The most famous dog from the film. The most famous dogs of Soviet cinema

In small villages and in huge metropolises, in the Far North and in the desert, in the sea and in space - everywhere where a person’s foot set foot, in addition to his footprints, there were traces of the paws of his most faithful and devoted friend. Dogs always accompanied humans when hunting mammoths and on long expeditions. We present to your attention the top 10 most famous dogs.

First on our list are the legendary space explorers Belka and Strelka— dogs, thanks to whom it was possible to prove that a safe return from orbit is not a myth! They became the first living beings to travel into space. Dressed in spacesuits and in a sealed container, they roamed the near-Earth space for 24 hours. The data that was obtained during their flight was used to design Yuri Gagarin's upcoming space flight.

Pavlov's dog- a collective image of all dogs whose lives were interrupted by science in order to conduct various experiments. Today, humanity would not have safe technologies and techniques to treat many diseases if the lives of our four-legged friends had not been sacrificed to science. In 1935 I.P. Pavlov initiated the installation of the monument to the world famous “Pavlov’s Dog”.

In the Great Patriotic War, many dogs were killed, which saved thousands human lives. One of these dogs was a collie Dick. This dog discovered more than 12,000 German explosive devices, including a bomb planted in the foundations of the Pavlovsk Palace near St. Petersburg.

Palm. This shepherd has proven his loyalty. Her story began at Vnukovo airport: the owner was forbidden to bring the dog on board, and he flew away without it. Palma met the arriving planes, but none of them were the right person. Airport workers did not drive Palma away, but built a booth for her. Loyalty is the main quality of dogs, and this is not the only case of its manifestation.

Everyone knows about the ride. It was this dog who, in 1925, as part of a sled team during a severe storm, was able to deliver serum to the city of Nome in Alaska, which helped prevent a diphtheria epidemic. This heroic act formed the basis of the famous story and cartoon. In memory of this feat, two monuments were erected.

Next on our list Peritas- a dog that not only barked at the elephant, like Moska, but also attacked him in an attempt to save his owner’s life. Of course, a huge elephant simply crushed her, but the owner, and he was Alexander the Great himself, immortalized her name for her loyalty and saved life, naming the city of Perit after her.

Everyone knows that the best search engines are. Shepherd Leo She worked at customs at Amsterdam Airport for 9 years. The result of her work was the arrest of 300 people who were involved in drug trafficking. Leo was able to discover 3 tons of hashish, 1 ton of marijuana, 28 kilograms of heroin and 18 kilograms of cocaine.

Saint Bernard Barry- the most famous one who worked in the Swiss Alps in the 19th century. Over 12 years, he saved 41 people. Among those rescued was small child, which the dog dug out from under the snow. The dog tried for a long time to bring him to consciousness and warm him with the warmth of his body. In the end, Barry managed to save the baby and take him to a nearby monastery.

Greyhound Timmy holds the title of canine Don Juan. This loving dog became the father of 3,000 puppies in 8 years: on his personal account there are 2,414 officially registered babies and 600 unplanned fruits of love. Not a single enclosure could contain this conqueror of canine hearts.

Dzhulbars- a shepherd who, by order of Stalin, was awarded a medal for “Combat Merit”. During the war, this dog was able to detect more than 7,000 thousand mines and about 150 shells. He saved a huge number of lives in Russia, Vienna and Kyiv.

The dog is one of the most ancient domestic animals. Archaeological excavations indicate that the dog was domesticated about 15 thousand years ago. From a wild predator picking up leftover food from cavemen, the dog turned into a brave and devoted friend. It helps a person while hunting animals and warns of approaching danger. In addition, a dog is a shepherd, a cab driver, a watchman and simply a sociable animal. And in general, no matter where a person lives, there is a four-legged friend next to him.

The German zoologist Brem wrote that in comparison with a dog, no other animal on the globe enjoys such well-deserved respect and love from humans. It is so necessary for a person in many of his affairs that it seems to be a part of him. There is a dog almost everywhere where a person lives. Life is connected with her different nations. She became man's friend, his protector and assistant.

The famous Swedish naturalist Linnaeus noted that one of the best qualities dogs are her loyalty. In the 73rd year of the current calendar, the terrible eruption of Vesuvius destroyed two cities - Pompeii and Herculaneum - to the ground, burying them under a layer of ash. During excavations at the site of one of them, two skeletons were found - a child and a dog. Apparently, trying to save his young friend, the dog covered him with his body... And scientists established the dog’s name from the surviving collar, on which Delta was inscribed.

Grateful humanity has long erected monuments to its most faithful and selfless friend - the dog. Why do people erect monuments to animals? As a sign of gratitude for love and devotion. A monument to a dog is gratitude expressed in stone.

In the fourth century BC, the city of Corinth was besieged. And suddenly, after a long siege and a fierce assault, the invading troops abandoned their positions and went east. The residents of the city celebrated the victory and had a feast, and soon everyone fell asleep peacefully - for the first time in a long time. However, at night, enemy troops again approached the walls of the now defenseless city. According to legend, a dog named Soter awakened the garrison of Corinth, and the enemy was defeated. The dog was awarded a monument during his lifetime and a silver collar with the inscription “Defender and Savior of Corinth.”

Bobby monument in Edinburgh

Probably the most famous monument was installed in Paris, on the river. Seine. This is a monument to St. Bernard Barry - a statue of a dog with a child clinging to it. The inscription reads: "Barry, who saved forty people and was killed forty first." Indeed, there is a legend that Barry, who served in one of the Alpine monasteries and saved people from under the snow, saved forty people. When he once again went in search, he found a freezing traveler. Trying to warm him up, Barry began licking the man's face. He came to his senses, but mistook the dog for a wolf and killed it. However, there is another version, according to which the forty-first rescued did not kill the smart dog. This forty-first was a child. He got lost in the mountains and lost consciousness. Barry found him, warmed him up, tried to take him to the monastery, but the child was so weak that he could not walk. Then he wrapped his arms around the dog’s neck and climbed onto the St. Bernard’s back, and was taken to the monastery. And Barry died after living twelve years.

The leader sled dog Bolto is no less famous. It was he who, in 1925, as part of a sled team on a hurricane night, delivered anti-diphtheria serum to Nome, Alaska, which helped prevent a diphtheria epidemic. This dramatic story formed the basis of the famous story. And our children know Bolto from the wonderful cartoon. In memory of Bolto’s canine feat, two monuments were erected - one in Norma itself, and the other in New York (in Central Park).

There is an unusual monument in Nesvizh Park. A greyhound sits on a stone pedestal and looks intensely into the distance. There are no inscriptions on the monument, only the date - 1896. It is unlikely that we will ever know what this dog did to deserve such a memorial. Perhaps she was simply Radziwill’s favorite, and he, experiencing the loss, decided to at least perpetuate her memory in this way. But, looking at this building, you think about something else: it turns out that people know how to be grateful and appreciate what dogs do for them. And the monument in Nesvizh is not the only proof of this.

In Copenhagen in 1912, the famous sculptor Kay Nielsen, when erecting a monument to the dead Danish polar explorers, did not forget the dogs. And every decade, for three days, there is a guard of honor near the monument: people, and next to them – dogs. And this is not only the understanding that without the help of sled dogs, no research in the Arctic would be possible. There is something else too. It is not for nothing that R. Amundsen once wrote: “We people are in vain to think that we alone have the ability to express our feelings. Look into the dog's eyes! You will see in them the same thing as in human ones. In essence, dogs definitely have what we call a soul."

In 1958, Japanese researchers were forced to urgently leave one of the polar wintering grounds. But they couldn’t take the dogs out. They left them there to die. No one doubted that the dogs would die. In memory of them, a monument was erected in the city of Osaka. A year later, the polar explorers returned to their wintering quarters, and what was their surprise and joy when people were enthusiastically greeted by those same dogs! They lived for a year, abandoned, eating only rodents, and no one knows what they felt and experienced when they were abandoned by those they loved, but when the people returned, the souls of the dogs rejoiced.

Yes, dogs know how to forgive, but they don’t know how to forget, and there are many examples of this. A resident of the Italian town of Borgo San Lorenzo, Carlo Sormani, found a puppy in a gutter, adopted him and named him Faithful. And the dog fully lived up to his name. Every day at the same time he came to the bus stop to meet his owner. One day he didn't come. The man died, but the dog didn’t know it. Or he didn’t want to understand. For several years until the end of his life, he came to the bus stop every day to wait for his friend. After his death, city residents raised money, erected a monument to Verny, and made a gold medal in his honor.

Monuments to dogs who have been waiting for their dead owners for many years have been erected in many cities around the world. Monument at Shabuya station near Tokyo, in Edinburgh to the Sky Terrier Bobby, in the USA, on the river. Missouri - to the dog Shep, in Krakow - to the faithful Jack and many others. Truly heroic creatures are dogs.

Monument to Faithful Jack in Krakow

Once in the Duckstein mountains (Austria), an avalanche overtook 11 schoolchildren and two teachers on their way. Together with the group of rescuers, a specially trained shepherd dog, Ajax, worked for 96 hours in a row, with short breaks. The dog tore through the tightly compacted snow with its claws until it fell off its feet, losing strength. Rescuers carried the animal to the hut. But after a short rest, Ajax returned to the site of the collapse. With frostbitten and wounded paws, Ajax tore through the snow, helping rescuers find the injured people.

The most famous dog in Holland is a shepherd named Leo. She worked honestly at the Amsterdam airport for 9 years. During this time, customs officers, with her help, arrested 300 people transporting drugs in umbrellas, suitcases, and watches. From the luggage, she helped confiscate a total of three tons of hashish, a ton of marijuana, 28 kilograms of heroin and 18 kilograms of cocaine. The drugs are handed over to pharmacists for processing into medicines. The income amounted to many millions of dollars. And this shepherd Leo was given a state pension. She retired to a hotel for elderly dogs. She earned herself an award!

History contains many examples of sincere kindness and gratitude of people towards our smaller brothers. These examples speak about the mental makeup of the person himself. There are many monuments to dogs, but no one has yet counted their exact number. They are supplied in different countries.

One of the oldest monuments to a dog was erected in the 13th century in North Wales by Prince Llewelyn, who, as a result of a tragic mistake, killed his dog named Gellert. The dog saved the child from the snake and the lord, full of remorse and gratitude, erected a monument to the dog.

Monument with a bas-relief of a dog and inscriptions, erected 350 years ago in honor of the Stutzel dog by her loving owners the von Wangeiheims in Germany. According to legend, it was this burial that gave rise to the saying “that’s where the dog is buried.”

A monument to a dog sitting on a chest, commemorating the merits of guard dogs during mass movements of people, mainly gold miners, in the 60s of the 18th century in Australia, was erected near the highway a few kilometers from the city of Gandagai in 1932.
In South Africa (Cape Town), in the Central Square of Cape Town, on a small pedestal made of a piece of rock, there is a monument to a dog - a large Great Dane cast in bronze. His paws have a sailor's cap and a collar. The plaque reads: "First Class Sailor Great Dane 'Just Nuisance, 1937-1944.'" The dog was a favorite of sailors stationed at the Simontown Naval Base for many years.

Many people like to read about the lives of stars - famous people from the spheres of culture, art, show business. But, besides people, there are other stars - animals, who became famous not because they belonged to human stars, but for their own, so to speak, merits and achievements. Some of them became famous for their roles in films, others for their love of travel, and some even for their boundless loyalty... Let's find out more about the most famous dogs in history.

Santo von Haus Ziegelmayer

Yes, not only kings live with such names - the tricky name belongs to the well-known “Commissioner Rex” from the popular detective series. Santo was born in 1991 in a German elite nursery. To qualify for filming, he had to beat about 40 competitors! During filming, he also did not relax: under the guidance of dog handlers, he trained for 4 hours a day and learned to carry out more than thirty commands, one of which became his business card- This is the theft of a sausage bun.

By the way, he retired from “business” a long time ago – back in 1997, but after the first years of the series’ broadcast he became the richest dog in the world. After him, the role of Rex was played by four more dogs, but Santo was sometimes taken on so that he would not be sad and remember the old days.

Of course, many dog ​​handlers note that his role is unrealistic: even the smartest service dog cannot do things like tracking down criminals, conducting cases, etc. alone. However, for the audience he remained a favorite, despite his sometimes fantastic abilities. And, of course, one cannot fail to note his acting skills! By the way, it was paid well - Santo received 15 thousand dollars for participating in each episode.


This traveler dog has seen so much in a few years that most people do not see in their entire lives. To date, Buti has become the only dog ​​in the world that has visited both poles of the Earth - both the North and the South. Of course, you might think that they took the dog with them to harness it to the sleigh and use it as draft force, but this is not so - he traveled as a member of the family of the Englishman Ranulph Fiennes. From 1979 to 1982, Fiennes and his wife were on the same trip where they visited the poles. And Buti was with them. Moreover, he found a girlfriend (during his stay in Canada) and until the end of his life he almost never parted with her.


This dog earned recognition not by filming a movie or saving a person, but by his endless devotion to his owner. You probably watched the movie “Hachiko” - so this dog really existed. An Akita Inu dog lived in Tokyo and belonged to a professor at Tokyo University. Every day I accompanied the owner to the metro station when he was going to work, and at 15.00 I met him there.

When the owner died unexpectedly on May 21, 1925 (he was taken to the hospital straight from the university with a heart attack), the dog was only a year and a half old. Without waiting for his owner that day, he came to the metro the next, then the next, and again... Despite all attempts to take him away from that place, the dog found ways to appear at the metro again and again. This continued until the dog's death in 1935. In 1932, a journalist from a major newspaper drew attention to him, and after an article about Hachiko was published, dozens of people rushed to the metro station to see the devoted dog in person. By the way, the dog died during the journey - once again heading to the metro to meet its owner.


A border collie named Rico is now called the planet. And his fame began more than prosaically: he lived in an ordinary family among ordinary people until his owners announced that the dog understands several dozen names of toys and can bring those things that you ask him for. The sensational statement was checked and, indeed, it turned out that the dog is particularly intelligent. So, he and his owners were placed in different rooms. The owners asked to bring some of the toys that he knew - and Rico unfailingly brought what was needed - from several dozen items. When was it added? new thing and the owners told him to bring it - the dog also did the right thing, realizing that the unfamiliar word meant a new object.

Scientists who have studied the phenomenon claim that the thinking of this dog is developed at approximately the level of small children who are just beginning to learn a language. It remains to be seen: are all dogs so smart or does Rico have a special mind?

Balto (sometimes Bolto)

And our top will be completed by a hero dog named Balto, who managed to deliver anti-diphtheria serum in a severe snowstorm, thanks to which he saved many people in Alaska from an epidemic in 1925. When an epidemic broke out here, antitoxic serum was urgently needed, hundreds of miles away. Because of snow storm It was not possible to send a plane, and then the decision was made to transfer the serum by dog ​​sleds, with each sled traveling only part of the way, thereby forming a chain. The last, most difficult part of the journey fell to the lot of Gunnar Kaasen and a team of dogs led by Balto. The snowstorm was so strong that Kaasen admitted that he could not see his hands even if he brought them very close to his face, but, nevertheless, Balto managed not to lose his way and reached his destination. This mini-expedition took more than 7 hours in freezing and stormy conditions, but they managed to deliver the serum, thanks to which the epidemic was stopped in just 5 days. A series of cartoons called “Balto” were shot about the heroism of the team.

An article about the most fashionable and popular dog breeds in Russia and Ukraine in 2019.

The fashion for dogs of a certain breed changes as often as the fashion for things. This can be explained not only by the desire to be the owner of a new breed of dog, but also by the need to have a four-legged friend with more advanced abilities and character qualities nearby.

Dog fashion in Russia and Ukraine recent years is also determined by the financial capabilities of the owners. Often people simply cannot afford to own a large dog, so they choose a pet of a small breed.

Top 10 most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Russia in 2019: ranking, photos with names

Before naming the most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Russia, it is worth noting that for city residents The priority in choosing a pet is its size.

At the same time, people living in cottages and private houses with garden plots choose dogs, capable of protecting the territory and possessions of the owner.

IN general view The top 10 popular dog breeds look like this:

10th place: Chow-chow

There are many versions of the origin of this breed, but most experts are still inclined to believe that chow chow- a distant relative of the Shar Pei. These dogs, both of which originated in China, are distinguished by their purple tongue.

The Chow Chow is a working dog and companion dog. In ancient times, Chow Chows helped reindeer herders, fearlessly driving away packs of wolves from herds, guarding houses, hunting and being used as draft animals.
However, in the small apartments of modern Russians, Chow Chows feel quite comfortable. Chow chows will not require long walks or jogging from the owner. These animals only need a short walk and a minimum of attention.

They are tolerant of children and animals in the house, although they do not express much joy in their presence. But if the owner “gives slack” in some matter, the chow chow will instantly feel it and will certainly try to establish dominance over the household. Therefore, dogs of this breed need a domineering owner.

IMPORTANT: The dog’s thick, dense coat requires special regular care.

Chow chow

9th place: Shar Pei

Shar Pei considered a descendant of the Chow Chow. Back in 1978, the breed was noted by the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed in the world. But the cute, funny appearance of the plush dogs and the funny folds on their body quickly did the trick. The 21st century can safely be called the era of the Shar-Pei, because today every 60 Russian families have a Shar-Pei.

It was previously the sharp short, spiky fur of the Shar Pei and its protective folds that helped these animals survive in battle and hunting. Modern Shar Peis, although they have retained their fiery temperament and fighting instinct, feel great in the city.

IMPORTANT: Owners should not forget about the origin of their pets and engage in their upbringing and training in a timely manner.

8th place: French bulldog

The breed was developed in England in the 19th century with the aim of producing an ornamental companion dog. French bulldogs, despite their gloomy appearance, are very loyal, friendly, loving, affectionate and cheerful animals that do not require special conditions content.

IMPORTANT: These dogs are suitable for busy people. Accommodation in small apartment the French bulldog will also be very happy.

The excessive attachment of these animals to the owner can even be annoying. The dog is ready to do anything to be paid attention to, caressed or played with. Another disadvantage of the breed is that all French bulldogs snore in their sleep.

7th place: German Shepherd

Security guards, rescuers, guides, watchmen, shepherds and detectives - german shepherds They easily learn all these dog “professions” and successfully help people. Intelligent and active, German Shepherds need human interaction, be it long walks, learning commands and tricks, or active games.

These dogs are best suited for home guarding. After undergoing special training, the German Shepherd will become a reliable companion, protector and friend.

IMPORTANT: Since the shepherd dog’s need to guard, protect and rescue, the confined space of a city apartment will become a prison for it. To keep these animals you need a home with personal plot, where the dog will feel like a master.

6th place: Pekingese

In the old days, miniature dog breeds Pekingese were decorations of palace chambers, and not everyone could afford to buy such a pet. Modern Pekingese are residents of apartments and houses of millions of ordinary people.

These dogs are arrogant and jealous, but despite this, they are affectionate and friendly. They are in dire need of their master's approval and love and can become offended if they are not paid attention to.

IMPORTANT: These dogs are not demanding when it comes to walking time and feel good in a small apartment.

5th place: Toy Terrier

Dog breeds toy terrier were bred in England in the 19th century to hunt rats. Despite their miniature size (no more than 28 cm), these dogs are very energetic and purposeful, they tend to show aggression towards their “enemies”.

Toy terriers do not require frequent walking. This dog can be called a toy (this is the translation of the name of the breed) for an apartment. However, this animal does not tolerate children, has a quarrelsome character, and is prone to stress and hysterics.

IMPORTANT: Toy terriers do not feel their miniature size. They can easily rush at a neighbor's mastiff if they feel a threat coming from him.

4th place: Jack Russell Terrier

Despite their small size, dogs of this breed have restless energy. The breed was bred to hunt burrowing animals. They cope with this task perfectly. One can say more: hunting is the purpose of life for Jack Russells.

These dogs are very energetic and active, so keeping them in an apartment is problematic - the animal needs to spend a lot of time walking or hunting. Russells get along well with children, because they are united by a love of noisy games and fun.

3rd place: Husky

- descendants of Eskimo sled dogs. Even the original name of the breed sounded “Eski”, which is short for “Eskimo”. Back in 2000, this was one of the rarest breeds, but less than 20 years have passed since dogs with a delightful look have won the hearts of people.

Huskies are very good-natured, loyal and loving animals. This dog for a family with children has high intelligence and a good mind.
The dog is very energetic, can be stubborn, and needs many hours of daily walks, jogging, training and work. She has no security qualities.

IMPORTANT: All Huskies do not tolerate confined spaces. Wherever the dog is, it will try to dig under the ground, climb over the fence, or simply run away. Every husky has run away from its own home at least once in its life.

The only thing weak point All huskies are prone to epilepsy. If you buy a puppy from your own hands, there is a high probability of getting a sick animal that needs special care and serious treatment.

2nd place: Labrador retriever

Every Labrador at heart he is a rescuer and helper. The breed was bred for hunting and fishing, but thanks to their intelligence and gentle nature, these dogs quickly became companions and friends.

Labradors are devoid of aggression, love to play with children and be the center of attention. These are balanced, obedient dogs that do not pretend to be leaders. It is probably due to these qualities that the breed is incredibly popular.

IMPORTANT: The average lifespan of a Labrador usually does not exceed 12 years, and this short lifespan is the only drawback of the breed.

The dog has a good visual memory and an excellent sense of smell. This allows Labradors to be successfully used to search for drugs and explosives.

Labradors can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house. The most important thing is to spend a lot of time with your pet and walk with him every day.

1st place: Yorkshire Terrier

A unique little dog, the only animal whose fur will not harm an allergy sufferer. Now York- expensive fun, exclusively decorative dog. However, in the distant past, Yorkies were used to hunt burrow animals.

Today, Yorkies have lost their hunting skills. They treat other animals in the house well and are tolerant of children in the family. Also, these dogs are very smart, intelligent and well-mannered.

IMPORTANT: Yorkshire Terriers need attention and sufficient mental and physical exercise.

Top 10 most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Ukraine in 2019: ranking

10th place:

9th place:

8th place:

7th place:

6th place:

5th place:

4th place:

3rd place:

2nd place:

1st place:

In the top three no significant changes occurred. However, Ukrainians gave 5th place to two dogs of fighting breeds: American Pit Bull Terrier and Staffordshire Terrier, combining them under the name “Pit Bull”.

Both of these breeds were bred for bullfighting. The creators wanted to get dogs that could poison large animals to the last, and they succeeded. Temperamental, aggressive and fearless dogs fought to the bitter end.

Today, pit bulls are pets. With proper serious training, they can become excellent companions, reliable fearless protectors and affectionate caring nannies.

IMPORTANT: In some countries, keeping and breeding pit bull terriers at home is prohibited by law.

Staffordshire Terrier

It is likely that at some point the dog will begin to show character and try to establish dominance. You need to be prepared for this and respond to such manifestations in a timely manner.

IMPORTANT: Pit bull terriers should not be left alone in the house with children or pets.

Ukrainians gave 8th place to the Rottweiler. This beautiful, powerful dog is a descendant of the Italian Mastiff. Rotty is a brave defender for his owner and a dangerous opponent for the enemy. He is distrustful, but extremely calm. Power, strength, courage, intelligence and loyalty are the main qualities of Rottweilers.

IMPORTANT: The Rottweiler needs proper upbringing and a steady hand. Otherwise, the owner of the strongest jaws can become dangerous even for his owner.

In 10th place in the Ukrainian top of popular dogs was the perky and energetic dachshund. These dogs were bred to hunt burrowing animals. Thanks to the structure of their body and paws, dachshunds easily penetrate any hole and reach its inhabitants.

Dachshunds become very attached to their owners and do everything possible to attract attention. These dogs need to be walked a lot or just socialized. They are curious and intelligent, energetic and quick-witted.

IMPORTANT: Dachshunds love to dig holes. This should be taken into account when choosing a dachshund as a pet.

The most fashionable and popular breeds of small dogs 2019: names and photos

Little cute dogs, more like funny toys, are able to brighten the life of a lonely person or become the favorites of a large happy family. Special conditions for keeping most small breed dogs are not required, so in an ordinary city apartment you can safely have such a four-legged friend.

The most fashionable small dogs in 2019:

– loyal, graceful, smart and cheerful. These dogs have always been in fashion, but in recent years the breed has been at the peak of popularity.

- the smallest dog in the world. Moderately active and friendly, does not require special conditions.

– energetic, prone to aggression, a real little warrior.

– despite its diminutive size, it is very active and fast. Tend to show aggression stressful situations. Required daily care for fur and teeth.

– touchy, jealous and narcissistic, constantly demanding the attention of the owner.

– energetic, friendly and playful. Leads an active lifestyle and cannot stay in one place for a long time.

– cheerful and devoted to the owner. The body of the animal is covered with soft, thin, short hair; only the tail and head have long hair. This dog needs to be kept in warm apartment. For walking in the cold season you will need clothes.

Maltese (Maltese dog)- a three-kilogram snow-white miracle. Calm and balanced, at the same time fearless and brave.

– looks more like a soft toy than a living dog. Smart, calm, friendly, quick-witted, easy to train.

The most fashionable and popular medium-sized dog breeds of 2019

Medium breed dogs can be kept both in the house and in the apartment. They do not require long hours of walking, and at the same time they are able to show watchdog qualities.

Chow chow– a dog with an unusual appearance and a difficult character. He recognizes the owner as the head of the family, and treats others on an equal footing.

Chow chow

– the gentle character, lack of aggression and cheerful disposition of these animals wins more and more hearts. Huskies are excellent nannies and loyal friends, however, they are very bad watchdogs.

– under the stern appearance of these dogs hides a soft, kind heart. They get along well with children, are loyal and smart.

– distrustful of strangers, inclined to show character. Externally similar to plush toy with cute folds and wrinkles on the skin, but in reality this “toy” is an excellent watchman and a serious rival.

Amstaff– a formidable, energetic fighter with a subtle, sensitive nature. The dog has high intelligence and a tendency to train. He gets along well with the children in the house and selflessly protects them. Basset Hound

– a good guard, defender and fighter, easy to train. Moderately aggressive, has a balanced psyche.

The most fashionable and popular breeds of domestic dogs in Moscow with photos and names in 2019

Expensive show-class dogs are popular in the Russian capital small sizes, which can emphasize the status of the owner. The top 5 popular dog breeds in Moscow look like this:

5th place: West Highland Terrier(the cost of a show-class puppy is about 1000 USD) – despite its miniature size, it loves long walks, is active and cocky.

4th place: Welsh Corgi(about 2000 USD) – a cheerful, cheerful and very active dog. Easily trainable, friendly to all family members.

3rd place: Pomeranian Spitz(about 1500 USD) – a beautiful and cheerful dog with a “smiling” face. Loves to swim and play fresh air. One of the longest-living breeds.

2nd place: Golden Retriever(about 1200 USD) – a dog for the family. Cheerful, mischievous and energetic, at the same time responsible and smart.

1st place: Yorkshire Terrier(about 2000 USD) – Beauty, grace, bright mind, cheerful character, miniature size and absolute hypoallergenic wool make this dog the leader of all fashionable tops.

Popular dog breeds for apartments in 2019

Video: TOP 10 best dogs for apartments

The most popular “apartment” breeds:

  • Bolonka
  • Poodle
  • Chinese Crested
  • Cocker

Yorkshire Terrier - a dog for keeping in an apartment

Future owners need to understand that no matter what breed of dog is chosen, not just a pet will appear in the house, but a full-fledged member of the family.

A dog in the family best friend and defender

The animal needs care, care and attention. If you are not ready to devote enough time to the dog, no qualities and characteristics of the breed will save the situation - over time, the animal’s character may deteriorate. At the same time, even a mongrel mongrel can become a reliable protector and true friend subject to the friendliness of the owner.

Video: The most popular dog breeds