits.

Maternity benefits for working women

This benefit, as a rule, is paid during pregnancy immediately after the woman provides a certificate of incapacity for work, which is issued at 30 weeks for a single pregnancy and at 28 for a multiple pregnancy. However, in the event of a complicated birth, the maternity hospital will issue the woman an additional certificate of incapacity for work for 16 calendar days, which will also be paid.

Childbirth is considered complicated if, for example, it ends with a cesarean section, if a manual examination of the uterus is performed after childbirth, multiple pregnancy etc. In the case when the diagnosis of multiple pregnancy is established during childbirth, a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth is issued for an additional 54 calendar days (not 16 days) by the medical organization where the birth took place.

It happens that there are several reasons to recognize the birth as complicated. For example, when the birth of twins is predicted, a woman is initially issued a certificate of incapacity for work not for 140 days, but for 194 calendar days. That is, even before going on maternity leave, she is paid sick leave for a longer period. If she also underwent a cesarean section, a certificate of incapacity for work for an additional 16 days is not issued and is not paid.

When extending the certificate of incapacity for work for 16 days, it is necessary to submit it to the accounting department along with an application for the extension of maternity leave and the assignment of maternity benefits.

One-time benefit

This payment is provided to absolutely all citizens of our country. Registration of documents after the birth of a child for workers, pensioners, students and the unemployed is similar to receiving a lump sum payment, with the only difference being that employed parents receive payment at their place of work, and everyone else receives payment from the RUSZN (district department of social protection of the population).

To receive a one-time benefit you must provide:

  • application addressed to the head of the organization;
  • identity documents and their photocopies (passport);
  • a certificate from the registry office, which was issued simultaneously with the birth certificate;
  • birth certificate and its photocopy;
  • a certificate from the second parent from the place of work stating that he did not receive the payment.

For unemployed parents, the application is written to RUSZN and, in addition to all the above documents, copies should be provided work records with a notice of dismissal from work.

Monthly child benefit

This benefit is paid every month until the child turns one and a half years old. An employed mother registers them at her place of work. To do this, you need to provide an application addressed to the head of the organization, a passport, a birth certificate, and a certificate from the father’s organization stating that he did not take out parental leave and does not receive benefits. The benefit amount is equal to 40% of the employee’s average monthly income over the last 2 years.

Unemployed women also have the right to receive a payment; it should be registered with the RUSZN, where you must provide:

  • parents’ passports and copies thereof;
  • birth certificate of the child and other children, if any;
  • certificates from the employment center stating that they are not registered;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • statement.

Monthly payments for child care up to one and a half years old in 2016 amounted to 2,884 rubles. Every year they are indexed.

Other payments

In addition to federal payments for the birth of a child, regional benefits are provided. They are paid from the subject’s budget Russian Federation, and their size differs in different regions our country. It is worth noting that in some areas payments for the birth of a child are not provided.

After the birth of a second child, regardless of the region, the parent is entitled to maternity capital. It is intended for the intended use and is issued in the form of a certificate. It can only be used to purchase or build housing, pay for children’s education, or increase the mother’s pension. You can issue a certificate at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by providing the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a photocopy;
  • birth certificates of children with citizenship stamp and copies;
  • SNILS of a mother and her children.

Currently, the legislation of our country provides for other payments and additional material support. large families, single mothers, students, parents of disabled children, low-income people. You can find out about federal and regional payments at the social protection department.

Despite the fact that the list of documents and things that need to be done to complete them seems quite impressive, it usually takes no more than 1 month to complete intra-family paperwork related to the birth of a baby.

It's time to go to kindergarten

When all the documents are completed, it is better to take care of putting your baby on the waiting list for preschool ( kindergarten). This event does not have strictly defined, standardized deadlines, but it should be borne in mind that the queue can be impressive and last several years - just as long as it takes from the birth of the baby to the time it is possible and necessary for him to attend kindergarten.

In most regions, the distribution of places in preschool institutions is handled by a special service of the Department of Education. You can submit documents both in person and in absentia using the appropriate website. The following documents will be needed:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • information about the child’s registered address at the place of residence or stay;
  • applicant's passport;
  • information about benefits (if any).

It is necessary to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn as soon as possible after birth, since this is a guarantee that your child will receive the required free medical care in the amount specified in this policy program, if necessary. The sooner you receive it, the more likely it is that your child will be able to get help at a medical facility.

How to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn?

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, you will need the following documents:

  • passport of one of the parents.

It is necessary to take out a policy for a newborn within three months from the date of birth of the child. To do this, you need to take a birth certificate, as well as a passport of one of the parents, which is registered at the place where the compulsory medical insurance policy was issued. You can find out the address and opening hours of the territorial LMS fund at the children's clinic.

Remember, before you get a policy for a newborn, you are required to stay. So, if there is registration at the place of stay, then the newborn is issued a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. This temporary policy will be self-renewing as long as registration is in effect. If your child is registered at his place of residence, then in this case he will be issued a permanent policy.

You have the right to register your child with absolutely any insurance company, but remember that it is necessary to open a state compulsory medical insurance policy. This insurance gives you the opportunity to be treated in absolutely any public medical institutions. The policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation, as well as in all countries that have concluded a health insurance agreement. Where the policy is valid, your child must be provided with absolutely any medical care free of charge, of course, this applies to public medical institutions.

When applying for compulsory medical insurance for a newborn on an ongoing basis, you will be issued a plastic card. However, it will take some time to create this document; all this must be clarified with a representative of the organization issuing policies. Don’t worry, while the permanent document is being prepared, you will be issued a temporary paper policy.

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn

So, the day has come when you need to pick up the policy. You must have all the same documents with you: passport and birth certificate. If for some reason you cannot obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy on your own, then a person authorized to receive the policy can do this for you. This person must have with him:

  • passport;
  • application for receipt issued at the time of application;
  • power of attorney to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn.

Registration of a newborn at the place of residence

As we have already said, before receiving a newborn policy, the child must be registered at the place of residence or stay. We will tell you now what you need for this.

Required documents: