What was the Japanese army like during World War II? The price of victory

Japan in World War II

In the fall of 1939, when the war began and Western European countries, one after another, began to suffer defeats and become the object of occupation by Nazi Germany, Japan decided that its time had come. Having tightly tightened all the screws within the country (parties and trade unions were liquidated, and instead the Association for Assistance to the Throne was created as a fascist-type paramilitary organization designed to introduce a total political and ideological system of strict control in the country), the highest military circles, led by the generals who headed the cabinet of ministers, received unlimited powers to wage war. Military operations in China intensified, accompanied, as usual, by atrocities against civilians. But the main thing that Japan was waiting for was the capitulation of the European powers, in particular France and Holland, to Hitler. Once this became a fact, the Japanese began to occupy Indonesia and Indochina, and then Malaya, Burma, Thailand and the Philippines. Having set their goal to create a gigantic colonial empire subservient to Japan, the Japanese declared their desire for “East Asian co-prosperity.”

After the bombing of the American base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in December 1941, Japan found itself in a state of war with the United States and England, which, despite some initial successes, eventually led the country to a protracted crisis. Although the Japanese monopolies benefited greatly by gaining uncontrolled access to the exploitation of the wealth of almost all of Southeast Asia, their position, like that of the Japanese occupation forces, was precarious. The population of the occupied countries spoke out, often with arms in hand, against the Japanese occupation forces. Maintaining troops simultaneously in many countries and waging an ongoing and increasingly obvious futile war in China required considerable resources. All this led to a deterioration in the economic balance and to an aggravation of the internal situation in Japan itself. This manifested itself with particular force at the beginning of 1944, when a certain turning point was outlined in the war in the Far East. American troops landed in one or another of the island areas and drove the Japanese out of there. Japan's relations with the USSR also changed. In April 1945, the USSR denounced the neutrality pact concluded in 1941 with Japan, and in August of the same year, shortly after the atomic bombing of Japan by the Americans, Soviet troops entered the territory of Manchuria and forced the Kwantung Army to surrender, which meant not only defeat Japan, but also the beginning of revolutionary changes in Manchuria, and then in the rest of China.

The surrender of Japan in August 1945 led to the collapse of the plans of the Japanese military, the collapse of Japan’s aggressive foreign policy, which for several decades was based on economic development and the expansion of Japanese capital, on the samurai spirit of the past. Like the samurai at the end of the last century, the militarists of the first half of the 20th century. suffered bankruptcy and were forced to leave the historical stage. Japan lost all its colonial possessions and conquered territories. The question arose about the status of post-war Japan. And here the Americans who occupied the country had their say.

The meaning of the transformations that were carried out by the Allied Council for Japan that they created boiled down to a radical restructuring of the entire structure of this country. A series of democratic reforms were implemented, including the revival of parties, the convening of parliament, and the adoption of a new constitution that left very limited rights for the emperor and cut off the possibility of a revival of Japanese militarism in the future. A show trial was held with the conviction of Japanese war criminals, not to mention a thorough purge of the state apparatus, police, etc. The education system in Japan was revised. Special measures included limiting the capabilities of the largest Japanese monopolies. Finally, the country underwent a radical agrarian reform 1948–1949, which eliminated large landownership and thereby completely undermined the economic positions of the remnants of the samurai.

This whole series of reforms and radical transformations meant another important leap for Japan from the world of yesterday into new conditions of existence that corresponded to the modern level. Combined with the skills of capitalist development developed during the post-reform period, these new measures turned out to be a powerful impulse that contributed to the rapid economic revival of Japan, defeated in the war. And not only revival, but also further development country, its vigorous prosperity. The wounds of the Second World War were healed quite quickly. Japanese capital, in new and very favorable conditions for it, when external forces (such as “young officers” filled with the militant spirit of samurai) did not influence its development, began to increase its growth rate, which laid the foundation for that very phenomenon of Japan that is so good famous these days. Paradoxical as it may seem, it was the defeat of Japan in the war, its occupation and the associated radical changes in its structure that finally opened the door for the development of this country. All barriers to such development were removed - and the result was amazing...

It is important to note one more significant circumstance. In its successful progress along the path of capitalism, Japan took full advantage of everything that democratization on the European-American model could provide for such development. However, she did not give up much of what goes back to her own fundamental traditions and which also played a positive role in her successes. This fruitful synthesis will be discussed in the next chapter. In the meantime, a few words about Korea.

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The Second World War (1939 – 1945) is the largest armed conflict of the 20th century, affecting tens of millions of lives. Japan, at that time an influential power with powerful military potential, could not remain on the sidelines. Under the influence of increased militaristic sentiments in the ruling circles in the 1930s, Japan pursued an active expansionist policy. This subsequently determined the interests of the empire in the world conflict, in which it took the side of Nazi Germany.

Prerequisites for Japan's entry into the war

After lengthy negotiations, on September 27, 1940 in Berlin, the member states of the Anti-Comintern Pact, namely Japan, Germany and Italy, signed a new treaty, called the Tripartite Pact. It stipulated the spheres of influence of each side: Germany and Italy in Europe, Japan in the territory of “Greater East Asia.” Although the agreement did not contain any specific names, it was directed largely against Great Britain and the United States. In this regard, it was the signing of the Tripartite Pact that officially determined Japan's future relations with Western countries. Already on April 13, 1941, following the example of Germany, Japan signed a neutrality agreement with the Soviet Union, obliging both parties to “maintain peaceful and friendly relations among themselves and respect the territorial integrity and inviolability of the other Contracting Party,” as well as to maintain neutrality in the event that one countries will enter into a military conflict with a third party. This agreement was to be valid for five years from the date of its conclusion.

With the outbreak of World War II, the war between the Empire of Japan and Kuomintang China, which began in 1937, was still ongoing. In this regard, the Japanese government, in an attempt to interrupt Western support for China, forced Great Britain to close supplies along the Burma-China road in July 1940. In September of the same year, Japanese troops, by agreement with the French government, entered the northern territory of Indochina, and in July 1941, the southern one, which also blocked one of the communication lines. The United States first stopped exporting only strategic raw materials to Japan, and after the occupation of all of French Indochina, they introduced an embargo on almost all goods, including oil. Britain also ended its economic relations with Japan. This significantly aggravated the situation of the latter, because without fuel and energy supplies it became impossible to maintain the navy and army for a long time.

But war was inevitable. Japan conducted lengthy negotiations with the United States, meanwhile preparing for a large-scale offensive. On November 26, 1941 they were interrupted.

Progress of hostilities

On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, a US naval base in Hawaii. Only an hour after this, US war was officially declared. 8 American battleships, 6 cruisers, 1 destroyer and 272 aircraft were damaged or destroyed. “Losses in people amounted to 3,400 people, including 2,402 killed.” This attack marked the entry of Japan and the United States into the Second World War. world war.

At the same time Japanese army began the seizure of the Philippines and British Malaya. On January 2, 1942, the Japanese entered Manila, and Singapore was captured on February 15. These victories opened the way for them to further advance to Burma and Indonesia, where successes were also not long in coming: already in the spring of that year, Japanese troops captured the entire Dutch Indies and advanced into Chinese territory through the Burmese capital Rangoon.

Japan also dominated the sea. In March 1942, an attack was made on the British naval base in Ceylon, forcing the British to relocate to east Africa. “As a result of the actions of the Japanese, the Allies were thrown back to the borders of India and Australia, and Japan received at its disposal the richest raw material resources, which allowed it to significantly strengthen its economic base.”

The next major battle was the Battle of Midway (June 4–6, 1942). Despite their significant numerical superiority, the Japanese failed to win: the Americans, who revealed the enemy military code, knew in advance about the upcoming campaign. As a result of the battle, Japan lost 4 aircraft carriers and 332 aircraft. There was a turning point on the Pacific front. Simultaneously with the Midway attack, Japan carried out a diversionary operation in the Aleutian Islands. Due to their insignificance in tactical terms, these territories were finally conquered by the Americans only in the summer of 1943.

In August 1942, fierce fighting for Guadalcanal took place in the Solomon Islands. Despite the fact that the Japanese troops did not suffer defeat as such, the command decided to leave the island, since long-term retention of these territories did not give Japan any advantages over the enemy.

In 1943, there was virtually no military action in the Pacific. Perhaps the most notable event of this period was the reconquest of the Gilbert Islands by American troops.

The outcome of the war for Japan was already a foregone conclusion. In early 1944, the Allies captured the Marshall and Caroline Islands, and by August, all of the Marianas. The Japanese also faced huge losses in the battles for the Philippines, in particular near the island of Leyte in October 1944. It was here that Japanese suicide pilots, called kamikazes, were first deployed. Military successes in this area opened the way for American troops to the shores of Japan itself. “Thus, by the end of 1944, the main forces of the Japanese army suffered huge losses, and control over strategically important territories was lost.”

By March 1945, the Americans finally conquered the Philippine Islands, capturing the main one, the island of Luzon. However, a full-fledged attack on Japanese territories began only after the capture of the island of Iwo Jima, which was located only 1200 km from Tokyo. Strong Japanese resistance extended the siege of the island to about a month. On March 26, Iwo Jima was already under the control of American troops. Active raids began on Japanese territory, as a result of which many cities were completely destroyed. On April 1, the siege of Okinawa began. It lasted until June 23, ending with the ritual suicide of the Japanese commander in chief.

On July 26, the Potsdam Declaration was published, presenting Japan with an ultimatum for its urgent surrender. The declaration was officially ignored. This is what prompted the US to use atomic bombs. The American government intended not only to speed up Japan's exit from the war, but also to demonstrate its military power to the world. The first bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. However, contrary to US expectations, this was not followed by capitulation. On August 9, another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Between these two attacks, on August 8, the USSR declared war on Japan. This was precisely the decisive factor for the latter - already on August 10, the Japanese leadership announced its readiness to accept the Potsdam Declaration. This was followed by an official imperial decree on August 14. However, the war did not end there. This happened only on September 2, 1945, with the signing of the Act of Surrender.

13. The role and place of Japan in World War II. From military victories to total defeat.

The Versailles-Washington system created many contradictions, the resolution of which resulted in the Second World War. Already in December 1934, Japan sent a note to the United States refusing to extend the Washington Treaty, as well as refusing to extend the Treaty on Limiting the Naval Arms Race. Japan becomes one of the countries of the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis (Treaty of September 27, 1940, Tripartite Pact on a political and military-economic alliance for 20 years). Intensifies activities in China. (Incident at the Marco Polo Bridge.) War with China from 37 to 45 38-39. – conflicts with the USSR (Lake Khasan, Khalkingol River, defeat of Japan, agreement to cease hostilities). 40 – puppet government in China. 41, April 13 – neutrality pact between the USSR and Japan.

At the beginning of the war, Japan was able to resolve some of its issues (about access to new resources). But it experienced pressure from the international community. Due to US influence, Shandong was torn away from Japan. Japan understood that the international community would turn a blind eye to the development of the situation in China. I tried to take everything I could take while there was time.

On June 22, 1941, the Great War began Patriotic War. For Japan - a new policy towards the USSR. The calculation is that with a threat from the West, the USSR will be forced to expose the Far East, which Japan will take advantage of.

Relations between Japan and the United States became tense, which led to the outbreak of war. The Japanese attacked an American base in Hawaii Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 . The decision to attack was made on December 1, when a plan for waging war for the next 4-5 months was developed. The air raid was successful for Japan; the entire American fleet was damaged. On December 8, the United States declared war. They were joined by Great Britain, Holland, Canada, New Zealand And Latin America. December 9 – China (formally, although the war had been going on for 4 years). December 11 - Germany and Italy declared war on the United States, a new military pact of powers, additional. Wage the war against the United States together until the end. Even after the end of the war, cooperate in this spirit.

Changes are also taking place within Japan.

Konoe's cabinet resigns in '41. General Tojo becomes prime minister. Supporter of active action, but Japan's overall work has not yet changed. But Japanese-Chinese contradictions worsened when the Japanese captured southern Indochina in the summer of 41. Negotiations continued. The Japanese handed over to the United States a draft on rights in China. The US demanded the withdrawal of troops. That is, the requirements are directly opposite. In response, the United States received a lengthy memorandum on December 7, which denied the possibility of reaching an agreement with the United States, and an hour before that, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

A military conflict began.

Hostilities between Japan and the United States fit into the plan of the Tanaka memorandum. The capture of Manchuria and Northern China is also according to plan. The Japanese are counting on overcoming America one on one, without the support of the US allies.

The Japanese were counting on lightning strike, fully understanding the power of their opponents. Capture the countries of the South Seas, create bases there while the United States is rebuilding its strength after Pearl Harbor. Simultaneously attack the US and UK bases and seize the initiative into your own hands. Advance into the Dutch Indies. All in 4-5 months. (Fleet - in 6-7 months.)

Japan did not have its own resources, although it launched enormous activities in China. Importance of Marine communications, problems of the fleet. The Japanese tried to ensure this security of communications. At the start of the war, Japan and the United States were on equal terms. The task is to solve strategic problems before America begins to build up its fleet, when its allies can join it. The Japanese were well aware that they were taking a risk.

Thus, the 1st stage (from 41 to 42, from Pearl Harbor to the defeat of the Japanese at Midway Island) of the war in the Pacific Ocean was marked by major successes for Japan. The base was destroyed, Japan captured territories 10 times larger than the territory of the power itself (4.2 sq. million km). The reasons for success are the surprise of the attack, good information security, an excellent army with experience in military operations, and internal readiness for war. Back in 1938, there was a law on general mobilization.

The success of Japanese diplomacy was the military agreement signed by the Triple Alliance on January 18, 1942. It was supposed to ensure cooperation between the powers and was of a strategic tactical nature and provided for the division of zones of operations between the parties to the agreement. Japan - waters of 70 degrees East longitude, America, Australia, Zealand, the Asian part of the USSR. West of 70 degrees – Germany and Italy took over. Japan pledged to destroy American and British forces in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Specific plans for joint military actions are visible. Building connections across the Indian Ocean.

Japan did not achieve any particular success, but successfully continued the policy of creating puppet governments.

The military advantage that Japan gained at the 1st stage was spent within six months. A unified allied command was created, headed by General MacArthur. By the summer of 1942, the United States had concentrated significant forces in the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese hoped for Germany's success. The Kwantung Army - the ground forces of Japan - were concentrated against the USSR in the Far East. It was a reserve that could not be used against America. The Japanese did not want to pull the group away from the borders of the USSR. The USSR crushed it in 1 month. Thus, Soviet Union had a huge impact on the war in the Pacific.

February-March 42 in Japan they discussed the military situation. Japan's Togolese Foreign Ministry expressed concerns. Everyone understood the danger. But military leaders set the course for a protracted war. This was a fatal decision for Japan.

Mid-42 - the pace of military operations changed. May 42. – the Japanese fleet received the first noticeable click on the nose O. Midway, first defeat.

The beginning of the 2nd stage of the war. Economic difficulties. There was not enough transport - the inability to use captured resources. Labor shortage. Hence the dissatisfaction with the work of the Cabinet of Ministers. But to the defeat of Fr. Midway was taken lightly. Tani, a personal friend of Prime Minister Tojo, became the Foreign Ministry instead of Togo.

The turning point was 43. It was then that the German troops were defeated at Stalingrad. For Japan - a complete collapse of plans to invade the Far East of the USSR. The basis for the activation of Anglo-American forces. In the spring and summer of 1943 - successful US battles in New Guinea, near the islands. A number of Japanese measures, including the promotion of mutual prosperity (“friendship of Asian peoples”, etc.). The Japanese tried to play on the resistance of the people of the Far East to colonial pressure. They tried to present themselves as liberators. They installed a puppet government.

November 43 – Cairo Conference (USA, UK, China). December 1 – Cairo Declaration. The goals of the war against Japan are to deprive Japan of the territories it occupied and return its territories to China.

As a result of the victories of the Red Army, the situation developed in favor of the allies. Japan continued its military operations, so special meaning China and Korea purchased it for it. The new course towards China is a priority for the puppet government to establish ties with the Kuomintang government. The Japanese have prepared Declaration of Greater East Asia: liberation of Asia from all aggression and exploitation and returning it to the Asians. Commitment to cooperate in the war until its successful conclusion. Construction of Greater East Asia. Attempts to frame aggressiveness as legal actions in order to involve Asian peoples in the war on their side. But they could not contain the national liberation movement.

Diplomatic maneuvers to strengthen the position of the Axis. An attempt to obtain the consent of the USSR for a special mission from Tokyo to come to Moscow to mediate peace negotiations between the USSR and Germany. The USSR refused.

Tehran Conference November 27-30, 1943 England, USA, USSR. Stalin declared that the USSR would declare war on Japan after the defeat of Germany. The fate of the Kwantung Army was decided.

A radical turn in the war in the Pacific. The third period of the war begins with the Battle of Stalingrad. The Japanese cannot base their calculations on the successes of the German troops. The need to go on the defensive. The initiative passes to the allies.

The Japanese are trying to solve the Chinese problem, where so far the Japanese are doing well. A strong offensive to the South, a continuous front from Indochina to Northern China. Losses on the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The Americans also developed an offensive in 1944. Successful operations to seize islands in the Pacific Ocean. Take possession of Fr. Saipan, from there they reach Japan. Japan's position is precarious.

Japan is seeking to end the war between the USSR and Germany. April 44 - unsuccessfully trying to come to Moscow. Premier Koiso began to test the waters regarding England through neutral Sweden. An attempt to improve relations with the government of Chiang Kai-shek. The offensive in China stopped - there was simply no strength.

Raids on Japan became more frequent. The Philippines and Burma are liberated.

1 April 45. - American landing. Koiso resigned. Denunciation of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact. The Togo Foreign Ministry assessed the situation realistically. Carries out a number of measures: to achieve a favorable attitude of the USSR towards Japan, peace with England and the USA.

When we talk about World War II, we most often think of the European theater of war. Meanwhile, in the vastness of Asia and the Pacific Ocean, where the Japanese were allies of the Germans, battles unfolded that also had a significant impact on the outcome of the war and the further fate of the Asian peoples.

Lightning Strike

Military operations in Asia began for the Japanese several years before they entered Poland. Taking advantage of the weakness of China, where there was a struggle for power between several military factions, Japan already in 1932 successfully captured Manchuria, creating a semblance of an independent state there. 5 years later, the descendants of the samurai began a war to capture all of China. Therefore, the main events of the Second World War in 1939-1940 took place only in Europe, and not in the Asian expanses. The Japanese government was in no hurry to disperse its forces until the leading colonial powers capitulated. When France and Holland found themselves under German occupation, preparations for war began.

Country rising sun had very limited resources. Therefore, the main emphasis was on the rapid seizure of territories and their colonization. It can be said that Japan used tactics similar to the German blitzkrieg in World War II. After the surrender of the French and Dutch, the most serious opponents in this region remained the USSR and the USA. After June 22, 1941, the Soviet Union had no time for Japan, so the main blow had to be delivered to the American fleet. On December 7, this was done - in the attack on Pearl Harbor, almost all American aircraft and ships in the Pacific Ocean were destroyed.

This event came as a complete surprise to the Americans and their allies. No one believed that Japan, busy with the war in China, would attack any other territory. Meanwhile, hostilities developed more and more rapidly. Hong Kong and Indochina quickly fell under Japanese occupation; in January 1942, British troops were driven out of Malaysia and Singapore, and by May the Philippines and Indonesia were in Japanese hands. Thus, a huge territory with an area of ​​10 million square kilometers came under the rule of the descendants of the samurai.

Japan's early successes in World War II were aided by well-thought-out propaganda. it was suggested that the Japanese had come to liberate them from white imperialism and build a prosperous society together. Therefore, the occupiers were initially supported by the local population. Similar sentiments existed in countries that had not yet been captured - for example, in India, to which the Japanese prime minister promised independence. It was only later, having seen that “our own” aliens at first glance were no better than Europeans, local residents began an active insurgency.

From victories to defeats

But the Japanese blitzkrieg collapsed with the same crash as the Barbarossa plan. By mid-1942, the Americans and British had come to their senses and launched an offensive. Japan, with its limited resources, could not win this battle. In June 1942, the Americans inflicted a crushing defeat on the enemy at Midway Atoll, not far from the famous Pearl Harbor. Four Japanese aircraft carriers and the best Japanese pilots went to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. In February 1943, after bloody battles that lasted several months, the Americans occupied Guadalcanal.

Over the course of six months, the United States, taking advantage of the lull at the front, increased the number of aircraft carriers many times over and launched a new offensive. The Japanese abandoned the Pacific archipelagos one after another under the onslaught of an enemy who outnumbered them in weapons and numbers.

At the same time, it is worth saying that these victories were not easy for the Americans. The battles that Japan lost in World War II brought many losses to the enemy. The soldiers and officers of the imperial army, in accordance with samurai traditions, were in no hurry to surrender and fought to the last. The Japanese command actively used this resilience, a striking example of which are the famous kamikazes. Even the besieged units blocked on the islands held out to the last. As a result, by the time of surrender, many soldiers and officers of the Japanese army simply died of starvation.

But neither heroism nor selflessness helped the Land of the Rising Sun survive. In August 1945, after the atomic bomb, the government decided to capitulate. So Japan was defeated in World War II.

The country was quickly occupied by American troops. War criminals were executed, parliamentary elections were held, and a new constitution was adopted. The agrarian reform carried out forever eliminated the samurai class, which already existed more in tradition. The Americans did not dare to abolish the monarchy, fearing a social explosion. But the consequences of World War II for other Asian countries were such that they forever changed the political map of this region. The peoples who fought the Japanese no longer wanted to tolerate the colonial authorities and entered into a fierce struggle for their independence.

On April 13, 1941, two and a half months before the unexpected attack of the allied Germany on the USSR, a Soviet-Japanese non-aggression treaty, the Neutrality Pact, was signed in Moscow. However, during the Second World War, Japan still hatched the idea of ​​attacking the USSR.

Peace treaty

After the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939, the USSR divided spheres of influence in Europe with Nazi Germany, and on September 1, 1939, Germany began a war with Poland.

This time is traditionally considered the beginning of World War II. On August 31, the day before the attack of German and Slovak troops in Poland, Germany reported that the radio station in Gleiwitz had been captured by the Poles, which means that the act of retaliatory aggression is not a start of war, but a defense.

The Polish attack was fabricated. Saying that the Poles attacked first and there was no war, Adolf Hitler was afraid of Poland’s allies – France and England – entering the war. However, he failed to avoid declaring war.

At this time, the USSR is a de facto ally of Germany in World War II. And Japan and the United States already declared neutrality on September 5. However, we should not forget that in 1936 the Anti-Comintern Pact was concluded by Germany and Japan.

In 1940, Hitler reports: “The hope of England is Russia and America. If hope for Russia disappears, America will also disappear, because the fall of Russia will unpleasantly increase the importance of Japan in East Asia, Russia is the East Asian sword of England and America against Japan.”

According to the German plans, Japan was inevitably going to become involved in a confrontation with the USSR. However, this did not happen. Rather, the opposite happened. On April 13, 1941, two and a half months before the unexpected attack of the allied Germany on the USSR, a Soviet-Japanese non-aggression treaty, the Neutrality Pact, was signed in Moscow. Thus, the USSR secured diplomatic neutrality in both the West and the East, having managed to take advantage of the starting advantage and capture eastern Poland.

Undeclared war

It was no coincidence that the neutrality pact with Japan was signed. The reason for his imprisonment, in addition to the rapidly unfolding events of World War II, was the so-called battles at Khalkhin Gol, a local conflict that took place on the territory of modern Mongolia in 1939.

At that time, Japan captured the northeast of China, Manchuria, and founded the completely controlled state of Manchukuo there. It bordered on the south with Japan and China, and on the north with the territory of the USSR.

In 1939, war sentiments intensified among the Japanese, and the government scattered slogans about expanding the empire to Lake Baikal. However, in an almost secret war, Japan was defeated. The USSR, in no hurry to declare a full-scale war (allegedly only isolated battles were fought), took advantage of the convenient moment of Japan’s weakness and concluded a neutrality pact with it for five years.

The non-aggression treaty included a special clause dedicated to maintaining neutrality in the event of a German attack on Russia.
Since the pact was perceived by other countries as tacit support for Japan by the Soviet Union, neither Germany nor the countries of Hitler's coalition were inspired by the new alliance.

Germany had previously hoped for Japanese support in the war with the USSR, but now this was impossible. The USA and England, in turn, believed that Japan, with the support of the USSR, would be able to strengthen its influence in southern Asia. In addition, the United States feared for the security of its country.

In retaliation for the peace treaty, the United States imposed trade sanctions against the Soviet Union. Also, the USSR noticeably cooled towards supporting China, whose northern territories were occupied by Japan.

The world of the USSR and Japan against the backdrop of World War II

Despite the fact that the pact seemed to be a very successful solution for the USSR and was a real defeat for American diplomats, it also brought certain difficulties for the Union.

Relations with China and the United States were spoiled, and the compensation that the USSR demanded for this (South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands) was not given by Japan. For Japan, in turn, this pact played a big role. In the war with the USA and England, Japan also did not fight with the USSR: a million-strong Red Army in the Far East would have made this war, if not impossible, then much less successful.

However, it would be naive to assume that peace treaties were concluded and honestly implemented. Japan was waiting for an opportunity to stab its ally in the back.

Immediately after Germany's surprise attack on the USSR, Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka tried to convince the emperor of the need to go to war with the Union.

However, such a policy was considered inappropriate, and a document was issued recognizing the possibility of an attack on the USSR at a more convenient moment:

“We will secretly strengthen our military preparations against the Soviet Union, maintaining an independent position. If the German-Soviet war develops in a direction favorable to the empire, we will resolve the northern problem by resorting to armed force.”

Germany was winning more and more victories, and Japan, meanwhile, was preparing troops against Russia. The fighting was supposed to begin on August 29, 1941, a million-strong army was prepared, but by that time the German offensive was no longer so successful, and the Red Army began to regain lost positions.

The Japanese, fearing a protracted guerrilla warfare in the vast expanses of the USSR, they got scared and retreated. The war was supposed to start only if half of the Soviet troops were withdrawn from the territories of Siberia and Far East. Despite the fact that the USSR constantly transferred the army to western front, the size of the army did not decrease: recruits from the local population constantly replenished the ranks of soldiers.

Japan was afraid to attack the USSR, remembering its recent defeats. Moscow did not fall, and Japan decided to fight with the USA and England, taking advantage of the neutrality of Russia, which was already busy with the war in the west.

Japan deftly maneuvered between two fires: “It is planned to quickly carry out an offensive in important areas in the south and at the same time resolve the Chinese incident; at this time, do not allow war with Russia.” The Kantokuen attack plan on the USSR was postponed from 1941 to 1942, and then was completely canceled.

Termination of the settlement agreement

While Japan was thinking about the opportune moment to attack the Soviet Union, he himself attacked it. By persuading Stalin at the Yalta Conference to attack Japan in exchange for Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, the allies from the anti-Hitler coalition ensured the defeat of Japan.

Russia denounced the pact on April 5, 1945 due to the fact that Japan was at war with the allies of the USSR. And on August 9, the USSR began a war with Japan, and inflicted a devastating defeat on its army: the Red Army suffered eight times fewer losses than the famous Kwantung Army, having a numerical superiority and technical advantages. This event remained largely underestimated due to the US nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, it was the Soviet troops who managed to break the Japanese army and save thousands of lives. So the Soviet hammer and sickle defeated the samurai katanas.