Intended phorum. Forum of the 3rd generation of Koreans of Kazakhstan

Today, the sixth Turkmen-Russian economic forum was held in the conference hall of the Archabil Hotel, in which a delegation arrived in Ashgabat to participate. Russian Federation composed of representatives of a number government agencies and organizations, as well as companies specializing in trade, food industry, construction, electronic information technology, mechanical engineering, oil and gas sector and other industries, reports the State news agency Turkmenistan.

An important incentive for holding the current forum was the agreements reached within the framework of high-level negotiations between Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Vladimir Putin during the official visit of the Russian leader to our country on October 2, 2017.

The Agreement on Strategic Partnership between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation, signed following the results of the above-mentioned negotiations, is fully responsible for the promotion of bilateral interaction in all directions.

At the same time, the heads of state expressed their intention to promote the expansion of trade, economic and investment cooperation, giving these ties new dynamics in the interests of further growth in the well-being of the two friendly peoples. In addition, the parties emphasized the importance of the intergovernmental Agreement on cooperation in the field of industry for creating a mutually beneficial competitive environment in the markets of relevant products of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation.

The Turkmen-Russian economic forum, held today in the Turkmen capital, is intended to concretize the most promising ways to develop productive interaction.

At the current business meeting, from the Turkmen side, heads and specialists of line ministries and departments, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, representatives of enterprises and companies producing export-oriented products took part.

As the forum participants noted, the Turkmen-Russian partnership is of a strategic nature. A clear confirmation of this is regular bilateral meetings and negotiations at the highest level, including within the framework of major events of international importance. At the same time, an important factor is the mutual understanding and trust established between the heads of two friendly countries, their focus on bringing the traditional interstate dialogue to new level, meeting mutual interests and modern realities.

Priority attention is paid to the implementation of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian Economic Cooperation Program for 2017-2019. and projects in the fields of trade, industry, energy and engineering support, construction, agriculture and fisheries, transport and transport communications, sports, tourism, healthcare.

A clear indicator of effective interaction in the economic sphere is the presence on the Turkmen market of a number of leading Russian companies participating in the implementation of joint projects and showing interest in further building up business contacts. Thus, today more than 180 enterprises with Russian participation are registered in Turkmenistan.

In context further development bilateral trade and economic relations, an important role is assigned to the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian Commission on Economic Cooperation, under the auspices of which the High-Level Group for the Support of Trade and Investment operates.

Having noted with satisfaction the successful nature of Turkmen-Russian relations, the forum participants emphasized that the current meeting is another confirmation of the mutual desire to strengthen and build up a mutually beneficial partnership in key areas of multifaceted cooperation with a view to using economic and intellectual potential on a larger scale.

At the beginning of the speech, the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation noted that the beautiful white marble Ashgabat, where they were greeted warmly and cordially, amazes the most sophisticated connoisseurs of beauty and architecture. In addition, the attractiveness of the Avaza National Tourist Zone was especially emphasized.

Taking this opportunity, representatives of the Russian side also congratulated their Turkmen colleagues on the successful holding of the V Asian Games in September this year indoors and in martial arts, where our athletes won 245 awards. At the same time, it was emphasized that the grandiose Ashgabat 2017 games set the highest bar for the next continental sports competitions.

It was reported that according to the Statistics Committee of the CIS countries, Turkmenistan entered the top five Commonwealth countries with a maximum GDP growth of about 6-7 percent. The impressive potential for cooperation available in the common market serves as the basis that should be a guide for the long term.

The speeches of the guests also noted that recently it was held in Moscow. As emphasized, this work has great value not only for Turkmen citizens, but also for Russians, since it allows them to understand the long traditions of our cultural and trade cooperation, based on mutual understanding and trust.

Increasing bilateral ties with the regions and largest industrial and cultural centers of the Russian Federation is one of the priority areas of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy strategy. It is no coincidence that representatives of 8 regions of Russia are participating in this forum. The Republic of Tatarstan, the city of St. Petersburg, the Astrakhan, Sverdlovsk, Belgorod regions and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation demonstrate the high effectiveness of trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian interaction with Turkmenistan.

During the above-mentioned visit of President Vladimir Putin to our country, an Agreement was also signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Administration Krasnodar region Russian Federation on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation.

Those present emphasized that both states aim to continue to develop interregional ties by expanding their legal framework, intensifying mutual visits of delegations, developing and implementing joint partnership programs, and participating in exhibitions and fairs.

The humanitarian sphere was also named among the key areas of bilateral cooperation. In particular, the deputy head of the representative office Oryol region at the Government of the Russian Federation noted that twin-city relations have been established between the cities of Mary and Orel. In higher educational institutions city ​​of Orel is studying large number Turkmen students. A desire was expressed to more often organize joint cultural events, art exhibitions, performances by cultural figures and masters of art, Culture Days, scientific and educational forums, and seminars. It was emphasized that the creative intelligentsia of the Oryol region is well acquainted with the works of Turkmen artists. Confidence was expressed that all this would further contribute to the further strengthening of business contacts and friendly ties between our peoples.

During the forum, a video was shown about the economic achievements of Turkmenistan, a state with a dynamically growing economy that is attractive to foreign investment. Throughout recent years carried out in the country great job on further diversification of the national economy, purposefully improving the living standards of the people.

The economic strategy of Turkmenistan is based on innovative principles and methods, which allows maintaining significant rates of GDP growth, industrial production volumes, foreign trade turnover, stability of prices in the domestic market of goods and services, and increasing the volume of capital investments allocated to the social sphere. The effectiveness of the national development model is confirmed by high indicators of socio-economic growth, which was recognized by authoritative public and financial organizations of the world.

The main factors include the development of credit policy, active industrialization of the country, the creation of production facilities for the production of import-substituting products and increasing the volume of export supplies, in particular, natural gas.

A more detailed discussion of the possibilities for the participation of companies from the Russian Federation in the implementation of large-scale projects initiated by the President of Turkmenistan took place during bilateral meetings.

Thus, the past forum became another confirmation that Turkmen-Russian relations, based on historically established ties, are at high level and are fully consistent with the spirit of friendship and mutual understanding that meets the fundamental interests of the peoples of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation.

523 / / 14.12.2018 / Cooperation

As is known, the final Communiqué of the V Summit of the Heads of the Caspian States reflected the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to hold the first Caspian Economic Forum in Turkmenistan in 2019.

In order to prepare it, in accordance with the Resolution of the Head of State, an organizing committee was created, at the first meeting of which a number of proposals were prepared, including the holding of the Forum in the Avaza National Tourist Zone on August 12, 2019, when Caspian Sea Day is traditionally celebrated. Deputy Prime Minister Rashid Meredov informed the head of state about this at a government meeting held on December 14.

To ensure preparations for the first Caspian Economic Forum, it is also planned to create a coordination center in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The developed draft concept for holding the Forum was presented to the Turkmen leader for consideration.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the development of fruitful cooperation with the countries of the Caspian region is among the priority vectors of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy.

The strategic importance of the Caspian Sea in regional and interregional geopolitical and geo-economic processes, its role as an important transit, transport and logistics hub determine the need for further unification of efforts of the Caspian states. Speaking about this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs instructions on comprehensive preparations for the first Caspian Economic Forum.

DUBAI, Oct 13 – PRIME. The main business event of the year in Saudi Arabia— the forum “Future Investment Initiative” will be held in Riyadh on the scheduled date — October 23-25, despite the refusal of a number of guests to participate in it, according to a message from the forum’s press secretary received on Saturday by RIA Novosti.

The second Future Investment Initiative forum, chaired by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, is in doubt following the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The journalist, who criticized the crown prince's policies, disappeared after visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2.

"The Future Investment Initiative is an event that brings together business leaders, innovators and investors to discuss the future of global investment. While we are disappointed that some speakers and partners were not included, we look forward to welcoming thousands of speakers, moderators and guests from around the world to Riyadh from September 23 to 25,” said a representative of the forum organizers.

Trump: US delegation will decide on FII participation in Saudi Arabia 'very soon'

A number of large companies, American television companies and British media have already refused to participate in a major forum amid reports of the possible murder of opposition Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul.

Khashoggi, who works as a columnist for the American newspaper Washington Post and has lived in the United States since 2017, disappeared in Turkey on October 2. According to the fiancée of the Saudi journalist, consulate officials had invited Khashoggi the day before to process documents, but she herself was not allowed into the building. After five hours of waiting, one of the consulate employees told the girl that Khashoggi had already left and there was no need to wait for him anymore.

Saudi Arabian authorities say Khashoggi disappeared after leaving the consulate building, and the diplomatic mission is cooperating with Turkish authorities to clarify the circumstances of his disappearance. However, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said that Saudi Arabia must prove its innocence in the disappearance of the journalist. According to Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy, Türkiye has received permission from Saudi Arabia to inspect its Consulate General in Istanbul in connection with the disappearance of Khashoggi.

On Thursday, the Washington Post reported that Türkiye told the United States that it had audio and video recordings confirming the torture and death of the journalist. The newspaper's source said the records confirm that after Khashoggi entered the consulate on October 2, he was killed and dismembered.

In mid-May, the ACC planned to hold the Forum of the Third Generation of Koreans of Kazakhstan. This event will be the first of its kind, organized by the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan, and will be aimed at identifying, consolidating and supporting representatives of the third generation of Kazakh Koreans who have leadership qualities, creative abilities, who are professionals in their field, for their further development for the benefit of their region and country. The head of the working group for the forum, deputy chairman of the Business Club at the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan, member of the ACC Presidium, Victor Kim, spoke about how preparations are going for the upcoming event and what its holding will bring.

Victor Kim – Deputy Chairman of the Business Club at the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan, member of the ACC Presidium

– Victor, what caused the need to hold such a forum right now?

– Probably, the need to hold such a forum is dictated by the times itself. Indeed, today, with the development of new technologies, the world is changing very rapidly, and in order to remain competitive, it is necessary to be able to quickly and adequately respond to all these changes, competently use available resources, and adapt well to a variety of situations.

Organization social work also requires new approaches and methods from us. Therefore, it was decided to hold an event of this format. That is, this forum will become a kind of mechanism that allows us to identify representatives of third generation Kazakh Koreans in all regions of Kazakhstan who have leadership qualities and have achieved recognition and respect in their professional activity. First of all, the main task of this forum is to introduce such people to each other, as well as to the activities of the ACC and to offer them full support from the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan.

– Is there such a need today?

– Absolutely right, today, in times of globalization and practically limitless possibilities in communications, people are striving for consolidation more than ever, as this allows them to significantly expand their capabilities. This includes an increase in the circle of acquaintances, exchange of experience, prompt access to information, mutual assistance...

But before we talk about today, let's take a short excursion into history. It's no secret that during their stay on the fertile Kazakh land, Koreans have developed a certain image here. The distinctive qualities of our ethnic group have always been hard work, devotion to the homeland, education, and high professionalism. This entire image was created by our older generation, who faithfully served their country and their native Kazakh people.

Among the representatives of the first and second generations of Kazakh Koreans, many outstanding scientists, farmers, industrial workers, athletes, etc. emerged. They truly made a great contribution to the development of the country. It was they who created the Korean social movement, which allowed us not only to preserve, but also to develop our native culture, traditions and customs.

And today, too, there are many of our fellow tribesmen, people of young and middle age, who adequately represent themselves in the most various fields who have achieved professional success, respect and recognition. And who, being pragmatic and far-sighted people, satisfy not only their personal needs, but also strive to be useful to society and their country. Therefore, we decided to identify such people in all regions of our country, introduce them to each other, develop interaction mechanisms and further support them and unite our efforts to achieve common goals.

– Will these same people become the basis of a social movement in the near future?

– We really hope so. Currently, a generational change is taking place in the Korean social movement, and a striking example of this is the renewal of the presidium of the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan, which occurred last year. More recently, it was believed that participation in social movements was mainly the lot of representatives of the older generation. Now the situation is changing. I won’t go far for an example, but will tell you about my own experience. Literally three years ago I knew practically nothing about the activities of the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan, but today I am a member of the presidium. It so happened that one day I was invited to a meeting of young businessmen, which was initiated by ACC to create a Business Club. Frankly, I was skeptical about this initiative and thought: “since so many entrepreneurs are gathered in one place, then most likely they will make some requests.” But banal human curiosity took over, and I came. Imagine my surprise when they not only didn’t ask us for anything, but, on the contrary, offered support. We met and became acquainted with outstanding personalities - representatives of our diaspora, got to know each other, and established new connections. And the result of that meeting was the Business Club at ACC, which has been operating for three years now. In addition, the ACC Business Club became one of the initiators of the creation of the Association of Korean Business Clubs (OKBC), whose members today include more than 200 businessmen from 8 countries. This is a functioning information and communication platform, thanks to which we share experiences, provide assistance to each other and implement projects.

Thus, using the example of the Business Club at the ACC, based on the results of the forum, we want to offer participants the idea of ​​consolidation into various professional communities for further communication and cooperation.

Thanks to participation in the social movement, I not only became closer to my national origins, but now I take a very direct part in the preservation and development of the original culture of my people. And this is worth a lot. For example, I learned a lot about the life and work of the Korean Theater, which celebrated its 85th anniversary last year, and I can observe how our oldest newspaper Koryo Ilbo, which turns 95 this year! Although just recently I was absolutely far from this, but now I’m really very interested. And no matter how pompous it may sound, I realized that it is our duty to pass on to future generations the priceless heritage that we received from our ancestors.

– This is probably what you will try to convey to the forum participants?

– The fact is that today many do not see the motivation to participate in a social movement, since they perceive, for example, the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan as an organization that is only concerned with preserving culture, traditions, language, etc. But this is far from the case. After all, if earlier, when the Korean social movement was just emerging, after the seventy-year Soviet regime, which rejected any national identity, our fellow tribesmen with an enviable obsession sought to revive their culture, traditions, customs, and on this wave Korean cultural centers, numerous amateur groups were created, spiritual consolidation, so to speak, “for the right to be Korean,” now the situation has changed dramatically.

Time dictates its own rules, and a modern ethnocultural association is an organization that deals not only with intra-ethnic issues, the preservation of culture, and the implementation of humanitarian projects, but also solves, first of all, national problems, acts as a coordinator in a variety of areas, contributes to the establishment of international relations, and attraction of investments and innovative technologies, etc.

We understand that today everyone approaches business with pragmatism and that is why, in fact, we initiated this forum. On its site we will look for ways to interact with each other, we want to get feedback from the regions, broadcast what specific advantages consolidation will give us in achieving a variety of goals. We will also demonstrate the resources that the ACC has as one of the leading ethnocultural associations of the republic and which need to be used rationally, including to support those in need.

As you know, today the most important resource is human capital, and that’s why we have now taken the initiative to identify and consolidate people from all regions of our country. We are sure that this will be useful for everyone and will give concrete results.

– How are preparations for the forum going?

– The working group created at the beginning of the year holds weekly meetings. Regulations on the forum have been developed, and the program of the event is now being approved. We deliberately planned the Forum of the Third Generation of Koreans of Kazakhstan on the same days when two more large events will be held in Almaty - the International Scientific Forum and the Festival of Korean Culture, so that our participants could participate in them and, so to speak, personally immerse themselves in the atmosphere of their native culture.

– Thank you, Victor, and good luck!

Excerpt from the Regulations on the Forum of the Third Generation of Koreans of Kazakhstan:

IN modern world, in the context of the need to modernize consciousness, such human qualities as professionalism, leadership, competitiveness, and initiative become relevant. Time puts forward new demands and public organizations. An urgent need today is the search and support of leaders from among the Koreans of the third generation of Kazakh Koreans who have the ability to think creatively, find non-standard solutions, be able to achieve professional and life success. The ALE “Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan” assigns a special role to such an aspect as the continuity of generations among individuals who are able to take responsibility for the future of their ethnic group and their country. In this regard, the ACC has planned to hold a Forum of the Third Generation of Koreans of Kazakhstan in 2018, which will be one of key events

Konstantin Kim

REGULATIONS on the Forum of the Third Generation of Koreans of Kazakhstan


1.1. The initiator and organizer of the Forum of the Third Generation of Koreans of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Forum) is the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the AKK).

1.2. The venue of the Forum is Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.3. The forum is planned to be held on an annual basis.

1.4. Basic concepts used in these Regulations:

1) Forum participant – individual, a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Korean nationality (or a person whose one of the parents is a person of Korean nationality), who has expressed a desire to take part in the Forum;

2) Organizer – ALE “Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan”;

3) The working group is a collegial working body that is formed by the Organizer to conduct the Forum.


2.1. The purpose of the Forum is to support professional leaders from among Kazakh Koreans of the third generation.

2.3. The objectives of the Forum are:

Search for professional leaders from among Kazakh Koreans of the third generation in all regions of Kazakhstan;

Development of mechanisms for interaction between Forum participants and ACC;

Formation of professional communities for interaction – both within Kazakhstan and with foreign Korean organizations.

2.4. Main format of the Forum:

Presentation of ACC activities, introduction of Forum participants;

Conducting a working session on organizing professional communities;

A visit to ACC events within the Forum, namely: the International Scientific Forum “Peace and the Future of the Korean Peninsula, the Role of the Korean Diaspora” and the 7th Festival of Korean Culture.


3.1. Expenses for transfer to Almaty and back, accommodation - at the own expense of the Forum participants.

3.2. Expenses for organizing the Forum, internal transfers during the Forum, meals for Forum participants (lunch and dinner on the 1st day of the Forum, lunch and dinner on the 2nd day of the Forum) are at the expense of the Organizer.

3.3. The Forum is financed from the funds of the Organizer and attracted Sponsors.


4.1. Procedure for holding the Forum:

1) familiarization of the heads of regional ethnocultural associations of the ACC with the Regulations;

2) acceptance of documents for participation in the Forum;

3) document processing Working group and approval of the list of Forum participants;

4) holding the Forum.

4.2. The working group is accepting documents from Regional Ethnocultural Associations of the ACC - until 05/05/2018.