Palmistry five-pointed star. The secret of the life line on the hand

In one of the articles, we have already told you in detail about what the life line in our palm means. However, we will not limit ourselves to this and will reveal to you many more interesting things in this article. useful information about one of the most important lines on our hand.

The secret of the life line on the hand

Look carefully at your palm. A whole network of intricate and unique patterns permeates it. Compare it with the palm of any other person and you will understand how different they are. Just like our destinies are different. No one can go through the same life path, through which you walked, no one perceives the world in exactly the same way as you perceive it, no one has the same set of qualities that you possess.

That is why no one has the same pattern on their palm as you. The lines on your hand will tell you a lot about you. The life line reveals to us a wide variety of secrets of people’s destinies: quality of life, health, harmony in the family, success in professional activities.

Such a wide coverage is explained by the fact that the life line, like any other, cannot be considered in isolation. Therefore, depending on the overall picture in the palm, there is such a variety of spheres, the secrets of which this line reveals.

Line description

The life line goes around the Mount of Venus in a semicircle. It originates between the finger of Venus (thumb) and the finger of Venus (index) and extends towards the rosettes (bracelet lines). Depending on where exactly the life line originates, its interpretation changes.

So, if its beginning is at the Mount of Jupiter, then a person is always lucky in business. He is ambitious and knows his worth. If the life line begins at approximately equal distances from the hills of Jupiter and Mars (inner), then this indicates high level a person’s vitality and the fact that it is almost impossible to lead him astray from his chosen path or make him angry.

Age and life line

Almost always, people are interested not only in what events will happen in their lives, but also at what age they will occur. There are several ways to determine age using the life line, one of which we talked about in the article “Life Line and Fate Line.”

But there is another one that is no less popular among palmists. This is what it boils down to: You need to draw a line from the middle of Jupiter's finger (index) straight to the life line. The place where they intersect will correspond to the age of approximately 15-17 years.

If you draw the same line, but starting from the place between the index and middle fingers, then the point of intersection with the life line will mean the age of 22-25 years. A line drawn from the center of the middle finger will indicate age 30-35 years.

To determine the age of 40-45 years, you should draw a horizontal line from the root of the finger of Mars (thumb) to the life line. Well, subsequent years can be determined by laying down segments along the life line equal to the segment between the point 30-35 and 40-45.

Pentagram on the life line

The pentagram sign is very rare on hands. People with this sign in the palm of their hand, in most cases, are endowed with supernatural abilities and become psychics, sorcerers, and so on. They are with early age they feel that they are not like everyone else and that they have something that others do not have.

However, if there is a pentagram on the life line, this may not mean that the person has an unusual gift. Most sources claim that a pentagram located on any line is simply a bizarre interweaving that resembles a five-pointed star.

A real pentagram, carrying information that its owner is endowed with unusual abilities, should be located separately and not on any line.

Scars on the hands appear for a reason. Palmists claim that using them it is quite possible to predict the events that await a person in life. But here it is important to take into account several factors.

Firstly, of course, on what line this scar is located.

Secondly, how clearly it is visible and how deep it is. As a rule, the stronger the scar and the more unattractive it looks, the greater trouble it portends for a person.

Thirdly, it is also important how long ago it appeared on the palm and as a result of what. Fourthly, you need to take into account whether it causes any inconvenience to a person. And based on all this, it will be possible to draw conclusions and give a reliable forecast.

But it should be said that those who have a scar on the life line do not need to worry. On this line it only points to minor changes in a person's life.

Triple life line


It is extremely rare to find a triple life line in people’s hands. It gives a person a powerful supply of vitality. Such a person will be able to survive even in the most extreme situations, in those in which others would have already died. His resilience amazes those around him. He has pronounced leadership qualities and can lead the crowd.

They say that the most famous commanders often had a triple life line on their hand. This seems to indicate that they have more than one life left. This is what saved them from certain death, which seemed inevitable.

Being close to such a person, people literally feel the powerful energy emanating from him.

Life line length

Contrary to the popular belief that the length of the life line is directly proportional to the number of years a person is destined to live, this is far from the case. From the life line one can determine not the life expectancy, but, to be more precise, the sense of time that a person has.

For example, a long life line may reflect a period of only 30 years, while a short life line may reflect a period of 80 years. And in the first case, we should say that a person has a poorly developed sense of time, that is, he spends most of his time either remembering the past or worrying about the future.

Of course, we all need to sometimes return to thoughts about the past, remembering the lessons it taught us. We should also think about the future, make plans so that we are clearly aware of where we are going. But at the same time, we must not forget that our life is the moment now, and everything that happens also happens right now.

The past and future are just an illusion. Therefore, people who know how to enjoy the present moment live truly fulfilling lives. And such people have a longer life line, but this does not mean at all that they will be long-livers.

Spots on the life line

Often people who have had or have a spot on their life line are concerned about what it means. Most often, spots are harbingers of trouble, especially if they are dark in color.

On the life line, they indicate a disease that can await a person at a certain age. Moreover, it is believed that they indicate a disease associated with the pulmonary system, so smoking is strictly contraindicated for such a person if he wants to get away with only minor health problems.


A dark spot on the life line can also warn a person about difficulties in the material sphere. Perhaps there will come a time in his life when he will have to significantly cut his expenses in order to be able to feed himself and his family. But if a person does not become despondent, then very soon prosperity will return to him again.

Palmistry claims that the palm can tell not only when a person will die, but also what his death will be like. There are many different signs and combinations of lines that can warn a person of death and he may be able to prevent its occurrence. Today we will talk about what marks on the life line can tell us about a person’s death.

If it smoothly turns into the line of the rosette (line of bracelets), then this is a sign that the person will die a natural and painless death


If it merges with the line of Saturn, then this indicates that the person will die far from the place where he was born.

If the line of life is crossed by a line emanating from the triangle sign, then this is a warning of a terrible death

If there are small holes on the life line, this indicates death from blood loss

If the life line has a curved branch directed towards the middle finger, this indicates a risk of dying from an infectious disease or poisoning

Lattice on the life line

This sign on the life line indicates that a person does not have spiritual strength and at a certain period may lose the meaning of life. Here it is very important to pay attention to what the line becomes after the grating - if it breaks, it means that the influence of this sign has affected the person with maximum strength and took a toll on both mental and physical health.

If the nature of the life line does not change after the grid, it means that the person will simply learn the necessary lesson and then his life will return to its previous course

2 life lines

Double life line - auspicious sign, proof that his good deeds in past lives brought rewards in the current incarnation. Such a person has a large supply of vital energy and is under the constant protection of higher powers.

In addition, a double life line indicates that two personalities with different and sometimes opposing worldviews coexist within a person.

A very thin line of life

A thin and pale life line speaks of the weakness of a person’s spirit. He tends to hide from problems instead of dealing with them. Poor health too characteristic feature such people.

They should not waste their small supply of energy in vain, but find something that will inspire a person and, thereby, replenish the missing energy.

Perfect Pentagram

The geometric symbol of the Five - the pentagram - is especially attractive. This was Pythagoras’s favorite figure, and, as life has shown, for good reason. We can say that a whole layer of human history is connected with it. This mysterious figure has attracted and continues to attract the attention of everyone interested in magic.

Translated from Greek, “pentagram” means “five letters” or “five lines.” It symbolizes the Five and is graphically depicted as an ordinary five-pointed star. The number five and the symbols associated with it have always had a special meaning for humans (five fingers, five senses).

The Greeks also called the pentagram pentalpha, which meant five letters “A”. In magic, this symbol has long been widely known as the pentacle.

Pentagram is correct geometric figure with five-ray symmetry, which is found only in living organisms, that is, it embodies in its form one of the differences between living and nonliving things. This is a kind of embodiment of spiritual-physical harmony, the union of heaven and earth. The number five symbolized the macrocosm of the human body and mind, reproduction and fertility.

The pentagram became the symbol of the Pythagorean school, to put it modern language, its logo. In the ancient world as a whole, this sign embodied health and was considered a geometric symbol of harmony, health and mystical powers. In later times it was used by various secret societies. Gnostics and alchemists associated it with the five elements; Christians compared the pentagram with the five wounds of Jesus Christ; the Jews considered it a symbol of the Torah (Pentateuch); medieval sorcerers identified it with the legendary power of Solomon over the earthly and other worlds.

IN magical rituals special powers were attributed to the pentacles depicted on parchment made from the skin of a young bull. This figure was depicted on wood, stones, amulets, rings and worn as body talismans. People believed that magic sign will protect their home from dark forces and enemies, and for this they put his image on the doors and thresholds of their houses. Pentacles were inscribed in a protective circle, and they acquired the properties of a talisman. Mages used the pentacle to summon spirits.

There are ten in various ways pentagram images. It is believed that they are unequal, because the process of reproducing the pentacle was also magical. The pentacle in the form of a flaming star served as a symbol of Masonic dedication and illumination, therefore it was drawn with tufts of flame along the edges of the rays.

Over time, a human figure was placed in the pentagram, and it became the embodiment of the human personality (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. The pentagram is a symbol of man

The four rays meant arms and legs and symbolized the four elements - air, fire, water and earth, and the fifth ray represented the head and embodied the spirit that rules over these elements.

Good always goes side by side with evil; the two opposites are contained in the Five itself - the pentagram. A reflection of this was the use of the pentagram with evil intent, for which it was endowed with the satanic features of a goat-like demon (Fig. 1.5).

The positive protective properties of the pentagram have made it almost indispensable in magical rituals. A pentacle with one end pointing up and two ends pointing down began to serve as a sign of white magic. An inverted pentagram with one end pointing down and two points pointing up is the embodiment of black magic and perverted human nature. When the amulet is turned over, its positive power is lost, dark forces take over, and it has a bad influence. This is the so-called “goat’s hoof” and “devil’s horns”.

Rice. 1.5. Satanic pentagram

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What does a star in the palm mean?

As a rule, a sign such as a star on the hand, or more precisely, when it is placed on one of the main lines, is interpreted as a warning of danger. If the star is located on a hill, then it speaks of good developed abilities. If a person has such a sign, he should not abuse the ability that is given to nature.

Star on the Mount of Jupiter- power of power. A star in the area of ​​the Mount of Jupiter speaks of great opportunities. Such a person has strong character, he can lead a large number of people and does not like being told how to live. In a family, he may listen to his other half, but last word will remain with him.

Star on the Mount of Saturn- a proud person, for the sake of power and money, he will do any action. Also, the star can be interpreted that a person has already changed, or has begun to change, his destiny has partially changed. The star says that serous changes will occur in a person’s life, which will not be without difficulties.

Star on the Sun Hill – positive sign, which portends a successful marriage, wealth. The closer the star is to the hill, the stronger the positive moments in life will be. Combinations with a star on a hill, according to palmistry, are interpreted by the fact that by nature a person is endowed with luck. Such people should not use such a gift. Use your gift in positive things, otherwise, in old age you will find yourself alone and no one needs you.

Star on the Mount of Mercury- predicts success in business, oratory skills are developed. They are easy to talk to. A person with such a sign on the Mount of Mercury easily and quickly gains trust; such people have a lot of friends. But, through the envy of friends and through too much trust, they themselves often suffer. If a person has a combination of stars on the hill of Mercury and Saturn or Jupiter, such persons turn out to be swindlers or not fully open partners.

A star on Mars is a favorable sign that indicates positive results from work. Such people enjoy authority in society, but in order to achieve the desired results, they will need to invest a lot of effort into their brainchild.

The star on and on is a warning of big problems. Such signs have meanings such as natural disasters, illness or loss of something valuable, even death loved one where you will suffer for a long time.

Star on the line of reason- speaks of a surge of emotions. At this time, you can achieve high results or lose what you have acquired. Having such a sign on your hand, rely on your mind and not trust accidents.

Star on the heart line– interpreted as heart disease or severe stress.

Lines and hills on the hand



Let's talk about the symbolism of the most famous magical symbol - the pentagram. Many articles have been written, many opinions have been expressed on this issue. It is a well-known fact: the pentagram is one of the oldest esoteric symbols; it was used in the form of an outline to protect against negative impacts from time immemorial.

Everyone knows this about the pentagram. We will try to understand the deeper meaning inherent in this ideal figure.

Let's start with the fact that in classical occultism the pentagram is...

It has long been known that hands have energy potential, and they are capable of accumulating a very powerful charge. Using this property, the ancient Eastern practice of protection from evil was developed. We will tell you about the most famous combinations and show you in pictures how to perform them.

1. Double monkey fist. The thumb and index fingers of each hand are placed together in the shape of rings. In this case, the index finger is placed not on the pad of the thumb, but on its very tip. Index...

Palm of water - narrow (susceptibility to external influence, weak energy), rectangular (emotionality), with long fingers (attention to detail, detachment from the material world, patience). The width of the palm is less than the length of the middle finger.

There are a lot of lines on the hands, which can make the hand appear “old”. They are usually thin, poorly developed and often have the appearance of a chain. The skin is usually pale in color, soft and silky (sensitivity). Hands are often cold. Water people...

The doctrine of mounds (hills) associated with the ruling planets came to chirology from Europe. And, as studies of the human aura (bioenergy field) conducted by the Munich University of Parapsychology have shown, the bumps and depressions are small nerve centers located on the human hand, each of which emits energy for itself, but at the same time all these centers are interconnected.

The finest nerves end in the palm and all shocks and fluctuations are reflected, if for a certain...

Facing South, Priestess and Assistant touch right hand to the forehead and say:

Ata (Yours), -

Imagining a white glow that rises above their heads.

They touch their chest with their right hand and say:

Aiwass (or name SAH: in in this case Belphegor for Iggeret and Ottae for me, or only Belphegor, taking into account the specifics of the ritual of summoning Belphegor, carried out by us on August 16, 2009, as the “first meeting” of Iggeret with his SAH; see “The Ritual of Summoning Belphegor...

During the training process, the ability to sense fields and the ability to control energy flow are developed. At the same time, the hands begin to work not only in the energy transmission mode, but also in the ultra-sensitive reception mode. We should not forget that “trained” hands are also able to “absorb” disease signals.

They begin to work as a biological receiving and transmitting device. Hence, the smaller the working surface of the hands, the easier it is to control their condition.


Each of us at least once in our lives wanted to look into our future, predict the course of events, get answers to important questions and advice. For this purpose, we turn to people who tell fortunes with cards, runes, do numerology, go to astrologers and clairvoyants.

And, of course, each of us has heard such a concept as palmistry.

Palmistry, to summarize, is personality analysis and hand prediction. Every person has his destiny written on his palms, that is: character traits...

* A person who often keeps his palms closed has a dark side to his character. It is quite possible that he is a liar or a deceiver.

* A person who clenches his fingers a little and walks with his hands naturally hanging down is prudent and trustworthy.

* A person with almost completely open palms and dangling arms at his sides is trusting and slow in his thoughts. Strongly clenched fists and arms at the sides indicate a cocky character. The one whose arms are relaxed, moving back and forth, in...

Every person has one on their hand various signs, each of them has its own designation and is responsible for certain stages in life. If you learn to read them, then you will be able to understand what will await you in the future. Also, as experts say, symbols on your hand can still appear unexpectedly - this means that you have somehow changed your destiny, the course of events. One of the main symbols is the stars on the palm. What does this mean and how to correctly interpret such a phenomenon?

Star: general designation

The five-pointed star in the palm is the symbol that has large number values, everything will depend on where they are located. Although usually such a sign is said to carry great danger and trouble for its owner, most experts still say that this is a positive sign.

A five-pointed star on a hand can appear in a completely different part of the hand, and this is very important. Each area is responsible for its own and you need to know exactly what the star means when it is in this place.

If a similar star on the hand is located on a hill, then this may indicate that the person has been granted some kind of power. It could be luck, the ability to persuade anyone, and even love. The most important thing is not to use such a gift too much, since it can be taken away due to the fact that you use it more for your own benefit than for those around you.

The symbol is located on the Mount of Jupiter

The Mount of Jupiter is located under index finger on the palm - its base. Jupiter itself symbolizes strength and power. If any sign appears on it, it is good. This could mean that the person may be facing some kind of test in the future and has been given “help” to face the test and pass it. A star on a hill speaks of powerful power. This may also mean that a person has been given great opportunities to realize any of his ideas or achieve some heights in life.

Usually people who have noticed a star on the Mount of Jupiter have a very stable and strong character. They can very easily become the boss of many people, and it will not be a problem for him to manage all of them. But he himself hates it when people point out and tell him that he is wrong about something, that’s when he starts to get very angry. If everything happens in family relationships, then here he will listen to his soulmate, but the last word will always be his.

The star that is on the Mount of Saturn

The Mount of Saturn is located at the base of the middle finger on the palm. A star located on the Mount of Saturn does not bring anything good. Usually it appears only in those people who are much more concerned about their financial situation than the moral or spiritual part of the person. Such a person loves himself very much and therefore will jump over heads and trample, but will achieve his goal only in a way that makes him feel good. In order to achieve big money and power, a person will be able to step over a lot and many.

In addition, such a symbol may mean that a person has already done something (bad) that has begun an irreversible process of changing his karma, which means he has influenced his own destiny. Most likely, he may be preparing for big changes, which will bring great troubles and troubles. And, if a person can cope with them, then he himself will change his mind about many things.

A star that is located on the hill of the Sun

The Mount of the Sun or the Mount of Apollo is located on the palm directly under ring finger. The sun is always something joyful, bright and warm. This is extremely positive and good sign, which can only be encountered. If you have had a dark streak in your life, then you can safely hope that it has already passed and the time has come for the sun. Now you will be the center of attention. This may mean that perhaps in the very near future the most pleasant surprise will await you - a wedding. Most likely, your lover will propose to you, or you (the man) will mature and understand that better girls you won't find it.

In addition, the sun can mean that wealth awaits you. Perhaps you will win the lottery, perhaps make a successful deal, or find your dream job with a high and good salary.

Look carefully, the closer the star is on the hill, the more positive moments you will have in life. According to palmistry, such a sign is interpreted as one that gives a person great luck, which he can use constantly throughout his life. The most important thing is to use the gift only in positive and good situations, without constant benefit for yourself, because if you abuse it too much, then at the end of your years you will be lonely and no one will take care of you.

Star on the Mount of Mercury

The Mount of Mercury is located under the little finger. The owner of such a sign should always be successful in business and marriage. If the star ends right on the tubercle, this may mean that you will have at least one child. Run your index finger in the center of your palm, and then draw the star along the line, look carefully to see if it is six-pointed or five-pointed, or maybe it reminds you of the Star of David. If this is so, then according to the meanings of palmistry, your destiny will soon change and you will find your love, which will lead to marriage.

Also, such a line with a star can mean that a person has a lot of goodness that can be used to please others. Such people start conversations very easily; they do not have to work hard to achieve something in life, especially when it comes to business. They seem to fuel their energy and happiness with a star.

As the meanings in palmistry say, due to the fact that the star on the left palm may be at the very end, a person simply cannot distinguish envy from goodness and very often suffers from this. Especially if you notice a star on a child’s hand. He will be very lucky by nature and happy man, but due to the fact that he will trust everyone with a big heart, he will suffer greatly from that excessive trust.

The star that is on the hill of Mars

The human palm has two mounts of Mars: large and small. Small can be found at the base thumb, big – with opposite side palms. Such lines have a great influence from the Moon and Venus. If the lines go up, then your heart will soon find love, but if the lines go down, then, on the contrary, your heart will soon suffer.

According to the meaning of palmistry, the presence of a star on the hill of Mars can be interpreted as the fact that perhaps the relationship on which you relied so much will not lead to what you so wanted: a wedding or marriage. The star may also indicate a person’s excessive aggression, which he is advised to restrain. The star promises such people high social status, if they choose risky professions: policeman, military man, athlete.

You yourself can even carefully examine and understand what kind of fate awaits you. Remember that no photo will convey complete information; the process should be carried out only by hand.

Stars on the lines of life and fate

If there is a star on the life line or a star on the fate line, then this can have a bad meaning. You can get hurt with this star. It can bring death or great disorder of the mind.

In this case, you need to monitor the star: every morning, run your finger over it and see whether it has increased or not. If the symbol somehow moves onto the line of the mind, then this may mean that a big surge of emotions awaits you. It is in this case that with such a star you can reach great heights. The most important thing is to catch this moment of luck in time.