Why do you dream about driving? Seeing an old car in a dream ▼

Many people want to learn how to drive a car. Sometimes such a desire leads to the fact that one has to regularly observe one’s cherished dream in a dream. But does such night vision always mean a desire to get behind the wheel? What is it about? in this case can a dream book tell us? Driving a car in a dream means taking the situation into your own hands, but you should take into account the situation that surrounded the dreamer in his night vision. However, more details about everything in our article.

See a car, sit in it

If you see a car in your dream, it means that you will soon start a new business. This same night vision is interpreted differently. A car seen in a dream means a fast road.

Are you watching how the purchase of a brand new car is processed? This suggests that your current situation will improve. For a young girl, this means an imminent marriage.

If you watch yourself sitting inside a stolen car, this indicates that losses and failures will occur in your life. The dream book in this case warns you of danger.

If you just sit in the car and look around the cabin, then this can only mean success and prosperity in business.

Have you found yourself driving a broken car? This suggests that all your plans and goals will not be realized.

Learn to drive in a dream

What can the dream book tell us about this dream? Driving with an instructor means learning something new in life. The person sitting next to you represents help from relatives and friends.

If you yourself learn to drive a car, then this means your desire to change your life. Whether you succeed or not will be shown by the little things surrounding you in your dreams. If the car is beautiful, new, and the interior is comfortable, then expect success. Is the car old and falling apart? You will face bad luck and failures in business.

You are learning to drive a car, in this case he advises you to master a profession. You should also pay attention to how you do it. If everything happens in one breath, you are guaranteed success.

If the dreamer is driving without ever doing this, then how will the dream book interpret this dream? Driving a car if you don’t know how to do it means that the dreamer will have to master a task that he has never had to deal with in life.

If he is like this, then in a relationship with a girl he will try to achieve his goals as quickly as possible.

Drive a car

What can the dream book tell us about this dream? Driving a car means success at work. All your projects will be implemented. Moreover, they will bring good income.

In a dream, are you driving a white car? Expect good news and surprises. If the car is red, then love and passion await you in the near future.

Are you driving an expensive car? This means that you will soon receive a large sum of money. Perhaps a lottery or inheritance. Or maybe you yourself will achieve success in the material sphere?

If you are driving big car, then how will the dream book interpret this dream? Driving a huge car means that you are inattentive to loved ones and friends.

Driving in a dream also indicates that you are not sitting still. Your constant desire to achieve something in life gives positive results. The main thing in this case is to pay attention to your condition while driving. If you felt comfortable and the road was smooth, then everything will be fine. If you were afraid while driving, then you lack experience and determination.

If, while driving, another person suddenly appears in your place, this indicates that strangers are controlling your life.

Drive a car without a license. How does the dream book interpret this dream?

“I drive a car without a license in a dream, how can I explain this?” - you ask. If you are driving a car without obtaining a license, then a business that is doomed to failure will start working with renewed vigor and bring a lot of dividends.

This dream can also be interpreted as your desire to learn something new. If you felt fear in a dream, then in reality you will also be afraid.

If in night vision you are driving someone else’s car without a license, then in reality you will be in trouble.

Driving actions

If in your vision you are driving a car while drunk, then what can the dream book tell you about this? Driving a car drunk in a dream means that you will soon commit an act that is unusual for you. In this case, you will want to prove that you can also make good money. The dream book recommends not to do this, otherwise the fate of your relatives is at stake.

If you are driving public transport, then you will have to get a job that will not give you pleasure.

If the car suddenly started to back up, what does driving the car like this tell you about it? This means that in reality you are moving backwards. You should think about what is stopping you from striving forward.

What if the car turned the wrong way? This means that you will lose control over the current situation.

If, while sitting behind the wheel, you were racing at great speed, it means that the events around you are unfolding so quickly that you do not have time to control everything.

Are you giving way to another driver? This means you are giving up your positions.

If, while driving, you are lost in the cabin, then in life you also cannot find your place.


Are you driving in a car and there is fog around? You should set goals for yourself and persistently pursue them.

Have you encountered any obstacles or obstacles on your way? This means that serious problems will occur in life.

Has there been an accident? This means that the planned entertainment will not bring you the expected pleasure. The dream book advises staying at home.

Has your car suddenly gotten stuck in the mud? Don't expect easy achievements on your path in life. Prepare for obstacles and challenges.

If in a dream you hit a person, then in reality you will hurt your loved one.

Do you carry passengers in the cabin? This means you are letting strangers into your life.

Happy dreaming!

Did you happen to drive a car in a dream? This is a sign of increased activity, luck, the ability to realize your plans, a real road. A wise dream book will tell you exactly what an interesting vision is about.

According to Miller

Did you dream about how lucky you were to buy and drive a car? In reality, you will be able to restore the lost positions, the previous position. But selling a car in a dream always means bad changes.

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to drive a car? The dream book recommends expanding the horizons of activity and perception. But if you manage to drive through the mud, you will find yourself in bad company and create unnecessary problems.

You can find yourself driving in a dream successful implementation conceived, fame. But seeing yourself as a real ace behind the wheel means that you are too ambitious and self-confident.

Did you drive too fast during your nighttime adventure? The interpretation of the dream is the opposite - in reality there will be a delay. If you were a passenger, you will have to submit to circumstances.

Trouble or happiness?

Did you dream that you had to drive a car with a man you didn’t know? In reality you will start a friendship, an affair with a very interesting person. If the man was familiar, then the dream book prophesies a joint project, a romantic relationship, and even marriage.

In a dream, did you happen to travel with your husband? Vision reflects family relationships at the moment. Why dream of a trip with a person who is already deceased? Either old affairs, relationships, problems will return, or you will get into big trouble.

Are you ready?

Why do you dream of driving someone else's car? In reality, you will have to participate in projects started by other people. Did you dream about driving someone else's foreign car? The dream book promises: soon your merits or ideas will be appreciated.

But if in a dream you managed to get into an accident in someone else’s car, then the planned events will develop in a completely unpredictable direction. You can see and even drive different cars before worries, worries, and participation in several enterprises at once.

Hold on!

Did you dream of a trip on a large loaded truck? In real life there will be a decent profit. At the same time, you can see yourself in a dream on a truck before serious life trials.

Why else do you dream about driving a big car? The dream book believes that the plot reflects the general workload or problems at home, and also hints at difficult relationships at home or at work.

Everything is under control!

In your dream, were you lucky enough to ride in an expensive car? The vision demonstrates self-confidence, complete control of the situation and favorable circumstances.

You can see yourself in an expensive foreign car before great luck, the fulfillment of desires, or a career takeoff. Did you dream about riding in a nice car? The dream book predicts a stage of prosperity and stability.

But if you had to drive an expensive car that you clearly cannot afford, then expect serious losses and damages. The worst thing is to end up in the night on old broken equipment. This is an omen of a difficult period.

Are you sure?

Why do you dream of riding a red car? In real life, do something crazy and find your happiness. A ride in a red foreign car also symbolizes high-speed events with unpredictable results and a lot of emotions.

If you dreamed of driving a white car, then the dream book guarantees: positive changes and joy are coming. In a dream, driving a white vehicle means that you are confident in your beliefs, honest and noble.

Other interpretations

Did you dream that you were lucky to drive a car of a different color? The Dream Interpretation provides the most current decryptions.

  • On black - depression, danger, aggression.
  • Blue – fun, embodiment of plans.
  • Green – financial success, profit.
  • Yellow – envy, misunderstanding.
  • Brown - family troubles.
  • Gray – disappointment, boredom, routine.
  • Silver - dreams, fantasies, plans.

If you happen to drive a car unusually bright color, then the dream book interprets the plot as luck, excessive emotionality, dark – experiences, obstacles, failures.

This dream means advancement in life, a new business, a road and a change in social status. The dream book writes a lot about why you dream of driving various cars, both those that really belong to you and imaginary ones.

A very interesting dream is if you are driving someone else’s car, for example, someone you know. Pay attention to whether you were traveling alone or with fellow travelers. This is what it means to drive a car and be behind the wheel in a dream.

New, old, real and imagined

Usually a car in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's self-perception. How he sees himself or dreams of seeing himself. If in reality you are just planning to buy a car or are dreaming about one, then driving some model of car and being behind the wheel is an indicator of the dreamer’s business activity, his determination and desired place in society.

The high cost of the model, its novelty and condition can mean your desired place in society, your aspirations and desires. The steeper it is, the greater your faith in yourself and your ability to achieve success and material well-being. Driving it in a dream is much better than simply inspecting it, receiving it as a gift or buying it. This means that life will give you a chance to evaluate your capabilities. Especially if it is quite easy to control it in a dream.

Seeing yourself driving a beautiful and expensive car, seen in a movie or the news, on the Avenue of Stars - means that you want to dream or try on this role. Usually such a dream shows your dreams, experiences and a fantasy world that you will try to realize in your sleep, and possibly in reality. According to the dream book, driving such a car means trying on a new one. social role, life choice or dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s own life circumstances.

Often, before choosing a profession, life path or a life partner, a person sees himself driving a beautiful, luxury car. But in reality, such a dream rarely promises good changes. To suddenly see yourself driving in such a car is a sign of an unusual set of circumstances, work, or a change in status. Sometimes the dream book predicts you an unusual role in which you will very soon find yourself. It's much better to see yourself driving new car nice color, but not much more expensive than your real status. Such a dream means that very soon you will be able to receive a real reward for your work or a good game.

Driving your real car in a dream means unusual incidents. Such a dream can reveal a forecast for the near future, since trips are usually rarely monotonous and calm. Usually in such a dream a person not only drives a car, but also carries someone. Such a dream means your leadership in a group or family, managing the process and material resources.

Driving and driving your car with colleagues in a dream means responsibility not only for yourself, but also the result of a joint project. You may even be informal leader this group. Taking friends to the country or just driving around the city means leadership in an informal group and entertainment. You can not only organize your comrades, but also offer them something interesting. It is usual to carry any fellow travelers in your car - to show leadership qualities and manage various processes in life, bear responsibility for others.

Mine old car see and control it - something or someone from the past will soon remind you of itself. There may be nostalgia for a long-past period of time or a meeting with an old friend or acquaintance. Sometimes such a dream shows the return of an old business into your life that you did not complete, a lover or a situation.

Why dream of driving a new car that you have never seen before and is not similar to the one shown on TV or in advertising? Pay attention to its color and character. Its appearance predicts changes in your life. business sphere or personal life, new job or love, a wealthy husband or life partner. A red car means leadership, the desire to be visible, or some kind of scandal in which you will be involved. This is the color of success and fire.

A pink, peach, lilac or crimson car predicts a romantic relationship or a job in which there are many women and the main emphasis is on beauty. An expensive car of neutral silver, dark cherry, blue, emerald or gold color predicts an improvement in your financial situation, a prestigious job or acquaintance, as does a stylish black car with varnish coating. But driving a car in a classic beige, sand, orange or lemon shade does not foretell better times, poverty, debt, modest existence.

Transporting people in an old, dilapidated car, in which parts are constantly falling off or it creaks and moves with difficulty, is a sign of trouble. The business you are involved in, or a group of people, will require significant effort. Most likely, one thing or another will not work out. Such a dream often predicts failure in some business or activity, difficulties and obstacles.

Pay attention to who is driving the car in the dream. This person will manage the situation both at work and in personal relationships. This could be a parent, your spouse or lover, a brother or sister. In some cases, a person sees his boss driving in a dream.

Such a dream speaks about the fate of your enterprise or project. Riding in a car with your husband or lover and driving the car means you will be in control of the situation or relationship. If a man does this, then he is the owner. And in the case when a father or mother is driving his car, the lack of independence of a person as an individual is visible, his dependence on other people’s opinions. Pay attention to what will happen to the car during the trip in your dream.

Incidents with your car

Such a dream means that events will happen to you personally and will relate to your business or personal life.

Pay attention to whether it is like this in reality or not, new or old, real or imaginary.

According to the dream book, driving your own car, the same as in reality, is interpreted as the movement of life, which in reality will be the same as in a dream. Obstacles, potholes, various troubles on the road, traffic cops, turns, changes in terrain or landscape predict life events for you. What they will be like in a dream, the same will happen in real life.

If the road is smooth and the landscape is pleasant in a dream, then the dream book writes that you will not have dizzying events or anything unusual in your life. Driving uphill along a serpentine road on your own is a sign of surprises. The same thing means a sharp turn on the road. However, driving in circles is a bad sign. It means an insoluble problem, a situation that does not move and a return to the same point. Try to get out of the circle in your dream in order to move on.

Go to new road– to changes in material and social status and life plans and prospects. Especially if it appears around beautiful view and wide view. Driving along a winding and dangerous road means good luck in a risky business or difficult life circumstances.

Driving off the road or getting into an accident is a very bad sign. He promises you not only disasters, but also tears, collapse of plans and hopes and troubles.

Pay attention to who else was in your car. Such a dream can predict the ruin of a business, a quarrel with friends, or leaving the family.

What happens if I dream about driving a car? The most full interpretation sleep from the astrologers of the site "Starry Dream Book".

Our subconscious always knows what awaits us in the future, and communication through dreams is the easiest way to warn a person about upcoming changes in his life. Driving in a car is a very symbolic dream, and it should be interpreted from the point of view that the car is a person, and the road is his life. If you dreamed that you were driving a car, it means that you manage your life well, and no one will stop you from achieving your own goals. Logically, driving someone else’s car in a dream means that your life guidelines have been knocked down, most likely you are living someone else’s life and have chosen the wrong path for yourself.

Very often, while driving in a dream, a person gets into some kind of trouble. To correctly interpret such dreams, you need to remember how he got out of the situation, how he solved the problem. One should expect difficulties in life, and if in a dream he coped with them, then in reality there will be no problems. It’s amazing how often girls dream about driving in a dream, but in reality they don’t even know how to drive. How the subconscious promptly prompts you that you cannot leave the intended path. If a girl feels fear when she is driving a car and does not know how to drive, then in reality she should more carefully analyze the type of her activity. This subconscious gives a signal that you should stop minding your own business.

What does it mean to dream I'm driving a car?

It happens that falling asleep while driving a car is accompanied by difficulties when turning on the ignition. The car does not start in a dream, this is not just like that, but a very important sign. This means that the one who had this dream is used to living a quiet life, and has long come to terms with the lack of adventure in his life.

Most often, a person who had a dream about a car says this: I’m driving a car and everything works out great, as if in a movie, all the obstacles work themselves out, I’m a dexterous and confident driver. This is a very common dream, so everyone who has had it will immediately recognize the inherent features of such a dream. Good and good sign, if you dreamed about something like this. You are on the right path, all your thoughts and actions are in harmony, you are not harming anyone.

However, there are also unpleasant dreams, associated with hitting someone in a dream while driving a car. This bad sign, which may portend some negative changes in life, but risks can be minimized if you are careful in reality, do not drive too fast, and do not get distracted.

Vanga's dream book - driving a car

Vanga interpreted dreams in which the dreamer is driving, depending on the color vehicle. If you dreamed that you were driving a white car, then this is good. This means there are positive and kind people in your environment. It's great if your car was beige or yellow, it means that in life, career and family life stability awaits you. Stress in the future foreshadows a dream in which you drive a red car. The same can be said if in a dream you saw yourself driving a big car. This promises trouble, and quite big ones. If big car the car you were driving in a dream was red or orange color, then you can avoid stress and troubles. When a man drives a green car, it means that he needs peace and rest; most likely, he is too “burned out” at work. On the contrary, dreaming of a blue or dark blue car that you are driving means that you will not be at peace.

Modern dream book: why dream of driving a car?

When you dreamed that you were driving on a flat road in a dream, it means that in life everything is smooth and smooth. Driving on bumpy surfaces is a bad omen. If you are driving and feel every bump, then this is a sign of future negative events.

Pay attention to other symbols in your dreams. If you dreamed that you were driving very fast, then the omen will happen right there, the next day after the dream. Driving slowly in a dream - don’t waste time on interpretations, don’t get upset in vain, you can change the course of events in life.

Driving and feeling the headwind - in reality you will be able to get rid of annoying problems, and they will leave you unnoticed, without any effort on your part.

I dreamed that I was driving a car, and there were passengers sitting in it. This means in reality, expect difficulties that will be solved only with the help of relatives and friends.

If you're driving up a mountain, expect a promotion. career growth, success in business. If the car you are driving is a beautiful, expensive, racing model, then success in love awaits you, and perhaps you will soon meet your soul mate.

Are you driving a car in a dream, see someone voting on the road, stop and take a hitchhiker? Such a dream can be interpreted as a sign of new acquaintances. However, if a fellow traveler threatens or says unflattering words, then in reality someone is preventing you from expressing yourself, you should think about independence and deprive the person of power over you.

Are you racing in oncoming traffic while driving a car and are not at all afraid? You are taking a risk, but in this dream risk is a noble cause. A huge one awaits you financial profit or a promotion at work. But if you suddenly lose control, let go of the steering wheel - get ready for very big difficulties.

Driving in a dream: video dream book

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Why do you dream of being behind the wheel of a car? The dream book often calls such a plot a favorable omen: changes for the better are coming, success in business, love, new prospects will open up. But such a vision in a dream can promise negative events and unreliable circumstances.

Changes are coming, but friends will help

Why dream of being behind the wheel of a car? Changes for the better will happen very soon. There will be an opportunity to prove yourself and you need to make the most of this chance.

It is especially good to be the driver of a car in a dream if there are passengers sitting there. This means: friends will help when solving difficulties that arise.

Did you dream of being behind the wheel of a car? The dream book states: in reality the sleeper has excellent control over his life, and this ensures success.

Nuances of relationships

Driving a new beautiful car in a dream means success in love. Picking up a passenger at the same time means a new successful acquaintance awaits.

Why do you dream of driving a car? The dream book suggests: this is a symbol of managing people in reality, and the success of his real actions depends on how skillfully the sleeper did this in the dream.

Are you confident in yourself?

Did you dream of driving a great racing car? Very soon your personal life will change for the better.

Driving in a dream like a movie hero, successfully and deftly avoiding all obstacles, feeling like a confident driver, means: in reality you are moving along the right path, you are not causing harm to others, your thoughts and emotions are harmonious.

For a woman to sit behind the wheel of a car and drive it - according to the dream book, the vision reflects her confidence when dealing with fans.

Be careful: you may let people down

Sitting in the driver's seat and racing without giving way to anyone means the dreamer is overly self-confident, and this can cause a lot of harm.

If you dreamed that you couldn’t handle the controls, you would let down the people who were counting on you. Remember how the dream ended.

Promotion, benefit

Why dream of driving a car yourself? The dream book suggests: there are new prospects ahead, advancement in life, perhaps a change in status.

Driving uphill in a dream means: all business will be successful, will bring profit or successful connections, new prospects.

What road did you dream about?

According to the dream book, for the correct interpretation of a dream, it is important to remember what road you were driving on and what speed you were developing:

  • good, smooth - there are many positive, bright moments ahead;
  • bumpy - negative, even shocking events lie ahead;
  • wet, slippery - the outcome of affairs cannot be planned;
  • driving fast - rapid development of events;
  • movement in a dream is not too fast - you can change the situation in your favor.

Miller's Dream Book: Possible illnesses and losses

Why dream of seeing yourself driving a car? The dream warns of upcoming losses, and sometimes of illness.

Business activity, social activities

Seeing yourself driving an expensive vehicle: an indicator of the dreamer’s business activity, his desire to take a certain place in society.

Finding yourself as a bus driver in a dream means it’s time to reconsider your frivolous behavior, since very soon you may seriously suffer from it.

The dream book indicates: if the sleeping person was driving a bus, full of people- this means that he will become the leader of a group of like-minded people.

Did you dream that the bus driver trusted you to drive it? In reality you will have to engage in some kind of social activity. It will take a lot of energy, but those around you will take it for granted.

This dream means advancement in life, a new business, a road and a change in social status. The dream book writes a lot about why you dream of driving various cars, both those that really belong to you and imaginary ones.

A very interesting dream is if you are driving someone else’s car, for example, someone you know. Pay attention to whether you were traveling alone or with fellow travelers. This is what it means to drive a car and be behind the wheel in a dream.

New, old, real and imagined

Usually a car in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's self-perception. How he sees himself or dreams of seeing himself. If in reality you are just planning to buy a car or are dreaming about one, then driving some model of car and being behind the wheel is an indicator of the dreamer’s business activity, his determination and desired place in society.

The high cost of the model, its novelty and condition can mean your desired place in society, your aspirations and desires. The steeper it is, the greater your faith in yourself and your ability to achieve success and material well-being. Driving it in a dream is much better than simply inspecting it, receiving it as a gift or buying it. This means that life will give you a chance to evaluate your capabilities. Especially if it is quite easy to control it in a dream.

Seeing yourself driving a beautiful and expensive car, seen in a movie or the news, on the Avenue of Stars - means that you want to dream or try on this role. Usually such a dream shows your dreams, experiences and a fantasy world that you will try to realize in your sleep, and possibly in reality. According to the dream book, driving such a car means trying on a new social role, life choice, or dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s own life circumstances.

Often, before choosing a profession, life path or life partner, a person sees himself driving a beautiful, luxury car. But in reality, such a dream rarely promises good changes. To suddenly see yourself driving in such a car is a sign of an unusual set of circumstances, work, or a change in status. Sometimes the dream book predicts you an unusual role in which you will very soon find yourself. It’s much better to see yourself driving a new car in a nice color, but not much more expensive than your real status. Such a dream means that very soon you will be able to receive a real reward for your work or a good game.

Driving your real car in a dream means unusual incidents. Such a dream can reveal a forecast for the near future, since trips are usually rarely monotonous and calm. Usually in such a dream a person not only drives a car, but also carries someone. Such a dream means your leadership in a group or family, managing the process and material resources.

Driving and driving your car with colleagues in a dream means responsibility not only for yourself, but also the result of a joint project. You can even be the informal leader of this group. Taking friends to the country or just driving around the city means leadership in an informal group and entertainment. You can not only organize your comrades, but also offer them something interesting. Usually, carrying any fellow travelers in your car means showing leadership qualities and managing various processes in life, being responsible for others.

Seeing and driving your old car means something or someone from the past will soon remind you of itself. There may be nostalgia for a long-past period of time or a meeting with an old friend or acquaintance. Sometimes such a dream shows the return of an old business into your life that you did not complete, a lover or a situation.

Why dream of driving a new car that you have never seen before and is not similar to the one shown on TV or in advertising? Pay attention to its color and character. Its appearance predicts changes in your business or personal life, a new job or love, a wealthy husband or life partner. A red car means leadership, the desire to be visible, or some kind of scandal in which you will be involved. This is the color of success and fire.

A pink, peach, lilac or crimson car predicts a romantic relationship or a job in which there are many women and the main emphasis is on beauty. An expensive car of a neutral silver, dark cherry, blue, emerald or gold color predicts an improvement in your financial situation, a prestigious job or acquaintance, as does a stylish black car with a varnish coating. But driving a car in a classic beige, sand, orange or lemon shade foreshadows bad times, poverty, debt, a modest existence.

Transporting people in an old, dilapidated car, in which parts are constantly falling off or it creaks and moves with difficulty, is a sign of trouble. The business you are involved in, or a group of people, will require significant effort. Most likely, one thing or another will not work out. Such a dream often predicts failure in some business or activity, difficulties and obstacles.

Pay attention to who is driving the car in the dream. This person will manage the situation both at work and in personal relationships. This could be a parent, your spouse or lover, a brother or sister. In some cases, a person sees his boss driving in a dream.

Such a dream speaks about the fate of your enterprise or project. Riding in a car with your husband or lover and driving the car means you will be in control of the situation or relationship. If a man does this, then he is the owner. And in the case when a father or mother is driving his car, the lack of independence of a person as an individual is visible, his dependence on other people’s opinions. Pay attention to what will happen to the car during the trip in your dream.

Incidents with your car

Such a dream means that events will happen to you personally and will relate to your business or personal life.

Pay attention to whether it is like this in reality or not, new or old, real or imaginary.

According to the dream book, driving your own car, the same as in reality, is interpreted as the movement of life, which in reality will be the same as in a dream. Obstacles, potholes, various troubles on the road, traffic cops, turns, changes in terrain or landscape predict life events for you. What they will be like in a dream, the same will happen in real life.

If the road is smooth and the landscape is pleasant in a dream, then the dream book writes that you will not have dizzying events or anything unusual in your life. Driving uphill along a serpentine road on your own is a sign of surprises. The same thing means a sharp turn on the road. However, driving in circles is a bad sign. It means an insoluble problem, a situation that does not move and a return to the same point. Try to get out of the circle in your dream in order to move on.

Taking a new road means changes in material and social status, life plans and prospects. Especially if there is a beautiful view and wide visibility around. Driving along a winding and dangerous road means good luck in a risky business or difficult life circumstances.

Driving off the road or getting into an accident is a very bad sign. He promises you not only disasters, but also tears, collapse of plans and hopes and troubles.

Pay attention to who else was in your car. Such a dream can predict the ruin of a business, a quarrel with friends, or leaving the family.

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to drive a car? In a dream, this is a reflection of the current situation and the ability to achieve your goal. A more specific interpretation of the dream depends on additional details. Dream books will show with examples how to get a competent decoding.

Interpretation of Medea's dream book

Did you dream that you were driving a car? In real life, feel free to make commitments. You can handle them with ease. Did you happen to see yourself in the passenger seat in a dream? The long-standing problem will be solved if you finally want to figure it out.

Opinion of a modern combined dream book

Why do you dream if you had to drive a long time? This is a positive sign, promising pleasant meetings, good luck and prosperity. But such an interpretation of a dream is only appropriate if you experienced good sensations during the night. Any negativity indicates opposite events.

What does the dream book think from A to Z

It is good to dream that you are driving a car. This means that you will show increased activity in business and life in general, which will definitely lead to good luck. For a person in love to travel in a car together with his chosen one - to a long and relatively comfortable life together.

Answer from Miller's dream book

Why dream about it if you had to go by car. The dream book guarantees successful movement towards the goal. In particular, the prediction in a dream concerns work relationships.

Interpretation from the dream book of lovers

Did you dream about driving a car? You want too much from your partner, which leads the relationship to a dead end. And remember: sex is not love.

Hints from a psychoanalytic dream book

A car, as a vehicle, symbolizes comfort and independence, progress and growth. Did you dream that you were driving a car? The interpretation of the dream is twofold. Either you want to run away from something, or you are confidently moving towards your goal. Why do you dream if you are unlucky enough to drive a car and suddenly lose control? This is an eloquent reflection of the fear of losing control over the situation or showing inconsistency in some vital issue.

Decoding according to the symbolic dream book

Why do you dream if you had to drive a car? In a dream, such a plot reflects the dreamer’s personal life, a certain period of time, or the development of some situation. More full transcript can be obtained by considering minor details in a dream: the presence of other passengers, the condition of the vehicle, the quality of movement, the surrounding landscape.

Did you dream about driving a truck? The plot symbolizes labor, professional activity, as well as the level of workload of consciousness, the complexity of relationships, work or a specific event. If you happen to drive a car very fast, then in reality events will develop very slowly. A period of delays, delays and waiting is coming.

Why do you dream about driving a car?

It’s good to see yourself driving a car in a dream. This is a clear sign that all your ideas will come true if you make some effort. Driving a big, beautiful car literally means you're in control.

Why do you dream that you happen to be driving someone else’s car? In reality you will have to solve other people's problems. Did you dream about how you were driving a very expensive car, which in real life obviously cannot be yours? Be prepared for losses, exorbitant expenses and losses.

In a dream, ride in a car as a passenger, next to the driver

Why dream if you are just a passenger? This reflects some dependence on the situation or specific person. Moreover, you do not have the opportunity to change anything at your discretion. This same plot hints at the success of a business that will be implemented exclusively by a group of people.

Did you happen to be driving a car next to a driver? Useless troubles are coming, and the planned road will turn out to be nervous and unpleasant. Riding in the back seat in a dream is much better. There is a possibility. that you will go on an exciting journey.

Why drive a car at high speed at night?

The faster you had to drive a car in a dream, the slower things will move in real life. Driving very slowly or too carefully is also not particularly good. You clearly feel very unsure of your own capabilities. Did you dream that you rented a car and drove it quite fast? Diligence and patience will certainly bring rewards in the form of respect from colleagues and superiors.

Driving a car in a dream - examples of transcripts

  • driving a car through a tunnel - hiding a secret, an unusual situation
  • in the desert - anxiety, loneliness
  • driving a broken car - injury, illness
  • on an old car - repeated events, deeds, feelings
  • on a new, beautiful one - big expenses
  • driving a stolen car - a scandal, a disagreement with an important person
  • in a passenger car - disappointments
  • with headlights on - wedding
  • on a foreign car - solution to the problem, answers
  • on a truck - tests, efforts
  • driving a car with furniture - moving, court
  • with products – savings
  • with animals - danger
  • with someone - friendship, joint affairs, relationships
  • driving your own - good luck, especially in business
  • with a random travel companion - difficulties in communicating with others
  • with passengers - complaint, gossip
  • to be an ace is inflated conceit
  • drive at high speed - success/delays
  • entering a turn is a difficult obstacle to overcome
  • get into an accident - the collapse of a dream

Why do you dream if you happen to be driving a car on a bad road and suddenly your passengers fall out? This is a symbol of separation, a sharp break, a serious conflict. Did you dream that you had to drive in reverse? In reality, you have to return to the past or an unresolved problem.

A sleeping person, therefore driving a car indicates the direction of life's path and priorities. In many ways, the interpretation of the dream depends on the nature of the trip and on appearance car, so why dream of driving a car?

What does the dream mean?

Interpretation for women

If a woman dreams that she is riding in a car in the passenger seat, this indicates that in reality she is trying to shift responsibility for her action to someone else. Riding in a car with a man speaks of the possibility of receiving some kind of proposal in reality.

This also portends changes in personal life. Driving a car on your own speaks of dangers along the way, fears and acquaintances with unreliable people.

Road with a man

Riding with a man in a car means that in the dreamer’s life some man plays a decisive role - this could be a father, brother, husband, boss, and so on. Many events in the dreamer’s life depend on this person, perhaps he is even financially dependent on him.

Seeing a man driving means that the dreamer dominates his personal life, even suppresses his partner. If a man does not put the dreamer in the car, this indicates that in reality the dreamer risks falling into someone else's trap and becoming a victim of intrigue.

If you are traveling as a passenger in a truck, this means that you will withstand all the trials of fate with dignity and achieve happiness.

Riding in a car with a man you know means that soon you will have to solve the problems of some male relative. It is possible that he will have to provide his own housing.

If a man is sitting in the passenger seat, this indicates that someone wants to ask the dreamer for advice, parting words, or seek help as a wiser person.

If a woman dreams that she is driving in a car with her loved one, this speaks of his fidelity, as well as satisfaction with her partner. The dream also indicates a successful transaction or a profitable purchase.

Unmarried girls have such a dream promises imminent marriage , finding protection in the form of a man, a guy. This is also an image of a spiritual mentor, life experience, which the girl lacks.

Driving with your ex-boyfriend may mean that the woman still has feelings for him and cannot forget. The dream also denotes future disappointments and losses in life.

If a woman drives a car in which she is riding as a passenger ex-boyfriend, speaks of her reluctance to look for a purpose in life and the desire to go with the flow.

Driving fast

Driving fast in a car indicates that soon events in the dreamer’s life will happen one after another, quickly replacing each other. All endeavors will be successful, and love relationship will move to a new level.

Another meaning of the dream is the anticipation of pleasure from a relationship with your partner. This indicates that the dreamer is fascinated by his soulmate and trusts her completely.

Driving quickly across the open space means a long separation from your loved ones- in most cases this means the dreamer moves to another city or even country. When a car is driving fast, being in the passenger seat means the dreamer’s internal fear of circumstances, changes, and an impending threat.


Driving a car in reverse foreshadows adventurous, risk-filled events in the dreamer's life. If another person is driving, this means that the dreamer will be drawn into a risky event against his will. If he himself is driving, this means that the dreamer will be the initiator of the adventure.

In addition, driving a car in reverse is a warning that now it is better to slow down, perhaps take a step back in achieving your goal, wait out the approaching storm, and then continue on your way.

Reversing at night means the dreamer's inner experiences, his doubts about decision taken.

Travel with the deceased

Riding in the same car with a deceased person portends the dreamer a long life and strong health. If such a dream occurs before an important event, then it foretells its successful implementation and good luck in all endeavors.

Ride with dead man in a hearse indicates a catastrophe, fatal events that cannot be prevented. Seeing a deceased person in the driver's seat portends a loss of job, a demotion, or a decrease in income.

Without driver

Riding in a car without a driver speaks of impending changes, but what exactly the changes will be - joyful or sad - is unknown. If a dream causes a feeling of fear in a person, this indicates imminent troubles and disagreements with loved ones. Problems are unlikely to be avoided, so the dreamer better prepare himself mentally for them.

Riding in a car without a driver, but on autopilot - this means that in reality a person will have a chance to strengthen his social status, get a promotion. Expensive car without a driver indicates that the dreamer is trying to achieve his goal in insidious ways, regardless of his conscience.

Driving without a driver in an old or inexpensive car means empty worries and vain expectations.