Companies purchasing construction materials. Tenders: Construction materials

Every private developer inevitably faces the question of how to carry out the most cheap construction home yourself, but without losing the quality of the finished housing. The lion's share of expenses is the purchase of materials, the cost of which depends not only on its characteristics, but also on the time of purchase.

The time to start work is spring; during the season it will be possible to put a roof on the house without unnecessary haste, and by winter, start heating and carry out finishing work. In order to fully implement the entire process, it is advisable to engage in rational spending of financial resources in advance.

Building a cheap house is based on the savings that can be foreseen when purchasing building materials.

According to research agencies, the most common is low-rise stone construction, which uses concrete in blocks, concrete in permanent formwork made of polystyrene foam

  • cheap construction of a house with your own hands begins with the purchase of sand, gravel mass (OPGS), crushed stone - this is the “set” that will be needed to start work;
  • building a house is cheaper if the purchase is carried out in late autumn/early winter. This process should not be postponed until spring. At this time, it is impossible for equipment to enter the quarries, which is due to the deplorable condition of the roads, and later they are completely closed to the passage of freight transport. This is a reason for a significant increase in prices for bulk materials, if they can be found in the required quantity at all. Similar trends are observed from year to year;
  • V winter period You can purchase gas blocks, bricks, FBS blocks, reinforced concrete slabs, fittings, and insulation. This is rational if there is a place for storing them. For example, block materials should be located on an elevated surface, on pallets, covered with water-repellent material (PE film), similarly to slotted bricks. Can be stored without covering solid brick and reinforced concrete products, with the exception of slabs. The slabs should be placed on a site with dense soil. Beams or thick logs are placed under the edges, although it is optimal to use foundation pads or blocks. The material is folded in stacks of 6-8 pieces through wooden spacers.

Why is it rational to purchase the best material for building a house in winter:

  • significant reduction in prices, factories provide significant discounts;
  • there are trends towards reducing delivery costs;
  • out of season it is possible without additional costs solve a number of related issues - delivery on an hourly schedule, full loading of vehicles at different factories, etc.;
  • delivery time is reduced. In summer, material can be expected up to 4 weeks, in winter – 2-3 days;
  • the costs of operating a truck crane are reduced (up to 15%). This savings adds up to a tidy sum when you consider the number of work shifts. Attempts to conduct “installation from wheels” in summer period in practice, they exclude the possibility of cheap construction of a private house - this leads to an increase in the cost of work;
  • in cold weather it is easy to ensure access for freight transport to the site. Having hired for 3-5 tr. a bulldozer, having cleared the unloading area of ​​snow and ensuring passage over frozen hard ground, can be carried minimum costs. In the summer, you will have to pull out every truck stuck at a crossroads, paying for downtime, breakdowns, and hiring additional equipment. In some cases, you have to wait for good weather for delivery, which is already very unprofitable for the short Russian summer.

Reducing the cost of construction can be affected by ordering one team that will install walls and finish, that is, carry out all work on a turnkey basis.

Cheap building materials for building a house - recommendations

If you need to ensure the cheapest construction of a house with your own hands, do not buy cement prematurely. Otherwise, you can lose all the material, as it rapidly loses its properties and characteristics during storage. Price finishing materials practically does not depend on seasonal fluctuations, so they do not need to be purchased in advance.

What is the cheapest material to build a house from? – from materials from domestic producers . Today they are practically not inferior to foreign analogues in terms of quality characteristics, but the cost is an order of magnitude cheaper. The overall cost reduction reaches 40%.

Additional tricks on how to reduce the cost of building a house are as follows:

  • For purchasing, it is advisable to choose a warehouse with a wide range or a large supplier with whom you can negotiate wholesale prices. If you purchase materials only there, they are usually helpful;
  • Living in the province, it is advisable to go to the district or regional center. Savings from such purchases, even with travel costs, reach 45%;
  • at the management stage finishing works It is recommended to more often visit large hypermarkets that sell goods for the construction of houses - promotions; it will not be difficult to buy cheap material at a discount, especially for individual items.

Even with the implementation of the cheapest technology for building a house, without rational procurement of building materials it is impossible to ensure construction savings. Regular supply is an equally important factor after weather conditions that influences the progress of work.

Long lasting summer terms deliveries and potential disruptions are a source of slowdown in construction, disruptions, and loss of working spirit. Thus, you can get a significant increase in overall costs and stop all manipulations, that is, there is no need to talk about the cheapest option for building a house.

If you need to get two-story house, it’s cheaper to build an attic than full second floor

Cheap construction technologies

It is equally important to consider what is more profitable to build a house from, how to do it and what is the most cheap material for building a house. Technology also affects the level of financial costs. The minimum costs for constructing a box can be obtained by choosing frame construction Houses; The price is easy to calculate. On average, it will be 15 tr/m². This includes cheap construction of houses made of timber and wooden bricks.

A monolith on removable or permanent formwork will cost a little more - from 18 thousand rubles. For the construction of a house made of aerated concrete, the price starts from 20 tr per square. The most expensive is brick.

Which house is the cheapest to build? Simple square or rectangular boxes much more economical than complex architecture with open terraces, porch, etc. For example, in terms of the cost of work, such terraces do not differ from the object itself.

To carry out the cheapest house construction, but without loss performance characteristics, it should be understood that initial stage It is necessary to lay down three effective components: a high-quality project, albeit a typical one; selection of professional assistants or a whole team; selection of materials.

The cheapest construction of a house should not be carried out on the principle of false economy. Geological surveys should not be ruled out. The cost of such work will not exceed 30 thousand rubles, but the risk of construction failure without the availability of such data is high. If you save at first, you will have to pay more later. The cost of building a house will increase significantly.

Construction of cheap country houses - what area is preferable?

When building a house, the cheapest, most affordable projects involve the construction of a typical one-story building with a small usable area. There is no universal formula here; you should rely on your own tastes and preferences. However, with less expensive construction as such, the cost square meter a similar building will be taller.

With every additional m² the cost of construction increases do-it-yourself houses, the most cheap option it will not be possible to predict. However, the price for each square meter is reduced. As a result it is more profitable to build a house with an attic on two floors of 100 m² than a one-story house of the same area. The rise in price is affected by the angle of the roof and its design features.

Experts say the smart approach is to ready house it turned out to be about double more expensive than a plot(excluding interior decoration)

Selection of wall material

What is cheaper and better to build a house from? To understand whether you can save money on a particular material, rationally select a project and calculate the estimate. This data is quite enough to make a decision.

When choosing cheap material for building a house, you need to rely on the type of object - whether it will be housing for permanent or seasonal residence, a simple garden or country house, where you can take a break or a strong, permanent building. Practice shows that economical construction Do-it-yourself houses (the cheapest option) are provided by concrete - block, monolithic. The price for building a house starts from 1.2 million rubles.

An interesting option for the cheapest materials for building a house is shown in the video:

ETP "StroyTorgi" is the first service in Russia that specializes in organizing tenders exclusively in the construction industry.

The platform brings together sellers and buyers of building materials, machinery and mechanisms, transport services, construction, installation, design and survey work, and related products. The full list is presented in the catalog of goods, works and services. The extensive and professionally verified catalog nomenclature allows you to choose required characteristics goods for organizing tenders for purchase or sale.

More than 50 trading procedures are carried out daily at the StroyTorgi site. Every month, participants conclude contracts worth 700 million rubles. - 1 billion rubles, of which 24% - for the supply of metal products, 13% - concrete, 13% - construction and installation works, 12% - non-metallic materials, 10% - machine and mechanism services, 8% - petroleum products, 5% - cable and wiring products, etc.

A wide range of companies cooperate with the trading platform, including the top 20 - 50 suppliers in each category of building materials. Among them are EVRAZ, Mechel, Metallokomplekt-M, A Group, Ariel Metal, Metalloservis, TechnoNIKOL, Izolux, Cable-Trade, Polyplastic, Promnefteroduct, Euroconcrete, ABS TsDS, BSU-155, National Nonmetallic Company, Basalt, GSP-Trade and others .

To work on the site, you do not need to change business processes or buy licenses for additional software - the StroyTorgi service works entirely online and is a SAAS product, accessible from any device and anywhere there is an Internet connection.

The main way to organize trade and procurement activities is an auction.

Participants of the StroyTorgi system have access to ample opportunities for holding auctions, adapted to the specifics of the construction market:

  • Depending on who initiates the bidding, a Seller Auction (the one who offers the maximum price wins) or a Buyer Auction (the one who offers the minimum price wins) is possible.
  • By the method of selecting participants. Open Auction (all companies registered in the system can take part) or Closed Auction (participants are personally invited by the auction organizer).
  • The “Profile Suppliers” auction is an opportunity to invite suppliers from a specific product category “with one button.”
  • The “Group of Companies” auction is an opportunity to invite all suppliers approved by the holding from a single list “with one button”. Information about the auction will be available not only to the organizer, but also to the parent company of the holding.
  • According to the degree of urgency. Standard Auction (bidding begins no earlier than 24 hours after the announcement) or Express Auction (two hours pass from the announcement of the auction to the start of bidding, and about three hours until the end of bidding).
  • According to the degree of confidentiality. Regular Auction (bidding participants are hidden from each other, the final protocol is seen by all participants) or Auction with confidentiality (bidding participants are hidden from each other, the final protocol is seen only by the organizer and the winner).
  • According to the terms of delivery. Auction with a fixed volume of goods or Auction with tolerance (when it is impossible to accurately determine the volume of purchase, the Buyer can choose up to +/- 25% of the declared volume without penalty, the Seller is obliged to supply the goods within the designated range at the agreed price).
  • An auction for analogue goods is an opportunity to organize auctions not only for a specific product, but also for products with similar characteristics, which will allow you to conclude a deal at the best price.
  • Two-stage Auction - is held in the case when the auction organizer does not have complete information about prices. At the first stage, the Buyer announces tenders without a starting price, collects proposals for prices and volumes of lots. At the second stage, he sets the price and, after the auction, enters into a contract with one or more Sellers who participated in the first stage.


  1. For owners:
    • Full control of what is happening in the company’s procurement structure
    • Savings proven in practice of at least 5% of the budget for the purchase of building materials and payment for work and services
    • Increasing the investment attractiveness and market value of the company
  2. For senior management:
    • Effective procurement policy and responsibility to shareholders
    • Transparent bidding and procurement processes
    • Guarantee of transaction legitimacy
    • Market analytics
  3. For the head of the Purchasing Service:
    • Possibility of complex procurement
    • Opportunity to establish new business connections
    • Simplicity and convenience of concluding a transaction immediately after the auction
    • Automation
  4. For the Head of Sales Service:
    • Market expansion
    • Increased sales
    • Opportunity to obtain market analytics


In the StroyTorgi system, only the one who makes a profit pays for services - the Seller who concluded a deal based on the results of the auction. He pays a trading fee of 1% of the contract amount. Other bidders pay nothing.

Free for all service clients:

  • Registration/Accreditation in the System
  • Announcement of tenders and participation in tenders
  • Information about specialized suppliers and buyers of specific categories of goods/works/services
  • Analytics on the cost of construction materials, works and services for actually concluded transactions
  • “Direct communication” - an opportunity to directly contact the owners on the site construction companies for specific transactions

Be accredited for Electronic Platform. Obtaining accreditation is a simple and free procedure, but takes about one business day.

If necessary, undergo training in working with bidding on the Electronic Platform.

Make sure all documents required to participate in the auction are up to date.

If necessary, prepare the documents and information provided for in paragraphs 1, 3 - 5, 7 and 8 of part 2 of article 62, parts 3 and 5 of article 66 of 44-FZ.

Select the method of providing security for your bid to participate in the auction. Take advantage of our solutions.

Have you applied to participate in the auction?

Expect notification of admission to trading! At this stage, the first parts of applications are considered.

Are you allowed to trade?

Congratulations! Plan your participation in the auction.

The auction organizer rejected your application and you do not agree with this decision?

Auction! The one who offers the most wins favorable conditions and price.

If within 10 minutes from the start of bidding none of the participants submits a single price proposal, such an auction is considered invalid.

If the price offered by the winning bidder is 25% less than the Initial Maximum Price (IMP), such participant is obliged to confirm his reputation and provide security in a larger amount.

If the auction winner avoids concluding a contract, information about this is sent to the Register of Unfair Suppliers (RNP).

Wait for the results of the auction, monitor compliance with deadlines:

Within 30 minutes after the end of the auction - publication of the Protocol Electronic Auction(PPEA) on the Electronic Platform.

No more than 3 working days from the date of publication of the Protocol of the Electronic Auction (PEA) on the Electronic Platform - consideration by the Customer of 2 parts of applications, as well as the formation of a Protocol of Summing up (PPI).

No later than the working day following the date of signing the Summary Protocol (SMP) - placement by the customer of the SPI on the Electronic Platform and in the Unified Information System (UIS)

Are you a winner? Congratulations! Provide the Customer with contract performance security and sign the contract

Signing of the contract is possible no earlier than 10 days from the date of publication of the Protocol of Summation (PPI) in the Unified Information System (UIS).

Follow deadlines strictly. The ratio of working days and weekends is not important:

No more than 5 days from the date of publication of the Summary Protocol (SMP) in the Unified Information System (UIS) - the Customer publishes the draft contract.

No more than 5 days from the date of publication by the Customer of the draft contract - the Winner publishes the protocol/draft contract. The winner who did not send a protocol of disagreements or did not send a signed draft contract after 13 days from the date of publication of the Protocol of Summation (SMP) in the Unified Information System (UIS) is considered to have evaded signing the contract.

The ratio of working days and weekends is fundamental:

No more than 3 working days from the date of publication by the winner in the Unified Information System (UIS) of the protocol of disagreements, the Customer publishes a revised draft of the contract (or in a separate document, a refusal to fully or completely take into account the comments in the protocol of disagreements of the winner).

No more than 3 working days from the date of publication by the Customer in the Unified Information System (UIS) of the finalized draft contract - the winner publishes the protocol/draft contract + provides confirmation of the contract's execution.

Complex deliveries with construction warehouse store Material-Stroy(base in Moscow) and wholesale sales of construction and finishing materials with delivery directly from manufacturing plants.

Wholesale sales of materials for construction and repair

? building materials stores

? wholesale bases

? construction markets

? developers

? companies for the repair and finishing of apartments and offices or construction teams

? to private buyers (wholesale for certain building materials depending on sales volume)

Terms of wholesale trade in building materials

You can buy building materials wholesale in Moscow and the Moscow region (shipment to Russian regions is possible) at the Material-Stroy construction and wholesale base under the following conditions

Order one-time construction materials one item from one manufacturer in a volume of at least 10 tons (for some materials - 7 tons). For example, Knauf wholesale: drywall, dry mixes, Knauf Rotband, etc. Or form a comprehensive supply of building materials of one brand, a multiple of 20 tons.