World famous model Natalia Dior. The DIOR model was damaged in a terrorist attack in Kyiv: Why is a beautiful profession dangerous? History of the House of Dior

On September 8, a powerful explosion occurred near Bessarabskaya Square in Kyiv, as a result of which the world famous model Natalya Koshel, the face of Dior, was seriously injured.

Natalya was transported to the intensive care unit of the 17th hospital in Kyiv in in serious condition. The girl's face was significantly damaged, internal organs, the left thigh was torn and the left heel was torn off. Doctors do not give prognoses, but warned that amputation of the left leg is possible.

Also injured in the car explosion was 6-year-old Anton, who was not a relative of the model. The boy was taken to the hospital with a 1st degree burn; doctors did not diagnose any other injuries. The driver Timur Makhauri, also known as Ruslan Papaskeri, died on the spot.

It became known that Makhauri was a volunteer in the Sheikh Mansur International Peacekeeping Battalion and was a personal enemy of Ramzan Kadyrov. The battalion takes an active part in the military conflict in eastern Ukraine and supports the Ukrainian government.

Investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine said that Timur Makhauri was involved in the murders of five Chechens who were hiding from Russian justice on the territory of Ukraine and took an active part in the battles for Shirokino and in the south of Donbass. A criminal case has been initiated under the article “Intentional murder” committed in public in a dangerous way, - comments the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Artem Shevchenko.

Model-looking girls have always been the cause of someone's envy, and sometimes this feeling was so strong and destructive that they poured hydrochloric acid on their face. So Eleonora Kondratyuk, 18-year-old “Miss Charm” in 1999, was doused with a concentrated solution hydrochloric acid, rejected by a fan from Abkhazia Ruben Grigoryan. The trial of the bandit took place in March 2000, and he was sentenced to 11 years in prison, but the girl’s life has since turned into a nightmare. Eleanor suffered dozens plastic surgery, and doctors’ attempts to restore vision were practically unsuccessful.

Working in the fashion industry is also dangerous because models are often subject to stress and strict diets, which sometimes lead them to a state of anorexia. Anna Caroline Reston, died in 2006 from exhaustion. At the time of her death, she was only 21 years old and with a height of 178 cm, she weighed only 40 kg. For designers Armani and Dior, the model was a muse and inspiration for new looks. The same fate befell Hila Elmaliah, an Israeli model popular in the nineties. At 34 years old, she suffered from cardiac arrest and weighed only 27 kg with a height of 167 cm.

Long-term depression can be caused by addiction to drugs or alcohol in some models. There have been known cases of overdose with heroin, morphine and methadone. Peaches Geldof, a famous British model and TV presenter, died of a heroin overdose at the age of 25. Her career began by writing for The Telegraph and The Guardian. In 2008, Peaches married musician Max Drummy. But the marriage was dissolved after half a year, and in 2009 the girl decided to marry the vocalist of the rock band Thomas Cohen. After her death, she left behind two children, Astala and Fedra. It is known that the girl's mother, Paula Yates, died of the same reason in 2000.

In pursuit of an ideal appearance, girls and boys become victims of cosmetic procedures. The unsafe list includes chemical peeling, microcurrent therapy and permanent makeup. There were many cases of falls and broken limbs at various shows. Models whose shoes were extremely uncomfortable for walking or too long dress, often got injured right on the podium. Even Naomi Campbell in 1993 could not keep her balance and fell at the Vivienne Westwood performance. At the Burberry show at fashion week in Brazil, model Karlie Kloss also could not resist and fell in front of the public.

From all this it follows that the profession of a model is certainly full of risk and danger. To young people who have chosen this for themselves life path You need to not only be beautiful and confident, but also have strong nerves to overcome many obstacles on the path to fame.

b (nee Tselovalnikova) began collecting money for her treatment. Part of the money will also go towards the rehabilitation of her little daughter Masha, who was in the back seat of the car and received burns. Natalia’s sister (according to other sources, friend) Tatyana Parizhskaya wrote about this on her page in Facebook.

Dear friends! Today we are opening a fundraiser...The accounts listed below belong to Irina Irina Irina Mikhailovna, Natasha's mother and Masha's grandmother. Natasha's condition today is very serious, we believe in the best, but she will need to go through many stages of treatment and operations. I ask everyone who cares about their fate to help us financially in any amount! Thank you! God bless you! - Tatiana wrote.

I also unsubscribed under the post ex-husband 32-year-old Natalya and Masha’s father are businessman Sergei Koshel. He first asked if the numbers listed corresponded to a real fundraising account.

I would like to understand under whose control this fundraising is taking place? - he wrote, but literally an hour later he confirmed that everything was fine.

These accounts were opened by Natasha’s mother, they are completely under her control, I confirm this information,” Sergei wrote.

"It's just pee..."

A day earlier, on his page, Sergei described how he learned about the tragedy and what he did in the first hours. On September 8, he found himself not far from the place where the car was blown up and arrived five minutes later. Having learned that his daughter Masha had been pulled out of the car, he escorted her to the hospital, and then went to ex-wife, which suffered much more seriously.

After the child was examined and no serious injuries were found that threatened her life, the little one was sent to burn center number 2, of course I am with her! The amount of painkillers caused the child to fall asleep. As soon as after talking with the doctor, I realized that there was no point in sitting next to my little one now, and I went to the hospital to see my ex-wife, before that I naturally notified her mother about the tragedy, which did not happen in Kyiv that day.

Arriving at the hospital, I naturally went to the doctor and the victim’s room..... further not for publicity, just piii.... you know this more or less from the media. Taking it from the doctor full list We went to the pharmacies for the necessary medications, and by about one in the morning the entire list of medications was already at the hospital with the doctors,” Sergei wrote.

On September 8, the day of the explosion, three teams of doctors operated on the woman until late at night. The information that Natalya’s leg was torn off was not confirmed. Now her condition is very serious, but she has regained consciousness.

On September 11, the body of the deceased soldier of the Chechen volunteer battalion, who was driving the exploded Toyota, was transported to Tbilisi. His official wife and sister flew to Ukraine to pick up the body of a 39-year-old Georgian citizen.

According to preliminary data, the explosives were placed in the armrest between the front seats of the car.

The girl who was in Timur Makhauri’s car, which was blown up on September 8 in the center of Kyiv, was the face of the Dior brand. This was reported by a woman who identified herself as her friend.

“Her name is Natalya. This is a world famous model. She was the face of the Dior brand,” the woman is quoted as saying.

Social networks initially suggested that 32-year-old model Natalya Gotsiy could be in the car, the KP.UA website reports. Natalya Gotsiy wrote in response to this information that she had nothing to do with this incident.

However, police sources gave a different name. At the time of the explosion, a woman named . could have been in the car. The security forces have not yet officially confirmed this information. Channel 24, citing its own sources, reported that Timur Makhauri’s car probably contained model Natalya Koshel.

A car explosion in the center of Kyiv on Baseinaya Street on September 8 killed a native of Chechnya, Timur Makhauri, who had previously fought as part of the Chechen volunteer battalion named after Sheikh Mansur against the unrecognized militias of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics on the territory of Donbass.

According to some information, Makhauri also took part in one of the Chechen campaigns. Ukrainian press secretary Artem said that Makhauri is a citizen of Georgia. According to a representative of the Ukrainian police, a criminal case has been opened into the incident under the article of premeditated murder. According to preliminary data, an explosive device planted in the car went off.

“It is known that this is a person known in criminal circles, his name is Timur Makhauri. He had strong connections with various kinds Chechen circles.

He was also detained and prosecuted this year in Ukraine for illegal weapons possession. In court, in accordance with the agreement with the investigation, he admitted his guilt and received five years with a three-year deferment,” the 112 Ukraine portal quotes Shevchenko.

Shevchenko clarified that the woman who was in the car is the wife of the deceased, however, according to him, in order to finally establish family ties between the deceased, the woman and the child, it is necessary to carry out investigative actions, and this will take some time.

“The child has injured limbs, a first-second degree burn on his face. His condition is moderate. The woman is in serious condition, but conscious, connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. The victim is in the intensive care unit, where she is undergoing intensive therapy. Her limb has been amputated, another operation is planned for today,” doctors are quoted as saying.

Also, today there should be a consultation of doctors with the participation of specialists from the city burn center and an angiosurgeon.

The press service of the National Police of Ukraine reported that the incident could be a terrorist attack. Law enforcement officials explained that the seized collected materials will be sent for examination, based on the results of which it will be accepted final decision about the qualification of the incident.

Earlier, Ukrainian journalists noted that Timur Makhauri was suspected of a series of murders in Turkey. In this regard, a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine noted that all of Makhauri’s connections previously on the territory of Ukraine, on the territory of other countries, all his contacts in Georgia and other countries will be investigated during the investigation of this crime.

Soon she reported that Timur Makhauri’s real name was 04/04/1978 in the village of Guchum-Kale, Itum-Kalinsky district of the Chechen Republic.

According to the SBU, in the period from 1999 to 2000 he took part in hostilities against Russian troops in Dagestan, received a gunshot wound. In 2008, he took a direct part in the Georgian-Russian war on the side of Georgia.

“Russian special services have been hunting him for a long time. In total, three attempted murders were made against him, including on 03/08/2009 in Tbilisi by means of an explosion using an SVP in the entrance of a residential building. Then Ali managed to survive. The deceased also maintained friendly relations with the fighters who took part in hostilities in the ATO area,” the Ukrainian law enforcement agency claims.

On September 8, in the very center of Kyiv, a black Toyota with three people inside was blown up. The shock wave was reportedly so powerful that it turned the car into a pile of twisted iron. Standing nearby vehicles were also damaged.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine told journalists that the man inside the car died on the spot, and his passengers - a young woman and a child - were injured. But if the doctors do not fear for the boy’s life, and he is in satisfactory condition, then doctors are not yet making any predictions about the passenger of the blown up car. She has serious injuries to her limbs and significant blood loss.

In connection with the car explosion, a criminal case was opened under the article “Premeditated Murder”. The National Police of Ukraine stated that the emergency could be considered a terrorist attack. According to preliminary data, an explosive device planted in the car went off. The collected seized materials will be sent for examination, based on its results a decision will be made on how to classify the incident.

Earlier on Friday, there were suggestions that the victim could be the wife of the deceased man. But this version is currently being tested. It will take time to establish family ties between the victims of the explosion.

According to some unconfirmed reports, the young woman is a world famous Dior model. The victim's friend told reporters about this. She also added that her name is Natalya, but refused to reveal her last name.

“I rushed to the hospital to find out about Natalya’s condition,” said a friend of the young woman. - The operation is currently underway. Everyone is on alert, the specialists are good. Natalia was the face of Dior, she is a world famous model and a very modest person. I don’t know what her last name is now. The child is transported to the burn center. His name, I think, is Anton. He is six years old."

According to another, also officially unconfirmed information, there was another woman in the blown up car - a certain Tatyana Samoilova. Her name was announced to Ukrainian journalists by sources in the law enforcement agencies.

There is a third version about the identity of the victim. It is reported that doctors are fighting for the life of model Natalia Koshel. Photos of the alleged victim of the explosion appeared in the media.

// Photo: Caprice magazine spread

Doctor at Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 17 Dmitry Myasnikov spoke in more detail about the condition of the woman who is now in intensive care. According to the specialist, she has injuries to her eyes and limbs, and she also faces amputation of her leg.

As for the child, he was taken to a specialized medical facility. It is reported that his limbs were injured, and the boy was also diagnosed with a second-degree burn to his face.

Later, information appeared in the media that the victim’s leg was amputated. The woman was connected to a ventilator and another operation is planned. Experts do not undertake to predict the results of medical intervention. A consultation with doctors is scheduled to take place today, with the participation of specialists from the city burn center and an angiosurgeon.

Ukrainian law enforcement officials named the power of the explosives. According to them, it ranged from 600 grams to 1 kg of TNT equivalent. Now the police continue to clarify the circumstances of the incident and consider different versions of what happened. Among them are premeditated murder, terrorist attack, criminal showdowns, personal enmity or revenge. Units of the National Police and National Guard in Kyiv were transferred to an enhanced duty regime. “Intensified patrolling of streets, crowded places, and metro stations is being carried out,” said Zoryan Shkiryak, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Valentina, who became an accidental witness to the emergency, told StarHit about what happened the night before in the center of Kyiv.

"We were in a restaurant in shopping center five meters from the road and the explosion site. The explosion took place at 18.10. There are big traffic jams in the city at this time, and especially in the center. It was like that yesterday. At the time of the explosion it was rush hour, and immediately after that traffic was stopped and blocked. The explosion was so strong that the roof and the wreckage of the car were lifted up 10 meters by the blast wave, and the roar was like the sound of powerful lightning...

The men immediately rushed to the car after the explosion, began to extinguish it with fire extinguishers, and opened the doors to get to the victims. We called an ambulance and the police. Traffic in this sector immediately stopped. By the way, this section of the road was blocked even after midnight. Law enforcement agencies carried out their activities and procedures there,” the woman shared.

The woman who was injured in a car explosion in the center of Kyiv is a famous model who was the face of the Dior brand, said a woman who identified herself as a friend of the victim.

Photo Alexey Vovk/RIA Novosti

“Her name is Natalya. This is a world famous model. She was the face of Dior,” the woman said.

Channel 24, citing its own sources, clarified the model’s last name - Natalya Koshel.

However, police sources gave a different name. At the time of the explosion, a woman named Tatyana Samoilova could have been in the car. The security forces have not yet officially confirmed this information, reports.

Now doctors from the 17th hospital in Kyiv are fighting for the life of the victim. It is reported that her leg was amputated. According to doctors, the model was in the car with a six-year-old boy named Anton. The child was taken to the burn center.

As reported, the day before in Kyiv on Bessarabskaya Square, an explosive device detonated in a car, killing a militant from the Chechen battalion named after Sheikh Mansur, a participant in the military operation in Donbass, Timur Makhauri. Three people were also injured. All the wounded were hospitalized.

A new video has appeared on the YouTube channel, which shows the moment of the explosion - this is footage from a surveillance camera. At 53 seconds of the video, you can see how the car slows down, and a moment later an explosion is heard. You can also see people starting to run out of neighboring cars towards the exploded car.