Quotes about teachers and school. Wise sayings about a teacher

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy. Ralph Emerson (1803 - 1882)

It's not about making difficult things easy. Ralph Emerson (1803 - 1882)
Diogenes would have the most students with a barrel of wine. Wladyslaw Katarzynski
Live forever, learn, and you will die a fool. Russian proverb
Forever learning; but not - to learn lessons forever. Grigory Landau
What we value in a good teacher is best qualities a trainer, a clown and a circus horse that is driven around in circles year after year. Maxim Zvonarev
All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows. Dmitry Mendeleev.
One must be born an educator and a teacher; he is guided by innate tact. Disterweg A.
The student who is not superior to his teacher is pitiful. Leonardo da Vinci.
If heaven heard the prayers of children, there would not be a single living teacher left in the world. Persian saying
From the lessons of some teachers, we learn only the ability to sit up straight. Wladyslaw Katarzynski
He who knows everything still has a lot to learn. The author of the aphorism (quote) is unknown
He who knows how, does it; those who don’t know how to teach others. George Bernard Shaw
He who knows how, does it; those who do not know how to teach others; and whoever does not know how to do this, teaches teachers. Lawrence Peter
Whoever the gods want to punish, they make him a teacher. Seneca
I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students. Talmud
It is easier for a mentor to command than to teach. John Locke
For every one person who wants to teach, there are about thirty who don’t want to think. Walter Sellar and Robert Yeatman
Students remember nothing more firmly than the mistakes of their teachers. Anton Ligov
Some children love school so much that they want to stay there all their lives. It is from them that scientists emerge. Hugo Steinhaus
You need to study a lot to know a little. Charles Montesquieu
Education is the sure path to prosperity. But few school teachers serve as proof of this. The author of the aphorism (quote) is unknown
An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. K. Simonov
The merits of a teacher cannot be judged by the size of the crowd that follows him. Bach R.
Being a teacher comes with a lifetime guarantee against kidnapping for ransom. Stanislav Motsarski
According to teachers, eggs do not teach chicken; according to students, chicken is not a bird. Alexander Botvinnikov
Examples when studying science more useful than rules. Isaac Newton
Try to convince your teacher that mistakes are human! Luzan S.
After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. Danton J..
This is a terrible danger - idleness at the desk; idleness for six hours every day, idleness for months and years. This corrupts and morally cripples a person, and neither the school team, nor the school site, nor the workshop - nothing can compensate for what is lost in the most important sphere where a person should be a worker - in the sphere of thought. V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
The secret of teaching is to show that you have known all your life what you read about last night. The author of the aphorism (quote) is unknown
If you don’t know how to do it yourself, teach someone else. Anton Ligov
Get all the great teachers together in one room and they will agree on everything. Gather their disciples together and they will argue with each other on everything. Bruce Lee
The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. A. Diesterweg
Those who teach us intelligence usually do not appeal to our intellect. Leszek Kumor
A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival. Vissarion Belinsky.
Teaching, learning. Seneca
Schoolchildren who failed to learn a lot of unnecessary things become scientists. Edward Yokel
The disciple is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit. Plutarch
To succeed, students need to catch up with those who are ahead and not wait for those who are behind. Aristotle
A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student. Gorky M.
It is also permissible to learn from the enemy. Ovid
A teacher who can endow his students with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels. Hubbard Elbert Green.
A good teacher can teach others even what he himself cannot do. Tadeusz Kotarbiński
A man who is too old to learn has probably always been too old to learn. Henry Haskins
To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. Vasily Klyuchevsky
What the teachers digest, the students eat. Karl Kraus
The school is an enormous force that determines the life and fate of peoples and the state, depending on the main subjects and the principles embedded in the system school education. Mendeleev D. I.
School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future slip out of your hands. Barbus A.
I'm always ready to learn, but I don't always like being taught. W. Churchill
I pay the teacher, but my son is taught by his fellow students. Ralph Emerson

Quotes about education and work as a teacher

There are gaps in my knowledge because I was embarrassed to ask questions to people below me. Therefore, I want my students not to consider it shameful to address all issues to those who are lower than them. Then their knowledge will be more complete and perfect.
Abul-Faraj (Gregory John Bar-Ebrey, 1226 - 1286, Syrian scientist, writer and doctor)

One should trust more those who teach, rather than those who command.
Aurelius Augustine (Augustine the Blessed, 354 - 430, Bishop of Hippo, philosopher and politician)

The teacher touches eternity: no one can say where his influence ends.
Henry Adams (1838 - 1918, American writer and historian)

Until the student reaches the level of knowledge of the teacher, he does not truly know his teacher.
Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali (1058 - 1111, Islamic theologian and philosopher)

No one is your friend, no one is your enemy! But every person is your Great Teacher!
Kora Antarova (1886 - 1959, Russian singer, writer and theologian)

To teach is to instill hope
Louis Aragon (1897 - 1982, French writer and politician)

Teachers to whom children owe their upbringing are more honorable than parents: some give us only life, while others give us a good life.
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC, ancient Greek philosopher and scientist)

Teaching is an unlost art, but respect for teaching is a lost tradition.
Jacques Martin Barzin (b. 1907, American cultural historian and educator)

How important, great and sacred is the rank of a teacher: in his hands is the fate of a person’s entire life.
A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (1811 - 1848, writer and literary critic)

If something is unclear, ask your arithmetic teacher.
Alan Bennett (b. 1934, English writer and actor)

The attitude of the state towards the teacher is a state policy that indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness.
Wars are not won by generals, wars are won by school teachers and parish priests.
Otto von Bismarck (1815 - 1898, German statesman)

Whoever has not been a student will not be a teacher.
Boethius of Dacia (1230 - 1284, French philosopher)

The greatest joy for a teacher is when his student is praised.
Charlotte Brontë (1816 - 1855, English writer)

We ourselves must believe in what we teach our children.
Woodrow Wilson (1856 - 1924, twenty-eighth President of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize laureate)

A bad student is one who is not superior to the teacher.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519, Italian artist, architect and scientist)

A person always learns only from those he loves.
Those from whom we learn are rightly called teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749 - 1832, German poet)

To educate others, we must first educate ourselves.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809 - 1852, Russian writer)

Educating people means making them better; to educate the people means to increase their morality; to make him literate is to civilize him.
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885, French writer)

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be.
Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801 - 1872, Russian ethnographer, writer and physician)

One must be born an educator and a teacher; he is guided by innate tact.
A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches you to find it.
The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself.
Adolf Diesterweg (1790 - 1866, German educator)

Teaching means doubly learning.
Children do not need teachings, but examples.
Joseph Joubert (1754 - 1824, French writer)

A teacher works on the most important task - he shapes a person.
A teacher is an engineer of human souls.
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (1875 - 1946, Soviet statesman)

What is the difference between a good and a great teacher? A good teacher develops a student's abilities to the limit; a great teacher immediately sees this limit.
Maria Callas (1923 - 1977, Greek singer)

A good teacher is one whose words do not differ from his deeds.
Cato the Elder (Marcus Porcius Cato the Censor, 234-149 BC, Roman politician)

A teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom one learns.
Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky (b. 1939, Ukrainian hypnotist)

What could be more honest and noble than teaching others what you yourself know best?
Marcus Fabius Quintilian (about 35 - about 96, ancient Roman orator)

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.
Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s.
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky (1841 - 1911, Russian historian)

Without examples, it is impossible to teach correctly or learn successfully.
Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella (4 - about 70, ancient Roman writer and agronomist)

They have been given an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under this sun.
Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, instructions and application in practice.
Jan Amos Comenius (1592 - 1670, Czech educator)

He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher.
Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance. Provide help only to those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of a square, to imagine the other three.
The teacher said: “My case seems hopeless. I have not yet met a person who, knowing about his mistakes, would admit his guilt to himself.”
If your plan is for a year, plant rice. If your plan is for a decade, plant trees. If your plan is for life, teach your children.
Confucius (c. 551 - 479 BC, ancient Chinese thinker)

Raising a child is not a cute fun, but a task that requires investment - difficult experiences, efforts of sleepless nights and many, many thoughts -
Janusz Korczak (1878 - 1942, Polish teacher and writer)

A good teacher can teach others even what he himself cannot do.
Tadeusz Kotarbiński (1886 - 1981, Polish philosopher)

What the teachers digest, the students eat.
Karl Kraus (1874 - 1936, Austrian writer)

“Some people think that a teacher is stealing from his students. Others say that students rob the teacher. I believe that both are right, and participation in this mutual theft is wonderful.”
Lev Davidovich Landau (1908 - 1968, Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize laureate)

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us.
Ernst Legouwe (1807 - 1903, French writer)

If you know a way to strengthen the body, temper the will, ennoble the heart, refine the mind and balance the mind, then you are an educator.
Charles Jean Marie Letourneau (1831 - 1902, French sociologist, ethnographer and psychologist)

It is pointless for a teacher to talk about curbing passions if he gives free rein to any of his own passions; and his efforts to eradicate in his pupil a vice or obscene trait that he allows in himself will be fruitless.
Nine-tenths of the people we meet are what they are - good or evil, useful or useless - due to education.
John Locke (1632 - 1704, English philosopher)

It seems to us that it is not enough to leave the body and soul of children in the state in which they are given by nature - we take care of their upbringing and teaching, so that the good becomes much better, and the bad changes and becomes good.
Lucian (c. 125 - c. 192, Greek satirical writer)

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.
Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky (1875 - 1933, Soviet statesman)

You learn fastest and best when you teach others.
Rosa Luxemburg (1870 - 1919, German revolutionary)

It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all, people. Of these, parents and teachers come first.
The teacher must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants in at the moment and what he doesn't want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate?
It is impossible to teach a person to be happy, but it is possible to raise him so that he is happy.
Anton Makarenko (1888 - 1939, Soviet teacher and writer)

I'm touching the future. I'm teaching.
Christa McAuliffe (1948 - 1986, American teacher and astronaut)

The teacher himself must be educated.
Karl Marx (1818 - 1883, German economist)

To educate a person means to determine the destiny of a nation.
Schema-Archimandrite John (1932-1991)

All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows.
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834 - 1907, Russian chemist)

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to learn yourself.
The most important thing is to instill taste and love for science; otherwise we will raise just donkeys loaded with bookish wisdom.
Michel Montaigne (1533 - 1592, French philosopher)

Everything you need to know cannot be taught; the teacher can only do one thing - show the way.
Richard Aldington (1892 - 1962)

In education, it's all about who the educator is.
Dmitry Pisarev (1840 - 1868, Russian philosopher and literary critic)

For a teacher, perhaps the most important thing is not to take himself seriously, to understand that he can teach very little. ("French Lessons")
It’s strange: why do we feel guilty in front of teachers just like we do before our parents? And not for what happened at school - no, but for what happened to us after.
Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (b. 1937, Russian writer)

The greatest mistake you can make in parenting is to rush too much.
True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises.
If you want to train your student's mind, train the powers that he must control. Exercise his body constantly; make him healthy and strong; let him work, act, run, scream; let him always be in motion; let him be a man in strength, and soon he will become one in mind... If we want to pervert this order, then we will produce early-ripening fruits, which will have neither maturity nor taste and which will not slow down: we will have young scientists and old children.
Jacques Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778, French philosopher and writer)

The teacher is a person with humor. Imagine a teacher without humor and you will understand that he will not last long, and if he does, then, unfortunately, his legs. Thank God that the Creator of a real teacher took into account this important quality, which does not turn into quantity, but remains quality!
Alexander Ryzhikov (b. 1976, mathematics teacher, laureate of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year 2009”)

A true teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you become yourself
Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov (1903 - 1964, Soviet poet)

Teaching, learning. (another translation - By teaching I learn.)
Whoever the gods want to punish, they make him a teacher.
He teaches to speak well who teaches to do well.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD, Roman philosopher, poet and statesman)

People learn what you teach them, not what you want them to learn.
Burres Frederick Skinner (1904 - 1990, American psychologist)

Study for a long time if you want to teach others. In all sciences and arts, the fruit is correct practice.
Grigory Savvich Skovoroda (1722 - 1794, Ukrainian philosopher and poet)

Education is a difficult matter, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of every person, for there is nothing more important than the education of oneself and one's neighbors.
Socrates (469 - 399 BC, ancient Greek philosopher)

Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise.
If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for a student, like a father or mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.
The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn.
The calling of a teacher is a high and noble calling.
In order for the upbringing of children to be successful, it is necessary for the people raising them to continually educate themselves.
Both upbringing and education are inseparable. You cannot educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge has an educational effect.
A teacher needs to know life deeply in order to prepare for it.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828 - 1910, Russian writer)

A mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires.
William Ward

The teacher feels like a living link between the past and the future, a mighty warrior of truth and goodness and realizes that his work, modest in appearance, is one of the greatest works in history
The teacher is an artist; the school is a workshop where the likeness of a deity emerges from a piece of marble.
Education should not only develop a person’s mind and give him a certain amount of information, but should ignite in him a thirst for serious work, without which his life can be neither worthy nor happy.
The main road of human education is conviction.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824 - 1870, Russian teacher)

A teacher is a person who knows better how to raise other people's children than his own.
Julien de Falkenare (1898-1958, Flemish writer)

Discoveries are born where the teacher’s knowledge ends and the student’s new knowledge begins.
Konstantin Fedin (1892 - 1977, Soviet writer)

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it.
Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661, English philosopher and writer)

Strengths and weaknesses are rooted in school, and the keys to well-being lie with teachers.
Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini (1900? - 1989, Ayatollah, Iranian religious and statesman)

Knowledge - like heaven - belongs to everyone. No teacher has the right to withhold them from anyone who asks for them. Teaching is the art of giving.
Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907 - 1972, Jewish philosopher)

To educate is a matter of duty, but to entertain is a matter of respect (for listeners).
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC, ancient Roman politician and philosopher)

School teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of.
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 - 1965, English statesman)

The teacher must be an artist, an artist, passionately in love with his work
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860 - 1904, Russian writer)

The role of the teacher is to open doors, not to push the student through them.
Arthur Schnabel (1882 - 1951, Austrian teacher, pianist and composer)

Anyone who does not remember his own childhood at all is a bad teacher.
They usually demand a miracle from doctors and teachers, but if a miracle happens, no one is surprised.
Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830 - 1916, Austrian writer)

Most teachers spend time asking questions to find out what the student does not know, but the real art of questioning is to find out what the student knows or is capable of knowing.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955, German physicist)

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy
Every person is superior to me in some way; and in this sense, I have a lot to learn from him.
Ralph Emerson (1803 - 1882, American philosopher)

People are not born, but raised.
Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465-1536, Dutch scientist and writer)

Anyone who thinks one thing and instructs his students in another, it seems to me, is as alien to teaching as to the concept of an honest person.
Flavius ​​Claudius Julian (331 - 363, Roman emperor)

The teacher should appeal not so much to the memory of students, but to their minds, to achieve understanding, and not just memorization
Fedor Ivanovich Yankovic de Marievo (1741-1814, Serbian educator)

Vice is not learned from school teachers. Danish proverb
A strict teacher cannot see his students. Bengali proverb
Your neighbor is your teacher. Egyptian proverb
If the children's prayers had come true, not a single teacher would have survived. Persian proverb
The severity of a teacher is better than the affection of a father. Persian proverb
He who teaches himself has a fool as a teacher. English proverb
The teacher is mute and the student is deaf. Bengali proverb
The teachers open the door. You enter yourself. Chinese proverb
Teachers make mistakes too. Sinhala proverb
Teachers die, but their books live on. Dutch proverb

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy. - R. Emerson

Teaching means doubly learning. - J. Joubert

Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. - V. Klyuchevsky

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be. - V. Dahl

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to learn yourself. - M. Montaigne

The teacher’s task is not to give students maximum knowledge, but to instill in them an interest in an independent search for knowledge, to teach them how to obtain knowledge and use it. - Konstantin Kushner

Other pedagogical loads can only be compared with cosmic overloads. - Konstantin Kushner

Good teachers create good students. - Ostrogradsky M.V.

A teacher who can endow his students with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels. - Hubbard E.

The teacher and his way of thinking are the most important thing in any teaching and upbringing. - Disterweg A.

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches you to find it. - A. Diesterweg

Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling. - L. Tolstoy

One must be born an educator and a teacher; he is guided by innate tact. - A. Diesterweg

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. - A. Diesterweg

The teacher himself must be educated. - K. Marx

He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher. - Confucius

If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher. - L. Tolstoy

Those from whom we learn are rightly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. - I. Goethe

We ourselves must believe in what we teach our children. - W. Wilson

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. - V. Klyuchevsky

School teachers wield power that prime ministers can only dream of. - W. Churchill

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to learn yourself. - M. Montaigne

A good teacher is one whose words do not differ from his deeds. - Cato

1. In the long term, spoon feeding can only teach us what the shape of the spoon itself is. E. M. Foster

2. The secret to real learning is to think about what you learned this morning as if you had known it all your life. Author unknown

3. We can teach based on our experience, but we cannot convey the experience itself. Sasha Azevedo

4. A teacher is someone who, over time, makes himself unnecessary. Thomas Carruthers

5. I like teachers who, in addition to homework giving us something else to take home to think about. Lily Tomlin

6. Teaching is an opportunity to learn something twice. Joseph Hubert

7. The highest art that a teacher possesses is the ability to awaken joy in creative expression and the acquisition of knowledge. Albert Einstein

8. The teacher influences eternity: you can never be sure where his influence ends. Henry Adams

9. A truly wise teacher does not invite you to visit him. own house wisdom, but leads you to the threshold of your own mind. Kahlil Gibran

10. The art of teaching is the art of facilitating discovery. Mark Van Doren

11. I'm not a teacher. I am the one who awakens you. Robert Frost

12. Don't try to cure your students, cure yourself first. A good teacher will make a bad student good and a good student great. Marva Collins

13. When our students fail, we, as their teachers, fail too. Marva Collins

14. When you teach, you need to know three things: your subject, who you are teaching it to, and how to teach your material elegantly. Lola May

15. The average teacher tells. A good teacher explains. A very good teacher demonstrates. A great teacher inspires. William Artout Ward

16. An average teacher explains complex things, a gifted teacher reveals the beauty of simple things. Robert Brault

17. A good teacher is like a candle. He dissolves himself in order to give light to others. Author unknown

18. Don't be angry with others because you can't force them to be the way you want. Be angry at yourself for not being able to become the person you want to be. Thomas A. Kempis

19. The real goal of every teacher is not to instill his opinion in others, but to inflame the minds of others. F. W. Robertson

20. The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit. Plutarch

21. Knowing how to make assumptions is the great art of a teacher. Henry Frederick Amiel

22. You can pay people to teach. But you can't pay them to worry about the outcome. Marva Collins

23. He who teaches must always continue to learn himself. Richard Henry Dunn

24. No one can teach a crab to walk in a straight line. Aristophanes

25. I never teach my students. I only provide the conditions in which they can learn. Albert Einstein

26. Ideal teachers- these are bridge people who invite their students to cross to the other side. The moment they are solved, bridges are destroyed and teachers inspire students to build their own bridges. Nikos Kazantzakis

27. Sometimes one person can inspire many others. Andrew Jackson

28. The stream of thoughts is stories, stories about different events, stories about people and stories about achievements. The best teachers are the best storytellers. We learn by listening to stories. Frank Smith

29. A good teacher gives more questions than answers. Joseph Albers

30. Time is a great teacher. What a pity that he kills all his students. Louis Hector Berlioz

31. Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like tending a garden. And those who do not know what to do with thorns should never deal with flowers. Author unknown.

32. Hey, great teachers: listen to what you say! Goethe

33. A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

34. Teaching should be filled with ideas, not stuffed with facts. Author unknown

35. Before teaching others, a person must understand his life direction. Buddha

36. Treat people as if they are already perfect, and then you will help them become who they can become. Goethe

37. The best teachers teach with their hearts, not with a book. Author unknown

38. A teacher who teaches without inspiring students to learn is trying to forge cold iron. Horace Mann

39. Give me a fish and I can have enough for the day. Teach me to fish and I'll eat for the rest of my life. Chinese proverb

40. Teachers who burn out are not those who are constantly teaching, which can also be exhausting. Those who burn out are teachers who try to keep their students and the classroom under their constant control. Frank Smith

41. Be the one who opens doors for those who follow you. Ralph Waldo Emerson

42. A real teacher will teach his students not to succumb to the influence of others, including their own. Amos Bronson Alcott

43. Both upbringing and education are inseparable. You cannot educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge has an educational effect. L.N. Tolstoy

44. Teachers should lead without forcing, and participate without suppressing. S. B. Neblette

45. For every person who wants to teach, there are about 30 people who don’t want to learn anything else. V. S. Stellar

46. ​​The most important knowledge for every teacher to do his job well is the knowledge of how to students experience the learning process and how they perceive their teacher's actions. Stephen Brookfield

47. You can't control the wind, but you can trim the sails. Author unknown

48. To educate another, we must first educate ourselves. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

49. Everything should be as simple as possible. But it's not easier. Albert Einstein

50. A teacher works on the most important task - he shapes a person. A teacher is an engineer of human souls. M.I. Kalinin

School is a workshop in which teachers create the future of humanity every day.

Each of us was created not only by our parents, but also by teachers who shaped our characters and destinies.

To give knowledge to others, you must regularly receive it yourself - this should be the rule of every teacher.

-Who gave you the right to behave like that in class? - Sorry, young, hot... - And daring.

Everyone has their own skeletons in their closet. And biology teachers also have school ones.

If you made fun of the teacher in class, then in fairness, let him laugh at least during the exam.

We dedicated everything to school long segment their lives, and only teachers devote their entire lives to it every day!

Teachers told us that knowledge would be useful at university. At the university, in return, we were given knowledge that will be useful in our specialty. You come to work, and they retrain you again. Do they even give knowledge for the future somewhere?

Neither students nor teachers like exams, but for the former they at least bring benefits, while for the latter they only waste time.

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Labor teacher: - Today in class we will make a coffin. - For what? - I need to hide...

Being short is not always good; teachers have given me an “n” more than once.

teachers always drew twos ten times more than fives so that the stsuko could be seen))))

When learning science, examples are more useful than rules.

tells, forcing him to dig potatoes at his dacha.

The teacher asked the students to write an essay on the topic - Laziness. Vovochka had nothing on the first page, and the second and third were also empty. On the fourth page there was an inscription - “This is what laziness is” 😀

I'm always happy to learn, but I don't always enjoy being taught. Winston Churchill.

To raise worthy students, the teacher must develop a spirit of competition in them, and their main rival must be himself.

You cannot teach what you do not believe in yourself.

A teacher is one of the most multifaceted professions, because he combines a researcher and a scientist, a writer and a creator, a psychologist and a strategist.

Only teachers came to the movie The Ring, because the bell is for the teacher.

Thank you, teachers. We are hurt, we are hurt to the point of tears. We love you all and will remember you.

Only the first teacher remains forever in memory.

School teachers wield power that prime ministers can only dream of.

If heaven heard the prayers of children, there would not be a single living teacher left in the world.

The teacher, like an actor, must often play different roles while maintaining confidence in each of them.

It's still nice when a teacher respects you!

Learning means discovering what you already know. To do is to demonstrate that you know what you are doing.

A teacher teaches not only science, but also life, becoming an example for students, so when choosing a teacher, think about whether you want your children to become the same.

During the summer, teachers teach how to decipher hieroglyphs. Because since the beginning of the year, in every notebook there seem to be Russian words written, but in some incomprehensible language 😀

I'm sitting in class, reading statuses. She was daydreaming and didn’t notice the teacher approaching. He yelled, took my phone and read the status to the whole class: just shut up and don’t stop the child from dreaming. :ABOUT

A good teacher is one who loves what he teaches and those he teaches.

A tipsy man buys a bottle of vodka and says with annoyance: “You can’t really get around on a teacher’s salary…” “Are you a teacher?!” – the saleswoman is surprised. – My wife is a teacher

Only a mentor can teach you how to apply knowledge in practice, which cannot be said about books.

A teacher should be proud not of students' grades, but of their achievements and victories.

That's why when teachers tell you serious things you want to laugh so much?

When will teachers understand that they cheated, they cheat and will always cheat!

The student’s banal response to the teacher’s phrase: “Why did you forget your diary???!!!” Is your head at home too?! -Yeah, go find it!

The teacher must make it clear to students that it is important not to know everything in the world, but to know those who know.

Only teachers wield true power.

The expression “A shoemaker without boots” is also relevant for teachers, because it is much easier to teach other people’s children, but not your own.

Our teacher constantly quotes some cartoons to us, and then claims that he doesn’t watch them, that these are like his children, but we know everything!

Teachers are the embodiment of ideals and perfection, but in our time this ideal is so unattractive that few people strive for it.

Why do you have to get up when the teachers come in, if they still say sit, sit?

The merits of a teacher cannot be judged by the size of the crowd that follows him.

A teacher cannot teach much, but for each student he opens a new world.

A bad student is one who is not superior to the teacher. Leonardo da Vinci.

I broke up with my boyfriend 3 years ago, but every year I congratulate him on Teacher’s Day, because he taught me to love...)*

When the teacher asks you why you didn’t do the homework. Feel free to answer: “Why is the end of the world coming soon anyway?” 😀

A teacher is one who learns every day.

Often a teacher must sacrifice his ambition and dignity and allow his students to surpass him.

A student drowns during a history exam. The teacher asks a leading question: -Do you remember what documents Lenin signed without looking? The student is silent. The professor sadly: - Eh, girl, - mandates... Indignant student: - You yourself are an old dick!

Teacher: Are you ever normal? Friend: She's always like this on a full moon))

Here are the teachers. They yell at us that we don’t remember what we studied last year, but they themselves forget every test.

A true teacher is not only the one who teaches, but the one who studies his science and tries to enrich it with new discoveries

It is also permissible to learn from the enemy.

Teachers of writing and grammar can safely work as decipherers: after all, every day they decipher the thoughts and handwriting of students.

Our children's best teachers are our grandchildren.

Everyone can learn, only a few can teach.

Sometimes I write my homework on pieces of paper or an essay, a report and then I staple it together... They return my work to me, but where are the paper clips... I damn well can’t stock up on them xD our poor teachers!)

Not everyone who tries to teach is worthy of the title of teacher.

The main goal of teachers is to teach learning.

Serfdom was abolished in 1861, but the history teacher didn’t tell us about it

What is the difference between a good and a great teacher? A good teacher develops a student's abilities to the limit; a great teacher immediately sees this limit.

Never fall in love with teachers: a teacher, like a doctor, is a sexless being.