Parasyuk is a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. "Paravoz" Vladimir Parasyuk: brawler, provocateur, deputy, KVN member

It's amazing how quickly publicity debunks myths. As soon as Semenchenko took off his balaclava and Gavrilyuk put on his underpants, not a trace remained of their heroism. But the biggest metamorphoses occurred with the image of Volodya Parasyuk. A year ago he was “the centurion who changed the course of history.” Today he is “the people’s deputy who marinated three members of his battalion in the Ilovaisk cauldron, and he himself asked to be captured by the Chechen special forces.” Even more questions would arise for Parasyuk if the truth about the events of February 20-21, 2014 in Kyiv came out.

Volodya Parasyuk does not admit who advised him to go on the Maidan stage on the evening of February 21 and “annul” the agreement between the president and the opposition signed a few hours earlier. But for the guys from the Right Sector, who guarded the entrances and exits from Mezhyhirya, big secret this is not the case.

When last summer we went on a tour of Yanukovych’s estate, we were told in detail that already on February 19 and 20, when hitherto unidentified snipers started working on the Maidan, Viktor Fedorovich began preparing to leave the capital.

His residence, despite its vast territory and powerful security, actually turned out to be extremely vulnerable to siege. There are only two roads leading to the estate, one of them is rural. The territory is perfectly visible from afar. It is almost impossible to conceal the take-off of a helicopter or the departure of a truck from the gates of Mezhyhirya.

At the same time, no one paid attention to this paradox: from the gates blocked by the Right Sector, starting from February 19 (on February 18, let me remind you, the first execution took place in Kyiv - 25 people died), heavy vehicles regularly drove out, taking out “everything acquired by back-breaking labor.” "

They tried to stop them only once - on February 20. But on the same day, the leader of the Right Sector, Dmitry Yarosh, visited the president on Bankovaya. And the unimpeded exit of transport from Mezhyhirya resumed.

At the same time, on February 20, the Foreign Ministers of Poland - Radoslaw Sikorski, France - Laurent Fabius and Germany - Frank-Walter Steinmeier, as well as the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Vladimir Lukin, visited the AP with a peacekeeping mission. They participated in negotiations between Yanukovych and opposition leaders.

As a result of the meetings on February 20 and 21, on the afternoon of the 21st, an agreement was reached on the return of Ukraine to the 2004 Constitution and the holding presidential elections until December 2014.

Pay attention to the chronology. On February 21 at 15:56, the Ukrayinska Pravda website reported that an agreement between Yanukovych, Yatsenyuk, Tyagnibok and Klitschko had been signed. At 4:40 p.m., the parliament returned the 2004 version of the Constitution by a constitutional majority. At the same time, the PR faction collapsed. And the Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko was removed from office.

But no one had seen Centurion Parasyuk yet. Neither on the podium, nor on the streets, where unknown snipers finished shooting at passers-by. Haven't seen him before. As “pravosek” from the Mezhyhirya security team personally confirmed to the author, he was not present either during the first assault on the AP or at the epicenter of the clashes with Berkut. He was not at Independence Square on that fateful night when the students were beaten.

According to Vladimir himself (in an interview with the newspaper “Facts and Comments” in February 2014), he slept peacefully in the apartment of a certain kind woman, sheltering Lviv residents. Then he went home, took part in protests in the Lviv region and returned to the Maidan with his father closer to the end of the events.

And now we come to the moment of glory of our hero. As analysts described it, “the opposition failed to sell its achievements to the Maidan, both to the square itself and to the protest movement as a whole. After open coffins were carried out onto the stage on which stood a sadly chewing Klitschko, a slyly smiling Yatsenyuk and an indifferent Tyagnibok, Parasyuk jumped out there. And in a trembling voice he shouted into the microphone: “We, ordinary Ukrainians, say to the politicians who stand behind us: “No Yanukovych will be president for a whole year... Our fellow countrymen were shot, and our leaders shake hands with the murderer. It's a shame. Tomorrow, by 10 o’clock in the morning, he must clean up.”

An amazing thing: at the moment when Parasyuk proclaimed his ultimatum, Yanukovych was no longer going to stay in Kyiv until the morning. His helicopter was standing still. An air corridor was requested, and a weather report was received that it was impossible to fly in the morning due to deteriorating weather. All things are packed, including the small dog. This was told to me in detail at Mezhyhirya.

Thus, the circle of people aware that the president would no longer be in Kyiv in the morning and that anything and everything could be stormed was quite wide - from “pravosek” to air traffic controllers. Only Parasyuk did not know about this. And he emotionally called people into empty offices.

By the way, that’s what happened. On the morning of February 22, Automaidan and Maidan activists arrived at Yanukovych’s residence in Mezhyhirya to, as centurion Volodya advised them, demand immediate resignation. But Yanukovych was not at home. There wasn't even any security. Why is a significant part of various valuables - gold, art objects, paintings, expensive cars, etc. migrated into the hands of revolutionaries.

The current guardians of what remained in “Honka” have no doubt that there was an agreement between the authorities and part of the opposition, which was subsequently violated: the president leaves unsafe Kyiv, the “Right Sector” does not prevent his movement, say, to Kharkov. Vladimir’s task was very simple: to legalize the information that the Right Sector and its sponsors from Dnepropetrovsk owned in order to present everything as if they forced the president to go on the run.

What, Parasyuk knew Yarosh? - I asked.

“Let him tell you himself,” answered the colorful guy from the “Mezhyhirya self-defense.” - He went to the camps with them. Flashed in KUN.

True, Parasyuk himself stated in one of his interviews that he is not a member of any political party. But he added: “I’m not coming now.”

In general, for a fair assessment of the role of Parasyuk and the place of his possible puppeteers in historical events 2014, we need to figure out exactly who started the bloody mess in those February days. For now it remains a secret.

Timid hints of bloody provocation appeared only in relation to the very first victims of the Maidan. As Vitaly Sakal, deputy head of the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, admitted a year later, 20-year-old Sergei Nigoyan and 25-year-old Belarusian citizen Mikhail Zhiznevsky were killed with buckshot from a hunting rifle (2 shots in the chest and one in the head) and a bullet in the heart. According to Sakal, the police do not have such weapons.

Also, according to him, it was established that the bodies of the dead were moved, but no witnesses to the murder were found. “The investigation is also considering, among other versions, murder with the aim of provoking an escalation of the conflict and justifying the use of weapons by protesters. Numerous materials from open sources where people with firearms are recorded are confirmed,” Sakal said.

Human rights activist Yevgeny Zakharov also considers the version of murders to escalate the conflict the most likely. “The fact that it was not the police who opposed the protesters did this is clear. But who and for what purpose took the lives of Nigoyan, Zhiznevsky, and subsequently more than a hundred other protesters, the investigation must establish. But it is difficult to find out,” Zakharov said.

Episode 2 - “ATO. Fake wounds"

However, the secret sooner or later becomes clear. This happened with the second part of the sequel about “Parasyuk the Bogatyr”. According to the laws of the genre, as soon as the country was threatened by evil separatists, he urgently went to fight. And not just anywhere, but to Dnepropetrovsk, to the base of the Dnepr-1 battalion, created under the auspices of the regional administration, which gained power thanks to the Maidan.

Shortly before the upcoming elections to the Verkhovna Rada, at the end of August 2014, Parasyuk, according to official version, was wounded and captured by DPR supporters, but three days later he was returned to the Ukrainian military. And this is where the fun begins.

Those who like to get to the bottom of the truth have collected and compared materials on his mysterious adventures in the war and in enemy captivity.

As readers noted, “in a fantastically incredible way, the Ukrainian “Harry Potter” was in battle near Ilovaisk in two days, came under fire there, was wounded and captured, and was immediately taken to the territory of the Russian Federation (for torture... first by GRU officers and then by humiliation by the insidious Chechens), then he was taken for interrogation to Donetsk, then he moved to Dnepropetrovsk, managed to cure an “open traumatic brain injury” in the hospital, give two full-fledged TV interviews (in a hospital bed and the second in the studio) ... and that’s all - then in two days (!). Even with a time machine, it’s almost impossible to do something like that in two or three days...”

It is not surprising that at such a pace, the legendary centurion began to confuse the events that happened to him in captivity and in the war.

Here he tells his story to the Gromadsky TV station “When they brought us to the territory of Russia...” (When? How long did it take to deliver the prisoners to the territory of the Russian Federation?) “ Then we were brought to Donetsk...” (When? How long did it take to deliver prisoners from the Russian Federation to Donetsk?) “Even our people didn’t know that I was there...”.

And, perhaps, the funniest thing: Parasyuk at the beginning of the interview reports that they broke through in battle. At the end of the interview, he reports that they were leaving along a designated corridor, but they were fired upon and they were (came) captured. Enchanting nonsense (see at the end of the interview): “But when we got to them... we made our way, fired back... when we arrived, they said: we didn’t know that you were coming...”.

Three days later on Lviv radio the version sounded completely different...

Presenter: “You were captured on Friday” (August 29). Parasyuk: “I was in captivity for 3 days...” (???). Unlike the first interview (dated September 1), Parasyuk’s Lvov story completely contradicts what was said earlier. And the funny thing is that it turns out that Volodya surrendered himself, the wound was from his own grenade. And of course, “having previously shot 12 machine gun horns,” then he had a long heart-to-heart talk with the Russian soldiers and extorted from them all their Russian military secrets.

But most of all, the reading and thinking public was surprised by the fact that Parasyuk’s “open craniocerebral injury” (as stated by the head physician of the regional Dnepropetrovsk hospital named after Mechnikov) moves across the head from left to right quite freely. The “arm wound”, which appears and disappears, also looks exotic.

Light on this confusion was shed by other participants in the battles near Ilovaisk - fighters of the Donbass battalion. Telling journalists the “truth” about the events of those days, the commander of the anti-tank platoon of the Donbass battalion, Vladimir Babenko, said that the blame for getting their unit into encirclement lies with battalion commander Semyon Semenchenko, who, on his own initiative, decided to go deeper into the city, cutting off communications, which predetermined the outcome of the battle. Later, several volunteer battalions were sent to their aid: “Peacemaker”, “Svityaz”, “Dnepr-1” and “Kherson”. True, only eight out of sixty people from the Svityaz battalion went into battle.

Vladimir Babenko also mentioned our hero: “The rest of the school, led by centurion Parasyuk, were lying there, s..., eating. Arriving at the meeting, I said: “Get up, let’s go!” Nobody went. Then, while in captivity, Parasyuk cut himself and smeared himself with blood. He, the famous “three hundredth”, did not admit that he was from a volunteer battalion, he said that he was from the Armed Forces. And he is now a people’s deputy,” Babenko complained.

Parasyuk himself answers questions about his hand and head in the same confused way as he answers all other questions - about his life, finances, appearance on the Maidan stage and promotion and “throwing” into parliament.

- I promised myself that I would not bear witness to the scandal that was in hand. Well, I can explain. Having removed the shrapnel wounds from the RGD grenade, she hit me in the head - as you can tell, she cut my head open. I am not paralyzed, I am not crippled, I can wear my shoes. When I got to Dnipropetrovsk, they put me on IVs and just stabbed me in the arm. When I transferred to Lvov, they installed a catheter on me and it turned out that I was in Kiev to meet with a person who was handling the investigation in Ilovaiska. It turned out that they asked me for Shuster’s program. I’ll explain: I’m not a vikorist for the sake of popularity - nothing else is needed, but popularity is even more important. I am victorious in order to achieve the knowledge of politicians and the knowledge of people in the fact that responsibility for the country lies with you and me. Whomever we choose will then “serve” us.

P.S. The fact that responsibility for the country lies with all of us is a banality, but in principle it is correct. There is nothing to object to. But who does the centurion (aka company commander) Parasyuk serve? This is an interesting question. And I bet some oligarchs know the absolutely exact answer to this...

Vladimir Zinovievich Parasyuk(Ukrainian Volodymyr Zinoviyovich Parasyuk; born July 9, 1987, Maidan village, Zholkovsky district, Lviv region) - Euromaidan activist. He played an important role in removing the President of Ukraine Yanukovych from power. Commander of the 4th company of the Dnepr battalion. People's Deputy of Ukraine of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation, non-factional.

Vladimir Zinovievich Parasyuk
Volodymyr Zinoviyovych Parasyuk
People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VIII convocation - since November 27, 2014
Birth: July 9, 1987
Flag of the Ukrainian SSR. Maidan, Zholkovsky district, Lviv region, Ukrainian SSR

Studied at the Faculty of Electronics of Lviv University. He worked as a videographer, has a small studio that does video filming, films different programs, holidays. Not married.

In an interview with Ukrainskaya Pravda he stated:
I was a member of a student fraternity in Lviv, I received military training in good camps of various organizations that taught the spirit of Ukrainianness. We were taught hand-to-hand combat and shooting from air guns, with official permission they were also taught to shoot from firearms in shooting ranges. I was also a member of Congress Ukrainian nationalists, there was a combat summary. In the camps I learned the historical truth about the events in Ukraine, about the 20s, about the Holodomor in Ukraine. In the interview, he also answered the question about affiliation with political parties and groups: - Are you a member of the Right Sector? - No. Now I am not a member of any political party or organization."

Participation in Euromaidan
Vladimir Parasyuk took part in the Euromaidan events as commander of a self-defense unit (centurion)
He became widely known after his “unplanned” speech at a meeting of opposition politicians with Euromaidan participants on February 21, 2014. Having risen to the podium without warning the organizers, Vladimir Parasyuk On behalf of his squad, he expressed distrust of the overly cautious, in his opinion, policy of the opposition leaders and publicly vowed to launch an armed assault on the Presidential Administration if Viktor Yanukovych was not dismissed before 10:00 next day.

We are not part of any organization, we are the ordinary people of Ukraine who came to defend their rights. We are not from sectors, not from self-defense, we are just a fighting hundred. And I want to tell you that we, ordinary people, we say to our politicians who stand behind me: “No Yanukovych - no! - will not be president for a whole year. He must leave before ten o’clock tomorrow.” I’m speaking from my hundred, where my father is, who came here: if you don’t make a statement by ten o’clock tomorrow asking Yanukovych to resign, we’re going to storm with weapons, I swear to you!

Original text (Ukrainian)
Performance Vladimir Parasyuk found warm support from the rally participants. There is an opinion that it was Parasyuk’s emotional speech that accelerated Yanukovych’s decision to secretly leave Kyiv.
In the future Vladimir Parasyuk has repeatedly sharply criticized parliamentary politicians who gained power after Yanukovych fled. According to Parasyuk, the previous political forces that were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime also compromised themselves:
Once again you understand that we were cheated and cheated by the HEAVENLY HUNDRED. Therefore, I want to call on all concerned people to fight against the gang, which is again getting into power.

Vladimir Parasyuk argues that Ukraine at a critical moment should be governed by highly qualified specialists who are independent of previous political forces:
All ministers should not belong to any parties, because in Ukraine there are a lot of reasonable people - managers and business executives who can pull this link. Sorry, I’ll say it simply: it shouldn’t be like this: “you’re a cool kid, you were on the Maidan, you should go and lead.” We need professionals.

Vladimir Parasyuk After Euromaidan
After the start armed conflict in eastern Ukraine he joined the Dnepr-1 battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he became the commander of the 4th company.
During the battle for Ilovaisk on August 29, he was wounded and captured by supporters of the unrecognized DPR, but on September 1 he was returned to the Ukrainian military. According to Deputy Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration Boris Filatov, during his captivity he was taken to the territory of the Russian Federation for interrogation by the GRU; later Parasyuk himself denied this information, saying that he managed to hide his identity.

Parliamentary elections in Ukraine (2014)
On September 19, Vladimir Parasyuk announced his intention to participate in early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, nominating himself as a self-nominated candidate. majoritarian district. On September 24, the Central Election Commission of Ukraine registered him in district No. 122, located in the Lviv region.

Vladimir Parasyuk won the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation in his district, gaining 56.56% (69,281 votes); a total of 11 candidates took part in the elections in district No. 122. On November 5, the Central Election Commission of Ukraine recognized 40 more deputies of the Verkhovna Rada as elected, among whom was Parasyuk.
In parliament Vladimir Parasyuk plans to work only with those who really love Ukraine and are ready for real changes in the country,” without joining any faction. At the same time, on December 2, 2014, the speaker of the Right Sector and People’s Deputy of Ukraine Boris Bereza announced the creation of an inter-factional group "Ukrop" - Ukrainian opposition", which besides him included Dmitry Yarosh, Boris Filatov, Andrey Biletsky, and Vladimir Parasyuk. At the same time, Andrei Biletsky has not yet decided to join this association.

Vladimir Parasyuk became a participant in a brawl in the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation that occurred on December 4 between him and several deputies of the “Petro Poroshenko Bloc” over voting for a resolution regarding the leadership of committees. Opponents began to push Parasyuk, to whose aid other non-factional deputies came to his aid, among whom was Dmitry Yarosh, after which the conflict was resolved.
He supported the abolition of parliamentary immunity, also insisting on the abolition of judicial immunity and presidential immunity.

Interesting facts about Vladimir Parasyuk
Ukrainian journalists asked Vladimir Parasyuk, to remember the names of at least five victims of the Heavenly Hundred, the deputy and leader of the Maidan Self-Defense, remembered only three names of the first victims and was unable to remember any of those killed in the confrontations at the end of February 2014.

In literature
Victor Pelevin’s novel “Love for Three Zuckerbrins” mentions the centurion Gavrilo, who, due to a coincidence of circumstances, does not speak on the Maidan:
“For example, a cigarette butt thrown from a Kyiv balcony will land on the collar of the centurion Gavrila, crossing the road... Gavrilo stops and begins to clean his camouflage. He is hit by a truck with tires flying around the corner, Gavrilo does not go to the Maidan podium that evening, Yanukovych retains his golden loaf for another six months, Crimea remains Ukrainian, Obama does not call Russia a regional bastion of reaction, and all the other wheels of history, big and small, do not move. The direction in which the balance of the world will shift depends on whether the cigarette butt hits the centurion at the right moment.”

The name of Vladimir Parasyuk became widely known in 2014, after his active participation in Euromaidan. Before that, he was a simple videographer in his homeland, but the revolution radically changed his life. And not for the worse - now he is a deputy.


Parasyuk Vladimir Zinovievich was born on July 9, 1987 in small town Novoyavorovsk, which is located in the Lviv region. Graduated from Lviv National University. Ivan Franko. Specialty: physical and biomedical electronics. Although, according to one version, this was not the case - Parasyuk never completed his studies, but after a while he entered correspondence studies at the same higher education educational institution and completed it successfully.

Even before the Maidan, he was part of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. He worked as a wedding videographer and played in KVN. He was engaged in shooting and hand-to-hand combat. Not married and never been, no children. He actively participated in Euromaidan from the first day. IN at the moment is a non-factional deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


Vladimir Parasyuk not only took part in the revolution, he was a centurion and a very ardent activist of the rally. Many, especially Euromaidan supporters, remember his threatening and emotional speech towards opposition leaders, whose credibility was then somewhat undermined. He set an ultimatum that if Yanukovych was not dismissed by the next day, then he and his fighters would storm the presidential administration. It sounded like this:

We are not part of any organization, we are the ordinary people of Ukraine who came to defend their rights. We are not from sectors, not from self-defense, we are just a fighting hundred. And I want to tell you that we, ordinary people, say to our politicians who stand behind me: “No Yanukovych - no! — will not be president for a whole year. He must leave before ten o’clock tomorrow.”<…>I’m speaking from my hundred, where my father is, who came here: if you don’t make a statement by ten o’clock tomorrow asking Yanukovych to resign, we’re going to storm with weapons, I swear to you!

Participation in hostilities

After Euromaidan and the flight of Viktor Yanukovych from Ukraine, a military conflict began in the east, where Vladimir Parasyuk went as part of the Dnepr territorial defense battalion, as a company commander. In August 2014, miraculously avoiding being shot, he was wounded and was taken prisoner for interrogation and obtaining information. But after a couple of days he was released.

Vladimir Parasyuk - deputy

It was then that Parasyuk announced his decision to go into politics and participate in early elections to the Verkhovna Rada. He ran for the position of deputy in district 122, in the Lviv region. He won the elections, as the support of the electorate was more than impressive - he gained 56.56%. This is more than half of all votes.

In parliament, the patriotic Parasyuk wants to cooperate only with those who truly care about the future of Ukraine. And on December 2, 2014, together with several deputies, among whom were Dmitry Yarosh and Borislav Bereza, he created the inter-factional group “Ukrop”.

After the Maidan, confidence in Parasyuk was maximum. Vladimir Zinovievich, with his passionate, patriotic and strong speeches, convinced people that it was he who could change the situation in Ukraine in better side and save the country from the invasion of corrupt officials. Indeed, being a patriot of his country, Vladimir said a lot of things. What about actions?

Parasyuk's power policy

Most of all, Vladimir Parasyuk during his deputy tenure was remembered for fights. There were actually plenty of them. His first fight in the Verkhovna Rada occurred in December 2014, when he demanded to be given the floor from the podium. Many deputies took part in the brawl at that time. Then there was a fight with deputy Maxim Kuryachiy, after airing on one of the Ukrainian channels. Parasyuk hit his colleague for PR accusations.

Then there was an epic kick to the face of Vasily Pisny, when he said that he had done more for the Maidan than Vladimir Parasyuk. The situation with striking occurred at the court hearing that took place in the case. Parasyuk simply walked up and hit the prosecutor several times. And that's not yet full list such antics. Three criminal proceedings have already been opened against Vladimir Parasyuk.

Vladimir Zinovievich Parasyuk is the legendary centurion of the Maidan. There is already an article about him on Wikipedia, here is what is written about him:
"Euromaidan activist. Played an important role in removing the President of Ukraine Yanukovych from power. Commander of the 4th company of the Dnepr battalion. People's Deputy of Ukraine of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation, non-factional." IN general figure historical scale.

In pre-revolutionary times, in 2011, Parasyuk played for the KVN team "Etalon" in Lviv

Video of the team performance

The photo shows Vladimir Parasyuk back in the days of his performances in KVN. In the photo he is next to his colleague on the Etalon KVN team Vladimir Andreev. Andreev’s T-shirt says “He is gay” and the arrow points towards Parasyuk. In May last year, journalist Anatoly Shariy published information on his page that an attack on gays occurred in Kyiv near the Maidan, to which Parasyuk was allegedly involved. Montyan published the photo, rhetorically asking, Vladimir Parasyuk “has already publicly spoken out against the ban on discrimination against LGBT people in Ukraine?”

Much has already been written about Parasyuk’s military exploits: his injury, his time in captivity. For those who are not in the know, they can, for example, read this material: “PARASYUK... WHERE IS YOUR MOUTH, SON?”

Ukrainian journalist Olga Bondarenko posted a good video about the bandage:

But yesterday I came across a video in which Mikhail Savulchik, a fighter of the Donbass battalion, talks about Parasyuk’s heroic behavior during the fighting:

Broadcast "Direct Text" of the Lvov TV channel ZIK, video starts at 1.01.45

"How can you trust? We have these: Khomchak, Bereza. We saw all this video on the Internet, on TV - how they abandoned their soldiers, subordinates, even abandoned a wounded man, left Ilovaisk, abandoned him. Then they spoke on TV that they heroically came out of Ilovaisk - now they are deputies. Everyone knows that they are traitors. The President knows why they are not removed? Here are 2 traitors who abandoned their soldiers. They should be court-martialed, shot - anywhere, but not in parliament.
Comrade Parasyuk is there, who I won’t speak rudely, in front of the guys who came from captivity, they told me that he wet himself during the shelling, then smeared blood on his head to get out of captivity - he is a great centurion, he is a hero deputy. And we have such heroes in our parliament...

P.S. It’s in vain that he talks about the great centurion and all the other heroes. The "Revolution of Dignity" brought forward worthy heroes. The heroes that the galloping Maidan herd deserves. What a "revolution" - such are the "heroes".


Biography of Vladimir Parasyuk

After school I decided to get higher education in Lviv national university named after I.Franko, but did not graduate from the Faculty of Electronics.

Parasyuk was a member of the Student Brotherhood of Lviv National University and was a member of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. He played for the Lviv team "Etalon". He made his living as a private entrepreneur, providing videographer services, had a small studio, filmed various kinds holidays, programs, weddings.

Well-known activist. He took part in the events on Maidan as the commander of a combat hundred. Literally from the first days he was a participant; among the members of his hundred, his father was also with him.

Political career of Vladimir Parasyuk

He played an important role in removing the President of Ukraine Yanukovych from power. On February 21, 2014, rising to the podium without warning the organizers, Vladimir Parasyuk, on behalf of his squad, expressed distrust of the overly cautious, in his opinion, policy of the opposition leaders and publicly vowed to launch an armed assault on the Presidential Administration if Viktor Yanukovych was not dismissed until 10:00 the next day.

Subsequently, Parasyuk repeatedly sharply criticized parliamentary politicians who gained power after Yanukovych fled. According to Parasyuk, the previous political forces that were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime also compromised themselves. After annexation Russian Federation Crimea Peninsula and the emergence of separatist movements in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, volunteered for the ATO, was a fighter in the Dnepr-1 battalion.

After the start of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, he joined the Dnepr territorial defense battalion, where he became commander of the 4th company. On August 31, Vladimir Parasyuk, together with several groups of fighters, managed to escape from the encirclement near Ilovaisk, but received an open head injury and a bullet wound.

On September 1, 2014, he was returned from captivity by armed supporters of the self-proclaimed DPR. According to Deputy Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration Boris Filatov, before that he was taken to the territory of the Russian Federation for interrogation by the GRU. With the start of the parliamentary election campaign in 2014, Parasyuk decided to run for people’s deputies of Ukraine as a self-nominated candidate.

He entered the Rada in single-mandate constituency No. 122 (Lviv region) as a self-nominated candidate, gaining 55.79% of voters.