Tesla coil from a hardware store. How we made the largest Tesla coil in Russia

I already had this article once on a website dedicated to the brilliant Nikola Tesla. But the site no longer exists, I just didn’t have enough hands to do everything. However, there were interesting articles there, they have been preserved, and I will slowly publish them here.

The published article is intended FOR INFORMATION ONLY!

I’d like to straight away dot the i’s, this device works with high voltages, so compliance with basic safety rules is MANDATORY! Failure to follow the rules will result in serious injury, remember this!

I would also like to note that the main danger in this device is the ISKROVIK (discharge arrester), which during its operation is a source of wide-spectrum radiation, including X-rays, remember this!

I’ll tell you briefly about the design of “my” Tesla transformer, in common parlance “Tesla coil”. This device is made on a simple element base, accessible to everyone, the block diagram of the device is shown below.

In this article I will talk about the Tesla transformer device I assembled and the interesting effects that were observed in it during its operation.

As you can see, I didn’t reinvent the wheel and decided to stick to the classic Tesla transformer circuit, the only thing added to the classic circuit is an electronic voltage converter, the role of which is to increase the voltage from 12 Volts to 10 thousand volts!

In the high-voltage part of the circuit, the following elements are used: The VD diode is a high-voltage 5GE200AF diode - it has high resistance - this is very important! Capacitors C1 and C2 have a nominal value of 2200pF, each rated for a voltage of 5 kV. As a result, we get a total capacitance of 1100 pF and an accumulated voltage of 10 kV, which is very good for us!

I would like to note that the capacitance is selected experimentally; the pulse duration in the primary coil depends on it, and of course on the coil itself. The pulse time must be less than the lifetime of the electron pairs in the conductor of the primary coil of the Tesla transformer, otherwise we will have a low effect and the pulse energy will be spent on heating the coil, which we do not need! Shown below assembled structure devices.

The design of the spark gap deserves special attention; most modern circuits Tesla transformers have a special design of a spark generator driven by an electric motor, where the frequency of discharges is regulated by the rotation speed, but I decided not to follow this trend, since there are many negative points. I went along classic scheme arrester. The technical drawing of the arrester is given below.

Cheap and practical option It doesn’t make noise or light up, I’ll explain why. This arrester is made of copper plates 2-3 mm thick with dimensions 30x30 mm (to act as a radiator, since the arc is a heat source) with threads for bolts in each plate. To eliminate bolt loosening during discharge and implement good contact it is necessary to apply a spring between the bolt and the plate.

To dampen the noise during a discharge, we will make a special chamber where the arc will burn, my chamber is made from a piece of polyethylene water pipe (which does not contain reinforcement), the piece of pipe is clamped tightly between two plates and it is advisable to use sealing, for example I have a special double sided tape for insulation. The gap is adjusted by screwing in and unscrewing the bolt; I’ll explain why later.

Primary coil of the device. The primary coil of the device is made of copper wire type PV 2.5mm.kv and here the question arises: “Why such a thick wire?” I'll explain. Tesla transformer is special devices, one might say anomalous, which does not belong to the type of conventional transformers, where the laws are completely different.

For a conventional power transformer, self-induction (counter-EMF) is important in its operation, which compensates for part of the current; when a conventional power transformer is loaded, the counter-EMF decreases and the current increases accordingly; if we remove the counter-EMF from conventional transformers, they will flare up like candles.

But in the Tesla transformer the opposite is true: self-induction is our enemy! Therefore, to combat this disease, we use a thick wire that has low inductance and, accordingly, low self-inductance. We need a powerful electromagnetic pulse and we get it by using this type coils. The primary coil is made in the form of an Archimedes spiral in one plane in the amount of 6 turns, the maximum diameter of a large turn in my design is 60 mm.

The secondary coil of the device is a regular coil wound on a polymer water pipe(without reinforcement) with a diameter of 15 mm. The coil is wound with enamel wire 0.01mm.kv turn per turn, in my device the number of turns is 980 pcs. Winding the secondary coil requires patience and endurance, it took me about 4 hours.

So, the device is assembled! Now a little about adjusting the device, the device consists of two LC circuits - primary and secondary! For proper operation devices - it is necessary to introduce the system into resonance, namely into resonance of the LC circuits.

In fact, the system is brought into resonance automatically, due to the wide frequency spectrum electric arc, some of which coincide with the system impedance, so all we have to do is optimize the arc and equalize the frequencies according to the power in it.

This is done very simply - we adjust the gap of the arrester. The arrester must be adjusted until best results in the form of arc length. An image of the working device is located below.

So the device was assembled and launched - now it works for us! Now we can make our observations and study them. I want to warn you right away: at least the currents high frequency are harmless to the human body (in terms of the Tesla transformer), but the light effects caused by them can affect the cornea of ​​the eye and you risk getting a corneal burn, since the spectrum of the emitted light is shifted towards ultraviolet radiation.

Another danger that lurks when using a Tesla transformer is an excess of ozone in the blood, which can lead to headaches, since large portions of this gas are produced during operation of the device, remember this!

Let's start observing a working Tesla coil. It is best to make observations in complete darkness, so you will most of all experience the beauty of all the effects that will simply amaze you with their unusualness and mystery. I made observations in complete darkness, at night and for hours I could admire the glow that the device produced, for which I paid the price the next morning: my eyes hurt like after a burn from electric welding, but these are trifles, as they say: “science requires sacrifices.”

As soon as I turned on the device for the first time, I noticed a beautiful phenomenon - this is a glowing purple ball that was in the middle of the coil, in the process of adjusting the spark gap, I noticed that the ball moves up or down depending on the length of the gap, the only thing on at the moment my explanation is the phenomenon of impedance in the secondary coil, which causes this effect.

The ball consisted of many purple micro arcs that exited one area of ​​the coil and entered another, forming a sphere. Since the secondary coil of the device is not grounded, it was observed interesting effect- violet glow at both ends of the coil.

I decided to check how the device behaves with the secondary coil closed and noticed another interesting thing: intensification of the glow and increase in the arc originating from the coil while touching it - the amplification effect is obvious.

A repetition of Tesla's experiment, in which gas-discharge lamps glow in the field of a transformer. When a conventional energy-saving gas-discharge lamp is inserted into the transformer field, it begins to glow, the brightness of the glow is approximately 45% of its full power, which is approximately 8 W, while the power consumption of the entire system is 6 W.

Note: high-frequency noise occurs around the operating device. electric field which has a potential of approximately 4 kV/cm2. An interesting effect is also observed: the so-called brush discharge, a luminous purple discharge in the form of a thick brush with frequent needles up to 20 mm in size, reminiscent of an animal’s fluffy tail.

This effect is caused by high-frequency vibrations of gas molecules in the field of a conductor; in the process of high-frequency vibrations, gas molecules are destroyed and ozone is formed, and the residual energy manifests itself in the form of a glow in the ultraviolet range.

The most striking manifestation of the brush effect occurs when using a flask with an inert gas, in my case I used a flask from a HPS gas discharge lamp, which contains Sodium (Na) in a gaseous state, and a bright brush effect occurs, which is similar to the burning of a wick only with very frequent formation of sparks, this effect is very beautiful.

Results of the work: The operation of the device is accompanied by various interesting and beautiful effects, which in turn deserve more careful study; it is known that the device generates a high-frequency electric field, which causes the formation large quantities ozone as a by-product of ultraviolet glow.

The special configuration of the device gives reason to think about the principles of its operation; there are only guesses and theories about the operation of this device, but no objective information has been put forward, just as there has been no thorough study of this device.

IN present moment Tesla transformer is collected by enthusiasts and is used only for entertainment for the most part, although the device in my opinion is the key to understanding fundamental basis the universe that Tesla knew and understood.

Using a Tesla transformer for fun is like hammering nails with a microscope... Super single effect of the device..? maybe... but I don't have it yet the necessary equipment to determine this fact.

Once again I warn you about the danger self-made device!

The article is not mine, here it is

The Tesla transformer was invented by the famous inventor, engineer, physicist, Nikola Tesla. The device is a resonant transformer that produces high voltage high frequency. In 1896, on September 22, Nikola Tesla patented his invention as “Apparatus for producing electric currents of high frequency and potential.” With this device, he tried to transmit electrical energy wirelessly over long distances. In 1891, Nikola Tesla showed the world visual experiments on transferring energy from one coil to another. His device spewed lightning and made fluorescent lamps glow in the hands of surprised spectators. By transmitting high voltage, high frequency current, the scientist dreamed of providing free electricity to any building, private house and other objects. But unfortunately, due to high energy consumption and low efficiency, wide application Tesla coil was never found. Despite this, radio amateurs from different parts of the world collect small Tesla coils for entertainment and experimentation.

Tesla coils are also used for entertainment events and Tesla shows. In 1987, Soviet radio engineer Vladimir Ilyich Brovin invented an electromagnetic oscillation generator, named after him “Brovin's kacher,” used as an element of an electromagnetic compass operating on a single transistor. I suggest you assemble a working model of a Tesla coil or a Brovin kacher with your own hands from scrap materials.

List of radio parts for assembling a Tesla Coil:

  • Enameled wire PETV-2 diameter 0.2 mm
  • Copper wire in PVC insulation, diameter 2.2 mm
  • Tuba from silicone sealant
  • Foil textolite 200x110 mm
  • Resistors 2.2K, 500R
  • Capacitor 1mF
  • 3-volt LEDs 2 pcs.
  • Radiator 100x60x10 mm
  • Voltage regulator L7812CV or KR142EN8B
  • 12 volt fan from computer
  • Banana connector 2 pcs
  • Copper pipe diameter 8 mm 130 cm
  • Transistor MJE13006, 13007, 13008, 13009 from Soviet KT805, KT819 and similar

A Tesla coil consists of two windings. The primary winding L1 contains 2.5 turns of copper wire in PVC insulation with a diameter of 2.2 mm. The secondary winding L2 contains 350 turns in varnish insulation with a diameter of 0.2 mm.

The frame for the secondary winding L2 is a tube of silicone sealant. After first removing the remaining sealant, cut off a part of the tube 110 mm long. Stepping back 20 mm from the bottom and top, wind 350 turns of copper wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm. The wire can be obtained from the primary winding of any old small-sized 220V transformer, for example, from a Chinese radio. The coil is wound in one layer, turn to turn, as tightly as possible. The ends of the wire should be passed into the inside of the frame through a preliminary drilled holes. For reliability, coat the finished coil with nitro varnish a couple of times. Insert a sharpened metal rod into the piston, solder the upper terminal of the winding to it and secure with hot glue. Then insert the piston into the reel frame. Cut off a threaded ring from the spout, you will get a nut with which you can easily secure the coil on the textolite board by screwing the resulting nut onto the thread of the outlet hole of the tube. Drill a hole in the bottom of the frame for the LED and the second winding terminal.

I used an MJE13009 transistor in my coil. Transistors MJE13006, 13007, 13008, 13009 from the Soviet KT805, KT819 and other similar ones are also suitable. Be sure to place the transistor on the radiator; during operation it will get very hot, so I suggest installing a fan and slightly improving the circuit.

Because powering the coil requires a voltage of more than 12 volts. A Tesla coil develops maximum power at a supply voltage of 30 volts. And since the fan is designed for 12 volts, the voltage regulator L7812CV or the Soviet analogue KR142EN8B should be added to the circuit. Well, to make the coil look more modern and attract attention, let’s add a couple of LEDs blue. One LED illuminates the coil from the inside, and the second illuminates the coil from below. The diagram will look like this.

Place all Tesla coil components on a printed circuit board. If you don't want to make a circuit board, simply place all the Tesla coil parts on a piece of MDF or corrugated cardboard from paper box and connect them together using the hinged mounting method.

Ready PCB will look like this. One LED is soldered in the center, it illuminates the space under printed circuit board. Make the legs from four blind nuts screwed onto screws.

The second LED is soldered under the coil; it will illuminate it from the inside.

Be sure to coat the transistor and voltage regulator with thermal paste and place it on a radiator measuring 100x60x10 mm. The voltage regulator follows.

The primary winding should be wound in the same direction as the secondary. That is, if coil L2 was wound clockwise, then coil L1 should also be wound clockwise. The frequency of coil L1 must match the frequency of coil L2. To achieve resonance, coil L1 needs to be tuned a little. We do this: on a frame with a diameter of 80 mm we wind 5 turns of bare copper wire with a diameter of 2.2 mm. We solder a flexible wire to the lower terminal of coil L1, and screw a flexible wire to the upper terminal so that it can be moved.

Turn on the power and bring the neon lamp to the coil. If it does not light up, then you need to swap the leads of coil L1. Next, we experimentally select the vertical position of the L1 coil and the number of turns. We move the wire screwed to the upper terminal of the coil down, achieving the maximum distance at which the neon lamp will light up, this will be the optimal range of action of the Tesla coil. As a result, you should end up with 2.5 turns like I did. After the experiments, we make coil L1 from wire in PVC insulation and solder it in place.

We enjoy the results of our labors... After turning on the power, a 15 mm long streamer appears, a neon light bulb begins to glow in your hands.

So, they filmed the saga Star wars... Here it is, the secret of Jidai's sword...

In a car lamp, a small plasma appears emanating from the filament to the glass bulb of the lamp.

To significantly increase the power of a Tesla coil, I recommend making a toroid from a copper tube with a diameter of 8 mm. Ring diameter 130 mm. As a torroid, you can use aluminum foil crumpled into a ball, a metal jar, a computer radiator and other unnecessary, bulky objects.

After installing the torroid, the coil power increased significantly. From copper wire located next to the toroid, a streamer 15 mm long appears.

And even LED...

And this is the plasma that appears in a car light bulb when it is next to a toroid.

It's up to you to decide whether to make a toroid or not. I just showed and told you about how I made a Tesla coil or a Brovin kacher on one transistor, with my own hands, and what I did. My coil produces high voltage, high frequency current according to the laws of physics. Thanks to Nikola Tesla and Vladimir Ilyich Brovin for their enormous contribution to science!

Friends, I wish you good luck and good mood! See you in new articles!


Determine the type of reel you intend to make. Depending on the conditions of use and the design of the coil inductance divided into low-frequency and high-frequency. For a low-frequency coil, you will need to make a magnetic circuit (core) from steel plates. In high-frequency coils, the core is either not used at all, or it is made of non-magnetic material. Such a core allows you to change its inductance without changing the turns of the coil.

Select the wire for winding the coil. As a rule, both types of coils use copper wire of different cross-sections (copper has low resistance). Select a wire with appropriate insulation, depending on the coil (most often preference should be given to enamel insulation). Coils used in the high-frequency part of the short-wave range are wound with bare wire to reduce losses. To wind high-quality coils used, for example, in narrow-band filters, use stranded wire, consisting of several wires twisted together with enamel insulation.

Determine the diameter of the wire in order to evaluate the possibility of its use in the coil. If you don’t have a micrometer, wind several dozen turns of wire on or another suitable rod (tightly, turn to turn), and then measure with a ruler total length winding and divide by the number of turns. The more turns and the tighter the winding, the more accurate the measurement result.

Make a coil frame. When constructing homemade equipment, the frame can be made of paper, organic, cardboard. Make small frames from photographic film, from which the emulsion must first be removed. For rigidity, use several layers of film. Make frame cheeks from the same film, gluing them with celluloid glue.

Winding the wire on reel do it manually or on a special winding machine (depending on the type of frame and core). The coil, made on a ferrite ring, is wound using a special device (shuttle).

If it becomes necessary to solder enameled wire, first remove. This is easy to do by holding the wire in the flame of a burning match, stripping sharp knife or by wiping the wire with cotton wool soaked in acetone.

Video on the topic


  • Coils and transformers
  • production of inductors

The Tesla coil, also known as the Tesla transformer, is a unique device that is not at all similar to ordinary transformers, the operating condition of which is self-induction. For the Tesla transformer it is quite the opposite: the lower the self-induction, the better. Very interesting and inexplicable effects appear during his work. But despite all the mystery, it is not difficult to assemble it yourself at home.

You will need

  • copper wires, plastic pipe, high voltage source, capacitor.


Take a copper wire approximately 10 millimeters thick.

Next, take a piece of plastic about 50 millimeters in diameter and wind a coil on it, turn to turn, with a wire of 0.01 millimeters. The number of turns can be from 700 to 1000. This will be the secondary winding of the transformer, it is placed inside the primary. To start the device, it is necessary to apply high voltage in the form of pulses to the primary winding of the transformer.

When voltage is applied, the capacitor will begin to charge; as the voltage accumulates, the voltage on its plates increases until a breakdown occurs in the spark gap, then the voltage will sharply rise, and it will begin to charge again. This is a cycle of generating a pulse supplied to the primary winding of the transformer.

Please note

A voltage of the order of several thousand volts is applied to the primary winding. Don't forget that this is dangerous.

Useful advice

By adjusting the capacitance, you can adjust the pulse frequency, because the smaller the capacitance, the faster it charges, and by adjusting the gap in the spark gap, the voltage changes.


  • Tesla how to make

Coil inductance is a coiled conductor that stores magnetic energy in the form magnetic field. Without this element it is impossible to build either a radio transmitter or a radio receiver for wired communication equipment. And the TV, which many of us are so accustomed to, without a reel inductance unthinkable.

You will need

  • Wires of various sections, paper, glue, plastic cylinder, knife, scissors


Magnetic cores concentrate the magnetic field of the coil, thereby increasing its inductance. At the same time, you can reduce the number of turns of the coil, which entails a reduction in its size and the dimensions of the radio device.


  • Inductor

To manufacture some devices, it is necessary to use devices that convert currents and alternating voltages - transformers. In addition to step-down transformers, there may also be a need for powerful step-up devices. One of such transforming devices is an induction coil - a Ruhmkorff coil. Winding core an induction coil is a completely feasible task and does not require special knowledge or equipment.

You will need

  • - copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm with double insulation;
  • - threads;
  • - paraffin;
  • - cardboard or thin fiber;
  • - PShO or PE wire with a diameter of 0.1 mm;
  • - paraffin paper;
  • - insulating tape;
  • - wire;
  • - alcohol varnish


Make a core. Iron wire is suitable for these purposes. Heat the wire until it is dark red, then place it in the hot ashes and leave until it cools. Carefully clean off the incandescent material and carefully coat with alcohol varnish. Make a bundle of wire and wrap it tightly with insulating tape. Wrap several layers of paraffin paper.

When winding core You should first make the primary winding, and then the secondary, step-up winding. Take copper wire. Measure 10 cm, leaving this end free. Secure the wire to the core, at a distance of 4 cm from the end, using a thread.

Start winding the wire clockwise. Try to lay the coil to the coil as tightly as possible. Completely wrap the core with one layer of wire.

Make a loop. The length of the loop should be 10 cm. Secure the wire with thread. Wind the second layer of wire in the same direction. Firmly fix the end of the winding with . Fill the entire winding with hot paraffin.

Take a thin fiber. If you don’t have this material, then cardboard will do. The thickness of the cardboard sheet should be 1 mm. To improve the insulating properties, it is necessary to pre-boil the material in paraffin.

Make 10 spools. The diameter of the inner hole of the coils must correspond to the diameter core with primary winding.

Take insulated wire PShO or PE. Carefully wind the secondary winding sections. All sections should be wound in the same direction. The winding of each section must be completed at a distance of 5 mm from the top side. Make a small puncture in the cheek of the reel in this place. Secure the wire, leaving the end 6-7 cm.

Carefully cover the winding with several layers of paraffin paper and then with insulating tape.

Wrap the primary winding with 2 layers of paraffin paper. Carefully, observing correct order, put on the sections of the second winding. Connect the ends of the winding sections in series.

Solder a piece of wire, 15 cm long, first to the beginning and then to the end of the secondary winding. Fill the coil thoroughly with paraffin. Make sure that there are no voids between the sections. The induction coil is ready.


  • Ruhmkorff reel in 2019

How nice it is to go fishing early in the morning! The fresh smell of wildflowers, the chirping of birds and the first rays of the sun have a calming effect on the human psyche. To maintain this state of mind, you need to avoid any troubles while fishing. And for this, the day before, you should take care, including, about correct winding cord on the spool of a fishing reel.

In 1891, Nikola Tesla developed a transformer (coil) with which he experimented with high-voltage electrical discharges. The device Tesla developed consisted of a power supply, a capacitor, primary and secondary coils arranged so that voltage peaks alternate between them, and two electrodes separated by a distance. The device received the name of its inventor.
The principles discovered by Tesla using this device are now used in various fields, from particle accelerators to televisions and toys.

Tesla transformer can be made with his own hands. This article is devoted to addressing this issue.

First you need to decide on the size of the transformer. Can be built big device, if the budget allows. It should be remembered that this device generates high voltage discharges (creating microlightning), which heat and expand the surrounding air (creating microthunder). The electric fields created can disable others electrical appliances. Therefore, it is not worth building and running a Tesla transformer at home; It's safer to do this in a remote location, such as a garage or shed.

The size of the transformer will depend on the distance between the electrodes (on the size of the resulting spark), which in turn will depend on the power consumption.

Components and assembly of the Tesla transformer circuit

  1. We will need a transformer or generator with a voltage of 5-15 kV and a current of 30-100 milliamps. The experiment will fail if these parameters are not met.
  2. The current source must be connected to the capacitor. The capacitance parameter of the capacitor is important, i.e. ability to hold an electrical charge. The unit of capacitance is the farad - F. It is defined as 1 ampere-second (or coulomb) per 1 volt. Typically, capacitance is measured in small units - µF (one millionth of a farad) or pF (one trillionth of a farad). For a voltage of 5 kV, the capacitor should have a rating of 2200 pF.
  3. It's even better to connect several capacitors in series. In this case, each capacitor will retain part of the charge, the total retained charge will increase multiple.

  4. The capacitor(s) is connected to a spark plug - a gap of air between the contacts of which an electrical breakdown occurs. In order for the contacts to withstand the heat generated by the spark during the discharge, their required diameter must be 6 mm. minimum. A spark plug is necessary to excite resonant oscillations in the circuit.
  5. Primary coil. Made from thick copper wire or tube with a diameter of 2.5-6 mm, which is twisted into a spiral in one plane in the amount of 4-6 turns
  6. The primary coil is connected to the arrester. The capacitor and primary coil must form a primary circuit that is in resonance with the secondary coil.
  7. The primary coil must be well insulated from the secondary.
  8. Secondary coil. Made from thin enameled copper wire (up to 0.6 mm). The wire is wound onto a polymer tube with an empty core. The height of the tube should be 5-6 times its diameter. 1000 turns should be carefully wound onto the tube. The secondary coil can be placed inside the primary coil.
  9. The secondary coil at one end must be grounded separately from other devices. It is best to ground directly “to the ground”. The second wire of the secondary coil is connected to the torus (lightning emitter).
  10. The torus can be made from ordinary ventilation corrugation. It is placed above the secondary coil.
  11. The secondary coil and the torus form the secondary circuit.
  12. We turn on the supply generator (transformer). Tesla transformer works.

Excellent video explaining how the Tesla transformer works


Be careful: the voltage accumulated in the Tesla transformer is very high and, in the event of a breakdown, leads to guaranteed death. The current strength is also very high, far exceeding the value safe for life.

There is no practical use of the Tesla transformer. This experimental setup, confirming our knowledge of the physics of electricity.

From an aesthetic point of view, the effects generated by the Tesla transformer are amazing and beautiful. They largely depend on how correctly it is assembled, whether the current is sufficient, and whether the circuits resonate correctly. The effects may include a glow or discharges formed on the second coil, or they may include full-fledged lightning piercing the air from the torus. The resulting glow is shifted to the ultraviolet range of the spectrum.

A high-frequency field is formed around the Tesla transformer. Therefore, for example, when an energy-saving light bulb is placed in this field, it begins to glow. The same field leads to the formation of large amounts of ozone.

The Tesla coil is probably familiar to many computer games or feature films. If anyone doesn’t know, let’s clarify this, this is a special device that creates high voltage, high frequency. To put it simply, thanks to a Tesla coil you can hold a spark in your hands, light a light bulb without wires, and so on.

Before you start making our reel, we suggest you watch the video

We will need:
- 200 m of copper wire with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.3 mm;
- wire with a diameter of 1 mm;
- 15-30 cm plastic sewer pipe diameter from 4 to 7 cm;
- 3-5 cm of sewer pipe with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm
- transistor D13007;
- radiator for the transistor;
- variable resistor 50 kOhm;
- constant resistor of 75 Ohm and 0.25 W;
- power supply 12-18 volts and current 0.5 per ampere;
- soldering iron, solder and rosin.

A long piece of pipe is needed for the secondary winding, and a short piece for the primary. If you cannot find a pipe of this diameter, you can replace it with ordinary tape, as the author does. Copper wire can be obtained from old transformers or simply purchased on the market.

Now that you've sorted out the materials, you can start assembling. According to the author of the video, it is better to start the assembly not from the primary, but from the secondary coil, that is, a long pipe. To do this, we take a pipe, which from now on will be the frame, and fasten the wire to it.

Now you need to wind approximately 1000 turns, making sure that there are no overlaps or large distances between the turns. The author claims that this is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance, and if you wish, you can finish the job in an hour and a half.

When the winding of the secondary frame is finished, it is recommended to cover it with varnish or simply cover it with tape so that the structure does not deteriorate over time.

Now you can proceed to the primary winding. It is made with ordinary wire with a diameter of 1 mm. Absolutely any wire can be used. You need to wrap about 5-7 turns.

We attach the D13007 transistor to the radiator, then solder the wire going from the secondary winding to one contact of the transistor.

We solder a constant resistor to the same contact.

At the second end of the constant resistor we solder a variable resistor.

Now we take the primary winding, insert the secondary into it and solder two wires that go from it to the variable resistor and resistor D13007.

We connect the positive and negative wires to the same resistors and connect our tesla coil to the source. If the desired effect is not observed, then you just need to swap the wires coming from the primary winding.