Bezler Igor Nikolaevich. Igor Bezler

I won't write much. What is written will be subjective and you have the right to disagree with it.

I have known Igor Bezler (Bes) personally since April 7, 2014.
I had seen him before, but we met him after our storming of the former SBU building in Donetsk. We didn’t communicate with him often after that, but enough that I could form an opinion about him. I even managed to sit in his basement by mistake... Many people are interested in my attitude towards Bes as a commander. I’ll write about this.

I think Bezler is a very good commander. This man was the real and unquestioned authority of the Gorlovka militia and highly respected by many militias of other units. And for the most part, he remains so to this day. Despite the fact that he left Novorossiya quite a long time ago. Igor Nikolaevich is one of those people to whom the rank of major general was awarded deservedly and fairly. This is the second major general in the DPR after Khmury, if anyone doesn’t remember.

I really remember two episodes that I want to tell you and which will help you understand Bezler’s attitude to work.

1. Igor was the first in the DPR (long before the creation of regulatory authorities) to introduce financial monitoring of business entities for theft of resources.
I witnessed how inspectors reported to Bezler that they had discovered the theft of funds by the management of the Artemugol enterprise worth several million hryvnia. The robber was detained and inspectors reported that he was offering money to Bezler personally for his freedom.
The amount announced was very high... with six zeros. Do you know what Bes said? He ordered the thief to be chained to an electric locomotive and kept there until he returned everything stolen. I don’t know about you, but after this episode Bezler grew a lot in my eyes.

2 . They brought a woman to Bes, who was found with cigarettes in her kiosk, the batch number of which coincided with the batch that arrived as humanitarian aid. After a short conversation, the lady handed over to the militia a scheme of thefts from humanitarian warehouses.

I will say this: even some thieving ministers of the DPR were afraid of the demon, and being under his suspicion meant having long sleepless nights awaiting arrest.

Many people did not like Igor; many felt threatened by him. Many people still feel this way today.
The main character in the nightmares of thieves and traitors after Strelkov (the mention of whom even now makes scoundrels fight in fits of wild terror) is Bezler. I believe that Bes was one of the few commanders, in the correct understanding of the word.

Our relationship was not bad. I knew that with proper argumentation he would never refuse me. And Nikolaevich was always understanding and often helped. With his help, it was possible to transfer a diesel fuel tank to Slavyansk.
He gave it to Ramaz in order to deliver several generators to Slavyansk. It was he who helped arm our auto patrol when everyone turned me down.
It was Bes who gave money for partial allowance to the wounded in the hospital when Prime Minister Sasha Borodai refused this.

The patrol that Bezler helped arm did not work badly. And even acquired war trophies. And when Bes had a shortage of weapons, I personally brought him several captured AKs. I handed them over to the armory, and took one to Igor.
There was no surprise, his comrade with the call sign Vasilich died that day, there was no time for machine guns... And I saw how hard Igor was experiencing the death of his soldiers. Very revealing. The fighters felt treated and gave it their all.

Well, something like that. I can write a lot. But I think that what has been written is enough.

You can say that you don’t know a lot, and haven’t seen a lot. Yes, I don’t know a lot, I’ve heard a lot of rumors and accusations against Bes. At the same time, I know something. I also don’t quite agree with some aspects of his behavior and work. But it was not for nothing that I wrote that this article and the material in it are subjective. And I, again subjectively, consider Bezler a worthy commander and warrior.

Igor Nikolaevich Bezler
Nickname - Bes
Date of birth December 30, 1965
Place of birth Simferopol, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Affiliation "People's Militia of Donbass", Gorlovka
Battles/wars Armed conflict in eastern Ukraine

Igor Nikolaevich Bezler(December 30, 1965) - one of the rebel leaders in eastern Ukraine, commander of the Donbass People's Militia in Gorlovka.
Born on December 30, 1965 in Simferopol. Father is a native of Crimea (born in 1937). Igor Bezler grew up and graduated from school in Simferopol.
In 1994-1997 Igor Bezler studied at the Military Academy named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky. Several years ago he was transferred to the reserve from the Russian Armed Forces, lieutenant colonel. After resignation from Armed Forces Russia returned to Ukraine.

Since 2003 Igor Bezler has a Ukrainian residence permit. He worked as the head of security at the Gorlovka Machine Plant named after Kirov. Then he worked for four months at the communal funeral services company “Prostor” in the city of Gorlovka, from which he was fired in 2012.
According to his own words, the reason for his dismissal was a conflict with the former mayor of Gorlovka Yevgeny Klep and his deputy, who began to demand a bribe from him. After the 2012 elections Igor Bezler worked in security agency. Headed Gorlovskaya public organization paratrooper soldiers.

After the change of power in Ukraine, he left for Crimea and then returned to Gorlovka. According to the SBU, Bezler is a Russian saboteur from the GRU, who led the seizure of the SBU building in Donetsk and the seizure of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the city of Gorlovka during the so-called. "Russian spring". Initially, this was pointed out by the Deputy Chairman of the Odessa Regional Council, Alexey Goncharenko, who was an eyewitness to what was happening in the video with the “lieutenant colonel from Russia” and posted a photocopy of his passport. Since April 17, 2014, he has been wanted on the territory of Ukraine.

According to unconfirmed data from Ukrainian media, on Bezler is responsible for the destruction of a column of Ukrainian security forces near Volnovakha.
On July 1, 2014, information appeared in the media that Bezler and the fighters of his squad refused to swear allegiance to the DPR and seized the building of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the center of Donetsk. In a shootout with them, one was killed and five rebels fighting on the side of the DPR were wounded. When a dead and wounded man appeared among the policemen, the Vostok battalion of Alexander Khodakovsky struck Bezler in the rear. On the same day, at his own briefing, DPR Prime Minister Alexander Borodai said that Igor Bezler and his squad are not subordinate to anyone and are not controlled. Bezler treats the political leadership of the DPR with contempt, and calls the republic itself “banana.”

Ratings and opinions
According to RIA Novosti journalists, Igor Nikolaevich Bezler is the most mysterious of the DPR “militia” field commanders. There are many rumors circulating around him, which are fueled by scandalous videos with his participation and are intensified due to his fundamental refusal to communicate with the press.

Dubious facts from the biography
Some biographical facts expressed in the words of I. N. Bezler himself, as well as those attributed to him by the SBU, are not confirmed by authoritative sources and are frankly dubious, such as:
Service in the airborne troops;
Veteran of the Afghan War (1983-1984);
Awarding the Order of the Red Star;
Service in the GRU of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

For example personal photo I. N. Bezler exhibited online, on which he is photographed in the field uniform of an officer of the Airborne Forces of the USSR Armed Forces, with available on military uniform government awards, cannot in any way be connected with his biography.
In an interview with I.N. Bezler refuses to discuss issues related to his military service in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and does not give a clear answer about his biography. Meanwhile in social networks(site Odnopolchane.Net) there is a record (participant profile) left directly by I. N. Bezler himself on March 22, 2010[. According to it, Bezler I.N. served in the 36th Guards Missile Vienna Red Banner Division in Krasnoyarsk, in the 1540th Missile Technical Base (military unit 54239).

27.05.2014, 17:00
Novorossiya must free itself from Bandera’s supporters and carry out de-Banderization of the political field of all of Ukraine. Freedom, equality, non-violence. Russian and Ukrainian languages state Federalization. Novorossia needs to fight for this today.

Heroes of Novorossiya - militia commander Igor Bezler


“The Kiev junta with desperate persistence is churning out outright lies and inventing myths about resistance in the South-East.

One of the most famous myths- about the commander of the self-defense of the city of Gorlovka (DPR) Igor Bezler.

From the first days of the confrontation in Donbass, the Ukrainian media have been talking about him only as an active lieutenant colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation with the call sign “Bes.” However, the facts tell a completely different story.

Heroes of Novorossiya - militia commander Igor Bezler

According to the available fragmentary information, Igor Bezler served in the Airborne Forces Soviet army. Participated in the war in Afghanistan, awarded the order Red Star. A few years ago he retired and settled in Gorlovka, Donetsk region. There he started a business that was completely different from his previous type of activity, namely the provision of funeral services. At the same time, he helped his former brothers in the “winged infantry”, leading local organization veteran paratroopers.

The life of a retired lieutenant colonel was changed by the Nazi coup in Kyiv. When, after the establishment of the Junta, the far right rushed to rehabilitate Nazism and ban the Russian language, Bezler joined the protests in the Southeast. And when the “National Guard”, “Right Sector” and bandits from the “Dnieper”, “Donbass” and “Azov” moved to pacify the rebellious region, the former military man remembered the cause to which he devoted most of his life. And he headed the Gorlovka self-defense.

The Ukrainian authorities were discouraged by how quickly they lost Gorlovka, and in order to justify their unpopularity and incapacity, they created a myth about a superman nicknamed “Bes” - a GRU lieutenant colonel who overthrew the Ukrainian government. It was a shame to admit that this was done by an ordinary retiree with the support of local civilians and police officers who had gone over to his side.

But Bezler’s popularity increased most of all after he managed to capture three officers of the most elite special forces of Ukraine “Alpha”, who were thrown into Gorlovka to capture the leader of the self-defense and other local activists. It is these special forces that the leadership of Donetsk people's republic then they exchanged the “people's governor” of Donbass, Pavel Gubarev, who was kidnapped and tortured in Kyiv.

As DPR Self-Defense activist Evgeniy Gorbik said after the operation carried out by Bezler:

“The SBU special group arrived to capture Bezler, the man holding the Gorlovka police department. Bezler himself captured those who were hunting him and brought them here, and so it will be with everyone.”

Today in the Ukrainian press, with reference to Western information sources, information is being disseminated that it was Bezler who destroyed the Ukrainian motorized rifle checkpoint near Volnovakha. But the information looks dubious to say the least, since it was told to journalists by an unknown person in camouflage and a balaclava mask, who introduced himself as “The Demon.”

The legendary man himself, Igor Bezler, does not strive for popularity, does not give interviews to television channels, does not write blogs, and does not appoint himself to positions in power.
It seems that what he really strives for is a peaceful and calm life after fascism leaves the lands of Novorossiya.”

Igor Nikolaevich Bezler usually did not react to her vilifications, but she outdid herself... And in memory of the dead guys, he gave a worthy answer to all the slanderers.

My husband Igor Nikolaevich Bezler read Vesely’s comments and, to put it mildly, was surprised at such a lie. Having read all this, here are his words - I quote:

“Cheerful, due to the fact that you spent the entire battle lying in the bushes, where they found you, without weapons, with field magazines, you probably don’t remember the whole battle well. You and Kuska were pulled out at the same time to the dugout in the greenery. The wounded Tuchka and Vaselina, who was covered by Tyson with his body, having taken on many fragments. You, apparently, were “in shock” and don’t remember who injected you with the anti-shock that I took from the killed Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter - you, Tuchka, Veselina, Vaifai, Kusk. That’s why you don’t remember when the anti-shocks were injected, Gus was alive and was next to me. Since you don’t remember the whole battle, why did Gus go back to the dugout without listening to me.
I know Goose’s nature; he personally wanted to make sure that not a single wounded man was left on the battlefield. Due to the fact that you were in a state of shock, you don’t remember who and how pulled you out of the greenery through the mine into the field of sunflowers. You (“tired of the battle”) probably don’t remember how many people from the group that took the battle came out unwounded and not shell-shocked. And I'll tell you - EIGHT! And these eight people, changing in pairs, dragged you and Kusk! Igor (Kusok) decided to stay and cover the group’s retreat at the cost of his life, taking a grenade from Tuchka.

And now a question for you - how did it happen that when I led the group to the swamp, those people who were assigned to pull you out (those who did not have a single scratch) reported to me that they left you in the field for YOUR PERSONAL REQUEST?! Cheerful, decide who you are - a man who made a decision in battle and sent the guys away or a scoundrel who is now whining about how someone abandoned you? I led a group with 11 wounded to the location of our troops, and no one abandoned anyone. If you think that I will apologize to you and sprinkle ashes on your head, you are deeply mistaken. After your "writing" you are nothing more than a scumbag to me.

And now the character MIKHAIL BATKOVICH, call sign SPARTAK.
What two KamAZ 200x trucks are you talking about, if in that battle 107 people (including the armored group) died: 13 people, and one is considered missing. And isn’t it because you are so angry that I almost shot you and your brother (Loki) at the Blue Base in Makeevka for your drunken brawl in the group. You were simply disarmed before the formation and sent to fuck off in the presence of base personnel. And you left like two beaten mongrels. You are alive only because I have great respect for the man whom I consider closer to my brother, who stood up for you. I mean Avalanche. And thank your daddy - Barkashov, whose sons you are. If I had known earlier that you were Barkashites, I would have shot you - Russian-fascist scum - without giving in to Avalanche’s persuasion!

And in order to dot all the i's.
I can say one thing - the main and most main task this column on August 23, 2014 COMPLETED! The Ukrainian group that could have hit the flank of the militia units taking Mospino remained in place and was completely neutralized. Over the next two days, more than 60 enemy soldiers were captured.

Eternal memory to those who died...
Long summer alive!
I.N. Bezler.

A very interesting conflict has erupted on the Internet. The legendary Igor Bezler (the one who held Gorlovka) brought serious charges against Strelkov. That the “genius of military thought” Igor Strelkov passed everything that was possible. And he wanted to surrender Gorlovka and Donetsk.
Strelkov will answer Bezler. But he did it in such a way that it would be better to remain silent. In general, judge for yourself. Presenting Bezler to Strelkov and Strelkov’s response to Bezler, as well as voting for whom you are in this conflict are below.


He was silent for a long time when this miracle Girkin told tall tales about how he helped me capture Gorlovka; was silent when this “White Guard” misunderstanding said that I took away his weapons; was silent when this lover of “antiques” talked about what a “Makhnovist” I was and did not consult his “Greatly Stupid Nobility” at all. But after another portion of “verbal slop” I somehow wanted to speak out.

This militarily stupid, no military education, amoebic-cowardly creature, who graduated from the Institute of History and Archives, began to talk about Russia’s actions in Syria, about the operations carried out by me (this inflated dummy doesn’t even know about many of them). Girkin, unscrew the screws from your skull and take the crown off your stupid head.

You are the one who, excuse me, “sat yourself” in the top part of Simferopol (I hope your pieces of gray matter are enough to remember this in detail), the one who from the moment of the capture of Slavyansk until July 5, the moment of the shameful flight that you are now trying to imagine " great maneuver," they failed to properly organize the defense of the city. Your Great Commander's gift was not enough to understand that you do not need to sit in the basement of the SBU, but to occupy and hold Karachun. You, who surrendered more than half of the DPR, are talking about the effectiveness of the combat operations I carried out??!!!

You, Mr. Fugitive Commander, rushed to Gorlovka, but then you had a bummer. I had to sit naked in the bathhouse in my basement. I wanted to simply shoot you, a “genius of military thought”, now a type of military theorist and creator of the “dibilocommittee on the 25th”, for your cowardice and cowardice. And believe me, I did it if it weren’t for Borodai, to whom you now owe your life. It was he who “cut off” my phone number and, sometimes with threats, and then simply persuasion, asked me not to do this. Thanks to Boroday, you now live, write libels and engage in “throwing shit” at everyone who does not agree with your idea of ​​​​a city madman. That's why I didn't shoot you. True, he sent his wife to Donetsk in camouflage and her T-shirt. At least he got it back, Kerensky is ours. And then he laughed at your attempts to whitewash yourself, saying that one of the reasons for leaving Slavyansk was the fear that the “Demon” group would stab you, the “star commander,” in the back. You can see that a large “hole” has formed in my head after sitting in the basement of the Slavyansk SBU

All your military merits, “victoriously scuttled” by the commandant a la Che, are a shameful abandonment of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka, Druzhkovka. The abandonment of Karlovka, which my unit and the Vostok unit held for more than a month and a half, you, the “genius of military thought,” managed to drain it in two days. And what is behind the order to surrender Gorlovka if not betrayal!!! I am posting a photo of this order below.

You don’t even know who led the defense of Gorlovka!!! Seryoga "Boatswain", led the defense only from July 29 to August 5. This is where all your knowledge about the defense of the city ends, as well as all the knowledge about the operations I carried out in Volnovakha, Dobropolye, Malinovka, Dyakovo, Dokuchaevsk, Amvrosievka, Grabsky, Illovaisk, Umansky, Karlovka, Poltava. But you don’t know for only one reason: I did not consider it necessary to consult and inform the “dummy” in military matters - the restorer Girkin. The surrender of Artemovsk is entirely on your conscience.

It was you, the “unsurpassed” genius of military thought, who removed my people from Artemovsk and placed your garrison there, which fled at the sight of two armored personnel carriers. It is you who are guilty of the death of “Romashka”, it is on your conscience that the death of my friend, the commander of the group that took the battle on May 5, 2014, “Wolf”, is on your conscience, and which then went to Gorlovka in its entirety, and you declared them deserters. I will never forget how at night I left Slavyansk alone with two pistols after your phrase “Two bears cannot get along in one den.” So, after your “heroic” dash to Gorlovka, I can say with a pure heart: “A bear and you, a ROCK, will definitely not get along in the same den.”

And now, as it were, Strelkov’s answer:

Strelkov: You can’t write the truth

“Sometimes I am visited by an “intellectual” (in the style of the unforgettable Vasisualiy Lokhankin) thought: “Or maybe there is, after all, that same “homespun (also known as hard-boiled) truth” in the words and writings of my numerous opponents from among my former comrades... Maybe , I really am “not that”... well, completely worthless? Somehow they are all unanimously against me, starting from Borodai-Ponomarev-Khodakovsky-Zakharchen-Kofman, etc., etc., continuing. “the legend of the Russian special forces” (about which few people know in the special forces, and whoever knows, he spits) Efentyev-“Gyurza” and ending with Igor Nikolaevich Bezler, who recently compared me to a male of the chicken family...

At such moments (reading the next “revelation” of another former comrade-in-arms), I go over in my memory all the moments of communication with him and try to seriously evaluate how much the criticism corresponds to the truth. Fortunately, my dear friends“(former comrades in arms, friends, buddies and simply “professionals”) really help me overcome attacks of “self-criticism”, supplying their stories with absolutely fantastic lies. Which certainly doesn’t fit with the events that actually happened. And I, ironically shrugging my shoulders, with some even pleasure, am adding to the “collection of myths about my beloved self.”

This time I found out that Igor Nikolaevich kept me naked in the basement and only Boroday (apparently out of false compassion) saved me from the inevitable and well-deserved execution for surrendering almost the entire territory of the DPR... Cool!

True, against the background of Pan Zakharchenko’s stories about how I “sold” Slavyansk to the Ukrainians for 100 million hryvnia and wanted to sell Donetsk as well, Igor Nikolaevich is somehow not too “bright” in his fantasies. And the “YouTube star” Ponomarev, having smoked the “plan”, will give him a 100-point head start.
Probably, Igor Nikolaevich expects an answer from me in the style of “I’m a fool.” In vain. I will only repeat what I have already said more than once: I find it difficult to determine for myself whether Bezler brought more harm or benefit to the cause of Novorossiya. His bright charismatic figure and frenzied passionate energy allowed him to leave an indelible mark on the history of Donbass. Not only positive. But not only negative. Someday (if I live) I’ll write the rest in my memoirs. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to write the truth yet, so I won’t write anything at all.”

Now the question is: Who do you trust more?

There are legends about Igor Nikolayevich Bezler, and at the same time, information about the DPR military leader is very scanty.


From official sources you can find out that the warrior’s homeland is Simferopol, in which Igor Bezler was born in 1965, on December 30th. Igor spent his childhood and youth in his native Crimea. The family was international - the father had German roots, and the mother was Ukrainian. Almost nothing is known about the personal life of the glorious officer, except that his wife’s name is Angelica.

The surname “Bezler” gave the call sign to Igor Nikolaevich, under which he fought in the 1980s in the ranks of the Soviet group of armed forces in Afghanistan. It is translated as "Demon". So this heroic man became known among the army people.

Military career

It is known that Igor Bezler was given a special education by the famous Felix Dzerzhinsky Military Academy in Moscow. Years of study: from 1994 to 1997. Igor Nikolaevich retired from the army to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel. The resignation was followed by a return to his native land, to Ukraine.

Obtaining Ukrainian citizenship was limited to a residence permit. The place of work of the retired lieutenant colonel was the Gorlovka machine plant, where he was involved in organizing security and safety. It is known that after working as the head of a security unit, Bezler went to work at a company providing funeral services, where he worked until 2012. This dismissal was based conflict situation with the authorities of Gorlovka in the person of city mayor Evgeniy Klep.

Ukrainian conflict

The events that rapidly developed in Ukraine in the tenth years did not remain without the participation of Igor Bezler. The Ukrainian Security Service still classifies the rebel lieutenant colonel as a professional Russian saboteur. Ukrainian authorities claim to be aware of Igor Bezler’s leadership of military operations to seize administrative buildings in Gorlovka during the active phase of the south-eastern Ukrainian conflict in 2014.

The elusive and highly professional Bezler was dangerous for the authority of the Ukrainian authorities; he was put on the wanted list on the territory of Ukraine, citing this fact as his Ukrainian citizenship. However, Igor Bezler responded to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with a statement that his citizenship is Russian Federation and he is connected with Ukraine only by the right to a residence permit, which he has had since 2003.

It is known that fighting, which took place in the south-east of Ukraine, often took place spontaneously. The Bes combat unit conducted independent operations and was not subordinate to the leadership of the DPR. This was officially announced by the Prime Minister of the DPR, Alexander Borodai. However, in the summer of 2014, the DPR website denied this information. In the fall of 2014, Igor Nikolaevich Bezler received the honorary title of Major General of the Donetsk Republic.