What colors go together in clothes: color wheel, combination cheat sheet. What color goes with blue

It is human nature to want to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in your home or workplace. At the same time, the selection of color solutions, the optimal combination of the overall palette in the interior. Recent research by scientists proves that a well-chosen palette of colors can not only satisfy our aesthetic needs, but also have a positive effect on health.

Color therapy

In the mid-50s of the last century, the scientist-psychologist M. Luscher compiled a radically new for that time color test. While studying the influence of shades and colors on psychological state Luscher proved that the impact of certain color solutions can directly change the functioning of certain organs and systems of the human body.

That is why, in the event of an upcoming repair, selection issues color range and the optimal combination of colors should be given special attention. Nowadays, German is especially popular when choosing colors. It was invented back in 1927, but has not lost its relevance today. Many modern manufacturers paint and varnish products manufacture their products based on this color standard. Let's use the example of the primary colors from this palette to analyze the features of the influence of shades on the psychological and physical state of a person.

Red is a rather aggressive color, so it is best used in the interior very carefully and in a very limited manner. In particular, this color is ideal for focusing attention on certain interior details. To neutralize its stimulating effect, red is best used in combination with calmer colors. The competent use of various shades of red – terracotta, scarlet, purple, pink – looks very beneficial in the interior.

The first image that comes to mind when you mention the color yellow is, of course, the sun and warmth. Psychologists say that the predominance of this color in the interior of a room has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Moreover, its excess has a negative and depressing effect on nervous system, so you should use it carefully and combine it with other tones.

In contrast to red, green has a calming effect. In addition, it has been proven that various shades of green have a positive effect on heart function. People directly associate green with nature, trees, movement, youth and freshness. This color is ideal for interior decoration in both the office and the relaxation room.

Two fairly cool shades are widely used in interior design - blue and blue. The color blue is associated by humans as an analogue of carelessness, lightness, free fall, blue - peace and quiet. At the same time, it is recommended to use both colors very carefully in the interior. Blue is recommended for use in large spacious rooms, as it causes a feeling of discomfort in small rooms. Excess blue tires the visual receptors.

Selection of colors for the room

The easiest way to select a future color palette use your room special programs color visualization. But in any case, when choosing this or that shade, you should rely not only on your own preferences, but also take into account general rules harmonious combination.

In particular, for the decoration of spacious and large rooms, it is recommended to use warmer tones, which give the room a feeling of inner comfort and coziness. The space of a small room can be visually expanded by using light and cool colors. In the bathroom, shades of green and blue look most harmonious.

Through the skillful use of color schemes, you can even influence appetite, you just need to choose desired color For kitchen interior. For both the kitchen and the bedroom, it is recommended to use calm tones that are conducive to a peaceful meal or relaxation.

What colors go together in the interior?

To achieve the highest and highest quality results in interior design, designers recommend using not just one color, but a combination of several. There are three types of color combinations:

  • contrasting;
  • related-contrasting;
  • related.

Contrasting color combination interior design involves the use of colors of diametrically opposite shades. For example, a combination of white and black, green and red, purple and yellow. To organize a smooth transition, intermediate tones are used. This combination looks quite impressive and has a rather interesting result.

Related combination involves the use of different shades of the same color, but, as a rule, it is not recommended to use more than five gradations. At the same time, some individual elements interiors stand out using completely different colors. For example, in a general green palette, elements painted blue or turquoise look good.

The intermediate link between contrasting and related combinations is occupied by related-contrasting color combination. This technique involves the use of complementary color tones to balance two diametrically opposed ones. For example, if the interior is dominated by blue and red colors, then purple will help achieve balance.

Ekaterina Malyarova

“Color can calm and excite, create harmony and cause shock. You can expect miracles from him, but he can also cause disaster” (c) Jacques Vienneau

Table of color combinations in clothes

A successful image is often the result of a successful color combinations in clothes. Not everyone can correctly combine colors in clothes, because this is a whole science based on special principles. If the colors are combined unsuccessfully, a feeling of irregularity and disharmony is created. This feeling cannot be described in words, because it is not so much connected with the concepts of fashion and style, but with the physical laws of color perception.


First, let's look at the characteristics of color. There is such a thing as pure colors. Pure colors– these are basic bright and pure colors, like in a rainbow. If we add white to these pure colors, we get Tint(shade) – light, desaturated tones. If added to pure colors gray, we get Tone(tonality), with each gradation giving a different tonality. When adding black to pure colors we get Shade(shadow). This will make pure colors darker.


Let's look at the basic principles of combining colors in clothes in practice, that is, using the example of images from the catwalk and street fashion.

1. Mix rich and neutral colors.

Combination of saturated bright colors with neutrals is always a good solution. But there is one nuance here - black is also a neutral color, but combination with it may look too harsh.

For a more subtle, sophisticated color combination, don't make black the dominant color in your look; mix it up with other neutral colors. Neutral colors are those that can be easily combined with any other colors. In addition to the traditional black, white, beige and gray, you can also add dark blue (especially in combination with denim) and the color of natural leather.

In this photo, red is combined with three neutral colors: black, white and beige.

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Neutral colors are a great tool for adding more color to your look because they don't come into play when talking about well-known rule“no more than three colors in an outfit.”

When you combine several neutral colors with one rich one, you can create a look that looks very colorful and fresh.

This look combines neutral colors with rich green.

Here we see a combination of rich mustard with neutral dark blue and black. Dark blue softens the black and yellow contrast.

You can combine pastels with neutral colors such as gray and beige. pale shades, for example, pink. This look creates soft harmony and, at the same time, reduces the risk of you looking like a cake-cake.

If desired, you can combine light neutral colors with neon.

But avoid pairing a basic beige ensemble with a splash of neon, like the look below. Remember that you should always look sophisticated. To be on point, mix different neutral colors like the girl above by adding a leather belt to your look.

Even though all of the looks featured only contain one strong color, keep in mind that a neutral-colored garment can tone down an overly colorful look.

In the photo you see a combination of three colors. The look could have been too bright, but it's softened by a gray tweed coat.

2. Combine complimentary colors.

The second principle of color combination is to combine complementary colors. Complementary colors are those that are on opposite ends of the color spectrum. Each of these colors makes the other brighter and more saturated.

The best way to combine these colors is to add one of them to an outfit that mainly consists of another color that compliments it.

In the picture above, fashion editor and designer Elisa Nalin wears an outfit consisting of different shades rich blue, which is emphasized by small touches of orange.

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If you want to go color blocking, don't make the look too “loud” - let one of the colors in the color blocking be less intense than the other.

Style icon and fashion editor Giovanna Battaglia combined mustard yellow with a less intense lilac color.

Color blocking, which combines colors of the same intensity, often looks too crude and cartoonish. Compare the image below with the image above and you will understand which one is more sophisticated and noble.

You can, of course, choose colors that, with the same intensity, will look harmonious in combination with each other. But these colors must be such that in a black and white photograph they reflect such an amount of light that they appear to be shades of black and white.

In the photo above, Elisa Nalin combined a neon yellow skirt with rich blue. But if the color were not blue, but bright blue, this image would not look so elegant.

In this image, the colors are combined according to the previously described principle of equal intensity. Dark green and pale pink are a charming duo.

3. A combination of different shades of the same color.

The third principle of color combination is combining different shades of the same color. You can use this principle in relation to the entire outfit or just one part of it.

Shades of blue in a Lanvin outfit.

Shades of muted pink in the outfit of fashion consultant, stylist Natalie Joos.

Two shades of blue combined with neutral colors.

4. Combine similar colors.

The fourth principle of color combination is combining similar colors. These colors are adjacent to each other on the color spectrum. One of the closely related colors is always included in the second one.

For example, green is blue + yellow. Therefore, blue and green or yellow-green are close colors that can be worn next to each other.

Natalie Joos masterfully mixes red with orange and even adds two additional colors - different shades of blue.

Here Natalie Joos combines similar yellow and green and, diluting them with neutral white and adding a bright accent in the form of a red bag.

Color combination of clothes and shoes

The color combination of clothes and shoes has always played a big role, as it demonstrates how well developed your aesthetic taste is.
Guided by stereotypes, many choose shoes in classic black, white, brown and gray colors. The main argument is that such shoes are practical and fit with most clothes in the wardrobe. Maybe so, but using similar colors in shoes will not add originality to your look.
To highlight your uniqueness and lift your spirits, buy a pair of brightly colored shoes. But first, familiarize yourself with the basic rules for combining clothes and shoes.

1. The color of the shoes must match the main color of the ensemble (which is dominant). In this case, accessories and decorations are selected not to the main, but to the additional color in the ensemble.

2. To visually lengthen your legs, choose shoes that match your tights/stockings or trousers.

3. If your shoes are much lighter than the main ensemble, attention will be directed to them, and not to you. For these reasons, it is recommended to choose shoes a couple of shades darker than the main color of the ensemble.

5. C warm colors Golden shoes look harmonious with clothes, and silver ones with cold ones. In addition, there is a shade of warm silver that goes well with many colors.

Combinations of shoe color with clothing color

Let's look at the basic combinations of shoe color and clothing color.

Black is a traditional color for shoes. It can be combined with any colors and shades, but it looks best with red, white, yellow, pink, bright blue and light green.

Brown color is also quite universal, easily combined with all colors except black. The most successful combinations of brown with yellow, beige, green, blue, orange, red. If you want to find out, then read a separate article on this topic.

White color looks great in nautical-style ensembles. Combines with any light and bright colors. The only negative is that it will visually enlarge the feet of those with large feet.

Nude – this color is closest to your skin tone. Looks very nice in combination with white clothes. But it goes with all light and bright colors.

Red color can become a bright and memorable accent in an image. It is recommended to combine red shoes with black, white, grey, green and blue.

Pink color - emphasizes romance and femininity, combined with white, gray, blue, brown, blue.

Orange color – shoes orange color will draw attention to your feet. Combines well with blue, light blue, violet, white, black, brown and grey.

Yellow color is also bright accent in the image, combined with blue, violet, blue, gray, cherry, black.

Blue color - a rich shade of blue combines well with white, beige, brown, red and yellow.

Blue is a rare color for shoes and attracts attention. Combines with white, cream, brown, cherry, pink, purple.

Green is also original as a color for shoes. Pairs with yellow, orange, white, cream and brown.

Undoubtedly, ideal option– have in your wardrobe shoes of various colors for all occasions. But this does not always work out, so pay special attention to the choice of shoe color.

And don’t be afraid to experiment - bold images will make you stand out from the crowd, instill confidence and create a good mood!

For not just a fashionable, but also a beautiful appearance, it is important to be able to choosecombination of colors in clothes.Knowing shades and colors, applying and combining them correctly is, without exaggeration, a real art. Before creating her final image, any woman doubts, fearing to make a mistake and give preferencecombinations of inappropriate colors in clothes.

Of course, fashion is constantly changing, and then we notice how long-forgotten trends return. But there are such harmonious color combinations that always remain relevant. And if you know them, you will always have perfect appearance. We have compiled such a table for you; it will help you correctly combine colors in clothes. With its help, any fashionista will look great!

Table of error-free combinations

Main color

The most successful combination

Black pink, orange, white, light green, yellow, red, lilac
Violet grey, yellow, golden brown, mint green, turquoise, orange
Lilac pink, orange, olive, dark purple, yellow, gray, white
Dark blue mustard, light lilac, blue, gray, brown, green, orange, red, white
brown, gray, red, pink, orange, white, yellow
Turquoise yellow, cherry red, fuchsia, cream, brown, purple
Salad grey, fawn, tan, brown, dark blue, red
Green orange, golden brown, yellow, light green, brown, cream, gray, black, creamy white
Olive brown, orange
Light green pink, brown, golden brown, dark orange, gray, dark blue
Golden yellow brown, azure, gray, black, red
Pale yellow brown, gray, fuchsia, tan, shades of red, purple, blue
Lemon yellow brown, cherry red, gray, blue
Yellow purple, light blue, black, gray, lilac, blue
Dark orange olive, pale yellow, cherry, brown
Light orange olive, brown, gray
Orange lilac, blue, light blue, white, violet, black
Tan blue, dark brown, purple, green, pink
Dark brown blue, lemon yellow, purple pink, mint green, lime green
Light brown creamy white, pale yellow, green, blue, purple, red
Brown pink, cream, fawn, green, bright blue, beige
Raspberry red black, white, damask rose color
Cherry red sandy, gray, azure, beige, pale yellow
Tomato red mint green, blue, creamy white, gray, sand
Red white, black, green, blue, brown, yellow
Fuchsia (dark pink) lime green, yellow-brown, mint green, gray, brown
Pink pale blue, brown, white, turquoise, grey, olive, mint green
Grey red, pink, fuchsia, blue, purple
Beige emerald, brown, blue, red, black, white
White black, red, blue

Color gradation

Color scientists have managed to create entire tables and systems for the formation of harmonious pairs of shades and colors. When a clothing collection is created, craftsmen carefully study color compositions.

Did you know how dramatically colors affect people? Color creates a particular mood, people form a certain opinion, get an impression, a reaction due to the effect of different shades.

Thanks to the color palette, we can understand which colors are ideal with each other and which are not.

Separation of colors from pastel to saturated. Warm and cool shades:

Using this spectrum, you can easily create images that include from three to five tones. The main colors are red, blue, yellow. All others are considered derivatives from mixing the main ones.

When using 50% of two primary colors, the following secondary colors are obtained: green, orange, purple. When changing percentage You will get many other shades. There are several more ways to find shades that are harmonious with each other, let's look at them.

Principles of combining shades

-Achromatic combinations imply that the main color is gray, white and black. These colors complement each other perfectly, like other tones in the spectrum. This image involves the use of bright color accents: scarf, brooch, shoes, bag or jewelry. Many women like to prefer this option. Any errors are excluded here.

- Monochromatic combinations- a combination in one image of different tones of the same color (from light and pastel to the darkest). Try to combine different shades of one color that suits you in clothes, for example: from deep emerald to soft light green or from soft pink to dark burgundy. The scheme is quite simple, but it looks very elegant. To avoid monotony in your outfit, add neutral colors (gray, white, black). Or you can choose a textured fabric instead.

- Complementary combinations- These are color combinations using contrast. Pairs of red and green, yellow and violet, blue and orange are the most popular contrasts. This combination is for a bold nature, because these colors are hard to miss.

- Triadic combinations- this is the use of three colors that are located at the same distance from each other on the color scheme. With this model of combining shades, it is created bright contrast, but the colors are in complete harmony.

1) use main circuit- this is the use of three colors (red, blue, yellow);

2) in secondary circuit use derivative colors (orange, green, purple);

3) for tertiary scheme combinations with tertiary colors (obtained from mixing the primary color with a derivative) are used. For example, these could be images with orange-yellow, yellow-green, red-orange, green-blue, violet-red, blue-violet color combinations.

What to wear with what

So, what colors can be safely mixed, and what you need to be careful with:

  • Usually a successful combination is considered to be one that contains from two to four colors, but no more than that. Plain clothes look too boring, and overuse bright colors cause irritation, distraction, anxiety;
  • the color scheme should be in different proportions. If there are three colors in your style, then one will definitely predominate, the second emphasizes and shades the previous one, and the third emphasizes the details of the image;
  • colors such as black, gray and white are universal and go with all bright shades. They are also considered basic in the image. And as a complement to them, colorful, colored details are needed. Black elements form winning combinations with simple, pure color. It can be orange, yellow, blue, or red;
  • A harmonious combination is one in which related shades are present (for example, purple with blue and cyan). Contrasting colors also look great: purple with yellow, green with red, and so on. Your figure will look even slimmer if you make sure that the bottom is one to three shades darker than the top;
  • You can always successfully combine pastels of any shade. Bleached peach, lemon, blue, pink and beige tones will look unique together.

Experiment with colors so that it looks stylish, impressive and tasteful!

Imagine - a smartly dressed lady is walking down the street. Everything about it is good: the style is chosen and it fits well, but something is wrong. Take a closer look - if such a feeling appears despite the impeccability of the style, it means there is something wrong with the color or combination of colors.
Do you know which color harmonizes with which?

Color combination.

White color goes with everyone.

Pink color - with white and soft blue, intermediate between red and white tones.

Red color - with yellow, white, brown, blue and black. It is necessary to avoid combining red with violet and lilac.

Orange color - with blue, blue, lilac, violet and white tones. It is intermediate between red and yellow tones.

Yellow color - with blue, violet, lilac. Yellow color without decoration or addition to it is unattractive.
Contrasting black goes well with orange and yellow.

Brown - with sky, cream, yellow, pink, orange, green and beige.

Green color - with brown, orange, light green, yellow and white colors and only light greens - with gray and black tones. It is intermediate between cold and warm tones.

Blue color comes in light and dark tones.
Light blue - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.
Dark blue - with light blue (cyan), white, gray, red and yellow.

Purple color - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.
Light colors purple are called purple. They are combined with yellow, orange, gray and white colors.
Black, white and gray are used as finishes. Black looks good next to orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and light green tones.

When we choose a dress, it is important not to make a mistake not only with the style. Every woman has her favorite colors. But the catch is that the paints and colors that you like on their own are not always the same as those that make you attractive. There are also those colors that do not spoil you, but can emphasize or highlight flaws that should hide.

So, in order for the effect to meet your expectations, you need to follow the laws of color, take into account the compatibility of colors with each other and with the elements of the environment, your type, and the scents you use. IN in capable hands color becomes effective tool conscious formation of an individual image.

Choosing your color, print, texture and combining colors correctly is another task that a color combination table will help you solve.

So, Beige

Dull yellow


Mustard green


Bright blue

Blue color combinations are contrasting combinations with warm and light shades, but each shade of blue requires its own spectrum tones.
Blue color can be divided into its main shades: bright blue or blue-blue, blue-violet (royal blue), blue-green, gray-blue. We will look at dark blue separately.

These shades can be divided by color type: blue-blue is suitable for the “spring” color type; blue-violet is “winter”, gray-blue is “summer”, and blue-green is “autumn”. However, from the point of view of contrast, blue-blue and blue-violet are suitable for both “spring” and “winter”, and gray-blue and blue-green are suitable for “summer” and “autumn”.

The article presents 44 schemes of combinations of shades of blue with all possible variety of tones. Each palette includes supporting neutral colors that enhance contrast and also adjust the brightness of the combination.

Combinations with blue:

The combination with blue color is mostly contrasting. Firstly, this is the coldest shade of the entire color palette. Warm colors against it will look more juicy. Secondly, blue - dark color, and light colors will stand out next to it.
Related shades, such as blues and cool greens, create wonderful gradients that can also serve as a backdrop for warm tones.

Blue + pink, coral

The combination of pink and blue depends on the brightness of the pink: soft pink next to the main color gives softness to the combination, and fuchsia derivatives add boldness. Warm tones of pink, such as coral, pink-peach, sunset - create a bright thermal contrast.

Blue goes with pink: white-lilac, medium pink, Barbie color, raspberry, purple-pink. Basic colors: creamy white, light gray, wet asphalt.
Blue-violet goes with pink: royal pink, pink-peach, bright coral, magenta, fuchsia. Basic: light cream, old wood, black and gray.
Blue-green goes with pink: white-lilac, shrimp, sunset, amaranth, purple-violet. Base: milky, gray-lilac, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with pink: the color of pink cotton wool, pink-peach, coral, fuchsia, raspberry. Neutral: soft cream, gray-beige, black-gray.

Blue + red, burgundy

The combination of red and blue is very strong, but it always needs the support of third-party shades, such as white, beige and/or black. Blue and red are the color contrast of the primary tones, however, they lie very close on the light scale, so the combination lacks the most expressive light contrast.

Blue goes with red: scarlet, Chinese red, dark red, cherry, dark burgundy. Neutrals: creamy white, medium peach beige, black gray
Blue-violet goes with red: light red, raspberry coral, dark red, bright burgundy, wine. Basic colors: light cream, light orange-beige, black-gray.
Blue-green goes with red: Marsala color, watermelon, red chicory, ruby ​​burgundy, wine. Base: milky, gray-beige, black-gray
Gray-blue goes with red: garnet, red rose, pink-burgundy, bright burgundy, wine. Base: soft cream, medium yellow-beige, black-gray.

Blue + orange, peach

The combination of orange and blue is pronounced, as it is a combination of complementary shades. The most promising for the main color will be soft tones of orange: peach, mango, orange-coral. They, being less pronounced, make the combination harmonious, adding expressiveness from the difference in lightness.

Blue-blue goes with orange: peach, mango, orange, carrot, dark orange. Basic colors: creamy white, steel, wet asphalt.
Blue-violet goes with orange: light peach, orange-coral, pumpkin, red-orange, red. Neutral: light cream, gray beige, wet asphalt.
Blue-green goes with orange: yellow-coral, caramel, sienna, brick, red. Base: milky, gray-lilac, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with orange: peach, orange-coral, fiery, dark orange, red. Base: soft cream, greenish-gray, wet asphalt.

Blue + yellow, gold

The combination of yellow and blue is the apogee of thermal contrast. If medium-dark shades of blue are combined with warm tones of yellow (we discard rich lemon, canary), which have a small admixture of red, then this combination will be catchy, but not flashy. Gold gives blue an expensive shine.

Blue-blue goes with yellow: cream, sunny yellow, banana, corn, bright gold. Neutrals: creamy white, medium peach beige, anthracite
Blue-violet goes with yellow: apricot, saffron, signal, mustard, bright gold. Base: light cream, dark beige, wet asphalt
Blue-green goes with yellow: grey-yellow, honey, hazel, pale gold, dark gold. Base: milky, gray-beige, wet asphalt
Gray-blue goes with yellow: apricot, corn, yellow-orange, bright gold, golden oak. Basic colors: soft cream, medium orange-beige, wet asphalt.

Blue + warm green

The combination of blue and green in a warm palette is a moderate thermal contrast that makes the combination play, so much so that the gaze lingers slightly and continues to slide. The combination promotes relaxation and tranquility.

Blue-blue combines with warm green: pistachio, chartreuse, green apple, bright green, greenery. Base: creamy white, light beige, anthracite.
Blue-violet combines with warm green: light green, light green, yellow-green, the color of a toad’s favorite, dark green. Base: light cream, medium beige, wet asphalt.
Blue-green goes well with warm green: pale green, olive green, fainting frog, pine needle color, brown-green. Neutral: milky, medium neutral beige, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with warm green: light green, yellow-green, apple green, toad in love, dark green. Basic colors: soft cream, medium orange-beige, wet asphalt.

Blue + cool green

The combination of blue and green in cold colors is a play of related shades. The eye completes the intermediate tones, thereby making the combination iridescent and voluminous. This range is good for the background: you can always bring warm shades to the foreground.

Blue-blue goes well with cool green: neon green, mint, jade, emerald, malachite. Neutrals: creamy white, steel, wet asphalt
Blue-violet goes well with cool green: the color of water, neon green, jade, emerald green, malachite. Base: light cream, greenish gray, black gray
Blue-green goes well with cool green: water color, gray-blue-green, pale menthol, emerald, dark cold green. Base: milky, greenish-gray, wet asphalt
Gray-blue goes well with cool green: the color of water, menthol, mint, emerald, dark cold green. Basic colors: soft cream, silver, wet asphalt.

Blue + blue, light blue

And also dark blue tones are work with contrast. Lighter or darker tones of blue create a feeling of light and shadow, which adds volume: deepens it, makes it alive. This combination is a good background for more expressive couples.

Blue-blue goes with blue: bright blue, topaz, medium blue, dark blue, black-blue. Basic colors: creamy white, steel, wet asphalt.
Blue-violet goes with blue: aquamarine, soft blue, cyan, cornflower blue, indigo. Neutrals: light cream, platinum.
Blue-green goes with blue: aquamarine, gray-blue, hyacinth, black sea color, thunderous. Base: milky, light gray, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with blue: the color of water, bright blue, dark blue, Prussian blue, dark blue. Base: soft cream, greenish gray, wet asphalt.

Blue + violet, magenta, lilac

The combination of blue and violet is essentially a combination of related shades, but since violet contains an admixture of red, a slight thermal contrast will also shine through. This combination is complete, although colors such as white, beige and black will add expressiveness to it.

Blue-blue goes with purple: blue-violet, thistle, blackberry, purple, red-violet. Base: creamy white, medium brown beige, wet asphalt
Blue-violet combines with violet: pale thistle, cyclomene, lilac, purple, grape. Base: light cream, medium yellow-beige, black-gray.
Blue-green goes with purple: pale lilac, lilac-lilac, amethyst-lilac, brown-violet, red-violet. Basic colors: milky, medium neutral beige, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with purple: blue-violet, violet, thistle, purple, eggplant. Neutrals: soft cream, medium orange-beige, wet asphalt.

Blue + brown

Combination of blue and brown– one of the most attractive. Complex brown tones give the base color an intricate sophistication. Like practicality and sublimity, these tones form a mutually beneficial tandem. Additionally, brown can be considered a derivative of orange, which is complementary to blue.

camel, golden chestnut, red-brown, mahogany, coffee. Base: creamy white, medium brown-beige, black-gray.
camel, cinnamon, light chestnut, chocolate, coffee. Base: light cream, medium orange-beige, black-gray.
cocoa color with milk, nut, milk chocolate, brown-violet, dark chocolate. Neutrals: milky, medium lilac-beige, wet asphalt.
oak color, yellow-brown, golden chestnut, chocolate, coffee. Basic colors: soft cream, dark peach-beige, black-gray.

Blue + beige

The combination of blue and beige is soft, solid, expressive. Beige is a very light brown when it is in turn a cloudy orange. Therefore, the influence of the additional shade is also observed in this combination.
The beige tone, no matter what combination it is in, adds a discreet expensive gloss, so even bright tones of blue next to it lose their childish simplicity.

Blue-blue goes with brown: light yellow beige, light orange beige, medium peach beige, dark brown beige, dark pink beige. Base: creamy white, light grey, anthracite.
Blue-violet goes with brown: light peach beige, light orange beige, medium orange beige, dark peach beige, dark green beige. Neutrals: light cream, platinum, wet asphalt.
Blue-green goes with brown: light lilac beige, light neutral beige, medium gray beige, dark gray beige, dark brown beige. Basic colors: milky, silver and dark gray.
Gray-blue goes with brown: light yellow beige, light orange beige, medium peach beige, dark peach beige, dark orange beige. Base: soft cream, greenish gray, wet asphalt.

Blue + grey, silver

The combination of gray and blue is one of the best ways emphasize the beauty and versatility of the blue shade. Gray as cold neutral color It is almost completely lost to the eye next to blue, giving it natural coldness, restraint and depth.

Blue-blue goes with brown: white-gray, light grey, silver, marengo, anthracite. Neutrals: creamy white, medium peachy beige.
Blue-violet goes with brown: white-gray, silver, platinum, lead, dark gray. Base: light cream, light pink beige, wet asphalt.
Blue-green goes with brown:

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