True hiccup: the meaning of signs at different hours and days of the week. What are the signs about hiccups

If you have a yawn or hiccups, signs will tell you who remembers you and what to expect in the near future. Some of them prophesy an unexpected pleasant meeting, others - the evil intentions of enemies. And if you hiccup or yawn for a long time, and it bothers you, then a simple ritual and prayer will help stop the discomfort.

The meaning of hiccups by day of the week

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of the signs about hiccups, pay attention to the day of the week on which it happened.

  • If she attacked at the beginning of the week, then someone's thoughts are too busy with you. It can be anyone, for example, a boss who enthusiastically looks through a report on the results of your work, or an ill-wisher, weaving intrigues.
  • Signs on the days of the week are able to tell what hiccups happen on Tuesday - a fan / admirer dreams of meeting you or your relatives miss you. The thoughts of this man are exceptionally kind.
  • Hiccups on Wednesday predict a conversation, both in person and in correspondence.
  • If you hiccup on Thursday, then you should prepare for a business conversation or a love date.
  • With hiccups on Friday, a sign promises parting with a loved one. And if it is expensive, try to control yourself and not provoke a quarrel. Otherwise, this meeting may be the last.
  • Hiccup on Saturday - do not give the slightest reason for jealousy. On this day, the second half will carefully monitor your behavior and look for confirmation of their suspicions.
  • If the hiccups happened at the end of the week, a pleasant pastime awaits with your loved one. Forget about the troubles on this day - only kisses await.

Value at different times of the day

There are more accurate interpretations of signs about hiccups - by the hour.

  • If hiccups attacked in the morning - between 5 and 9 o'clock - the day will turn out well. You can easily deal with all the small tasks and cases.
  • Hiccuping between 10 and 12 o'clock - a person who does not want to reveal his feelings is in love with you.
  • Hiccups, which fall at 12–17 o'clock in time, promise a lot of trouble and difficulties in current affairs.
  • Hiccup in the evening, at 17-20 hours - the desire to spend money will entail serious losses. But when you hiccup for a long time, then the prediction is the opposite - luck will accompany, and profit is possible.
  • If hiccups attacked at 21-24 hours, then according to folk signs they promise news from afar.
  • According to a sign, hiccups that caught at night promise changes that you cannot influence.

How to stop hiccuping with the help of superstitions and other rituals

If hiccups do not give rest, you can do the following:

  1. Turn the bread knife with the blunt side towards the chest and draw a cross or gently press the tip to the bridge of the nose.
  2. In ancient times, it was believed that hiccups appear due to the tricks of evil spirits. And in order to stop her, they said three times the words of a prayer dedicated to the Mother of God, which ended like this: “Lord, remember King David and all his meekness.”
  3. You can follow the example of the British, who, with hiccups, leaned to the ground, while crossing the toes of their left feet.
  4. When hiccupping, you can remember the time and day, as they did in the old days. Then, when the attack happened again, this date and time were called, after which the hiccups would stop.
  5. A hiccup can be frightened by unexpectedly clapping your hands or shouting loudly near your ear. Evil spirits at the same time immediately disappear, and the hiccups pass.

Signs about yawning

The inhabitants of the East believed that a yawning person cleanses the chakras, while they are activated.

  • One of the signs says that the yawn that suddenly happened during prayer was called out by someone's evil eye.
  • When a sick person yawns, it means that someone has brought damage to him, which is why the illness itself happened.
  • If a healthy person yawns, it is worth preparing to meet guests.
  • If yawning continues for a long time, an ill-wisher will soon appear on the way.
  • When you start to yawn, being next to some person, it means that you have fallen under the influence of an energy vampire. With envy and anger, he takes away energy, which is replaced by weakness, which is why yawning begins.
  • As you know, yawning is contagious, and it can be used to determine the attitude of any person towards oneself. To do this, it is recommended to simply yawn, and if the interlocutor is sympathetic and does not harbor any evil thoughts, then he will respond in kind. But if there was no return yawn, you should beware.

Other signs and superstitions about yawning tell why it is necessary to cover your mouth when you yawn. The ancient Turks and Greeks said that the palm blocks the exit of the soul, and it will not slip out of the body.

In Russia, they thought differently - the hand, while yawning, protects the penetration of evil spirits inside. And for greater reliability, it was customary to baptize the mouth. There was a version that if this is not done, then the face will warp.

You should not take signs about hiccups and yawns, which have an unpleasant interpretation, seriously. Beliefs suggest that it can follow both yawning and hiccuping. Therefore, you can influence the situation or prevent trouble by prayer.

Hiccups always attack unexpectedly and out of time. In the old days, hiccups were given mystical significance, and in modern times this phenomenon is estimated according to signs and superstitions. Consider the question: hiccups are a sign of time. What will the higher powers tell us?

Hiccups as a mystical phenomenon

If a person has not become cold, has not overeaten and has not drunk a lot of liquid, hiccups are quite predictive. There is a perception among the people that hiccups attack a person if they think about him. Light hiccups - positive thoughts, strong - you are scolded.

Some interpreters offer the following way to determine the person who thinks about the hiccup. You should pull the hair out of your head and wind it around your finger, pronouncing the letters of the alphabet. On which letter the hair ends, then the name should be remembered.

There is another radical method for determining the "intruder" - call the names of your acquaintances and hold your breath after each name. On which name the hiccups stop, he thought about you.

Value by hour and day

This interpreter is more complete and detailed, you can find out the meaning of hiccups at any time of the day.

7-8 am

  • Monday: chance encounter with a love object;
  • Tuesday: a true friend thinks;
  • Wednesday: you have a fan;
  • Thursday: predicts vanity and troubles;
  • Friday: unexpected love;
  • Saturday: update.

8-9 am

  • Monday: they want to meet you;
  • Tuesday: meeting with the enemy;
  • Wednesday: do not quarrel with friends;
  • thursday: friend needs support;
  • Friday: don't worry about trifles.

9-10 am

  • Monday: bad news;
  • Tuesday: good news;
  • Wednesday: predicts love;
  • thursday: you are missed;
  • Friday: friend becomes lover;
  • Saturday: pleasant surprise.

10-11 am

  • Monday: important conversation;
  • Tuesday: good luck for the whole day;
  • Wednesday: passionate love;
  • Thursday: meeting with the former;
  • Friday: charm;
  • Saturday: family disputes.

11-12 am

  • Monday: long-awaited meeting;
  • tuesday: they think about you;
  • Wednesday: beloved wishes to meet;
  • Thursday: reciprocity;
  • Friday: frivolous hobby;
  • Saturday: love.

12-13 days

  • Monday: old friend;
  • tuesday: unpromising hobby;
  • Wednesday: mutual love;
  • Thursday: an occasion for fun;
  • Friday: hold your tongue;
  • Saturday: stubborn admirer.

13-14 days

  • Monday: kiss;
  • Tuesday: interesting acquaintance;
  • Wednesday: true love;
  • thursday: bad story;
  • Friday: you are not interested in your beloved;
  • Saturday: parting with a loved one.

14-15 days

  • Monday: you are envied;
  • Tuesday: want to meet you;
  • Wednesday: gossip;
  • Thursday: business;
  • Friday: Cheer up, victory is near;
  • Saturday: lose your head in love.

15-16 days

  • Monday: quarrels with loved ones;
  • tuesday: friendly kiss;
  • Wednesday: interesting dreams;
  • Thursday: surprise;
  • Friday: confession;
  • Saturday: failed plan.

16-17 days

  • Monday: like you;
  • tuesday: helping friends;
  • Wednesday: friendly hugs;
  • Thursday: upset;
  • Friday: good mood;
  • Saturday: warm hugs.

17-18 pm

  • Monday: tears;
  • tuesday: vain fears;
  • Wednesday: unpleasant words;
  • Thursday: need for rest;
  • Friday: new ;
  • Saturday: good change.

18-19 pm

  • Monday: purchase, new thing;
  • Tuesday: close happiness;
  • Wednesday: good mood;
  • Thursday: unexpected visit;
  • Friday: conversation with friends;
  • Saturday: thoughts of a loved one.

19-20 pm

  • Monday: unexpected gift;
  • Tuesday: don't be pushy;
  • Wednesday: gossip, gossip;
  • Thursday: offended by you;
  • Friday: hassle;
  • Saturday: wishes come true.

20-21 pm

  • Monday: a dream about a future loved one;
  • tuesday: love time;
  • Wednesday: call from a stranger;
  • Thursday: recreation and entertainment;
  • Friday: reciprocity with a loved one;
  • Saturday: headache.

21-22 pm

  • Monday: unexpected event;
  • Tuesday: unplanned spending of money;
  • Wednesday: pleasant walk;
  • thursday: relations are hopeless;
  • friday: someone is thinking about you;
  • Saturday: new friends.

22-23 pm

  • Monday: pleasant conversation;
  • tuesday: you will be called;
  • environment: threat of disease;
  • Thursday: interesting message;
  • Friday: plans are being implemented;
  • Saturday: someone is dreaming of you.

23-24 pm

  • Monday: big hugs;
  • Tuesday: tears and frustration;
  • Wednesday: be frank with your loved one;
  • Thursday: new ideas;
  • Friday: date
  • Saturday: new team.

Value according to days of the week

Consider in detail the meaning of hiccups by day of the week. It is characteristic that this interpreter does not predict the name of the thinker, but determines the direction of the fate of the hiccup.


Someone is thinking about you persistently. True, it is impossible to determine a specific person: it can be your friend, boss, or an intruder thief. It is also impossible to determine the direction of thoughts about you: positive or negative. Other interpreters portend an important acquaintance.


Someone yearns for a hiccup: either a relative or a person in love. On this day, hiccups give the exact direction to a person's thoughts - positive.


Hiccups portend a message. It can be a phone call, an SMS message, a Skype conversation, or just a letter. This is news that you will definitely receive. An important meeting, a landmark one, is also likely.


Hiccups predict a meeting - business or personal. Expect an invitation to a celebration or party.


This is the day of Venus, and such an event as hiccups warns you to keep your mouth shut. If you start a quarrel with your loved one, it may be the last in your life together. In other cases, hiccups portend news.


Hiccups report the jealousy of a loved one. He does not trust you and is looking for confirmation of his fears. Therefore, keep inner and outer calmness and treat nit-picking with understanding. In other cases, expect an unscheduled meeting.


Hiccups predict a romantic meeting. This day will be filled with love and tenderness. For the rest, hiccups prophesy unplanned fun.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

"Hiccup, hiccup, go to Fedot." Everyone has their own remedy for this harmless, but terribly annoying misfortune - hold your breath, drink water from four sides of a glass, cross your little fingers ... And only a few know that our ancestors have long been accustomed to use hiccups along with yawning as signs to predict the future. How? Very simple.

Signs about hiccups

The most common sign says: "Who hiccups - they remember about that." Moreover, what exactly they say or think about you can be determined by the strength of the contractions of the diaphragm. Light, barely noticeable jolts of hiccups mean praise, powerful and painful - black abuse.

Less common signs called hiccups:

  • Punishment for dishonest people or even thieves. At least a strange statement, because all people on earth, including children, are subject to hiccups.
  • A good meteorological tool: to the bucket - hiccups, to the rain - aches.
  • A sign of someone's envy. If the hiccups are especially strong and frequent, someone is regularly salivating, looking at your well-being.

For the most curious, there is even a way to find out whose swearing or laudatory words disturbed your sensitive body:

  1. Pull the hair out of your head and wind it around your finger, repeating the alphabet to yourself: one letter for each turn. It is believed that the hair will end at the moment when the first letter of the name of the "intruder" is called.
  2. Wet your little finger with saliva and start listing friends and enemies by swiping your finger over your eyebrow. On whose name a hair sticks to him, he is the culprit of the hiccups.
  3. However, you can get by with less sophisticated methods. Sequentially remember all your acquaintances, making a five-second pause after each name. If the hiccups suddenly subside, the suspect has been found!

A sure way to establish what unknown interlocutors still say about a person is the phrase: “Good, so remember, but evil, so full.” Did the internal tremors stop immediately? It looks like you crossed the road for someone, for which you received a tub of negative wishes in the back. Does the hiccup continue? Unpleasant, but at least they say good things about you.

The meaning of hiccups by day of the week

Hiccups will predict love, deceit, and twists of fate.

If the result of interpretation according to general signs did not satisfy, they turned to "highly specialized" fortune-telling by the days of the week:

  • Monday. If hiccups caught up on the first day of the week, someone persistently thinks about you. True, there is little sense in fortune-telling, since it does not indicate the nature of thoughts: with equal success, this can be a boss who is happy to leaf through your report on the work done, or intruders who pick up the key to the apartment door.
  • Tuesday. Everything is more or less certain here - either a fan or a close relative yearns for you. In any case, his thoughts about you are exceptionally kind.
  • Wednesday. Hiccup predicts a conversation, an unexpected text message, a letter, a date or an important Skype conversation. In other words, news that can come in any way.
  • Thursday. A day of meetings, both love and business.
  • Friday. Breakup time. Gather your willpower into a fist and try not to break into your soulmate even because of frank jambs - this quarrel risks becoming the last one.
  • Saturday. Do you still have Friday patience? Great, it will come in handy. A loved one saw in your actions a reason for jealousy and is now vigilantly looking to see if his suspicions are confirmed.
  • Sunday. Breathe out and relax! The troubles have passed, and an ocean of kisses is predicted for you.

Ikalka (why a person hiccups at different times of the day)

Many girls in their school years keep notebooks with “kalochki” - a detailed interpretation of tremors in the chest on any day and hour. And some young ladies, even having matured, do not leave the habit of no-no, and even look at the treasured table: does fate promise a meeting with a handsome prince, or at least an increase?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
from 7 to 8 A chance meeting with a loved one Do you have a true friend... Your name is sweet music for some man Worries will make you spin like a squirrel in a wheel unexpected love Fashionable new thing Betrayal of friends
from 8 to 9 Someone who cares about you is looking for you ...and an enemy who can't stand you Do not lift your nose too high - you will lose friends A friend is having a hard time, support him Holiday invitation Stop worrying over trifles! Your chosen one is cold to you
from 9 to 10 bad news News with a "+" sign A new feeling will come to someone you don't know yet Someone missed you Friendship will grow into love An unexpected incident will make you wonder for a long time Spend time with interesting people
from 10 to 11 A casual conversation will make you think about a lot Good luck will be with you until the evening Falling in love, don't lose your head Old feelings do not rust - a "former" will appear on the horizon Your beauty conquers family strife Beloved will pleasantly amaze you
from 11 to 12 long-awaited date You are present in someone's thoughts The one you like is looking for a reason to meet Mutual infatuation This hobby is not serious Lover will take over your thoughts A long time dream will come true
from 12 to 13 An old friend will return to your life Alas, the current hobby will not develop into a real feeling. Your love is mutual Opportunity to have some fun A long tongue will lead to trouble! Follow the words An obstinate admirer will overcome courtship, but you should not succumb to his pressure A meeting with a nice person is coming
from 13 to 14 romantic kiss An interesting stranger noticed you Love, real and strong There is a risk of getting into an unpleasant situation The object of your sympathy is not interested in you Separation from a loved one Romantic date
from 14 to 15 You are haunted by someone's envy They want to get to know you Gossip will complicate life and ruin your reputation Something will delay you today - either business or a love date Don't give up! Victory is near Your charm makes the opposite sex lose their heads Someone is attracted to you
from 15 to 16 Conflicts and misunderstandings with loved ones Kiss, but not love Tonight dreams will be vivid and realistic Surprise Someone will open their heart to you The plan will fail Letter
from 16 to 17 You caused a strong feeling in someone's heart Don't hesitate to help your friends friendly hug Seasonal blues will prevent you from enjoying life Great mood Warm hugs await you Party with friends
from 17 to 18 Tears Your worries are unfounded, and the difficulties are temporary Other people's words will cause an attack of despondency It's time to rest, you're overtired Don't be afraid to start new romances Pleasant change You are confessed in tender feelings
from 18 to 19 A surprise that you make yourself: a new thing or a purchase A little more, and happiness will come The rest of the day will bring good mood unexpected guests Contact friends Thoughts of a loved one Take a break to figure out what you really want
from 19 to 20 An unexpected gift Slow down: you are too active and annoying human gossip You made someone very upset There is a slight nervous jolt Favorable time for the fulfillment of desires Life is changeable, do not plan anything for the near future
from 20 to 21 Future admirer will appear in a dream Time of love, tenderness and hot kisses Late call from a stranger Let yourself relax and have fun Lover can look into your eyes endlessly Waiting for a headache in the literal and figurative sense kisses
from 21 to 22 An important, albeit unforeseen, event A spontaneous purchase or a fine will blow a hole in the budget Pleasant walk Current relationship won't work They think about you Your communication skills will allow you to make many friends Short but exciting trip
from 22 to 23 A telephone conversation will cheer you up And it's phone time again! Don't put your cell phone away You are at risk of illness Wait for an interesting text message Everything that is planned will succeed you dream of someone Beware of human deceit!
from 23 to 24


depression and tears Do not prevaricate with your loved one, you will lose You are bursting with ideas! Nice love date A new team is waiting for you Find a friend where you didn't expect

How to stop hiccuping (with the help of superstitions and other rituals)

If you have already learned the information you are interested in, but the hiccups still do not go away, you will have to forget about curiosity and try to calm down the swollen diaphragm by such means:

What methods of dealing with hiccups have not been invented!

  1. In the old days in Russia, hiccups were considered tricks of dark forces and they read a prayer to the Mother of God three times, ending it with the phrase “Lord, remember King David and all his meekness.” It is noteworthy that with these words a psalm begins, with which Orthodox Christians turn to God, asking to protect them from any enemy. It can be seen that the ancestors were very worried about the twitching that came from inside, since they were in a hurry to make sure in advance: is there an enemy, is there, and protection from him will not hurt.
  2. Some tried to remember the date and time of the hiccups. It was believed that next time it would be enough to name the desired date, as the tremors in the chest would stop by themselves.
  3. There was also such a means: a cross was drawn on a person’s chest with the blunt side of a bread knife or a point was put to the bridge of the nose. It is known where the holy bread is, there is nothing for evil spirits to do.
  4. If peaceful methods did not work, drastic measures were used. One of the household members was supposed to watch for the hiccup and suddenly shout or clap his hands over his ear. From fear, the harmful spirit should immediately rush away, and the hiccups should subside.
  5. In England, for the same purpose, they leaned low to the ground and diligently crossed the toe of the left foot, after which the hiccups had to leave the body.

And the general meaning of all these methods is simple to disgrace - to make a person temporarily distract from the shocks of the diaphragm, concentrating on performing one or another action. Oddly enough, it works!

Signs about yawning

Yawning saturates the blood with oxygen and increases efficiency.

From the point of view of science, this simple physiological reaction of the body speaks of an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood, lack of sleep, fatigue, excitement and ... the ability to empathize. Yes Yes! If, when looking at a sweetly yawning person, you are not drawn to do the same, empathy is not your strong point, and you still need to work on the ability to feel the interlocutor. Some even come up with the theory that if someone yawns at the same time as you, they like you. If not, then you can not count on sympathy.

Why do we cover our mouths with our hands? Is it just out of courtesy? Now yes. But in the old days it was a mandatory protective measure to protect yourself from trouble:

  • In Turkey and ancient Greece, a hand blocked the exit of the soul so that it would not slip out of the body during a yawn.
  • In Russia, on the contrary, the evil spirits scurrying around were not allowed inside. Therefore, the mouth was baptized for greater reliability.
  • Some believed that without the sign of the cross, the mouth could be twisted, and it would remain so. And they were afraid of the prospect of being mutilated for life.

There are many interesting beliefs associated with yawning. For example, that during prayer she attacks because of someone's "evil eye". They also explained the frequent yawning of the patient - they say, the enemies caused damage. But this does not mean that the sign has always been purely negative! If you are healthy, slept well and do not feel tired, and your mouth still does not close, then guests are hurrying to you. Or it is worth flipping through the “yawning” table to get a more detailed prediction.

Why yawn at different times (by days of the week and hours)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
from 6 to 7 New love will come Get flowers as a gift Two fans mutual passion Big fun expected Your feeling is mutual A new boyfriend with his talkativeness spoils your reputation
from 7 to 8 bad news The new admirer is fickle Don't let yourself be manipulated Letter Bad news You lack perseverance good news
from 8 to 9 Your kind stirs someone's heart Someone you think is a friend has romantic feelings Amazing event Pay attention to things mutual feeling Surprise, gift or stunning event The blond thinks about you
from 9 to 10 kisses Declaration of love You firmly settled in someone's dreams Have to choose between a man and a girlfriend Beloved is not faithful Competitors envy your beauty A friend of a young man is trying to embroil you
from 10 to 11 Meeting an interesting person Painful conversation You can rely on friends Your ex will reappear in your life Don't give in to jealousy You piqued the interest of one person The timid admirer hesitates to prove himself
from 11 to 12 Talk less and listen more, learn something important Build friendships with new people Romantic trip to the cinema for two friendly party You have many suitors Change awaits you romantic dreams
from 12 to 13 Expect interesting events Be gentle, people are offended by your words You got an indecisive admirer Be careful, the risk of deception is high You tend to make up problems out of nothing. The man of your dreams is on the way Disappointment
from 13 to 14 Great chance to get what you want You are attracted to a black-haired man Behind your back they slander It's time for wishes to come true Meeting with a man from dreams The former lover wants you back romantic message
from 14 to 15 Your beauty makes hearts beat faster Things are running, it's time to put them in order Spend an evening with family A phone call will disturb your peace Wait for an invitation to the cinema Mutual sympathy Guests
from 15 to 16 They see you in a dream big quarrel New acquaintance The chosen one is talkative To heal from love, spend time with friends Unexpected meeting Learn to understand people, you judge superficially
from 16 to 17 The person you yearn for doesn't deserve it Is your ex trying to make amends? Think carefully, do you need it? News from friends kisses Talk too much Friendly company and lots of fun Present
from 17 to 18 Your man is happy next to you In separation, the beloved suffers You contacted a cheater Shouldn't you tell him about your love? If you break off relations, then in one fell swoop! Your choice of life partner is correct People around you admire you
from 18 to 19 The object of your tender feelings will reciprocate You are admired Overwhelming passion will fly You contacted the wrong person Date spat Interesting trip
from 19 to 20 Don't let yourself be mistreated Do not judge hastily Live in the present! One person is looking to meet you Don't be afraid to take the first step A good time is coming love date
from 20 to 21 Soon you will be happy Your chosen one is appreciated by friends Fun awaits you Spend time in a big company Dream about you Incredible news Take a closer look at your friends: someone is insincere with you
from 21 to 22 Rely on your comrades, they won't let you down The plan will come true Declaration of love Do not share with others the changes in life - let the new feelings get stronger Happiness is near A little separation will strengthen feelings Your reciprocity is sought by two
from 22 to 23 You are passionately loved The person with whom the connection was lost will appear They want to meet you You inspire the sympathy of many people kisses Beware of being stabbed in the back Have romantic dreams
from 23 to 24 Expect parting Guests You Didn't Invite Human envy will spoil the mood The object of your passion is not interested in you A secret boyfriend will let you know about yourself Time to focus on business A friend looks at you not at all friendly

Most often, both hiccups and yawning are short-term conditions that do not pose a threat to health. Why not entertain yourself with fortune-telling when there is time and desire? Especially if you are a sane person, you know how not to take signs too seriously and do not rush to arrange a thrashing for your beloved by subtracting a prediction about treason in the table. But when the attacks are repeated regularly, last a long time and complicate life in order, it is better to visit a doctor. In rare cases, hiccups indicate a disease of the stomach, intestines or lungs, and continuous yawning indicates oxygen starvation and overstrain of the nervous system. In order not to lead to trouble, it is wiser to take precautions in advance.

11.07.2017 16:26

Each of us is familiar with such a condition as hiccups. Moreover, hiccups usually “attack” - that is, appears suddenly and acts obsessively. And getting rid of it can be very difficult.

It is widely believed that the appearance of hiccups in a person is directly related to the fact that someone else remembers him. They say that if someone thought about you, then your aura picks up the waves emanating from this person - and this is manifested in the reaction of the body.

The most common sign about hiccups is that if you start hiccuping, you need to sort out the names of friends and relatives in your head. After which name the hiccups will pass - he thinks about you.

However, that's not all. It turns out that you can determine not only what kind of person remembers you, but also in what way. To determine what role this person will play in your life, you can use signs about hiccups by day of the week.

Hiccups: signs by day of the week

If hiccups attacked on Monday, a new acquaintance awaits you. And the person who remembered you will play an important role in this.

Tuesday - pleasant events await you.

Wednesday - a person will invite you on a date.

Thursday - you have to walk at the party. And the person who remembered you expects to see you there.

On Friday - according to the sign, hiccups on this day of the week portend news.

Saturday - you will meet and communicate with the person who thought of you.

Sunday is for fun!

And they also say that signs about hiccups should be regarded not only depending on the day of the week, but also the time of day. Therefore, consider signs about hiccups by the hour.

Hiccups: signs by the hour

We started to hiccup early in the morning - wait for the guests.

Hiccups attacked between the hours of noon and three o'clock in the afternoon - according to the sign, one young man is looking for a meeting with you.

Hiccups in the hours from three o'clock until sunset is a sign that you need to strive for cheerfulness and not show your weaknesses to others.

A sign about hiccups in the evening, in the hours between sunset and late evening - mutual love awaits you!

Hiccup late at night - go on a date.

And if the hiccups happened at night, after midnight - someone worries about you and thinks about your future.

Here are some interesting signs about hiccups! And what do you think about it?

Everyone knows, not even superstitious people: if you hiccup, it means that someone remembers you. A saying is also popular to get rid of this unpleasant state, both Fedot and Yakov are mentioned in it.

It is interesting that this old sign has a detailed interpretation: it is of great importance on what day of the week you started to hiccup. Are you ready to get acquainted with this interesting information and then check with your own experience how true this sign is?

Why does a person hiccup?

Let us omit the medical explanation of why a nonspecific violation of the function of external respiration begins, and recall the sign associated with hiccups.

Someone remembers - this is the unequivocal verdict of a popular sign that explains why a person hiccups. To understand who remembers, one must mentally or aloud pronounce those people who can remember. On whose name the hiccups stop, it means that that person was thinking about you. Sometimes they clarify: the one to whom you owe something remembers.

In Poland it is believed that you begin to hiccup if you are remembered by a person whom you voluntarily or involuntarily offended. But in Ireland there is a belief: you start to hiccup if a person who is secretly in love with you remembers you.

By day of the week

If you did not know this sign associated with hiccups and days of the week before, then you have to conduct an interesting experiment: is this sign true or is it just that?

  • If an attack of hiccups happened on Monday, then you should be prepared for an unexpected meeting with a person whom you have known for a long time, or for a new pleasant acquaintance.
  • Started to hiccup on Tuesday- a sign promises favorable changes that will soon occur in your life. If they started hiccuping in the morning - the day will be successful, in the evening - unexpected expenses are coming.
  • Hiccup happened on Wednesday- this is a harbinger of flirting and spending time in a pleasant society.
  • The hiccups have begun v- there will be an interesting conversation, during which you will learn the necessary information.
  • On Friday hiccups - you will find out news that will make you surprised and take a series of decisive actions.
  • On Saturday hiccups - a sign promises that your desires will come true, dreams will come true.
  • The hiccups started on Sunday- be ready for fun and spending on entertainment in the near future.

By hour and time of day

There is another interesting detail associated with the sign of hiccups - What matters is the time of day when the hiccups began. This is the people jokingly called the hiccup. The sign says:

  • Hiccups started early in the morning (5-9 hours)- by a successful day, you will be lucky in solving small routine matters.
  • Started in the morning(10-12 hours) - you have a secret admirer who still prefers to hide his feelings towards you.
  • Hiccups during the day (12-17 hours)- a harbinger of the fact that there is a lot of work to do, while you can’t count on a quick result from your labors.
  • Hiccups started in the evening (17-20 hours)- financial expenses are coming and it is possible that there will be a desire to squander. If the hiccups continue for a long time, then you should rely on financial matters, get a small profit.
  • Hiccups began late in the evening (21-24 hours)- receive news from afar.
  • The attack of hiccups began at night, in a dream (24 to 5 in the morning)- changes are coming in life that you cannot influence, therefore it is so important to be attentive and prudent.

To believe or not in signs is a personal matter for everyone., but do not forget that they contain the age-old experience of the people.