The proverb is that saving a drowning person is the work of your own hands. Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves

Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, or the simple truth that You will always have to work on yourself.

I’ll say right away that without a doubt there are cases when you need to leave someone with whom there is already more pain and destruction than creation and development, change jobs, teachers, work partners, clubs or dance schools, gyms, ballet classes and go to other trainers , people, employers, but here the leitmotif will be a simple truth, which, in general, applies not only to the workplace business sphere, personal, dance and sports activities, but also to life in general, namely, we will talk about the most difficult work - on yourself.

A person is very lucky if he understands from childhood (due to innate awareness or the family that instilled this knowledge) that you always have to start with yourself and besides the person himself, his progress, whatever it may be, will not take place without his efforts. Most of us get better, grow up, become wiser (in the best case) and in this way come to understand the importance of making our own efforts. In the worst case. we blame the world, parents, neighbors, work, others for all our troubles and failures. With this the philosophical introduction is over, let me move on to the essence of the matter.

The situation is widespread: “The world is bad, and I am so good and poor, unhappy, offended,” “My partner, my beloved, is not like that, I need to change it, why should I do this,” “My teacher is bad, he does everything wrong and the textbook is bad and the verbs are stupid and everything is wrong,” “My coach is bad, too strict, too weak, too much of something else.” or “Well, I pay money to him-her-them, why can’t I still do this or that, and where are my fanfare, certificates, victories and progress?” And hundreds of magazines, books, groups give advice on how to get out of this. I have encountered this situation ten times already, because I myself have been teaching French and German for many years, everything is the same there. Dozens of people have already passed through my teaching hands and the truth is as simple as all the most ingenious.

The truth is that neither your loved one, nor your employer, nor your teacher, nor your coach, like other people, owes you anything and owes you nothing. Again, I’ll make a reservation that this is not about the irresponsibility and indifference of the other half, not about the tyranny of the boss, not about the negligence and laziness of the teacher, but about the fact that another person will not sort out your internal problems, a change of job will not change your mind without internal work, changing the environment will not give results without internal conscious soul-searching. No one will increase your self-esteem for you, motivate you, liberate you, develop willpower and the ability to take any action from yourself in any situation. It would seem like a hackneyed topic of conversation, but how many of us have managed to at least begin to engage in this very rescue of drowning people in the face yourself?

No one needs what we do as much as we need it ourselves.

This applies to choosing a partner in a relationship, work, place of residence, sports, healthy eating, healthy awareness of life and the surrounding space. All changes begin within yourself and only with yourself.

In conclusion, I would like to quote a quote from Henry Ford, whom I respect very much:

“If you think that you are capable of something, you are right, if you think that you cannot do something, you are also right.”

Each of us has the most powerful helper - himself. Let's act, develop and move forward! And let it be our inner self-perception, work and attitude that will attract the right person, the right job, the right teacher, coach and employer. A person himself is a source of colossal strength and motivation; the main thing is to find your own approach to revealing it. There are no exceptions, everyone is equal here.

Encyclopedic Dictionary popular words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves

From the novel (chapter 34) “The Twelve Chairs” (1928) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf(1897-1937) and Evgenia Petrova(1903-1942). The text of the slogan, which was hung in the hall of the Kartonazhnik club in the city of Vasyuki, where Ostap Bender gave local chess fans a session of simultaneous play on 160 boards.

In the original: The work of helping drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.

The phrase is a factual parody of the famous words of Karl Marx, often quoted Soviet propaganda those years: “The liberation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves.”

Allegorically: everyone must solve their problems themselves or together with their fellow sufferers.

From the book ABC of Safety in Emergency Situations. author Zhavoronkov V.

5. 18. RESCUE OF A DROWNING MAN This matter is far from simple. Sometimes only professional rescuers can do it. The sequence of actions of the rescuers is as follows: enter the water, swim to the drowning person, find the victim under the water, if necessary, free yourself from the grip,

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STRANGE RESCUE In 1828, a British ship sailing from Liverpool heading to Nova Scotia had been sailing in the icy waters of the North Atlantic for several weeks when senior sailor Robert Bruce discovered a stranger in the captain's cabin. He was writing something on the board. Bruce

From the book Symbols, Shrines and Awards of the Russian Empire. part 2 author Kuznetsov Alexander

“For saving drowning people” On February 16, 1957, the medal “For saving drowning people” was established. Its statute provided for rewarding both Soviet and foreign citizens for courage, bravery and dedication shown in saving people on the water, for preventing

From the book Brazilian guerrilla [A short textbook of an urban guerrilla] author Marigella Carlos

RESCUE OF THE WOUNDED The problem of the wounded in the city guerrilla warfare deserves special attention. During guerrilla operations in urban areas, it may happen that a comrade is accidentally wounded or shot by the police. If a partisan is in a battle group

From the book God is not an angel. Aphorisms author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Salvation God, who created us without us, cannot save us without us. Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), French scientist and philosopher There is no salvation outside the church. Cyprian of Carthage (c. 200–258), Christian theologian It was about hell and eternal torment, and the number of righteous people who

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

But for me, whatever is the matter, what is not the matter, / My custom is this: / Signed, so off your shoulders From the comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). Famusov's words (act. 1, appearance 4). Ironically about the bureaucratic conduct of affairs in

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A matter of honor, a matter of glory, a matter of valor and heroism From the Political Report of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to the XVI Party Congress, which was read by J.V. Stalin (1878-1953) on June 27, 1930. This is how the party leader expressed himself about work and what is due to it relation in the USSR. Used as a joke

From the book Award Medal. In 2 volumes. Volume 2 (1917-1988) author Kuznetsov Alexander

White lies Traditionally, these words mean a completely acceptable lie - justified by the fact that it supposedly benefits the deceived and such a lie, as is commonly believed, is permitted and blessed by the Bible. But this catchphrase owes her birth

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But who will guard the watchmen themselves? From Latin: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? [quis custodiet ipsos custodes?]. From the work of the Roman satirical writer Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvsnal, c. 60 - 127): “Put a bolt, keep her locked, but who will guard the watchmen themselves? Your wife is cunning and starts

From the book 100 Great Curiosities of History author Vedeneev Vasily Vladimirovich

Dear salvation January 13, 1925 An American submarine, S-19 (SS-124), ran aground near Cape Cod (East Coast of the United States). Attempts to refloat it with the help of a tug and two coast guard patrol vessels "Tashra" and "Acushnet" continued until January 18, and as a result

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Rescue of Yudmayer on September 26, 1970. It's approaching noon. Two people look at the African jungle spread out before them from Mount Kenya. Their names are Oswald Oltz and Gerd Judmaier, twenty-four and twenty-nine years old. Both are doctors. Both Austrians and devout amateurs

From the book History of Fortresses. The evolution of long-term fortification [with illustrations] author Yakovlev Viktor Vasilievich

For salvation - execution Who among us has not heard about the rules of etiquette? Of course, everyone has heard, but not everyone knows them, and the implementation of these rules in modern life there's not even anything to say. Even fewer people know what strict rules of etiquette reigned at the courts

From the author's book

From the author's book

Rescue someone who has fallen through the ice Your actions: 1. Approach the victim by crawling, spread out on the ice.2. Throw him the end of a rope or extend the end of a stick. A loop should be made at the end of the rope so that he can thread his hand through it.3. Shout to the victim to

From the author's book

Work on drawing up projects for fortifications and the fortresses themselves since 1912. As a final result of the work of the Engineering Committee, based on data from the Berezan and Warsaw experiments, on March 29, 1913, the “Temporary instructions for the construction” appeared, published by this committee

Due to the chronic release of pages of this site from the cache, I recommend reloading the page before reading.

There is an oasis in the endless deserts of the Universe, filled with controlled, programmatically organized matter called life, which we call Earth. In what form is highly organized life possible in conditions other than those known to us suitable for this, we do not know, and this does not matter - however, we know that life can exist even in more than a hundred-degree sulfur or in some other aggressive “broth”; but without insurmountable limitations, the water-carbon life known to us, and especially the highly organized one, requires approximately the same conditions as we find on Earth.
But besides nucleon life, there is another life, also controlled by software (its virtual model in the most primitive representation, it is an artificial mind), which fills the entire material Universe, that is, it is the entire wave Universe, organized in some unknown way to us, or rather self-organizing, called in Russian God (God = El - electrons).. .

God and only God sets, say, the weather on Earth, electrical forces(ionic wind) redirecting winds and currents (Job 36:27–33) (Jeremiah 10:13/51:16). It depends only on Him where and when to create tornadoes and hurricanes, droughts and hail, earthquakes and tsunamis, and where and when to bring timely rains, sunshine, peace and grace (Lev. 26:3-13). An example to begin with: one Saturday, a drunk neighbor wanted to solve his problems and stubbornly refused to come on a non-holy day and sober - but he got so “unhinged” that he broke the glass in the window. The next day in Russia there are hurricanes and storms and glass-breaking hail. Or Yandex this topic: in April 2011 in Sochi, as a sign of the 2014 Olympics, Olympic rings made of clouds appeared in the sky... Well, in Scripture, did God keep silent about such His ability? Also, for example, our health depends on Him, which is “repaired” for righteousness, and destroyed for (our beloved) sin; by the way, the name of sin is contained in the name of the disease - a few words about diseases here:

And not one of the residents will say: “I am sick”; the people living there will have their sins forgiven (Isa.33:24)...

Try, without being rich or famous, say, talk to the rich or famous. If this is possible, it is only at the behest of the (arrogant) rich or famous. Man over man, without being greater than him: more worthy, smarter, more decent, fairer,... more perfect, exalts himself so much that he becomes inaccessible to others (the minds of people can differ by only a few orders of magnitude: from babies to elders)... Here is the Most Powerful, as a result of which, the Most Perfect Universal Mind, which stands so high before us, the most primitive creatures before Him ((we can compare one thing different from the other, say, by 40 orders of magnitude? This is ~ the ratio of the size of an atom to the size of the universe; like this but it is impossible for us to imagine the difference between the minds of man and God)), that only those chosen by Him (like, for example, the biblical Moses) will have the right and opportunity to approach Him, whom He will use only with a (steel) whip, and not with a carrot, He brought me up and taught me a lot that was absolutely inaccessible to the world.
In practice, we see an endless number of themselves (each other) who have called and dedicated themselves to the Unknown God and who willfully serve as they please, serving as essentially spiritual terrorists, undermining the trust of ordinary people, the reputation, economy and health of His servant, and finally the authority of God Himself: the time has come for people to learn about God, and this is opposed by billions of false believers, in Russia - these are the Orthodox ((are these goblin-like misguided ignoramuses serving the Greatest Reason with rational service? They are the ones who preach the spiritual (ISCARIOT = SEEKING TO DRINK POISON , SMOKE POISON) death - alcoholism (many Russians are on drugs), are they able to save anyone, who managed to pervert the Scriptures so much that they recklessly included mortal sin in the category of atonement sins, and vice versa, and thereby filled everything with the blood of the innocent? our thousand-year Christian history, and especially the 20th century? - millions and millions, because of their insane service by the Greeks to invented idols, innocently accused and treacherously destroyed...)), whose fables have developed a persistent allergy to these topics in all who have now become truths inaccessible, minds - we read about this at length on the page of baptism (teaching).
To baptize means to teach:
After the baptism announced by John (Acts 10:37);
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe observance (Matt. 28:19-20);
He spoke and taught correctly about the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John (Acts 18:25)...

Until some time, God did not have to have serious and closely related affairs with - in comparison with Him, the absolutely unreasonable, unjust, ignorant,... that is, the sinful crown of His creatures - man. But not in last times, when the power in the hands of humanity is now capable of destroying even the very conditions of existence of life, and perhaps even the most primitive life (global nuclear contamination and nuclear winter are not an illusion, but an inevitable reality in the not too distant future - of course, if God does not will stop...) - civilization, which is soaring exponentially in recent times, is also improving the means of delivering charges, including (thermo)nuclear ones, so that it would be impossible to defend against an attack, and people have succeeded in the least (well, they will come up with a fast, say, laser “knockdown”, and then a laser “attack”, and then something else grandiose fatal, and more... until the Earth “cracks”. And quite soon, even the most incredulous skeptics will have no doubt about the possibility of victory in a nuclear war. However, even then no one will stop arming themselves, since predators will never voluntarily become herbivores, unless out of fear of the Almighty - through His noose or whip:
And the lion shall eat straw like the ox (Isa.11:7/65:25).
Well, otherwise, except by opposing and conquering, attacking and striking, competing and concentrating, appropriating, robbing and taking away... as we know, people are not able to organize their own world order.
Thus, the Earth, without being Protected by Someone, would be doomed - at the hands of a maddened humanity (spiritually disorganized, sinking lower and lower in sins to the bottom: bottom = scum) - to catastrophic fatal changes, which the Creator and Owner of this inhabited His planet, and everything on it, we definitely don’t need it ((do we need it, in our lived-in homes to “quarrel” with grenades in our hands? but modern world This is exactly how he is designed and is not going to be “treated” - who will say: he is going to; and have forgotten the customs of the insatiable, unscrupulous “predators”: to whom is war, and to whom is mother dear?))...
The God of gigagoda nurtured life on the planet He created (over billions of years) - with the Moon stabilizing its rotation and protecting it from the solar wind magnetic field, With optimal inclination axis of rotation, with the required composition of the atmosphere, with the required quantity and quality of water, with acceptable temperature limits... And won’t He stop us, expansive and rabid - in our dead-end intentions and our destructive deeds - by making our lives, let’s say, with His Unprecedented Power , unbearable (He can suddenly make the dank weather of Moscow in the spring and summer of 2017 seem like a desirable and inaccessible paradise)?
The “reset” after a divorce can last for years or decades. The “reboot” of local civilization will take place over hundreds and thousands of years. “Rebooting” the mind after a nuclear cataclysm – in megayears! Does God need it?

So, in these very times, and I have been chosen to testify to this, God, as He promised, will soon take away from man the power to destroy His planet and exterminate living things on it, and will establish for people the dictatorship of His Law, which will be taught in no other way (by example , a role model) of a person pleasing to Him - Christ. But before coming, as God promised, He will give people the one who should arrange the way for the Lord, that is, John the Baptist or, as his image is in the old books, Elijah. God will give John a teacher whom people will not listen to, but will do with him the same way they did with Christ, that is, as they want, and not according to the life-giving Law, which for all, except the saints who are subject to the entire Law of God, says this:
Oh man! It has been told to you what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Mic. 6:8).
To say it differently (albeit in relation to everyone): love God and your neighbor with all your heart (Matt. 22:37–40) (Mark 12:28–34)...

In my youth, I had three Words from God, which were repeated at least twice - I don’t remember exactly - which indicates the truth of His Words and that God will certainly fulfill them.
In my first dream I saw a straight path before me (Prov.15:21) (Prov.4:26-27) (1 Samuel 12:23) (Isa.26:7) (Isa.57:1-2) ( Proverbs 21:29) (Job 33:23/26–27) (Proverbs 2:9) (Acts 13:10) (Isa 42:16) (Proverbs 4:11) (Proverbs 12: 15) (Prov.23:19) (Prov.14:2) (Prov.21:8) (Ps.25:11-12): part of the interpretation on the baptism page - baptism, let me remind you, means teaching...
In the second dream, I ascended upward in a spiral (this is Elijah ascending to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1/11))...
Well, the third dream was terrible: I stood in horror on the deserted Earth and held the Earth in my hands. I was alone and there was no one on Earth except me ((there is no one, not a single person on the planet except me, at least among the Russian-speaking people, whom God would call to serve Him as a forerunner, before the coming of Christ, and teach - there is also an antichrist, which means: instead of Christ; but you will read about this in due time in the TEMPLE program))...
In 1993, I was shown the Real, Non-fictional God. Then, those who revealed God to me, drove me away from themselves, according to the Scriptures, which you will also read about in the program... So they are like a stupid one who lost for sin to death - slander - the birthright, the successful Esau; and I am like the meek Jacob, brought up by God; Since then I have been living alone and I don’t know anyone else from the servants of the Living God...

All, no matter how many of them there are on Earth, supposedly believers, in Russia they are mostly Orthodox, whom God not only did not call, but also forbade all of them, absolutely senseless ignoramuses, to arbitrarily present themselves, shameful, as servants of God and to Him, disgracing Him with your idolatry, approach Him in one way or another. All these self-proclaimed, among other things, through their unauthorized service, caused endless troubles for humanity in the Middle Ages, and to this day continue, to the destruction of themselves and their descendants, to sow evil and dishonor both God and me, His servant, His protege on His Earth , at least for Russian-speaking people (however, biblical images are translated precisely in Russian; and our Russian [and the basis of the USSR was Russia] “kings” are found in Scripture: VIL = V.I. Lenin and who was once thrown out of thick walls Georgian...shVIli; well, those connected specifically with lately, specifically: Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin - details on the baptism page and/or in the program) - so I’m most likely the only one of my kind.
So I am the only servant of God, and there is (most likely) no one else on Earth (and more, with the presence of the Network, there is no need yet), whom everyone has always only pressed and offended - robbed, and finally took away all my food, leaving it like that die. And now, no matter where I turn, what is taken away by someone is not given back (being unable or without good will); and I simply haven’t had anything to eat for a year now - my mother died, leaving me some inheritance, but which during the times of thieves’ inflation the judges still did not give and did not give...

So I endured hunger and scurvy (Isa.53:3) - for contempt I was belittled in everything, sorrow = mourn - scurvy, according to Scripture: 2016 was the year of Job for me, and in 2015 I was hungry; and when the same thing loomed in 2017, I turned to high-ranking officials for the third time, calling for help (providing evidence for the appeal and attaching a baptism page to it); it was specifically about the spiritual support of an influential person ((I’m the only one who doesn’t have any supporting connections; and this is not according to the Law - I don’t suffer and endure insults so that the selfish lawless ones will survive, and the selfless ones will continue to suffer and die at their hands )), here - through financial support, on loan (after all, red tape: investigations, courts, etc. can delay everything for months and even years), until I get my money back, or, if you like, free of charge ((but where are the people of their profit they won’t let it slip out of their hands: even before the Real God and for God’s affairs, they will hang themselves for a penny, but they will not share with His slave, plundered, dying of hunger))...
After all, that's how God is established rule, this is the Law: no one ever listens to helpless beggars:
The wisdom of the poor man is despised, and his words are not heeded (Eccl. 9:16).
And for disobedience, losses of all kinds are due: health, intelligence, prosperity, honor... A vicious circle - when there was nothing left to lose except a computer, for another disobedience to my requests for help, I lost, in addition to the loss of food and health, a usable keyboard and modem - you can’t ask anyone for anything else; Yes, and I won’t, how long can you dishonor me so undeservedly? however, not me, but, ultimately, myself; It’s just that I’m already surviving on my last legs, which is costing the country daily sacrifices and the loss of everything and everyone...
I didn’t ask for someone else’s, but I asked for help, that is, a loan from an influential person who, from my word, became a believer (truly, not nominally), in order to return to me what was seized.. and I don’t know any other way out, and I don’t know to this day when it was either this or dying in silence from hunger (a woman from the local government who accompanied the endless inspectors brought me bread, cheese and canned food several times, and it was only in 2019 that I was able to pay her back, although we did not agree: Do not owe anything to anyone (Rom. 13:8); I also paid off those who gave me boots). But everyone who was sent to me, supposedly to help, whom I had nothing to help, for people do not have such a profession: the man of God, being weak in mind and good will, looked arrogantly (Matt. 11: 7-11) (Luke ...

So now I am Israel, and those who stubbornly do not want to deliver me from all work of the flesh, who do not recognize my (extremely important - later, those who are involved, but indifferent, will understand, and will go crazy when it dawns on you how many people you are they ruined by silent indifference) mental work for work worthy of maintenance - note, not from someone’s money, but from my legal inheritance - these are the Egyptians, who, according to the custom of the world, strive to integrate Jews into their “mechanism”, seeing in me the same “brick” , like all of them, slaves who ensure their well-being: even a tuft of wool from a black sheep:
Is Israel a slave? or is he a member of the household (“smells smoke”)? why did he become a prey? (Jer.2:14).
But we know how the confrontation between the biblical (arrogant, mercantile) Egyptians and the Jews ended, who finally received the task of getting out of slavery, who did not know, did not listen and did not want to know and submit to God... Now, the masters who are not subject to God, whose image is Pharaoh, in accordance with what is written, with your entire team, “glorify yourself,” and thus, together with those sent to me, you will go to your spiritual bottom, as unable to do something truly worthwhile - according to God, according to the Law, reasonable, from the heart, from the soul.. And me, if you, those in power, strong and influential, have not yet understood, in the end, God will deliver from total slave oppression, regardless of the cost, even if it means sacrificing half the world or more (today it’s already half of Russia). your hands are poisoned) - in order to show everyone who is the Master in His world, and to show for the future what will happen to the obstinate and stubborn, who do not recognize Him as the Master, and me - not a slave of the slaves of sin, but only His slave ((well, not always you, who “customize” the world for yourself and have everything in it, throw a noose on yourself for a penny; Someday, as it turned out, starting for some time now, using your example, it will be necessary to warn others from all this kind of thing))...

Since 2007, I have often worked for days without stopping ((it used to be impossible to stop, because I would have to start over (introductory information is in short term memory, and loading task elements can last tens of hours), and already through sleepy eyes you bring things that otherwise cannot be overcome to the end)), and work for several more years (which even the simplest people of the world will not be able to do for millennia, for those who have not been taught by God do not and will not have either the mind of Christ or His knowledge...), but which, qualified, has already been postponed many times until the end of my persecution (Job - persecuted) by all this selfish, godless world, when I, for the reason physical exhaustion, now forced to do primitive things ((in the spring of 2016, I pulled up the strap of my cap by a whole centimeter - that’s how my, already venerable age, Christ, who was destroyed in me, as much as half, and even more)), for example , arrangement of hyphenation signs and the like: I know how the mind is created and where it comes from, how it is adjusted and how it is configured, how it is maintained and how it is restored; but, as I see, without radical measures, without the intervention of God, without His Strong Hand, without coercion, I on the planet, blinkered and detached, greedy for the things of others and insatiable unreasonable deranged man-beasts, live sensibly and finish the work entrusted to me (and, as you see, they won’t let me live at all - unlike everyone else on Earth, I alone work for the reasonable and long life of others, when no one has lifted a finger in this matter, working only for myself, for my own well-being - for my family, for the company, for the country... - in full, and even more, receiving their content and recognition. Well, everyone just interfered with me, not allowing me to live (I’m not saying: a decent, at least acceptable life) or work productively: everyone only shamed and humiliated me, despised and irritated me, crowded me, forced me, deceived me, took me away, that is, in essence - spiritually and in the flesh - they robbed and killed... But I need to work, and not run through the mountains in search of food, meanwhile, being a forced vegetarian, becoming stupid and forgetting everything:
My people were like lost sheep; their shepherds led them astray and scattered them into the mountains; They wandered from mountain to hill and forgot their bed (Jer. 50:6).
Working in the chestnut forest in the fall of 2016 (as if for myself), I gradually worked more and more, and the Armenian buyers paid less and less. In 2017, two of them, locals, were no longer recognizable, they had grown old in a year - I even asked one again, to make sure, was it him? Well, the third one grew old back in 2016, literally within a few days of lower purchasing prices, who told me several times: don’t you recognize me?.. If they paid according to their conscience, they wouldn’t kill themselves and theirs for decades life, and I was rescued from oppression ((I was never able to pay off my debts and paid for the sins of the creditors with senseless fuss and health - they became noticeably younger and became rich with huge harvests, and I became very old and starved for literally everything: for vitamins, for squirrels, and there was simply nothing to eat for several days)) and slavery (in the summer I had to cut oak shoots for bath brooms), although partly, but no. But life, it turns out, was not so far away - when it was given for free, when they were asked to take pity on the slaves and not grab it, the evil arrogant ones did not take it, and they preferred other people's $, - $, taken from the poor by covetousness, to longevity - details about the unscrupulous deeds of this people, of which the image is in the Books: Egypt and Pharaoh (by the way: snickering priests), we read on the page of baptism - however, this people in their appropriation is contrasted beyond all measure; but if we look at everything carefully, we will see that before the cleansing wars, radically changing everything by coups or fatal collapses of civilizations, everything was taken away from the weak more and more, increasing the potential for polarization and multiplying the tension of injustice, until everything bursts (in 2018, Armenians, pathological Having greed and insatiability causing continuous droughts in the chestnut area, they were no longer able to really earn money, and in 2019 they themselves moved into the forest for chestnuts, collecting them before lunch, and after buying them, but there were almost none there)...

Without the spiritual support of those in power, the police will not listen to me 100% (((there, for example, once a local police officer simply laughed at me, and my mother bore his sin when a certain neighbor arbitrarily connected a wire to my mother’s satellite dish, and I I wanted to return everything to its place, because, as it turned out, through what they had in common with those arrogant neighbors, their sin was redirected to their mother dying of cancer: you will read about the redirection of sins (about payment for sins) in due time in the program, and the beginnings - on the baptism page; in the police without support, which is illegal, we call blat, they will not help me in any way ((on the issue with the antenna, I even went to see the chief of police; but for my mother and I, the poor people offended by everyone, everything remained as it was - if there was no money , then no one will ever listen to you: there are no friends, no accomplices, there will be no support - not provided for by law)): once again they will make fun of you, and not only will there be no use, but irreparable harm...))) , and their disobedience will now be punished by damage or even loss of my main tool, because besides the PC I have nothing else to lose; Well, then everything will cease to make sense, and all I have to do is make sure that they no longer hear about me and that my body is not found...

I wrote in a petition to the governor that for the failure to provide me with help, now ((when it turned out in accordance with what is written, as if the king, who sent slaves ignorant of his affairs for the fruits, for the third time sent a son who knew his will, and, as it is written, it’s still the same it’s no use)) God will punish, in particular with bad weather, the whole of Russia - and even the whole world, as we are seeing now... You see now what God in Russia turned the second half of spring and summer into, what I’m talking about there, in my address to to the governor dated 05/04/2017, and warned (extreme weather anomalies began a little earlier, because then MegaFon once, and twice, “cut” my traffic, and received a “reward” hacker attack, and the country is the beginning of extraordinary weather...); for instead of real effective help, I again saw many representatives from all sorts of authorities: doctors - and this is for someone who is the only one on Earth, at least among Russian speakers, who knows how to be healthy and live forever, that is, long-lasting (for a commoner - at least 100 years), or social workers - and this, again, is for someone who has no rights to any help, for there is not and cannot be in the laws of people against me, now John the Baptist, laws that support and protect me ( (when Christ appears - in exactly the same inconspicuous people as me - you, spiritual anarchists, this whole selfish world, will rob Him, just as you robbed my Christ, and leave them without a means of subsistence; and then, according to your customs , blaming them for everything and finding fault with everything, you will not provide Him, who is in them, in them, in God, personally, called, any support...)); after all, let’s say, I’m not disabled - I had a plan in 2016 to “crawl” to the hospital and get a certificate that I had become temporarily disabled - that I was exhausted and stunned from hunger, so that with such a piece of paper I could “reach” the police and thus try to get your way; but there is no insurance policy, and therefore I was not entitled to anything from the “kings” in terms of health care, and such a certificate was not entitled to either ((I was still given attention in the hospital then, and I began to get better; and another time, as in their midst, it is customary to act - they despised (doctors = liars, this is how they live; for for any kind of lie: for deception and misrepresentation, one or another death is prescribed, say, dismissal; but they despised one of the unfortunate patients, humiliated them, and thus they appropriated his right to a happy and long life, and thus sent him away to be sick, or even to his forefathers...), and everything returned to normal again: they gave it, and soon they took it away again)) - I repeat: I, a servant of God , I have the right only to an inheritance, which, since in our country it is customary to commit arbitrariness against powerless beggars with impunity, now they simply do not give it to me ((I am inclined to think that judges have an unspoken preset by all possible ways prevent any payments coming from the state, here – cashing out a housing certificate)); I am not able to return him; Well, let’s take it that in this world, contrary to the Teachings of God, who has clasped his hand, I have nothing more and nowhere to go - about this, about the lack of help for the most disadvantaged, and it will be like this until the death of one of those now in charge, which is what Scripture says - we read on the page baptism and, in due course, in the program.
There were many others who came to look at me, at the prophet, and at the one who is greater than the prophet, according to the Scripture: (Matt. 11: 7-11) (Luke 7: 24-28), - but I hunger and hunger:
John came, neither eating nor drinking; and they say: “He has a demon” (Matt. 11:18);
He is possessed by a demon and goes mad; Why are you listening to Him? (John 10:20) - demons are an image of madness ((for the madman all of me, being themselves one of the most insane representatives of this mad mad mad world, who have long been fully, spiritually and in the flesh, not eating or drinking, many, with submissions from the insidious neighbors who prejudicially judge me, and they honor)), - but there is no end to all the stupid and empty paperwork, and I am now forced to raise a cry to all of Russia in order to finally open the eyes of those in power to the consequences, so that, in the end, they will be forced do me good by returning my inheritance to me, thus doing good to myself and to everyone.
As you can see, it is not possible to come to an agreement peacefully and voluntarily; So is it really possible, gentlemen, that you will not understand the inevitability of punishment and its escalation and will not hear my crying word and in your stubbornness will lead to war and to the shedding of rivers of blood of your people and even the extermination of people all over the world? - after all, the further, the price of retribution will be higher and higher, until you recognize my Master, and me, as not yours, but His slave, and Russia, as not your cash cow, but His outpost (peace and justice) on His perishing planet...

If I did not have the obligation to be a slave of God, but had the right to work, and would not be burdened with supporting a family and the like, and would find out that there is someone from God who is in a hopeless plight, then I would beg him to accept from me complete maintenance, and even more, and I would not give such a privilege to anyone, for the sake of atonement for many sins at such an insignificant price - do not think that I am begging here, you will not wait, it’s just that none of the atheists, as it turned out, are capable of this - because of pathological greed they leave life untimely and go to hell, but for the Real God they never do anything like that. Until the time determined by Scripture - until my return from “exile”, maximum until the end of 2021 - I will not accept any other content from the “kings”; except for a while, on loan, and then with caution, from anyone other than my legal inheritance...
When I was very sad about the death of my mother (who was eaten away by cancer, but did not resort to painkillers, she did not need them), who served me extremely poorly, and even worse, otherwise she would still be alive and well, crying for her in three or four months , I had a Word from God that reassured me: “No longer dangerous”... Well, for you, greedy to shamelessness, for not solving the problems of the poor (especially in my person, because you knew everything - well, or you didn’t want to know, it doesn’t matter here, who am I), only for this is promised an age of hell - an age of hunger, sorrow, sorrow, horror, suffering,... cruel torment:
Because you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.” And these will go into everlasting punishment (Matt. 25:31...45–46).
My last name is KUZMINSKY: NARROW, MINIMAL = smaller.

Now it’s clear, the legislators and executors of your laws – created for the full protection of only the propertied – what have you, and this cannot be changed, without even “leaving” your predatory, merciless world, have you lost? To do something forced or voluntarily is a colossal difference; so you will do it anyway, but now without a truly worthwhile reward - through the extreme harm delivered to all your people ((as punishment with total fires for sins against all the strong, intensively plundering the poor and beggars, you, the authorities, have already destroyed a lot of wood, turning it into the already excess thermal energy of the planet and in excess amounts greenhouse gas, as well as in the smoke destroying the health of the body and mind of the population of Rus': now - on you is the blood of those who were exhausted and died in the poisonous smoke, and it was you who destroyed the soil accumulated in the tree trunks, and without your apathetic sin has long been sick - at the hands of the unrestrained pressure of the progressive rabid humanity - the planet: God promises the destroyers of the earth, so that they will not dominate or destroy for the sake of self-interest (Rev. 11:18))). “Thank” your impostor churchmen (in Rus' - Orthodox), that their ignorant gods did not teach you anything so good that comes from God, but, as destroyers should do, they did not lead you to good and did not lead you away from evil - to whomever I appeared in need of help, but almost none of the people (literally a few) deigned to selflessly sacrifice even an insignificant share of their well-being to save the servant of the Living God who was in trouble ((in public we are all philanthropists [let's leave to poor patients via SMS a couple of dollars, and we praise ourselves for selflessness, while, for the sake of our well-being, we ruin much more people– both their health and their lives, selfish environmental lawlessness, and the general appropriation of their well-being...], when in fact the opposite is true - the unscrupulous greed of hypocrites has long had no boundaries; for example, there was one, the second one in the entire village who heard about my God, who had wealth (once she exposed the lost red caviar to the cats), who once borrowed me money, and then twice, knowing that I had no one else to borrow from, who judged others by herself, refused to do so - she did not dare to give a loan to His man dying of hunger before God: what if I don’t give her 100 rubles?)): to hell, gentlemen, to hell, world rulers, soon or not so soon , but for the contempt and insults of the defenseless poor, and especially the beggars, - to a long and painful hell...
The people and kingdoms that do not want to serve you will perish, and such nations will be completely destroyed (Isa.60:12).
There will be no place for such institutions of power as the governorship, and it seems, today, and the presidency, in the peaceful future of humanity, when the saints take power.

And now I don’t ask anyone for anything: I don’t ask for money, much less advice - can an egg teach a chicken? People don’t know what really is, but they are always mistaken about everything. What has been taught to me (in comparison with you, an elder in Christ, who, having read something from me, will just be born in Him - from the Word of my Master, Which is only in me for now), you still have to learn, and experience, and suffer; and you won’t learn everything, but the bare minimum, the unholy...
A gift or a loan, so you know, is not good at all, but a necessary measure (here recently in the news they started talking about the lottery, about the misfortunes associated with winnings, and I have been describing these images for ~ 20 years already, as I described that from the concentrated failures of the losers there will definitely be not a benefit, but exactly the same failure, that is, ultimately only harm) - details in the program; and I would also look to take what from whom, or refuse, so as not to receive an excessive curse: rich, forget the way to me; let others suffer and die for your “sick” wealth; having written to the president, and in fact to his volunteers (judging by the responses, many apparently did not even read everything I wrote, but only the first lines), among many inappropriate advice and instructions on how to get rich (say, from a certain Ostritskaya = Wall Street), there were two letters from bankers asking me to give them my account number, where they could transfer money for me; I, exhausted and exhausted from hunger, threw them out without hesitation or regret; and rich, I will throw away everything that is from you, and I will prefer to die rather than share with you (promised to you after life) your fate; so, the extortionists are grabbing and hiding income ((the entire infrastructure of the country suffers from non-payment of taxes, say, today there are no good rural roads, or all sorts of modern networks there: underground electrical, high-speed Internet,.. and also, for example, the production of weapons suffers , supplying the army with the necessary things and training fighters... and you, defaulters, let’s say, shabatniks, are ruining and are now putting at risk both the Russians, and Russia, and even the entire planet)) entrepreneurs, moneylenders, speculators and the like, I’m not yours concern, and you are not mine: I am not for you, not for the predators who live from the benefits you have stolen, those who are exhausted, but never received their benefits in full - it is no secret that the work of “slaves” in Russia is one of the lowest paid and harmful, and the “kings” do not properly protect them from the arbitrariness of the “masters”...

So I asked, because I thought they would understand, but I never received real help ((and I don’t ask anymore, figure out for yourself what to do now, when God, who finally avenges His servant, will add more and more troubles to you - and will not stop , until, Russians, now each and every one, to the best of your ability and your participation, give me back what’s mine)). But I just wanted to get my legitimate (extremely vital both for me and for everyone else - for everyone on Earth - and for you, this reader, and for all your descendants...), devoured by thieves' inflation:
And I will make you a covenant of the people, to restore the land, to restore to the heirs the desolate inheritances... they will not suffer hunger and thirst (Isa.49:8-10)...

They finally invited me to the Tuapse court - I thought that an appeal to the governor had moved the matter from the stalemate, and in general, no matter how many meetings there were, I was not invited to a single one. And I, sick with my legs, being in weakness (there is exactly as much food at home as there is money - 0) came to the city; and the trial, as it turned out, was postponed - this is described in more detail on the baptism page... So there they insidiously set me up, brazenly grabbed me and indiscriminately, without even bothering to listen, they condemned me. A few days later, before the Brazilian Olympics, most of our athletes and all Paralympians were then suspended from legitimate competitions, and the country spent money on its low-prestige Paralympics: just as our judges judge us, beggars, our athletes were also condemned (or vice versa, as Such a blatantly unfair trial was offensive to the athletes and everyone else, just as offensive, and all that stuff, it was to me - oh, if only I)...
Now I say again and again: look, gentlemen, what they do to me, a servant of God, the only one of my kind, at least in Russia, God does the same to those chosen by Him, who are punished more and more, who turn a blind eye to problems. the most disadvantaged in Russia - read in more detail on the baptism page. And this all happened, but secretly, invisible to anyone but me, invisible and unknown to the world:
Israel was the holiness of the Lord, the firstfruits of His fruits; all those who devoured him were condemned, disaster befell them (Jer. 2:3).
And this will continue to happen, but for some time now it has been obvious that Russians should not live before God without fear - those who do not have or have lost will understand; Well, whoever does not understand, let him prepare, either as punishment or as a lesson, for losses - like the biblical Egyptians, who ultimately lost, among other things, their children - say, on the battlefields...
But among all the children of Israel, neither man nor beast shall a dog lift his tongue, so that you may know what difference the Lord makes between the Egyptians and the Israelites (Ex. 11:7) - here I will add that there is an Egypt, besides everything that is being built, and the image of the hierarchy of all kinds of authorities, from the foreman to the president, when Israel is the image of the true spiritual, which is not yet in the world - only empty declarations and meaningless headlines; and also - a superstructure over the hierarchical pyramid, from ordinary citizens to “kings”, where above all people are the saints who stand before God, in the glorified Christ, the heralds of His will, and above all is God; when in fact, at the present time, His slaves are no longer His, but the slaves of the Egyptian slaves, that is, below everyone else - in the crucified (on the “board of shame”), that is, in the treacherously and vilely abolished and shamed Christ.

Finally, my God began to openly take revenge for my endless grievances - for the robbery of me, a representative of the lowest, always, and now beyond all measure, oppressed class ("kings", speaking of the poor, mean pensioners; while Russia is full of much more deprived and abandoned by the authorities) - and began to force you to see what you are doing with your biased laws ((it’s not enough for you to live on interest and appropriation of others, but you still rob right up to the very end; and having robbed, you leave us to die; only I know where and how the taken away well-being goes away - undermined by a word of condemnation, for example, gossip, or silently, say, neglect, or arrogant treacherous humiliation... - and has not yet perished at the hands of people, and who else in my place would have “left” long ago; into thieves, or swindlers, or robbers, or bandits, or disabled people... or death)) - if the disaster is carried out through the media, then they will do everything as it should; Well, if they don’t make their grief public, they will do either nothing, or ridiculously little, not enough, for example, in my village - 10,000 rubles. to accidental fire victims:
He who gives to the poor will not become poor; but whoever shuts his eyes from it, upon him are many curses (Proverbs 8:27).
Our country is cursed on all fronts: everyone, undermining our authority, undeservedly accuses us (even the terrorists kill them, accusing us, for no reason); also all of us, undermining our economy with sanctions, are ruining and harassing ((and their European Union is bursting at the seams, and our brothers the Slavs for “... a box of cookies signed up as bad guys” - how much, say, the Poles, now the souls of those unfairly accused, or how much, Ukrainians, do you have a liter of innocent blood today?))... They found something to save on the collapsing Russian budget, by cutting social benefits. This, and especially ignoring the problems of the most disadvantaged: the poor, those in trouble, the sick, the dying... the budget can only be weakened and even collapsed.
After all, the Law of God is immutable - military aid to Syria, burdensome for the Russian budget, was carried out just when everyone, orphan and wretched, was robbed and robbed. And instead of “treating” the causes of the curse, Russia began to save on social programs, thereby increasing the curse: we are a socially oriented state in part, because we seem to be one in the eyes of others; I, for example, know how to pretend to be someone in need and grab a fat piece for myself, and thieves and swindlers do this successfully; Well, those who are truly in need remain left behind, and it is not possible for them to be saved, relying on the law trampled upon by all the strong (when, according to the notorious classics, but contrary to the statutes of God, it happens in accordance with the words: The work of helping the drowning is the work of the hands of the drowning themselves).

God’s words regarding the poor apply not only to citizens, but also to absolutely everything that is of a lower class (level), for example, to the state of roads in the outback, when cities (shown to the outside world, shining with wealth) are decorated with tiles, marble and granite, and in the “poor” backwaters, where exactly the same taxpayers live, unleveled and not covered with gravel and crushed stone for decades, turning into a (often impassable) mess in the rain, dirt roads - without boots - not to the store, - not to the highway, - not to station (and walking through the mud is fraught with losses: more on that in the program)...
And My roads will be raised (Isa.49:11) - here, finally, the roads of the poor will be raised: instead of crossings over railways, onto road bridges, onto long-awaited surfaces: asphalt and concrete.

Do you, who are strong and influential with power and wealth, think that you are worth more than the righteous beggars? But no matter what you think about yourself, here’s an argument for you: the entrance to a kind and fair world (the world of long life and peace, happiness and joy...) is closed to you:
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God (Matt. 19:24);
I will make people more valuable than fine gold (Isa.13:12) - details on the baptism page...
When traders and realtors took the last from me, at that time Russia fell out with Turkey. In the fall, I went to sell chestnuts (and buy cheap products) and a Turkish woman helped me at the market. I arrived home, and on the news I heard the Turks apologizing for the downed plane and all that... This very poor woman who was selling greens at the market (and this is the first time I meet Turks face to face, knowing that they are Turks) seemed to stand up a righteous deed before God for his people, doing good to His servant ((and by the way, when the Armenians sinned against me, our international relations worsened in Turkey, and vice versa (that is, spiritually, and not genetically, this is the essence of one people: the same statutes, the same mentality ...); or here’s another thing: an Armenian woman in the store twice, the second time on her own initiative, brought me, in those days, a disabled person, water, and on the same day those who were at war in Karabakh sat down to drink round table)) - but be that as it may, I repeat: what is happening to me, insignificant in what is valued among people, now the representative of everyone: offended, neglected, fleeced... - the same thing, in accordance with what is happening to me, is happening to Russia (in turn, what Russia does, God does accordingly to the whole world): insult for insult, injustice for injustice, reproach for reproach, misunderstanding for misunderstanding, slander for slander, failure for failure, loss for loss, crowdedness for crowdedness , destruction for destruction,.. death for death, and vice versa...
When an Armenian realtor lured me out of the latter without notifying me of his tariff: for standing in lines for certificates, he took half of my income from the inheritance: out of 22,000 he demanded 11,000 - I took the rest of this to the store to the merchants (to pay extra for a computer that was exaggerated in places) , who took care of fulfilling the plan for his store, robbed, and did not fear God (with that money - more than a hundred thousand - it was possible to make 2 excellent powerful PCs - working faster than the user’s thoughts and hand movements), and went into the winter with several thousand; and from then on it began... Later I pointed out to that Armenian, about whom there is a curse written in the Book, about the punishment due for such a thing, that there would be a war for this; and what soon happened in Karabakh - details on the baptism page...
In those ill-fated days, my well-being was in the hands of the Armenians and traders who had heard in detail about the Real God, from whose selfish hands I almost died then. Now my well-being was entrusted to the hands of the governor Krasnodar region, and still the same evil “picture”:
The voice of one crying in the wilderness (Isa.40:3) (Matt.3:3) (Mark 1:3) (Luke 3:4) (John 1:23);
And I will bring you into the wilderness of nations (Ezek. 20:35).
I didn’t make it to Moscow (by the beginning of 2019 I did, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s still there) – there are millions of us screaming there; and there’s no point in trying to appeal to a lower authority, in Tuapse - they can’t cleanse the city, and here all of humanity and the planet are on the verge of destruction! and what can they, the nomenclature provided for by all, do for the blatant beggars? In 2014, I came to the administration for an appointment with the mayor about a problem I had found that was quite serious in the city, the risk of injury, but they didn’t let me see him: I didn’t show my rank or face - the mob. In those days I discovered 5 places where you could bump your head and, at best, get seriously injured, and in all those 5 places I was accompanied by quarrels predetermined by the word of Scripture (2 Chronicles 25:19) (2 Kings 14:10) – details about this are in the program (here about the 5th place I forgot that this once happened, but, remembering where they quarreled with me in the fall of 2014, I remembered that). This matter (about the return of my inheritance) is not within the competence of the city authorities: it is not their business - in order to provide effective assistance to the servant of the Master of the Universe, one must have the exclusive right to do this, for the reward is greater than one can imagine, and God will allow this to be done only truly worthy, not involved in selfish appropriation, etc... This, as it turned out, was beyond the power of even the authorities and the prosecutor's office of the region, who did not really understand anything... Perhaps the federal government will be able to move this matter forward, when for the transition of a servant of God from death to life (what kind of life is this) in front of the entire country and the entire Russian-speaking world, perhaps the support of the leadership of this country is needed?.. However, the expectation did not materialize: it is already autumn, and everyday hurricanes, droughts, and fires ,.. they didn’t touch anyone - it seems that appealing to the president is also of no use, and on September 18, 2017, I finally went to the media with my problem; however, also to no avail; and the result was immediate: the USA, opening its jaws at all the weak (put the globe horizontally and look at North America), having destroyed our broadcasting “mouthpiece” ‹Russia Today›, they became blind and deaf about the things going on in Rus', and there was no one there to justify peaceful Russia, and in 2019 the number of Americans who considered us enemies almost doubled...
Because you have released from your hands a man who was cursed by Me, your soul will be instead of his soul, your people instead of his people (1 Kings 20:42) - from the time of my appeal to the First Channel, their spiritual warriors released their essence every day will, slipping and slipping a microphone to them, bloodthirsty, with their deadly tongue of self-interest for the sake of cursing all the rightists, all the innocents on Earth (they made hard money on the deadly verbiage: they made ratings for themselves, which reverberate in the country with catastrophes and misfortunes)...

In 2007, Georgian guest workers, repeating the deeds of their fathers, eventually expelled me from the Tuapse hostel, and in revenge a military conflict began in Georgia.
In the 1979-80 academic year (who then boasted of their close relationship with the Georgians), the Abkhazians committed outrages in the dormitory of the Sochi school - someone from our group opposed them, and they broke his neck, and we ran away in fear in all directions, but I lived in the best case on bunks in trains; So the Abkhazians during perestroika, being expelled by their “neighbors,” wandered around a foreign land.
Here ex-friend the Bulgarian treated me slyly, with contempt, and this is how trouble began in relations between Russia and Bulgaria.
My Greek friend arrogantly ignored me - economic troubles in Greece.
The Ukrainian friend constantly neglected and turned away - consistent with his deeds and his troubles - the disasters in Ukraine...

Know, gentlemen, that God chose Russia for protection and for instruction, so that in the future, but not according to human concepts, but as it should, in truth, be an example of peace and justice for all other countries and peoples - details on the baptism page. And therefore, disobedient and ill-mannered infantile Russians, get ready to receive a (steel) “strap” for correction ((as well as those in power who are arranging the world for a comfortable life in it only for the rich, who do not understand, who are incapable, who are unwilling,.. – it doesn’t matter; God will force and you, unhypocritically and not for the sake of money, but as it should be to “love your homeland”)), before the extermination began, when it will be too late to learn virtue and the future world will be without you: you will pay for the survivors - what they received from you those who are offended, the same will happen to you, multiplied by your justice...

In addition to the baptism page, I am working on the TEMPLE program, which, among other things, will help people learn to interpret God images- in dreams, in plays, in reality... to learn to live without getting sick, happily ever after. When the arbitrariness of man comes to an end, after the (sudden) extermination of the majority of the living, it is on this knowledge that the future life of everyone will depend ((when this will be, no one knows except God, Who said that no one will know this - even I can to know only approximately; well, how it will be, we have seen that both the wind and all that are subject to God, and we ourselves; that is, it will be either a war, or a cataclysm, or a natural disaster, or psychosis... or maybe something... and something else,.. and/or something else, unknown to us, which we cannot resist, and which we will not like very much; and we also know that this will happen unexpectedly and for everyone at once)).
Life still depends on it; but this knowledge, to their destruction, everyone only ignores ((knowledge about peace and justice: the world stands on the sin of rivalry - competition, thrown out of Scripture, by false believers in the church, and on the unjust, unscrupulous, greedy and insatiable covetousness that polarizes society)) - this is precisely what there is my calling: to prepare the world for the coming of the Righteous One, showing people their complete (I emphasize: complete) failure to understand and do what God needs from them (and this is precisely what the baptism (teaching) page is intended for), and to prepare incorrigible sinners for destruction (and I am the notorious fisher of men, according to the Scriptures) - all representatives of this world will have to sin against me, who came along the path of righteousness, the representative of the Mind of the entire Universe - God, according to the Scriptures, with all kinds of sins: all races, all nationalities, all parties, all professions, all structures, all classes, all groups... – everything!

Well, now a little about myself, in order to dispel the remaining doubts about who I am today, according to the Scriptures - however, I have already ceased to be surprised by the fact that the majority (and even the overwhelming majority, but whatever - almost all) of you will not believe anything, no matter how much you testify; after all, faith requires knowledge, and sometimes there is nothing to invest it in: alcohol, drugs, debauchery, environmental barbarism, meaningless pastime, lack of reasonable education and much more, say, the thirst for flattery, revenge, bribery, domination,... almost everyone has been made distrustful , and in the spiritual, unfaithful, infantile:
John had clothing made of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist (Matt. 3:4) (Mark 1:6).
The clothes, as it turned out, were two sewn so-called camel blankets with a slit in the center, which I, like a Chukchi, dress in in the cold - such a huge and stinking stove in my house cannot be heated, frost is better than a gas chamber.
Leather belt – the essence is a lightened “leather” background for the text gregre.gif from the 2.2 background collection, originally chosen; belt = to explain, that is, to interpret, what the TEMPLE program (and the baptism page) is intended for - at the end of 2007 I began to “build” the TEMPLE, and only in the summer of 2013 I interpreted these images (you will find further interpretations of the images associated with me on the baptism page and in the program).
The TEMPLE program itself is “technically” designed to work in the IE browser (more precisely in IE8), called donkey (IA):
Behold, your King is coming, sitting on a colt (Zechariah 9:9) (John 12:15) (Matthew 21:5);
And she laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:7).
Manger – star cluster: Aselli – “Donkeys”.
And so it was; When I got a computer, except in a “donkey” (and that the Microsoft browser was called a donkey, I didn’t know then) there was nothing to document what I had accumulated over 14 years of life before God. But, besides (reserved by God) IE8, for a program consisting of texts, links, message boxes and pictures, better environment and can't be found today.

P.S. The version of the baptism page sent to the governor is as valid as the one that is available today, but which has not been checked for errors and typos. Since then, this page, among other things, has been significantly expanded and improved.
When we have funds to publish the baptism page (with a working link to the program), in Yandex we type: TEMPLE program.

Due to the chronic release of pages of this site from the cache, I recommend that you reload the page before downloading, if this has not already been done.


A drowning man clutches at a straw (Last). The phrase is a factual parody of the famous words of Karl Marx, often quoted in Soviet propaganda of those years: “The liberation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves.” The one who is drowning. The screams of a drowning man.

From the novel (chapter 34) “The Twelve Chairs” (1928) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942). The text of the slogan, which was hung in the hall of the Kartonazhnik club in the city of Vasyuki, where Ostap Bender gave local chess fans a session of simultaneous play on 160 boards. Ilf Ilya (real name Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg; 1897, Odessa - 1937, Moscow), was born into the family of a bank employee.

And sometimes they offer help and man refuses (although he needs help) - you can be saved when you ask for help on a case and manage to see and accept it. This year, for example, we experienced several Orthodox fasts, including Great Lent, between Maslenitsa and Easter. In the 70s of the 20th century, 80 percent of families read books to children, but today barely 7 percent do.

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves

Stanislavsky meant that even the hanger in the theater should not be the same as everywhere else (A. Aleksin, “ Characters and performers"). And if you don’t find out the contacts of your neighbors, as well as their relatives and friends who could open their apartment in the absence of the owners, then you’re really at risk.

The meaning of popular expressions – Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, happy hours do not watch, create, invent, try, theater begins with a hanger

As I understand it, an act is drawn up in any case, possibly describing the property located in the apartment, then the apartment is sealed. As I understand it, this is an algorithm of actions or order of actions.

Petrov E. - Petrov E. Ilf I. and Petrov E. Russian prose writers, co-authors. Sometimes you come across phrases whose meaning seems to lie on the surface, but on the other hand, there is some hidden subtext. To begin with, I will give you 2 such well-known phrases, the meaning of which I propose to discuss. But I’m waiting for your options too! Make an offer - let's discuss! Sometimes you say - I have one, two, three problems and you don’t always expect specific help, you want them to feel sorry, etc.

But someone instilled precisely such ideas in film people and literary characters and came up with them exactly like that. It makes no sense to talk about the behavioral standards of our ancestors, who knew how to blush and “died of shame” in situations that would not embarrass even a primary school student today.

Most hardly noticed them, and 100 years ago at this time theaters did not operate in Kyiv, Kharkov or Odessa, it was forbidden to hold weddings, restaurants served only fast food... During Ramadan, Muslims cannot eat before sunset. The world has changed, there is less moral directiveness in it, and the relay that passes these standards from generation to generation has slowed down. The fact that we don’t sing modern songs at meals says (or is silent) a lot.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions

Taras Shevchenko shaped his soul by “copying Skovoroda” and reading the Psalter (any of the sages of previous years can find expressed gratitude to books in one form or another). Recently, while discussing the problems of contact of civilizations in a fairly enlightened Kyiv company, I began to recite Shevchenko’s “Caucasus” by heart, and at least someone continued my recitation...

An expression from V.V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Good!”, 1927, chapter 19: “Other countries are a hundred each, And my country is a teenager - create, invent, try!” “Create” - creatively create, do something. Naturally, somehow the apartment is rented out under security. In our city, there are no clear regulations that would set out a step-by-step action plan for citizens in the event of any communal incident in a neighbor’s apartment in their absence.

And this skill depends on the person himself. It is always said jokingly in a situation when a person who, through his own fault, finds himself in a difficult situation and asks for help, is told that he must help himself. In 1913 he graduated from technical school. I won’t elaborate, since this is not my expertise; I think it’s better to talk to the police.