Game truth or duty options. Board game Truth or Dare: forget about complexes

The teenagers decided to relax and went to Mexico. There they played a game of Truth or Dare with a stranger. It turned out, however, that although they had finished playing the game, the game had not finished playing them.

Now imagine that you are faced with a choice: donate best friends or let a bunch of strangers die…


Lies flow like a stream. The rushing stream is raging. Sucked by the swamp. It penetrates and intertwines with everything. Causality and chance are everywhere, but lies are only where reason is. Where there is reason, there is a lie. A person deceives himself, deceives people, believes his lies, and people believe them. Everyday lies, raging torrents, skeletons in the closet, distorting mirrors, hypocrisy without boundaries. Lie for fear, lie for profit, lie for pleasure. Morning and evening, every day. The one that a person knows about is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hmm, the movie is on.

Like a magician, the film casts spells, and thoughts appear as ghosts appear to a magician. The film resonates with memory, with what has been learned and read, and savors the theme of lies.

You remember psychoanalysis, psychological defenses. Rationalization, intellectualization, projection. Their name is legion. They are the part of the iceberg that is under water. They are lies, distortions of external and internal reality, psychological defenses are sewn into the firmware of the soul, hiding from consciousness. Without psychological defenses there is no soul, unless it is the soul of a psychotic, “an ancient tree of the hospital park” and even it uses primitive defense, uncouth lies, rejects reality completely or distorts it crudely.

Until Nietzsche went mad, he prepared the ground for the theory of defenses. “The falsity of a judgment does not yet serve as an objection to a judgment for us. The question is how far a judgment promotes life, supports life, maintains the species; and we are resolutely ready to assert that the most false judgments are the most necessary for us.”

From the topic of lies, the film builds a bridge to other topics.


Causality is universal and absolute: there is no choice, no freedom of choice, only non-discriminating, dispassionate causation. Structures, systems ideological, symbolic, psychological, material do not only go out into the street. It is not people who live among structures, but structures that live, experience, and chew on people. It is not a person who speaks a language, but a language that is spoken through a person. It is not a person who paints a place, but a place that seeks and uses a person. This concept is illustrated in the first seasons of Game of Thrones, in which the main thing is not the heroes, because heroes constantly die and are replaced by others, but the main thing is the background: countries, kingdoms, principalities, hierarchies. This concept is brilliantly depicted in many of Polanski's films - Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown, The Tenant, The Phantom - in which the main characters occupy a fatal place in an unchanging structure that was occupied by another person before the events of the film.

In Truth or Dare, teenagers don't play the game, but teenagers play the game. The game plays like an evil Trickster, and teenagers die, as teenagers should in horror games. Evil evil mows down, mows down, destroys. It ruins until the film, consistent in its philosophical pessimism, spirals upward and returns to the dilemma with which it began.

Spiral turn

And this is the dilemma. Imagine having a choice: sacrifice your best friends or let a bunch of strangers die…

What will you choose?


It's time to remember the actors who are good, believable, convincing, but nothing more. And about the plot, which is not so hot, in which mysticism, Catholicism and folk superstitions are woven, and in which there are logical holes and implausibilities. But which, nevertheless, is very, very acceptable. And remember the music, non-irritating music, after which there is a pleasant aftertaste, especially after electronic compositions. And I will also remember that the film is truly scary and that the unnatural smiles that appear on the faces of unwitting adherents of the game can give odds to the special effects of many category A horror films.

The game Truth or Dare is ideal for a group of friends who are ready for provocative questions and ridiculous funny actions. Frank conversations and awkward situations - no one will be bored. It is difficult to get confused in the rules: each participant takes turns taking a card from one of four decks and fulfills the task. Someone will have to rap or sing songs, and someone - the most frank - will talk about their last date.

So what should you choose?

All cards are divided into four types: actions, hidden actions, general questions and hot questions. Participants themselves choose the degree of frankness and emancipation, because the tasks are divided into different decks. If the company is familiar enough and is not afraid of risk, the cards can be collected in one pile - this will make the game even more interesting.

Honest answer

Someone wanted to know about their boyfriend's first love? Find out about the carefully hidden shortcomings of a sweet girl? General questions will reveal all this and more. Action cards will require imagination and artistry from the participants: which guy is able to walk along an imaginary catwalk with the grace of a predatory cat, who gives the best massage? But hidden actions should seem natural, so someone will have to pretend to be in love with a neighbor, and someone will turn into a kind-hearted sweetheart. Frank and heated questions may make some feel embarrassed, because admitting erotic fantasies or telling about your worst failure in love requires courage.

It's all about the winners

The most artistic and sincere participants can receive a prize - the right to redirect or replace any question or action. It is awarded by the entire company. This is the only and best reward, because the most important thing is an unforgettable evening in a close circle, filled with fun and playful jokes.

In the box:

  • 232 cards with questions and tasks,
  • Rules of the game.

Approaching New Year. And this means that we will again gather somewhere in a cozy place with a large group of friends. We will sit down at the table, eat, drink so that everything will be even better in the New Year, listen to the president’s speech, drink again and the time will come to come up with some entertainment so as not to go to bed out of boredom. But don't worry, everything was already thought out for you a long time ago. "" - worldwide famous game, which will never let a group of friends get bored in any situation.

Probably all our readers have played the game “Truth or Dare” at least once. Some people played it a long time ago, when they were still children, and others continue to play it now, getting together with colleagues at the bar after a hard day at work. For this game, it doesn't matter where you are and who you are with. Truth or Dare can be played anywhere and in any company. There are absolutely no restrictions for this game.

But let's step aside from general phrases and get to know this game, or, more precisely, this application of the same name, a little closer.

So, the first thing to start with is the rules of the game “Truth or Dare”. Firstly, as for the players, their number is unlimited. Unless, at a minimum, there should be two of you, otherwise the game will not be so interesting. But we hope that you have at least one friend and such problems will not arise.

All players play in order. Each player has the right to choose “Truth” or “Action” at his own discretion. If you chose "Truth", then you will need to read aloud the question that you see on the screen, and then honestly (I emphasize - honestly!) answer it so that all other players can hear. You need to answer not only honestly, but also specifically, without deviating from the question. If you are a daredevil and have chosen “Action”, then first, of course, you need to read the task itself out loud, and then complete it exactly as written on the screen.

Of course, there are such unpleasant situations when one of the players does not want to answer the question posed or perform an action (he is embarrassed, cannot, does not want - the reasons may be different and this is not so important, the fact of refusal is important). In this case, all other players have the right to come up with some kind of punishment for him. The punishment could be, for example, your own question or some other action (“Vaska, run for more!”).

Unfortunately, some of the actions suggested by the application cannot always be performed where you are, in which case it is probably fair to select "Action" again. There is no point in inventing a punishment for such a player, since it is not his fault.

At the beginning of each game, you will be asked to add the names of players to the list. After everyone who was not afraid to take part in the game has been added, you can start playing. As I said, players will choose Truth or Dare in the order they were listed.

Initially, the game already contains a very sufficient number of both questions and tasks. But this amount can be significantly increased using two methods. The first, simplest one is to add your own questions and tasks. By the way, if you wish, you can delete any questions and tasks if you don’t like them in any way. The second way is to buy an additional list of questions and tasks for a very symbolic amount, which should not be a pity for the number of questions and tasks that you will then receive.