Horrible stories of Hitler's mistresses. Arctic bases of the Nazi Kriegsmarine

In the photo - Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun on their wedding day, which became the day of their death.

Mitzi Reiter: Early Love. Maria "Mitzi" Reiter was sixteen years old when she began a relationship with thirty-seven-year-old Hitler, who began to notice her in 1926. Adolf Hitler promised her marriage and “fair-haired children,” but later, citing the fact that he had a life mission that he must first complete. In despair from his constant inattention to her, she tried to hang herself, but survived and eventually became the wife of an SS officer. Hitler's sister Paula later said that Reiter was the only person, which could prevent Hitler from turning into a monster.

Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece. According to existing evidence, Hitler's greatest love was incestuous. He was in love with Angela "Geli" Raubal, the daughter of his half-sister. Supposedly, their relationship began when she was seventeen years old. Hitler was a domineering uncle and a domineering lover; in fact, he kept her under lock and key in his apartment in Munich or in a villa he owned near Berchtesgaden. Many believe that Raubal never responded to his feelings.

The love of Hitler's life. In 1931, at the age of 23, Raubal was found dead in a Hitler-owned apartment in Munich with a gunshot wound to the chest. Her death was declared a suicide, but many believe that the future German dictator may have killed her as a result of an argument caused by her plan to move to Vienna. The bullet was fired from Hitler's personal Walther. Researchers believe that after Raubal's death, Hitler became much tougher and no longer allowed people to get as close to him as he had with Raubal. “It was this death that planted the seeds of inhumanity in his soul,” Hitler’s personal photographer later mentioned in his memoirs.

Inga Ley is another suicide. Hitler was a great admirer of Inga Ley, the wife of one of the Nazi Party officials, Robber Ley. There were rumors in Germany that Hitler and Inga Ley had an affair. Again, it was rumored that Hitler had a nude portrait of Ley that hung in the living room of one of his apartments. However, there is no irrefutable evidence of the existence of a sexual relationship between them. Leigh committed suicide in 1942, possibly due to depression caused by drug use, to which she had become addicted due to a difficult birth.

Unity Mitford - English rose Fuhrer. English socialite Unity Mitford moved to Munich in the mid-1930s and quickly entered Hitler's social circle. Her middle name was "Valkyrie" and Hitler was crazy about Norse myths. He would later call her "the ideal example of an Aryan woman."

Eve's rival. Eva Braun was beside herself with jealousy because of the close relationship between Hitler and Unity Mitford. “She is known as the Valkyrie and looks the part, especially her legs. I, lover greatest man in Germany and the whole world, I have to put up with the fact that everyone laughs at me,” Eva Braun wrote in her diary. Hitler began to pay more attention to her after she attempted suicide. Pictured is Unity Mitford (left) with her sisters, 1932.

Romantic betrayal. When Britain declared war on Germany, Mitford was so upset that she shot herself in the temple from a pearl-handled pistol that had been given to her by Hitler. She survived and returned to England, but never fully recovered. In 1948, she died due to complications caused by a bullet that was never removed and lodged too deeply in her head. Pictured: Unity Mitford (second from left) at a Christmas party at the German Embassy in London, held by the Anglo-German Community in 1938.

Mother of Adolf Hitler's child? In 2007 in the English magazine " The New Statesman" article appeared claiming that Mitford was pregnant with Hitler's child and gave birth to the child in a hospital in Britain after her return there. This child, according to the author of the article, was given to foster parents. Pictured: Unity Mitford and her sister Diana Mitford (also a fascist supporter and anti-Semite) with Diana's two children, 1935.

One of Adolf's favorites was an 18-year-old French woman, Charlotte Lobjoie. Then Hitler was already 27, i.e. the difference compared to his other mistresses was not so significant - 9 years. Lobjoie was a bright brunette and looked in many ways like a gypsy. The relationship between them did not last long.

Charlotte was replaced by Geli Raubal. It was proven that she was his own niece. But this did not stop Adolf. Their romance lasted more than 6 years and ended due to the fact that Geli committed suicide. But she was 19 years younger than Adolf. They say that after her death, the Fuhrer was tormented by remorse and even tried to commit suicide. The dramatic ending of this love story does not end with one death, but is repeated in the next relationship.

Maria Reiter also tried to hang herself due to unrequited love. Without becoming someone significant to Hitler, Unity Mitford also tried to commit suicide. She was a real lady and was the daughter of a lord. Their relationship was largely supported by mutual Nazi views. In 1939, Mitford tried to shoot herself and was shot in the forehead by two bullets. To the surprise of the doctors, she survived, although the wounds were fatal. But a few months later, she died from cerebral edema caused by the injury. Adolf and Unity's romance lasted no more than a year.

The personality of Adolf Hitler causes lively discussions: the man who brutally killed millions of people and developed the inhumane ideas of Nazism was known as an expert on women’s hearts and a womanizer. It is interesting that in relations with the fair sex there was no trace of aggression, cruelty and complacency: he was gallant and courteous. There were many names on his Don Juan list, but one of the most scandalous relationships was the affair between the Fuhrer and his cousin.

Angelika Raubal (it was like that) full name girl) was not a blood relative to Hitler: she was the daughter of the Fuhrer's half-sister, Angela Raubal. Geli was 19 years younger than her “uncle”, their first episodic meeting took place in 1925, and, a few years later, Hitler asked his sister to live in his house as a housekeeper, and Angela agreed to the move, taking her daughters with her - Friedl and Geli.

Geli was 20 years old at that time, the girl was studying vocals and dreaming of a career opera singer. Most likely, she sincerely hoped that her uncle would be able to protect her. The girl never managed to conquer the opera stage, but she was able to win the heart of the Fuhrer. Hitler literally lost his head, fascinated by her beauty. Geli began to accompany him everywhere, she attended social events and party meetings.

According to some reports, while living in Hitler’s apartment, Geli had an affair with the Fuhrer’s driver, Emil Maurice. Adolf was jealous and did not want to forgive her such liberties; in general, the couple was known for stormy showdowns.

After some time, Adolf Hitler decides to live with his beloved, they move to a fashionable area at Prinzregentstrasse 16. Here, one of the 9 rooms belongs to the girl. Hitler’s party comrades did not approve of the connection with Geli Raubal; they even approached him with a request to legalize the marriage in order to set an example of a real Aryan family. It is known that Hitler intended to marry Geli, despite the “family” relationship, but this was never destined to happen.

The ending of this romantic story came on September 18, 1931. The girl was found shot to death in her room. The official cause of death was suicide, but many were inclined to believe that Himmler's killers were involved in this death. On the eve of the incident, Hitler and Raubal spent a long time sorting out their relationship; the girl even wanted to leave her lover and return to Vienna to resume her abandoned music studies. Historians claim that the woman who was shot was pregnant by Adolf Hitler.

In fairness, we note that the Fuhrer had a hard time surviving her death, being depressed, refusing to eat and drink, it is known that he even tried to commit suicide. To immortalize her image, Hitler commissioned a bust and portrait of Geli.

Geli never managed to marry Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun became.

Hitler's wife is not an easy role. Not everyone could play it. However, one girl succeeded. Hitler's common-law wife, for the sake of her feelings, was ready to put up with everything and turn a blind eye to everything that could interfere with her husband's happiness.

When she was 17 years old, she went to a fortune teller to tell her about her fate. The woman predicted that the whole world would soon be talking about her and her love. Future spouse Hitler listened to this prediction with bated breath. This is exactly what she dreamed of! Do you know the name of Hitler's wife? Eva Braun is the one who managed to win the Fuhrer's heart.

Origin of Eve, childhood

Eva was born in Munich in 1912. She grew up in an ordinary German family. future wife Hitler Eva Braun, whose biography turned out to be so atypical. She was the second child. Friedrich Braun, her father, worked as a teacher, and Franziska, the girl's mother, worked as a dressmaker. Frederick raised his three daughters in strict traditions Christianity. He did not allow them liberties and did not really pamper them with affection and attention.

Eva graduated from a monastery school, and then from the Munich Lyceum. After that, she started working in a photo studio. Friedrich Braun continued to control his now mature daughters. Without his permission, they were forbidden to make phone calls, leave the house or meet with friends. Frederick saw their future quite clearly. They must get married, have children and start a respectable family life.

Work in a photo studio

However, the romantic Eva, a big fan of romance novels and cinema, did not dream of such a life at all. She wanted to make it beautiful, bright, filled with events and love. In a sense, Hitler's future wife Eva Braun achieved her goal. The biography, photos and details of her affair with Adolf are still discussed by many to this day.

The photo studio where Eva worked was owned by a Nazi Party fan. This man was the personal photographer of Adolf Hitler, a rising star. Eva knew nothing about this party or its leader. The girl was not at all interested in politics. In 1929, Hitler himself appeared in the studio. He needed to take campaign photos.

Meeting Hitler

The first thing that caught Adolf's eye when he entered was the girl standing on the stepladder. Hitler spoke to her without hiding his sympathy. This mysterious man captivated Eva Braun with his exquisite compliments, stories from social life, as well as the aura of power and strength that surrounded him.

Adolf knew how to please women, charm them, and not only them. Somewhat later, he managed to conquer many people with his charm. They believed in his truly monstrous ideas. Is it any wonder that the naive girl Eva Braun succumbed to the madness that subsequently swept all of Germany?

The girl, of course, was flattered by such attention famous person. She was proud of his admiration. Adolf liked Eva’s naturalness, spontaneity and youth. It was also important for him that Hitler’s future wife Eva Braun had Aryan blood. Her nationality was carefully checked by Adolf's assistants.

By the way, quite recently a different opinion has emerged about Eve’s nationality thanks to a DNA analysis. He was subjected to a hair from this woman’s comb, which was discovered in the Fuhrer’s Alpine residence in a box on which was written the name of Hitler’s wife, or rather his initials (E.V.). Scientists have determined that Brown's DNA contains a mutation that is typical of Ashkenazi Jews. If Hitler had known about this, he would probably have been horrified.

Features of the relationship between Hitler and Eve

Adolf was 23 years older than his lover, and it was he who always set the tone in their relationship. When Hitler and Brown began meeting (going to theaters and cinema, going on picnics, etc.), Adolf determined the frequency, duration and place of meetings. He had very little time left for Eve, because this man always had first place political career. Hitler liked to say that his bride was Germany.

However, Adolf also found time to date other women. He appeared with his companions in society and did not really try to hide this fact from Eve. More than once, women captivated by his demonic spells, who were unable to achieve reciprocity, attempted to commit suicide. For example, Hitler's niece, whom Adolf was helping after a quarrel with him, shot herself. This man already in his youth sowed destruction and death around him.

Eva agreed to the rules of the game imposed on her by Hitler. She decided to do this because this woman’s feeling was deep and strong. In addition, Eva saw in Hitler the most suitable party for herself. Her character did not dislike a subordinate position. However, the girl still suffered, and sometimes Eva’s torment became simply unbearable.

Why did Hitler hide his lover?

When Hitler disappeared somewhere for several months, the woman tried to commit suicide more than once. For some reason, it didn’t occur to her to simply break up with Adolf, thereby ending this painful relationship. At Hitler's request, their relationship was strictly kept secret. Adolf wanted no one to know about their relationship. He believed that otherwise his position in society would be in danger. Hitler wanted to see himself as the legendary Fuhrer, the leader of the nation, devoid of all weaknesses and feelings characteristic of man.

How did Eva's parents feel about her relationship with Adolf?

Eva's parents, especially her father, believed that the girl made a mistake by choosing the wrong person. They reproached Eva for living with Hitler “in sin.” This strengthened the desire, natural for the girl, to become a legal wife. But Adolf did not even want to think about marriage.

Moving to Berghof

Unable to break off relations with such a selfish and cold lover, the girl for a long time maintained the belief that one day she would become Frau Hitler. Eva Braun adopted Adolf's lifestyle and views.

As soon as Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, he immediately made Eva his secretary. The girl moved to Berghof, his Alpine residence. In this secluded place she became, on the one hand, a mistress, but on the other, a captive hidden from prying eyes. This is the dual role Hitler’s wife was forced to play. The photo below is one of the few images of Adolf and Eva together.

Eva was allowed to appear in society only in the presence of people whom Hitler considered closest. When famous politicians and other high-ranking guests came to the Berghof, Eva had to hide from them. Brown and Hitler lived in different apartments. Their rooms were connected by a common corridor. Only the Fuhrer decided when he needed Eva's presence. Hitler's common-law wife Eva Braun could not call his apartment using the internal telephone. We had to wait for calls from Adolf.

Eva's Entertainment

The girl had her own entertainment. Eva, Hitler's wife, had a good time inviting her friends and sisters to parties or going shopping. In material terms, the Fuhrer did not limit his beloved - she could buy whatever her heart desired.

Eva really enjoyed purchasing new clothes, trinkets and decorations. Sometimes she even flew to Austria and Italy to do shopping. Eva enjoyed her role as an inveterate fashionista. She could change clothes six times a day. Of course, what else could she do?..

Another hobby of Brown was photography. The girl dreamed that the newsreels she took, in which she captured daily life Hitler will become the basis of a biographical film about him, shot in Hollywood. Eva Braun still remembered her desire to become a film actress. Therefore, she dreamed that she would play herself in this film: the beautiful lover of a great man.

Gymnastics was another passion of this girl. Hitler's wife Eva Braun perfected her figure with daily exercises. Photos and newsreels from those years captured her in complex acrobatic poses. The girl liked to do gymnastics against the backdrop of alpine landscapes.

Best time for Eve

The best time for Eva was the late 1930s. Her man was the leader of a great people, and very soon - the girl had no doubt about it - the whole world would fall at his feet. Eva Braun shared her triumph with Hitler, but was still in the shadows. Adolf never appeared in public with Eva. He wanted no one to know the name of Hitler's wife. It was as if she did not exist, and not only for the general public, but even for most of his associates.

"Carrot and stick" tactics

The narcissistic, mentally unstable Hitler adhered to time-tested“carrot and stick” tactics in relationships with your beloved. If he thought that the girl was behaving too freely, he could have shouted at Eva and humiliated her even in front of strangers. When it seemed to Hitler that he had gone too far, he began to show her signs of attention and ingratiate himself. Hitler was confident that this girl was entirely in his power.

Life in a fantasy world

Eva was an observant and intelligent woman, but at the same time detached and dreamy. During her life with Hitler, she learned enough about what was happening in the world to understand that she did not want to know anything more. The girl learned not to understand and not to hear. Hitler's common-law wife, like the Fuhrer, tried with all her might to live in a prosperous fictional world. Adolf, who doomed many people to painful death, himself tried to isolate himself from the horrors he perpetrated. At home, he had a strict ban on discussing genocide and war. Hitler never visited the concentration camps and did not personally participate in the murders and abuses he instigated.

The beginning of the end

After the German troops were defeated at Stalingrad, the carefree atmosphere that reigned in the Berghof gradually began to change, despite the fact that Eva and all its inhabitants did their best to pretend that everything was fine. At this time, the relationship between Braun and Hitler was closer than ever.

The Fuhrer, having failed for the first time in his life, needed support and consolation. Eve tried her best to distract her lover from pessimistic thoughts. She did not want to know about the hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured on Adolf's orders. She was only interested in his well-being and mood.

As before, the woman cherished the idea of ​​becoming Hitler’s legal wife and giving birth to his children. She thought that now something would certainly change. However, Eva Braun's hopes were again dashed. Hitler didn’t want to hear about the child. He said that the children of a genius have a very hard time in life.

The Fall of Hitler, the Suicide of Eva and Adolf

When the Allied forces approached Berlin, Adolf moved to a bunker located under the Reich Chancellery. And he decided to send his beloved to Munich, where it was safe. But for the first time, Eva disobeyed Hitler. The girl came to Berlin to share his fall with her lover, as she once shared his triumph.

On April 29, 1945, Hitler finally formally proposed to Eva Braun. The woman who had been waiting for this for 16 years, of course, agreed. However, she was destined to become Frau Hitler only for one day. On April 30, 1945, after their wedding night, Hitler's wife and he himself committed suicide. Thus, the fortune teller’s prediction came true, but life made terrible adjustments to it... Today, many know the name of Adolf Hitler’s wife, but she paid for this fame with her life.

Historians say that there were 8 women in Hitler's life. Moreover, one of them became his official wife. Eva Braun - her biography has been well studied, but there are still some facts that are little known.

Eva was born in Germany in the family of a teacher. Since childhood, she was a delicate person and paid a lot of attention to her appearance. Her parents tried to give her good upbringing, as a result, Eva graduated from a monastery school and then entered the Institute of English ladies-in-waiting. This plausible upbringing still confuses many historians, who do not understand how, at the age of 17, she could become interested in a 40-year-old man. Some attribute her to a thirst for power. Although Brown's personal archives testify to uncomplaining love.

Love or self-sacrifice?

Eva and Adolf met in 1929. At first they met secretly. And only after the suicide of Geli (the Fuhrer’s previous passion) Brown acquired the “official” status of a mistress. They say that the love was unlikely to be mutual. Adolf cheated on Eva. As for marriage, he immediately made it clear to her that it was impossible. For 13 years she accompanied him as an escort. Based on many studies, historians claim that Hitler had a lot of complexes, and he was flattered that such a young person worshiped him. Whether this was so is difficult to say now. On the eve of his death, Hitler gave the order to burn all documents. Therefore, historians had to restore all the details of this love story using correspondence preserved in personal archives. In any case, the fact that the couple began to live in the same house after several years is unlikely to confirm Adolf’s complete indifference.

Did the couple have a physical relationship?

Even during his lifetime, Hitler's sexuality raised questions. In the post-war years, a lot of research was devoted to this issue. And there are many versions here. Some claim that he was impotent, some believe that he was latently gay. It is impossible to reliably establish this fact. All these theories give rise to the version that the relationship between Adolf and Eve was only platonic. Although, from her personal correspondence, historians conclude that there was still a physical connection between them.

Suicide attempts

During her life, Eva made three suicide attempts. According to historians, the first two attempts to commit suicide for Eve were just a theatrical performance. In 1932 she tried to shoot herself. Three years later, in 1935, she attempted suicide by swallowing sleeping pills. It is almost impossible to confirm the demonstrative nature of these actions, but in historical circles these attempts are regarded as a desire to attract the attention of the Fuhrer. As is known, the third suicide attempt was successful. Moreover, most likely, it was planned. On April 29, 1945, the couple entered into a legal marriage. But their family happiness didn't last long. Already on April 30, Eva Braun, together with her now legal husband, committed suicide by poisoning with potassium cyanide. Despite all the vicissitudes, Eva ended her life under the name Hitler.