Methodological development (grade 11) on the topic: Scenario for the “Student’s Day” event. Scenario for Student Day

Presenter (1). Where did our Vasya go?
(2nd presenter comes out)

Vasya, why are you late? We agreed to meet at 12 o'clock. So, are you ready to take the certification? And anyway, why are you dressed up like that today? I understand: the test is always a holiday for you.
Presenter (2). What a score, Marya Ivanovna! Today is a holiday - Student's Day. All students today are heroes of the occasion.
1. How are you the heroes of the occasion?! Are we not people?
2. What do you have to do with it?
1. Since this is the case, let's start with the fact that all our teachers were also once students. And secondly, they work with you, students, and if there were no us, teachers, then there would be no you and no holidays. Tell me, Vasily, how old do you think I am?
2. I think about seventeen.
1. You see, seventeen. And all our teachers are also seventeen and no more, because working with you, they have no right to be older. Therefore, I think that the holiday is common.

2. And we can congratulate everyone present in this hall on Student’s Day and wish them success in everything, happiness, fun and, of course, love!
1. By the way, love is the driving force of everything - good luck and happiness!

Number 1. (song)

2. Since today is such a day for us, then the program is also festive. And today’s holiday promises to be fresh and cheerful... Marya Ivanovna, you, as a literature teacher, can imagine this: there is a lot of material on literature, there are also a lot of writers, and there are even more poems. Can you imagine what will happen if you learn all the poems in one night: about three, four, five?..
1. ...Eight, nine, ten... I can reassure you, Vasya, that I sometimes encounter such a situation. And now we’ll see what can come of this!

Number 2. (sketch)

1. Well, Vasya, are you convinced? Would you like to be in Yura Filimonov’s place?
2. Yes, of course not.
1. Hence the conclusion: everything needs to be done on time.
2. Marya Ivanovna, please answer me the question: how do you feel about innovations in our education - 12 points, thematic certification?
1. You know, Vasily, all innovations always take a long time to take root. However, it has stuck with us. The students had a desire to get such a high score - 12 points.
2. You know, I agree with you, because we, students, have a motto: “It’s better to be covered with sweat forty times than with frost once.” And now we will see how a student’s pot is boiling, and the teacher is covered with frost when taking a test.
Number 3.

1. Vasya, please answer me, what do you think harmony is?
2. I think that harmony is a coincidence of views and interests. For example, there is harmony in nature.
1. That's what you think. And some of our students believe that harmony is when there is an accordion. And here’s what our students write in literature lessons: “Oblomov ate, drank vodka and watched TV all the time.” This is in the 19th century, can you imagine? “Rodion Raskolnikov killed his grandmother because he needed money.”
2. And here’s what they write in sanitary training classes: “To provide first aid for frostbite, the victim must be put in the bathroom until it thaws.”
1. And sports injuries: it was swimming, swimming, and hit my head. And in case of loss of consciousness, the victim must be carried out upside down.
2. And in DPYU lessons, students say that in order to remove radiation, you need to put a wet rag in front of the threshold.
1. Yes, our students write well, and sing even better.

Number 4. (song)

1. Vasya, tell me, how do you feel about folk signs?
2. Positive.
1. Do you know that our ancestors have long noticed that if before starting academic year review textbooks and check your knowledge of notes, then success in the academic year is guaranteed.
2. Okay, success is guaranteed. And if the notebooks are in the trash, then what does that mean – goodbye, technical school.
1. Oh, what if the technical school is in the trash.
2. Then, goodbye cleaners!
1. Vasya, let’s listen to a song... About love...

Number 5. (song)

2. Nice song. Marya Ivanovna, would you like me to sing a song about you?
1. Of course I want to.
2. Then listen: Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan tree,
With your head bowed all the way to the tine?
1. Well, thank you. What do you think, if it’s a holiday, then you can laugh?! Then let me sing a song about you: And across the road across the wide river,
The oak tree also stands tall and alone.
That's it, Vasya, we're even. Well, what are you singing?
2. Got drunk. Now you can dance.

Number 6. (dance)

2. Marya Ivanovna, what do you think, if we have folklore lovers in the hall today?
1. I think so.
2. Then we will now see such folklore that everyone will like it.

Number 7. (ditties)

(The presenter comes out dressed and combed like a student, dancing to a song from the series under “Wild Angel.” The presenter also begins to dance.)

2. Marya Ivanovna, I don’t understand what kind of look you have, and in general, what kind of behavior is this?
1. And this means, Vasechka, that you will be watching the series now.
2. (indignantly) What kind of series, what series could there be? We have a full house of guests, the holiday is not over yet, and you with your TV series!
1. Calm down, Vasya. Why are you immediately starting to get nervous? This series is the most serial. And the most important thing is that it never ends. So, “STRPashin Production” presents 825..., 1131... I remember! Episode 3472 of the film “One day in the life of a technical school.”

Number 8. (verse).

Number 9. (skit)

Number 10. (skit)

Number 11. (skit)

Number 12. (skit)

Number 13. (song)

1. Well, how is the series, Vasya?
2. Yes, great movie! Even I enjoyed watching it.
1. You see, where are all the foreign stars? These are the real stars! (participants go on stage). Until they go on tour, let them congratulate us with a song instead of autographs.

Final song.

State vocational educational institution

Event script,

dedicated to the celebration of Student's Day

"Student Kaleidoscope"

Developers: educators

Akulinina E.A.

Eroh L.G.

Savina I.G.

Kokovkina M.V.


1 presenter:

Dear friends, students! We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday dedicated to Student's Day or, as people say, Tatyana's Day. Student's Day is the most best holiday for students, not counting tests and exams. This holiday is celebrated by former students, future students and, of course, current students. And first, let's remember or just find out the history of our holiday. So, who can tell the story of the emergence of Students' Day?

(students' answers)

2 presenter:

It so happened that it was on Tatyana’s Day, which according to the new style is celebrated on January 25, in 1755 that Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the decree “On the Establishment of Moscow University,” and Tatyana’s Day became an official student day; in those days it was called the Foundation Day of Moscow University. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students. On this day, it is customary to light candles for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana for difficult teaching and enlightenment.

By Decree of the President of Russia No. 76 of January 25, 2005, “On the Day of Russian Students,” the holiday of Russian students was officially approved.

3rd presenter:

Tell me, who is a student?

Yesterday's applicant

He diligently scribbles notes

And he’s worried about a scholarship,

And after that, don’t mind having fun.

Always ready to help friends.

Competition: “A student is...”

What do you think a modern student should look like?

(two teams are given the opportunity to express their opinions in turn).

You speak well, and now let's check how you can transfer everything that you said onto a piece of paper. So, your task is to depict everything that you said about the modern student on sheet A-4.

Well done, you did a great job.

4th presenter:

Competition: “Crib”

We all know the ingenuity of students in writing cheat sheets. And only now we will test you in reality. We will ask one representative from each team to come out (who will be given one roll of toilet paper). Your task is to tear the paper into small pieces as quickly as possible and hide it on yourself so that nothing is visible.

1 presenter:

Competition “We wrote, we wrote...”

I see you know how to hide cheat sheets. Do you know how to write them? Now I will give each team one piece of paper, but not a full one, but only one eighth of the sheet. And each team will write on a piece of paper an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. And naturally, the team that can write the most text on their cheat sheet will win, but the main thing is that the text is legible.

2 presenter:

And now we move on to the most intellectual competition “Quiz”.

Quiz competition

Whoever gives the correct answer faster gets one point for that team.

Part I

1. Seven candles were burning in the room. A man passed by and put out two candles. How many are left? (Two, the rest burned down.)

2. Born twice, dies once. (Chicken)

3. Who can’t be lifted off the floor by the tail? (Ball of thread)

4. Two bellies, four ears. Who is this? (Pillow).

5. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them between three kids so that one apple remains in the basket? (Give one along with the basket.)

6. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)

7. What year has only 1 day? ( New Year)

8. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (At the mushroom)

9. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second is no longer on an empty stomach)

10. What kind of dishes should you not eat from? (Out of empty)

11. How does both day and night end? ( With a soft sign)

12. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)

13. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)

14. Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Those that stand)

15. What is not found in cabbage, beets, or radishes, but is found in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter O)

Part II

1. “My phone rang. Who's talking? (elephant)

2. “One day in the cold winter I came out of the forest. It was strong..." (frost)

3. “Our Tanya is crying loudly - she dropped it into the river...” (ball)

4. “I’ve almost walked around the entire globe - life is good, and to live...” (good)

5. “There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and...” (to Juliet)

6. “The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, a swallow is in the canopy with spring…” (flying)

7 “A fly walked across the field, the fly bought some money...” (found)

8. “A storm covers the sky with darkness, snow whirlwinds...” (twisting)

9. “Here is my village, here is my home...” (native)

10. " Goby is coming, sways, sighs as he walks: oh, the board is ending, now I...” (I’m going to fall)

11. “The pike opens its mouth, but you can’t hear that...” (sings)

12. “A fly went to the market and bought...” (samovar)

13. “Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks...” (Neva)

14. “They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear...” (paw)

15. “I love the thunderstorm at the beginning...” (May)

16. “The brothers sowed wheat and transported it to the capital city. You know, that capital was not far from...” (seda)

17. “Wind, wind! You are powerful, you drive flocks..." (clouds)

18. “There is a tower in the field. Isn’t he short -?.” (not tall)

19. “Then she will howl like a beast, then she will cry like... ." (child)

20. “The poet, a slave, died...” (honor)

21. “The father had three sons. The eldest was smart...” (child)

22. “Come to us, Aunt Horse, our baby...” (shake)

23. “The good doctor will heal everyone, he will heal...” (Aibolit)

24. “I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands. People’s folklore will not grow towards him...” (trail)

25. “And I was there, honey-beer...” (drank)

26. “He knew only one power of thought, one, but fiery...” (passion)

27. “I see a horse slowly ascending the mountain, carrying brushwood...” (cart)

28. “Sad time! Eyes..." (charm)

29. “Let’s drink out of grief, where is the mug, it will be for the heart...” (more cheerful)

30. “There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass, just like...” (cucumber)

31. “I love my horse, I’ll comb its fur...” (smooth)

32. “Shine - and no nails!” - this is my slogan - and...” (sun)

33. “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry. Everything will pass as if from white apple trees...” (smoke)

Well done! Well, what is student life without a song, without a guitar. And so, meet our guys who will sing you the song “……”.

3rd presenter:

So today we showed our knowledge, our dexterity and ingenuity and our resourcefulness, that is, everything that our students are so famous for. And we will not count the final number of points and identify the winner. Because friendship won, we, the students, won. So happy holiday to you and have a good rest. But don’t forget that tomorrow the technical school is waiting for you again.

We invite everyone to a tea party!

Excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;

Golden chain on the oak tree:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

He goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,

The mermaid sits on the branches;

There on unknown paths

Traces of unprecedented animals;

There's a hut there on chicken legs

It stands without windows, without doors;

There the forest and the valley are full of visions;

There the waves will rush in at dawn

The beach is sandy and empty,

And thirty beautiful knights

From time to time clear waters emerge,

And their sea uncle is with them;

The prince is there in passing

Captivates the formidable king;

There in the clouds in front of the people

Through the forests, across the seas

The sorcerer carries the hero;

In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,

And the brown wolf serves her faithfully;

There is a stupa with Baba Yaga

She walks and wanders by herself;

There, King Kashchei is wasting away over gold;

There's a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia!

And there I was, and I drank honey;

I saw a green oak by the sea;

The cat was sitting under him, a scientist

He told me his fairy tales.

I remember one: this fairy tale

Now I will tell the world...

Syktyvkar, 2014

Purpose of the event:formation of a positive attitude towards military service, development of collective communication skills and cognitive activity.

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, dear friends!

From time immemorial, men not only defended their native lands from foreigners, but also were the support of the family, obtained food, and protected the life and peace of their families. And not once did you, dear men, allow us to doubt your devotion and love for the Motherland.

As we remember, before the holiday on February 23 was called the Day of the Red Army, the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, today it is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, the main heroes of the holiday are people in uniform who have taken an oath to serve the Fatherland faithfully. However, among the people, the concept of “defender” is interpreted more broadly: not only a warrior, but also someone who can be called a real man. This, apparently, is why the tradition arose of considering February 23 a men's holiday.

Presenter 2:

Real men, as we know, are distinguished by fortitude, the ability to withstand difficulties, the ability to be friends, to come to the rescue, nobility, a chivalrous attitude towards women, and care for loved ones.

Today, we have prepared a number of tests for you, which we are sure you will successfully overcome.

(All the young men present are divided into two teams, the first team consists of guys who served in the army, the second team of guys who were not in the army).

The results of each competition will be assessed on a five-point scale by our distinguished jury.

Presenter 1:

The first competition "Who is faster..."

Three representatives represent the teams. Each team representative is asked to sew a button on speed, peel a potato and inflate a balloon. The team that completes the task first wins the competition. But we shouldn’t forget about the quality of the orders completed.

Presenter 2:

Quiz competition.

Each team is asked a question, if the team does not have correct option answer, the right to answer goes to the other team.

  1. Not winged, but feathered, as it flies, it whistles, but sits, so silent (arrow);
  2. You can’t see it with your eyes, you can’t take it with your hands, and without it you won’t go on the attack (Hurray);
  3. What do a rifle and a fly have in common (front sight (rifle sight));
  4. A turtle is crawling - a steel shirt, the enemy is in a ravine, the turtle is where the enemy (tank) is going;
  5. Everything rides on it, both joy and sorrow (mail);
  6. It can be different, but it is needed equally: for a baby, and a dead man, and a good fellow (shirt);
  7. A secret pantry with all the new things: there are matches, tobacco, and a copper coin (pocket;
  8. Two araps, knee-high brothers, walk with us everywhere and protect us (boots);
  9. Not a log, not a stump, but lies there all day. He doesn’t reap, doesn’t mow, but asks for dinner (loafer;)
  10. Small, round, jumps from prison to prison, outperforms the whole world, good for nothing, but everyone needs (a coin);
  11. Sits groin o m, on horseback, does not know how to read, but helps to read (glasses);
  12. Why do soldiers wear boots? (On the ground)
  13. It is given to the soldier, and his colleagues use it more often than he does. What is this? (Name);
  14. Headdress worn by Red Army soldiers? (Budenovka);
  15. Why does a soldier carry a rifle? (Behind the shoulder).

Presenter 1:

Contest " Military ranks" There is a proverb: “a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general.” Each team is given a set of shoulder straps. The participants' task is to arrange them in ascending order. The team that completes the task without errors receives 5 points.

Presenter 2:

Competition - "Rise". One participant is invited from each team, who is given a box with things (belts, foot wraps, boots, shirts or vests and other things). While the match is burning, the privates must get dressed. Whoever manages to pull on as many things as possible wins.

Presenter 1:

Competition: “Fist Fights”. Participants from the team are invited and given a pillow. Standing on a bench, they must knock their opponent off it, but at the same time stand their ground.

Well done, you have successfully completed all the tasks, and while the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, we invite a student..... who will perform an army song for you.

To defend the Motherland

In rain and snow

Comes out every day

Valiant soldier.

The border is locked,

And order in the sea,

Free for the fast birds

In the blue expanse.

Apple trees are blooming in the gardens,

The fields are earing.

Peaceful rest, peaceful work,

Be a happy country!

Dear guys, we thank everyone for participating in the event and invite everyone to a tea party.


State autonomous educational institution

Secondary vocational education

Komi Republic

"Syktyvkar Automotive Technical College"

"Let's communicate"

Syktyvkar, 2013

Entertainment program script

"Let's communicate"

Program participants: SAT students, teacher of educational building No. 2 Valeria Valerievna Khudyaeva

Script developer– teacher Savina Inga Georgievna

Host of the evening – teacher Savina I.G.

Responsible for musical accompaniment evenings– student…..

Venue– Dormitory “SAT” No. 1 on Morozova St., 138

The entertainment program “Let's Communicate” is aimed at establishing contact between students of two academic buildings, developing interaction skills based on self-acceptance, self-disclosure and acceptance of others.

Objectives of the event:

  1. Creating an atmosphere of relaxation and freedom of communication between participants;
  2. Creating a climate of friendly security;
  3. Creating prerequisites for painless entry of students into a team or peer group;
  4. Providing opportunities to model and try new behaviors.

Leading: Good evening dear ladies, we are glad to see you in our hostel!

Not so long ago we celebrated with you the men's holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, and already on the eve, the most beloved holiday of women all over the world, which is called “International Women’s Day”. On behalf of all the men present here, I want to congratulate you on this wonderful spring holiday and wish you a sea of ​​smiles and attention from your family and friends on this day.

And now I want to give the floor directly to you, the participants of our meeting. Since today you are meeting for the first time, first of all we need to get to know you.

  • And so, the first task “Allow me to introduce myself”

Each participant needs to say their name and also tell a little about themselves

Leading: Well done, I'm glad you completed this task. We all know that it is very important to convey about ourselves good impression in the first minutes of acquaintance, this is what will later influence long-term and fruitful communication.

Dear friends, despite the fact that you are all beautiful and well dressed today, I suggest you change your image a little, and for this you will need to complete the following task.

  • Second task "The Thing from the Box"

While the music is playing, participants pass the box around. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the box, without looking, takes out the first object he comes across and puts it on himself. Once the music resumes, participants pass the box again until the next stop. And one more condition of this task, the guys remain in this outfit until the end of the event (The most various items clothes - from children's caps to huge, specially tailored panties and bras).

Leading: My dears, you are simply charming.

  • Third task: “My ideal”

Participants are divided into two teams: girls and boys. For each team, magazine clippings, felt-tip pens, pencils, and A4 sheets of paper are prepared. The team of girls needs to create an ideal man using these accessories, and also, when presenting it to the audience, voice what qualities the ideal they created will have. Young men must complete a similar task, only they will have to create an ideal woman.

Leading: Well, what can I say, well done, how easily you cope with all the tasks.

The next competition will be somewhat unusual. All of you will sooner or later create your own families, you will have children who require a lot of attention and care. To complete the next task, I will ask a young man and a girl to come out.

  • Fourth task: “Hostess”

One doll is placed on 2 chairs, each of them lying in their cribs. 2 participants must wake up their children, wash them, comb their hair, brush their teeth, do exercises with them, feed them, take them for a walk, feed them again, and put them to bed. The winner is the one who completes all the tasks faster.

Leading: I think you will make excellent parents, as they say: “The main thing is training.”

Probably many of you remember the words from the song... “I recognize my dear one by the way he walks.” The essence of the next task will be somewhat complicated, and you will need to recognize the dear dear ladies by their eyes. And so I ask three girls and three boys to come out.

  • Fifth task “Intuition”

Girls are invited to look carefully into the eyes of the boys - their playing partners. After this, the girls go to another room, and the boys put on gas masks and sit on chairs. They are covered from head to toe with a blanket so that only the gas masks are visible. Women are invited, their task is to find the one into whose eyes they looked most recently.

Leading: And so, we tested our ladies to see how developed their intuition is, and now let's see how creative our boys can be. Surely they have something to surprise us with. I will ask three boys and three girls to go out to complete the next task.

  • Sixth task: “Do your hair”

For the competition, you need to prepare elastic bands, bows, ribbons, etc., which are necessary to create a hairstyle. Girls play the role of clients, sitting on pre-prepared chairs, and boys play the role of hairdressers. The task of hairdressers (boys) is to create a beautiful and bright hairstyle on their client’s head in 10 minutes.

Leading: Are you not hot, dear participants? You probably still have some extra clothes on. I ask permission to announce the final competition “Cabbage”.

  • Seventh competition "Cabbage"

All participants are divided into two teams (regardless of gender). 1 player is selected from each team, and the team must put it on him in 1 minute maximum quantity clothes worn by team members.

Leading: Dear guys, on this pleasant note, I want to thank you for your active participation in competitions and invite everyone to the festive table.

During the tea party, the meeting participants are presented with written thanks and souvenirs.

(Behind the scenes - a guy with a girl)
Girl -………….. look – is everything okay with my suit?!?! Isn't your hair disheveled?!?! Are the shoes clean and the wings straight?
Guy - Yes, everything is fine, but look at me,………………!?!
Girl - Yes, that's good too. Come on, …………, let’s warm up our lips, repeat the tongue twisters: “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass…………”
Guy: Why did you get up? Go already!
Girl: Why am I first?
Guy: Girls have to give in - so come on, go!
Girl: You're always like this... (go on stage)
Presenter: Hello friends!
Host: Hello to all students! To all fellow sufferers...
Presenter: Well, happiness or unhappiness - here you can argue.
Host: Probably everyone who has ever studied at higher education educational institution, well remember the song that became the second hymn to students: but not to those students who are usually depicted poring over textbooks in the stuffy vaults of libraries, but to the cheerful, intoxicated, eternally in love and daring students! This is what this hymn would sound like today:
Student anthem
Here I stand on the side,
Remembering everything clearly
And flashes like in a dream
I have a record book in front of me
Here I stand, holding her,
In a moment it will be decided
Or I'll go into the army,
Or study again!
Is it really that bad? Well, I failed the class, went into the army for a year, and went into battle with new strength!
Host: Therefore, the anthem would sound like this:
Here I am serving my country,
Departed from the university.
How hard is it for me
To think that I'm a loser!
Presenter: It still turns out that it’s better not to fail the session - it’s more expensive for yourself! Probably, there are some rules, if you follow them, you will definitely pass the session successfully?
Host: Of course, there are:
1. don’t sleep during lectures,
2. do not wrap the sausage in notes,
3. don’t get the flu,
4. know the teachers by sight and by name and patronymic - and correctly,
5. know what subject the exam is in,
6. know the subject of the exam itself,
7. be able to quickly respond to your last name,
8. be able to find an audience without a navigator...
Well, and much more!
Presenter: You probably know that many not very responsible students write notes on several subjects in one notebook. So try to determine which items are encrypted in the combined title of the abstract!
1. Political philosophy... (political science and philosophy)
2. History... (history and literature)
3. Mathematics... (mathematics and science)
4. Logistics... (logic and aesthetics)
5. Psychodrawing... (psychology and drawing)

Presenter: Yes, passing the exam largely depends on luck - remember, there is such a sign that the day before the exams you need to open the window, stick your open record book out and shout: Freebie, come!!!
Host: Let's remember all the signs that ensure successful passing of exams! Everyone will try to remember other signs, and the last one to name their version will receive a prize!
Presenter: It’s good that among the options you named there were no such: a record book with an embedded large bill and a night rendezvous with the teacher! This means that the students here are honest, and the female students are decent.
Host: Well, now imagine that all the exams are over and here they are - vacation! Since freedom makes you dizzy and deprives you of your mind, before the holidays you need to draw up an action plan:
go to my parents in the village,
bring meat and potatoes,
meet school friends...
catch the train, come on, those potatoes!
Indeed, a student does not live by potatoes alone, especially since the spirit of mutual assistance and mutual assistance reigns in the hostel! And this means that
1. your misfortune is our misfortune, and what follows from this?
2. your dumplings are our dumplings!
3. your clothes are our clothes!
4. your notes are our notes!
Presenter: And this is great, because it’s a dorm because everything is common! This means that every student’s chances for successful studies and happy life multiply a hundredfold!
And the anthem of a happy student will sound completely different!
The session will be over soon
I'll rent it out decently
I know exactly in advance
Everything will be great!
Host: And this is a great reason for fun, dancing and competitions!
Presenter: The worst thing in student life is what? Of course, the session and exams! And the first competition will be related to this. We have several exam papers. They contain what you must do, otherwise...
Host: Otherwise ARMY!!! Well, or a scrubber in a store...
Presenter: So who is the first to draw a ticket? Well, that’s what I knew – just like in a real exam. Remember that even if you are not able to complete the task, you can apply to become a floor scrubber or join the army.
Host: By the way, that’s not fair!
Presenter: What’s not fair?
Host: You didn’t give them the opportunity to even look into your spurs!
Presenter: Oh, so there were no cheat sheets?! Now you will have spurs! I need three pairs of willing people.
So it is! Three will be students, and three will be the commission. Here are ten cheat sheets for the students each. Now we will blindfold the commission, and while they do not see, the students will hide cheat sheets on themselves - for one thing and see who does it better. After this, the commission removes the bandages, selects a student and looks for cheat sheets from him. Whichever teacher found all ten pieces faster won. But with students it’s different - whoever hid their precious spurs more securely won. Clear?
Host: Do you know that at the beginning of the 20th century, the biggest bullies in the world were already students. For any reason (and often without) they started duels. “Scars make a man” - isn’t this where the famous saying comes from? Every self-respecting student had to have at least one such “decoration”, and those who did not receive it in a duel could turn to the services of a cosmetic surgeon.
Presenter: Today there is a much easier way to test yourself for courage and endurance. (The presenter selects 5 people and gives each an egg, informing that one of them is raw. Now each participant must break the egg on his head. The one who gets the raw egg will be the winner. Since all the eggs are boiled, at the moment when four people will have already broken their “details”, it will become obvious to everyone that the last participant has the raw egg (although in fact he also has boiled egg). Thus, after some hesitation and persuasion from the public, it is necessary to bring the person to condition so that, without fear of anything, he boldly breaks an egg on his head and finds out that it is boiled). For patience, endurance and courage you are entitled to a prize!
Host: We all know that students’ lessons are called “COUPLES,” so for the next competition I need 3 pairs of students (boy-girl).
The competition is called “catch the ball”. The girls are given a balloon, they inflate it, then on command they release the balloon, it flies in an unpredictable direction, and the guy’s task is to catch his balloon faster than the others and return it to his companion. Whoever did it first won. Are the rules clear? Then let's start!
Presenter: And why is this holiday in winter? Couldn't they have chosen a warmer time?
Host: I don’t know why, but it seems to me that this is very convenient, look: it’s winter, it’s cold, how to warm up? Dance!
Presenter: Dance? This is what I love! Let's have a dance competition!
Host: At the same time, we’ll dance ourselves! Need a couple willing to dance. Now the music will start and you will dance, then the music will end, you will go and choose a pair from those who are still sitting, and there will already be two pairs, then these two pairs will disperse to form 4 pairs and so on until there is no dancing the whole hall. (At the end of the competition, the first couple receives prizes for their courage)
Presenter: Today is Students' Day! It was on this day in the 18th century that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University.
Host: And that's true. But you haven’t said the most important thing yet. Today is Tatiana's Day! A holiday for all lovely girls, girls and women whose name is Tatyana.
Presenter: I ask all Tatianas in this room to rise! Let's greet our charming heroes of the occasion. (Symbolic gifts are given to Tatyana.)
Host: I wonder if the student’s name is Tanya, will she have a double celebration?
Presenter: It turns out like this.
Host: Then happy double holiday to you, dear Tatyana!
Presenter: Well, it seems like everyone was congratulated, both the students and Tatyana.
Host: And Tatiana is a student! Our mission is completed, we can hang out, we are still students ourselves!
Presenter: Well, why dance?! I love discos!
Presenter: Everyone dance!!!

1 presenter:

Dear friends, students! We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday dedicated to Student's Day or, as people say, Tatyana's Day. Student's Day is the best holiday for students, not counting tests and exams. This holiday is celebrated by former students, future students and, of course, current students. And first, let's remember or just find out the history of our holiday. So, who can tell the story of the emergence of Students' Day?

(students' answers)

2 presenter:

It so happened that it was on Tatyana’s Day, which according to the new style is celebrated on January 25, in 1755 that Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the decree “On the Establishment of Moscow University,” and Tatyana’s Day became an official student day; in those days it was called the Foundation Day of Moscow University. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students. On this day, it is customary to light candles for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana for difficult teaching and enlightenment.

By Decree of the President of Russia No. 76 of January 25, 2005, “On the Day of Russian Students,” the holiday of Russian students was officially approved.

3rd presenter:

Tell me, who is a student?

Yesterday's applicant

He diligently scribbles notes

And he’s worried about a scholarship,

And after that, don’t mind having fun.

Always ready to help friends.

Competition: “A student is...”

What do you think a modern student should look like?

(two teams are given the opportunity to express their opinions in turn).

You speak well, and now let's check how you can transfer everything that you said onto a piece of paper. So, your task is to depict everything that you said about the modern student on sheet A-4.

Well done, you did a great job.

4th presenter:

Competition: “Crib”

We all know the ingenuity of students in writing cheat sheets. And only now we will test you in reality. We will ask one representative from each team to come out (who will be given one roll of toilet paper). Your task is to tear the paper into small pieces as quickly as possible and hide it on yourself so that nothing is visible.

1 presenter:

Competition “We wrote, we wrote...”

I see you know how to hide cheat sheets. Do you know how to write them? Now I will give each team one piece of paper, but not a full one, but only one eighth of the sheet. And each team will write on a piece of paper an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. And naturally, the team that can write the most text on their cheat sheet will win, but the main thing is that the text is legible.

2 presenter:

And now we move on to the most intellectual competition “Quiz”.

Quiz competition

Whoever gives the correct answer faster gets one point for that team.

1. Seven candles were burning in the room. A man passed by and put out two candles. How many are left? (Two, the rest burned down.)

2. Born twice, dies once. (Chicken)

3. Who can’t be lifted off the floor by the tail? (Ball of thread)

4. Two bellies, four ears. Who is this? (Pillow).

5. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them between three kids so that one apple remains in the basket? (Give one along with the basket.)

6. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)

7. What year has only 1 day? (New Year)

8. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (At the mushroom)

9. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second is no longer on an empty stomach)

10. What kind of dishes should you not eat from? (Out of empty)

11. How does both day and night end? (Soft sign)

12. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)

13. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)

14. Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Those that stand)

15. What is not found in cabbage, beets, or radishes, but is found in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter O)

1. “My phone rang. Who's talking? (elephant)

2. “One day in the cold winter I came out of the forest. It was strong..." (frost)

3. “Our Tanya is crying loudly - she dropped it into the river...” (ball)

4. “I’ve almost walked around the entire globe - life is good, and to live...” (good)

5. “There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and...” (to Juliet)

6. “The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, a swallow is in the canopy with spring…” (flying)

7 “A fly walked across the field, the fly bought some money...” (found)

8. “A storm covers the sky with darkness, snow whirlwinds...” (twisting)

9. “Here is my village, here is my home...” (native)

10. “The bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes: oh, the board ends, now I...” (I’ll fall)

11. “The pike opens its mouth, but you can’t hear that...” (sings)

12. “A fly went to the market and bought...” (samovar)

13. “Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks...” (Neva)

14. “They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear...” (paw)

15. “I love the thunderstorm at the beginning...” (May)

16. “The brothers sowed wheat and transported it to the capital city. You know, that capital was not far from...” (seda)

17. “Wind, wind! You are powerful, you drive flocks..." (clouds)

18. “There is a tower in the field. Isn’t he short -?.” (not tall)

19. “Then she will howl like a beast, then she will cry like... ." (child)

20. “The poet, a slave, died...” (honor)

21. “The father had three sons. The eldest was smart...” (child)

22. “Come to us, Aunt Horse, our baby...” (shake)

23. “The good doctor will heal everyone, he will heal...” (Aibolit)

24. “I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands. People’s folklore will not grow towards him...” (trail)

25. “And I was there, honey-beer...” (drank)

26. “He knew only one power of thought, one, but fiery...” (passion)

27. “I see a horse slowly ascending the mountain, carrying brushwood...” (cart)

28. “Sad time! Eyes..." (charm)

29. “Let’s drink out of grief, where is the mug, it will be for the heart...” (more cheerful)

30. “There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass, just like...” (cucumber)

31. “I love my horse, I’ll comb its fur...” (smooth)

32. “Shine - and no nails!” - this is my slogan - and...” (sun)

33. “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry. Everything will pass as if from white apple trees...” (smoke)

Well done! Well, what is student life without a song, without a guitar. And so, meet our guys who will sing you the song “……”.

3rd presenter:

So today we showed our knowledge, our dexterity and ingenuity and our resourcefulness, that is, everything that our students are so famous for. And we will not count the final number of points and identify the winner. Because friendship won, we, the students, won. So happy holiday to you and have a good rest. But don’t forget that tomorrow the technical school is waiting for you again.

We invite everyone to a tea party!

Excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;

Golden chain on the oak tree:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

He goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,

The mermaid sits on the branches;

There on unknown paths

Traces of unprecedented animals;

There's a hut there on chicken legs

It stands without windows, without doors;

There the forest and the valley are full of visions;

There the waves will rush in at dawn

The beach is sandy and empty,

And thirty beautiful knights

From time to time clear waters emerge,

And their sea uncle is with them;

The prince is there in passing

Captivates the formidable king;

There in the clouds in front of the people

Through the forests, across the seas

The sorcerer carries the hero;

In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,

And the brown wolf serves her faithfully;

There is a stupa with Baba Yaga

She walks and wanders by herself;

There, King Kashchei is wasting away over gold;

There's a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia!

And there I was, and I drank honey;

I saw a green oak by the sea;

The cat was sitting under him, a scientist

He told me his fairy tales.

I remember one: this fairy tale

Now I will tell the world...

Young specialist: Hello!

Chairman of the collective farm: And don’t get sick. What do you want?

Young specialist: I am a young specialist. Arrived to you by appointment. Here's my diploma.

Chairman of the collective farm: (after looking at the diploma) Yes! Your diploma is good. Come on, shout something!

Young specialist: How is it, shout...?

Chairman of the collective farm: How are you shouting in the forest?

Young specialist: (quietly) Ah-ah-ah

Chairman of the collective farm: Don’t be shy, shout louder

Young specialist: (a little louder) Ah-ah-ah

Young specialist: How? Right here?

Chairman of the collective farm: Why be shy! Everyone is here. Just swear at me right now.

Young specialist: ... impudent

Collective farm chairman: No! Can you do something like a man?

Young specialist: ... shameless impudent!

Chairman of the collective farm: (sighs) How will you work with people? For example, the milkmaids did not come out for morning milking. What will you tell them?

Young specialist: Well, I’ll say that it’s not good. What...

Chairman of the collective farm: And tomorrow you will milk the cows yourself. But, for example, the shepherd brought only half of his flock in the evening. What will you tell him?!

Young specialist: Well... let this be the last time!

Chairman of the collective farm: Yes-ah! Of course, your diploma is good, but I can’t hire you.

Young specialist: How so?!

Collective farm chairman: That’s it! I can’t do that!

Young specialist: What are you talking about! What happens?! Did I study in vain for five years?! Was the government wasting money on me in vain?! (starts up) What are you allowing yourself to do?!! He sits here, wipes his pants, and even mocks people, damn bureaucrat!!!

Collective farm chairman: Yes, yes. Carry on

Young specialist: Do you think I was scared of you?! Do you know what I will do to you now?! Goat!!!

Collective farm chairman: That's it, stop! Great! Back to work tomorrow!