Nickel plating, chrome plating, bluing, etc. at home

Presented training courses to help beginners who love decorative chrome plating and chemical plating. The purpose of the training courses is to fill the gap in systematic knowledge on the topic of decorative chrome plating and chemical metallization and make this technology more accessible to beginners. The presented texts, photos and videos are the personal experience of the author and do not pretend to be professional. The author of the training courses is not responsible for possible injuries, burns and poisoning associated with the use of dangerous chemical reagents, such as concentrated acids, alkalis, ammonia. Therefore, do not neglect protective equipment and care when handling reagents.

Decorative chrome plating, chemical metallization, all these terms and processes were not known to me not so long ago. Dear friend, since you are on this site, it means that you are also hooked on this topic and are looking for answers to questions. Questions that haunt you... How to make any thing with a mirror shine? However, the answers are very close, just sit back and carefully look at the contents of this page. In essence, this is a technology of mirror silvering using the spraying method. This is also called chemical metallization with silver. So, there is no talk of real chrome plating, but the name has stuck and is misleading. When I started collecting information on this topic, I was faced with the fact that there is a lot of information on the topic of decorative chrome plating, but to my amazement, nothing specific. Everything is around and around. Here are a lot of videos where garage craftsmen, as well as professionals who sell equipment, are happy to demonstrate the process of transforming a nondescript part into a product sparkling with a mirror. But step by step, no one lays out the whole technology for nothing, making a big deal out of it, big secret... There are many questions, but the answers are paid...

After reading a mountain of websites and textbooks, a mess formed in my head, probably like many others, I was faced with such a task. To get a clear picture in my head, I decided to immediately start practicing. It is clear that without chemistry, you will not learn how to use chemicals, so I started searching and visiting offices selling chemicals. First of all, I asked the price of Silver Nitrate, since this is the most expensive component. Having decided on a supplier. I bought chemicals, dishes and other necessary utensils from the list. The question arose how to try without equipment. The solution is simple - hand-held household sprayers. The search and experiments began to create a miracle silver plating solution and application technology. And then one appeared interesting detail about the preparation of chemistry... All available information posted on the Internet are copies of materials from mainly Soviet textbooks on the topic of chemical metallization...

Draining a fair amount of silver (and therefore money) onto the earth in the process of failed experiments. Came with a completely ordinary recipe. Otherwise, everything is in order. This is the end of the lyrical introduction and the beginning short course how to make something mirror like. I won’t bog you down with theory, I’ll leave it for independent study. There is a ton of this stuff on the Internet. Let's get straight to the point. Briefly, concisely, the very essence. I’ll show you the example of silvering a glass glass.

Technology of chemical metallization with silver, sputtering method

To obtain the first experience of silver coating on a surface using the spraying method, you should master the technology. And it’s easier to say - a sequence of actions.

I will list them:
1. preparation of solutions
2. surface preparation
3. surface activation
4. metallization

I will give a brief overview of the listed points. To get a general picture in your head. We'll look at it in more detail in the lessons of the same name.

Preparation of solutions

To prepare solutions you will need:

  • Stannous chloride
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Silver nitrate
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Ammonia
  • Glucose
  • Formalin
  • Distilled water
We buy chemicals in stores or medical equipment warehouses.

Equipment you will need:

  • 1 liter measuring cup
  • Measuring cup for 200 - 250 ml.
  • 100 ml bottles - 3 pcs.
  • Disposable syringes for 5, 20 and 50 cubes
  • Disposable glasses 50 ml
  • Disposable knives and spoons
  • Electronic scales, measuring up to 200 g.
We buy equipment from household goods stores and pharmacies.

You can start preparing solutions with a solution of stannous chloride. Necessary for surface activation. For this we take:
1. Stannous chloride
2. Hydrochloric acid
3. Distilled water

The next solution is “silvering”. Let's take:
1. Silver nitrate
2. Sodium hydroxide
3. Ammonia
4. Distilled water

Surface preparation

To prepare the surface, it should be degreased. To do this, you can prepare a simple degreasing solution consisting of:
1. Sodium hydroxide
2. and Water temperature 40-60 degrees

The surface should be thoroughly wiped with a sponge moistened with a degreasing solution. Next, rinse the solution with distilled water, wiping, but with a different sponge. A sign of good degreasing is the wettability of the surface with water. That is, after watering, the surface should be completely covered with a film of water. If there are dry islands, silver will not stick there.

Surface activation

In order for the metallization reaction to occur precisely on the surface, and not in the drain, it is necessary, as they say, to activate it. That is, to help the silver stick to the surface. This is why we take a solution of stannous chloride. The timing of the procedure is very important here. Water the part with a solution of stannous chloride for one minute. Next, water with distilled water for three minutes. This is a very important stage and failure to comply with the surface treatment time leads to defects, that is, a waste of time, effort and money. Watering should be done as evenly as possible so that all areas of the surface are equally wetted.


This is the most interesting stage of obtaining a mirror film of silver on the surface. Actually, this is what the whole idea is for. To do this, you only need a silver solution and a reducing agent solution. This requires a certain skill, which comes with experience. You need to spray so that the solutions mix on the surface and not otherwise. And they were sprayed in equal quantities by volume. Having achieved such precision, we obtain a perfect mirror, without defects.

In addition, you should know that the resulting mirror film is not durable and in order for it to retain its properties it should be protected with a layer of transparent or tinted varnish. But that's a completely different story.

The process of decorative chrome plating can be repeated even at home in the bathroom without purchasing expensive equipment with minimal costs. You can get acquainted with the technology in more detail by studying the email course Decorative chrome plating technology and trying it in practice, it will allow you to decide whether it is worth moving further in this direction.

What does the Decorative Chrome Plating Technology email course consist of?

  • Chemistry and equipment.
  • Recipes and preparation of solutions for silvering.
  • Preparing the surface for applying silver.
  • Metallization
This knowledge and skills cost me more than 40 thousand rubles and several months of time. The information is provided to you free of charge, in a concise form and to the point, in the form of 5 short lessons. In order to receive an email course, leave a request by filling out the form located above, under the video. Enter your real name and email address, then click the “Submit Request” button. After this, you will be taken to a page with instructions to confirm your application. Read it carefully and then go to your mailbox. You should receive an email confirming your application. Click on the confirmation link, and almost immediately you will receive the first letter of the Decorative Chrome Plating Technology course, where you will receive comprehensive information on how to start using the technology.


(post too old to reply)

2005-03-27 19:01:08 UTC

Nickel plating?
I know that both are used to coat metal surfaces to
make them shiny and protect them from corrosion.

Cost difference?

Oleg ICQ#168343240

The one who gets up early bothers everyone

Leizer A. Karabin

2005-03-28 04:58:10 UTC

Good afternoon, Oleg light Antoshkiv!

Actually, I just went out Monday March 28 2005 00:01,
here I hear Oleg Antoshkiv saying All (well, I butted in, of course):

OA> Question purely out of curiosity: what is the difference between chrome plating and
OA> nickel plating?

I hope this question is rhetorical. Or explain.

OA> I know that both are used for coating metal
OA> surfaces to make them shiny and protect them from corrosion.
OA> How to distinguish a chrome-plated surface from a nickel-plated one by eye?

Nickel is slightly yellowish, chrome is slightly bluer.

OA> What is the difference in mechanical strength and chemical resistance?

For improvised and household chemicals, both are absolutely stable.

OA> Cost difference?

Chrome plating is definitely more expensive.

OA> Is the coating technology the same?

Very different. For example, traditional technology chrome bumpers
this is nickel - copper - nickel - glitter. nickel - chrome on steel. or without the first
nickel sublayer if you obtain permission for copper from cyanide el.

If you thought that there were just single-layer
decorative anti-corrosion coatings, then only Chinese-underground watches.
Half a micron of chrome or gold on bronze is enough for a couple of weeks of wear.

OA> Is there a difference which metals can be coated with both?

The difference is in technology, but in general any can be covered with anything.

Why do you need to find out what is where, or did you get ready yourself? The last "M-uh, no
I advise you, they’ll eat it!” (C)

For this forever and so on. Leizer (ICQ 62084744)

2005-03-28 08:07:29 UTC

Greetings, Oleg!

Monday March 28 2005 00:01, Oleg Antoshkiv -> All:

OA> Question purely out of curiosity: what is the difference between chrome plating and
OA> nickel plating?

different metals

OA> I know that both are used for coating
OA> corrosion. How to distinguish a chrome surface by eye
OA> nickel plated?

Nickel is usually just white, and chrome plating may change color, although
usually slightly purple.

OA> What is the difference in mechanical strength and chemical resistance?

Chrome plating gives a harder coating than nickel, chemically chromium
continues to protect the base metal (if it is steel) with minor damage
coating, in the case of nickel, corrosion only accelerates when the coating is damaged.

OA> Cost difference?

who the hell knows

OA> Is the coating technology the same?

At least on steel products, chromium is deposited directly, and nickel
through the substrate (copper).

OA> Is there a difference which metals can be coated with both?

Best regards, Sergey Din.

Andrew Mitrohin

2005-03-28 13:26:07 UTC

*_Be healthy_*, /_Oleg_/!

OA> Question purely out of curiosity: what is the difference between chrome plating and
OA> nickel plating? I know that both are used for coating
OA> metal surfaces to make them shiny and protect them from
OA> corrosion.
OA> How to distinguish a chrome-plated surface from a nickel-plated one by eye
OA> ?

The color is different.

OA> What is the difference in mechanical strength and chemical resistance?

Chrome is better in these parameters.

OA> Cost difference?

Before plating with nickel, the metal is coated with copper and polished.
Before plating with chrome, the metal is first coated with copper, then nickel and
then chrome. Then the coating is durable.

OA> Is the coating technology the same?

Different, it’s better to forget about chrome at home. Chromic anhydride is used
which is very toxic.

OA> Is there a difference which metals can be coated with both?

If I'm not mistaken, everything depends on the activity of the metal.

/With respect/, _/Andrew/_...
- [Russian Rock] -

Information for action
(technology tips)
Erlykin L.A. "Do It Yourself" 3-92

None of the home craftsmen has ever faced the need to nickel-plate or chrome-plate this or that part. What do-it-yourselfer hasn’t dreamed of installing a “non-working” bushing with a hard, wear-resistant surface obtained by saturating it with boron in a critical component. But how to do at home what is usually done at specialized enterprises using chemical-thermal and electrochemical metal processing methods. You won’t build gas and vacuum furnaces at home, or construct electrolysis baths. But it turns out that there is no need to build all this at all. It is enough to have some reagents on hand, an enamel pan and, perhaps, blowtorch, and also know the recipes " chemical technology", with the help of which metals can also be copper-plated, cadmium-plated, tin-plated, oxidized, etc.

So, let's begin to get acquainted with the secrets of chemical technology. Please note that the content of components in the solutions given is usually given in g/l. If other units are used, a special disclaimer follows.

Preparatory operations

Before applying paints, protective and decorative films to metal surfaces, as well as before covering them with other metals, it is necessary to carry out preparatory operations, that is, remove contaminants of various natures from these surfaces. Please note that the final result of all work greatly depends on the quality of the preparatory operations.

Preparatory operations include degreasing, cleaning and pickling.


The process of degreasing the surface of metal parts is carried out, as a rule, when these parts have just been processed (ground or polished) and there is no rust, scale or other foreign products on their surface.

Using degreasing, oil and grease films are removed from the surface of parts. For this, aqueous solutions of certain chemical reagents are used, although organic solvents can also be used. The latter have the advantage that they do not have a subsequent corrosive effect on the surface of the parts, but at the same time they are toxic and flammable.

Aqueous solutions. Degreasing of metal parts in aqueous solutions is carried out in enamel containers. Pour in water, dissolve chemicals in it and place on low heat. When the desired temperature is reached, the parts are loaded into the solution. During processing, the solution is stirred. Below are the compositions of degreasing solutions (g/l), as well as the operating temperatures of the solutions and the processing time of the parts.

Compositions of degreasing solutions (g/l)

For ferrous metals (iron and iron alloys)

Liquid glass (stationery silicate glue) - 3...10, caustic soda (potassium) - 20...30, trisodium phosphate - 25...30. Solution temperature - 70...90° C, processing time - 10...30 minutes.

Liquid glass - 5...10, caustic soda - 100...150, soda ash - 30...60. Solution temperature - 70...80°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes.

Liquid glass - 35, trisodium phosphate - 3...10. Solution temperature - 70...90°C, processing time - 10...20 minutes.

Liquid glass - 35, trisodium phosphate - 15, drug - emulsifier OP-7 (or OP-10) -2. Solution temperature - 60-70°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes.

Liquid glass - 15, preparation OP-7 (or OP-10) -1. Solution temperature - 70...80°C, processing time - 10...15 minutes.

Soda ash - 20, potassium chromium - 1. Solution temperature - 80...90°C, processing time - 10...20 minutes.

Soda ash - 5...10, trisodium phosphate - 5...10, preparation OP-7 (or OP-10) - 3. Solution temperature - 60...80 ° C, treatment time - 5...10 min .

For copper and copper alloys

Caustic soda - 35, soda ash - 60, trisodium phosphate - 15, preparation OP-7 (or OP-10) - 5. Solution temperature - 60...70, processing time - 10...20 minutes.

Caustic soda (potassium) - 75, liquid glass- 20 Solution temperature - 80...90°C, processing time - 40...60 minutes.

Liquid glass - 10...20, trisodium phosphate - 100. Solution temperature - 65...80 C, processing time - 10...60 minutes.

Liquid glass - 5...10, soda ash - 20...25, preparation OP-7 (or OP-10) - 5...10. Solution temperature - 60...70°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes.

Trisodium phosphate - 80...100. Solution temperature - 80...90°C, processing time - 30...40 minutes.

For aluminum and its alloys

Liquid glass - 25...50, soda ash - 5...10, trisodium phosphate - 5...10, preparation OP-7 (or OP-10) - 15...20 min.

Liquid glass - 20...30, soda ash - 50...60, trisodium phosphate - 50...60. Solution temperature - 50...60°C, processing time - 3...5 minutes.

Soda ash - 20...25, trisodium phosphate - 20...25, preparation OP-7 (or OP-10) - 5...7. Temperature - 70...80°C, processing time - 10...20 minutes.

For silver, nickel and their alloys

Liquid glass - 50, soda ash - 20, trisodium phosphate - 20, preparation OP-7 (or OP-10) - 2. Solution temperature - 70...80°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes.

Liquid glass - 25, soda ash - 5, trisodium phosphate - 10. Solution temperature - 75...85°C, processing time - 15...20 minutes.

For zinc

Liquid glass - 20...25, caustic soda - 20...25, soda ash - 20...25. Solution temperature - 65...75°C, processing time - 5 minutes.

Liquid glass - 30...50, soda ash - 30....50, kerosene - 30...50, preparation OP-7 (or OP-10) - 2...3. Solution temperature - 60-70°C, processing time - 1...2 minutes.

Organic solvents

The most commonly used organic solvents are B-70 gasoline (or “gasoline for lighters”) and acetone. However, they have a significant drawback - they are easily flammable. Therefore in lately they are replaced with non-flammable solvents such as trichlorethylene and perchlorethylene. Their dissolving ability is much higher than that of gasoline and acetone. Moreover, these solvents can be safely heated, which greatly speeds up the degreasing of metal parts.

Degreasing the surface of metal parts using organic solvents is carried out in the following sequence. The parts are loaded into a container with solvent and kept for 15...20 minutes. Then the surface of the parts is wiped directly in the solvent with a brush. After this treatment, the surface of each part is carefully treated with a swab moistened with 25% ammonia (you must work with rubber gloves!).

All degreasing work with organic solvents is carried out in a well-ventilated area.


In this section, the process of cleaning carbon deposits from internal combustion engines will be considered as an example. As is known, carbon deposits are asphalt-resinous substances that form difficult-to-remove films on the working surfaces of engines. Removing carbon deposits is a rather difficult task, since the carbon film is inert and firmly adhered to the surface of the part.

Compositions of cleaning solutions (g/l)

For ferrous metals

Liquid glass - 1.5, soda ash - 33, caustic soda - 25, laundry soap - 8.5. Solution temperature - 80...90°C, processing time - 3 hours.

Caustic soda - 100, potassium dichromate - 5. Solution temperature - 80...95 ° C, processing time - up to 3 hours.

Caustic soda - 25, liquid glass - 10, sodium bichromate - 5, laundry soap - 8, soda ash - 30. Solution temperature - 80...95 ° C, processing time - up to 3 hours.

Caustic soda - 25, liquid glass - 10, laundry soap - 10, potash - 30. Solution temperature - 100°C, processing time - up to 6 hours.

For aluminum (duralumin) alloys

Liquid glass 8.5, laundry soap - 10, soda ash - 18.5. Solution temperature - 85...95 C, processing time - up to 3 hours.

Liquid glass - 8, potassium bichromate - 5, laundry soap - 10, soda ash - 20. Solution temperature - 85...95 ° C, processing time - up to 3 hours.

Soda ash - 10, potassium bichromate - 5, laundry soap - 10. Solution temperature - 80...95 ° C, processing time - up to 3 hours.


Pickling (as a preparatory operation) allows you to remove contaminants (rust, scale and other corrosion products) from metal parts that are firmly adhered to their surface.

The main purpose of etching is to remove corrosion products; in this case, the base metal should not be etched. To prevent metal etching, special additives are added to the solutions. Good results are obtained with the use of small amounts of hexamethylenetetramine (urotropine). To all solutions for etching ferrous metals, add 1 tablet (0.5 g) of hexamine per 1 liter of solution. In the absence of urotropine, it is replaced with the same amount of dry alcohol (sold in sporting goods stores as fuel for tourists).

Due to the fact that inorganic acids are used in etching recipes, it is necessary to know their initial density (g/cm3): nitric acid - 1.4, sulfuric acid - 1.84; hydrochloric acid- 1.19; orthophosphoric acid - 1.7; acetic acid - 1.05.

Compositions of etching solutions

For ferrous metals

Sulfuric acid - 90...130, hydrochloric acid - 80...100. Solution temperature - 30...40°C, processing time - 0.5...1.0 hours.

Sulfuric acid - 150...200. Solution temperature - 25...60°C, processing time - 0.5...1.0 hours.

Hydrochloric acid - 200. Solution temperature - 30...35°C, processing time - 15...20 minutes.

Hydrochloric acid - 150...200, formalin - 40...50. Solution temperature 30...50°C, processing time 15...25 minutes.

Nitric acid - 70...80, hydrochloric acid - 500...550. Solution temperature - 50°C, processing time - 3...5 minutes.

Nitric acid - 100, sulfuric acid - 50, hydrochloric acid - 150. Solution temperature - 85°C, treatment time - 3...10 minutes.

Hydrochloric acid - 150, orthophosphoric acid - 100. Solution temperature - 50°C, processing time - 10...20 minutes.

The last solution (when processing steel parts), in addition to cleaning the surface, also phosphates it. And phosphate films on the surface of steel parts allow them to be painted with any paint without primer, since these films themselves serve as an excellent primer.

Here are a few more recipes for etching solutions, the compositions of which this time are given in % (by weight).

Orthophosphoric acid - 10, butyl alcohol - 83, water - 7. Solution temperature - 50...70°C, processing time - 20...30 minutes.

Orthophosphoric acid - 35, butyl alcohol - 5, water - 60. Solution temperature - 40...60°C, processing time - 30...35 minutes.

After etching ferrous metals, they are washed in a 15% solution of soda ash (or drinking soda). Then rinse thoroughly with water.

Note that below the compositions of the solutions are again given in g/l.

For copper and its alloys

Sulfuric acid - 25...40, chromic anhydride - 150...200. Solution temperature - 25°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes.

Sulfuric acid - 150, potassium dichromate - 50. Solution temperature - 25.35 ° C, processing time - 5...15 minutes.

Trilon B-100. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes.

Chromic anhydride - 350, sodium chloride - 50. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, processing time - 5...15 minutes.

For aluminum and its alloys

Caustic soda -50...100. Solution temperature - 40...60°C, processing time - 5...10 s.

Nitric acid - 35...40. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, processing time - 3...5 s.

Caustic soda - 25...35, soda ash - 20...30. Solution temperature - 40...60°C, processing time - 0.5...2.0 minutes.

Caustic soda - 150, sodium chloride - 30. Solution temperature - 60°C, processing time - 15...20 s.

Chemical polishing

Chemical polishing allows you to quickly and efficiently process the surfaces of metal parts. The great advantage of this technology is that with the help of it (and only it!) it is possible to polish parts with a complex profile at home.

Compositions of solutions for chemical polishing

For carbon steels (the content of components is indicated in each specific case in certain units (g/l, percentage, parts)

Nitric acid - 2.-.4, hydrochloric acid 2...5, Phosphoric acid - 15...25, the rest is water. Solution temperature - 70...80°C, processing time - 1...10 minutes. Contents of components - in% (by volume).

Sulfuric acid - 0.1, acetic acid - 25, hydrogen peroxide (30%) - 13. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, treatment time - 30...60 minutes. Content of components - in g/l.

Nitric acid - 100...200, sulfuric acid - 200...600, hydrochloric acid - 25, Orthophosphoric acid - 400. Mixture temperature - 80...120°C, processing time - 10...60 s. Content of components in parts (by volume).

For stainless steel

Sulfuric acid - 230, hydrochloric acid - 660, acid orange dye - 25. Solution temperature - 70...75°C, processing time - 2...3 minutes. Content of components - in g/l.

Nitric acid - 4...5, hydrochloric acid - 3...4, Phosphoric acid - 20..30, methyl orange - 1..1.5, the rest is water. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes. Contents of components - in% (by weight).

Nitric acid - 30...90, potassium ferric sulfide (yellow blood salt) - 2...15 g/l, preparation OP-7 - 3...25, hydrochloric acid - 45..110, orthophosphoric acid - 45. ..280.

Solution temperature - 30...40°C, processing time - 15...30 minutes. Content of components (except for yellow blood salt) - in pl/l.

The latter composition is suitable for polishing cast iron and any steels.

For copper

Nitric acid - 900, sodium chloride - 5, soot - 5. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, treatment time - 15...20 s. Component content - g/l.

Attention! Sodium chloride is introduced into solutions last, and the solution must be pre-cooled!

Nitric acid - 20, sulfuric acid - 80, hydrochloric acid - 1, chromic anhydride - 50. Solution temperature - 13..18°C, treatment time - 1...2 min. Component content - in ml.

Nitric acid 500, sulfuric acid - 250, sodium chloride - 10. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, treatment time - 10...20 s. Content of components - in g/l.

For brass

Nitric acid - 20, hydrochloric acid - 0.01, acetic acid - 40, orthophosphoric acid - 40. Mixture temperature - 25...30 ° C, processing time - 20...60 s. Component content - in ml.

Copper sulfate ( copper sulfate) - 8, sodium chloride - 16, acetic acid - 3, water - the rest. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 20...60 minutes. Component content - in% (by weight).

For bronze

Phosphoric acid - 77...79, potassium nitrate - 21...23. Mixture temperature - 18°C, processing time - 0.5-3 minutes. Component content - in% (by weight).

Nitric acid - 65, sodium chloride - 1 g, acetic acid - 5, orthophosphoric acid - 30, water - 5. Solution temperature - 18...25 ° C, processing time - 1...5 s. Contents of components (except sodium chloride) - in ml.

For nickel and its alloys (nickel silver and nickel silver)

Nitric acid - 20, acetic acid - 40, orthophosphoric acid - 40. Mixture temperature - 20°C, processing time - up to 2 minutes. Component content - in% (by weight).

Nitric acid - 30, acetic acid (glacial) - 70. Mixture temperature - 70...80°C, processing time - 2...3 s. Component content - in% (by volume).

For aluminum and its alloys

Orthophosphoric acid - 75, sulfuric acid - 25. Mixture temperature - 100°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes. Contents of components - in parts (by volume).

Phosphoric acid - 60, sulfuric acid - 200, nitric acid - 150, urea - 5g. Mixture temperature - 100°C, processing time - 20 s. Content of components (except urea) - in ml.

Orthophosphoric acid - 70, sulfuric acid - 22, boric acid - 8. Mixture temperature - 95°C, processing time - 5...7 minutes. Contents of components - in parts (by volume).


Passivation is the process of chemically creating an inert layer on the surface of a metal that prevents the metal itself from oxidizing. The process of passivation of the surface of metal products is used by minters when creating their works; craftsmen - in the manufacture of various crafts (chandeliers, sconces and other household items); sports fishermen passivate their homemade metal baits.

Compositions of solutions for passivation (g/l)

For ferrous metals

Sodium nitrite - 40...100. Solution temperature - 30...40°C, processing time - 15...20 minutes.

Sodium nitrite - 10...15, soda ash - 3...7. Solution temperature - 70...80°C, processing time - 2...3 minutes.

Sodium nitrite - 2...3, soda ash - 10, preparation OP-7 - 1...2. Solution temperature - 40...60°C, processing time - 10...15 minutes.

Chromic anhydride - 50. Solution temperature - 65...75 "C, processing time - 10...20 minutes.

For copper and its alloys

Sulfuric acid - 15, potassium dichromate - 100. Solution temperature - 45°C, processing time - 5...10 minutes.

Potassium dichromate - 150. Solution temperature - 60°C, processing time - 2...5 minutes.

For aluminum and its alloys

Orthophosphoric acid - 300, chromic anhydride - 15. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, processing time - 2...5 minutes.

Potassium dichromate - 200. Solution temperature - 20°C, “processing time -5...10 min.

For silver

Potassium bichromate - 50. Solution temperature - 25...40°C, processing time - 20 minutes.

For zinc

Sulfuric acid - 2...3, chromic anhydride - 150...200. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 5...10 s.


As already mentioned, the phosphate film on the surface of steel parts is a fairly reliable anti-corrosion coating. It is also an excellent primer for paintwork.

Some low-temperature phosphating methods are applicable for treating passenger car bodies before coating them with anti-corrosion and anti-wear compounds.

Compositions of solutions for phosphating (g/l)

For steel

Majef (manganese and iron phosphate salts) - 30, zinc nitrate - 40, sodium fluoride - 10. Solution temperature - 20°C, treatment time - 40 minutes.

Monozinc phosphate - 75, zinc nitrate - 400...600. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 20...30 s.

Majef - 25, zinc nitrate - 35, sodium nitrite - 3. Solution temperature - 20°C, treatment time - 40 minutes.

Monoammonium phosphate - 300. Solution temperature - 60...80°C, processing time - 20...30 s.

Orthophosphoric acid - 60...80, chromic anhydride - 100...150. Solution temperature - 50...60°C, processing time - 20...30 minutes.

Orthophosphoric acid - 400...550, butyl alcohol - 30. Solution temperature - 50°C, processing time - 20 minutes.

Metal coating

Chemical coating of some metals with others is captivating with its simplicity technological process. Indeed, if, for example, it is necessary to chemically nickel-plate any steel part, it is enough to have suitable enameled utensils and a heating source ( gas stove, Primus, etc.) and relatively scarce chemicals. An hour or two - and the part is covered with a shiny layer of nickel.

Note that only with the help of chemical nickel plating can parts with complex profiles and internal cavities (pipes, etc.) be reliably nickel-plated. True, chemical nickel plating (and some other similar processes) is not without its drawbacks. The main one is that the adhesion of the nickel film to the base metal is not very strong. However, this drawback can be eliminated; for this, the so-called low-temperature diffusion method is used. It allows you to significantly increase the adhesion of the nickel film to the base metal. This method is applicable to all chemical coatings of some metals with others.

Nickel plating

The chemical nickel plating process is based on the reduction reaction of nickel from aqueous solutions its salts using sodium hypophosphite and some other chemicals.

Chemically produced nickel coatings have an amorphous structure. The presence of phosphorus in nickel makes the film similar in hardness to chromium film. Unfortunately, the adhesion of the nickel film to the base metal is relatively low. Thermal treatment of nickel films (low-temperature diffusion) consists of heating nickel-plated parts to a temperature of 400°C and holding them at this temperature for 1 hour.

If the parts coated with nickel are hardened (springs, knives, fishhooks, etc.), then at a temperature of 40°C they can be tempered, that is, they can lose their main quality - hardness. In this case, low-temperature diffusion is carried out at a temperature of 270...300 C with a holding time of up to 3 hours. In this case, heat treatment also increases the hardness of the nickel coating.

All of the listed advantages of chemical nickel plating have not escaped the attention of technologists. They found practical use for them (except for the use of decorative and anti-corrosion properties). Thus, with the help of chemical nickel plating, axes of various mechanisms, worms of thread-cutting machines, etc. are repaired.

At home, using nickel plating (chemical, of course!) you can repair parts of various household devices. The technology here is extremely simple. For example, the axis of some device was demolished. Then a layer of nickel is built up (in excess) on the damaged area. Then the working area of ​​the axle is polished, bringing it to the desired size.

It should be noted that chemical nickel plating cannot be used to coat metals such as tin, lead, cadmium, zinc, bismuth and antimony.
Solutions used for chemical nickel plating are divided into acidic (pH - 4...6.5) and alkaline (pH - above 6.5). Acidic solutions are preferably used for coating ferrous metals, copper and brass. Alkaline - for stainless steels.

Acidic solutions (compared to alkaline ones) on a polished part give a smoother (mirror-like) surface, they have less porosity, and the process speed is higher. Another important feature of acidic solutions: they are less likely to self-discharge when the operating temperature is exceeded. (Self-discharge is the instantaneous precipitation of nickel into the solution with the latter splashing.)

Alkaline solutions have the main advantage of more reliable adhesion of the nickel film to the base metal.

And one last thing. Water for nickel plating (and when applying other coatings) is taken distilled (you can use condensate from household refrigerators). Chemical reagents are suitable at least clean (designation on the label - C).

Before covering parts with any metal film, it is necessary to carry out special preparation of their surface.

The preparation of all metals and alloys is as follows. The treated part is degreased in one of the aqueous solutions, and then the part is picked out in one of the solutions listed below.

Compositions of solutions for pickling (g/l)

For steel

Sulfuric acid - 30...50. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 20...60 s.

Hydrochloric acid - 20...45. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 15...40 s.

Sulfuric acid - 50...80, hydrochloric acid - 20...30. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 8...10 s.

For copper and its alloys

Sulfuric acid - 5% solution. Temperature - 20°C, processing time - 20s.

For aluminum and its alloys

Nitric acid. (Attention, 10...15% solution.) Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 5...15 s.

Please note that for aluminum and its alloys, before chemical nickel plating, another treatment is carried out - the so-called zincate treatment. Below are solutions for zincate treatment.

For aluminum

Caustic soda - 250, zinc oxide - 55. Solution temperature - 20 C, processing time - 3...5 s.

Caustic soda - 120, zinc sulfate - 40. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 1.5...2 minutes.

When preparing both solutions, first dissolve caustic soda separately in half of the water, and the zinc component in the other half. Then both solutions are poured together.

For foundries aluminum alloys

Caustic soda - 10, zinc oxide - 5, Rochelle salt (crystalline hydrate) - 10. Solution temperature - 20 C, processing time - 2 minutes.

For wrought aluminum alloys

Ferric chloride (crystalline hydrate) - 1, caustic soda - 525, zinc oxide 100, Rochelle salt - 10. Solution temperature - 25 ° C, processing time - 30...60 s.

After zincate treatment, the parts are washed in water and hung in a nickel plating solution.

All solutions for nickel plating are universal, that is, suitable for all metals (although there are some specifics). They are prepared in a certain sequence. So, all chemical reagents (except for sodium hypophosphite) are dissolved in water (enamel dishes!). Then the solution is heated to operating temperature and only after that sodium hypophosphite is dissolved and the parts are hung in the solution.

In 1 liter of solution you can nickel-plate a surface with an area of ​​up to 2 dm2.

Compositions of solutions for nickel plating (g/l)

Nickel sulfate - 25, sodium succinate - 15, sodium hypophosphite - 30. Solution temperature - 90°C, pH - 4.5, film growth rate - 15...20 µm/h.

Nickel chloride - 25, sodium succinate - 15, sodium hypophosphite - 30. Solution temperature - 90...92°C, pH - 5.5, growth rate - 18...25 µm/h.

Nickel chloride - 30, glycolic acid - 39, sodium hypophosphite - 10. Solution temperature 85..89°C, pH - 4.2, growth rate - 15...20 µm/h.

Nickel chloride - 21, sodium acetate - 10, sodium hypophosphite - 24, solution temperature - 97°C, pH - 5.2, growth rate - up to 60 µm/h.

Nickel sulfate - 21, sodium acetate - 10, lead sulfide - 20, sodium hypophosphite - 24. Solution temperature - 90°C, pH - 5, growth rate - up to 90 µm/h.

Nickel chloride - 30, acetic acid - 15, lead sulfide - 10...15, sodium hypophosphite - 15. Solution temperature - 85...87 ° C, pH - 4.5, growth rate - 12...15 µm /h.

Nickel chloride - 45, ammonium chloride - 45, sodium citrate - 45, sodium hypophosphite - 20. Solution temperature - 90°C, pH - 8.5, growth rate - 18... 20 µm/h.

Nickel chloride - 30, ammonium chloride - 30, sodium succinate - 100, ammonia (25% solution - 35, sodium hypophosphite - 25).
Temperature - 90°C, pH - 8...8.5, growth rate - 8...12 µm/h.

Nickel chloride - 45, ammonium chloride - 45, sodium acetate - 45, sodium hypophosphite - 20. Solution temperature - 88...90°C, pH - 8...9, growth rate - 18...20 µm/ h.

Nickel sulfate - 30, ammonium sulfate - 30, sodium hypophosphite - 10. Solution temperature - 85°C, pH - 8.2...8.5, growth rate - 15...18 µm/h.

Attention! According to existing GOSTs, a single-layer nickel coating per 1 cm2 has several dozen through pores (to the base metal). Naturally, in the open air, a steel part coated with nickel will quickly become covered with a “rash” of rust.

In a modern car, for example, the bumper is covered with a double layer (an underlayer of copper, and on top - chrome) and even a triple layer (copper - nickel - chrome). But this does not save the part from rust, since according to GOST and triple coating there are several pores per 1 cm2. What to do? The solution is to treat the surface of the coating with special compounds that close the pores.

Wipe the part with nickel (or other) coating with a slurry of magnesium oxide and water and immediately immerse it in a 50% solution of hydrochloric acid for 1...2 minutes.

After heat treatment, dip the part that has not yet cooled down into non-vitaminized fish oil (preferably old, unsuitable for its intended purpose).

Wipe the nickel-plated surface of the part 2...3 times with LPS (easily penetrating lubricant).

In the last two cases, excess fat (lubricant) is removed from the surface with gasoline after a day.

Large surfaces (bumpers, car moldings) are treated with fish oil as follows. In hot weather, wipe them with fish oil twice with a break of 12...14 hours. Then, after 2 days, excess fat is removed with gasoline.

The effectiveness of such processing is characterized by the following example. Nickel-plated fishing hooks begin to rust immediately after the first fishing in the sea. The same hooks treated with fish oil do not corrode for almost the entire summer sea fishing season.

Chrome plating

Chemical chrome plating allows you to obtain a gray coating on the surface of metal parts, which, after polishing, acquires the desired shine. Chrome fits well over nickel coating. The presence of phosphorus in chemically produced chromium significantly increases its hardness. Heat treatment for chrome coatings is necessary.

Below are practice-tested recipes for chemical chrome plating.

Compositions of solutions for chemical chromium plating (g/l)

Chromium fluoride - 14, sodium citrate - 7, acetic acid - 10 ml, sodium hypophosphite - 7. Solution temperature - 85...90°C, pH - 8...11, growth rate - 1.0...2 .5 µm/h.

Chromium fluoride - 16, chromium chloride - 1, sodium acetate - 10, sodium oxalate - 4.5, sodium hypophosphite - 10. Solution temperature - 75...90°C, pH - 4...6, growth rate - 2 ...2.5 µm/h.

Chromium fluoride - 17, chromium chloride - 1.2, sodium citrate - 8.5, sodium hypophosphite - 8.5. Solution temperature - 85...90°C, pH - 8...11, growth rate - 1...2.5 µm/h.

Chromium acetate - 30, nickel acetate - 1, sodium glycolic acid - 40, sodium acetate - 20, sodium citrate - 40, acetic acid - 14 ml, sodium hydroxide - 14, sodium hypophosphite - 15. Solution temperature - 99 ° C, pH - 4...6, growth rate - up to 2.5 µm/h.

Chromium fluoride - 5...10, chromium chloride - 5...10, sodium citrate - 20...30, sodium pyrophosphate (replacement of sodium hypophosphite) - 50...75.
Solution temperature - 100°C, pH - 7.5...9, growth rate - 2...2.5 µm/h.

Boron nickel plating

The film of this dual alloy has increased hardness (especially after heat treatment), a high melting point, high wear resistance and significant corrosion resistance. All this allows the use of such coating in various responsible homemade structures. Below are recipes for solutions in which boronickel plating is carried out.

Compositions of solutions for chemical boronickeling (g/l)

Nickel chloride - 20, sodium hydroxide - 40, ammonia (25% solution): - 11, sodium borohydride - 0.7, ethylenediamine (98% solution) - 4.5. The solution temperature is 97°C, the growth rate is 10 µm/h.

Nickel sulfate - 30, triethylsyntetramine - 0.9, sodium hydroxide - 40, ammonia (25% solution) - 13, sodium borohydride - 1. Solution temperature - 97 C, growth rate - 2.5 µm/h.

Nickel chloride - 20, sodium hydroxide - 40, Rochelle salt - 65, ammonia (25% solution) - 13, sodium borohydride - 0.7. The solution temperature is 97°C, the growth rate is 1.5 µm/h.

Caustic soda - 4...40, potassium metabisulfite - 1...1.5, sodium potassium tartrate - 30...35, nickel chloride - 10...30, ethylenediamine (50% solution) - 10...30 , sodium borohydride - 0.6...1.2. Solution temperature - 40...60°C, growth rate - up to 30 µm/h.

Solutions are prepared in the same way as for nickel plating: first, everything except sodium borohydride is dissolved, the solution is heated and sodium borohydride is dissolved.


The use of this chemical process makes it possible to obtain a film of particularly high hardness. It is used to repair friction pairs where increased wear resistance of the coating is required.

Compositions of solutions for boron cobaltation (g/l)

Cobalt chloride - 20, sodium hydroxide - 40, sodium citrate - 100, ethylenediamine - 60, ammonium chloride - 10, sodium borohydride - 1. Solution temperature - 60°C, pH - 14, growth rate - 1.5.. .2.5 µm/h.

Cobalt acetate - 19, ammonia (25% solution) - 250, potassium tartrate - 56, sodium borohydride - 8.3. Solution temperature - 50°C, pH - 12.5, growth rate - 3 µm/h.

Cobalt sulfate - 180, boric acid - 25, dimethylborazan - 37. Solution temperature - 18°C, pH - 4, growth rate - 6 µm/h.

Cobalt chloride - 24, ethylenediamine - 24, dimethylborazan - 3.5. Solution temperature - 70 C, pH - 11, growth rate - 1 µm/h.

The solution is prepared in the same way as boronickel.

Cadmium plating

On the farm, it is often necessary to use fasteners coated with cadmium. This is especially true for parts that are used outdoors.

It has been noted that chemically produced cadmium coatings adhere well to the base metal even without heat treatment.

Cadmium chloride - 50, ethylenediamine - 100. Cadmium must be in contact with the parts (suspension on cadmium wire, small parts are sprinkled with powdered cadmium). Solution temperature - 65°C, pH - 6...9, growth rate - 4 µm/h.

Attention! Ethylenediamine is the last to be dissolved in the solution (after heating).

Copper plating

Chemical copper plating is most often used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards for radio electronics, in electroplating, for metallization of plastics, and for double coating of some metals with others.

Compositions of solutions for copper plating (g/l)

Copper sulfate - 10, sulfuric acid - 10. Solution temperature - 15...25 ° C, growth rate - 10 µm/h.

Potassium sodium tartrate - 150, copper sulfate - 30, caustic soda - 80. Solution temperature - 15...25 ° C, growth rate - 12 µm/h.

Copper sulfate - 10...50, caustic soda - 10...30, Rochelle salt 40...70, formalin (40% solution) - 15...25. The solution temperature is 20°C, the growth rate is 10 µm/h.

Copper sulfate - 8...50, sulfuric acid - 8...50. The solution temperature is 20°C, the growth rate is 8 µm/h.

Copper sulfate - 63, potassium tartrate - 115, sodium carbonate - 143. Solution temperature - 20 C, growth rate - 15 µm/h.

Copper sulfate - 80...100, caustic soda - 80...,100, sodium carbonate - 25...30, nickel chloride - 2...4, Rochelle salt - 150...180, formalin (40% - nal solution) - 30...35. The solution temperature is 20°C, the growth rate is 10 µm/h. This solution makes it possible to obtain films with a low nickel content.

Copper sulfate - 25...35, sodium hydroxide - 30...40, sodium carbonate - 20-30, Trilon B - 80...90, formalin (40% solution) - 20...25, rhodanine - 0.003...0.005, potassium iron sulfide (red blood salt) - 0.1..0.15. Solution temperature - 18...25°C, growth rate - 8 µm/h.

This solution is highly stable over time and makes it possible to obtain thick films of copper.

To improve the adhesion of the film to the base metal, heat treatment is used the same as for nickel.


Silvering of metal surfaces is perhaps the most popular process among craftsmen, which they use in their activities. Dozens of examples can be given. For example, restoring the silver layer on cupronickel cutlery, silvering samovars and other household items.

For coiners, silvering, together with chemical coloring of metal surfaces (which will be discussed below), is a way to increase the artistic value of embossed paintings. Imagine a minted ancient warrior, whose chain mail and helmet are silvered.

The chemical silvering process itself can be carried out using solutions and pastes. The latter is preferable when processing large surfaces (for example, when silvering samovars or parts of large embossed paintings).

Composition of solutions for silver plating (g/l)

Silver chloride - 7.5, potassium iron sulfide - 120, potassium carbonate - 80. Working solution temperature - about 100°C. Processing time - until the desired thickness of the silver layer is obtained.

Silver chloride - 10, sodium chloride - 20, potassium tartrate - 20. Processing - in a boiling solution.

Silver chloride - 20, potassium ferric sulfide - 100, potassium carbonate - 100, ammonia (30% solution) - 100, sodium chloride - 40. Processing - in a boiling solution.

First, a paste is prepared from silver chloride - 30 g, tartaric acid - 250 g, sodium chloride - 1250, and everything is diluted with water until the consistency of sour cream. 10...15 g of paste is dissolved in 1 liter of boiling water. Processing - in a boiling solution.

The parts are hung in silvering solutions on zinc wires (strips).

Processing time is determined visually. It should be noted here that brass is better silvered than copper. The latter must be coated with a fairly thick layer of silver in order to dark copper would not be visible through the coating layer.

One more note. Solutions with silver salts cannot be stored for a long time, as this can form explosive components. The same applies to all liquid pastes.

Compositions of pastes for silvering.

2 g of lapis pencil are dissolved in 300 ml of warm water (sold in pharmacies, it is a mixture of silver nitrate and amino acid potassium, taken in a ratio of 1:2 (by weight). A 10% solution of sodium chloride is gradually added to the resulting solution until the precipitation. The curdled precipitate of silver chloride is filtered and washed thoroughly in 5...6 waters.

20 g of sodium thiosulfite are dissolved in 100 ml of water. Silver chloride is added to the resulting solution until it stops dissolving. The solution is filtered and tooth powder is added to it until it reaches the consistency of liquid sour cream. Rub (silver) the part with this paste using a cotton swab.

Lapis pencil - 15, citric acid(food) - 55, ammonium chloride - 30. Each component is ground into powder before mixing. Component content - in% (by weight).

Silver chloride - 3, sodium chloride - 3, sodium carbonate - 6, chalk - 2. Contents of components - in parts (by weight).

Silver chloride - 3, sodium chloride - 8, potassium tartrate - 8, chalk - 4. Content of components - in parts (by weight).

Silver nitrate - 1, sodium chloride - 2. Content of components - in parts (by weight).

The last four pastes are used as follows. Finely ground components are mixed. Using a wet swab, dusting it with a dry mixture of chemicals, rub (silver) the desired part. The mixture is added all the time, constantly moistening the tampon.

When silvering aluminum and its alloys, the parts are first galvanized and then coated with silver.

Zincate treatment is carried out in one of the following solutions.

Compositions of solutions for zincate treatment (g/l)

For aluminum

Caustic soda - 250, zinc oxide - 55. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 3...5 s.

Caustic soda - 120, zinc sulfate - 40. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 1.5...2.0 minutes. To obtain a solution, first dissolve sodium hydroxide in one half of the water and zinc sulfate in the other. Then both solutions are poured together.

For duralumin

Caustic soda - 10, zinc oxide - 5, Rochelle salt - 10. Solution temperature - 20°C, processing time - 1...2 minutes.

After zincate treatment, the parts are silvered in any of the above solutions. However, the following solutions (g/l) are considered the best.

Silver nitrate - 100, ammonium fluoride - 100. Solution temperature - 20°C.

Silver fluoride - 100, ammonium nitrate - 100. Solution temperature - 20°C.


Chemical tinning of the surfaces of parts is used as an anti-corrosion coating and as a preliminary process (for aluminum and its alloys) before soldering with soft solders. Below are the compositions for tinning some metals.

Tinning compounds (g/l)

For steel

Tin chloride (fused) - 1, ammonia alum - 15. Tinning is carried out in a boiling solution, the growth rate is 5...8 µm/h.

Tin chloride - 10, aluminum ammonium sulfate - 300. Tinning is carried out in a boiling solution, the growth rate is 5 µm/h.

Tin chloride - 20, Rochelle salt - 10. Solution temperature - 80°C, growth rate - 3...5 µm/h.

Tin chloride - 3...4, Rochelle salt - until saturation. Solution temperature - 90...100°C, growth rate - 4...7 µm/h.

For copper and its alloys

Tin chloride - 1, potassium tartrate - 10. Tinning is carried out in a boiling solution, the growth rate is 10 µm/h.

Tin chloride - 20, sodium lactic acid - 200. Solution temperature - 20°C, growth rate - 10 µm/h.

Tin chloride - 8, thiourea - 40...45, sulfuric acid - 30...40. The solution temperature is 20°C, the growth rate is 15 µm/h.

Tin chloride - 8...20, thiourea - 80...90, hydrochloric acid - 6.5...7.5, sodium chloride - 70...80. Solution temperature - 50...100°C, growth rate - 8 µm/h.

Tin chloride - 5.5, thiourea - 50, tartaric acid - 35. Solution temperature - 60...70°C, growth rate - 5...7 µm/h.

When tinning parts made of copper and its alloys, they are hung on zinc hangers. Small parts are “powdered” with zinc filings.

For aluminum and its alloys

Tinning of aluminum and its alloys is preceded by some additional processes. First, parts degreased with acetone or gasoline B-70 are treated for 5 minutes at a temperature of 70 ° C with the following composition (g/l): sodium carbonate - 56, sodium phosphate - 56. Then the parts are immersed for 30 s in a 50% solution of nitric acid. acid, rinse thoroughly under running water and immediately place in one of the solutions (for tinning) given below.

Sodium stannate - 30, sodium hydroxide - 20. Solution temperature - 50...60°C, growth rate - 4 µm/h.

Sodium stannate - 20...80, potassium pyrophosphate - 30...120, caustic soda - 1.5..L.7, ammonium oxalate - 10...20. Solution temperature - 20...40°C, growth rate - 5 µm/h.

Removing metal coatings

Typically, this process is necessary to remove low-quality metal films or to clean any metal product being restored.

All of the solutions below work faster at elevated temperatures.

Compositions of solutions for removing metal coatings in parts (by volume)

For steel removing nickel from steel

Nitric acid - 2, sulfuric acid - 1, iron sulfate (oxide) - 5...10. The temperature of the mixture is 20°C.

Nitric acid - 8, water - 2. Solution temperature - 20 C.

Nitric acid - 7, acetic acid (glacial) - 3. Mixture temperature - 30°C.

To remove nickel from copper and its alloys (g/l)

Nitrobenzoic acid - 40...75, sulfuric acid - 180. Solution temperature - 80...90 C.

Nitrobenzoic acid - 35, ethylenediamine - 65, thiourea - 5...7. The solution temperature is 20...80°C.

To remove nickel from aluminum and its alloys, commercial nitric acid is used. Acid temperature - 50°C.

To remove copper from steel

Nitrobenzoic acid - 90, diethylenetriamine - 150, ammonium chloride - 50. Solution temperature - 80°C.

Sodium pyrosulfate - 70, ammonia (25% solution) - 330. Solution temperature - 60°.

Sulfuric acid - 50, chromic anhydride - 500. Solution temperature - 20°C.

For removing copper from aluminum and its alloys (with zincate treatment)

Chromic anhydride - 480, sulfuric acid - 40. Solution temperature - 20...70°C.

Technical nitric acid. The solution temperature is 50°C.

To remove silver from steel

Nitric acid - 50, sulfuric acid - 850. Temperature - 80°C.

Technical nitric acid. Temperature - 20°C.

Silver is removed from copper and its alloys using technical nitric acid. Temperature - 20°C.

Chrome is removed from steel with a solution of caustic soda (200 g/l). The solution temperature is 20 C.

Chromium is removed from copper and its alloys with 10% hydrochloric acid. The solution temperature is 20°C.

Zinc is removed from steel with 10% hydrochloric acid - 200 g/l. The solution temperature is 20°C.

Zinc is removed from copper and its alloys with concentrated sulfuric acid. Temperature - 20 C.

Cadmium and zinc are removed from any metals with a solution of aluminum nitrate (120 g/l). The solution temperature is 20°C.

Tin is removed from steel with a solution containing sodium hydroxide - 120, nitrobenzoic acid - 30. Solution temperature - 20°C.

Tin is removed from copper and its alloys in a solution of ferric chloride - 75...100, copper sulfate - 135...160, acetic acid (glacial) - 175. solution temperature - 20°C.

Chemical oxidation and coloring of metals

Chemical oxidation and painting of the surface of metal parts are intended to create an anti-corrosion coating on the surface of the parts and enhance the decorative effect of the coating.

In ancient times, people already knew how to oxidize their crafts, changing their color (blackening silver, painting gold, etc.), burnishing steel objects (heating a steel part to 220...325 ° C, they lubricated it with hemp oil).

Compositions of solutions for oxidizing and painting steel (g/l)

Note that before oxidation, the part is ground or polished, degreased and pickled.


Caustic soda - 750, sodium nitrate - 175. Solution temperature - 135°C, processing time - 90 minutes. The film is dense and shiny.

Caustic soda - 500, sodium nitrate - 500. Solution temperature - 140°C, processing time - 9 minutes. The film is intense.

Caustic soda - 1500, sodium nitrate - 30. Solution temperature - 150°C, processing time - 10 minutes. The film is matte.

Caustic soda - 750, sodium nitrate - 225, sodium nitrate - 60. Solution temperature - 140°C, treatment time - 90 minutes. The film is shiny.

Calcium nitrate - 30, orthophosphoric acid - 1, manganese peroxide - 1. Solution temperature - 100°C, processing time - 45 minutes. The film is matte.

All of the above methods are characterized by a high operating temperature of the solutions, which, of course, does not allow processing large-sized parts. However, there is one “low-temperature solution” suitable for this purpose (g/l): sodium thiosulfate - 80, ammonium chloride - 60, orthophosphoric acid - 7, nitric acid - 3. Solution temperature - 20 ° C, processing time - 60 min . The film is black, matte.

After oxidizing (blackening) the steel parts, they are treated for 15 minutes in a solution of potassium chromium (120 g/l) at a temperature of 60°C.

Then the parts are washed, dried and coated with any neutral machine oil.


Hydrochloric acid - 30, ferric chloride - 30, mercury nitrate - 30, ethyl alcohol - 120. Solution temperature - 20...25 ° C, processing time - up to 12 hours.

Sodium hydrosulfide - 120, lead acetate - 30. Solution temperature - 90...100°C, processing time - 20...30 minutes.


Lead acetate - 15...20, sodium thiosulfate - 60, acetic acid (glacial) - 15...30. The solution temperature is 80°C. Processing time depends on the color intensity.

Compositions of solutions for oxidation and coloring of copper (g/l)

Bluish-black colors

Caustic soda - 600...650, sodium nitrate - 100...200. Solution temperature - 140°C, treatment time - 2 hours.

Caustic soda - 550, sodium nitrate - 150...200. Solution temperature - 135...140°C, processing time - 15...40 minutes.

Caustic soda - 700...800, sodium nitrate - 200...250, sodium nitrate -50...70. Solution temperature - 140...150°C, processing time - 15...60 minutes.

Caustic soda - 50...60, potassium persulfate - 14...16. Solution temperature - 60...65 C, processing time - 5...8 minutes.

Potassium sulfide - 150. Solution temperature - 30°C, processing time - 5...7 minutes.

In addition to the above, a solution of the so-called sulfur liver is used. Sulfur liver is obtained by fusing 1 part (by weight) of sulfur with 2 parts of potassium carbonate (potash) in an iron can for 10...15 minutes (with stirring). The latter can be replaced with the same amount of sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide.

The glassy mass of liver sulfur is poured onto an iron sheet, cooled and crushed to a powder. Store sulfur liver in an airtight container.

A solution of liver sulfur is prepared in an enamel container at the rate of 30...150 g/l, the temperature of the solution is 25...100°C, the processing time is determined visually.

In addition to copper, a solution of sulfur liver can blacken silver well and satisfactorily blacken steel.


Copper nitrate - 200, ammonia (25% solution) - 300, ammonium chloride - 400, sodium acetate - 400. Solution temperature - 15...25°C. The color intensity is determined visually.


Potassium chloride - 45, nickel sulfate - 20, copper sulfate - 100. Solution temperature - 90...100 ° C, color intensity is determined visually.

Brownish yellow color

Caustic soda - 50, potassium persulfate - 8. Solution temperature - 100°C, processing time - 5...20 minutes.


Sodium thiosulfate - 160, lead acetate - 40. Solution temperature - 40...100°C, processing time - up to 10 minutes.

Compositions for oxidizing and painting brass (g/l)


Copper carbonate - 200, ammonia (25% solution) - 100. Solution temperature - 30...40°C, processing time - 2...5 minutes.

Copper bicarbonate - 60, ammonia (25% solution) - 500, brass (sawdust) - 0.5. Solution temperature - 60...80°C, processing time - up to 30 minutes.


Potassium chloride - 45, nickel sulfate - 20, copper sulfate - 105. Solution temperature - 90...100 ° C, processing time - up to 10 minutes.

Copper sulfate - 50, sodium thiosulfate - 50. Solution temperature - 60...80 ° C, processing time - up to 20 minutes.

Sodium sulfate - 100. Solution temperature - 70°C, processing time - up to 20 minutes.

Copper sulfate - 50, potassium permanganate - 5. Solution temperature - 18...25 ° C, processing time - up to 60 minutes.


Lead acetate - 20, sodium thiosulfate - 60, acetic acid (essence) - 30. Solution temperature - 80°C, treatment time - 7 minutes.

3green color

Nickel ammonium sulfate - 60, sodium thiosulfate - 60. Solution temperature - 70...75 ° C, processing time - up to 20 minutes.

Copper nitrate - 200, ammonia (25% solution) - 300, ammonium chloride - 400, sodium acetate - 400. Solution temperature - 20°C, treatment time - up to 60 minutes.

Compositions for oxidizing and painting bronze (g/l)


Ammonium chloride - 30, 5% acetic acid - 15, copper acetic acid - 5. Solution temperature - 25...40°C. Hereinafter, the intensity of bronze color is determined visually.

Ammonium chloride - 16, acidic potassium oxalate - 4, 5% acetic acid - 1. Solution temperature - 25...60°C.

Copper nitrate - 10, ammonium chloride - 10, zinc chloride - 10. Solution temperature - 18...25°C.

Yellow-green color

Copper nitrate - 200, sodium chloride - 20. Solution temperature - 25°C.

Blue to yellow-green

Depending on the processing time, it is possible to obtain colors from blue to yellow-green in a solution containing ammonium carbonate - 250, ammonium chloride - 250. Solution temperature - 18...25°C.

Patination (giving the appearance of old bronze) is carried out in the following solution: liver sulfur - 25, ammonia (25% solution) - 10. Solution temperature - 18...25°C.

Compositions for oxidizing and coloring silver (g/l)


Sulfur liver - 20...80. Solution temperature - 60..70°C. Here and below, the color intensity is determined visually.

Ammonium carbonate - 10, potassium sulfide - 25. Solution temperature - 40...60°C.

Potassium sulfate - 10. Solution temperature - 60°C.

Copper sulfate - 2, ammonium nitrate - 1, ammonia (5% solution) - 2, acetic acid (essence) - 10. Solution temperature - 25...40°C. The content of components in this solution is given in parts (by weight).


Ammonium sulfate solution - 20 g/l. The solution temperature is 60...80°C.

Copper sulfate - 10, ammonia (5% solution) - 5, acetic acid - 100. Solution temperature - 30...60°C. The content of components in the solution is in parts (by weight).

Copper sulfate - 100, 5% acetic acid - 100, ammonium chloride - 5. Solution temperature - 40...60°C. The content of components in the solution is in parts (by weight).

Copper sulfate - 20, potassium nitrate - 10, ammonium chloride - 20, 5% acetic acid - 100. Solution temperature - 25...40°C. The content of components in the solution is in parts (by weight).


Liver sulfur - 1.5, ammonium carbonate - 10. Solution temperature - 60°C.

Liver sulfur - 15, ammonium chloride - 40. Solution temperature - 40...60°C.


Iodine - 100, hydrochloric acid - 300. Solution temperature - 20°C.

Iodine - 11.5, potassium iodide - 11.5. The solution temperature is 20°C.

Attention! When dyeing silver green, you must work in the dark!

Composition for oxidizing and painting nickel (g/l)

Nickel can only be painted black. The solution (g/l) contains: ammonium persulfate - 200, sodium sulfate - 100, iron sulfate - 9, ammonium thiocyanate - 6. Solution temperature - 20...25 ° C, processing time - 1-2 minutes.

Compositions for the oxidation of aluminum and its alloys (g/l)


Ammonium molybdate - 10...20, ammonium chloride - 5...15. Solution temperature - 90...100°C, processing time - 2...10 minutes.


Arsenic trioxide - 70...75, sodium carbonate - 70...75. The solution temperature is boiling, the processing time is 1...2 minutes.


Orthophosphoric acid - 40...50, acidic potassium fluoride - 3...5, chromic anhydride - 5...7. Solution temperature - 20...40 C, processing time - 5...7 minutes.


Chromic anhydride - 3...5, sodium fluorosilicate - 3...5. Solution temperature - 20...40°C, processing time - 8...10 minutes.

Yellow-brown color

Sodium carbonate - 40...50, sodium chloride - 10...15, caustic soda - 2...2.5. Solution temperature - 80...100°C, processing time - 3...20 minutes.

Protective compounds

Often a craftsman needs to process (paint, coat with another metal, etc.) only part of the craft, and leave the rest of the surface unchanged.
To do this, the surface that does not need to be coated is painted over with a protective composition that prevents the formation of one or another film.

The most accessible, but non-heat-resistant protective coatings are waxy substances (wax, stearin, paraffin, ceresin) dissolved in turpentine. To prepare such a coating, wax and turpentine are usually mixed in a ratio of 2:9 (by weight). This composition is prepared as follows. The wax is melted in a water bath and warm turpentine is added to it. In order for the protective composition to be contrasting (its presence could be clearly seen and controlled), a small amount of dark-colored paint soluble in alcohol is added to the composition. If this is not available, it is not difficult to add a small amount of dark shoe cream to the composition.

You can give a more complex recipe, % (by weight): paraffin - 70, beeswax - 10, rosin - 10, pitch varnish (kuzbasslak) - 10. All ingredients are mixed, melted over low heat and mixed thoroughly.

Waxy protective compounds are applied hot with a brush or swab. All of them are designed for operating temperatures no higher than 70°C.
Protective compounds based on asphalt, bitumen and pitch varnishes have somewhat better heat resistance (operating temperature up to 85°C). They are usually liquefied with turpentine in a ratio of 1:1 (by weight). The cold composition is applied to the surface of the part with a brush or swab. Drying time - 12...16 hours.

Perchlorovinyl paints, varnishes and enamels can withstand temperatures up to 95°C, oil-bitumen varnishes and enamels, asphalt-oil and bakelite varnishes - up to 120°C.

The most acid-resistant protective composition is a mixture of glue 88N (or “Moment”) and filler (porcelain flour, talc, kaolin, chromium oxide), taken in the ratio: 1:1 (by weight). The required viscosity is obtained by adding to the mixture a solvent consisting of 2 parts (by volume) B-70 gasoline and 1 part ethyl acetate (or butyl acetate). The operating temperature of such a protective composition is up to 150 C.

A good protective composition is epoxy varnish (or putty). Operating temperature- up to 160°C.

Chrome, Nickel, Blued? Chrome and nickel difference

Nickel - Chemist's Handbook 21

from "Theory of corrosion and corrosion-resistant structural alloys"

Pure nickel as a construction material is currently used to a limited extent. From chemical industry it has almost completely been replaced by corrosion-resistant steels. Occasionally, nickel is used in some industrial and laboratory installations, mainly due to its extremely high resistance to alkalis. Nickel is widely used for protective and decorative (mainly galvanic) coatings on iron and steel, as well as copper alloys (in order to increase their resistance to atmospheric conditions). There is also information about the use of nickel-clad iron in the chemical industry. Nickel is a slightly more electronegative metal than copper (see Table 2), but it is noticeably more positive than iron, chromium, zinc or aluminum. The equilibrium potential of nickel is -0.25 V, the stationary potential is 0.5 N. Na l-0.02 V. Unlike copper, nickel has a noticeable tendency to transition to a passive state (see Chapter II). These circumstances largely determine the corrosion characteristics of nickel. In oxidizing environments, nickel alloys with chromium additives are more easily passivated and acquire corrosion resistance in a greater number of acidic oxidizing environments compared to pure nickel. It is also worth emphasizing the excellent resistance of nickel to alkalis of all concentrations and temperatures. Nickel, along with silver, is considered one of the best materials for melting alkalis. Nickel can also impart this property to a significant extent to high-nickel steels and cast irons. Nickel is very stable in solutions of many salts, including sea ​​water and other natural waters and a number of organic media. Therefore, it still finds some use in the food industry. In atmospheric conditions, nickel is quite resistant, although it fades somewhat. However, if SO2 is present in a significant amount in the atmosphere, then more noticeable atmospheric corrosion of nickel is observed. The most widespread of the copper-nickel alloys, in addition to the alloy of the cupronickel type, is an alloy based on nickel with copper of the monel type, containing about 30% Cu and 3-4% Fe + Mn, and sometimes also a little Al and Si. This alloy, compared to pure copper and nickel, has increased resistance in non-oxidizing acids (phosphoric, sulfuric and hydrochloric and even medium concentrations of HF), as well as in solutions of salts and many organic acids. The corrosion resistance of Monel, as well as copper and nickel, noticeably decreases with increasing aeration of the environment or access to oxidizing agents. These alloys are characterized by increased anti-corrosion, high mechanical and technological properties and relatively high strength. They are well rolled, cast, processed by pressure and cutting. In the rolled state, RH is 600-700 MPa and 6 = 40-45%. These alloys are good structural materials for some chemical devices operating in low concentrations of h3SO4 and HC1, as well as in acetic and phosphoric acids. It should also be noted that the alloy Monel-K, which is similar in corrosion characteristics, has a composition of % 66 Ni 29 u 0.9 Fe 2.7 Al 0.4 Mn 0.5 Si 0.15. It is characteristic of this alloy that it undergoes hardening during aging. In this state it has high (for non-ferrous metals) mechanical properties av = 100 MPa at 6 = 20%. Monel-K is used for the manufacture of machine parts that have a significant power load, for example, parts of centrifugal pumps, as well as for bolts if it is impossible to use steel due to its insufficient durability or the risk of hydrogenation. The scarcity of the initial components - nickel and copper - greatly limits the distribution of alloys based on them. Alloying nickel with molybdenum (over 15%) gives the alloy very high resistance to non-oxidizing acids (see Fig. 86). Alloys of this type find the widest practical application, the composition of which (% by weight) is given below. Hastelloy C, in addition, sometimes contains 3-5% W. All these three alloys are also quite stable in most organic environments, alkalis, sea and fresh water. Along with high chemical resistance, they have great strength and are a valuable material for chemical machinery and equipment manufacturing. They can be obtained in the form of strips, plates, pipes, wires, they can be welded and cast. Their use is limited by high cost and some technological difficulties (forging, rolling). Nickel-chromium alloys (nichromes) are heat-resistant and extremely heat-resistant and acid-resistant materials. LiCr alloys containing no more than 35% Cr are solid solutions based on the γ-lattice of nickel (austenite). Since chromium and the chromium-rich a-phase with the usual content of interstitial impurities (C, Li, O) are very brittle, the content of 35% Cr should be considered the limit for producing ductile alloys. However, alloys containing more than 30% Cr are practically still too hard, and their processing, even at elevated temperatures, is difficult. It has been established that the purer the alloy in terms of other impurities, mainly interstitial impurities (C, S, O), the higher the chromium content is permissible without fear of deteriorating the technological processing capabilities of the alloy. If it is necessary to obtain very plastic nichrome (for example, for drawing wire 0.01-0.3 mm), the chromium content in silav usually does not exceed 20%. Alloys containing 25-30% (sometimes up to 33%) Cr are used for the manufacture of thick wire and tapes. They are characterized by maximum heat resistance, along with high heat resistance and extremely slow grain growth rates at elevated operating temperatures. Therefore, nichromes, unlike the heat-resistant alloys of the Re-Cr-A1 system (lame), do not lose their ductility so noticeably after working at high temperatures Oh. For the purpose partial replacement nickel, improving machinability and technological properties at high temperatures, sometimes up to 25-30% Fe or more (ferro-chrome) is introduced into these alloys. phosphorus and even carbon are considered harmful impurities that reduce the ductility of the alloy. The presence of no more than 0.02-0.03% 5, 0.05% P in the best varieties vacuum melting nichrome up to 0.04-0.07 and in conventional technical nichrome up to 0.2-0.3% C. Manganese is used as a deoxidizing agent; in addition, it promotes grain refinement during primary crystallization and can be allowed in nichrome-type alloys up to 2% (sometimes higher). The aluminum content is usually allowed no higher than 0.2% (in special alloys up to 1.2%), silicon no higher than 1%, molybdenum is sometimes specially introduced into nichrome (in an amount of 1-3, and sometimes up to 6-7%) to increase the corrosion resistance resistance to chlorine ions, as well as heat resistance.

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Chrome, Nickel, Blued?

People's Commissar 05/02/2011 13:01

If the topic is in the wrong section, please move it to the correct one, because I didn’t find a suitable one.

Gentlemen, members of the forum, tell me who knows. I'm going to take the Flaubert 4mm Cuno Melcher Magnum revolver. There is a choice: Chrome, Nickel, Blued. Since searching on the Internet did not give any results, I decided to turn to knowledgeable people: which one is better to take??? What are the pros and cons, which is more durable and corrosion resistant???

P.S.: The difference in price is not scary, only the quality is of interest.

Groz 02-05-2011 15:16

This is not for wearing, my IMHO is blued. The front cut of the drum will not be so painful to clean. But for wearing, stainless steel is better.

Idalgo 02-05-2011 17:26

I'm for stainless steel.

Foxbat 03-05-2011 12:53

Nickel is nice, but it is still a coating, and a soft one. In addition, it does not protect against corrosion by itself; it is porous. If it is not made exactly as it should, it will rust, which is very noticeable in the mass of cheap edged weapons of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when they were popular with them. Black spots of corrosion appear on it, especially if it is damaged.

No matter what you say, you can’t imagine anything better than stainless steel!

By the way, chrome is a very rare coating for weapons; I’ve never seen it on a mass-produced one (I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I just haven’t seen it), only on expensive sports weapons.

vovikas 05/03/2011 14:34quote: By the way, chrome is a very rare coating for weapons, I’ve never seen it on a mass-produced one (I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I just haven’t seen it), only on an expensive sports weapon! I have my ugly Tanfogle 1911 in chrome (corrected - it was written in nickel). matte. But. It would be better if it was in "no way". scratched coating after a police check - oh well. accidentally put “not like that” - again scratches. so my conclusion is only black or stainless steel, but this is not affordable for everyone (I’m talking about stainless steel, kneshna)...filin 05/03/2011 15:36quote:chrome is a very rare coating for weapons Here we are again “ahead of the rest” "... A huge amount was covered with chrome anyhow. Coating with black chrome is quite common. Nowadays, both expensive and medium-priced hunting weapons are coated with black chrome. As for pistols - Izhmekh quite often sins with white chrome. It looks tacky. And what if on a chrome-plated PM, put a “golden” fuse, trigger, hammer and bolt stop (coated with titanium nitride) - it turns out to be a gypsy’s dream...vovikas 05/03/2011 15:42quote: it turns out to be a gypsy’s dream... but “for the gypsies” nada!!! I serve a gypsy camp (on the line of subtraction, don’t think anything wrong). and their baron goes to shoot at our shooting range. quite an adequate guy. and looks askance with the right eye on my 92nd Beretta, black, no frills! filin 05/03/2011 18:29quote: and looks askance with the right eye Wrong gypsy. Maybe he doesn’t steal horses either... We have their village nearby, so almost all the sets " gold" parts for PM went there. People's Commissar 03-05-2011 19:25

Today I clarified: there is nickel, blued. There are no chrome versions of this model, so the choice is narrowed down: Blued or nickel plated?

vovikas 03-05-2011 19:37

2ts don't bother. In any case, this is not steel, but silumin, and therefore everything else is just coloring.

quas 05/03/2011 20:16quote:Originally posted by filin:so almost all sets of “golden” parts for the PM went there. Very practical covering, durable. :-)zav.hoz 04-05-2011 16:58

If you choose from nickel-plated and blued silumin, then definitely take nickel. The “blueing” peels off once or twice. But chrome – that would be much more serious. My 1911 frame (steel) has a matte Hard-Chrome coating - it looks good, does not scratch and hardly gets dirty.

filin 04-05-2011 18:00quote: But chrome - that would be much more serious. It depends on who is doing it. I have repeatedly seen peeling chrome, but the RPK-74 barrels with a thick chrome coating lasted 30 thousand rounds with 7N6 bullets - the same ones , which M.T. Kalashnikov called “punchons.” Marxist 05/04/2011 21:54

Chrome plating is porous by nature, and porosity strongly depends on the conditions (the faster it is coated, the worse it is, if sclerosis does not fail). Porosity is not important, for example, in hydraulic equipment (everything is covered in oil anyway), but it is critical in weapons, where all sorts of aggressive nastiness accumulates in micro-machines. Moreover, it rusts under the chrome, it’s not visible at first, and when it comes out, it’s too late to drink Borzhom. Therefore, expensive weapons (barrels, in any case) are usually not chrome-plated, but are either made entirely of stainless steel or traditional materials. And nickel plating must be distinguished between electrochemical (plating, like chrome) and chemical - smoother (there is no increase in current density on micro-irregularities and no build-up of coating material on them), possibly non-porous (I won’t say so), and can be done at home.

People's Commissar 05/05/2011 22:08quote: If you choose from nickel-plated and “blued” silumin, then definitely take nickel. The “blueing” peels off once or twice. But chrome – that would be much more serious. My 1911 frame (steel) has a matte Hard-Chrome coating - it looks good, does not scratch and hardly gets dirty.

No, not silumin (except for the drum).

vovikas 05-05-2011 22:37quote: No, not silumin oh-oh!!! ok, lumin!!! Idalgo 05-05-2011 23:03

You need to take stainless steel. Ideal for a revolver.

vovikas 05-05-2011 23:13

Yes, there is no nerve in this version! Kuno doesn't do anything similar. alpha does. but only in serious calibers. so take black and touch up as it wears.

Idalgo 05-05-2011 23:24quote:Originally posted by vovikas:yes, there is no stainless steel in this version! Then of Spraying nah.vovikas 05/05/2011 23:27quote: Then of’s blued, it’s not blued. paint or something else is applied to the alloy. This is not steel!map 05/05/2011 23:33

I'm for a slingshot... with blued steel balls...

It’s not for nothing that slingshots were banned in Germany, but Flauberts were left...

zav.hoz 05-05-2011 23:49quote:Originally posted by map:It’s not for nothing that slingshots were banned in Germany. When was it banned? I seemed to see them at masses, although I was not at all interested.

As for aluminum, the coating is most likely oxidation; it is made in different colors. It can’t be washed off by hand, but a screwdriver or a rusty nail will do it once or twice!

Idalgo 05-05-2011 23:55

Well, why the hell is such happiness, even if you don’t bury the gun blue. Whatever you want, I wouldn’t take it.

gotmog 06-05-2011 10:53

If the alloy is aluminum, then the black coating is most likely obtained by anodizing. There, depending on the composition of the electrolyte, you can obtain the desired color; moreover, the oxide film obtained by anodizing is easily colored even with aniline dyes. May fade in places over time. Oxidized aluminum, as a rule, has a gray-green color. Nickel plating chemically very durable, but thinner than electrolytic. But covering something with black chrome is a hell of a job - it’s too capricious a process. Among other things, the coating on aluminum alloys can be applied by gas plasma spraying, and here the composition of the coating is limited only by the imagination of the “sprayers”

Idalgo 06-05-2011 12:03quote:Originally posted by DIDI:He just didn’t see the “correct gypsy” Beretta. Damn it..give me two!!!Paul! Can I send you yours for engraving? I want it, like a gypsy baron!!! People's Commissar 06-05-2011 13:09

so, I take the black one (either blued or some other crap). Thanks everyone for the information.

Dear admins, do not close the topic yet, because there are no similar topics on the Hansa, and if anyone needs anything, let them discuss it here, thank you in advance.

map 06-05-2011 19:59

[B]When was it banned? I seemed to see them at masses, although I was not at all interested.__________________________________________________________________________

Two or three weeks ago there was information on TV: a Lufthansa pilot was sentenced to 1.5 years for importing two slingshots and ammunition for them with steel balls into Germany...

4erepaha 07-05-2011 16:05

Two or three weeks ago there was information on TV: a Lufthansa pilot was sentenced to 1.5 years for importing two slingshots and ammunition for them into Germany...)