Why don't you have a girlfriend. Why don’t I have a girlfriend and what can I do to make one appear? When will I have a girlfriend

If you were wondering " why don't I have a girlfriend?“, then you are already going in the right direction. To achieve something in life, you need to be able to analyze the current situation and set goals correctly. When you understand why you have not yet developed a relationship with a beautiful lady, the road to your goal will be shorter.

A lot of guys lie to themselves about what's going on in their lives. For example, shyness prevents a person from making acquaintances. Because of his powerlessness, he comes up with another excuse for himself. That, they say, now the girls are somehow wrong, they think too much of themselves, they are too arrogant, they only need money, and so on. In such a situation, resolving the issue turns out to be even more difficult.

Therefore, don't fool yourself. Don't blame other people or circumstances. This is the position weak person. The position of the strong is this: I am the master of my life. And I bear my own responsibility for what happens in it. I create the circumstances myself.

So there are several reasons for this

Why don't you have a girlfriend

Reason 1

Complexes. You consider yourself unworthy of all the girls you like. Accordingly, girls who are indifferent to you are also left behind. It turns out to be a vicious circle that can be broken by realizing this situation. And start taking action.


To reduce the importance of girls that are attractive to you, you should take a closer look. That is, to significantly increase communication with this category of females. You go out several times a week, meet and chat with the girls you like. You take their phone number and go on dates. After a while, talking to pretty girls will become a habit for you, and you will be happy to find that you no longer worry about the above issue.

If you experience insurmountable difficulties in communicating with the female sex, then you should contact professional help to a psychotherapist. In our society, such cases are treated with prejudice, and in vain. Because in advanced cases this is a good solution.

Reason 2

You don't live in the present moment, but wait for the future.

It seems to you that in order to meet a cool girl, you don’t earn enough money, your car isn’t that cool, you haven’t bought an apartment yet, and the like. And as soon as you have all this, the lady of your heart will immediately appear.

Complete bullshit.

Example: there lived a guy in the world. The average guy who beautiful girls. But he didn't have a car. And he kept thinking: I’ll buy it new Lada, and things with the female sex will immediately improve. He finally bought a car. Nothing has changed. Then he thought: Lada is a crappy car. Need a Merc. It may not be new, but the four-year-old E-Class is also a cool thing. He began collecting for a Mercedes. I bought it. And again, no progress with the girls. And then he realized that he had simply wasted 5 years of his life by setting false goals for himself.

Remember this.


Set yourself direct goals, not indirect ones. Ask yourself: what do I need to get started? The answer, as you already understood, is not buying a car or anything else. And simple things, but at the same time so difficult: get your butt off the couch, go out into the street or into a club, and start talking to unfamiliar girls.

Reason 3

You really don't need a girlfriend at this point in your life.

Perhaps you are developing your business and are so busy that the next year is like an army for you: there is no time for entertainment. And this is correct in this context. If you don’t get distracted, then in a year things will go uphill, the business will partially go on autopilot, and you will already have some time for your personal life.

Or you are very passionate about some topic. You are a physicist, and you work around the clock new theory or by law. And you are only interested in this topic.


Actually, everything is clear here. You voluntarily give up your personal life in the name of something for a certain period of time. As a rule, such a period ends sooner or later, and you yourself will understand that you are ready for something new in terms of girls or new relationships.

Conclusions - why the guy doesn’t have a girlfriend

In order for you to have a girlfriend, clearly understand the reason for her absence. Then think about what kind of lady you would like to meet. Describe in detail her appearance, character, behavior. Which one would suit you with her? It's better to write it all down on paper. Then you will be convinced of the effectiveness of this method.

Then it’s time for action. If you do nothing in this direction, then there will be no result. Do everything to have the opportunity to get to know each other. You don't need a car or money for this. It's all in your head. Moreover, this has a huge advantage. The girl you start talking to will love you not for your Mercedes, but for the fact that you are just you. Take action! Good luck!

Very relevant for modern people. We all try to achieve success, often in several areas of life at once. We lead an interesting or very rich spiritual life, but then a moment comes when you realize that everything is in pairs, but somehow it didn’t work out for you. And then you feel half-surprised and embarrassed - why don’t I have a girlfriend, am I good? Let's try to figure out the problem.

Do the young ladies around you have any chances?

If you are sure that you do not have problems with character and behavior, try to rationally evaluate your own lifestyle. How often do you go to places where you can meet and chat with representatives of the opposite sex? Or do you spend most of your free time exclusively on “male” hobbies and you simply have no time to meet people? Sometimes the answer to the question “Why don’t I have a girlfriend?” banal: you have no time and nowhere to meet and communicate. The Internet can help out in such situations. Or make yourself a rule: at least once a week, go to discos, cafes, or somewhere else where you can meet your life partner. There are also situations when a young man has too much high demands. And he simply does not notice girls who are ugly, in his opinion, or who are not smart enough. Remember, someone showed you special attention for lately? If you reject one lady after another, you shouldn’t be surprised that, having noticed this trend, girls will soon stop taking initiative towards you.

Perhaps there is something wrong with me?

“If I haven’t had a girlfriend for a long time, maybe there’s something wrong with me?” Rational thought. The most common mistake modern guys make is the inability to communicate and arouse interest in the opposite sex. Some people get lost and start talking complete nonsense, while others, on the contrary, want to seem “brutal” and are repelled by this. The most important thing is to act naturally and at ease, to be an interesting conversationalist. Follow fashion trends, learn to carry on a conversation in different topics. And then you won’t have to wonder: “Why don’t I have a girlfriend?”

Loneliness is a time for development

Most modern educated and fairly smart girls are afraid of those guys who start talking about relationships from the first minutes of communication. Some value their freedom, while others, even if they suffer from loneliness, simply do not believe in any promises immediately after meeting. During the first meetings, it is enough to state your status - yes, I don’t have a girlfriend. But you shouldn’t tell your new friend how much you want to find her. Try to communicate more and don’t react to every girl who doesn’t mind going somewhere or talking together as a potential soul mate. Let the relationship develop naturally, because first you need to learn so much about each other, find common interests. And perhaps soon some feelings will appear, and she herself will not want to waste her time on anyone other than you. Being in an active search, you have enough time to live for your own pleasure, study and self-development. Let go of your obsessive desire to be paired with someone, and very soon everything will happen by itself, and you will no longer worry about the question: “Why don’t I have a girlfriend?”

Type of activity: Astrologers, Numerologists, Healers
Hello Denis.
Your disability has nothing to do with it, you just don’t have fours in the Pythagorean matrix
4 corresponds to the Kabbalistic sphere of Yesod (Foundation, foundation)

“Four” is God the Father in the manifested Trinity. Supreme Cosmic Mind. The Fourth Heaven (according to H. P. Blavatsky). The base of the pyramid (quadrangular), which stands firmly on the earth and “crucified” the Son-God to the four cardinal directions.
In the energy of the human body it corresponds to the fourth chakra. Color – green. The sound is “fa”. Jan.
In the Buddhist tradition - God Shiva (Destroyer). In Christianity - Lucifer (prince of the Earth).
“Four” is animal magnetism, which forms bodily juices and health. Health in the understanding of the strength, proportion and beauty of the physical body of an individual.

If in simple language then you don’t have animal magnetism and it’s because of this that girls are not attracted to you.

You shouldn't despair at all
The fact is that you are a true Fighter and you have the heart of a warrior.

Gd is given to you the highest spiritual title that exists
27,03,1980 = 2+7+3+1+9+8 = 30
30. LILY
King of Spades Virtue.
Lily is a symbol of youth, virgin purity and charm, the heraldic symbol of the kings of France. Lily - a living image of purity, innocence, chosenness, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is part of those archetypes that are most often present in the popular imagination. At the same time, the name “lily” appeared in French only in 1175 in the novel by Chrétien de Trouillet. It seems that people in France learned about this flower in beginning of XII century. It was used as a sign of welcome when the Crusaders returned from the Holy Land. In the Middle Ages, the lily became the emblem of the French royal dynasty. In the Bible, the lily is mentioned all the time: in the “Song of Songs”: “Like a lily among thistles // My beloved looks among women.” The lily is also mentioned in the Gospel of St. Matthew when Jesus uses the well-known parable: “Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you that Solomon in all his glory did not dress like any of them.” (Matthew 6: 28, 29) Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God to inform her about immaculate conception, and in his hands were white lilies. White lilies are a symbol of purity and innocence, the flowers of the Virgin Mary. Ancient Greece this flower was also given an erotic meaning for its intoxicating smell, for the trustfulness of its open petals, in the center of which Aphrodite placed a pestle in the shape of a donkey’s phallus. This flower was dedicated to the goddess Hera. The infant Hercules was the son of Zeus and Alcmene. Zeus arranged it so that Hera, his wife, gave Hercules the incorruptible milk to drink from her breast. The baby, however, suckled at the breast with such force that the goddess involuntarily pushed him away. Milk splashed onto the firmament, and from these splashes arose Milky Way. And from a few drops that fell to the ground, snow-white lilies grew. Since then, this flower has become the flower of Hera. A lucky card. It symbolizes high position. If this card falls out, you can be calm - you are surrounded good people. Joy and harmonious relationships await you. A happy and long life awaits. LILY always testifies to something sublime. This is the pursuit of a dream, an ideal and finding happiness along the way. The joy of spiritual achievement. Sometimes exaltation, even to the point of some refinement of emotions.

The patron saint of kings of peaks is Jupiter!

With your desire for truth, openness and hatred of lies, you can win the heart of any girl.
And you will do this in the next six months.
Your girl will be the most beautiful, as befits a king of spades.