Construction and equipment of a yal boat 6. Sailing modeling

There are two rowers on each bank of sixes.

The six-oar yawl is used:

Yal- (from Dutch jol; 2- and 4-oared yawls are usually called yawl) - this is

A six-oar yawl has only one mast, called the foremast, and serves as a support for the sails. Made from pine or spruce (glued). Mast length- 5.5 m. The lower end of the mast - the spur - is tetrahedral and lined with metal frames for strength.

Guys used to secure the mast. Made from hemp cable with a circumference of 50 mm or steel cable with a diameter of 4-6 mm. At both ends of the shrouds there are thimbles - metal rings with grooves - woven into them. The upper ends of the cables are attached to the butts of the yoke. The shrouds are attached to the lower thimbles of the shrouds - the ends of a line with a circumference of 25 mm, which serve as cable ties for tightening and fastening the shrouds to the shrouds. The length of the cables must be such that, when covered, the cable lanyard is no shorter than 20 cm. It is prohibited to shorten the cables using knots.

Focal halyard made from plant rope with a circumference of 40 mm and serves to lift the rack with the sail. The root end of the halyard is attached to the butt of the yoke, and the running gear is passed through a pulley in the mast and attached to the dowel.

Rax yoke -

Reek -

When hoisting the sail, the third line is put on the hook yoke with a point. The mast with shrouds and halyard is stored on cans in the center plane of the boat to the left of the sail. To install the spar in the working position, it is necessary to have prepared dowels, the serviceability of the shrouds with turnbuckle tips, and the absence of visible damage to the mast, steps, mast can and folding basting mechanism.

To install the spar, the oarsmen bring the rolled spar with the top mast to the stern,
The spur-mast is placed opposite the step, the basting is folded back.
Before lifting the top mast, it is checked: the thimbles on the top mast must hang on the bottom
parts of the butts, the spar must be turned with the tack hook down (in the raised state the yoke with
The tack hook must be higher than the folding basting mechanism and turned towards the stern).
Then the top mast is raised, the spur mast is guided and set in step, then
the spar is installed vertically.
Once the spar has been placed vertically, it is necessary
close the folding basting tightly and secure it with a dowel. After this, both unravel
shrouds and halyards The shrouds are attached with turnbuckle units to the nearest shrouds.
Before hoisting the sails, you should check: the tightness of the spar in the mechanism
folding basting, the rax yoke must be turned with the hook to the starboard side so that the halyard does not
wrapped the mast, and also additionally checked the integrity of the spar and rigging.
The spar is rolled up using the command “cut the spar” before each removal
sailing equipment from a boat.
The spar is folded as follows: the free halyard is pulled out so
so that the distance between the yoke and the yoke with the tack hook is 0.5 - 0.8 m; both guys and
the free end of the halyard is wrapped together around the mast in 3-4 turns; next guys and halyard
they are tightened with a lanyard knot on the hook on the yoke and the hook on the yoke with a tack hook; in such
position, the spar is removed, transferred and stored.

Sailing armament of Yal-6: jib, foresail

Review of the Yala-6 model from LS Model (Russia)

Manufacturer: LS Model (Russia).
Model scale: 1:36.
Model length: 175 mm.
Model height: 172 mm.
Model width: 56 mm.
Material: wood, fabric, metal.

I would like to present to your attention an assembly kit wooden model Yala-6 with sailing rigs on a scale of 1:36 from the St. Petersburg company LS Model (LS Model).
First, information about the prototype from the kit manufacturer's website. Yal-6 or six-oared yawl is a seaworthy boat with a rack-split sailing rig, the main parts of which are a spar - a mast and racks, sails - a foresail and a jib, standing rigging - gear for supporting the spar, running rigging - gear for lifting and controlling the sails.
A sailing-rowing yawl is designed for transporting people or light cargo, for communication between ships or ship-to-shore, also used for educational or pleasure purposes, driven by oars and sails. Most often used in inland waters or in the coastal zone of the seas. It has the following parameters: length - 6.11 m, width - 1.85 m, there is one mast on a six-oar yawl, called the foremast and serves as a support for the sails. Made from pine or spruce (glued), length 5.5 m, cladding - clinker type.

Now about the set itself. The main features of the kit, in my opinion, are, firstly, the large scale - 1/36, and secondly, the clinker lining. As far as I know, at the time of its release it was the first domestic kit with clinker lining. The design of the slipway is also interesting. It is not internal, like the Milania and Falconet boats, but external. On the one hand, this will apparently make it more convenient to assemble the body kit accurately and without distortions. On the other hand, further, when sticking the skin, the set will not be fixed in any way, and most likely it will wander. In addition, in the future, the slipway can be turned over and the hull can be installed on it by inserting the protrusions on the keel into special grooves.
Dimensions finished model: length 175 mm, width 56 mm, height 172 mm.
The set includes:

  • Laser cut walnut, makkore (mahogany) plates, anegri and plywood slips.
  • Photo-etched brass plate.
  • A piece of brass wire with a cross section of 0.9 mm.
  • Two spools of thread for standing and running rigging
  • Ready sewn sails.
  • Assembly instructions.

Solid walnut plates. They are equipped with a keel, frames, spars, oars and a stand. The lining is made of 0.6 mm makkore veneer. A plate made of makkore with a gunwale, fishtails and a transom, as well as a plate made of anegri with a keelson, sublegs, cans, collars, chucks and a back board - glued from two layers of veneer (or rather, apparently welded with film under a heat press). You will have to be careful when welding these parts with a heat applicator, because... When heated, they can delaminate.

The photo-etched plate shows the keel and stem fittings, rudder loops, oarlocks, knuckles, eyes, hooks, cleats, dowels, etc.

I would like to dwell in detail on the sails. On the one hand, these are ready-made sails with luffs, reef bows and sewn liktros. On the other hand, the stitching does not follow the grain of the fabric, the luffs and reef bows are too wide even compared to the templates from the instructions, the liktros is sewn “into the coverage” and not through, and even at this scale it is already possible to sew sails from individual strips of fabric. In general, the sails are very good for out-of-the-box assembly, and if you wish, you can sew your own according to the template given in the instructions.

For some reason, the spools of thread I came across in the kit were both black, although in the photographs of the manufacturer’s assembly the running rigging is light. The threads are synthetic and quite shiny. Thick - three-strand, thin - two-strand.
After the release of the first edition, the manufacturer changed the design of the cover of the set, and also began to complete it with turned dowels own production. They are in the photo at the end. I took the design from the Internet, and the manufacturer sent me the dowels at my request.

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Blogger Alexey Izmailov writes:

After visiting the yacht port "Sands", our part of the expedition visited the Varyag wooden shipyard. It is located near the port in a large hangar. "Varyag" is a unique (if not the only) enterprise of its kind, they are engaged in the design and construction of wooden ships: sea cruise ships sailing yachts and training sailboats, pleasure sailing-motor vessels, crew and tourist boats, fishing boats, sea boats of the YAL-2, YAL-4, YAL-6 types, pleasure boats sailing and rowing boats, traditional folk boats “Soima”, “Kizhanka”, “Finka”, etc.

One of the main directions is the construction of replica ships, stylized as ancient sailing and steam ships. During the construction process the following are used:

  • traditional and modern technologies and materials;
  • equipping ships with domestic and imported equipment from leading manufacturers;
  • author's finishing design interior spaces and outdoor decor.

Upon entering the hangar, I immediately saw a wood carver who was turning out such a head - the bow decoration of the ship.

Over the 20 years of operation of the shipyard, several dozen motor and sailing vessels, several hundred boats and boats have been built, including:

  • copies of historical sailing ships of the 14th - 18th centuries;
  • Russian sea and river boats and plows of the 11th-15th centuries;
  • copies of the boots of I and Catherine the Great for the museums of Tsarskoe Selo and Pereslavl-Zalessky;
  • replicas of Viking ships for the city;
  • floating models of ancient sailing ships and rowing ships for the filming of the English TV series “Hornblower” and the Russian film “The Passenger” directed by Stanislav Govorukhin.

There is another ship on the shipyard slips. The shipyard has enough orders, they don’t sit without work. The ships are made not only for customers from Russia, but also from abroad, so they can be found in England, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Caribbean Sea and the Canary Islands.

The Varyag wooden shipyard is one of the few enterprises where the traditions of domestic wooden shipbuilding are carefully preserved and developed.

Freshly painted sides.

The build quality is respectable.

Rows of rivets, carefully fitted parts.

Immediately the master grinds oars for it.

Yal-6, structural drawing of the hull.

On the right with orange sides is a tourist boat of the Grumant-30T project. Designed for long distance enthusiasts sea ​​travel and recreation on the water.

The sail-motor vessel of the Askold-65 project is intended for use as a pleasure vessel on inland waters.

The external appearance of the vessel is an attempt to reconstruct a Russian river boat of the 15th century. It was on such a ship that the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin could begin his famous “Walking across the Three Seas.”

Another vessel is being assembled next to Askold.

At the Varyag office they told us about already implemented projects. Many private customers who ask to build a replica of a historical ship always choose a legend for it, for example, to lure tourists))

What else pleased me about the office was office furniture, all handmade from solid wood, according to individual sizes)

There is a design for a new ship on the table.

Inspiration comes from everywhere.

This is how the excursion turned out.

    KEEL – the basis of the boat.

    FORE – the forward extension of the keel.

    FRAMES - stiffening ribs that give the boat lateral strength.

    CASE – double plastic, with a foam layer.

    TRANSOM - the stern end of the boat.

    FAIL BAR – connects the stem to the transom, strengthens the strength of the side.

    GUNWARE - the upper part of the fender beam.

    BEAD - protects the side from hitting the pier.


    BANK – seat for rowers

TANK - for signalmen

MAST – for forecastle rowers

MEDIUM – for average rowers

ZAGREBNAYA – for rowers

STERN SEAT - for spare



Boat keel – longitudinal beam rectangular cross-section, running along the entire length of the boat. Serves to ensure longitudinal strength of the side. Frames are placed on the keel. The name is in English, Dutch and German languages sounds the same. This term came to us during the construction of the first Russian warship “Eagle” by the Dutchman Van Bukoven (1667). V.I. Dahl, in his “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,” gave not only its exact explanation, but also a proverb: “It’s smart to lay the keel, but good people will lay the kokors (ribs - i.e. frames).”

The terms wake and keel block are formed by adding words. The word KILKA, which came to us from the Estonian language, is also associated with the keel present in the lower part of the body of this fish.

LAYING THE KEEL – laying the foundation of the vessel, beginning of construction.

BOOK is the term from which accusations of clogging the “ship’s” language with meaningless foreign words began. In Dutch the wordsknie, knitjemeans knee, knee. In Russian documents, KNITSA is found for the first time in the “List of forest supplies for one ship,” dated 1698. It says here that for one hull it is necessary to prepare “120 elbow curves - called knis.” In classical shipbuilding, the brackets were cut from a suitable tree with a branch. These antics were quite impressive. In the mentioned “Painting” it is said that the “underside” (lower vertical) end of the beam-blanket blank must be at least 10 feet long (1 foot - 30.5 cm), the upper, extending at an angle of 90° - 7 or 8 feet ( “and how thick is it possible to find”). “Elbow crookedness” is also not a random play on words. In Holland language There once was a term - kromhout, where krom means crooked. This is it crooked tree and translated as “crooked”. And the comparison with the elbow is obviously up to the translator.