How to paint a cardboard house for children. Cozy house made of cardboard: making it together with children

Any child, just like adult uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, needs his own personal space, his own small corner where he can play, dream and just with friends.

To do this, you can make it from suitable, environmentally friendly materials at hand, thereby fulfilling the cherished desire of your beloved child.

A necessary and practical thing with which children can realize their creative potential - coming up with many interesting activities.

This product has many advantages:

  • Cardboard house will become a cozy place for the baby where he can retire,
  • He will keep his childhood secrets in it.
  • Will be able to invite friends to create their own “closed club”. After all, children of all times build shelters for themselves from scrap materials - tree huts, “secret headquarters” ... etc.
  • After building his house, your young homeowner will have an excellent place to store toys and other small items, which are usually scattered throughout the apartment in abundance and in picturesque order.

Building a cardboard house with your own hands is a great reason to involve children in this exciting process. They are already able to discuss the design idea with their own desires in mind.

Older children will be able to participate in the creation of drawings and develop their creative skills by participating in the construction process. Both younger and older children will be equally interested in building and watching how their own place for their games and relaxation grows before their eyes.

The simplest and cheap option, but nevertheless an interesting and promising method of construction playhouse for children made of cardboard. The main thing is to choose a large cardboard box made of thick cardboard - for example, from under a refrigerator or washing machine or... Well, I think this is not a big problem!

For construction you will need:

  • Box
  • Ruler
  • Pencils, including colored ones for coloring
  • Gouache or watercolor paint also for coloring
  • PVA glue, tape - for fastening

Of course, children will be the leaders of the design and further construction!

It is better to first design the design of a future cardboard house on paper. If the child is old enough, you can and should ask him, most likely the request will not be necessary!, to help in the development of the project of his own house.

After discussing and agreeing on the design of the future house with all participants in the construction of a cardboard house, you can begin.

In the obtained box, using stationery knife, cut openings for windows, doors... The roof, doors, windows are made from glued pieces of cardboard...

For decoration, we have prepared paints and pencils, the whole family can create fantasy drawings, you can cover the walls with old wallpaper, various colored stickers, appliqués... Inside the house you can even hang mini-curtains and lay down a rug...

Under no circumstances should electricity be supplied!

Just give the future owners a low-power flashlight as a housewarming gift!

Video lessons on designing and building a cardboard house for children

Happy construction, MASTERS RU

Do you throw away cardboard because it takes up too much space? But it can become material for your creativity. For example, you can build a house...

From Masterweb

12.04.2018 00:01

Do you throw away cardboard because it takes up too much space? But it can become material for your creativity. For example, you can build a cardboard house for children or for a pet. Find ideas for such crafts below.

Little house for dolls

Do you have a little daughter? Then make a doll house for her from cardboard with your own hands. Any girl will be delighted with such a present. If you have a lot of free time, then assemble a home for Barbie, and if time is short, then make a small shelter for miniature toys. How to assemble a house? The first step is to draw a pattern. It should consist of three walls, one pediment, a floor, a roof and a partition between floors. Let's start creating. Cut out the details. There are two ways to fasten the workpieces together. One is to glue the cardboard using a hot gun, and the other is to create grooves in the pieces. You can combine two mounting methods for reliability. First connect the walls together, then attach the floor to them. After this, insert a partition between the floors, and last action- This is the attachment of the roof. You can decorate the front part of the house with cardboard, which will serve as a pediment.

Big doll house

Do you want to make a sustainable structure without spending a lot of time creating the craft? Build a large open house out of cardboard. Before starting work, you need to draw a pattern. It will consist of two side walls combined with gables, a rectangle connecting two parts of the future building, and three partitions between floors. We transfer the pattern to cardboard and cut out the parts. In accordance with the photo attached above, cuts need to be made in the blanks. They will play the role of grooves. Thanks to this fastening, the structure will stand stably, and if necessary, it will be easy to assemble. Once the grooves are made, you can start cutting out the windows. They can be of any shape and located in any part of the building. To make your home more attractive, frame each window with a curly frame. Use multi-colored gouache mixed with PVA glue for this purpose.

New Year's house

Children love to make such crafts for New Year's holidays. A cardboard house can play the role of a candlestick or become one of decorative details rooms. How to assemble such a craft? You need to start with a sketch. Draw a picture of the house you want to design. If you don’t often do prototyping, then you need to start by making a one-story building of a simple design. The drawing is ready, now you should draw its development. Contrary to popular belief, this is done simply. If your spatial thinking is poor, first make your project out of plasticine. When the pattern is ready, transfer it to cardboard and then cut it out. Glue the pieces together using a hot gun. Paint the craft with gouache or immediately make a model from white cardboard. Complete the project with fir trees and a fence, and then dust the craft artificial snow or small foam.

Tea house

It’s always nice to make not only beautiful, but also utilitarian products. One of them is tea house from cardboard. A master class on making such a product is given above. The roof of this craft is removed and the base is filled with tea bags. Such a house can be placed on a table or used to decorate one of the shelves in the kitchen. How to make a tea house with your own hands from cardboard? Above is a pattern, you need to print it out or redraw it. First, let's assemble the base. It consists of four long rectangles and one small square. We first fasten the walls of the structure together, and then glue the floor. The cutout for the door must be made immediately. At this stage, you need to check whether the bags can be removed from the hole; if necessary, the hole can be enlarged. Paste over the base beautiful paper with a suitable print or we paint the house by hand. Now you can assemble the roof. We glue two rectangles together and insert a strip between them. We make gables and make a floor near the roof. You can decorate the part with rectangles curved on both sides. Cover the roof with colored paper or paint the detail.

House for children

Do you want to please your child? Make a cardboard house for your children with your own hands. For kids best entertainment- This is to hide in a shelter. The cardboard house will become permanent place games for a child. How to give such a gift to your child? Make a pattern. You can draw it on the wallpaper that remains after the renovation. You need to design the structure with a margin so that your child can enjoy his shelter not just for one season, but for several years. Two side walls need to be combined with the gables. Long walls are rectangles. And for the stability of the structure, the roof should be made of rectangles folded into the letter “P”. These large "clips" will cling to the projections that need to be created in the gable. Cut windows in the long walls of the house, and cut out a door in one of the side parts. You can attach it using springs or an old door mechanism.

House for a cat

Do you have pets? Make a cat house out of cardboard. This design will be very primitive, but your pet will be able to appreciate the work. What should an animal's house look like? Take 8 old cardboard boxes. The first row of the structure will consist of four boxes. Connect them together using tape or glue. Cut through holes in a chaotic manner. But don't touch the floor of the house. The second row will consist of three boxes. Arrange them in the form of a corner on the first tier. Make slits in each wall, and also be sure to make several holes that will lead to the lower tier. Glue the remaining box with a third layer. Cut passages in it. The house is ready. You can decorate it in any way so that it looks good in your interior.

Packaging house

The holidays are coming soon and you decide to give your friends sweet gifts? Then make a house out of cardboard. Such packaging can be filled with purchased sweets or homemade sweets. How to make a house? Attached above is a template. You need to print the pattern and then cut out the stencil. Take colored cardboard and transfer the drawing onto it. Now cut out the blank and glue it. All that remains is to decorate the craft. You can paint your creation or make an applique from colored paper. If you fill the box with homemade sweets, be sure to wrap them in foil or cellophane. This is necessary so that the product does not become saturated with oil and does not lose its presentable appearance.

What could it be more interesting than that, how to make a cardboard house with your own hands and give it the look you like most?

A cardboard house is a toy that every child can find a use for. Someone will use it for role playing games, some - for staging small scenes and plays. But he definitely won’t remain idle.

Before making a house, you need to cut out a blank from cardboard, which looks like two pairs of rectangles, to which narrower rectangles are attached at the top and bottom. Pairs of main rectangles alternate: first there is a wider rectangle, then a narrower one, then again a wide and narrow one. At the first, wide rectangle, we make an additional narrow insert on the side. We bend the joints of the rectangles.

In the second wide rectangle we cut a window. We turn the cut cardboard into shutters.

We assemble our workpiece and fix it with glue or adhesive tape. We leave the upper inserts free for now and do not bend them inward.

Now we need . Take dry hollow sticks. We cut them into two parts. We will get logs that are very similar to real ones.

We line the walls of our house with logs.

It is necessary to cover each wall, if possible, fixing the logs as close to the corners as possible.

Cut out two identical rectangles and a pair of identical triangles from cardboard. We get the roof details.

We glue these parts to the upper inserts above the house.

Before gluing the rectangular fragments, we connect them together.

Then we take long velvet leaves.

We lay out rectangular parts of the roof with them - like tiles or shingles.

Take a small bunch of straw.

Cut it into straws different lengths, and lay out the triangular part of the roof with them.

We lay out the edges from sticks.

Our house takes on the appearance of a forest hut!

We glue sticks to the edges of the shutter.

And let's start decorating. You can, for example, hang a physalis on the roof - it will look like a real lantern.

We hang a bunch of leaves or herbs near the window.

The hut is ready!

All that remains is to find a suitable place for it. You can, for example, place such a house in the garden, on the veranda or between flower pots. You will get a miniature forest.

That's it! We learned how to make a cardboard house for children not only interesting, but also unusual, giving it a resemblance to a forest hut or hut.

Cardboard house - ideas with photos

There are a huge number of options for cardboard houses. From cardboard boxes you can make very stylish multi-story playhouses with small figures.

This simple house is easy to put together using the schematic drawings below.

Here is a diagram of the simplest house.

A paper house is great idea for crafts. Do you want to organize miniature housing for your toys, make decorations for school project or just for fun, you don't need anything special other than paper and water to make a little paper house. So don’t hesitate and get to work soon!


Preparing to create a paper house

    Gather everything you need. Depending on what type of house you decide to make, you will need a different set of materials. However, in any case, all materials will be easily accessible.

    • For an origami-style house, you only need one sheet of plain paper, scissors, and a marker or pen.
    • The dollhouse will be a little more difficult to make, but not much. It will require 10-11 sheets of paper, a pen or pencil, tape and scissors.
    • If you want to make a fairy house, then you will need paper, a small bowl, water, a tray or plate.
  1. Decide what kind of house you will make. The smallest house will be an origami style house, and the largest will be a doll house. Think about how you intend to use the cabin and base your decision on that.

    Organize yourself a clean workspace. You will find it difficult to work if your workbench is cluttered, as you will need to make neat folds on papers and make straight cuts. Therefore, for this job, your table must be clean.

    Make additional folds on the paper. Fold the square in half, bringing the left side towards the right. Then unfold it back. Next, fold the square in half, pulling the top side towards the bottom. Wrinkle the fold well and unfold the paper again. Two new folds should appear on the square, forming a plus.

    Fold the paper into a smaller square. First, fold the top side of the square towards the horizontal fold in the center that was created in the previous step. Then repeat this action with the bottom side and fold it up towards the middle.

    • Next, turn the paper over to the other side. Do not unroll the folds you have made before.
    • Now fold the left and right sides of the square towards the center. They should meet in the center at the vertical fold line.
  2. Straighten the roof of the house. To get the roof of the house, you need to open the flaps of the upper corners of the paper. Lift them up, pull them to the side, and then push them down so that the corners of the roof extend beyond the sides of the house. After this operation, the paper folds should form isosceles triangles. An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length.

    Complete the decoration of the house. Turn the paper over to the other side. Draw a door, window and other details that you want on the house. Everything is ready!

Making a dollhouse from paper

    Tape two sheets of paper together. You need to glue two sheets of paper with the short sides. Start by folding these two sheets in half (“sandwich”). Be sure to press the folds well. Then lay out the sheets and glue them together with tape. You must glue those sides that run parallel to the folds you made earlier. Label the glued sheets with the letter A and set them aside.

    Glue two more sheets together. Now you need to glue the two sheets together with the long sides. Label the resulting part with the letter B.

    Draw a line on piece B. The line should be 7.5 cm from the tape. Cut the sheet along this line. Try to cut the paper as straight as possible. This will be the front side of the house.

    Add a door. Place part B so that the tape strip is at the top. In the lower, larger part of part B, draw a door. You can also paint some windows and flower pots or any other design details for the front of the house.

    Connect the front of the house to the floor. Use folded piece A for the floor and side walls. Tape the bottom side of Sheet B (which you just drew on) to the side of Sheet A halfway between the folds. Before gluing the parts, make sure that the side edges of the front sheet line up with the fold lines on sheet A (the sheet with the floor). If this does not happen, redo sheet A again according to the instructions above, or simply make a new fold on the old sheet in the required place.

    Raise the walls of the house. Raise the side walls of the house and connect them to the sides of the front wall. Tape the walls together. Don't worry if the side walls are too short. You'll fix it soon.

    Measure the height of the walls. Measure the empty space above the side walls to get an idea of ​​how much paper you will need to make them larger. Then cut out two rectangles of the appropriate size from paper. If you want, you can also paint (or stick) windows and other home decoration details on the side walls.

    Tape rectangles to the side walls of the house to increase their height. Also be sure to glue them to the front wall of the house to increase the strength of the house.

    Cut out the door. Cut the door on the facade so that it remains attached to the house on one side. Then crease the fold at this point so that the door can be opened and closed as desired.

    Draw two large isosceles triangles on a separate sheet of paper. U isosceles triangle the two sides are the same length. Then cut out these triangles. They will become the sides of the roof. If you want, also draw or stick on the attic windows.

    Measure the width of the front of the house to create the roof slopes. Cut two rectangles with a height the length of the side of the above triangles and the same width as the width of the front of the house. To create a more realistic roof, decorate the rectangles with a tile pattern.

    Glue the rectangular roof slopes to the triangles. First, glue the rectangular and triangular roof parts together with their sides. Then glue the top sides of the rectangles (the roof ridge). You should get a large volumetric prism.

    Glue the roof prism to the walls of the house. The house itself is already ready! Now you can complete the decoration by arranging the toy furniture, after which your dolls will have a great home!

Making a paper fairy house

    Prepare 10-12 sheets of paper. If you don't have separate sheets, you can tear the sheets out of your notebook. Take one piece of paper and place it in water. It should get thoroughly wet.

    Slowly crumple the leaf and squeeze out the water. You don't want to squeeze the sheet until it forms a hard ball, but rather a soft, pliable ball. In other words, the wet paper should have the consistency of Play-Doh. Therefore, additionally wet the sheet or squeeze water out of it until it reaches the desired consistency.

    Form a stick out of a paper ball. It will look a little like a sausage. Before performing this operation, you need to wait until the paper becomes like plasticine.

A house made from a cardboard box will delight a child. From this material you can make a car, a palace for dolls, a spaceship and much, much more.

How to make a cat house out of a box?

Probably, many cat owners have noticed that as soon as they buy something new for the house in a cardboard box, their furry pet, after sniffing it, will definitely climb inside. You can take advantage of this animal’s predilection by giving it a cozy home individual project. Purchased cat houses are not cheap, but you won’t spend a ruble on this one. In addition, such housing can be made at least every week, fortunately, there is enough material for this.

There are a lot of options here. You can build a home for your pet from a cardboard base, then cover it with colored paper and draw patterns. Children like this kind of work, so you can decorate a house for a cat yourself, or with the help of a little helper. To make the structure last longer, it is constructed from corrugated cardboard or covered with felt on the outside.

You can make such a spacious home in 30–60 minutes. To create it you should have on hand:

  • large cardboard box;
  • pencil;
  • stationery or construction knife;
  • white paper and glue.

Cut from the box top part. Where the entrance or window will be, draw with a pencil round hole. For the template, you can use a large plate, dish, or draw a shape using a compass. Now cut the hole according to the markings.

In order for a house for a cat to be durable, it should have beautiful view, cover its corners with wide white electrical tape or paper.

Cut out a rectangle from the remaining cardboard, also strengthen it and place it on top of the structure as a roof.

To cat house The animals liked it, it was cozy, put a rug or a piece of carpet on the floor. It is better if the materials are natural and can be taken out and cleaned or washed at any time.

By creating such housing for animals, if the space allows, you can create a whole system where a cat will go from one house to another. In one cat house she will eat food. Then you need to place containers for food and water here. Another spacious home will become a place for games; place the animal’s favorite toys and a scratching post there.

When decorating a cardboard house you made yourself, avoid decorating it with small or sharp objects so that the cat does not swallow them and get hurt.

Speaking about how to make a house for a cat, it should be noted that the windows in it can look like real ones.

As you can see in the photo, you first need to draw a window consisting of 4 sections, then cut it out. Make the entrance according to the principle of a regular door for a person or a double door for an animal, as shown in the photo on the right. Roof in in this case was constructed from blue garbage bags held together with tape.

Here's how to make a cat house out of waste material. Cardboard gives you many more ideas that will help you make a home for a doll, a springboard for a child’s games, and interesting toys with your own hands.

Given time, material, and imagination, the packaging container will turn into a real palace, an Indian wigwam, an ancient castle.

The child will play with pleasure in such spacious housing. To make such a house for children with your own hands, you must have:
  • large cardboard box;
  • masking tape;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.
First mark the location where the door will be located. It should be of such a size that the child can pass through without hindrance. A ruler will help you draw it evenly, draw a horizontal and vertical stripe with a pencil, and cut along these lines.

To prevent the cardboard from tearing, reinforce it with masking tape where the door will bend when opening and closing.

Next, creating children's playhouse with your own hands, mark the outlines of the windows and cut them out. On the second floor, make the attic window semicircular on one side, and the other windows will protrude outward.

The roof is created from 4 opening parts of the top; they need to be trimmed a little and secured with tape. Let the middle of the roof be uncovered for air access. You can decorate your home with accessories made of the same material; for this you need to make beads from cardboard or a garland on which swallows are located, as shown in the photo.

A house for a princess

It’s even easier to create such a medieval castle. For it you will need a tall cardboard box, for example, from under a refrigerator. Its top is removed, and small rectangles need to be cut out in order to frame the top of the walls in the desired style.

Next, a paper castle is made as follows. In place of the door, a rectangle is cut out so that bottom part remained in place. A thick rope is attached to its top, one edge of which is passed through the right and the other through the upper left corner. Now the rope needs to be secured in the house itself, passing it inside through the doorway.

In such a house you can play out a fairy tale; the girl will love being a princess who is waiting for a noble knight to free her. There are many plots, it’s good if several people are involved in a home performance.

Large house for dolls out of a box

Housing for toys is also made from cardboard. All you need is:
  • box or sheets of cardboard;
  • wrapping or colored paper;
  • markers;
  • scissors.
You can create an amazing house together with your daughter. The base consists of three rectangular cardboard sheets. They are fastened together using colored tape. But first you need to draw holes for the windows, cut them out, and cover the inside of the walls. The outside can be decorated, as shown in the photo, using strips of colored paper.

To do interfloor ceilings, cut out 3 sheets of cardboard. Their width should be equal to the width of the walls to which the ceiling will be attached, and their length should be slightly greater than the distance between the two opposite walls so that you can bend this sheet on both sides and glue it to the internal parts of the house.

Before attaching the interfloor ceilings, glue a sheet of packaging or colored paper; you can also use fabric for this. This doll house looks very stylish.

For the roof, take a rectangular sheet of cardboard, pre-decorated with colored paper or fabric. It needs to be bent in half and secured with tape to the top of the walls.

The child will be happy to play with the new structure; he will be interested in arranging it there. doll furniture at your own discretion. Such skills will certainly be useful to children in life.

Small house for dolls from a box or storage container

See what other house for dolls you can make with your own hands. It is created from a small box. Holes for windows and doors are cut in it, then the inner and outer parts are covered with fabric or colored paper.

The following master class clearly shows how to do this so that as a result you get such a nice box. You can use it not only to make a house for dolls, but also a box for storing things and all sorts of little things.

For needlework you will need:

  • cardboard shoe box or other;
  • bright fabric;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • measuring tape;
  • pencil.

If you are making a container for storing things, then you need to take a box that will fit in the closet. Usually the height of its sides does not exceed 10 cm. To make such boxes for storing things or for dolls durable, measure 10 cm in height, bend the edges inward, and glue them. If the container is already dense, then trim off the excess according to the markings.

The size of the canvas should be such that, bending it inward, one of them goes to the bottom by 2 cm.

To cover a container with fabric, place the fabric on flat surface, and place the box on top. First apply glue to one side of it in the manner shown in the photo and glue it.

Then decorate the other 3 sides of the cardboard box in the same way.

This is what you have at this stage.

To make the bottom of the storage box you made yourself decorative, you need to mark it and cut out a piece of cardboard according to these measurements. Now it is placed on the fabric and pasted over on one side and then on the other.

As a result, you will get such a cute little thing, in which every little thing will be in its place. If you are planning to make a house out of it for dolls and toys, then cover the cardboard lid with fabric or colored paper, then cut out the windows and door.

Empty containers will give many other gifts interesting ideas.

Wigwam for children made from cardboard boxes

By making it with you, the child will expand his horizons, as he will know in which house the Indians live.

A wigwam for children is very easy to make. Cardboard box you need to disassemble, cut on the side, then cut diagonally. The resulting triangle must be covered inside and outside with white paper. If you have light cardboard, then you don’t need to do this, go straight to the next step.

The wigwams need to be folded 2 times to define two side and one back wall, and then paint them on the outside with zigzag stripes. Top - yellow, middle - blue, bottom - blue. To do this, use felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

There are many other interesting ideas that will tell you what can be made from cardboard, for example:
  • kitchen stove;
  • space rocket;
  • ship;
  • automobile;
  • airfield and much more.

The toy stove looks like a real one. To make it, place the box on its side. Cover the opening part with tape and place the stove so that this part is at the back. Reinforce the folds with dark strips of elastic tape or paper. Cut out circles for the burner from cardboard and cover them with brown paper. Make the gas switch out of yellow.

Cut a hole for the oven on the front panel and cover the door with paper.

Having cut out a circle in a rectangular sheet of cardboard, glue a red triangle on top, and two similar figures on the sides, pasting them with blue paper. These are the stages of an interplanetary spaceship. All that remains is to attach the hose from the old vacuum cleaner and you can go on a virtual flight on a spaceship.

You can also make a racing car out of cardboard. The front and rear walls of the car are straight, the sides are rounded at the top. The wheels are made from round pieces of cardboard. The car has no bottom, so you can run a race while holding it.

You can make these crafts from paper and cardboard with your own hands, attracting children: