What to do if everything is bad in life? What to do when everything is bad? Advice from a family psychologist.

The idea for this article was created over the years thanks to my pessimistic friend, who, when asked: “How are you?”, always answered: “Everything is bad.” And so, I’ll tell you, every day for several years, almost from the moment we met. Maybe, of course, he doesn’t like being asked this question, but one way or another, after the answer there was a short story about the reasons why everything was bad. This can happen to anyone, although not every day. Especially when it’s always raining outside and you’re not a big fan of autumn.

What to do when everything is bad?

There are many reasons to think that everything is crap and fall into depressive state, it's your choice. Do you just need it? In any unclear situation, try not to make a big deal out of it. unsolvable problem. You just need to sort everything out and act, and not drink cocoa and marshmallows while admiring the rain. I'm not making anything up, I just experimented on cats.

1. General cleaning of thoughts

Everything again depends on you; if you think that everything is bad, then everything will be bad. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and wrapping yourself in a blanket. Need to do general cleaning your thoughts, away with bad news and depressed friends. Thoughts, no matter how much you believe in them, are material. Just watch the chain reaction around you. It’s easy to ruin your own mood! But will you do better for yourself?

ZY: Don’t only think, but also talk about good things.

2. Play sports

If thoughts are intensifying and haunting you on a beautiful sunny evening, it’s time to distract yourself and get out of the four walls. Choose according to your taste what makes you relax - yoga or swimming in the pool or hard training. Overall, do something, don't be a lazy ass.

3. Speak up!

Stop keeping emotions and thoughts inside yourself, share them with the people around you. This is something called “dispelling restless thoughts”, what is it for? Just understand that you are not the only one who has experienced this, there are many of us and we need to share our experiences.

4. Find a new hobby

Again, depending on your interests, this could be horse riding or just a series of new experiences every day. Postcrossing - sending postcards - calmed me down strangers and their anxious anticipation in the mailbox.

5. Psychologist to help

Laugh with laughter, we don’t do that, and in general we are not Americans to go to psychologists. But if you have a real problem, a little conversation can help. One conversation was enough for me, where the psychologist simply listened and asked a question that I could not answer. But after thinking about everything, I realized that I knew the answer and changed something.

Lots of problems

Hello, dear blog readers. The topic of today's post is the fight against problems, depression, right attitude to life. Yes, of course, I did not become a psychologist or psychotherapist. Don't be alarmed.

I heard this information a few months ago at one of the youth business seminars. I will give a link to it at the end of this post, I highly recommend watching the material in full. There will be only a part in the article. The one that I have implemented and continue to use in my life.

By the way, I listened to this webinar at night, probably three hours. It was worth it. It's not just me who thinks so.

I saw and looked

Sergei Azimov touched a nerve and made you think about life, about relationships, about women... Okay, back to the topic of the post: what to do when you have a lot of problems.

Just a minute :)

Surely, you are interested in making extra money on the Internet.
I offer tools that I have been using myself for several years:

What to do when there are a lot of problems: the main secret

We need to stop here. And think about it. Think about how important these problems are to you. Most often, these are little things, small conflicts on which we spend, well, just a lot of our energy. These are banal everyday quarrels with relatives, work colleagues, Bad mood in the morning, arguing and defending your position.

Are these problems, their solutions, nerves and emotions an important part of our lives? No, not ours - YOUR LIFE.

As I listened to Asimov that night, I began to think. But really, we spend most of our time, most of our lives on these very trifles, trifles, sorting out relationships, we are always dissatisfied, always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Too many problems: solution

The solution to all problems lies in one simple thing. Understand their classification, analyze how important it is for you that this morning your foot was stepped on on the bus, you were detained wages for the day, the coffee was not as tasty as usual, the waiter was rude...

Traffic light problems

All problems, problems, situations in our life can be classified according to the traffic light principle and live in accordance with this principle.

Stop, slowly, re-read this classification several times. And pay attention special attention to the conclusion.

  1. Red problem . This is the death of relatives, friends, the departure of a person very close to you. Deadly, incurable disease when there is no chance.
  2. Yellow problem . This includes disability, a serious accident and physical injuries, but the person survived. Loss of business, divorce.
  3. Green problem . This is a job loss, a very difficult financial situation. My beloved girl/boyfriend left, betrayal.

Everything else is simple Should NOT bother you.

Agree, we think about our lives in difficult moments: the death of someone, a great loss, a difficult, seemingly hopeless situation. Then we understand how petty and insignificant everyday problems are.

This is how small, a little philosophical this post turned out to be. Hope it was helpful to you.

If now, in your opinion, everything is bad in your life, listen to one story that happened to me several years ago and which turned my life upside down.
For a long time, I believed that my life was already pre-programmed for a certain amount of success and failure, with much more of the second component in it. And there’s nothing you can do about it except come to terms with it and learn to survive - I didn’t see any other way out.

One day I met an old friend of mine, whom I had not seen for many years. Despite a series of tragic circumstances in her life, she looked young and happy, led an active lifestyle, and was full of optimism.
I was interested to know her secret happy life. It turned out to be very simple, but difficult to implement - every morning to thank the Universe for everything you have in life and sincerely believe that every day all your affairs are getting better and better. At that moment, her secret of a “happy life” seemed strange to me. Moreover, if problems constantly arise at work, with health, there is a chronic lack of money, relationships are not going well, and in general - this is not the life I dreamed of. But I decided to try and signed up for training in a coaching group.
Thus began my new rebirth to a completely different life - meaningful and filled with wonderful transformations and surprises, surrounded by positive and successful people.

What to do if everything is bad in life?

Now I can say with complete confidence that black stripe, which is often present in life, is actually a runway. And in order to take off, you need to properly accelerate along it, and dial in the required speed for takeoff. high speed. And always set your sails so that they catch the tailwind.
And this means that it is necessary to take responsibility for everything that happens in life into your own hands.
And you need to start with controlling your thoughts - the energy that materializes in the real world. What we think about is what we get.
There is an excellent exercise for this - “Candle”. Every evening for 10 minutes just look at the candle without thinking about anything. This is how you develop the habit of controlling your thoughts and the ability to concentrate on the main thing.

Secondly, start every morning with . This is a huge flow of life-giving energy that miraculously transforms all problems, failures and failures into new solutions, new opportunities and new achievements.
And a miracle happens - everything around begins to change for the better.

Thirdly, constantly fill your life with love, kindness and positivity. Dismiss whiners, negative people and pessimists from it, and surround yourself with positive, bright, kind and successful people. They will support and give additional incentive to move forward.

Fourthly, be sure to believe that everything that is planned will definitely work out. And do not let even a shadow of doubt into your heart. If you repeat many times: “God is good. Good is God,” confidence appears, and new ways to solve vital problems open up.

And always remember that at any moment you can change your life, but in order for it to change, you need to want it and start changing it. Start doing this meaningfully, asking yourself the right questions: “Why am I doing this?” Not everything works out right away, but with some effort, perseverance and perseverance, the result will not take long to arrive. And it will exceed all expectations, I know this for sure, because it has been tested by life.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today I would like to talk about life. About what to do when everything is bad and a bad streak has come. Such a depressed state can easily lead to neuroses, apathy and depression. It is imperative to get out of this situation so that your whole life does not turn into endless suffering.

Black stripe

We have all, one way or another, experienced moments of depression in our lives. When everything falls out of hand, in the morning you don’t want to get up and get out of bed. When all you think is that life is empty and nothing good will happen. Such thoughts appear for various reasons. Failures in the professional sphere or personal life. Loss of a loved one, betrayal best friend. The situations are different, but the consequences are often similar.

We all sometimes ask ourselves how to get rid of cats that scratch at our souls. It is easy for a person to fall into a depressed state and very difficult to get out of it. Because sitting and doing nothing is much easier than trying to improve your life over and over again. Sometimes you give up and don’t want to live.

Such conditions have different stages, symptoms and other related issues. A person can become aggressive at such moments and hate everyone around him, even his closest and dearest. Of course, your loved one wants to help, trying to pull you out of apathy. But this is precisely what begins to irritate me even more.

In a state of depression, it is very important to understand why it is happening. Only then will it be possible to take the right steps towards positive change. Simply leaving problems in the past is the worst option. Every moment in a person's life should be complete. Otherwise, the ghosts of the past will catch up with you sooner or later.

Who is the master of your life

Even if you don’t want to do anything and everything is bad, then this is only your decision and your choice. You must always remember that only you are responsible for your own life. And there is no need to create illusions that everything is bad because of someone. It may be very tough, but this is the only way you can correct everything that happens to you.

You shouldn’t blame the rude saleswoman who was rude to you in the morning and that because of her, you’ve been in a bad mood all day. It was you who chose to make this event the highlight of the day. After all, you could simply not notice and move on. It’s not your boss’s fault that your salary is low and you don’t have enough money to pay off your mortgage, pay off your car loan and buy food. It is you who have driven yourself into a financial hole.

Do you think that you have no support from anyone? Nonsense! Support should always come from yourself. One of my good friends is an artist. And periodically she falls into a state of depression. The muse has left, there is no inspiration, my personal life is not working out, my paintings are not selling. Her parents live several thousand kilometers away. No friends. But every time she pulls herself together and starts working again. Sets new goals for himself and moves forward.

You should remember once and for all that only you are responsible for your life. Until you learn to take responsibility for what is happening, you will be unhappy. Definitely because of someone. Understand that no one can influence your life. Not friends, not a loved one, not parents, not a boss, not a passerby on the street. Just because you are emotionally attached to these people does not mean that they control your life. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start living for yourself, not for someone else.

What to do

If nothing works out for you, maybe you are going in the wrong direction? I have never met a single person who was unsuccessful in everything. There must be at least one thing in which a person can succeed. It's an illusion that everything is bad. This doesn't happen. You are deliberately putting yourself in this state. This means you need it for something. So that they feel sorry for you, solve your problems, tell you how great you are or something else.

  • First, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are an adult who can solve any problem. Self-pity is actually directed at others. Look how unhappy I am, take pity on me, approve of my actions.
  • Secondly, stop expecting things from other people. You are in control of your life. You choose and make decisions. No one else can do this for you. Each person can simply interact with others, but nothing more. Stop blaming others for your unhappiness. This way you will definitely never solve the problem.
  • Third, start doing something. Just sitting in one place and wailing every day will make you even more depressed. Get up and take action right now. Start with something small and not so heavy. Go to the mirror, smile at yourself and say: I will succeed, everything will be fine! And move on. Don't stop!

I hope you can overcome yourself and learn to be in charge own life. This is what helps you achieve success in any area of ​​life. When a person realizes that he does not depend on anyone, his whole life changes in an unimaginable and beautiful way. You should definitely try it! Check out my articles on the topic "

A person does not immediately realize the moment, they say, I feel bad, I have to understand what to do when you feel bad… Gradually, like a snowball, trouble is layered on top of trouble, trouble on top of trouble. Similar to similar.

And there comes a moment when not only everything is bad, but everything is very bad in life. And the most difficult thing is that at this moment we are at the minus point of our energy.

We must clearly know what to do if everything is bad, and by an effort of will DO IT. Rescue of drowning people - remember, whose business is it?..

What you will learn from the article:

What to do if everything is bad and you decide to change it?

Sometimes I receive letters describing one or more life tasks (for a person = problems). You can’t answer in one letter how to set this up. So I'll draw it for you general scheme, a universal one that will help you move. And then you will listen to yourself, receive tips from above, notice them and follow your path, but in a more positive and pleasant scenario than before.

What to do when you feel bad: 5 steps towards a new life, no matter what point of minus you are at

Everything is bad - you chose it

1.you are here because you chose the wrong behavior a long time ago.

You thought wrong, felt wrong, acted wrong.

What are we doing? We begin to think, feel and act correctly. In a nutshell: at any moment of your life, stop and listen to yourself - what is there inside?

Pain, resentment, anger, irritation, anger - are they all bad? In three years you will receive all this multiplied many times over!

Joy, harmony, tranquility, holiday and anticipation of the holiday, love, faith, tenderness? In three years you will be a completely different person, with a different life - even happier and more joyful!

This rule works for everyone! Even if it seems to you that there is no reason for joy, squeeze this joy out of yourself. Gradually it will be born within you! Smile intentionally, it will help. And remember - this is your job! The first point is mandatory!

Book to read: 78 steps to understanding reality transurfing, Vadim Zeland

2. according to your personal luck, most likely, your home reflects it (as well as destiny written from above).

If we change our home, we change our destiny and change our mood, our personal luck (it works the other way around, in all directions).

I'm not advocating moving. Without a specialist 99% that new home will reflect and reproduce the same problems!!!

I urge you to look around and soberly assess the extent of the “tragedy.” I hope your place is clean and free of trash. If you still sin with this, then materials and

When cleanliness becomes total, pay attention.

And gradually your “everything is very bad” transforms into the magical “everything is very good!”

Book to read: any book with the word Feng Shui in the title by Natalia Pravdina

When I feel bad, I meditate

3.it’s better to layer good positive thoughts and emotions on a clean base.

Therefore, clean your head too (by the way, when you clear out your living space, you may be surprised to find that your brain has become cleaner, you can breathe easier and fewer fears/anxieties are born. I wish you to do all this in a complex way. The effect will be amazing!

Silence is necessary to clear your brain, especially inside. Meditation will help you. Just once a day, to begin with, for at least 5-10 minutes, freeze your thoughts in nothing-thinking. Practice, you won’t succeed the first time. But this task in my life is a must-do when I feel bad!

Book to read: The Power of the Moment by Eckhart Tolle or any book by Osho

What to do when everything is bad - understand how good it is for you

4.you must be clearly aware of what you ultimately want to achieve.

“I don’t want to live like this” doesn’t work. It works “I want to live like this, like this and like this!”

This is also work. What are we doing? We find time alone with ourselves, take a notebook and pen, and start writing.

What to do when everything is bad? Describe one day in your life two years from now. How does it go? Who is he with and where? What are you wearing? What is your relationship and with whom? How many friends do you have? What is your income? How do you feel?

Emphasis on feelings and sensations!!! We run emotions through everything we write. And if something inside doesn’t respond, we cross it out and write again. As a result, you will get a perfect day when everything suits you.

“I feel bad” echoes in the body

5.our desires and goals will not please us if our body is not in order.

Because in this world we came to gain experience through the body. And if, for example, I feel bad mentally, physical pain will not take long to occur...

From this day on, every day you choose to do at least one pleasant or useful little thing for your vessel of the soul: do a facial massage, treat a tooth, drink vitamins, fresh air take a walk, make a mask, do yoga, do exercises, dance for a couple of minutes while the potatoes are fried!!!

Your body is your business. Not doing well? This means that somewhere you have deprived yourself of the opportunity to have a well-groomed and healthy body.

If in the evening it turns out that you have not completed this point, you get up and go get a facial massage!