How to recognize a real psychic. How to distinguish a real psychic from a banal charlatan? Expressed in unclear and unclear phrases

In several interviews I was asked the question:how to distinguish a real psychic from a scammer . I won’t look for it, especially since there is no complete answer; something was cut out when editing the video and texts. Today on VKontakte they asked again:

Yana Can you tell me how to distinguish a real psychic from a charlatan? =))) I would like to contact you. I'm afraid to make a mistake!

gave the answer:
not easy to distinguish.

I couldn’t find where I talked about this in the video. Maybe this.

But I will finally give a complete answer and save it for reference to others who ask this.

1. External surroundings. If there are all sorts of balls, bottles, jars, outfits - this should alert you. However, this may also be necessary for a real specialist. A shaman cannot live without a tambourine, a clairvoyant can see clairvoyantly with the help of a ball, and a special outfit can help to get in the mood for work and simply be your favorite clothing. So it’s impossible to determine unambiguously by clothes or paraphernalia.

2. Diplomas and titles. Well, think wisely,you can easily buy a diplomaor draw on the computer. And name at least one worthy university that would graduate “wizards”. Only one comes to mind, in Nazi Germany. . Monks from Tibet taught there, and even then they produced certified astrologers, not sorcerers.AstrologerVronsky I had a diploma with a swastika from this institute. Well, in the USSR there was something similar: here . The same goes for titles, all sorts of laureates and so on. This doesn’t say anything unambiguously or convincingly, but it throws dust in the eyes. and if you come to the reception, and there is dominance diplomas and other beautiful pieces of paper - one should suspect at least an inflated PMC from a psychic.

3. Money.Not an indicator at all. The common belief is thatreal psychics and healers should not take money, alas, has not been true for a long time. My father, the fortuneteller, didn’t charge anything for fortune-telling; as soon as they brought him a gift (a bottle of moonshine, or a piece of lard), the fortune-telling came true. It works the same way nowMaiza. When I was a healer, I also didn’t charge anything for help. But now such a people have come that if you don’t take payment right away, they won’t bring it later. Like, maybe this would have happened without a psychic, or "it will cost, he needs the money himself, but he shovels anyway". Because It’s not a sin to take a fee for a psychic to work. And they don’t understand that if you don’t pay for help, the result will be temporary (as soon as you decide not to pay, everything will go back) or even greed."will come out sideways". Therefore, the money question is not at all an indicator of whether you are a real psychic or a fraudster.. There are scammers who do not take money (you will give it yourself). More on the topic of money in this area .

5.Check. Some psychics, in order to distinguish the real from the unreal, suggest checking it before asking for help. It seems reasonable, but if you don’t know the essence of extrasensory perception. It’s just that each psychic has his own specialization, and when checking him, the client does not know about it. Here's how you can check a medium? He only communicates with the dead, otherwise he is zero. Or here's my teacher May Mikhailovich Bogachikhin was an excellent diagnostician and a lousy healer. He has subtle and weak energy. But a powerful healer heals without problems, but is a weakling in diagnostics. Or ask a clairvoyant something that only a clairvoyant can answer? And such a test itself generates or is generated by disbelief, and further work with a psychic is unlikely to be good. I already wrote about this.

6. Warranties. If they give you guarantees, you should be wary. And if the guarantee is 100 or 145%, then run from there holding the money that has not yet been given tightly in your fist. I remember how I myself checked psychic advertisements in Moscow, like, damage to death.
-Can you spoil death?
- Yes.

-For anyone?
- Yes.
- Can you tell me about Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko?
- Yes.
- What are the guarantees?
- 100%

A real magician understands that there is no future, it is probabilistic, and it is in no way possible to guarantee it, it is not in human power, even if this person is a magician.

By the way about the term "charlatan" - not everything is as you think>>

So we can sum it up. Each point in itself is not proof of the realness or fakeness of a psychic. However, if you see that they are collected on one “specialist” too much: clown entourage; There are diplomas all around and photos with celebrities whom he supposedly already helped; breaks a large sum at once; you came through a gorgeous advertisement (that’s where your money will go) - then you can be 99% sure that they will scam you like a sucker, even if, with a smart look, looking into a crystal ball, they will accurately tell banalities about you in order to convince you of clairvoyance.


While I was writing it above and sending it to the girl on VKontakte in a personal message, I received a fortune-telling message on my VKontakte wall

I contacted this Katya, she doesn’t know a damn thing, and I recommended that she change her password, since she was obviously hacked and they are sending spam predictions on her behalf. This is pure fraud. Existencegives signs...

Incredible facts

Theme of magicians, sorcerers and psychic abilities has always caused heated debate. There are those who sincerely believe that people with unusual abilities actually exist.

Others claim that they are all ordinary charlatans who deceive people for money. They simply take advantage of the gullibility of others and, posing as psychics, earn good money from this.

Barnum effect

But some magicians say true things. In any case, most people really see their life and their destiny in what is said. However, this is no magic. In scientific terms, we are talking about the Forer effect (or the Barnum effect, also called "Why Your Aunt Still Believes in the Astrology Effect").

This simple technique is used by so-called psychics and mediums to convince you that they can talk to world of the dead, look into your soul and predict the future.

Magicians are charlatans

1. Statements that can be applied to everyone

In the middle of the last century, psychologist Bertram Forer conducted interesting research: He gave a test to his students, saying that it would help him determine the personality type of each of them.

However, instead of the stated individual characteristics secretly from everyone, he distributed exactly the same text to each student. The cunning psychologist then asked them to rate how accurate these characteristics were. Most students said that the description was absolutely correct.

The students' responses were largely influenced by the authority of their teacher.

In another study, students were given two tests with characteristics: one test had real characteristics, the other did not. Most of the participants in the experiment decided that it was the false characteristics that corresponded to reality.

As a rule, any information can be applied to your own characteristics, to the events that happen in your life. For example, if a psychic talks about a government house. It is quite logical that every person has one or another government home in their life: be it a place of work or study.

Or if you are described as a person. This information tends to be mostly positive; A few negative characteristics will still be mentioned to make the overall picture more believable, but none of them will be so terrible that you will not immediately reject the information.

This is a trick that many psychics use. By making statements like these, they make you believe that they have access to incredible things, that they can actually tell you a lot about you. But in fact, they are simply telling you what you want to hear, and doing it in such a sophisticated way that you will not recognize this psychological trick.

2. They force you to tell a charlatan. important information about myself

As a rule, most people who seek help from a psychic do so much more willingly than, say, when they visit a dentist. This psychological factor is also worth considering. For this reason, it is quite easy for the client to play along.

The charlatan simply begins to extract information from him, which he subsequently passes off as what he allegedly sees himself.

All a psychic needs to do is begin to receive information through leading questions. For example, he may state that the messages he receives are not particularly clear and are somewhat blurry, and he needs help from the client.

For example, often during sessions a situation occurs when the psychic says something like this: “I see in your family a person whose name begins with A or O, who is this?” The client readily gives out all the necessary information: “This is Anna, my grandmother, who died 5 years ago.” And it is not surprising that most of us so easily provide all the necessary information ourselves. After all, the psychic guessed the initial letter of the name!

"Here I may need your help. So the letter A is your deceased grandmother? Yes, that's right, everything is becoming clearer now. And under what circumstances did she die?

Thus, by the end of the session, the client has actually done most of the psychic's work himself, because the person is ready to believe what he himself reports.

3. They say things that are sure to be true for at least one person.

IN lately Various shows are becoming popular on television, in which they try to convince an audience of millions that real psychics really exist.

As a rule, a crowd of spectators gathers in the studio or on the set. And the psychic, falling into a special trance state, begins to confidently say that he is coming into contact with spirits from the other world. Within a fairly short time, the charlatan manages to find a person who believes that he really communicated with his deceased relatives.

Deception is easy to spot. It's enough to include a little logic. Notice how these people always say something like "I see a male figure, someone named Alexander or Alexey, or some similar name."

Of course, in a large audience it is not difficult to find someone whose deceased relative was named Alexander or Alexey. Or, for example, a psychic will say: “I see one of my relatives who died of heart disease.”

Well, you will agree that at a time when heart failure is the leading cause of death throughout the world, there will probably be one of your relatives who died for this very reason.

Just pay attention to what the so-called psychic says. Perhaps he is simply speaking in general phrases, “tailoring” names, dates and some facts to fit someone’s events. Very quickly you will find that the person is simply saying something that suits the majority.

4. Express themselves in unclear and unclear phrases

Sometimes the psychic's statements are unclear and unclear. They speak in veiled, not always understandable phrases. Such vagueness and vagueness of statements is not at all accidental.

This is done so that in case of an erroneous statement, you can always turn everything in your favor.

5. They very subtly observe a person’s reaction to find out important details.

Have you ever noticed that so-called magicians or sorcerers speak slowly and even in some cases very slowly?

There is a very good reason why psychics often speak slowly. And it’s not just that signals between our world and the afterlife spread, as they themselves claim, very slowly.

The reason for this slowness is much simpler: every time they make a statement, they are waiting for the person's reaction. All charlatan magicians are, first of all, excellent psychologists. They read information from a person quickly and easily.

Even if you don’t say something directly or don’t finish it, a good psychologist can read information from your body language. Sometimes we can be given away by a simple hand movement, facial expression and other gestures that treacherously allow the scammer to extract the necessary information.

"No, he wasn't my uncle, I think you're talking about my cousin“- this seemingly simple and harmless information can untie the hands of a fraudster and encourage him to further clever manipulations with information that the client himself unwittingly gives out.

The observant charlatan will certainly take note of many other similar remarks. In addition, when he says something slowly, you can involuntarily nod in agreement or smile. An experienced psychologist clearly records all these points.

What happens is something like this: when you read something out loud that makes sense to your listener, and he nods back in agreement. Each of us can easily become an object for such psychological reading.

It's like listening to someone's jokes: you wait for the person to say something specific, and when they do, you react. That's the whole point. The psychic charlatan simply monitors the person’s reaction.

In one of the popular programs, the famous entertainer and showman Keith Barry, thanks to some psychological tricks, successfully guessed names ex-lovers women who agreed to the experiment.

Barry never revealed the secret of how he did it, but unlike other psychics who use these tricks, he doesn't try to prove to the audience that he has super powers.

He simply read the reactions of the people with whom he communicated, thus collecting all the necessary information bit by bit.

Deception of psychics

6. Look for small clues that reveal important information.

People always exchange information about themselves with each other, even when they don't say a word. But every minute we tell some information about ourselves.

For example, a wedding ring indicates that you are in a legal relationship, have experience living with the opposite sex, and therefore know how to make compromises (after all, you cannot do without this in family life).

If a man is wearing a fresh, ironed shirt, most likely he lives with a woman, even if there is no wedding ring. If on young man some awkward old-fashioned shirt, which suggests that perhaps he still lives with his parents.

As a rule, psychics are very attentive people; in addition, they train their powers of observation and develop their memory in order to be able to read information even from insignificant details.

Reading information is the key to understanding people better. You can learn a lot about a person by looking at him appearance, having studied what he is wearing, how he talks and gestures in conversation.

Psychics simply know how to notice such details, since at their core they are wonderful psychologists.

Try to become that clairvoyant. Practice reading information from others. Pay attention to the clothes of the people around you and how they behave. You will begin to notice that you can tell a lot about a person by looking at his behavior and studying his habits.

7. They simply study in advance the information they will need in their work.

Psychics who work with an audience or even a small group of people sometimes do their job quite easily.

A simple trick that they so often resort to is to study in advance all the necessary information about the object from which information will then supposedly be read.

The psychic chooses someone he wants to focus on. The charlatan then has plenty of time to find clues that will help him figure out who he is dealing with. He may also try to get someone in the audience to talk to the person beforehand in order to gather as much information about him as possible.

In addition, today, thanks to various social networks, it is possible to collect the necessary information about specific person, very simple. Just go to his page to get to know him social status where and with whom he likes to spend time and other details of his personal and work life.

If you are planning to visit a psychic in the near future, be sure to check your accounts with social networks. After all, it’s enough just to type your name into a search engine to collect a lot of different information about you.

Psychics. Battle for money Mikhail Sergeevich Komlev

Chapter 29. How to spot a charlatan?

When planning an appointment with a psychic, magician, sorcerer, fortune teller or healer, remember the simple rules of behavior that will help you identify a charlatan:

– never tell your problem yourself, no matter how difficult it may be. A real psychic or clairvoyant will see everything for himself;

– you don’t need to have the ability to understand that just because a person came to an appointment, he has some kind of problem. So the scammers' first words will probably be: “You're in trouble. The evil eye is on you. Damage. We need to film it urgently." And since, being in a difficult life situation, it is difficult for a person to adequately assess the situation - he is an easy prey for scammers whose only goal is to extract more money;

– often hidden behind the masks of psychics and clairvoyants good psychologists who know when and how to push pain points. A person, as a rule, does not even have time to blink an eye before he begins to excitedly talk about his problems, after which the charlatan retells everything he heard in other words. Many people immediately prescribe an expensive course of treatment to remove negativity or cleanse the aura, the main thing here is to wake up in time;

– when you arrive at your appointment, carefully look around the psychic’s office: if it is filled with various crystal balls and other mystical trinkets, feel free to turn around and leave. A real psychic does not need mystical attributes, but scammers deliberately distract your attention with all sorts of trinkets in order to extract the necessary information from you during the conversation;

– when going to an appointment with a magician, sorcerer or psychic, do not forget about the main purpose of your visit and do not talk too much. If you are interested in the fate of a certain person, son, husband, daughter, etc., put a photograph in front of the clairvoyant and ask him to tell you everything he sees from it. Sometimes you may be asked to say the name and date of birth of the person in the photograph, say it and listen. Depending on what the clairvoyant tells you, you will understand who is in front of you - a real seer or a charlatan;

– if a psychic asks for a large sum of money to solve your problem, you should know that he is a scammer. Feel free to get up and leave;

– if a person calls himself a magician in the third, fifth, ninth generation and promises to save you from all troubles, most likely he is a fraudster. A true psychic does not boast of his pedigree and does not throw loud promises to the wind, but simply does his job;

– live mystical sessions – a “lure” of charlatans. Remember that it is impossible to feel a person thousands of kilometers away through a TV screen. In addition, before your call is broadcast, a girl from the call center will kindly talk to you, transferring all the necessary information about you into the “psychic” earpiece, and then it’s a matter of technique and acting;

– “HELP” OVER THE PHONE IS PROVIDED ONLY BY FRAUDSTERS; real psychics never give advice over the phone. In order to provide real help to a person, it is necessary to see, hear and feel him energetically directly during a personal appointment;

– if they threaten you with illnesses, intimidate you with the deaths of relatives and friends and other troubles, saying “only we will solve your problem,” these are charlatans. A true psychic will never stoop to threats;

– when going to an appointment with any psychic, collect as much information as possible about him and do not believe everything that is written on the Internet; many “psychics” have a whole creative department working on writing positive reviews. It is better to trust the opinion of your acquaintances, relatives, friends who were helped by this psychic;

- if a psychic, in response to your questions about his abilities, shows you the door with the words “I proved everything on such and such a television show,” get up and leave. Remember that any show is filmed according to a script;

– do not believe advertisements in newspapers and magazines, where thousands of magicians of all ages and classes are ready to solve any of your problems. A real psychic, as a rule, works through word of mouth;

– NEVER TRANSFER ANY MONEY TO ANYONE FOR RENDERING SERVICES, even if you live far away. Real psychics accept cash in person;

– before turning to a psychic, think about whether you really need it. Maybe your problem is not so hopeless and you can solve it yourself;

– when it comes to your health, first consult with experienced doctors and be treated by professional doctors. Do not trust your life to healers and psychics, as the result can be very sad;

– when going to an appointment with magicians of the 21st century, take a voice recorder with you, ask for an agreement, a receipt, a check, anything that can help you in the future to sue the scammers for your money. If a psychic refuses you this, think about his integrity;

Remember, people who really have the ability and want to help a person do not charge exorbitant amounts of money for their services. But that doesn't mean you can come and go for free whenever you want. And such people, as a rule, do not need advertising, because their deeds speak for themselves and you can get to them through word of mouth.

If you follow precautions: go to trusted psychics, do not transfer money to electronic accounts, ask for documents confirming the fact of payment, and most importantly listen carefully to what the psychic tells you, you will never be deceived by a scammer. You will understand whether the psychic in front of you is real or not if you yourself do not express your problem to him.

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It is no secret that among magicians, sorcerers and psychics there are very often ordinary charlatans and scammers who want to make money out of people’s grief.

There are many things in the world that make me sad, because I believe that each of us has our own path and our own lessons to learn. I try to stay balanced and calm. However, at times there are situations that, despite all my efforts, I cannot handle with equanimity.

One day I accidentally came across a “cry for help” on the Internet. A man asks how to help a relative who is being deceived by a psychic. This psychic “healed” a woman from a serious illness (for which no medical methods yet exist) and tried to manipulate her finances. A week before this incident, I heard about another similar situation where someone was forced to pay a psychic five thousand dollars. The news program once said that some lady paid three hundred thousand dollars for “help.” And one day I received a “junk” email from some psychic, which said that I should come to him for a session within the next week.

It's easy to get caught in someone's network when scammers skillfully play on your emotions and fears. So you should be vigilant: sadly, in this world not all people are honest and not everyone has good intentions. Ultimately, you are responsible for your life, and although others can help you and show you the way, they cannot solve all your problems and make choices for you. Otherwise, how would you learn the life lessons for which you came into this world? You will not be deceived if you understand how scammers operate. If you have ordered one session, and the psychic claims that you now need to remove the evil eye and damage, this is a clear indication of unethical behavior. Don't give them money: their goal is not to help people, but to extort. If they resort to threats, contact the police.

It deeply upsets me when they try to use people in this way for their own selfish interests. Don't even let desperation force you to do things you would never do under other circumstances, or to trust people you intuitively feel are untrustworthy. Listen to your intuition.

You should never pay a lot of money to a psychic who claims that he can solve all your problems. If something sounds too good to be true, it's probably a lie. Be a skeptic, look for logical justifications for the psychic’s words. Maybe he reads sign language? Maybe he asks leading questions?

During sessions, both parties must bear some responsibility, then you will receive good fortune telling and you will not be stripped to the skin. If you go to a psychic, there are a few things you should do before you give them your earned money; Besides, there are some things you should never do.

When ordering the service of a psychic or magician, always:

2. Make sure in advance that the psychic follows generally accepted ethical standards.

3. Search the Internet for information about this specialist. Mentions of him in a negative context are especially informative (if you come across several very similar enthusiastic reviews, it is likely that he wrote them himself). If you see a lot of negative reviews, do not contact this person. But if you find only a couple of complaints, consider him as a potential candidate, since no psychic can ever be 100 percent accurate.

5. If you are still not sure, ask the psychic to conduct a trial session with you and answer one single paid question. Was the answer informative and helpful? Only after this, order a longer and more expensive session. If a psychic really tries to help people, it will not be a problem for him to conduct such a test. However, do not ask for a free trial session: this is not fair to the psychic since they are wasting their time on you.

6. Ask the psychic what will happen if he makes a mistake. Will he return your money even if the terms of return are not specified? Before booking a session, inquire about the refund policy.

7. Is the price the psychic is asking reasonable or will you have to pay an exorbitant amount for a thirty minute phone session or email of a hundred words? In my opinion, fortune telling should not be limited.

The psychic is obligated to tell you about all the impressions he receives, even if they are more than your fee for the session covers. Sometimes you actually get more than what you pay for.


1. Don't be naive when going to a session. Be skeptical until you see a result that is of real interest to you.

2. Don't answer leading questions. There is no need to ask the psychic. When he does this, do not answer, unless the answers serve simple words“yes” and “no” that allow the psychic to understand that what he is saying is correct. If you do not want to say even these words, simply warn that you do not want to say anything until the end of the session. He shouldn't have any objections. Let him use his instincts rather than information gleaned from your answers and don't say what you want to hear. When a psychic acts on your cues, he is not actually using his abilities.

3. Don't expect to receive recipes for solving all your problems. No psychic is 100% accurate, so don't expect to get all the information you need.

4. Do not believe that for a sufficient fee a psychic will return your lost love, make you healthy or fix everything in your life. This WILL NOT happen. People who tell you they can do it all are either deceiving you or themselves.

5. Do not replace a visit to a doctor with a session with a psychic. These are complementary, not mutually exclusive, things.

6. Don't give in to pressure. If a psychic offers to pay for your next session (or first session) before giving you the information they've already given you, walk away. If he was given information, there was a reason for it, and he is obligated to pass it on to you, whether you buy his services or not. When this happens, it means that the psychic is simply trying to make money from you. I think this is wrong.

7. Never, ever let a psychic make financial decisions for you.

8. Never, under any circumstances, allow a psychic to make health decisions for you.

9. Take everything said by a psychic with some degree of criticality. Psychics are not know-it-alls and sometimes make mistakes by misinterpreting information, even if they are not charlatans and are determined to help you. They are just people.

10. It's all about ethics. Not everyone believes in intuitive abilities and paranormal phenomena, and this problem is very controversial. It's hard to believe until you experience it firsthand, but even then difficulties can arise. It's a good idea to be a little skeptical to protect yourself from charlotans who just want to profit from your problems.

Remember: You may be offered help or mentoring, but you and only you can control your life and destiny.

Don't ask a psychic to make decisions for you and don't expect them to do so. It's none of his business. The final choice depends only on you. Making decisions will allow you to grow and pass through your spiritual path. Draw strength from positivity and light, not negativity and darkness. This is your life - live it to the fullest. People can only take advantage of you if you allow them to. Be firm in your intentions, pay attention to everything that happens around you. Become a participant in life, not an observer. Never allow yourself to become a victim of deception. Be strong and strong and make informed choices by finding answers before agreeing to anything.

A dash of skepticism: Don't believe everything you hear

Psychic predictions are never completely accurate. You should always rely on your own heart and intuition. You have free will, and this freedom, as well as the decisions you make after a session with a psychic, can change your path in life.

There are many people who have genuine abilities and want to help others, but there are also those who want to rip off the client and instill fear in his heart. I've encountered them many times. Many times it was necessary to conduct free sessions for people who, after visiting psychics, were scared to death and could not afford to pay the amounts that were demanded of them for “healing”. No one has the right to demand thousands of dollars for sessions, intimidate you, or take advantage of you by making you feel confused and wandering in search of the truth. Such people not only disgrace real psychics, they exploit a person’s deepest fears in order to force him to pay for their services again and again. Don't fall for their bait. Real psychics won't tell you that something terrible is going to happen unless you order thousands of dollars worth of additional services from them. Don't trust these scammers and beware of them.