Download presentation middle group bullfinches. Educational conversation for preschool children about bullfinches “Living Lantern” with a presentation showing

SnegiriLocal history. Middle group.
Prepared by E. V. Popova, teacher
MDOU "D/s No. 10", Ukhta

Meet, friends, bullfinch - it's me!

I begin my story:

Here is a nest, and in it are testicles.
Birds will hatch from them.
As you understand, friends,
My brothers and me.
We are all bullfinches
The bullfinch has guys.

My family

Mom and dad are flying
They don’t know sleep and rest -
They carry midges and bugs
For little bullfinch sons.

Bullfinch chick

Here I am - still a baby,
I don't know anything yet
I don't sing and I don't fly.
I'll sit by the window,
I'll wait for mom and dad.
The chick still bears little resemblance to its parents,
adult bullfinches. When he grows up,
The feathers on the chest will grow new, red ones.
In the meantime, it is covered with nondescript downy ones, they warm the baby and make it invisible
for predators.

A flock of bullfinches

We've finally grown up
They flew after their mother.
The grown chicks are already completely indistinguishable from their parents.
So they will all fly together, in a flock, until they make their own nests.

Bullfinch on a rowan tree

We will fly everywhere
To obtain food.

I found the seeds!

And I'm the seeds!

And there are so many delicious things in the feeder!

This is how I fly, I hang out near the branches.

Bullfinches, like most birds,
can “fly on the spot”, or
hover, which allows them to feed
where there are no thick branches to sit on.

I met my girlfriend at the feeding trough.

The plumage of birds is different - let's look at it.

Winter is coming - it's time to dress up and fluff up your warm feathers.

What a warm winter outfit! I dressed up myself and am glad to see him!

On a good winter day you can see flocks of feeding bullfinches. You need to eat up, if a snowstorm comes, you’ll have to hide and wait it out

On a good winter day you can see
flocks of feeding bullfinches.
We need to eat up if there's a snowstorm -
I'll have to hide and wait it out.

“Birds that stay for the winter” - “Recognize the bird” competition. Bullfinches. Crossbills. Sparrows. Wintering birds. Competition "Bird Quiz". Competition "Musical". Competition "Pick up the beak". Competition "Riddles". Competition: “Bird Page”. Competition “Who is the odd one out here?” "Bird's Dining Room" To listen to the birds in the spring, give them something to eat in the winter. Campaign “Help a wintering bird.”

“What birds winter” - Goldfinches, greenfinches and sparrows - millet, oats and millet. Waxwings and bullfinches are clusters of rowan, elderberry and viburnum berries. The little jackdaws suddenly swooped in... Wow, what a serious look! Crossbills and woodpeckers peck at acorns, cones and nuts. Peck, peck the crumbs from my palm! Did you feed the birds today? Let flocks of people flock to your porch from all over, as if it were home.

“What birds winter in Russia” - Konoplyanka. Dipper. Nuthatch. Woodpecker. Wintering birds. Finch. Tit. Owl. Jay. Bullfinch. Waxwing. Feed the birds in winter. Sparrow. Goldfinch. Crow. Crossbill. Jackdaw. Capercaillie. Owl. Merlin. Magpie. Black grouse. Blue tit.

“Birds of Migratory for Children” - He who has no notes and no pipe is the best at trilling. Under the roof I make a nest out of lumps of clay. It is difficult to imagine a forest without birds, without their singing. Chain. Wild Geese. This bird never builds nests for its chicks. This is an old friend of ours: he lives on the roof of the house. Guys, please tell me what we talked about in class today.

“Wintering birds for children” - Autumn. Sparrow. Wintering birds. Bird flocks. Pigeon. Magpie. Bullfinch. Woodpecker. Feeder. Crow. Owl. Crossbill. Tit.

“Project “Wintering Birds”” - Wintering birds. Birds have long been considered by people as harbingers of warmth. The game is the poem “At the Feeding Trough.” Listen fairy tale. Feed the birds in winter. Playful little sparrows, like lonely children, huddled near the window. Speech with movement. Vocabulary work. Scenario of a game development situation "Wintering birds".

There are 20 presentations in total

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BUFFIN Field signs. The bird is larger than a sparrow (weight 32-34 g). The male has a black cap, wings and tail, a bluish-gray back, the rump, undertail and stripe across the wing are white, and the undertail is red. In the female and young, the red color is replaced by brownish-gray; the latter do not even have a black cap. The cry is a melodic monophonic whistle (“whew-whew”). During nesting time, it is a secretive and cautious bird. In appearance, overweight and phlegmatic, the bullfinch shows amazing dexterity on thin branches, where it eats winter buds. Most often at this time, birds are found in flocks, on the noisy, crowded streets of large cities.

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BUFFINCH For some reason, the Germans use the word “bullfinch” (Gimpel) as a swear word to designate limited person. Apparently, this opinion is based on the great affection of birds for their fellow birds: if one of them is killed, then the rest do not fly away from this place for a long time, as if wanting to take their dead comrade with them. Bullfinches are not the only case where people equate kindness and affection with stupidity. Brem also wrote: “If the bullfinch were really as stupid as people think of him, then how could he learn to whistle songs so well?”

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BUFFIN The bullfinch's voice is a soft whistle. The singing is rather quiet and inexpressive, with many creaking and hissing sounds. Both males and females sing. However, the latter turn out to be real talents and easily adopt even flute whistles from other birds. There is a known mention of a bullfinch singing with beautiful thrush whistles. In European countries, the art of teaching these birds to sing has long existed. Here is how Brem wrote about it: “In mountainous countries, young bullfinches are taken from the nest when they have not yet fledged. The earlier training can begin, the more successful the results. Hundreds of young bullfinches are raised annually in the Thuringian Forest, and then traders take the birds to Berlin, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Amsterdam, London, Vienna and even to America. Training begins from the first day of captivity, and the main art is that the teacher himself, as cleanly and always as possible, performs the song that they want to teach the bullfinch. They tried to teach it with the help. organs, but they achieved little. Even a flute cannot produce such results as a skillful human whistle. None of the birds in Germany can compare with the bullfinch in terms of purity, softness and fullness of sound. high results You can complete his training."

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Bullfinch - bird of winter

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In the garden where the finches sang, Today - look: Like pink apples, Bullfinches on the branches...
Bullfinches sit quietly in the snow Between the stems of last year's nettles; I can’t fully describe to you how poor and beautiful they are!

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On the territory Russian Federation There are 3 types of bullfinches - common bullfinch Pyrrhula purrhula Linnaeus, 1758, with 3 subspecies - Pyrrhula purrhula purhulla (Linnaeus, 1758), inhabiting most of the range, excluding Kamchatka and the Okhotsk coast, Pyrrhula purrhula rossikowi Deryugin et Bianchi, 1900 in the Caucasus, Pyrrhula purrhula cassinii d, 1869 in Kamchatka and the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Ussuri bullfinch Pyrrhula griseiventris Lafresnaye, 1841, with 2 subspecies Pyrrhula griseiventris rosacea Seebohm, 1882 in the south Far East, Pyrrhula griseiventris griseiventris Lafresnaye, 1841 on the Kuril Islands and the gray bullfinch Pyrrhula cinerea Cabanis, 1872. One species constantly lives in the Southern Urals - the common bullfinch; in winter a small number of gray bullfinches come to us.

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The bird is slightly larger than a sparrow, very densely built, bluish-gray above with a black cap, chin, wings and tail, white rump and stripe on the wing. Young birds without a black cap.
The wing stripe is pure white; the cheeks and chest of males are red (in the Caucasus and most of the forest zone) or red-pink (in birds from the Magadan region, Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands); in females and young birds they are brownish-gray.

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It feeds mainly on seeds, buds and berries. Feeding on berries, it eats the seeds from them and throws away the pulp of the fruit.

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Lives in forests (only pure pine forests are avoided) with dense undergrowth, in gardens and parks. In summer, the bullfinch lives both in dense forests and in open forests on the edges of burnt areas and clearings, but is very secretive and rarely catches the eye. But in winter it’s simply impossible not to notice a colorful flock of bullfinches.

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Nesting sites. It nests in coniferous and mixed forests, preferring areas dominated by spruce.
Shape and dimensions of the nest. The nest is cup-shaped, somewhat flattened. Socket diameter 110-200 mm, nest height 40-80 mm, tray diameter 70-100 mm, tray depth 35-60 mm. Features of masonry. Clutch of 4-6 eggs light blue with spots, dots and dashes of red-brown and dark brown color, forming a corolla at the blunt end. Egg dimensions: (19-23) x (14-15) mm.
Construction material nests The nest is made of closely intertwined thin spruce and other dry twigs and herbaceous stems. The tray is lined with soft plant material mixed with a small amount of wool and feathers. Sometimes moss and lichen are present in the outer walls.
Nest location. The nest is most often located in dense spruce branches on horizontal branches, often far from the trunk, at a height of 2-5 m from the ground. Less commonly, it is located on pine trees, birch trees, and tall juniper bushes.

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In appearance, overweight and phlegmatic, the bullfinch shows amazing dexterity on thin branches, where it eats winter buds.

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Voice - soft drawn-out “day” or “fu-fu”; the song is crackling, with flute and whistle sounds
The bullfinch's voice is a soft whistle. The singing is rather quiet and inexpressive, with many creaking and hissing sounds. Both males and females sing. However, the latter turn out to be real talents and easily adopt even flute whistles from other birds. There is a known mention of a bullfinch singing with beautiful thrush whistles. In European countries, the art of teaching these birds to sing has long existed. Here's how Brem wrote about it: “In mountainous countries, young bullfinches are taken from the nest when they have not yet fledged. The earlier training can begin, the more successful the results.

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The best food for winter birds is unsalted lard from any animal, unroasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds (they are very high in calories). But they don’t eat millet and gray bread.

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Houses can be built from a variety of available materials: glass jars, plastic bottles, plywood, cardboard - in general, everything that can be found in your pantry or on the balcony. The designs of self-feeding (“automatic”) feeders are very convenient, into which food is supplied as it is eaten from the reservoir (a bottle turned upside down with a loose latch).
Make feeders! The most important thing is that there is always food in the feeder, and its design is a secondary matter.

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  • Superclass Tetrapoda - Tetrapoda,
  • Class Birds - Aves
  • Order Passeriformes - Passeriformes
  • Family Finches - Fringillidae
  • Common bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula Linnaeus)
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    Field characteristics: The bird is larger than a sparrow (weight 32-34 g). The male has a black cap, wings and tail, a bluish-gray back, the rump, undertail and stripe across the wing are white, and the undertail is red. In the female and young, the red color is replaced by brownish-gray; the latter do not even have a black cap. The cry is a melodic monophonic whistle (“whew-whew”). During nesting time, it is a secretive and cautious bird.

    In appearance, overweight and phlegmatic, the bullfinch shows amazing dexterity on thin branches, where it eats winter buds. Most often at this time, birds are found in flocks, on the noisy, crowded streets of large cities.

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    For some reason, the Germans use the word “bullfinch” (Gimpel) as a swear word to denote a limited person. Apparently, this opinion is based on the great affection of birds for their fellow birds: if one of them is killed, then the rest do not fly away from this place for a long time, as if wanting to take the dead comrade with them.

    Bullfinches are not the only case where people equate kindness and affection with stupidity. Brem also wrote: “If the bullfinch were really as stupid as people think of him, then how could he learn to whistle songs so well?”

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    The bullfinch's voice is a soft whistle. The singing is rather quiet and inexpressive, with many creaking and hissing sounds. Both males and females sing. However, the latter turn out to be real talents and easily adopt even flute whistles from other birds. There is a known mention of a bullfinch singing with beautiful thrush whistles. In European countries, the art of teaching these birds to sing has long existed.

    Here is how Brem wrote about it: “In mountainous countries, young bullfinches are taken from the nest when they have not yet fledged. The earlier training can begin, the more successful the results. Hundreds of young bullfinches are raised annually in the Thuringian Forest, and then traders take the birds to Berlin, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Amsterdam, London, Vienna and even to America. Training begins from the first day of captivity, and the main art is that the teacher himself, as cleanly and always as possible, performs the song that they want to teach the bullfinch. They tried to teach it with the help. organs, but they achieved little. Even a flute cannot produce such results as the skillful whistling of a person. None of the birds in Germany can compare with the bullfinch in purity, softness and fullness of sound. It is incredible to what high results its training can be achieved.”

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    Distribution. Widespread bird of the remote high-stemmed taiga, most numerous in the southern taiga and sub-taiga. In the middle taiga on the Yenisei it is numerous in all forest habitats (12 individuals/km2), except for recent burnt areas and forests completely devoid of undergrowth and undergrowth - here it is common (3-7 individuals); the population is maximum in the aspen-cedar taiga with coniferous undergrowth and a sparse undergrowth of mountain ash.

    Phenology. In most of the territory of the region, they migrate to the south for the winter, but some birds remain to spend the winter near Krasnoyarsk. There is little data on phenology. For the winter, most bullfinches migrate to the foothills, where they spend the winter near the fruit and berry state farm and villages. It migrates back to the nesting sites in late March - April. From mid-October, flocks of bullfinches migrating from the north begin to appear.

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    Reproduction. It nests in coniferous and mixed forests, preferring areas dominated by spruce. The nest is cup-shaped, somewhat flattened, made of closely intertwined thin spruce and other dry twigs and herbaceous stems. The tray is lined with soft plant material mixed with a small amount of wool and feathers. Sometimes moss and lichen are present in the outer walls. The nest is most often located in dense spruce branches on horizontal branches, often far from the trunk, at a height of 2-5 m from the ground. Less commonly, it is located on pine trees, birch trees, and tall juniper bushes. Socket diameter 110-200 mm, nest height 40-80 mm, tray diameter 70-100 mm, tray depth 35-60 mm. Masonry - 4-6 light blue eggs with red-brown specks.

    Nutrition. It feeds on seeds of tree species, weeds, various berries and fruits, and less commonly, insects.

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    Keeping a bullfinch at home. With their sociable nature, bullfinches get along well with their brothers and other birds. Bullfinches are often kept in pairs. These birds often breed at home. When kept indoors, bullfinches are fed with a grain mixture based on millet, oatmeal, sunflower and seeds. coniferous trees. To this you need to add greens, berry food, mainly rowan, and a carrot mixture. You need to be careful with cannabis as it can lead to obesity and loss of red color. Bullfinches, like bee-eaters, crossbills, lentils, redpolls and redpolls, having molted in a cage, partly lose the brightness of their plumage. Apparently, when kept in cells, they do not receive enough of some necessary substances. At present, drugs have already been invented that help restore the natural color of bullfinches’ plumage.

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    BUFFIN in different roles

    Photo album of bullfinch

    • Bullfinch in human life
    • Bullfinch through the eyes of children
    • Bullfinch - literary hero