Chakra activation is the most interesting thing in blogs. How does the growth of awareness manifest itself in ordinary situations?

The first chakra, Muladhara, is our root chakra. She is responsible for the basic needs of a person in this life and in society. Let's take a closer look at her and try to diagnose her condition.

Where is

The Muladhara chakra for women and men is located in the spine area. It begins at the bottom of the body at the base of the spine. The root chakra controls and is responsible for all the hard “parts” of a person: bones, nails, hair, teeth. The unbridled wild energy of Muladhara is the center of the human energy system.

The chakra symbol is a large black elephant.

What is he responsible for?

The Muladhara chakra is responsible for energy supply basic needs person. All human strength is concentrated in it. It also affects:

  • basic needs;
  • survival;
  • family, clan, roots of a person;
  • career;
  • money;
  • self-confidence;
  • feeling of oneself;
  • calm;
  • response to fear and threat.

If the first chakra is strong, money easily comes into a person’s life.

Well developed

If open chakra Muladhara functions perfectly, then a person experiences a connection with the Earth and with the Creator. He knows his place in life, is completely satisfied with it, he has nothing to complain about. A person feels stable and confident in his abilities.

Such people have good health, great mood and emit a pleasant body aroma. They live in the flow of life and in abundance, endlessly grateful for every moment they live. This is true harmony of soul and body, which helps to realize all your goals.

Stop your internal dialogue, look at the center of the picture and meditate.

Signs of blocking

Signs of blockage of the first root chakra of Muladhara can always be identified both on the physical and energetic planes.

Sore spots on the physical plane Problems with emotions at the energetic level
  • leg pain;
  • obesity;
  • excessive thinness;
  • varicose veins;
  • convulsions;
  • ovaries and testicles;
  • genitourinary system;
  • when your legs hurt;
  • intestinal spasm;
  • spinal hernia;
  • diseased kidneys;
  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostate disease.
  • chronic fatigue;
  • various addictions;
  • constant fear;
  • victim position;
  • lack of strength;
  • lack of will;
  • fear of the world and people;
  • restrained aggression towards life;
  • hatred, malice;
  • violation of boundaries;
  • lack of money;
  • failure;
  • a lifestyle imposed by others;
  • inability to communicate with people;
  • inability to achieve goals;
  • lethargy;
  • imbalance in all areas of life.

If you worry that you don't have enough money and work in a bad job, the first chakra becomes depleted and closes.

People whose functioning of the first Muladhara chakra is disrupted are usually concerned only with earthly problems. Their life consists of going to work, food, which they fuel their bodies with, and sex, which gives at least some joy in life.

They satisfy only their basic needs. Such people work as laborers without pleasure all day long, and then, tired and exhausted after work, they turn on the TV and whine, whine, and aggressively say that the authorities are to blame for everything. And so they work in a convict factory for 8 thousand rubles a month and bear this mortal cross, making themselves a victim, each time lamenting: “We are not like this, but life is like this.”

If something in their measured life goes wrong, then the person immediately becomes irritated and reacts inadequately to any existing problem. Anger and rage are a protective mask that indicates the fear of losing something and not getting “what’s yours.”

Reasons for closure

You need to carefully monitor the state of relationships in your family. The first root chakra, Muladhara, closes if relatives come into conflict or quarrel among themselves.

Chakra dysfunction can also be caused by reviewing crime news, negative videos, thrillers, horror films, etc. To all this you can add discussion and condemnation of the actions of other people.


Try to analyze the state of your Muladhara chakra. Ask her these questions:

  1. What condition is your physical body in?
  2. How are things going with your health?
  3. Is everything okay in your family?
  4. Are you often attacked by fear or anxiety? Why is this happening?
  5. What is money to you? How do you feel about them?

How to open

Until the desire for survival is balanced within you, it is not recommended to proceed to the activation of the following chakras. You need to make sure that you always have money that can easily cover your basic needs.

To awaken the divine power that lies dormant within you, you need to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. It is important to work through the feeling of loneliness and attitude towards money.

How to activate Muladhara:

  • active sports (football, boxing, skydiving);
  • dancing;
  • dousing with cold water;
  • communication with nature;
  • fighting fears;
  • identifying your own and true needs;
  • exercises where the lower part is involved;
  • mantras.

Exercise 1

Go outdoors. Find a secluded place where no one will see you. Calm your breathing, meditate and imagine that you are big tree. It has roots that go deep into the ground and wide branches that reach upward. Imagine that energy rises from the ground and reaches the very tips of the tree. Feel that you are part of life.

Exercise 2

  1. Take a comfortable position.
  2. As you inhale, squeeze your womb.
  3. Unclench as you inhale.
  4. Imagine how a beautiful red flower blooms in the tailbone area and twists counterclockwise.
  5. Repeat the exercise for a minute several times a day.


You can activate Muladhara using simple meditations, which are presented in the video below:

Therapy for the soul

To activate the Muladhara chakra, you can choose the following stones:

  • agate (stability, balance, self-respect);
  • hematite (strengthens the body, activates hidden forces, restores after illness);
  • red jasper (selflessness, improves health, gives stability and patience);
  • garnet (will, trust, success, clairvoyance, sexuality);
  • red coral (energy, strength, permanence)
  • ruby (creativity, cleansing the body, spirituality).

The following aromatic oils help to reveal Muladahara:

  • cedar (energy accumulation, peace);
  • clove (releases accumulated energy);
  • fir (connection with the earth).

The Muladhara chakra is the basis of everything. You need to start your cleansing of the body and spiritual recovery with it. Feel the taste for life and your limitless possibilities.

Thanks for your time

In order for the chakras to be activated, it is necessary to use special mantras and formulas. Each of the chakras has its own specific and unique root sound. It is located in the core of the lotus (the chakra has the shape of a lotus), but the chakras are those same lotus petals. We will tell you how to activate the chakras in this article so that you understand its meaning.

Life energy chakra

During extreme situation a person sometimes exhibits inexplicable physical abilities, which he not only did not know about, but could not even imagine. Sometimes the actions taken simply defy logic. And after that, the person does not always remember what happened and how he was able to do it.

Such physical abilities do not always depend solely on biochemical influences. The muscles of our body use the energy of a slightly different world, which scientists physiologists have not yet been able to fully study. It is precisely due to this energy that our body is nourished and our organs are provided with life.

A person not only has visible and active energy that he uses, but he also has hidden energy, which is also called Kundalini. Few people know about her, but she really exists and helps a person precisely in those very extreme and necessary life situations. Kundalini energy manifests itself only in the most difficult and simply vital situations. It is precisely under such circumstances that it begins to manifest itself and the process of protection and self-preservation begins at the expense of this hidden energy.

Full activation of all chakras

  • Take a small mat and sit cross-legged on it. If you wish, you can sit on a chair, armchair or bed;
  • Ventilate the room in advance, the room needs twilight, light candles or incense and sit with a straight spine;
  • To relax your body a little, take three or four breaths;
  • With your eyes closed, begin to focus on the top of your head. This is the chakra called Sahasrare. You should imagine that this area has a purple glow;
  • In your thoughts, say the bija mantra AUM eight times;
  • Mentally run over the space between your eyebrows, while imagining blue and focus your attention on this place, since there is the third eye;
  • After activation of the chakras, moves to the throat cavity - Vishuddhi chakra and say HAM;
  • Slowly descend to the Anahata chakra (this is the area of ​​the heart) and say YAM 8 times;
  • Then you lower yourself to the navel (but 2 fingers above it), imagining the color yellow, and begin to say RAM 8 times;
  • Bring your attention back to the groin area, while saying VAM;
  • The coccyx area completes everything. You need to say the words LAM.

After this, you must repeat everything again, but only in reverse order. Now you know how to activate your chakras. Start doing the exercises. Good luck!

How to develop chakras

So, you should have understood which chakras work better for you, and which ones are very weak (if this did not happen, then for one of two reasons: either all your chakras are developed approximately equally, or you were not able to view them well enough). We start again with the lower Muladhara chakra. Focus on it, imagining it as a red ball, feel its energy. Now increase your chakra - as much as it allows you to feel comfortable (for example, to the size of a tennis ball).

Chakra support

Now your task is to maintain the chakra in an increased state for a week and perceive the world around you, so to speak, through the prism of the energies generated by it. When working with the red chakra, you should feel a strong connection with the material world, a taste for life, and self-confidence. And if you are a man, then increased interest in opposite sex. Do not forget to ensure that the chakra does not return to its previous state, which can easily happen if you forget to control it.

After a week, bring the chakra to its normal state - not to its original state, but to its normal state, that is, the way it should be by nature. How? Simply “ask” your chakra what size is most appropriate for it. However, after a week of training you should not have any particular difficulties.

Having worked on Muladhara, begin a week’s work with Svadhisthana and so on, along the entire list of chakras. Do not forget about the mandatory positive attitude during all training! By the way, during this period you can perform any other energy work. After you complete the seven-week course on awakening the chakras, do the following exercise.

Chakra harmonization

Imagine that a flow of energy is passing through you from bottom to top. It enters the red chakra. Concentrate on it, feel it full of energy, balanced. Then the energy flow rises to the orange chakra - stop your attention on it, feel it, then rise with the flow to the yellow one, stop at this chakra and so on - until the purple one, from which this energy flow comes out. (Be sure to keep your back straight - this applies not only to this exercise, but also to correct posture has a special meaning.)

Harmonization of the chakras should be carried out at least once a week for several months after the course on awakening the chakras (which, by the way, helps to track their condition), and then about once a month. Generally speaking, the connection between the chakras and the manifestations of this or that activity is two-way. That is, if your attention is constantly directed to spiritual values ​​while ignoring the material side of life, then the work of the lower chakras will suffer one way or another. And vice versa. And the path to well-being is harmony, balance of internal and external, physical and spiritual... In other words, we must use all resources in order to be a truly developed person, without distortions in one direction or another.

With the help of Reiki we can cleanse, heal and harmonize energy centers - chakras (Fig. 3)

Agree that we often overreact to difficult life situations. Whatever we experience at the same time - anger, fear or aggression, we feel completely unprotected at this moment. At the same time, we don’t even realize that we ourselves are the source of such sensations. External life only provokes us to show our inner imbalance.

The situation can be corrected by learning to distract from external problems and concentrate on internal energy - the energy of the chakras. After all, it is its imbalance that causes the disruption of our internal balance.

Harmonization of a person’s chakras transfers consciousness to a qualitatively different level. And what’s interesting: as soon as we begin to perceive life calmly and joyfully, external circumstances also develop more favorably.

In order to heal the seven main chakras using Reiki, you need to know their locations and the properties of the energy flows passing through them. Once you have this information, you can meditate on each chakra until you achieve a sense of complete balance.

Prepare your ring, middle and index fingers. Move them. Place them in the center of the abdomen on the navel. Feel the pulsation in this area under your fingers. Close your eyes. Strengthen the pulsation with the power of thought. Lower your hands down, but continue to feel the pulsation without using your fingers.

Continue to maintain concentration for a minute. Slowly open your eyes. Look around and observe how you feel. You have succeeded in meditation if you feel a burning, tingling, warmth or any other sensation in the area of ​​the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae.

Activation of SVADHISTAN – 2 chakras

Prepare your fingers and move them. Press with your fingers on top part pubic bone. Feel the vibration under your fingers. Close your eyes. Lower your hands down, but continue to feel the vibration in the chakra area without using your hands for one minute. Slowly open your eyes. Look around you and assess the situation. Listen to your feelings. If you have any sensations in the sacral area, then the chakra has begun to activate.

How to activate MULADHARA – 3rd chakra?

Sit down with straight back. Imagine that a small sun is shining in the tailbone area. Feel its warmth. Feel how it warms more and more. Distribute this warmth throughout your body. Keep concentrating on sunlight in the tailbone area for a minute. Slowly open your eyes.

Activation of VISHUDDHA – 4 chakras

Prepare your ring, middle and index fingers and move them. Place them on your throat in the place where vibration is felt during a conversation. Feel the pulsation under your fingers and try to strengthen it. Close your eyes. Lower your arms down. Maintain the feeling of vibration for a minute.

Calmly open your eyes. Observe your feelings. If you feel pressure or a burning sensation in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra, this is good sign. The chakra is activated.

Activation of ANAHATA – 5 chakras

Get your fingers ready. Move them. Place them in the middle of your chest, on the line of your heart. Feel the vibration under your fingers. Close your eyes. Imagine that the pulsation is intensifying. Lower your hands down and try to hold the feeling of pulsation without using your hands for a minute.

Slowly open your eyes. Look around and observe how you feel. If you feel any sensations in the area of ​​the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae, you can congratulate yourself on successfully completing the exercise.

Once you've done each exercise a few times, you'll be able to make it easier. To do this, you just need to feel the pulsation in the chakra area without using your hands and keep your attention on it for several minutes. To activate your chakras, you only need a few free minutes a day for each chakra.

Let's start with Sahasrara - 7 chakras

Relax and move your ringless, middle and index finger each hand and place them above the tops of your ears. Feel the pulsation under your fingers and try to intensify this pulsation. Concentrate on it. This is the vibration of the Sahasrara chakra. While maintaining concentration, move your fingers to the crown area. Try to feel the same vibrations.

Close your eyes and concentrate on the sensations, intensifying them. Lower your hands down and continue concentrating on the pulsation without using your hands, using the power of your thoughts. Watch this pulsation for about one minute. Calmly open your eyes.

Activating AJNA – 6th chakra

Move the same fingers as in the previous exercise. Apply them to your temples. Feel the vibration under your fingers in this area. Move your fingers and attention from your temples to the third eye area. This area is located on the bridge of the nose. Feel the same vibrations. Close your eyes. Lower your hands down and maintain the sensation of pulsation in the third eye area for a minute.

Calmly open your eyes.

After each meditation, observe your sensations and notice the changes. After several exercises, all you need to do is relax and, without using your hands, feel the familiar pulsations on the chakra and hold them for several minutes.

All these meditations can be simplified in the future. To activate them, it will be enough to feel the vibration or heat in a specific chakra without using your hands and maintain concentration for several minutes.

A person who has not opened his chakras, that is, who does not know how to disidentify with their activity, who does not know how to visualize them, cannot consciously use his energy system as a channel of interaction with the environment, both external and internal. Only with the ability to identify his consciousness with his physical “I” is a person able to consciously manage (of course, within certain limits) the work of the chakras. And the sooner we understand that the consciousness of our brain is only one of the forms of consciousness, that it is localized in various specific centers of our body, the sooner we will learn to feel and be aware of ourselves as if stereophonically, that is, to more adequately reflect the objectively existing world.

In order to use the centers consciously, it is not at all necessary to see them. All people, especially women, use them unconsciously, not always, of course, realizing this. Unlike men, women are much more aware of their bodies and know that the body reacts differently to different situations - for example, meeting with different people seems to echo in its different areas.

For the most part, people move through life as if on autopilot of centers that independently react to the environment and influence it. People cannot use the centers consciously, because their centers are “closed” - they do not see the activity of their centers, they are dissolved in it. Having “opened” the centers and seen them from the outside, that is, having disidentified with their activities, a person gains the ability to use his centers as a special channel of conscious INTERACTION with the environment, both external and internal.

You can find many ways to activate (open) the chakras. I will give only two fairly effective complexes.

Set of exercises “Disclosure”

First we activate Anahata. To do this, we direct our attention inside the chest. Attention should be relaxed; you should not “imagine” any energy processes. Then you need to look for warmth and fire in this area, although at the beginning the sensations can be very individual (these are sensations not of the center itself, but of what closes it). It is advisable not to concentrate attention on one point, but to listen to the energies of the center widely throughout the entire volume of the chest.

When Anahata opens, the sensation of energy extends beyond the physical body. If you can see the energy - good, no - not scary either. In the beginning, physical sensations are much more important. You need to strive for a feeling of very intense heat. Usually this is followed by a transformation of the energies of the center and the already familiar sensations may disappear. You need to persistently listen to them, and the sensations will appear again, but the energies of the center will be different. This process (energy changes) can happen many times.

The fire of Anahata very quickly burns through energy impurities throughout the body and thereby makes a person susceptible to energy processes.

Without stopping listening to Manipura, we transfer part of our attention to the area of ​​​​Vishuddhi. We listen, spreading attention to the entire throat area, as if from the inside out. Here the initial sensations will most likely be associated with the movement and pressure of energies.

Energy centers, in addition to communication along the central meridian, are connected in pairs by a kind of channels located on the sides of it. At the same time, Anahata occupies a central position in the energy structure of a person, and the chakras equally spaced from it are connected to each other.

It is better to listen to paired chakras together than separately, since with such listening the channels connecting them are cleared and activated. You can transfer your attention from one chakra to another and back, as if rocking a swing. You can listen to both chakras at the same time.

If one of the chakras is weakened, then listening to the steam room will help quickly fill it with energy. In general, listening to paired chakras is not a special technical technique, but simply a natural way of revealing the energy structure originally given to a person.

Next we listen to the second Svadhisthana. We don’t listen to just one point, but cover with relaxed attention the entire area of ​​the lower abdomen. We look for warmth there, which then spreads throughout the body. Without losing the feeling of Svadhisthana, we listen to Ajna, like a small ball with a center in the middle of the forehead. We are looking for warmth and fire there. As before, we try to maintain attention on both chakras.

Now let's listen to Muladhara. We are looking for warmth and fire in the perineal area. The heat can be very intense, even stronger than in other centers. Many energy channels begin in this area, and sensations of intense movement of energies are possible. At the same time, we listen to Sahasrara above our heads, 10–15 centimeters above the crown. We listen to an area approximately 10 centimeters in diameter. Sahasrara energies can descend down, creating a feeling of pressure on the top of the head. The sensations themselves are more subtle than those from the chakras located in the body. They can be described as “the presence of energy.”

During the opening of the chakras, unpleasant sensations may occur in their locations. Thus, headaches often accompany the opening of Ajna, which is explained by the contamination of the chakra that you are “cleansing”.

Practice activating Anahata first. Then the first pair closest to it, etc. Try to hold activation earlier open chakras when you move on to the next ones. But at the beginning this may not work - then just move on, focusing on the next chakras

Next, we listen to the chakra located in the area between the feet. We feel intense heat and vibration there, spreading to our feet. Without losing sensation, we transfer our attention to the place at knee level. There, too, there should be a sensation of a warm or hot ball, as if hanging between the legs and connected to the body. Then we feel a place approximately in the middle of the thighs on the central axis. We find sensations of energies in this area. The heat and vibrations of these centers reach the physical body and allow you to feel that the “empty space” in them is not completely empty.

Next, we look for the centers located above the head. The first of them is located above the Sahasrara, about 15–20 centimeters higher. You can hear the flow of energy descending onto the body from this center. Then we listen to the center at the upper border of the energy cocoon - approximately 50–70 centimeters above the head. As with the previous one, we are looking for a feeling of energy and flow from the center down.

Once you have learned to freely activate your chakras, move on to activating your meridian system. It is necessary to direct your attention to the tips of all 10 fingers, and subsequently to the toes, and monitor all the changes that occur in them.

The outlets of the meridians are not on the fingertips, but precisely at the very tips, in front of the nails. The diameter is about 1 millimeter and this is where you need to pay attention. If you are sitting, it is more convenient to place your hands on your knees with your palms facing up.

It is necessary to monitor all changes that occur. The sensations at first can be very individual (tingling, movement, heaviness, warmth), but later they are transformed into the movement of fire through the fingertips along the hands into the body and at the same time the flow of this fire outward.

During the listening process, a sensation of the etheric body may appear on the hands - like a soft glove, but do not be distracted by it, you need to look for the movement in the fingers (then it can be felt outside the body - like jet streams).

Over time, tuning to the fingertips will be able to activate the meridians throughout the body, and the body will simply begin to “buzz” with the movement of energies. Listening to the fingertips is one of the most effective ways to gain power and repair damage to the cocoon.

Start with your fingers. This is easier, and you can start listening to the tips of your toes when the processes in your hands are already very active. The energy channels in the feet are usually much dirtier and more difficult to cleanse.

In order not to interfere with the processes of cleaning energy channels, you should not carry heavy objects in your hands (preferably in a backpack) and hold energetically dirty things in your hands (one of the most contaminated things is money, do not hold them in your hands for a long time). If this happens, just intensify your practice.

When the channels in the hands become active, the hands seem to “come to life” and they can easily feel the energies around the body. After that, move on. Listening to the hand channels. The hand channels enter the body at the center of the palms. The diameter at the entry point is approximately 1.5-2cm. Passing in the center of the arm, they emerge from the body of the clavicle, near the shoulder joint. It’s easier to start listening only to the centers of the palms, then transferring part of your attention to the area of ​​the clavicles (channel exits) and further, covering the channel along its entire length. Another way is to slide your attention back and forth along the entire length of the channels. You need to look for a feeling of warmth and movement of energies along the channel.

Then we listen to the leg channels. If you have enough attention, we continue to listen to the hand channels. The leg channels enter the body at the center of the foot, an area about 2 cm in diameter. Passing through the center of the legs, they exit just above the crease of the hip (if you are sitting on a chair). You can only listen to the entry and exit points of channels, but it is better to cover their entire length. Just like with your hands, you can listen to channels by moving your attention back and forth along it.

Next, we listen to the channels inside the body. Their exit points are at the top - at the collarbones, closer to the middle of the body than the exits of the arm canals, approximately in the middle of the collarbone, at the bottom - in the lower abdomen, again closer to the center of the body than the exits of the leg canals. Diameter - 1.5-2cm. The channels themselves do not pass along the surface of the body, but inside, but not very deep. The channels also run in the back of the body, along the back, as if lying on the shoulders, and exit the body in the area of ​​the kidneys. We listen to the exit points of the channels, then listen to them throughout or move our attention back and forth along the channels.

When listening to the leg channels, you should not first practice the lotus position, or other cross-legged positions, or the kneeling position. It is better to sit on a chair or armchair with your feet on the floor. This removes unnecessary mechanical stress and facilitates the flow of energy through the channels.

The sensations in the channels of the arms and legs can become very intense, literally a stream of fire filling the arms and legs. When the hand channels are working, it is easy to create an "energy ball" between the palms - an area of ​​highly concentrated energy that can be used to infuse other energy centers, for healing and other purposes. Hands and feet become “alive”.

In general, channels do not end at the border of the physical body, but go beyond its limits and connect us with energy field land. It is quite difficult to feel this continuation of the channels at the beginning of practice, so during the course it is better to limit the area of ​​attention to the physical body.

Exercise "Whirlwinds"

In parallel with the implementation of the “Disclosure” complex, you can perform this exercise. It will help to more actively open the chakras, “unwinding” them.

Feel the Muladhara, warm it up, feeling how a warm stream of dark red energy flows into it from below. Feel how this flow fills Muladhara.

Then the flow rises up and gradually becomes orange color and fills Svadhisthana. At the same time, it spins clockwise when looking at you from the front (spinning from right hand to the left in the plane of the abdomen). Feel a vortex of orange energy spinning faster and faster, becoming brighter and extending beyond the front and back of your body. The center of the vortex will be in Svadhisthana, and funnels will come out of it from the back and front.

Gradually the stream rises higher and reaches Manipura, which also begins to unwind. In this case, the color will already be yellow.

And so on. Having reached Sahasrara, the stream turns purple and spreads over you in the form of a huge flower, flows around you in the form of white-golden light and again enters Muladhara through the feet and legs. You should feel yourself inside an elongated sphere filled with energy (energy cocoon). Energy will circulate inside the cocoon, and in the chakra areas you will feel rapidly rotating, expanding and flowing into the surface of the cocoon.

You should get out of this state by gradually slowing down the rotation and flow speed. Feel how pure energy is freely and evenly distributed throughout your body. And around the body along the perimeter of the cocoon, it compacted and clasped you tightly, protecting you.

During the activation of the chakras, in addition to filling them with the appropriate color, you can pronounce the mantras corresponding to them in the appropriate key. At the same time, concentrate on the color, on the chakra and on the sound and try to make the sound come as if from the location of the chakra, it should vibrate with this sound.

Over time, you may begin to see chakras, flows, vortexes, etc.

Fiery "Path to Magic"

Energy centers located in those places where his power is concentrated - mental and vital - are called chakras. And before you learn how to open and clean them, you first need to figure out what they are, what their significance is, and become familiar with their main types.

Properties of human chakras

Chakra in Sanskrit literally translates as wheel, circle, disk. She is compared to a flower that needs to be learned to open. It is through them that a person receives life from the cosmos.

Energy centers influence traits, and each of them is associated with physical condition and.

Main chakras

There is no consensus on the number of energy centers, but there are seven main ones. All chakras on the human body have their location on the aura.

Chakra Muladhara

Basic. Located at the end of the spinal column, between the anus and genitals. Associated with the following bodies:

  • prostate/uterus;
  • (left);
  • prostate gland;
  • bladder;
  • urethra;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • rectum.
Thanks to Muladhara, “saturation” occurs with health, sexuality, and confidence. It is red, but if an admixture of black appears on it, this may indicate a deterioration in health, and even a disease.

Swadhisthana Chakra

Sacral - at the level of the junction of the sacrum with the spine, just below the navel. Related to:

  • intestines;
  • right kidney;
  • organs of the reproductive system.
Affects creativity, sexual attraction, helps to be resilient and active. The color of Svadhisthana is orange, but if black appears, this is a signal regarding the genital organs, sexual disorders or neuralgic diseases.

Umbilical - at the level of the navel. Related to:

  • spleen;
  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder.

Cheerfulness, lightness, confidence, leadership qualities It is Manipura that gives a person. She yellow. The presence of black on the aura indicates possible diseases with which this center is associated.

Anahata Chakra

Heart - in the middle chest, level . Related to:

  • chest;
  • bronchi;
  • trachea;
  • lungs;
Promotes the ability to be, feel and freedom. If it is contaminated, problems with bronchitis or bronchitis may develop.

Did you know? Anahata is called the energy center of transition, since it is with its opening that the first true level on the path of knowledge begins. Only then does a person see himself from the outside, an understanding comes to him - others are no less important than himself. In Anahata, “we” acquires its main meaning; before that, in the so-called lower triangle, a person is guided by “I”.

Did you know? The lower energy centers have a connection with the elements, so they take on their qualities: Muladhara - Earth, Svadhisthana - Manipura - Fire, Anahata - Vishuddha - Ether. The top two are energies of high vibrations, because of this they are in no way connected with the elements.

Opening the chakras

Opening the chakras, which helps a person to be healthy, active, and grow spiritually and morally, is a rather difficult process. To do this, there are several ways and...

Opening the chakras with concentration

They say that in Muladhara there is energy (kundalini), which is in a compressed form and has the image of a coiled snake. Mastering each step, a person raises this energy along the spine, gradually opening each center.

Autotraining, in other words, relieving muscle and nervous tension through self-suggestion, is very powerful and helps to open up energy centers.
But it is still recommended to choose a good mentor who will competently select the methods that suit you.

Chakra activation

They can be activated using mantras. You need to sing them gently, stretching out your voice, in a high voice, but quietly, concentrating on each energy center.

Having made the Muladhara to open and observed the opening of the red flower for a few seconds, take up the LAM mantra.

Then move on to Svadhisthana and the VAM mantra. And then everything is in order: in Manipur chant the mantra RAM, in Anahata - YAM, in Vishuddha - HAM, in Ajna - VOM, in Sahasrara - OM.

Chakra harmonization

Lack of harmony or imbalance of energy can occur when energy centers are blocked (this prevents energy from rising higher).
To harmonize during meditation, sequentially place your hands on all centers. Sahasrara does not need harmonization, because it is a generalizing center that opens only in the presence of the other six truly strong energy centers.

Continue doing this until you feel the same sensation in both - warmth, pulsation or tingling.

You can harmonize energy in a month, but only with regular meditation (choose for yourself how often you will do this).

Chakra cleansing

Cleansing the chakras is also of considerable importance for a person. This is necessary to remove destructive programs from consciousness. After all, a person, reacting sharply to various life circumstances, without realizing it, blocks his energy centers.

Meditation and self-hypnosis

Cleansing the chakras can be done by contacting a specialist, or you can do it yourself - artificially inducing self-love and eliminating holes at all levels.

You yourself will feel how to do it correctly, see your problem areas and understand which centers need special attention(they are the ones you should focus your energy on).

Cleansing the chakras with hand flows

For this method, the flows must be open - the palm is brought to the chakra and cleansed with the flow. But this is more suitable for use in relation to other people (by the way, this is how some healers work).

Cleansing the chakras with mantras

One of the ways to cleanse all chakras is the great mantra OM. There are certain recommendations for reading it:

  • Take the lotus position. Stand tall, then relax by taking a few deep breaths.
  • It is best to recite the mantra early in the morning and (the stomach should not be busy digesting, an empty stomach will only facilitate meditation).
  • Quietly chant the mantra, and then begin to do it louder, distributing vibrations throughout each cell.
  • You can meditate by turning on an audio recording, but you still need to memorize the text of the mantra. After all, sound must penetrate inside the body.
  • Visualization also helps - when vibrating at a specific point, imagine that it is washed by a bright light, cleaning out all the negativity

Chakra restoration

For a person, healthy chakras have great value Therefore, if damaged, they require mandatory restoration and sometimes even treatment. Remember that this is of no small importance.

  • Stand facing east, relax, focus on your breathing.
  • Draw the following picture in your head: your body is surrounded by an energy cocoon with two openings - below and above.
  • Draw in your imagination an energy ray that enters through the bottom and penetrates the body through the feet, reaching Muladhara. Stop, feel the warmth and pulsations in it.
  • Feel the energy rising, stop at each center and mentally activate it.
  • The energy beam must destroy all blocks encountered along the way.
  • Pay attention to your sensations, feel how the energy spreads throughout the body, saturating every organ with warmth.

Your task is to move energy unimpeded all the way to Sahasrara. Many people have pictures in their heads of, so to speak, unnecessary objects, perceiving them as a certain problem or failure. Imagine that all negativity is destroyed by an energy beam.

Exercises for opening the chakras, their cleansing and harmonization contribute to a positive perception of the world, health, mental stability, and the ability to overcome difficulties without destroying oneself. But all this is possible only with the use of proven techniques and a great desire to know yourself and find your own path.