Taurus birthstone by date of birth. Which talisman stones are suitable for your date of birth? Stones for Taurus men

Solid and reliable Taurus looks like an unshakable rock against the background of other horoscope signs. It is not for nothing that Taurus was initially depicted as half-grown into the ground. This largely determines the essence of a person born under this sign - steadfastness and dislike for frequent changes of scenery. However, only those who are completely devoid of the ability to understand people will consider Taurus a sedentary or sluggish lump. Calm and peace-loving, Taurus cannot stand pressure and coercion. Endowed with unbending stubbornness, they defend their positions to the end. The ability to “put your horn on the ground” is inherent in all owners of this sign.

The charming, strong, horned man is considered the most mercantile among his neighbors according to the horoscope. He, like no one else, knows how to benefit from everything he takes on. The expression “Golden Taurus” rightly indicates the main quality of this sign - the ability to make money. But in order to feel happy, Taurus must regularly satisfy his considerable needs, which consist in the love of everything beautiful and refined. Any thing that a gourmet loves must be beautiful and practical.

Even in their negative qualities, such as stinginess and selfishness, Taurus is completely unique. He is not greedy for money, he is rather a collector of high-quality and expensive items. Taurus can lend a friend a large sum of money without much persuasion, but he will never agree to part with his beloved old box, and the longer he is persuaded, the more stubbornly he refuses. No one will be able to invade the domain of a hoarding bull and get rich by saying compliments. The vigilant Taurus vigilantly watches over his goods and will not part with them voluntarily.

Taurus stones by date of birth (decade)

Taurus born from 21.04 to 01.05 are patronized by Mercury, the god of money and prosperity. The following stones will bring good luck to golden bulls born in this decade: , and . Crafts made from these stones will become an effective amulet.

The strongest (exalted) Moon in the sign, exerting its influence on Taurus from 02.05 to 11.05, advises them to prefer, and. A pyramid of the listed minerals will enhance the calming effect of the Moon, and the ring will bring family harmony to the house of Taurus.

Woman's Taurus Stone

Turquoise, which has long been considered a “girl’s” stone, is loved by many girls. The sky-blue mineral will help unmarried girls attract a loved one. Hidden in the folds of a dress, a piece of turquoise will protect a girl from frivolous actions and help protect herself from lies.

Green turquoise helps married women keep peace and prosperity in the house. A green-colored gem is a symbol of health and fertility, so it is necessary in a family who dreams of a child.

Taurus stone for men

Black agate – promotes concentration of abilities, helps to discover hidden potential. A lucky amulet for a business person.

Amazonite - will also bring to its owner material well-being, confidence in decision making, helps cope with indecision.

Sardonyx is a variety of orange or brown onyx. Develops the gift of persuasion, helps in communicating with the weaker sex. For a lonely Taurus, this stone is a real find. The gem hates unsettled conditions and always finds a mate for a single person.

Stones that are contraindicated for Taurus

The only stone that Taurus should resolutely avoid and not have with them in any form is. The owner begins to notice the consequences of purchasing, and even more so donating, this frozen piece of resin very soon. It is not known why Taurus disliked amber, but troubles and misfortunes rain down on the owner of the yellow stone from all sides. Moreover, the negative power of amber does not weaken, and the stone arranges small dirty tricks for its unloved owner with tireless zeal.

If you want to get rid of amber, never throw it in the trash. Part with the thing that was considered an amulet with dignity. For example, Romanians leave a talisman in a visible place with the words: “You and I could not be friends. I wish you to live in perfect harmony with the new owner.” You can perform this simple ritual of deliverance, or you can give it to someone who likes the stone.

There are several more stones that Taurus does not want to wear. These include topaz, pyrite, heliotrope, ruby.

When choosing jewelry with a stone, listen to your inner voice. If, when looking at a gem, a feeling of warmth appears in your soul, it means you have found your stone!

To change life in better side need to be selected jewelry, helping to attract happiness and good luck. To choose the right mineral for you, you should study its properties and characteristics.

For a Taurus man, the amulet stone should attract monetary well-being and soften the violent temperament of representatives of this zodiac sign.

What stones are suitable for a Taurus man?

Taurus is the salt of the Earth. They have a peaceful and calm disposition. They like to spend time in the company of kind people, where they can relax and show off their intellectual knowledge.

A Taurus man knows how to earn an excellent amount of money, so he never feels the need for material things. Such people persistently go towards their intended goal, because they consider their opinion to be the only correct one.

The impression of the representatives of the sign is slightly overshadowed by their selfish inclinations and greed. Precious minerals can mitigate the shortcomings of Taurus and reveal their potential.

Reliability and stability in the character of Taurus is expressed in stones that are suitable specifically for the growth of their well-being.

Each of the minerals bestows benefits on the owner and protects against rash actions:

  • Emerald calms and gives harmony. He controls Taurus, who is in a critical situation. Helps you cool down and consider the situation from all sides in order to find a profitable solution.
  • Turquoise Young Taurus will like it. It will help you not to succumb to the influence of youthful fervor, prevent rash actions, and prevent quarrels from developing into conflicts with the older generation.
  • Sapphire promotes development logical thinking. Sometimes Taurus cannot assess the situation sensibly, so he stops in indecision and runs into a barrier of obstacles. Sapphire will help him cool down in time and gain worldly wisdom. The stone will also help calm an impatient temperament, learn compliance and composure.
  • Chalcedony will protect you from negativity from the environment. Taurus are responsive to requests and love communication. But they often confuse who is nearby - enemies or friends. Energy will be protected by chalcedony, so no one else will be able to take advantage of the kindness of Taurus for profit.
  • Money men - . Financial well-being comes directly from black agate. A white or green stone promotes happiness and love. Blue agate will give you strength from the Earth, activity and cheerfulness. It will also increase confidence in own strength, will not allow you to be subjected to depression and melancholy, and will set you up for a love of life. If you urgently need to correct negativity in your destiny, then you should wear jewelry with agate.
  • . Taurus men should not wear this stone too often, but in some cases it is simply irreplaceable. Thanks to him, you will be lucky not only in concluding contracts and business, but also in the love sphere. It will help restore the health of the upper respiratory tract and localize allergies.
  • . Taurus often fall under the influence of unreasonable laziness and apathy. This semiprecious stone will successfully cope with uncertainty in decisions, restore good spirits and activity. Chrysoprase will inspire you to make new decisions and help bring everything to life interesting projects and plans come to life.
  • Rose quartz will improve personal relationships and attract love harmony.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus

A Taurus man can immediately be distinguished from the crowd. He behaves silently and reservedly. His whole manner of moving and speaking is sedate and measured. His calmness is unshakable, he rarely loses his temper and becomes angry.

Never convince him of anything if you don’t want to get acquainted with his “stony” stubbornness. For years he seems to be a surprisingly calm and indifferent person who wisely looks down on those around him. If you manage to piss him off, then immediately get out of his way. An angry Taurus is capable of crushing everything around him. Representatives of this sign are not subject to irritation; they often flare up with anger and rage. Although such attacks occur very rarely.

Taurus will never join the army of the unemployed. They are trying to build their own monetary empire on their own. Brick by brick they work to achieve their goal. They accumulate money as well as power.

All work is transferred to their own subordinates. They are intoxicated by the feeling of having money and power. Hardworking and reliable Capricorns work for them, and loving Taurus will enjoy the attention at this time beautiful girl. Which ones you can find out here.

The most stubborn men are Taurus. Although they consider themselves extremely patient, everyone around them knows about their incredible stubbornness.

Although a Taurus man can really withstand incredible loads and not complain about unfair circumstances. He shows remarkable courage in the face of the blows of fate, which have broken more than one representative of other zodiac signs.

Taurus will never stoop to cruelty and revenge. He is devoted to family and friends. With a Taurus man, you can forget about financial instability. He will provide as much as possible for his wife and children.

He likes to spend time outdoors, where he will do what he loves - fishing. He enjoys reading books about the biographies of great people of the past. All true masculine properties are embodied in the Taurus man.

Stones for Taurus men by date of birth

Stones for Taurus men by date of birth:

  • 1 decade (starting from April 21 to May 1). In the first decade, unusually smart and generous Taurus are born. From the outside they seem completely happy and not demanding additional protection stones But this is not entirely true. At some times they also need support. magic talismans. To attract good luck for Taurus men, malachite is suitable. It will help beginning businessmen begin their financial ascent. Malachite will become a talisman for attracting and increasing money. Confidence in decisions and peace of mind will be given by a stone of green and dark green shade.
  • 2nd decade (from 2 to 11 May). The second decade introduces the world to hard-working Taurus, calculating and a little boring. To dispel their pessimism and give them a little recklessness, it is worth wearing talismans. Minerals will smooth out the impact of Mercury, which bestows pragmatism on every cell of Taurus. It is worth wearing such stones as:
    • will drive away despondency and boredom. If Taurus is often depressed, then the bright mineral will return great mood and joy. Men can wear jasper cufflinks or rosary beads. A Taurus businessman will become more risky and decisive, and a bit of adventurism will appear in his character, which representatives of this sign do not have at all.
    • Cornelian will help you find love and happiness. The Taurus man often goes through girls, because his demands are unusually high. He wants to meet an excellent housewife and a loving mother to future children.
  • 3rd decade (May 12 – May 20). Representatives of the constellation of the third decade are cheerful optimists. Their disposition is cheerful and easy, which is explained by the close influence of Gemini. The following stones are suitable:
    • Diamonds contribute to achievements in the material sphere and unprecedented success, will lift the spirits and amuse the pride of Taurus.
    • Emeralds will give inspiration. This stone is suitable for all Taurus, although it will most affect representatives of the third decade. Emerald not only attracts material well-being, but also sensual love.

Amulets for Taurus men

A talisman in the form of an elephant or a bull will bring good luck to Taurus. A product made of bronze or wood is suitable, but it is better to refrain from souvenirs made of mahogany and ivory.

Taurus will also be helped by amulets in the form of the following figures:

  1. Owl figurine will help fill gaps in knowledge, give patience and perseverance. The figurine must be made of glass, wood, silver or rock crystal.
  2. Horse for Taurus symbolizes efficiency and success. A figurine on the desktop contributes to the elevation of career ladder. You can carry with you a horse made in the form of a pendant. Even a small pendant will do to always accompany success. Choose gold as the metal for making the amulet.
  3. Gold figurine of a calf will attract material well-being and good luck when concluding deals.

How to wear stones correctly for a Taurus man?

All Taurus stones must be ennobled with metal frames:

  • Agate is set into copper, and for emerald, diamond and sapphire, gold is a more advantageous metal. Suitable stone coupled with a noble metal will greatly enhance its positive impact on the representatives of the sign.
  • Aventurine, jasper, chalcedony and turquoise prefer silver, and for carnelian it is enough to use a simple jewelry alloy.
  • Diamonds are set in gold and platinum to form a ring.
  • Emeralds are also inserted into rings, although give preference to wearing this jewelry on the little finger.

Men face difficulties when choosing turquoise jewelry. Cufflinks without a metal frame or a small turquoise pyramid on the table will help out. You can wear tie clips with matching jewelry or key chains.

Stones that a Taurus man should not wear

Taurus people should avoid certain minerals: amber, ruby, topaz, amethyst, heliotrope and pyrite. They will become a source of trouble and cause harm to health. Amber is especially contraindicated, as it becomes the cause of constant misfortunes.

Taurus people should absolutely not wear stones known for their aggressive energy. For mascots best choice there will be minerals that slightly correct the energy flows, directing them in the necessary direction.

Tips for choosing stones:

  1. Minerals of more saturated colors are suitable for men. The stones should have an emerald or black tint.
  2. Quietly talk to your own amulet in difficult times. Taurus often have enough to talk to the stone in order to make the right decision. This way you can look at the problem from a different angle and find the most optimal solution.
  3. Take advantage of the assistance of amulets during meetings or important negotiations. This way you will earn much more and will be able to promote promising projects.
  4. If you are about to be called to the authorities, grab your lucky stone. It will help you concentrate and not panic.
  5. Give the amulet to little Taurus from birth. The boy will begin to study more successfully and absorb knowledge as much as possible. Teenagers will not turn into withdrawn people and will be able to find true friends.

When a Taurus man has already chosen for himself suitable talisman, it is worth making sure of the authenticity of the gemstone at the time of purchase. A fake mineral will only bring disappointment and resentment.

When choosing a stone, you must rely on your own intuition. She will tell Taurus whether this amulet is suitable for him or whether it is better to refuse the purchase. If touching the stone causes an unpleasant sensation and cold, then such a mineral will cause troubles and misfortunes. If a man feels a surge of strength and energy, then such a jewel will give him financial well-being, determination and success in career growth.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus, and which should representatives of this sign not have among their jewelry and talismans? What will strengthen your harmony with nature, and what, on the contrary, will cause discomfort? What will suit you best and will attract good luck, love, give a surge of energy and strength, help you find peace of mind, and become a symbol of wealth and prosperity? Unfortunately, there is no unique recipe or such a wonderful stone that would magically make your cherished dreams come true and solve all your problems. But there is a magical treasury of knowledge, which, when opened, will make you a little stronger and a little more prosperous.

A girl's best friend isn't just diamonds

Which stone is suitable for Taurus women: golden, purple, heavenly? According to the observations of astrologers, best friends girls of this sign, creative personalities and connoisseurs of beauty - not diamonds, but sapphire and turquoise of heavenly purity, as well as stones of greenish or bluish shades.

A symbol of faithful and great love considered blue turquoise. According to legend, a piece of turquoise sewn into a girl’s clothes will help win the heart of her lover. This stone is able to strengthen the family idyll, help in matters of the heart, and attract financial success and monetary well-being to the side of Taurus. But he does not tolerate meanness and deceit and can bring misfortune to those who are full of malice and self-interest. Turquoise can serve as an indicator of health for its owner. If suddenly the stone begins to fade and acquire a greenish tint, it is time to sound the alarm and consult a doctor. Even cracks on a stone should be a signal of trouble - a damaged stone can negatively affect its owner, take away joy and good mood, therefore the stone requires careful care and special care.

Known and healing powers turquoise. It will help strengthen your eyesight if you look at the stone in the morning. It will banish insomnia, help get rid of colds faster and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

For a woman who wants to become a mother, cacholong, a type of opal, is perfect. It also promotes harmonious relationships in the family and improves health. For creative women For Taurus, pink or white corals are ideal; they will add imagination and enhance sensuality.

Guardian angel or “nuns’ stone”?

Which gemstone is suitable for Taurus? If you need a stone that represents modesty, chastity and fidelity, you should pay attention to sapphire. It will protect against fears and treachery, and will help in travel and trips. But it is not recommended for people who are not temperamental to wear it, since cold sapphire does not enhance initiative; it is known as the “stone of nuns.”

Without any doubt, each of the Taurus will be ideally suited for a stone, which is considered a gift from Garden of Eden, a wonderful stone designed to become a Guardian Angel for its owner, is a soft green emerald. It is considered an amulet of absolute harmony, bringing good luck and prosperity, giving creative inspiration and strengthening mutual feelings and family relationships, sharpens intuition and helps to gain wisdom. In some religions, emerald is considered a direct conductor between man and the higher mind. In Muslim legends, paradise is a garden strewn with emeralds. Even the simple possession of this magnificent stone can give joy and aesthetic pleasure, and the fact that it has unique healing properties, makes it truly priceless.

The pure transparent green of the stone can relieve eye strain. It has a beneficial effect on nervous system and relieves insomnia, helps overcome the syndrome chronic fatigue, normalizes blood pressure and stabilizes metabolism. Even rapid old age does not threaten the lucky owners of emeralds - by improving the functioning of all body systems, wearing emeralds has a rejuvenating effect.

Mercury, Moon and Saturn dictate

Which stone suits Taurus according to the horoscope? Taurus born between April 21 and May 1 are patronized by Mercury. The success in financial affairs that these purposeful people are able to achieve will be facilitated by stones such as jasper, carnelian, aventurine, tiger's eye, amazonite, as well as agate and quartz.

“Moon” Taurus, born between May 2 and May 11, are dreamy, inspired and creative people. Coral, jade, onyx, opal, turquoise, chrysoprase and crystal are suitable for them.

If the birth date of Taurus falls between May 12 and May 21, this indicates that he came under the influence of Saturn. Usually these are self-sufficient, solitary people, persistent and not in need of special attention. The many-sided tourmaline and delightful garnet, variegated jasper and sky-blue turquoise, defiantly bright ruby ​​and the “guardian of light” topaz can paint the life of such Taurus with optimistic colors; and also, without a doubt, noble coral.

What should Taurus men choose?

Which stone is suitable for Taurus men? When choosing his stone, a Taurus man can hardly limit himself to the recommendations of astrologers, because there are a great many stones suitable for him to find harmony with the world. Success in financial matters and material well-being are promised by the possession of jewelry with turquoise and amazonite. A malachite little thing will serve as a symbol of fulfillment of desires. Products made from alexandrite contribute to restoring vitality and finding peace. Black agate is considered the best talisman for men, enhancing qualities such as clairvoyance, the ability to be persuasive, eloquent and perspicacious.

Precious onyx will prevent loneliness, give determination and inspire optimism. Malachite, sapphire, amazonite, alexandrite and blue tourmaline are also great for Taurus men. Alexandrite will moderate ardor in desires that can harm, malachite will help to radically change your life, tourmaline will help you find inner peace of mind.

Many-faced stones can really serve as amulets and talismans, give joy and enhance sensations, especially when you treat them with love and believe in their magical power.

Taurus is an earth sign, practical and balanced, responsible for everything related to finance and beauty. Therefore gems For people born under this sign, it is better to choose warm and calm colors - minerals of yellow, green, and brown colors are suitable. However, it is advisable to select a talisman stone not only by zodiac sign, but also by date of birth. Like any other, the sign of Taurus is divided into three decades, and different stones may be suitable for its representatives.

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      What stones are suitable for Taurus?

      Taurus, born in different decades of the period from April 21 to May 21, have differences in character and destiny, but they still have something in common. The energy of strong and calm minerals suits all of them, corresponding to their patient and friendly character. Stones of all earth tones are capable of feeding the body of representatives of this sign with the necessary energy.

      • Taurus people know how to create comfort in their home and try to decorate it. beautiful objects to create an atmosphere of comfort. This requires money, and Taurus knows how to earn it better than others. And since this sign controls the money sphere, the talisman for its representatives is jewelry with minerals that help attract wealth. These are the most expensive gems:

        • diamonds;
        • sapphires;
        • emeralds;
        • grenades.

        But the most important amulet of this sign is agate. The mineral has a layered structure, different colors and degrees of transparency. The stone helps you concentrate better, strengthen your spirit and show your talents.

        Also suitable according to the horoscope for people born during this period:

        • coral;
        • aquamarine;
        • opal;
        • onyx;
        • jade;
        • chrysoprase;
        • cacholong;
        • cornelian;
        • jasper;
        • tourmaline;
        • quartz;
        • turquoise;
        • rose quartz;
        • tiger eye;
        • amethyst.

        If you wear these natural minerals, they will help a person gain confidence in himself and in as soon as possible achieve your goals.

        You can choose stones that match the color. Minerals of green and blue shades will help you calm down and relax. Blue and purple - find new friends or strengthen old friendships. Blue-green talismans help older people feel younger. Colorless stones, especially diamonds, are suitable for “soft-bodied” Taurus (a diamond is a symbol of hardness and strength).


        People born between April 21 and May 1 are under the influence of Venus. They have a passion for beautiful things and can be overly materialistic. The following minerals are suitable for them:

        • chalcedony;
        • onyx;
        • jade;
        • amethyst;
        • chrysoprase;
        • sapphire.

        The second decade of the sign is ruled by Mercury. People born between May 2 and May 11 are prone to melancholy, which is compensated by high intelligence and the ability to make profit from everything. The following stones are suitable for them:

        • jasper;
        • coral;
        • agate;
        • amethyst;
        • cornelian;
        • tiger eye;
        • quartz.

        People whose birth date falls between May 12 and May 21, that is, the third decade of the sign Taurus, are under the protection of Saturn. They are pessimistic, like to spend time alone and fear poverty. To lift their spirits and attract money, the following are suitable for them:

        • sapphire;
        • emerald;
        • opal;
        • diamond;
        • tourmaline;
        • aquamarine;
        • pomegranate.

        Blue topaz is especially good for coping with feelings of anxiety and fear.

        Talismans of the Taurus woman

        The woman of this sign is a true guardian hearth and home. She is very feminine and economical. Her talisman can be stones that will give confidence, courage and determination.. Turquoise will help strengthen these qualities and contribute to achieving family happiness.

        Agate of all shades will bring success in your career. White and green stones will give you energy and a great mood. Black agate will help you acquire the necessary hardness and good luck in business and financial matters.

        A successful gift for a Taurus woman would be jewelry with turquoise. This talisman attracts money, improves health and brings happiness in marriage.

        Jewelry with cacholong will give its down-to-earth owner the missing lightness. Opal will help you make a romantic acquaintance, avoid deception and disappointment in love.

        By date of birth

        For a woman born from April 21 to May 1, agate, aventurine and tiger's eye are suitable.

        Ladies born between May 2 and May 11 should pay attention to opal, turquoise and coral.

        For a Taurus woman born in the third decade of the sign (12.05 - 21.05), jewelry with diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds is suitable.

        Stones for a Taurus man

        The Taurus man is stubborn, assertive, reliable and strong man. Dense, opaque stones that can charge him with vital energy are suitable for him. It is desirable that they be rich yellow or light green in color. You can wear items with white or green agate as a talisman. Black agate will help improve financial affairs and climb the career ladder, and protect against illness.

        If a man’s work involves leadership responsibilities, then a cacholong will suit him. He will give nobility and gentleness to those who, due to duty, have become callous and tough. It will also help increase profits.

        A successful gift for a Taurus man would be jewelry with opaque agate. This talisman will attract money and help in your career.

        According to the horoscope, emerald will be a suitable stone for courageous representatives of the sign. This gemstone will make its owner more sociable and open. It will encourage creativity and prevent you from falling into melancholy. Helps overcome greed and bad habits, if they exist.

        By date of birth

        For a man born from April 21 to May 1, emerald, amethyst and chrysoprase are suitable. These are minerals that help fight desires and temptations.

        For those born from 2.05 to 11.05, stones that will help overcome melancholy and improve memory will become a talisman. These are quartz, topaz and tiger's eye.

        For men whose birth date falls between May 12 and May 21, minerals that help gain confidence and attract money are suitable. They should wear jewelry with diamonds, sapphires, garnets and opals.

        Talisman by year of birth

        You can choose a talisman based on your year of birth. Then the stone will show all its magical power and significantly increase the chances of success:

        • Taurus born in the year of the Rat will suit jewelry with sapphire. The stone will help you achieve harmony, overcome difficulties and understand the meaning of life.
        • A representative of the sign born in the year of the Ox can wear jewelry with emeralds, corals and agates. Preferably in a gold frame.
        • It will be easier for the tiger to go through life with minerals that will help overcome difficulties. These are tiger eye, garnet and carnelian.
        • Turquoise or ruby ​​will help the rabbit. They will give you courage and confidence.
        • Opal, chrysolite and chalcedony are suitable for a self-confident Dragon. They will become a talisman against envy and gossip.
        • The snake has a refined nature and frequent mood swings. Hematite, jasper and malachite are suitable for her (you need to be careful with the latter, it is not suitable for Taurus).
        • Practical and decisive Horses will help improve their health and improve their financial situation with garnets, aquamarine and amethyst.
        • The best talismans for the Goat are products with agate, onyx and moonstone. They will help you cope with conflicting feelings and self-doubt.
        • Multi-colored opals and agates of all shades are suitable for a monkey. They will help you get into routine work.
        • A Taurus born in the year of the Rooster will be able to improve concentration with rubies and topazes.
        • The minerals listed will direct energy in the wrong direction, weaken your health and interfere with happiness.

          When choosing an amulet, you need to listen to yourself, hold the stones in your hands and understand your feelings at this moment. Intuition will tell you which one is suitable and which one should not be worn.

Properly selected gemstones should match not only your zodiac sign, but also your date of birth. The astrological sign of Taurus is divided into three decades, the representatives of which are sometimes suitable for completely different gems.

Choosing a talisman for Taurus

When choosing stones for a Taurus as a gift, you need to take into account that representatives of this sign greatly value material wealth. Therefore, a talisman that attracts money and success in work is suitable for the sign. Jewelry with turquoise will be a good amulet for Taurus, both men and women..

This gem promotes financial well-being and comfort. Turquoise is suitable for many zodiac signs, but it will give Taurus confidence in their decisions and free them from their inherent slowness and fear of making a mistake.

Taurus people move headlong towards achieving their goals. On this path, they often encounter envious people, whom a talisman with topaz will help them resist. This stone protects the sign from slander, envy and negative energy. Topaz has magical properties, protecting its owner from diseases.

Topaz able to protect Taurus from depression or melancholy. Astrologers do not recommend wearing a yellow-colored stone unless it is inherited. Taurus, like many other signs, is suited to blue topaz.

For a Taurus man, topaz becomes a source of generosity and prudence. A talisman with this mineral protects family life representatives of this zodiac sign, helps them fight their own jealousy and stubbornness.

Another useful Taurus stone is blue or blue . Talismans with it will help the sign cope with the unbridled desire for sensual pleasures.

Sapphire will slightly limit its owner, directing excess energy in a more rational direction. The mineral is very useful for family Taurus; it maintains trust and love between spouses.

When choosing precious stones as a talisman, Taurus often intuitively chooses emeralds. These minerals are very suitable for the slightly selfish and overly economical Taurus. Emerald teaches its owner to enjoy not only material values, but helps to develop kindness and generosity. A talisman with an emerald drives away gloomy thoughts and charges with vigor.

Suitable Stones for Taurus Women

Stones for Taurus of the weaker sex should gently and smoothly lead their owner to her goal. The strongest talisman for beautiful representatives of this sign is turquoise. The mineral will help you achieve success in the material sphere and will contribute to building a happy marriage.

Women of Taurus zodiac sign sometimes find it difficult to realize their plans because of the fear of slipping up. Talismans with turquoise will give them courage and determination. The stone protects against flattery and deception, to which women of this sign are so susceptible. In addition, turquoise is strong talisman For women's health, protecting against many ailments.

Agate gives hope for a better future and does not allow one to give up in difficult situations.

Lucky stones for female Taurus are agates of various colors and colors. Talismans with these minerals will bring success both in the professional sphere and in your personal life. White and green agates give women born under the sign of Taurus energy and good mood. Black stones help in business and other financial matters.

According to the horoscope, it will be very useful for a Taurus woman cacholong. The stone is able to lift its slightly down-to-earth owner above ordinary everyday life. Women of this sign often cannot show their feelings for children or a loved one.

Cacholong will help them become more open and emotional. This mineral promotes conception and a favorable course of pregnancy. Many astrologers consider cacholong an ideal amulet for Taurus women.

For an unmarried woman good talisman will become opal. It helps to make romantic acquaintances and at the same time protects against deception and disappointment in love. For those who are focused on their career or study, opal is also useful, as it helps in communicating with superiors and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge and experience.

Stones for Taurus man

For a Taurus man, a talisman with agate. Any color of this stone has a beneficial effect on representatives of the sign. Black agate is especially useful for men. The mineral will become a talisman against diseases and energy attacks. Black agate helps male Taurus significantly improve their financial situation. For such a materialist as the man of this sign is, agate will be a reminder that besides career, there are other aspects of life.

For Taurus men, whose activities involve influencing other people, it is useful to have jewelry or a product with cacholong.

This mineral will make sometimes callous and mercantile politicians, doctors, and teachers more humane and noble. In addition, cacholong attracts good luck to its owner in all financial matters.

Suitable stone for a Taurus man - emerald. The gem fights greed and harmful addictions. Jewelry with an emerald helps to distract from depressive thoughts and prevents Taurus from falling into melancholy. The mineral promotes creative impulses, which the down-to-earth representatives of the sign lack. In addition, emerald makes its owner more open and sociable.

Which gems are best to avoid?

Some astrologers do not advise Taurus to wear amethyst. There are some exceptions to this rule. Amethyst is suitable for representatives of the sign born before May 1st. In addition, Taurus children can sometimes wear the gem. The stone will increase attentiveness and help you concentrate on your studies.

Amethyst is known for its ability to fight bad habits. Taurus, in pursuit of a pleasant life, may become captive of drunkenness, gluttony or other harmful excesses.

Amethyst becomes very useful for Taurus during such periods of life. But having gotten rid of bad habits, you need to stop wearing the mineral. Taurus can also sometimes wear an amethyst, which has been passed on through generations for many years. It is not advisable for a woman of this zodiac sign to wear jewelry with amethysts.

Stones for Taurus should not have strong energy. What gemstones should representatives of this zodiac sign avoid wearing? Astrologers classify the following as undesirable minerals: heliotrope, amber, pyrite, obsidian. You should also be careful with yellow topaz, rubies, jade and rock crystal.