Competitions for an adult company for the New Year. Simple competitions for a feast

New Year is a holiday when a noisy company gathers for big table With delicious dishes and has fun until the morning. Watch New Year's shows on TV in New Year's Eve it can be very tiring.

To prevent guests from going to bed early, it’s worth preparing cool and funny New Year’s games at the table for fun company or for the whole family. Usually, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are involved in preparing competitions, but if the owner of the house uses ingenuity, he can create a truly fun and unforgettable New Year 2019 for his guests.

Funny mafia for the New Year

A collective game like mafia can easily be replayed in a New Year's style, where the main character will be the symbol of the coming 2019 - the Yellow Earthen Pig. Instead of the mafia, maybe Santa Claus, and the city will fall asleep when there is a snowstorm outside and wake up on a sunny, frosty morning.

Civilians can be pelted with snowballs made of paper or cotton wool. You can cut out Santa Claus hats and use them instead of standard game cards. Here the presenter’s fantasy can take different turns.

The main thing is not to forget to explain the rules of the game to the guests so that the game will cause delight and laughter.

Cool Fantas for a fun company

Notes with tasks like playing Fanta can also be replayed in a new way. The rules of the game involve drawing out a task on a New Year's theme.

Examples for forfeits:

  • come up with a New Year's quatrain;
  • depict the symbol of the coming new year 2019 - the Pig;
  • parody Father Frost or Snow Maiden, etc.

Another variation of the New Year's game is pulling out notes and gifts. In the note you can write the action that the guest will need to perform with the gift he received. In this case, Santa Claus will take the gift out of the bag, and the note will be taken out by the Snow Maiden. The note suggests an action that needs to be performed with the drawn gift.

Examples of tasks for notes for the New Year:

  • hold the gift at arm's length for 5 minutes;
  • take a selfie with a gift;
  • give a gift to neighbors;
  • smell the gift for 10 minutes, etc.

Anything can be used as gifts. These could be ear sticks and a refrigerator magnet, or you could put socks or something edible as a gift. Here the imagination of the author of the competition is inexhaustible. Such New Year's competition will give guests a lot good mood and laughter.

Poetry game

For those who like to write poetry, you can arrange a New Year's poetry evening. The theme of the poem can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that the first phrase of the verse is: “On New Year’s Day, I definitely...”. Here all guests must show their imagination. The essence of the game is for each guest to take turns coming up with a phrase that will rhyme with the previous one.

You can write down these phrases to read and laugh at the end. The result will be a funny poem. The one who comes up with the last rhyme becomes the winner and receives a small New Year's souvenir.

Alphabet game

The host of the competition invites each player at the table to come up with a New Year's phrase or greeting. The first one to start gets the first letter of the alphabet, for example, the phrase “Aibolit wishes everyone a Happy New Year.”

The second player comes up with a phrase or congratulation for the next letter, etc. The goal of the game is to reach the last letter of the alphabet. It becomes interesting when the guest gets his turn to speak letters such as Y and B. The winner will be the one who says the last phrase starting with the letter Z.

Game for the New Year "Guess"

The New Year celebration lasts quite a long time, therefore, in order not to let guests get bored, it is necessary to come up with many different table competitions. For a company in which there turned out to be a lot strangers, good competition will become “Guess.” The rules of the competition are simple: everyone writes some fact about themselves on a piece of paper, and the one who draws it out tries to guess who they are talking about. This competition will help guests get to know each other. “Nonsense” may turn out to be such table entertainment.

According to the rules of this competition, a sheet of paper is taken, on which everyone writes one line, folding the sheet so that the next player cannot see the written sentence. The result of such a creative process can be a long and funny story.

New Year's speed game

When it’s time for sweets at the table, you can organize a competition for teams to eat chocolate bars as quickly as possible. According to the rules of the competition, the participants of each team take turns taking a bite of chocolate, and the team that finishes the chocolate bar faster than the other wins.

Funny game "New Year's Toast"

Cool and funny New Year's games at the table will help cheer up bored guests. Since New Year's Eve lasts quite a long time, not every cheerful company will be able to sit out for that long. By raising your glasses you can play a fun game “New Year's Toast”.

The rules are simple: each guest at the table is given a card with an abbreviation, for example, housing and communal services or traffic police, etc. The guest’s task is to make a toast, the words of which will begin with these letters.

New Year's Guessing Game!

This and similar competitions will certainly amuse even the most bored guest on New Year's Eve.

The New Year is coming soon and many housewives are already starting to look to prepare it for the New Year's holiday table. But you should remember that you shouldn’t just eat and drink on New Year’s Eve; therefore, you also need to think about your leisure time in advance. We will tell you several table games and competitions that you can play on New Year's Eve.

The most anticipated and beloved holiday by all, we start planning where and with whom we will celebrate it in early December, and maybe even earlier. As the New Year approaches, our minds are busy with recipes, cooking, and cleaning. And when the holiday is already on the threshold, we sit down at the table, open the champagne and eat all the salads and dumplings and realize that we did not have time to prepare for the most important part - the entertainment. Frantically searching for competitions on the Internet, we understand that the holiday may be overshadowed. To prevent this from happening to you, let’s look at what entertainment for the New Year for a company, table games and competitions will be the best for celebrating the holiday.

"I'm planning..."

"New Year's lottery"

When we gather with a group of friends, we make sure to prepare a gift for each of them, taking into account his individuality. What if you collect all the gifts in one bag, and friends take turns taking out a present from there and guessing who it was intended for. If they guess right, the gift goes to the rightful owner, if not, they keep it for themselves.

"New Year's ABC"

The presenter announces the beginning of the competition and by example explains what needs to be done. Since he is the first, he says a toast starting with the letter “A”, then we go through the alphabetical list and in a circle. The fun begins when the letters E, Yu, E, J appear.

"Book Prediction"

We are all familiar with such entertainment as fortune telling from a book. Someone wishes for a page and a line, opens the book and reads. In order not to overshadow the holiday with sudden pessimistic predictions, choose funny, maybe even children's and kind books.

"Secret Confession"

Another competition for intellectual book lovers. Those sitting at the table take turns naming and confessing to a “terrible crime” - which book of world classical literature they have not read.
"Musical break"
This competition will require a little preparation. Select in advance a few popular songs that your company loves. Take the original part of the song, which is not easy to recognize, and make a selection of fifteen to twenty melodies. Whoever answered correctly first guessed it. The participant who dialed greatest number points (one guessed song - one point) becomes the winner and is awarded a prize.

"Clear Speech"

Make small preparations. Print several tongue twisters on each card, give them to the participants and ask them to read them. It will be especially fun to play the game when you have drunk more than one bottle of sparkling wine.

"I've never..."

Another confession. Participants share with each other what they have never done, but would really like to do. The winner is chosen by general vote.
"Noun and Adjective"
The presenter thinks of a word (noun) and tells the participant only what kind it is. Participants come up with an adjective for it and write it down on a card. Next, the presenter voices the hidden noun, and the participants take turns reading what they wrote. The game takes place at a fast pace.

"Total Recall"

Participants take turns recalling a positive event that happened to the company in the past year. If a participant's memory fails, he is eliminated from the game. The last one remaining in the game and remembering the largest number of funny and pleasant events wins a prize.


The presenter writes any question on a piece of paper, for example: “Why is the grass green”, folds it so that the word why is visible and passes it to the next player, when the piece of paper goes all the way around and returns to the presenter, the answers are read out loud.

"Moneyless Auction"

The presenter announces the lot and says that its owner will be the one who is the last to name something about it (this could be a description of the item, its qualities and characteristics). After each description (in one word), the presenter asks the question “Who is greater.” If nothing more is said, the prize goes to the last person to speak.

"Try to parody"

Prepare cards with famous, outrageous, funny people that everyone knows. Give them to the participants and ask them to sing a song in the spirit of, for example, Maxim Galkin or Evgeny Petrosyan. The one who does this most successfully and funnyly receives a prize.


Participants take their nose with their left hand, and their ear with their right hand; with a clap, change the position in the opposite direction. The game acquires special laughter and interest when the pauses become increasingly shorter. The winner is the participant who gets confused less than everyone else during the game.

"Corn and Peas"

Each private participant is given a plate containing green peas or corn and chopsticks. At the command of the host, the countdown begins - you need to eat everything on the plate the fastest, and you can take no more than one pea or corn at a time. The winner receives a prize, for example, personalized Chinese chopsticks.

"Amazing Creatures"

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sheet. A beginner draws the head of someone, such as a human, reptile, bird or any other animal. What is drawn is folded so that it is not visible and passed on to the next team member, who draws the torso. The third participant finishes drawing the legs. Then the paper is completely unfolded and the presenter asks a representative from each team to describe or tell the story of the origin of this creature and name it. The one whose story is more fun will win.

Spend the New Year fun, noisy and joyful. Don’t focus only on the festive table, take a little time to prepare and your guests will definitely appreciate your efforts. If you think about New Year's entertainment for the company in advance: table games and competitions, then your New Year will be super fun.

Happy New Year! Have a good day and bon appetit))

Options and descriptions of competitions and games for a small company.

Many people love to have feasts and spend time in noisy companies. But what to do if the participants of the event do not know each other, and you need to reduce the distance between them. In this case, fun games and competitions that can be held directly at the table will come in handy.

First, come up with games that require a clear mind. The fact is that after the third glass it is better to choose active competitions, this will allow guests to stay sober longer.


  • Question - answer. This is a popular competition. You need to take two jars and put packages with questions there. Place pieces of paper with the answers in another jar. Have one player pull the package from one can and the other from the other. Come up with funny questions and answers.
  • Find out. The competition allows players to get to know each other. Ask everyone to come up with 2 true and one false statement about themselves. Let the company figure out what is fact and what is fiction.
  • Zoo. Let the participant come up with an animal, and the rest guess what kind of animal it is. You can only answer yes or no questions.

If you know all the guests well, you can choose open games with obscene or sexual themes. Such games are ideal for young people, among whom there are many free people who are not burdened with family.


  • Sex shop. It is necessary for the participant to wish for any product from the sex shop. The rest should use leading questions to find out what the guest has wished for. You can only answer yes and no.
  • Crocodile. It is necessary to give one of the participants a clothespin so that he can quietly attach it to another guest. After this, a sign is given to the presenter and he asks the guests to find a clothespin on themselves in 10 seconds. Whoever managed it, well done. Those who didn’t have time drink a penalty glass.
  • Star. It is necessary to write some actor or singer on the sheets of paper. Attach this sheet to the participant's forehead for everyone to see. Now the guests must give clues, the participant must guess which hero they have given him.

If you know each other well, come up with comic tasks for each other. This will improve the mood and help guests bond.

Comic tasks:

  • Little things. Divide the guests into two teams. Take the list and read it. Choose familiar items that guests might be wearing or in their pockets. Whichever team has the most items wins.
  • Similarity. Two jars are required. Put funny questions into one. For example, in the morning I look like... In another jar there are answers such as seal, hedgehog, bus.
  • Funny guy. Comic competition, which will amuse the guests. It is necessary to put funny souvenirs in a box and pass them around to the guests, turning on the melody. Whoever the music ends on, without looking, pulls out a souvenir and puts it on.

To improve the mood of the company and make the atmosphere warm and free, come up with fun, cool competitions.


  • Banana. Place two stools and place a banana on them. Tie two participants' hands behind their backs and ask them to peel the banana and eat the pulp. The first one to do it is the winner.
  • Ring. A cool competition for young people. Give everyone a toothpick and hang a ring on the tip. The task is to give the ring to your neighbor and hang it on a toothpick. Whoever's ring falls loses.
  • Newspaper. Cheerful and cool competition for non-family. A couple is invited and the music is turned on. They must dance and not go beyond the edges of the newspaper. After the music stops, the newspaper is folded in half.

Quizzes for a small, fun group of adults

You can watch interesting quizzes for a small company in the video. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for you.

VIDEO: Quiz for a fun company

These types of games are suitable for people who have had a little drink and are still thinking clearly. It is necessary that people can read normally and nothing blurs in their eyes.

Games with notes:

  • Guessing game. You need to write a wish and put it in a jar. All guests will fill the jar with notes; the host must take out the package and read the wish. Guests must guess whose wish it is.
  • Movie. It is necessary to write the names of the films on the packages. Each participant pulls out a package and must describe what is happening in the film. Based on the description, guests must guess the film.
  • Song. In a small container you need to put the packages with the names of the songs. The participant’s task is to hum the song while putting nuts or caramels in his mouth. Whoever guesses the song is the winner.

A fun and active game that will allow guests not to get bored and stay “in shape” for a long time.


  • Cut a circle out of cardboard and glue the petals to it
  • Write a funny task on each petal
  • Each participant tears off a petal and does what is written
  • It could be a fluttering butterfly or a March cat
  • Guests must guess what task is described on the daisy petal

Game Chamomile for adults' birthday

Older people cannot boast of good health. Therefore, it is necessary to select competitions that do not require good physical preparation.

Quizzes for pensioners:

  • Guess the melody. Classic game. It is advisable that the presenter or one of the participants knows how to play musical instrument. The team must guess the melody.
  • Lotto. It is better to offer pensioners games that are not very active, which will help them remember their youth and feel a little nostalgic. To do this, purchase dice. And what number comes up, we need to talk about this year. For example, the theme “80s”. If a 2 is rolled, then you need to talk about events that were memorable in 1982.
  • Dancing. You can invite pensioners to dance to the music of their youth. Prepare in advance and find songs from the youth of those invited.

If there are children and adults among the guests, then the competitions should be universal and lift the spirits of both young people and the older generation.

Family competitions:

  • Forks. Blindfold the participant and place a fork in each hand. Place an object in front of the participant and ask them to use a fork to recognize what it is.
  • Dancing. It is necessary to place chairs in the center of the room and ask the participants to sit down. The music turns on and you need to dance to it without getting up from your chair. The leader then controls which part of the body needs to be moved.
  • Secret. You will need some small thing, a souvenir. It is wrapped in several layers of foil. Each layer is attached with tape with a riddle. The closer to the gift, the more difficult the riddles should be.

IN women's company competitions can be on the topic of family, beauty and boyfriends. It’s worth preparing gifts; these could be nice little things for the kitchen.

Women's competitions:

  • Lottery. Take a sheet of paper and draw it into several squares. In each box, write a number from one to ten and a gift. Each participant must pronounce the number and receive a corresponding gift.
  • Beauty. Blindfold the participants and hand them pencils and lipsticks. Participants must apply lipstick without a mirror. Whoever completes the task most accurately will receive a prize.
  • Fashionista. Put things in a bag different sizes. Clothing and accessories must be non-standard. Participants must take clothes out of the bag and put them on themselves.

Table competitions and games for women's company

Table competitions and games for a group of colleagues

Such games are designed to improve relationships between colleagues and bring them closer together. These can be competitions and games with touching and interesting facts about employees. This will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about each other. Competitions for colleagues can be viewed in the video.

VIDEO: Competitions for corporate events

Such competitions and games should amuse the company and not allow them to fall asleep. Accordingly, it is best to choose mobile competitions. It could be dancing or something like that.

Competitions for drunk company:

  • Wrappers. One thing is taken from everyone present at the celebration, and they are placed in a specially prepared bag. The presenter can ask any of those not participating in the competition: “What should this forfeit do? “After receiving the answer, the presenter shows which forfeit got this task. Fant does it.
  • Boxing match. To participate in it you need to find two volunteers who are not averse to showing their strength. The presenter gives each person boxing gloves and invites them to do a little exercise, for example, to do squats or push-ups. All other participants must create an atmosphere of tension before the fight. After a few minutes, the presenter announces the start of the competition. Participants take a stand. At this very time, the presenter gives each of the players a chocolate candy. The players' task is to turn them around. The participant who completes this task faster than the other wins. He is awarded a prize.
  • Fun path. Before the game starts, you need to organize two teams: one team of men, the other of women. The point of the game is for each team to make a long rope out of their own things. They should put these things in line. The team that makes the rope longer than the other team wins. It is best to hold a competition among young people. This will help you get closer and find a mate.

Table competitions and games for drunken company

Such competitions and games should be related to the New Year theme. These could be competitions about the Christmas tree, snow and New Year's toys.

New Year competitions:

  • Snowball. Prepare sheets of paper with a painted image of Santa Claus in advance. Participants are blindfolded and given cotton wool and glue. The player must, blindfolded, glue his grandfather's beard using cotton wool.
  • Midnight. To play you will need chairs and a clock. They will imitate the chime. Chairs are placed in a circle and the music is turned on. When the chime strikes, all participants must sit in prepared places. Whoever doesn't get a chair is eliminated.
  • Treat. Ice cream is placed on the plate. Two participants sit opposite each other. One is given plastic spoons. He must feed the second participant ice cream without using his hands. That is, you need to hold the spoon in your teeth.

Wedding table competitions and games

Wedding - fun event for the bride, groom and all guests. Typically, competitions are related to the future life of the newlyweds. These could be competitions about children, mother-in-law, mother-in-law and life together. You can watch the competition options in the video.

VIDEO: Wedding competitions

As you can see, competitions are an indispensable part for good and have fun in the company. Don't be lazy and prepare in advance.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Pig 2019 at home in an interesting and fun way

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How to have fun celebrating New Year 2019

The happiest time of every year is just around the corner, when adults will forget about their worries and everyday worries for the whole night, and children will be able to stay up all night without fear of an angry call from their parents.

On New Year's Eve, everyone is equal before the holiday; for everyone it is an equally happy time, which, unfortunately, ends so quickly.

And therefore, the New Year must be celebrated in such a way that it turns out to be unforgettable, so that this evening gives us happy smiles for a long time, at least until the next New Year.

Usually the main focus before the New Year is on costumes, home decoration, and the New Year's menu, but we should not forget the simplest, but so necessary, entertainment for everyone.

Today we will just talk about them.

Games at the table for the New Year 2019

During the New Year, many fun activities have been invented, many of which are associated with New Year's festivities and fireworks.

But also for festive table there is a place and time for unforgettable jokes and funny pranks.

On New Year's Day it is customary to make wishes and wonder whether they will come true or not.

This action does not require special preparation; usually the items that are found at each table are sufficient.

Glasses of champagne

So, you can use glasses of champagne.

On their legs with reverse side Pieces of paper are glued on which various wishes are written in advance.

Guests sort out the glasses and, after drinking the sparkling drink, see what wish promises to come true for them in the new year.

Santa Claus bag

Another beautiful entertainment at the New Year's table is also related to wishes.

They are also written down in advance on pieces of paper, and then put in a box or Santa Claus bag.

The process of removing pieces of paper with wishes can be one of the most fun and entertaining moments of New Year's Eve.

Treat your neighbor

Another fun entertainment at the New Year's table seems to have been specially invented for those who really like to eat themselves, but also treat a friend.

It's called "Treat Your Neighbor".

Its essence is as follows.

Guests are blindfolded and each must try to feed his neighbor with a spoon.

It is better not to give forks for such games.

You can feed him anything, but it’s best to feed him buttercream or yogurt, for example.

For this game you will definitely need napkins or towels.

Traditional New Year's entertainment

Traditional New Year's games are Fanta, a game of buildings that the presenter gives to the forfeit, without knowing who it belongs to, or Crocodile, a game in which you need to explain something to another person using just facial expressions.

And of course, it will be very cool to celebrate the New Year not in formal suits and dresses, but in carnival costumes.

The choice here is very large, from Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, who would live without them!, to the vampire or the Pig, the symbol of the coming 2019.

Karaoke for everyone

They say that everyone sings on New Year's Day, even people completely deaf and deaf, and this is true.

Therefore, you can organize a singing competition, and let everyone sing their favorite song, and the winner can be chosen while glasses clink.

Find your gift

IN lately Escape rooms are all the rage, so why not host one at home?

To do this, you just need to put not the gifts themselves under the tree, but boxes with notes in which you indicate tips on how to find the gift.

Thus, the process of exchanging gifts itself can be a wonderful adventure.

The most fun game for adults at the New Year's table "And in my pants..."

The most fun game ever New Year's table- this is entertainment for adults called “And in my pants...”.

You can play with a group, or you can have fun celebrating the New Year with this game together.

To play, you need sheets of clippings of headlines from newspapers or magazines, or your own written wishes and jokes.

And ordinary baby onesies, you will put these notes in them.

The sliders need to be tied so that the leaves do not fall deep into the sliders, but can be reached from above.

There can be as many players as you wish.

So, let's take old newspaper, magazine or just a piece of paper.

We cut out the headings, roll them into a tube and throw them in our pants.

We pass the pants around in a circle.

Each guest who received panties mixes the pieces of paper in them, takes out a note and begins his story with the words “And in my panties...” and then reads the contents of what was found in the panties.

If you decide to write on your own, here are some ideas for notes:

1) You can look, but don’t touch

2) What you dare is what you shake

3) I'll leave the ends in good hands

4) Party gold

5) The lawn mower has not worked for a long time

6) Oh, and a green parrot!

7) Everything blooms and smells, a million red roses and so on.

New Year's game in the year of the pig "New Year's grunt"

Mainly for late guests, but possible for anyone who wants to respect the pig.

You need to make two trays.

Each person has a glass of vodka, a pickled cucumber, a piece of bread and meat (not pork).

Participants in the competition, without using their hands, must eat and drink everything from the tray at speed, whoever is faster.

All the action takes place to cheerful music.

And then grunt 19 times for good luck in the New Year

After the treat, you need to sing the New Year's song "Chorus of Piglets" from the cartoon "Cat's House".

I am a pig and you are a pig

All of us, brothers, are pigs.

Today they gave us, friends,

A whole vat of botvinya!

We are sitting on benches

We eat from bowls,

Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli,

We eat, we eat.

Eat, slurp together,

Brother pigs!

We're like pigs

At least some more guys.

Our crocheted ponytails

Our stigmas are like a snout,

Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli,

Our stigmas are like a snout.

Here they bring us a bucket,

Full gruel:

Piglets, take your places!

Listen to the command!

In the swill before the old people

Don't meddle with your little one.

There are ten spots here,

How much is it together?

Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli,

Here's fifty dollars together!

There are many other fun games and competitions, but the main rule for them is that everyone should have fun and no one should be offended.

New Year's Eve is approaching, which everyone is looking forward to. On this night you can make a secret wish, plunge into the atmosphere of celebration and magic and, of course, have fun with close friends. To prevent New Year's Eve from turning into a boring feast, be sure to prepare New Year's entertainment for the company, table games and competitions in advance. Such entertainment will appeal to all your guests and will make the holiday unforgettable.

How to hold competitions for the New Year at the table in adult company

Preparing for the New Year is not only about decorating the house and preparing salads. For the holiday to be truly successful, you need to think through entertainment program, which will satisfy all guests. New Year's games for a company at the table should be fun, funny and original. Even if the gathered company is not used to participating in such competitions, enlist the support of several friends, and the rest of the guests will join in the fun.

And don't forget that your job is not to make everyone present have fun. First of all, you should have a good time. So have fun with all your heart.

If you decide to hold competitions and games for the New Year, be sure to prepare the necessary equipment and small gifts for the winners in advance. As souvenirs you can buy keychains, magnets, sweets or souvenirs with the image of the symbol of the coming year. Competitions should be held after guests have sat at the table for a while and are already starting to get bored. Most competitions can be held right at the table.

New Year competitions for a small company: table competitions

If you are celebrating the New Year at home, then the places to celebrate active games and, as a rule, there are no competitions. However, you shouldn’t give up entertainment completely, because New Year’s table competitions for a small company are an excellent way out of the situation.

Princess Nesmeyana

This competition is about repeating all the movements of the presenter with a serious look. For example, take the neighbor on the left by the ear, show a funny face, rub against the neighbor’s cheek, etc. Anyone who cannot stop smiling is out of the game. The most unperturbed player wins and receives a souvenir.

New Year's Theater

Even in a small company you can put on a small show. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to get up from the table. The essence of the competition is to show the character from the proposed fairy tale as expressively as possible. Participants pull out pieces of paper on which it is written what role they have in this improvised play. These can be not only inspired objects, but also wind, a blizzard or an egg. It is better to choose short and simple fairy tales, for example, “Ryaba the Hen” or “Turnip”. The presenter slowly reads the story out loud, and the characters come to life. Additionally, you can prepare props to help participants get into character. The most talented actor should be awarded a prize.

Changing rooms

To hold this competition, you need to prepare in advance a box with wigs, funny hats, horns, funny glasses, tinsel and other funny accessories. To the music, the box is passed around the table. Whoever the music stops on must, without looking, take one accessory and put it on himself. The one whose image turns out to be the funniest wins.

Traffic light

The good old game of our childhood, which you can play on New Year's Eve. In addition, you don’t have to leave your seat at the table to play this game. At the leader’s command “Touch green,” each participant must find that color in his or his neighbor’s clothes as quickly as possible. Whoever fails to do this is eliminated from the game. After which the presenter announces a different color. And so on until only one fastest player remains. Don't forget to congratulate him on his victory with a small souvenir.


An original and very funny competition that is best done at the table. All participants tell jokes in a circle. Moreover, only the beginning of the joke is told, and the rest of the participants must continue it if they know. If the joke is known to someone at the table, a fake beard is attached to the player. Jokes need to be told several times. Whoever of those present had the least beards won.

Total Recall

A wonderful competition that is most suitable for a New Year's feast. Conducted only in the company of well-known and close friends. In turn, each participant tells a funny event that happened in this company over last year. Whichever participant cannot remember the event is eliminated. And so on until the last participant. This competition will help not only remember the brightest and happiest moments of the past year, but also strengthen friendships and lift the spirits of everyone present.

Funny New Year competitions for adults, table-based: question and answer

The table question-answer competition is extremely popular. It is used to entertain guests at birthdays, corporate events or just youth parties. Its advantage is the ability to select questions that are ideal for a particular company. After all, some people like questions with a “spice”, and for some companies it is better to choose funny, but less revealing questions.

The competition is held at the festive table. It is necessary to write in advance twice as many questions as the number of guests planned, and the same number of answers. The questions should be funny, and the answers should be funny, but neutral enough to fit any answer. Each guest draws a card with a question and reads it out loud, after which he reads the card with the answer. It turns out very funny. Anyone can take part in the game, and some can take part twice.

Such table games for a group of adults at the table for the New Year will definitely please everyone present and will make the holiday unforgettable.