The best online services for checking text for errors. How to learn to write correctly in a short time, and why it is important to write without errors

The ability to write correctly is an important part of a person’s life. After all, you will agree that it is much more pleasant to communicate with someone who always expresses his thoughts correctly. It seems that there are a lot of books on grammar, the Internet, and even at school they teach the basics of the Russian language. There is a lot of information, but for some reason many people are simply not able to master all the rules. What is this connected with? Perhaps because Russian is one of the most complex languages in the world.

Although those who are still unable to understand grammar should not despair, because there is an alternative to simply memorizing the rules, and it is much easier than we can imagine, otherwise we would not all have mastered the basic rules of competent writing. So, what kind of method is this that will allow you to learn how to write correctly without memorizing the rules. In fact, there is not one way, but several, how to learn to write correctly. In this article we will look at two of them.

Method number 1. Reading books.

Everyone knows that in any business, practice allows you to achieve much greater results than theory. So when you start reading, you are practicing. The essence of this method is that by constantly reading books and encountering the same words, you remember their spelling, but provided, of course, that you have a good visual memory, otherwise you will still have to learn the rules, although there is one option: listen to or watch video lessons on Russian grammar; if your visual memory fails you, then your auditory memory is probably present.

Method No. 2. Tests.

Based on this teaching format: take a collection of tests in Russian or Ukrainian language(if you are from Ukraine), fortunately now it’s easier than ever to purchase them, all thanks to the Unified State Exam or in Ukraine - UPE. And solve tests to prepare for the External Examination, relying on the rules in unclear questions. What is the essence of this method? This is how you combine theory with practice. And the result of mastering the material is much better, because you reinforce theoretical questions different examples in tests.

And finally, this advice: due to the emergence social networks illiterate writing has become fashionable, one might say. Young people write messages clumsily, without paying any attention to literacy, and as a result, this habit takes root, so write correctly always and everywhere.

Reach high level Not everyone succeeds in literacy in the Russian language, since our spelling rules diverge significantly from phonetic pronunciation words

In addition, our language has very extensive rules for punctuation of text.

Reading is the first aid in mastering literacy

If a person reads a lot, most often he will write correctly. Many books will help you expand your vocabulary, introduce new words into everyday use, remember their spelling, and also learn the rules of punctuation. People who love to read can express their thoughts much more accurately and interestingly both in writing and in oral speech.

For reading, you need to choose good works of art or science from classical literature, as well as from modern, but high quality. Don't forget that some figures of speech or phrases have already gone out of use. everyday life and remained only in the novels of writers of past centuries.

The dictionary is your best friend

After writing the text, do not be lazy to check doubtful words or punctuation marks in a spelling dictionary or reference book on grammar and spelling. Train yourself to always resort to reference literature to build grammatically and spelling-correct verbal constructions. Find out lexical meaning incomprehensible expressions, phrases, words and terms.

Memorizing it by heart will also help.

Introduce yourself a rule - learn passages from prose or poetry by heart. This method can significantly improve memory and become more literate.

In addition, you can always show off a quote from classical literature in a conversation, cite an aphorism as proof, or simply insert a compelling argument in a dispute. After reading the text by heart, write it down in a notebook - in this way you additionally strengthen your visual memory.

Dictations are needed not only at school

Pedagogy based on solids scientific facts claims that dictation is the most successful method of dealing with errors in both children and adults. Parents can dictate to their child, and then the child can dictate to their parents, after which they should check what they have written and be sure to work on mistakes.

Automatic memory for spelling

When rewriting, automatic memory is activated, allowing you to memorize a lot of new things. You can take any classical literature or purchase a collection of dictations and rewrite up to 10 pages. In addition to making you more literate, this will help increase your erudition.

Each person is different from others in his abilities. Some people perceive information well by hearing, others remember better when they write or read. Usually people have mixed types of memory: visual and motor, auditory and motor, etc. As a result, to improve your literacy level, you need to choose for yourself those methods that are most suitable for you to learn the Russian language.

Today only the lazy do not write. We keep blogs, write posts on social networks, leave long comments on articles in online publications and notes from friends. Unfortunately, many texts found on the Internet are not literate. Those who write correctly are irritated by mistakes. But there is another, quite large, group of Internet users who say that spelling, stylistic and syntax errors are nonsense. The main thing is that the content is interesting.

Why write correctly?

Let's see why it is so important to write without errors.

1. If you write illiterately, you lose part of your audience. Because any text is business card author. Writing with mistakes is like walking around in dirty clothes. “Carelessness in speech means carelessness in everything,” readers think and stop reading you, “stumbling” over another mistake.

As Irina Levontina, candidate of philological sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Russian Language named after I. V.V. Vinogradov RAS: “For many literate people, the very sight of illiterate text is painful, like the creaking of foam plastic.”

2. Internet resources will not cooperate with an illiterate author. If your writing ambitions go beyond the scope of posts on your page, it is all the more necessary to write correctly, because text with errors reduces trust not only in the author of the publication, but also in the resource on which it is posted. No self-respecting editor would agree to correct errors in every word. Rather, he will prefer another, competent author.

The organizer of the “Total Dictation” and director of the foundation of the same name, Olga Rebkovets, is sure that “in order for us to be understood, appreciated and respected, it is absolutely necessary to be literate.”

Each of us has our own reasons for learning to write without errors. And we will tell you how to succeed in this.

Where does literacy begin?

At school we learned the rules of the Russian language for many years. Then it seemed to us: if you learn the rule properly, you will write without mistakes. However, this is not entirely true.

The President of the Academy of Image Making and Psychotechnologies of Management, Vadim Sedachev, in an interview with Radio Liberty, said that, according to official statistics, only about 25% of the population writes relatively competently.

German scientist-teachers A. Diesterwerg and E. Bormann in the middle of the nineteenth century suggested that memorizing endless rules does not lead to competent writing. Their followers found out that there are psychological patterns in the development of spelling literacy.To understand this important mechanism, let us trace the path of its formation.WITH early age we hear the sounds of our native language. Elementary imitation of these sounds turns into conscious speech. Then the visual analyzers join in the work of the auditory analyzers - we master reading, and the sounding word takes on a specific visible form, which often does not coincide with what we hear.

And finally, we get acquainted with writing: the motor analyzer is connected to the auditory and visual analyzers. The work of these analyzers is associated with certain areas of the cerebral cortex, the development of which affects, among other things, literacy.

Philologist and neurophysiologist Natalya Romanova notes: “Literacy is not culture, not intelligence, not open-mindedness, or even education. This is simply the healthy development of certain brain cells, plus a prosperous speech environment into which a person finds himself after birth.”

Does this mean that it is no longer possible for an adult to learn to write without errors? Let's speculate.

Congenital or acquired?

One can argue with the term “innate literacy”.Teach a four-year-old child, who has three generations of writers and philologists in his family, to read. And immediately give him a dictation. He will write this to you... Not a single graphologist, philologist or rock art specialist will understand it!

Everyone knows that people who read write more competently than those who do not like to read. However, this can be explained by the fact that by reading, a person trains visual memory. He remembers words and syntactic structures that appear in the text and automatically uses them correctly in his texts.

If in the same family, with the same parents, two children grow up, one of whom has been reading a book since the age of five, and the other prefers a computer, the first will be more literate than the second.

In addition to visual memory, competent writing is facilitated by developed logical thinking. Logic people analyze everything that catches their eye. They create their own rules in the process of reading and find spelling patterns in texts, which they successfully use when writing dictations and essays.

Natalya Sofiina, a teacher at the Volsky School of Arts, believes that “innate literacy is more correctly called a “sense of language”... when a person knows not the rules, but the logic of spelling.”

Thus, innate literacy is a myth. This means that literacy can be developed.

Having scoured the Internet...

To write correctly, you need to read a lot. But what to do if you chronically lack time for reading: work, family, hobbies “eat up” all your free minutes. Not all of them are equally effective and are not always easy and pleasant to use. We have chosen for you the most effective and easy to use:

If you don't have much time to check texts:

  • use online services to check and correct text;
  • use the services of professionals (proofreaders and editors).

If you have a little time to work with texts:

  • at the moment of writing, pronounce, out loud or silently, each word exactly as it is written;
  • use spelling dictionaries and grammar reference books;
  • give special attention common errors;
  • reread finished texts several times, including out loud.

If you are ready to spend a lot of time working with texts and rules:

  • rewrite ready-made texts (any type of literature);
  • re-read each written sentence, and the completed text at least twice, check all controversial cases immediately;
  • create your own dictionary of difficult words;
  • work through topics that cause difficulties or were not learned at school;
  • practice freewriting, write 2-3 texts a day.

If you want to join the ranks of competent writers:

  • learn the rules of Russian spelling;
  • do 1-2 exercises from Russian language textbooks;
  • regularly write dictations and expositions and carefully work on mistakes;
  • work with a tutor or sign up for courses for adults;
  • use online services to practice competent writing skills (exercises and tests).

If you want to develop natural or “innate literacy”:

  • read fiction regularly;
  • study dictionaries (explanatory, etymological, spelling, etc.);
  • develop visual memory with the help of special simulators and exercises;
  • analyze similar cases of spelling words, creating your own rules, remember exceptions;
  • when checking texts, classify frequently repeated errors and consciously remember the correct spelling of these words;
  • play with words as often as possible (rebuses, puzzles, anagrams, games like “Scrabble”, “Bulda”, “Hangman”, “Filwords”, “What kind of word”, games for logic and development of intellectual abilities)

And now a summary of the article for those who are tired and did not read to the end:

It’s a shame to write illiterate texts today, when the Internet offers a lot of resources for checking spelling and punctuation. Posts with errors scare off potential readers, and Internet resources do not want to cooperate with authors who ignore the rules of the Russian language.

We debunked the myth of innate literacy and showed that anyone can write literate texts. All that remains is to choose an action algorithm that matches your goals and create your own route that will lead you to success.

Literacy when writing any texts or business papers is an indicator of a person’s education, inspiring goodwill towards him. IN modern world, where people have to type more than write, literacy is not often thought about. It is enough to use one of the spelling programs, and the computer will underline the incorrectly typed word and all that remains is to correct the error.

This is where an unpleasant surprise awaits many. When applying for a job and filling out long forms by hand, which employers now often resort to, a person unexpectedly realizes that he is not sure of the correct spelling of a particular word. And if the employer may consider one mistake an annoying mistake, then the presence of 2-5 grammatical errors and “lame” style can be the decisive reason for your application to end up in the folder of unhired applicants.
And not only for getting a responsible job, the level of literacy is important. A note with gross errors left to a competent colleague or neighbor will offend him. Knowing you well, he will not say anything, but he will draw conclusions for himself about your lack of education. And this is especially annoying if you have a college degree (or two).

This is only in the saying “you meet someone by their clothes.” In modern business life, much more is often expected from a person, including impeccable literacy.

Let's learn to write correctly.
If you notice that your literacy is not at the proper level, you should not brush off the problem, especially since it is solvable.

To learn to write without errors, you need to outline a sequence of actions. And you need to start with the simplest thing - with spelling. The easiest way to improve literacy is reading. You just need to approach it responsibly. Firstly, you need to read only good literature. One that will help you “kill two birds with one stone” - see how words are spelled correctly and feel the beauty and variety of metaphors that abound in good literature. Therefore, works of classics are best suited. You can limit yourself to those whose works in prose or poetry are easy to read and understand. For example, Prishvin, Kuprin, Tyutchev, Pushkin.

Remember that reading on the road - on the subway, train, in a car - especially if you prefer tabloids or pulp fiction, will not bring you any benefit. This “literature” quite often suffers from grammatical and stylistic errors and only in exceptional cases can it be an example of competent and beautiful speech.

Read the right literature for at least 30-40 minutes a day, and preferably 1-2 hours daily. But this is not enough. What your memory received during the reading process must be consolidated. And for this you need to write as much as possible. Therefore, train constantly. Leave notes and letters to friends and family more often. Share your problem with them and ask them to carefully read your messages and point out any mistakes made.

If you take the matter seriously, literacy increases within 2-3 months of regular reading and writing exercises. But this is a skill that needs to be constantly reinforced until it becomes automatic. To make the process easier and faster, always keep a spelling dictionary at hand.

But it's not the only way mastering literate writing. The second way is to study the rules of spelling and punctuation. If you decide to go this route, it is better to enlist the help of a teacher or someone who is fluent in this knowledge. Even an excellent high school student can help you.

How to teach a child to write without mistakes.
Practice shows that those adults who read, wrote a lot in childhood and took subjects such as Russian language and literature seriously at school do not have problems with grammar and style. Therefore, it is easiest to instill competent writing skills from school age.

Unfortunately, modern children do not always succeed in literacy. This suggests that the most favorable moment for learning has been missed and now things need to be corrected.

You will have to start with the same thing as adults - read and write more. Before you buy a book for your child, review it for errors. Buy only quality books from beautiful pictures, which can interest the child and encourage him to start reading the book.

Train your child in spelling more often. Let him rewrite the texts, gradually making the tasks more difficult. Have dictations. Often include words that your child has difficulty spelling. Invite your child to write the most “problematic” words several times in a row on a separate piece of paper. Periodically arrange dictations only from individual words, where for every two or three familiar words there will be one word that causes serious spelling difficulties.

Find literacy tests on the Internet, where the child can not only find out his level, but gradually improve it, increasing his rating each time.

Tell your child more often that a person who can speak beautifully and write correctly has a much greater chance of getting a prestigious education and good job than his illiterate peer.

How to write a dictation without errors? How to learn to write without mistakes?

    The Russian language is very difficult. And no matter how much you study the rules, there are always exceptions. When writing a dictation, naturally, the text is selected in advance so that all sentences correspond to the topic of the material being studied. And here it is enough to learn the rules properly, but there is no guarantee that the dictation will not come across words that you do not know how to write correctly. What to do? My extensive experience says only one thing. Need to read more. I need to write more. When we do this we remember the words. When we use punctuation, we remember how to do it correctly. As a result, we become more literate, not always knowing exactly why a particular word is spelled that way. We just know how to do it right and that’s it. That is why competent teachers force schoolchildren to read and write more, focusing on essays, abstracts, and reports. And stupid children, not understanding this, copy everything from the Internet without delving into the meaning of the texts.

    I was born in Germany and learned Russian here, so it’s very difficult to write in Russian, but I still try. I installed an add-on in my browser so that the text I write is immediately checked for errors. It turns out well, in my opinion. To learn how to write dictations correctly, you just need to take dictation more often. I have audio recordings of Russian stories and fairy tales, I listen and write, and then my parents check whether it is correct or not.

    In order to learn how to write dictations correctly, you need to learn the rules of the Russian (or any other) language. And in addition to the rules, you also need to have practice writing dictations. My teacher called it check out. When I needed to correct a B (according to a 5-point system) in the Russian language, I spent several months rewriting texts from a collection of dictations. Every day.

    You also need to learn to carefully check what you write and notice your mistakes yourself.

    Write, write... and write again! I prepared this way myself: I sat my younger sister down, she dictated, and I wrote all the dictations in a row. Then he analyzed the errors and made conclusions.

    P.S. Dictations can be viewed here (

    At school, dictations were easy for me. I only had auditory errors (I can’t hear well, I wrote the wrong words). I just always, if I found it difficult how to write, I came up with a test word, and everything became clear. It is very important to read a lot, and while I didn’t have a computer until I was 14 years old, I read a lot. Many words were in memory.

    Try free computer program for learning to write dictations Linguistic Gym To complete the exercise, it is enough to have the text and the corresponding audio file. The program breaks the audio into phrases and stops after speaking each one, allowing the user to type what they heard into a text field. The program can be used not only for Russian, but also for any foreign language with writing from left to right.

    Personally, dictations have always been very easy for me. But it’s not so easy to explain, because I never learned the rules. The fact that I write practically without errors is most likely the result of the fact that I have always read a lot. I probably owe my literacy to constant reading, and not to studying the rules of the Russian language. By the way, with German language the same thing - at school he wrote more competently than all the other students, although they, as local Germans, in theory should have known their native language better.

    To write a dictation without errors, you first need concentrate on the fact that you are now writing a dictation, that is concentrate extremely, and also have a positive attitude, some optimism, psychologists call it positive attitude. Having all this, then we can talk about knowing the rules of the Russian language, that you need to read a lot, that you need to test yourself after the dictation. Without all this, it makes no sense that a person knows the entire book of rules of the Russian language, reads a lot, etc., if his thoughts are not about writing a dictation perfectly or well, but about his desk neighbor Nastya, or about that now he will come home and play Stalker again.

    The first thing that helps is reading literature. For many people, visual memory is triggered. I had a classmate who was a mediocre student, didn’t know the rules, but almost always wrote dictations with a grade of 5. That’s it. Well, of course, you need to know the rules of the language, be able to hear the intonation of the dictator, and be attentive.

    I generally did well at school, but for some reason spelling was difficult for me. I remember that the teacher of Russian language and literature also advised me to read more. But I already read a lot, and it was still difficult. Maybe some sort of dyslexia or something.

    To learn how to write a dictation without errors, you need to practice writing them 2 dictations per week, 10-120 words, depending on the complexity of the given one. For the second part of the question, you need to know the rules for placing punctuation marks, and try to feel them intonationally.

    You either have literacy or you don’t; of course, the main thing is to read and write constantly.