Mot's real name and surname. Mota's wife Maria Melnikova is suspected of providing escort services

What fans found out almost immediately - both Matvey and Maria reported this important event V social networks. But Mot hid his wife’s pregnancy for a long time and spoke about it very romantically - in October he presented a new video, “When the Word Disappears,” at the end of which Maria appeared with an already noticeable belly.

Yesterday, Mot published a new video, which collected the moments of the baby’s birth and his first cry, saying in the description that the boy was named Solomon. The video deeply touched the rapper's fans, and even brought some fans to tears; they appreciated that Matvey was present at the birth and supported his wife.

Many fans expressed the opinion that joint childbirth strengthens trust, family, and respect on the part of the husband for his wife. And looking at how touchingly and tenderly Matvey treats his wife and baby, we are sure that he will be an excellent father, and their family is simply a role model.

But no less heated discussion was sparked by the name, truly rare and unusual, that the Melnikovs decided to give to the baby. Someone remembered that this is the name of Anfisa Chekhova’s son, but in combination with his father’s Georgian surname it sounds harmonious. But the patronymic Matveevich and the surname Melnikov do not fit the name Solomon at all, according to fans, and together they create some kind of ridiculous combination.

"The video is captioned as 'Son. Solomon "interesting name!"

"Are you serious? Solomon? It all sounds ridiculous."

"Solomon??? You can't think of a stupider name"

"Solomon Motovich Melnikov - what does it sound like"

“Unusual name. What will you call it for short?”

"Don't you think the child will be teased?"

“Why make life difficult for a child with such a name?”

Of course, many people liked the name, including its unusualness. Someone showed erudition and remembered that that was the name of the wisest king. But the most important thing, fans noted, is that the child’s parents like the name.

Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, rap artist, member of the "Black Star" label - Matvey Aleksandrovich Melnikov, better known under the pseudonym Mot, first saw the light on March 2, 1990 in the city of Krymsk, in Krasnodar region.

The identity of his parents is unknown to the public, but it was they who comprehensively developed the boy and noticed his musical talent. Five-year-old Matvey and his family move to Krasnodar, where he begins to study ballroom and folk dancing.

At the age of 10, Melnikov received an invitation from the Krasnodar studio "Todes", owned by the famous choreographer Alla Dukhova. At that time, Mot became interested in creativity and

In one of his interviews, Matvey said that he had a happy childhood, the young man often disappeared on the street with his friends, and also played sports.

After finishing the 9th grade of high school, Mot and his parents left for the capital. Moscow instilled in the boy a taste for hip-hop.

Thus began his first attempts to speak recitatively, and a dream appeared - to become a rapper.

Matvey received his school certificate as a gold medalist. And after receiving secondary education, he submits documents to the Moscow State University"(MSU) at the Faculty of Economics. After 5 years of study at the university, he decides to go to graduate school for new knowledge, while continuing to engage in creativity for pleasure.

Also, our hero successfully graduated from the military department with an emphasis in educational work. On the Internet you can find a video where he sings with a guitar for his colleagues.

In 2006, the performer first appeared at the professional studio GLSS and became a member of it. After 3 years, I decided to take part in the “Battle for Respect” project, where Matvey distinguished himself among the first 40 out of several thousand. It was at this time that his current stage name appeared (before that he performed under the name BthaMoT2bdabot).

In 2011, Mot was invited to the first International Hip-Hop Summit together with foreign artists, in the same year the singer’s first album “Remote” was released and the debut video for the song “Millions of Stars” was shot.

2012 brings Melnikov’s next collection - “Repair”. One of the songs from the solo album, “To the Shores,” becomes the idea for the video, which was included in the top five for October.

In 2013, Mot became a member of the popular label "Black Star Inc.", one of the founders of which is Timati. It is worth noting that before the invitation to Black Star, the guy had already been accepted for a fairly highly paid position, but a call from the label’s representative changed the young man’s whole life

In March, a spectacular film adaptation of the single “#MotSteletChoseli” will be released.

Then the time comes for the mini-album “Dash”.

The singer's popularity begins to grow rapidly, especially thanks to duets and active tours. In 2014, the performer presented the solo album "Azbuka Morze", in the recording of which L"One, Misha Krupin, Nel and Timati took part.

Mot ft. L"ONE - Benjamin (2014)

Later, the guy shoots with his hit “Mom, I’m in Dubai,” and after a while he presents a collaboration with the group “VIA Gra”.

In the spring of 2016, he uploaded the album “Inside Out” to the public domain, which included hit songs with, and Artem Pivovarov.

Already in the summer, Mot’s new release “92 days” took place, to which he had a hand

We know him under the pseudonym Mot, but for his parents he is simply Matvey. Mot was born in small town Krymsk, which is located in the Krasnodar region. Krymsk has always been a beautiful and environmentally friendly city, but things were not going well with work. Therefore, the parents decided to move to Krasnodar. In Krasnodar, Mot managed to finish 9 classes, after which his family moved to live in Moscow.


Mot was always a smart guy and participated in all school events. After graduating from school, he entered Moscow State University, which he graduated without any problems.

The beginning of a creative journey

His career began in 2006, when Mot began reading freestyles and participating in Internet battles. Having gained experience and realizing that he is good at music, he decides to try his luck in the “Battle for Respect”, thanks to which not a single rapper in his time became famous. He failed to become famous, but out of 2,000 participants he made it into the top 50, which only provoked the artist. Matvey began performing in clubs, gaining experience and not missing a single party.

First releases

While performing at parties, Matvey did not forget about recording his debut album, which was released in early 2011 and was called “Remote”. The album received quite good reviews critics, which only inflamed the musician. As a result, a year later the second solo album “Repair” was released, on which L’One performed as a guest. The album turned out to be no worse than the debut and quickly spread across noisy cars and players.

Contract with Black Star Inc.

In 2013, Motu was offered to become a member of Timati’s famous label, Black Star Inc. Mot without hesitation joins the label and continues his creative path in a new company. At his new workplace, the artist releases 2 quite strong albums: “Azbuka Morze” and “Inside Out”, as well as one mini-album “Devil”. Timati did not regret hiring Mota into the company; he turned out to be a very hardworking guy who loves his job. IN at the moment Mot is preparing another solo album called “92 days”.

Personal life

Despite the huge number of fans, Mot is a rather modest family man. In 2016, after two years of marriage with Maria Gural, the lovers got married.

Mota's wife Maria Gural was born in Lviv, Ukraine in 1991. She remembers her childhood as a happy and eventful period, despite her parents’ early divorce. According to Maria, they kept good relationship after the separation, so she did not feel a lack of love from either her mother or her father.

Young Gural spent most of her time studying and graduated from school with only two B's.

After finishing school, Maria planned to study in Canada, but her mother did not let her daughter go that far and found a university in Kyiv. Having moved to the capital, Maria studied hard and often visited her parents in Lviv.

In interviews, Gural often emphasizes that she owes her exotic appearance to a mixture of Ukrainian and Jewish blood. The girl was always aware of her attractiveness and participated in photo shoots, so even before gaining fame, Maria Gural had many subscribers on Instagram.

A beginner, but already quite well-known artist of the Black Star label, Mot (Matvey Melnikov), accidentally came across photographs of a girl on a social network. As Maria put it, he “liked all her photos up and down” and subscribed to the account. Having visited Mot’s page, Gural found out that he was a famous rapper, and was surprised that she knew nothing about him.

On initial stage relationship, Mot and Maria Gural commented on each other’s photographs and chatted about abstract topics in personal correspondence.

On her first date in Moscow, Gural, who was afraid of the unknown, took her friend with her. After just a few minutes of live communication, a spark ran between Maria and Matvey, and Mot invited Masha on a second tete-a-tete date.

After this, the young people never parted. The girl became the performer’s muse: Mot dedicated an album to her and starred in the “Soprano” video.

Soon the girl moved to Moscow to live with Matvey, and in 2016 the lovers got married in a casual setting and immediately went on a trip.

On their first wedding anniversary, the couple had a grand wedding.

While her husband is busy with his career, Maria provides a reliable rear: she furnishes the apartment, prepares Mota’s favorite dishes and sometimes organizes charity events.

In January 2018, the couple had a son, Solomon. Maria Gural was the first to share the good news on Instagram, and after her Matvey gave vent to his emotions.

Who took the stage name Mot. The biography, nationality and personal life of this young man are of interest to many fans. Several years ago, the artist became one of the members of the Black Star Inc. label. and began to gain more and more popularity.

Mot. Nationality

Judging by his last name and first name, this artist is, of course, Russian. And he was born on March 2, 1990 in the small town of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory. But the appearance of a rap artist is atypical for a Slavic guy, who is Matvey Melnikov, better known under the pseudonym Mot. His nationality is Russian, although the artist has brown eyes, dark skin and dark hair.

Childhood years

The boy's parents tried to instill in their son a love of knowledge and art, which they did well. As a child, Matvey was restless and had a desire to stand out. Therefore, he directed his energy into sports and dancing.

Five years later, his family moved to Krasnodar, where Matvey lived until he was fifteen years old. In this city, Matvey began to study dancing, first ballroom and later folk. A great achievement for the boy was joining Alla Dukhova’s dance group “Todes” in 2000, at that time he was 10 years old.

As a child, he caused a lot of trouble for his parents, loved to spend a lot of time with friends and disappeared in their company for several days.


Already at the age of fifteen, Matvey moved to Moscow, where he continued to go to school and dance. There, the young man changed his choreographic direction; he was very attracted to hip-hop. He wanted and was quite good at not only dancing to this direction, but also reading his texts. Thus began Matvey Melnikov’s career as a rapper.

Student years

Despite his restless character and constant busyness with dancing, young man managed to graduate high school with a gold medal in 2007.

Matvey decided to enroll in the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University, which he did without much difficulty. In 2012, he passed his thesis defense with flying colors, and Matvey decided to continue his studies in graduate school at the university. All this time, the guy did not stop actively and persistently practicing hip-hop and rap.


While still a student at a Moscow secondary school, Matvey composed lyrics, but after a few months the guy felt that he wanted to professionally record his songs. Thus, in 2006, collaboration began with the GLSS recording studio, which ended with Matvey working there as an artist on an official basis.

In 2009, the young artist took part in the “Battle for Respect” competition for the first time, where he became one of the 40 best out of thousands of competitors. In the same year, Matvey changed his old pseudonym to the now well-known one - Mot. The singer's nationality is Russian, but due to his thick dark beard and dark skin, many fans often assume that he is a native of the Caucasus. By the way, the guy has not only Russian blood. The rapper Mot, whose mother’s nationality can be called Greek (after all, there were Greeks in her family), even wanted to have his wedding in Greece at first.

In 2011, participation in the First International Hip-Hop Summit culminated in a brilliant performance for the artist. In the same year, Mot's first album, entitled Remote, was released, which contained 12 tracks. A video was later shot for the composition “Millions of Stars”, and the song “Cats and Mouse” was recorded with the participation of Ilya Kireev.

On next year Mot's second album, “Repair,” was released; it consists of 11 songs. One of the works called “To the Shores” was very popular in 2012; this composition was used in documentary film called "Black Game: Hitchhiking". And also a video was shot for this song in the city of Krymsk.

In 2013, the rapper was invited to collaborate as a performer of Black Star Ins., as a result general work Many popular songs were released, as well as the album “Devil”.

In 2014, the solo album Azbuka Morze was released, in addition to Mot, Timati, Misha Krupin, Nel took part in the work on the album. And also this year, Mot showed himself as an actor. The artist starred in a short film called “Capsule”.

In 2015, Mot became the director during the filming of the video for the song “Day and Night.” This film adaptation was attended by the popular Russian football player Dmitry Tarasov and his wife Olga Buzova, who is known as the host of the Dom-2 television project.

IN recent years Mot is actively working on creating new tracks; he has also collaborated with such popular performers as Bianca and the Via Gra group.

Currently, the artist continues to be active creative activity, goes on tour, releases videos and participates in television projects.

What nationality is Mot and his wife?

More than six months ago, Mot tied the knot. Matvey Melnikov’s wife, Maria Gural, was born in Lvov, later she went to study and moved to Kyiv, where she met the rapper. The young people first communicated on social networks, then the artist Mot, whose nationality is Russian, invited Maria to Moscow to participate in the filming of the video.

It was after filming that their romance began, which ended in marriage. The wedding of the young people was distinguished by modesty and romance (the couple was dressed in jeans; after registering the marriage, they released a pair of white doves into the sky).

On August 5, 2016, in one of the Moscow registry offices, Maria Gural and Matvey Melnikov, better known as the rapper Mot, legalized their relationship. The nationality of his wife is Ukrainian, she is a fashion model and starred in his video several years ago.