Top biggest horses. Interesting facts about the tallest horse in the world

One of the largest breeds of horses can be safely classified as shire .

A long time ago, there was a need to transport non-lifting loads. How heavy the knights were in their iron armor. The knight's horses were called destrie. Their height exceeded two meters, and their weight was more than a ton.

Horses of the Middle Ages are the ancestors of our modern heavyweights, such as French Pcherons, English Shires and Belgian Brabançons. Today, such heavyweights are very useful in agricultural work. They transport goods and plow land.

2nd place

Brabarson This is the most powerful horse breed in the world. Their weight can reach up to a ton, and their height reaches up to a meter and ten centimeters. They grow very quickly and also develop quickly. They are especially popular in areas of North America.

3rd place

Arden – the breed is one of the most ancient. Their height does not reach above the mark of one meter sixty-five centimeters. Their breed comes from the borders of Belgium and the borders of France. To improve the breed, in the nineteenth century they were transfused with Brabançon blood. They were also popular with Napoleon's army, and were present in the First World War.

4th place


This is a large breed of French horse. This breed of horse began to be considered the most graceful among all heavyweights. The first most famous was Jean de Blanc, a Percheron stallion. Which was born in 1830.

For a long time they were instilled with Arabian blood, so there are many horses with Arabian blood in the breed. The resulting breed became popular both for military purposes and for rural work.

The height of a representative of this breed is no more than one hundred and seventy-two centimeters.

5th place

Russian heavy trucks

At the end of the century before last, the heavy Russian breed began to appear. By crossing Ardens with horses in sleds, Russian heavyweights began to emerge. The Russian Ardenne appeared at the Paris Exhibition in 1900. One of those representing Russia at the exhibition, nicknamed Karavai, received the most high reward. The breed was officially registered in 1952. The heavyweight is over one and a half meters tall, but he stands out for his special strength.

The Soviet heavy truck is one of the Russian breeds. The breed was created after crossing Brabarson stallions with traction horses. It differed from the Braborsons in that the horses were smaller, but moved faster. Height up to one hundred and sixty centimeters, weight no more than a thousand kilograms.

The largest horse in the world

Among all the horses of different breeds, the Shire is considered the largest. The horse was born in England in 1846. His name was Sampson. When he was no more than two years old, they began to call him a mammoth. His height reached two meters twenty-two centimeters, he weighed one thousand five hundred and thirty kilograms. No matter how much I would like to see him, unfortunately there is no photo left with his image.

The horse is considered one of the most beautiful And graceful animals large sizes all over the world.

Man tamed the horse back in ancient times in order to make his life easier. This happened several thousand years ago (about 6) and the horse honestly served man throughout this time.

She has become simply irreplaceable and in household, both in the military sphere, and simply in moving around the world for travelers, and you could also drink its milk and eat its meat, and the skins were used in sewing clothes and insulating the home.

Since the first centuries of domestication, horses have been depicted on the walls of dwellings. Some animal species have not survived to our time and we can only know about their existence thanks to these drawings.

Years passed and people bred more and more new types and breeds of horses that fulfilled certain goals and objectives. The properties of different breeds of horses began to differ both in climatic adaptability and in physiological characteristics.

But science is inexorably moving forward with huge strides, and horsepower has gradually been replaced by mechanical or electronic ones, which has led to a global decline in demand for these animals. Thus, some species were on the verge of extinction, and some eventually simply disappeared. But the world's livestock breeders and simply caring horse lovers nevertheless corrected the situation. They began to organize competitions, festivals, horse races - these events provided good motivation for breeding different horse breeds.

Throughout our history, breeders have tried to breed the hardiest breeds, which can be used in agriculture. A horse was needed that could transport heavy loads over even greater distances. And they succeeded brilliantly. IN different countries In the world, many breeds were bred about two meters tall and weighing about one and a half tons. Such horses were bred or found randomly in the Middle Ages.

Large horse breeds

Let's look at some breeds the largest horses in our world:

  • shires;
  • percheron;
  • Russian draft;
  • Soviet heavy draft;
  • Vladimir heavy draft;
  • Irish heavy truck.


The history of these animals begins in the distant Middle Ages. The breed was held in high esteem by the knights, since at that time they needed a horse that could carry heavy loads, because knightly armor weighed a lot, and the rider himself was heavy.

These animals are of British ancestry, as the name suggests. They lived in the territories of Ireland, Holland and England. These horses were considered elite, they were bred at the royal courts and foals that were less than a certain height were not raised. In this way a pure breed was bred.

This breed was used as riding horses in carts and carriages, and also as a war horse. The horse was durable and could carry large loads. It was from this type of horse that the genetic basis for draft horses all over the world came. Today, this breed of horse is bred all over the world; its appearance is characterized by “white knee socks” on hind legs and a small bald spot on the head. This one big horse has very muscular frame, broad back, developed chest. In general, the body structure is proportional. Perhaps it was this breed that became the prototype of our Sivka-Burka, she is very good.


According to the results of anthropological research, this breed of horse originates in France, and rightfully bears the title of the largest horse in the world. Distinctive feature This breed is characterized by high endurance and power combined with beautiful gait and smartness; scientists suggest that this is due to the territorial location of origin. It is the fit of the body and gracefulness that ensures the quiet gait of this animal, which the knights really liked. At the same time, she transported very heavy loads.

But when the times of the knights sank into oblivion, these horses were quickly repurposed as teams and they did not mind, but did their job efficiently.

Horses of this breed are unpretentious in terms of diet and living conditions, have a fairly kind character and patience, easily understand their owner and willingly learn new things. Now this breed is used in parks for transporting tourists and in agriculture. They live on any continent and are unpretentious to weather conditions. Percherons have a wide chest, powerful, muscular legs and thighs, and also use them to improve other breeds. This seemingly huge, heavy horse has light and graceful movements and is very durable. The color of these horses is white or black.

Russian heavy draft

This huge beauty was born thanks to the work of domestic breeders and is the most impressive breed in Russia.

She was bred to work for the benefit of local agriculture, through complex selections and crossbreeding, as well as experiments with feeding.

To create it, specimens of local horses were used. They differ from their counterparts in their smaller size, but they have a long life expectancy, produce good offspring, are economical in feeding and feel great in a harness. This breed was officially registered in 1952, and in 1900 its representative (at that time the largest horse in the world named Loaf) took part in an international exhibition in France, where he won the highest award.

During the period of the rise of the state, breeders decided that they needed a horse that would have increased load capacity. This prompted them to breed this breed. This breed was created as a result of an experiment from crossing the Belgian draft and local breeds. And of course, due to their availability, they became popular among peasants. Aged about three years she can gradually begin to perform her duties in agriculture.

Other horses mature much later. Another important aspect that attracts lovers of delicacies is horse meat. It is very tasty and has high quality. Many farmers raise these horses exclusively for meat.

Vladimir heavy-haul

The pride of domestic breeders is the Vladimir heavy truck. This breed has become famous abroad! She was bred in the Vladimir region from English stallions crossed with domestic ones. Then the stallions with the best parental performance were selected. They are used for horse riding. In a harness, the horse looks great, even taking into account the fact that the color is often bay.

The breed differs from its fellow tribesmen in its significant growth and feels great in Russian climatic conditions.

Irish draft horse

The hardest working horse in the world- This is an Irish heavy truck. These beauties are equally good at carrying heavy loads, pulling a plow or accompanying hunters on a hunt. But at one point the interest of horse breeders was lost and this breed was on the verge of extinction. Then breeders began to try to correct the situation and crossed the Irish with the Shires.

Unfortunately, this gave absolutely nothing. Of course, a little later, certain work was carried out to restore the basic qualities of this breed, which were successful. Currently, the Irish heavy truck is used only in agriculture, since thanks to its low price, unpretentiousness in nutrition and maintenance, even the poorest peasant can afford it.

The biggest horse in the world

In first place among all world breeds today is, of course, the largest horse of the Shire breed, a giant named Po. Its height is about three meters and its weight is about 1.5 tons. Every day he drinks 8-9 buckets of water and eats about 10 kg of grain and hay. In order to climb onto a horse, its owner must first climb onto a stepladder.

Previously, heavyweight Sampson, who was born in 1846, was in first place. At the age of four, they began to call him Mammoth, due to his enormous size. The height of this champion was two meters twenty centimeters, and he weighed 1520 kilograms. This unique stallion took part in charity shows and was very popular among visitors to the stable.

As a result, we can say that the largest horse in the world must have the necessary parameters:

  1. Height is about two meters.
  2. Weight is about one and a half tons.
  3. Good pedigree.

Even in ancient times, people learned to control horses, and since then these stunningly beautiful and graceful animals have been used in various areas of life. They have strength and power that can surprise the most inveterate skeptics. Among the variety of horse breeds, there are those that stand out significantly from the general background.

Horse Cracker

The largest horse in the world, the photo of which is given below, is called Cracker. He was born twenty years ago in Lincolnshire, UK. And he immediately attracted the attention of the public - his size amazed and delighted. Now he weighs more than a ton, and his height at the withers almost reaches the two-meter mark; if we take the tips of his ears as the starting point of measurement, it will be 2.5 meters. To saddle the giant, the owner has to use a stepladder.

Cracker belongs to the Shire gelding breed. They themselves are large, heavy and very strong - it’s not for nothing that they are considered heavy trucks. Their tasks included a special mission - their riders were knights dressed in heavy armor. They coped well with the mission of a war horse. All representatives of this breed are tall, usually 170-185 cm at the withers and have a considerable weight of eight hundred kilograms and above. It is noteworthy that the largest horse in the world was Samson, his photo and story about him are just below the text.

The largest horse in the world has a good-natured, calm disposition. His entire appearance exudes majesty - the horse clearly knows his worth. Not everyone will decide to ride it - the tall and large Shire evokes admiration and awe.

Cracker has an excellent appetite - he needs 90 liters of liquid and 25 kg of hay per day.


About 400 years ago, the Shires lived only in England, Ireland, and Holland. Now they are bred all over the world. The appearance of horses of this breed is characterized by “white stockings” on the hind legs and a slight bald spot on the head. In general, the structure of the horse is proportional. The croup is muscular, the back is wide, the sacrum and rib cage excellently developed, the head is large and the forehead is wide. Most often there are handsome black, bay and karak breeds, less often - gray.

The disadvantage is the impossibility of high jumps. It is incredibly difficult for the Shires to cross marshy areas and streams. But the work of breeders can reduce this drawback to nothing. A distinctive feature of giant horses is their legs - on the joints of which there is lush hair - “Frieza”. Perhaps it was the shires who became the prototype of the famous sivka-burka - they are too good, handsome!


He has been dead for a long time, but no one has managed to surpass him. The hero was born in 1846 in England. The height at the withers reached 2.2 m, and the weight was 1520 kg.

French Percherons have also become widespread - these powerful giants can be found on any continent. Their strength and courage were loved by many, and they became indispensable in agriculture and on the battlefield. Now Percherons, with their wide, deep chests, muscular thighs and powerful legs, are used to improve other breeds. In general, the breed has a lot of blood from Arabian horses - they were vaccinated for a long time. This one is heavy large horse, whose movements are light and graceful, extremely resilient. Such a horse is capable of trotting about sixty kilometers in a day.

Typically, the height of Percherons varies within one hundred and sixty centimeters, the color is white or black. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a large head with a high noble forehead, soft long ears, lively, shiny eyes, even profile. The largest horse among them was a racer named dr. Le Gear. He was born at the very beginning of the twentieth century, weighed one thousand three hundred and seventy kilograms, and his height at the withers was two hundred and thirteen centimeters.

Horses have long been valued for strength and endurance. Modern heavy trucks - descendants of war horses - amaze with their parameters. We found out where the largest horse in the world lives, and also remembered the history of the appearance of large horses.

Breeds and history of heavy trucks

The largest horses in the world come from several draft breeds. We have arranged them in ascending order: from Ardens, which are considered small drays, to giant Percherons.

The Ardennes boast hardiness and a rich pedigree. It is believed that these horses trace their history back to the prehistoric Solutre breed, which lived in Europe about 50 thousand years ago. The Romans later used the species during wars for heavy cavalry. Julius Caesar noted the strength and tirelessness of horses. Horses were bred on the plains of the Ardennes Mountains (territory of Germany, Belgium and France). The height of the stallions reached just over 1.4 m. A new round in the development of the breed also occurred thanks to the war: under Napoleon, Ardens were crossed with Arabian horses, increasing their endurance. Nowadays, these horses are classified as small draft horses. Larger representatives are bred by the Balts.

The Ardennes served as the basis for the development of Russian heavy trucks. The latter were also crossed with Brabançons to achieve greater strength. Initially, the new breed was adapted for agricultural needs, so scientists were not tasked with increasing the size of the animal. Dryness and good mobility were valued. In 1900, at the Paris exhibition, the breed became known as the Russian Ardennes. After October Revolution Some stud farms were transferred to the Urals. Then measures were taken to enlarge the horses; for this they used Brabançons, achieving a height at the withers of up to 1.5 m.

Next on our list are horses that were also used by the military - Shires. They are the largest English heavy trucks. The original name of their ancestors Great Horse was later changed to English Black. It is believed that Cromwell gave the horses their second name. The Shires were bred by crossing Friesian and Flandish stallions with local mares. For some time, these hardy horses were considered exclusively for the army. At the withers, stallions reach from 1.65 to 1.75 meters. Shires have the ability to move loads up to five times their own weight.

Brabançons are one of the most ancient breeds of heavy draft horses in Europe. In the Middle Ages it was known as the "Flanders Horse". Brabançons were crossed with Shires. Belgian horses at the age of five can boast a weight of 1000 kg and a height of 1.7 m at the withers.

Another giant among horses is the Percheron, which is called the most elegant and graceful among heavy draft horses. This happened because in the veins of this French breed there is an admixture of Arabian horses. They were bred at the beginning of the 19th century in a province called Perche. Breeders used Breton and Boulogne horses. This is the largest and hardiest horse breed in the world: adults reach 1.75 m at the withers.

Record horses

Years of selection led to the appearance of giants among the heavy trucks in the 20th and 21st centuries. Their names are often known not only to horse breeders.


The Shires boast an absolute record in height. This breed belongs to the tallest and largest horse known in the world of horse breeding. A foal named Samson was born in 1846 in the English county of Bedfordshire. It belonged to Mr. Thomas Cleaver. The stallion's height peaked at the age of four, when he weighed 1520 kg, his height at the withers reached 2.2 m. At the same time he was renamed Mammoth. At that time, the Guinness Book of Records did not yet exist, so the achievement was not documented. We can see what the largest horse in the world looked like thanks to a photo that has survived to this day.

Digger and Brooklyn Supreme

Samson's record could be broken by another Shire named Digger. At the age of five, his weight was 1200 kilograms and his height was 2.02 m. The bay roan Belgian Brooklyn Supreme is also considered a giant. By the age of 10, he gained 1451 kilograms of weight, and his height was 1.98 m. The dimensions can be judged by the fact that this stallion needed horseshoes weighing 13 kg, despite the fact that a standard horseshoe weighs from 200 to 700 g.

Big Jake

In 2010, the title of the main giant passed to the Belgian gelding Big Jake. The Guinness World Record holder reached 2.17 m at the withers, and his weight was 2600 kg. Big Jake was only a few centimeters behind the great Samson. The owner of Brabançon created a show program to demonstrate his outstanding pet, but thanks to the photo, we can also see the largest horse in the world.

The heaviest horse in history ever born in the world is the Iz, also known as the Shire. The lineage of these horses goes back to the times ancient Rome, knights of the Middle Ages went on campaigns on horses of this breed. Unfortunately, as always happens with ancient breeds, information about how this breed originated has been lost.

The name appeared at the beginning of the sixteenth century, thanks to the then King of England Henry the Eighth. There are two theories about the origin of this name, one of them is from English word Shire, this word was used to call counties in Britain. The second theory is that the word came from the area in which these horses began to be bred en masse - schyran, which essentially means a British type of area.

Shire horses

Even before the mention of the Shire breed as such, in Britain they sought to increase the productivity obtained from horses, and therefore increase their height and weight. For this purpose, they even created a law that prohibited the use of horses for breeding, individuals whose height was less than 154 centimeters at the withers. There were also bans on the import of horses from other states on the territory of the state; it was even forbidden to deliver horses from Scotland. And this bore fruit; chroniclers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries describe horses bred in Britain as tall, muscular with huge strong joints, strong forelegs and overgrown with thick, long brush.

Strong muscular legs

Historians attribute the appearance of the heavy Shire horse breed to the times when Roman troops conquered England. It was then that the first cross between Roman draft horses and the British war horses that lived on the island at that time was established. However, those days are long gone and nothing can be said for sure. We know for certain that during the time of chivalry, the Great Horse breed of horses was brought to England - large horses. They were at least one and a half meters at the withers and so massive that they could carry a knight clad in full uniform, and the weight of the knights of that time often exceeded two hundred kilograms.

Later, these heavy horses also mixed with the existing breed in Britain, many people think that this is how the Shires came to be. After the times of the knights passed, the time came for industrialization, animals had to take up work in teams, and the descendants of recent knightly horses pulled heavy carts along the rough roads of England.

Selection delights for breeding the breed

At the very end of the seventeenth century, when knightly tournaments had sunk into oblivion, several breeds of traction horses entered the arena of British horse breeding - German and Flemish traction horses. All these breeds made a significant contribution to the formation of the heavyweight breed. The most noticeable admixture in the Flemish breed was that they were heavy and slow, but at the same time enormous in size and capable of carrying phenomenal weight.

Historians describe horse-drawn carts, often weighing more than three tons, that the animals pulled along the rough roads of England. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, these horses were given the name “English Black,” and most of the Flemings were just like the ancestors of the present-day Shires.

In the eighteenth century, Robert Bakeville, the famous British breeder of his time, greatly improved the breed using Flemish queens. At that time, the horses bred by Bakeville began to interest the general public, already outside the island.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Shire finally established itself as the main breed of British draft horses, they took prizes at exhibitions. At the same time, these animals began to be exported en masse to America, where the breed immediately began to be bred and improved. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Shires had already replaced the American breed of heavy horses.

The appearance of the heavy horse in history dates back to the middle of the eighteenth century. In 1846, a stallion named Sampson was born in the British town of Bedfordshire. From the beginning he was no different from his brothers in the breed, but at the age of six years, he managed to achieve previously unseen figures. Sampson's height at the withers was 2 meters and 20 centimeters, and his weight was simply phenomenal, 1520 kg. Due to its size, the owner decided to rename it and from 1852 Sampson began to be called Mammoth.

Stallion Sampson

Until our time, no horse in the world has surpassed the Mammoth in size. However, in 2010, at an exhibition in the city of Madison, England, which took place on April 16, a Guinness Book record was recorded for the heaviest horse in the world, the owner of this title was a stallion from Belgium named Big Jack, his weight at the time of recording the record was 1600 kilograms.

Heavyweight Big Jack

The owner of the heavy horse stallion claims that he achieved such parameters thanks to a special diet and training. Every day of the champion is planned literally minute by minute, eating, grooming, training, showing the public, again feeding and again training.

His competitor in the history of the heaviest horse breed may soon be a stallion named Digger, who at the age of 5 has already reached a height of 2.2 meters and a weight of 1350 kilograms, and he continues to grow; Digger consumes 25 kilograms of hay and 70 liters of water every day.